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Probability and Statistics Portfolio - 1


Number : B/21362/IT2.IX.5.1.2/PP.03.00.00/2020

Penanggung Jawab
Proses Person in Charge Tanggal
Process Nama Jabatan Tandatangan Date
Name Position Signature
Perumus Lienggar Dosen TTD November 23, 2019
Preparation Rahadiantino, Lecturer
S.E., M.Sc
Pemeriksa dan Dr. Didik Khusnul Tim kurikulum TTD February 13, 2020
Pengendalian Arif, S.Si, M.Si Curriculum
Review and team
Persetujuan Koordinator TTD March 05, 2020
Approval RMK
Course Cluster
Penetapan Dr. Achmad Arifin, Kepala March 12, 2020
Determination S.T., M.Eng. Departemen
Head of


Module name Technopreneur

Module level Undergraduate
Code UG184915
Course (if applicable) Technopreneur
Semester First and Second Semester
Person responsible for Lienggar Rahadiantino, S.E., M.Sc
the module
Lecturer ITS Technopreneur Lecturer Team
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Relation to curriculum Undergraduate degree program, mandatory, 6th semester.
Type of teaching, Lectures, <60 students
contact hours
Workload 1. Lectures : 2 x 50 = 100 minutes per week.
2. Exercises and Assignments : 2 x 60 = 120 minutes (2 hours) per
3. Private learning : 2 x 60 = 120 minutes (2 hours) per week.

Credit points 2 credit points (sks)

Requirements A student must have attended at least 75% of the lectures to sit in
according to the the exams.
Mandatory -
Learning outcomes Course Learning Outcome (CLO) after completing this
and their module,
corresponding PLOs CLO 1: Able to adapt to situations at hand and survive in PLO-KU2
uncertain conditions by performing feasibility analysis
CLO 2: Able to innovate and be creative to produce PLO-KU1
market-oriented technology-based business designs /
products (prototypes) by utilizing science and
CLO 3: Able to recognize and formulate marketing PLO-KU9
models and formulate the needs for HR aspects through

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 2

a marketing strategy approach based on the stages
which are manifested in simulations to build a sense of
team responsibility that promotes business ethics.
CLO 4: Able to compile a financial plan and formulate the PLO-S5
needs for operational aspects which can be applied in a
business proposal.
CLO 5: Able to compile attractive business plan PLO-KU2
proposals and persuade investors
Content This course provides students with understanding and skills to
identify and evaluate technology-based business opportunities in
accordance with the student's area of expertise, as well as to
develop these business opportunities. This course combines the
theoretical introduction and hands-on experience in an integrated
manner in developing business ideas and opportunities. In the end,
students are expected to be able to pour business opportunities into
an effective business plan.
Study and ● Group presentation
examination ● Assignment 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
requirements and ● Mid-term examination
forms of examination ● Final examination

Media employed LCD, whiteboard, websites (myITS Classroom), zoom.

Reading list Main :
1. ITS Technopreneurship Development Team. (2015).
Technopreneurship. Surabaya: ITS Press.
Supporting :
1. Barringer, B. R., & Ireland, R. D. (2010). Entrepreneurship:
Successfully launching new ventures. Upper Saddle River, N.J:
Prentice Hall.
2. International Labor Organization, Generate Your Business
3. International Labor Organization, Starting Business.
4. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., & Clark, T. (2010). Business
model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game
changers, and challengers. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
5. William, B. K., Sawyer, S. C., Berston, S., (2013). Business: A
Practical Introduction. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.
6. Kotler, Philips (2002). Marketing Management. Erlangga
(Translated edition).

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 3

I. Rencana Pembelajaran Semester / Semester Learning Plan


COURSE CODE Course Cluster Credits Compilation Date
Technopreneur UG184915 ITS Compulsory T=2 P=0 VI July 11, 2020
AUTHORIZATION / ENDORSEMENT Developer Lecturer of Semester Learning Plan Course Cluster Coordinator Head of Department

(Lienggar Rahadiantino, S.E., M.Sc) (M. Hilman Fatoni, S.T., M.T.) (Dr. Achmad Arifin, S.T., M.Eng.)
Capaian CPL-PRODI yang dibebankan pada MK
Pembelajaran PLO Program Charged to The Course
CPL-S4 Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air, memiliki nasionalisme serta rasa tanggungjawab pada negara dan
Learning PLO-S4 bangsa.
Outcomes Acting as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the country and nation
CPL-S10 Semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan kewirausahaan.
PLO-S10 Spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship.
CPL-S11 Berusaha secara maksimal untuk mencapai hasil yang sempurna.
PLO-S11 Strive for maximum effort to achieve perfect results.
CPL-S12 Bekerja sama untuk dapat memanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin potensi yang dimiliki.
PLO-S12 Work together to be able to make the most of own’s potential.
CPL-KU2 Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur.
PLO-KU2 Able to demonstrate independent, quality and measurable performance.
CPL-KU7 Mampu bertanggungjawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok dan melakukan supervisi dan evaluasi terhadap penyelesaian
pekerjaan yang ditugaskan kepada pekerja yang berada di bawah tanggung jawabnya.

