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Name: Iris Mae S.

Regidor Course & Year: BEED-3B Date:9/5/2022

The concepts used in education to know the progress or state of learning among
the learners are through measurement, evaluation, and testing. The learning outcomes
of the learners were assessed. Based on what I have grasped, measurement gives
emphasis on identifying the characteristics, skills, and knowledge of learners. It is a
process of collecting data that involves the assignment of numerical values to what is
being tested, in other words, it involves numerical quantity. It is used to describe the
assignment of a number which could be a raw score.

Evaluation refers to the process of making judgments that are based on specific
criteria and evidence. It gives emphasis on the whole range of issues in and beyond
education lessons, particular programs, and skills that can be evaluated. It yields global
views of achievement mostly based on various types of information just, for instance,
observation of lessons, d test scores, assessment reports, and interviews of both the
learner and the reacher. On the other hand, assessment is beyond simply judged, it is a
measurable process of describing, collecting, recording, scoring, and interpreting
information about learning. It is a way of documenting knowledge, skills, attitudes, and
beliefs. It aims to attain improvements. It is a process of describing, collecting, and
recording. In education, it is the process of gathering, interpreting, and recording the
pupils’ responses or results of educational tasks. It can focus on the individual learner,
learning community, and institution.

The system of education must uphold excellence and achieve high standards. It
should also help the learners to achieve their optimum potential. In order to know and
understand if learners have understood a particular lesson testing is utilized to examine
someone’s or particularly a learner’s knowledge about a particular topic in order to
determine what he/she has grasped or learned. Testing is a tool, a set of questions, an
examination that is utilized to measure particular characteristics particular of the learner
in an educational setting. Testing is intended to measure the test taker's knowledge and
skills. It is one of the ways to know if the learners have properly understood the lesson.
Testing is used in order to know what students lack and need to improve.

These concepts play a crucial role not only for the teachers but most importantly
for the learners. To identify what aspects need to improve. As a future teacher, these
concepts must be familiarized and mastered in order to deliver the right type of
measurement of learning according to the needs of the learners. These concepts are
also used to identify the effectiveness of the teacher in delivering the lessons; results
may be used to know what could be the appropriate strategies to use in teaching for the
various types of learners with different learning styles.

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