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Mandarin Chinese I 汉字入门 The Chinese Writing System 姓名:

日期: 月 日
Direction: Take notes and answer the questions as we go over the PPT.

Video: Introduction to Chinese Characters (available on YouTube)

1. What is the difference between English and Chinese writings?

The Chinese Writing System is divided into _____ categories.

Notes | Example

xiàng xíng

zhǐ shì
Skip this one
huì yì

xíng shēng

zhuǎn zhù
Skip this one
jiǎ jiè
Skip this one

Basic Strokes
Fill in the blanks
Basic Stroke Chinese Pinyin English Color the stroke

丶 点 diǎ n 小、六
一 横 héng 一、六
丨 竖 shù 十、中
丿 撇 piě 人、大

捺 nà 八、人

提 tí 我、渴
横钩 héngō u 你、字

竖钩 shù gō u 小、冰
斜钩 xiégō u 我、心
横折 héngzhé 五,口
竖折 shù zhé 七,亡
Stroke Orders Q: Why should we follow stroke orders?
1. From left to ________
2. From top to ________
3. _______________ before vertical
4. From outside to __________
5. ____________ before two sides
6. Inside before _______________
Mandarin Chinese I 汉字入门 The Chinese Writing System 姓名:
日期: 月 日

Directions: Demonstrate the Stroke Order. []

#1 yī #2 èr #3 sān

壹 一 贰 二 叁 三
#4 sì

肆 四
#5 wǔ

伍 五
#6 liù

陆 六
#7 qī

柒 七
#8 bā

捌 八
#9 jiǔ

玖 九
#10 shí

拾 十
#100 bǎi

佰 百
#1000 qiān

仟 千
#10,000 wàn

万 万
#100,000,000 yì

亿 亿
Directions: Fill in the Boxes with the appropriate Characters

人 说 节 国 范 这 闪 句 凶 部
谢 意 臣 想 语 庆
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