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 4

PLO-KU7 Able to be responsible for the achievement of team work and supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers
under their responsibility.
CPL-KU13 Mampu menerapkan kewirausahaan dan memahami kewirausahaan berbasis teknologi.
PLO-KU13 Able to apply entrepreneurship and understand technology-based entrepreneurship.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
Course Learning Outcome (CLO) - If CLO as description capability of
each Learning Stage in the course, then CLO = LLO
CP MK 1 Mampu beradaptasi terhadap situasi yang dihadapi dan bertahan dalam kondisi yang tidak pasti dengan melakukan perhitungan
analisa kelayakan.
CLO 1 Able to adapt to situations at hand and survive in uncertain conditionS by performing feasibility analysis calculations.
CP MK 2 Mampu berinovasi dan berkreasi untuk menghasilkan rancangan bisnis/produk (prototype) berbasis teknologi yang berorientasi
pasar dengan memanfaatkan IPTEKS.
CLO 2 Able to innovate and be creative to produce market-oriented technology-based business designs / products (prototypes) by utilizing
science and technology.
CP MK 3 Mampu mengenali dan merumuskan model pemasaran dan merumuskan kebutuhan aspek SDM melalui pendekatan strategi
pemasaran berdasarkan tahap-tahapnya yang diwujudkan dalam simulasi untuk dalam membangun rasa tanggung jawab tim yang
mengedepankan etika bisnis.
CLO 3 Able to recognize and formulate marketing models and formulate the needs for HR aspects through a marketing strategy approach
based on the stages which are manifested in simulations to build a sense of team responsibility that promotes business ethics.
CP MK 4 Mampu menyusun rencana keuangan dan merumuskan kebutuhan aspek operasi dapat aplikasikan dalam proposal bisnis.
CLO 4 Able to compile a financial plan and formulate the needs for operational aspects which can be applied in a business proposal.
CP MK 5 Mampu menyusun proposal business plan yang menarik dan mampu mempersuasif pihak investor.
CLO 5 able to compile attractive business plan proposals and persuade investors

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 5

Peta CPL – CP MK

Map of PLO - CLO

CLO 1 
CLO 2 
CLO 3 
CLO 4 
CLO 5 
Diskripsi Singkat Mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman dan skill kepada mahasiswa untuk mampu mengidentifikasi, dan mengevaluasi peluang usaha berbasis
MK teknologi sesuai dengan bidang keahlian mahasiswa, serta mengembangkan peluang usaha tersebut. Mata kuliah ini menggabungkan pengenalan
teori dan praktek langsung (hands-on experience) secara terintegrasi dalam mengembangkan ide dan peluang usaha. Pada akhirnya mahasiswa
diharapkan mampu menuangkan peluang usaha kedalam business plan yang efektif.
Short Description This course provides students with understanding and skills to identify and evaluate technology-based business opportunities in accordance with the
of Course student's area of expertise, as well as to develop these business opportunities. This course combines the theoretical introduction and hands-on
experience in an integrated manner in developing business ideas and opportunities. In the end, students are expected to be able to pour business
opportunities into an effective business plan.
Bahan Kajian: 1. Pengantar Technopreneur dan Bisnis / Introduction to Technopreneur and Business
Materi 2. Mengenali Peluang dan Menciptakan Ide Bisnis / Recognizing Opportunities and Creating Business Ideas
pembelajaran 3. Kelayakan Bisnis / Business Feasibility
4. Mengembangkan Business Model yang efektif / Developing an effective Business Model
Course Materials:
5. Sistematika Penulisan Business Plan / Business Plan Writing Systematics
6. Manajemen Pemasaran / Marketing Management
7. Manajemen Operasional dan SDM / Operational and HR Management
8. Manajemen Keuangan / Financial Management

