Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (Q4W4)

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The Role of Culture in Human Adaptation


1. D
2. C
3. A
4. E
5. B

1. What are the stages of human evolution?

 Dryopithecus
 Ramapithecus.
 Australopithecus.
 Homo Erectus.
 Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis.
 Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

2. How did hominids evolve into modern humans?

Modern humans evolved from their most recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means
"upright man" in Latin, and arose in Africa during the last 200,000 years. The extinct human
species Homo erectus existed between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago.

A grace period allows a borrower or insurance
client to postpone payment beyond the due date for
Section 3.01. Mandatory Grace Period a certain time. There are no late penalties paid
during this time, and the loan or contract cannot be
cancelled due to the delay. This is a big help for
This is one of the effects of the mandatory grace
Section 5.01. Relief of Loans period. And again, this is very helpful for the people
who short with money during the quarantine.
This is also helpful because it can help people to
Section 5.02. Treatment of Acquired Interest be disciplined and they will learn to pay on the
acquired extension of the loan.
1. Even before COVID-19 spread throughout the world, we are free to do what we want
without fear. How does this pandemic affect your ordinary daily activities? What
drastic adjustments did you make?
First of all, as a student, the first thing that I needed to adjust is our new way of learning. It was
definitely hard at first but, I became used to it and it’s like the new normal to me now. Second,
probably the hardest part of being in the pandemic is the fear that we always have to face, like
the fear of getting affected by the virus. Lastly, we have to adapt in a new way of living and we
have to accept it because, we don’t really know when will it end, and the only thing we can do is
to wait.
2. How was your family prepared for such changes caused by new strict law
enforcement or intense fear of being infected with the virus?
When we started getting the news of this virus suddenly making chaos everywhere, my mother
immediately told us that we have to get to their province, because at that time the virus was still
in the city. We lived in the province for about 4 months before coming back to the city and by
then we were already prepared for the changes to our lives. I guess the 4 months in the
province made us prepared to what’s happening in the city. And because humans are made to
adapt in any situation they are put through, it was not that hard.
3. In the adaptation of new normal life, the culture had been changed. To what extent do
these changes affect your ordinary activities?
Personally, it didn’t affect my ordinary activities that much, but it did affect the most to our
economy. Because of the pandemic, most of our historical place cannot be visited by tourists,
and we all know that, this is one of the things that brings money to our country. I think the
changes in our culture mostly affected those people who are directly connected with cultures.
4. Government preventive measures are one of the main causes of the sudden change
in our culture to stop the spread of the disease. What are your takeaways in this
Again, the preventive measures didn’t affect me that much, mainly because most of these
measures are not going out in the house unless it’s something important. I don’t go out that
much so it didn’t affect me that much. But I do think that even though these preventive
measures are the reasons of the sudden change in our culture, its still made us safe and I think
that is the most important thing there. If we don’t have these measures then our COVID-19
cases will be too many and then our pandemic will last longer.

What do you think is the significant role of adaptation in the process of evolution?

When compared to other members of the same species, adaptation allows for greater
survival and reproduction, which leads to evolution. Organisms can adapt to their
surroundings in a variety of ways. They can adapt physiologically, which means they
can change how the body works. If an organism doesn’t know how to adapt in a new
environment, then it will be harder for them to survive.


1. H
2. G
3. A
4. B
5. I
6. C
7. D
8. J
9. E
10. F

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