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Name of Drug Action Mechanism of Indications Adverse Effects Contraindications Nursing

Action Responsibilities
Brand name: Magnesium sulfate Cofactor of many For  Sweating In the presence of  Check
MgSo4/Magnesium is thought to enzyme systems Hypomagnesemic  Drowsiness heart block or doctor’s order
sulfate trigger cerebral involved in seizures.  Depressed myocardial  Educate client
vasodilation, thus neurochemical Seizures secondary reflexes damage. In toxemia about the
Generic name: reducing ischemia transmission and to  Flaccid of pregnancy drug, it’s
magnesium sulfate generated by muscular hypomagnesemia paralysis during the 2 hr purpose and
injection cerebral excitability; in acute nephritis.  Hypothermia prior to delivery. importance
vasospasm during prevents seizures Prevention or  Hypotension  Check if
Dose: an eclamptic by blocking control of seizures  Flushing allergic to
Loading dose: event. The neuromuscular in preeclampsia or  circulatory MgSo4
Initial- 4 gm MgSo4 substance also acts transmission eclampsia collapse  Give MgSo4 if
in 100 ml of IV fluid competitively in  depressed no sign of
as SIVP blocking the entry cardiac toxicity
of calcium into function  Monitor
Final loading dose: synaptic endings,  heart block. serum
5gm MgSo4 IM thereby altering  Respirator magnesium
(upper outer neuromuscular paralysis level during
quadrant of transmission.  Hypocalcemia parenteral
buttocks each gluts) therapy
 Monitor knee-
Maintenace dose: jerk reflex
5gm IM on each before
gluts given q 4hrs x repeated
4 doses total of 20 parenteral
gm/ 24 hrs administration
 Administer
Classification: MgSo4 at the
Anticonvulsant right time and
right dose
 Keep I.V.
available to
however, use
cautiously in
due to danger

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