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 6

Pustaka Utama / Main:
1. ITS Technopreneurship Development Team. (2015). Technopreneurship. Surabaya: ITS Press.
Pendukung / Supporting:
1. Barringer, B. R., & Ireland, R. D. (2010). Entrepreneurship: Successfully launching new ventures. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.
2. International Labor Organization, Generate Your Business Idea.
3. International Labor Organization, Starting Business.
4. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., & Clark, T. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
5. William, B. K., Sawyer, S. C., Berston, S., (2013). Business: A Practical Introduction. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.
6. Kotler, Philips (2002). Marketing Management. Erlangga (Translated edition).
Dosen Pengampu ITS Technopreneur Lecturer Team
Matakuliah syarat -

Bantuk Pembelajaran; Metode

Penilaian / Assessment Materi Pembelajaran Bobot
Kemampuan akhir tiap Pembelajaran; Penugasan Mahasiswa;
[Pustaka] / Penilaian
Mg ke/ tahapan belajar (Sub-CPMK) [ Estimasi Waktu] /
Kriteria & Teknik / Learning Material /Assess-
Week / Final ability of each Indikator / Form of Learning; Learning Method;
Criteria & [Reference] ment
learning stage (LLO) Indicator Student Assignment;
Techniques Load (%)
[ Estimated Time]
(1) (2) (3) (4) Tatap Muka / Daring / (7) (8)
In-class (5) Online (6)
1-2 Sub-CPMK1: ● Ketepatan mencari Kriteria: • Bentuk • Bentuk ● Buku 10
Mampu beradaptasi dengan sumber informasi yang Rubrik 1 pembelajaran Pembelajaran Technopreneur ITS
situasi yang tidak pasti relevan dalam Non-tes: Kuliah (2x) Kuliah tatap ● Barringer
dengan menyebutkan dan menemukan Laporan hasil [TM : 2 x 50’] muka maya
merumuskan macam dan kekuatan/ potensi wawancara MyITSClassroom: ● ITS Technopreneur
ragam bisnis yang bertahan entrepreneur dan Tes: • Metode sinkron atau Book
dalam situasi terkini sesuai menemukan Presentasi Pembelajaran: asinkron. ● Barringer
macammacam bisnis kelompok. Small group

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 7

tren sebagai peluang usaha yang mampu bersaing discussion, • Metode
baru. dan reseliens Criteria: collaborative Pembelajaran:
(bertahan) dalam Rubric 1 learning, Small group
LLO 1: situasi terkini yang Non-test: presentasi. discussion,
Able to adapt to uncertain tidak pasti. Interview report collaborative
situations by mentioning and ● Ketepatan Test: • Tugas 1a: learning,
formulating types and types menemukan peluang Group presentation analisa presentasi.
of businesses that survive in ide bisnis berdasarkan kekuatan/
the current situation masalah. potensi dari • Tugas 1a: analisa
according to trends as new contoh kekuatan/
business opportunities. ● Accuracy of finding entrepeneur potensi dari
relevant information sukses contoh
sources in finding the • Tugas 1b: entrepeneur
strengths / potential menyusun ide sukses dan
of entrepreneurs and bisnis analisis
finding kinds of (presentasi stakeholder
businesses that are kelompok). • Tugas 1b:
able to compete and [BM : 2 x 60’] menyusun ide
be resilient in current [PT : 2 x 60’] bisnis (presentasi
uncertain situations. (2x) kelompok)
● Accuracy in finding [BM : 2 x 60’]
business idea • Learning [PT : 2 x 60’]
opportunities based on format (2x)
problems. Lecture (2x)
[FF : 2 x 50’] • Learning format
• Learning Online lecture via
Method MyITSClassroom:
Small group synchronous or
discussion, asynchronous.
collaborative (2x)
learning, [FF : 2 x 50’]
presentation. • Learning

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 8

• Assignment 1a: Small group
analyising the discussion,
strengths/pote collaborative
ntials of a learning,
successful presentation.
entrepreneur. • Assignment 1a:
• Assignment 1b: analyising the
drafting a strengths/potenti
business idea als of a
(group successful
presentation). entrepreneur and
[SA : 1 x 60’] stakeholder
[SS : 1 x 60’] analysis.
(2x) • Assignment 1b:
drafting a
business idea
[SA : 1 x 60’]
[SS : 1 x 60’]

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 9

3-5 Sub -CPMK1 : ● Ketrampilan Kriteria: • Bentuk • Bentuk ● Buku 15
Mampu beradaptasi dengan menyusun pertanyaan Rubrik 2 pembelajaran Pembelajaran Technopreneur ITS
situasi yang tidak pasti survei sebagai Kuliah Kuliah tatap ● Barringer
dengan menyebutkan dan kegiatan analisa Criteria: • Metode muka maya
merumuskan desaian analisa kelayakan bisnis. Rubric 2. Pembelajaran MyITSClassroom: ● ITS Technopreneur
kelayakan. ● Mengintegrasikan Small group sinkron atau Book
data kualitatif atau discussion, asinkron. ● Barringer
LLO 1: kuatitatif sebagai collaborative [TM : 2 x 50’]
Able to adapt to uncertain problem untuk learning, (2x)
situations by mentioning and menentukan usulan presentasi. • Metode
formulating a feasibility peluang ide dalam [TM : 2 x 50’] Pembelajaran:
analysis design. menjawab kebutuhan (2x) Small group
calon pasar. discussion,
● Tugas 2: collaborative
● Skills in preparing Membuat learning,
survey questions as a analisa presentasi.
business feasibility kelayakan
analysis activity. melalui ● Tugas analisa
● Integrating qualitative concept test. kelayakan:
or quantitative data as [BM : 2 x 60’] Membuat
a problem to [PT : 2 x 60’] analisa
determine proposed (2x) kelayakan
opportunities ideas in melalui concept
responding to the ● Learning test.
needs of potential format • Presentasi Ide
markets. Lecture Bisnis
● Learning [BM : 2 x 60’]
Method [PT : 2 x 60’]
Small group (2x)
collaborative • Learning format
learning, Online lecture via
presentation. MyITSClassroom:

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 10

[FF : 2 x 50’] synchronous or
(2x) asynchronous.
● Assignment 2: [FF : 2 x 50’]
Make a • Learning
feasibility Method
analysis Small group
through a discussion,
concept test. collaborative
[SA : 2 x 60’] learning,
[SS : 2 x 60’] presentation.
● Feasibility
Make a
analysis through
a concept test.
● Business Idea
[SA : 2 x 60’]
[SS : 2 x 60’]

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 11

6-8 Sub-CPMK2: ● Ketepatan Kriteria: • Bentuk • Bentuk ● Osterwalder 15
Mampu berinovasi dan mengidentifikasi ide Rubrik 3 pembelajaran Pembelajaran ● PPT Tim
berkreasi untuk menghasilkan bisnis dalam bentuk Non-tes: Kuliah Kuliah tatap Technopreneur ITS
rancangan bisnis berbasis pola model bisnis Observasi & unjuk • Metode muka maya
Pembelajaran MyITSClassroom:
teknologi yang berorientasi (BMC) kerja; presentasi ● Osterwalder
Small group sinkron atau
pasar dengan memanfaatkan ● Ketepatan kelompok. discussion, asinkron. ● ITS Technopreneur
IPTEKS melalui model bisnis. menguraikan masing- collaborative [TM : 2 x 50’] Team’s PPT
masing aspek model Criteria: learning, (2x)
LLO 2: bisnis dan Rubric 3 presentasi. • Metode
Able to innovate and be Non-test: [TM : 2 x 50’] Pembelajaran:
mengkaitkan antar
creative to produce market- Observation & (2x) Small group
aspek dalam model • Tugas 3: discussion,
oriented technology-based bisnis yang disusun. performance; group
- Presentasi collaborative
business designs by utilizing presentation. kelompok learning,
science and technology membuat presentasi.
through a business model. • Accuracy in desain BMC.
identifying business - Menyusun ● Tugas
ideas in the form of a PPT Presentasi 2
[BM : 2 x 60’] BMC
business model
[PT : 2 x 60’] - Presentasi
pattern (BMC). (2x) kelompok
• Accuracy in describing membuat
each aspect of the ● Learning desain BMC di
format minggu 8.
business model and
Lecture - Menyusun ppt
linking between [BM : 2 x 60’]
● Learning
aspects in the Method [PT : 2 x 60’]
compiled business Small group (2x)
model. discussion,
collaborative • Learning format
learning, Online lecture via
presentation. MyITSClassroom:

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 12

[FF : 2 x 50’] synchronous or
(2x) asynchronous.
● Assignment 3: (2x)
- Group [FF : 2 x 50’]
presentation • Learning
making BMC Method
design Small group
- Making discussion,
PowerPoint collaborative
Presentation learning,
[SA : 2 x 60’] presentation.
[SS : 2 x 60’] ● Presentation
(2x) Assignment 2
- Group
making BMC
in week 8.
- Making
[SA : 2 x 60’]
[SS : 2 x 60’]
9-12 Sub-CPMK3: ● Ketepatan mengenal Kriteria: • Bentuk • Bentuk • Contoh PKM (K) 15
Mampu mengenali dan pedoman penyusunan Rubrik 4 pembelajaran Pembelajaran dan proposal bisnis
merumuskan model proposal bisnis dan Kuliah Kuliah tatap dari kompetisi
pemasaran melalui memaparkan Tes: • Metode muka maya • Buku Technopren
pendekatan strategi prototype Kuis (minggu 11) Pembelajaran MyITSClassroom: eur ITS
pemasaran berdasarkan ● Ketepatan melakukan Materi marketing Small group sinkron atau • PPT Tim
tahap-tahapnya yang analisa stategi Nontes: Observasi, discussion, asinkron. Technopreneur ITS
diwujudkan dalam simulasi pemasaran sesuai unjuk kerja, collaborative [TM : 2 x 50’]
untuk dalam membangun jenis produk penelusuran contoh (2x)

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 13

rasa tanggung jawab tim yang ● Accuracy in proposal, learning, • MyITSClassroom • Manjemen
mengedepankan etika bisnis. recognizing guidelines rancangan presentasi. Tugas: pemasaran Philip
for preparing business marketing, [TM : 2 x 50’] - Tugas belajar Kotler
LLO 3: proposals and prototype. (2x) mandiri (log
Able to recognize and describing prototypes • Tugas 4: book) ● Example of PKM-K
formulate marketing models Criteria: - Pemaparan Penelusuran and business
through a marketing strategy ● Accuracy of analyzing Rubric 4 prototype ide contoh proposals from
approach based on the stages the marketing strategy bisnis secara proposal: competitions
that are manifested in according to the type Test: visual logbook ● ITS Technopreneur
simulations to build a sense of of product Quiz (week 11). - Rancangan dilaporkan di Book
team responsibility that Materials: analisa minggu ke-10. ● ITS Technopreneur
promotes business ethics. marketing. marketing - Kuis Team’s PPT
Non-test - Menyusun marketing di ● Philip Kotler’s
Observation, PPT minggu ke-11 Marketing
performance, [BM : 2 x 60’] - Tugas belajar Management
search of proposal [PT : 2 x 60’] mandiri
example, marketing (2x) marketing
design, prototypes. - Tugas
● Learning Presentasi
format Prototype di
Lecture presentasikan
● Learning di minggu 12.
Method [BM : 2 x 60’]
Small group [PT : 2 x 60’]
discussion, (2x)
learning, • Learning format
presentation. Online lecture via
[FF : 2 x 50’] MyITSClassroom:
(2x) synchronous or
● Assignment 4: asynchronous
- Visual discussion and
presentation Q&A. (2x)

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 14

of a business [FF : 2 x 50’]
idea ● MyITSClassroom
prototype Assignment:
- Marketing - Self-study
analysis assignment
design (log book)
- Making Search of
PowerPoint sample
Presentation proposals:
[SA : 2 x 60’] logbook
[SS : 2 x 60’] reported in
(2x) week 10.
- Marketing
Quiz in week
- Marketing
- Prototype
presented in
week 12.
[SA : 2 x 60’]
[SS : 2 x 60’]
13 Sub-CPMK-4: ● Ketepatan Kriteria: • Bentuk • Bentuk • Buku Technopren 7.5
Mampu mengenali dan menganalisa Rubrik kerja pembelajaran Pembelajaran eur ITS
merumuskan aspek kebutuhan dan kelompok tugas Kuliah Kuliah tatap • PPT Tim
manajemen SDM berdasarkan
merumuskan sistem
mandiri • Metode muka maya Technopreneur ITS
SDM yang sesuai jenis Pembelajaran MyITSClassroom: • Tugas belajar
tahap-tahapnya sebagai bisnis yang Small group sinkron atau mandiri: aspek
bagian penting dalam dikembangkan. Non-Tes : discussion, asinkron. manajemen SDM.

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 15

mencapai bisnis yang Observasi & unjuk collaborative [TM : 1 x 50’]
reseliens yang diwujudkan ● Accuracy in analyzing kerja menyusun learning, • Metode • ITS Technopreneur
dalam simulasi untuk dalam needs and formulating kebutuhan SDM presentasi. Pembelajaran: Book
membangun rasa tanggung
HR systems according [TM : 1 x 50’] Small group • ITS Technopreneur
to the type of business discussion, Team’s PPT
jawab tim yang Criteria:
being developed. ● Learning collaborative • Self study
mengedepankan etika bisnis. Independent group format learning, assignment: HR
assignment rubric Lecture presentasi. management
LLO 4: ● Learning • Tugas 5: aspects.
Able to recognize and Non-Test: Method - Rancangan
formulate aspects of HR Observation & Small group SDM
discussion, - Menyusun PPT
management based on its performance to
stages as an important part of compile HR needs learning, • Learning format
achieving a resilient business presentation. Online lecture via
which is manifested in [FF : 1 x 50’] MyITSClassroom:
simulations to build a sense of synchronous or
team responsibility that asynchronous.
prioritise business ethics. [FF : 1 x 50’]
• Learning
Small group
• Assignment 5:
- HR plan
- Making PPT
14 Sub-CPMK5: ● Ketepatan Kriteria: • Bentuk • Bentuk ● Buku Technopren 7.5
Mampu mengenali dan menganalisa dan Rubrik kerja pembelajaran Pembelajaran eur ITS
merumuskan aspek operasi merumuskan kelompok tugas Kuliah Kuliah tatap ● PPT Tim
dan mampu menyusun kebutuhan aspek mandiri muka maya Technopreneur ITS

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 16

rencana keuangan dan manajemen operasi Non-tes: • Metode MyITSClassroom: ● Tugas belajar
melakukan perhitungan yang sesuai jenis bisnis Observasi & unjuk Pembelajaran sinkron atau mandiri: aspek
tepat dalam mengembangkan yang akan kerja; Menyusun Small group asinkron. manajemen
rencana bisnis yang dapat dikembangkan kebutuhan operasi discussion, • Metode operasi dan
aplikasikan dalam proposal ● Ketepatan menyusun dan kebutuhan dan collaborative Pembelajaran: keuangan.
bisnis. rencana kebutuhan perencanaan learning, Small group
keuangan dan keuangan serta presentasi. discussion, ● ITS Technopreneur
LLO 5: melakukan pencatatannya. [TM : 1 x 50’] collaborative Book
Able to recognize and perhitungan [BM : 1 x 60’] learning, ● ITS Technopreneur
formulate aspects of keuntungan (profit Criteria: [PT : 1 x 60’] presentasi. Team’s PPT
operations and be able to usaha). Independent group • Tugas Belajar ● Self study
compile financial plans and assignment rubric ● Learning Mandiri: aspek assignment:operat
carry out appropriate ● Accuracy in analyzing Non-test: format operasi dan ional and financial
calculations in developing and formulating the Observation & Lecture keuangan. management
business plans that can be needs for operational performance; ● Learning [TM : 1 x 50’] aspects.
applied in business proposals. management aspects Compiling Method [BM : 1 x 60’]
according to the type operating Small group [PT : 1 x 60’]
of business that is requirements and discussion,
being developed. needs and financial collaborative • Learning format
● Accuracy in planning planning and learning, Online lecture via
financial needs and records. presentation. MyITSClassroom:
calculating profit [FF : 1 x 50’] synchronous or
(business profit). [SA : 1 x 60’] asynchronous.
[SS : 1 x 60’] • Learning
Small group
• Self-Study

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 17

operational and
financial aspects.
[FF : 1 x 50’]
[SA : 1 x 60’]
[SS : 1 x 60’]
15-16 Sub-CPMK6: Ketepatan menyusun Kriteria: • Bentuk • Bentuk ● Buku Technopren 30
Mampu menyusun proposal proposal bisnis plan yang Rubrik 5: Proposal pembelajaran Pembelajaran eur ITS
business plan yang menarik mampu menarik Bisnis (Business Kuliah Kuliah tatap ● PPT Tim
dan mampu mempersuasif perhatian pihak investor. Plan) • Metode muka maya Technopreneur ITS
pihak investor. Non-tes: Pembelajaran MyITSClassroom:
The accuracy in preparing Observasi & unjuk Small group sinkron atau ● ITS Technopreneur
LLO 6: a business plan proposal kerja; Presentasi discussion, asinkron. Book
Able to compile attractive that can attract the kelompok dengan collaborative • Metode ● ITS Technopreneur
business plan proposals and attention of investors mengedepanka n learning, Pembelajaran: Team’s PPT
to persuade investors. prinsip komunikasi presentasi. Small group
bisnis (efektif dan [TM : 2 x 50’] discussion,
persuasi). [BM : 2 x 60’] collaborative
[PT : 2 x 60’] learning,
Criteria: presentasi.
Rubric 5: Business ● Learning [TM : 1 x 50’]
Proposal. format • Tugas 6:
Non-test: Lecture - Tugas
Observation & ● Learning presentasi
performance; Group Method akhir proposal
presentations Small group bisnis
emphasizing the discussion, - Menyusun
principles of collaborative PPT
business learning, [BM : 1 x 60’]
communication presentation. [PT : 1 x 60’]
(effective and [FF : 2 x 50’]
persuasive). [SA : 2 x 60’] • Learning format
[SS : 2 x 60’] Online lecture via

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 18

synchronous or
• Learning
Small group
[FF : 1 x 50’]
• Assignment 6:
- Final
of business
- Making PPT
[SA : 1 x 60’]
[SS : 1 x 60’]

TM=Tatap Muka, PT=Penugasan Terstuktur, BM=Belajar Mandiri.

FF = Face to Face, SA = Structured Assignment, SS = Self Study.

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 19

II. Rencana Asesmen & Evaluasi (RAE) / Assessment & Evaluation Plan


Course : Technopreneur Write
Doc Code
Kode/code: Bobot sks/credits (T/P): 2/0 Rumpun MK: ITS Compulsory Smt: VI
EB184302 Course Cluster: ITS Compulsory

OTORISASI Penyusun RA & E Koordinator RMK Ka DEP

AUTHORIZATION Compiler A&EP Course Cluster Coordinator Head of
Lienggar Rahadiantino, S.E., M. Hilman Fatoni, S.T., M.T.
M.Sc Dr. Achmad
Arifin, S.T.,

Sub CP-MK /
ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Wee Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
k (3) (4)
1-2 Sub -CPMK1 : Non-tes: 10
Mampu Laporan hasil wawancara.
beradaptasi • Tugas 1a: analisa kekuatan/ potensi dari contoh
dengan situasi entrepeneur sukses
yang tidak pasti • Tugas 1b: menyusun ide bisnis (presentasi
dengan kelompok).
menyebutkan dan Tes:
merumuskan Presentasi kelompok.
desaian analisa
kelayakan. Non-test:
Interview report
LLO 1: • Assignment 1a: analyising the strengths/potentials
Able to adapt to of a successful entrepreneur.
uncertain • Assignment 1b: drafting a business idea (group
situations by presentation).
mentioning and Test:
formulating a Group presentation
feasibility analysis
3-5 Sub -CPMK1 : Non-tes : 15
Mampu Tugas 2:
beradaptasi Membuat analisa kelayakan melalui concept test.
dengan situasi

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 20

yang tidak pasti Non-Test:
dengan ● Assignment 2:
menyebutkan dan Make a feasibility analysis through a concept test.
desaian analisa

LLO 1:
Able to adapt to
situations by
mentioning and
formulating a
feasibility analysis
6-8 Sub-CPMK2: Non-tes: 15
Mampu berinovasi Observasi & unjuk kerja; presentasi kelompok.
dan berkreasi • Tugas 3:
untuk - Presentasi kelompok membuat desain BMC.
menghasilkan - Menyusun PPT
rancangan bisnis
berbasis teknologi
Observation & performance; group presentation.
yang berorientasi
● Assignment 3:
pasar dengan
- Group presentation making BMC design
memanfaatkan - Making PowerPoint Presentation
IPTEKS melalui
model bisnis.

LLO 2:
Able to innovate
and be creative to
produce market-
business designs
by utilizing science
and technology
through a business
9-12 Sub-CPMK3: Tes: 15
Mampu mengenali Kuis (minggu 11) Materi marketing
dan merumuskan Nontes: Observasi, unjuk kerja, penelusuran contoh
model pemasaran proposal, rancangan marketing, prototype.
melalui • Tugas 4:
pendekatan - Pemaparan prototype ide bisnis secara visual

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 21

strategi - Rancangan analisa marketing
pemasaran - Menyusun PPT
berdasarkan • MyITSClassroom
tahap-tahapnya Tugas:
yang diwujudkan - Tugas belajar mandiri (log book) Penelusuran
dalam simulasi contoh proposal: logbook dilaporkan di minggu
untuk dalam ke-10.
membangun rasa - Kuis marketing di minggu ke-11
tanggung jawab - Tugas belajar mandiri marketing
tim yang - Tugas Presentasi Prototype di presentasikan di
mengedepankan minggu 12.
etika bisnis.
LLO 3: Quiz (week 11). Materials: marketing.
Able to recognize Non-test Observation, performance, search of proposal
and formulate example, marketing design, prototypes.
marketing models ● Assignment 4:
through a - Visual presentation of a business idea prototype
marketing strategy - Marketing analysis design
approach based on - Making PowerPoint Presentation
the stages that are ● MyITSClassroom
manifested in Assignment:
simulations to - Self-study assignment (log book) Search of
build a sense of sample proposals: logbook reported in week 10.
team responsibility - Marketing Quiz in week 11
that promotes - Marketing self-study assignment
business ethics. - Prototype presentation assignment, presented in
week 12.

13 Sub-CPMK-4: Non-Tes : 7.5

Mampu mengenali Observasi & unjuk kerja menyusun kebutuhan SDM.
dan merumuskan • Tugas 5:
aspek manajemen - Rancangan SDM
SDM berdasarkan - Menyusun PPT
sebagai bagian
Observation & performance to compile HR needs.
penting dalam
• Assignment 5:
mencapai bisnis - HR plan
yang reseliens - Making PPT
yang diwujudkan
dalam simulasi
untuk dalam
membangun rasa
tanggung jawab
tim yang

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 22

etika bisnis.

LLO 4:
Able to recognize
and formulate
aspects of HR
based on its stages
as an important
part of achieving a
resilient business
which is
manifested in
simulations to
build a sense of
team responsibility
that prioritise
business ethics.
14 Sub-CPMK5: Non-tes: 7.5
Mampu mengenali Observasi & unjuk kerja; Menyusun kebutuhan operasi
dan merumuskan dan kebutuhan dan perencanaan keuangan serta
aspek operasi dan pencatatannya.
mampu menyusun • Tugas Belajar Mandiri: aspek operasi dan keuangan.
rencana keuangan
dan melakukan Non-test:
perhitungan yang Observation & performance; Compiling operating
tepat dalam requirements and needs and financial planning and
mengembangkan records.
rencana bisnis • Self-Study Assignment: operational and financial
yang dapat aspects.
aplikasikan dalam
proposal bisnis.

LLO 5:
Able to recognize
and formulate
aspects of
operations and be
able to compile
financial plans and
carry out
calculations in
business plans that

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 23

can be applied in
15- Sub-CPMK6: Non-tes: 30
16 Mampu menyusun Observasi & unjuk kerja; Presentasi kelompok dengan
proposal business mengedepankan prinsip komunikasi bisnis (efektif dan
plan yang menarik persuasi).
dan mampu • Tugas 6:
mempersuasif - Tugas presentasi akhir proposal bisnis
pihak investor. - Menyusun PPT

LLO 6: Non-test:
Able to compile Observation & performance; Group presentations
attractive business emphasizing the principles of business communication
plan proposals and (effective and persuasive).
to persuade • Assignment 6:
investors. - Final presentation of business proposal
- Making PPT
Total bobot penilaian 100%
Total assessment load

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 24

● Indikator Pencapaian CPL Pada MK / Indicator of PLO achievement charged to the course

CPL yang dibebankan CPMK / Minggu ke / Bentuk Asesmen / Bobot /

pada MK / PLO charged Course Learning Outcome Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
to the course (CLO)
CPL-S5 / PLO-S5 CPMK 4 / CLO 4 Week- 14 Self Study Assignment 7.5
CPL-KU1 / PLO-KU1 CPMK 2 / CLO 2 Week- 6-8 Assignment 3 15
CPL-KU2 / PLO-KU2 CPMK 1 / CLO 1 Week- 1-2 Interview report 5
(Assignment 1a,1b)
Group Presentation 5
Week- 3-5 Assignment 2 15
CPMK 5 / CLO 5 Week 15-16 Assignment 6 30
CPL-KU9 / PLO-KU9 CPMK 3 / CLO 3 Week- 9-12 Assignment 4 10
Week 11 Quiz 5
Week 13 Assignment 5 7.5
∑ = 100%

No Form of Assessment PLO-S5 PLO-S8 PLO-KU1 PLO-KU2 PLO-KU9 PLO-KU10 Total

1 Assignment 1 0.05 0.05
2 Assignment 2 0.15 0.15
3 Assignment 3 0.15 0.15
4 Assignment 4 0.1 0.1
5 Assignment 5 0.075 0.075
6 Assignment 6 0.3 0.3
7 Self Study Assignment 0.075 0.075
8 Group Presentation 0.05 0.05
9 Quiz 0.05 0.05
Total 0.075 0.15 0.55 0.225 1

Module Handbook: Technopreneur - 25

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