Theemu001 - Discrete Exam 1

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Discrete Exam 1 Cheat Sheet

by TheEmu001 via

List of Equiva​lences Statements (cont) Subsets Tautol​ogies and Contra​dic​tions

Condit​iona p→q≡~ p→q≡~p∨q Universal For all & there exists B⊆A B=subset, Tautol​ogies Always true t
l (​p∧~q) Existe​ntial A=superset statements
Existe​ntial Universal There exists & for all Proper Subsets: Contra​dic​tio Always false c
contra​pos​i p→q≡~q→~p elements that belong to ns statements
tive Functions superset but NOT p∧~p≡c T∧F≡c F∧T≡F
Converse p→q q→p subset
Requir​ements: p∨t​≡ t p∧c​≡ c
(cond) (converse)
- Arrow coming out of every element in
Relations Abso​rption law: variable absorbing
inverse p→q ~p→~p domain
(cond) (inverse) - Every element can only have one element Relations= subsets of
⇒use truth table to prove law
vacuously true = true by absence of domain connected to one element of cartesian
⇒other variables don't play a role in
converse and inverse are the codomain product
statement validity
SAME unsati​sfied requir​ement = relation R⊆AxB Relation p∨(p∧q)≡ p; p∧(p∨q)≡ p
y can be used repeatedly but x values only ⊆
Useful Symbols have one arrow coming out Domain x
p→q truth table
∀ for all (universal operator)
Predicates and Quantified Statements Domain SET that
∃ exists (exist​ential operator)
Statement original negated
∈ in the set every
∧ and element
Universal ∀x∈D, P(x) ∃x∈D, from
∨ or ~P(x) source
∼ not Existe​ntial Argument Truth Table
don't always have to
≡ equivalent Universal Condit​ional include ordered pairs
⊂ subset

⊃ superset Set-Bu​ilder Notation DeMorgan's Law

{}, empty set • Tells us how to

∅ handle conjun​ction and

↔ bicond​itional (both are true) disjun​ction negations Critical row = row where both premises are
~(p∧q) ≡ ~p∨~q true
~(p∨q) ≡ ~p∧~q premises and conclusion = TRUE is a valid
"The connector is argument
Universal For all, for loose(l) or the machine
each is unplug​ged​(u)​" Arguments
Existe​ntial At least, there l ∨ u -- negation --> ~(l
∨ u) ≡ ~l ∧~u p→q major premise
exists Set-Roster Notation
"The connector is not p minor premise
Condit​ional If → then A = {1, 2, 3 ... 100}
loose and the machine
∴q therefore, conclusion
Universal For all & if-then is not unplug​ged​"
use ellipses for larger sets
Condit​ional premises aka assump​tions or hypotheses
~p∨q is the opposite of
verified using truth table

When using
DeMorgan's law, no
need for truth table

By TheEmu001 Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 21st September, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Discrete Exam 1 Cheat Sheet
by TheEmu001 via

Argument Forms (VALID)

Modus Pones p→q


Modus Tollens p→q



Gneral​ization p


Specia​liz​ation p∧q


Elimin​ation p∨q



Transi​tivity p→q



Proof by div. into cases p∨q





Converse Error p→q

⇒ ∴p

Inverse Error q→p



By TheEmu001 Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 21st September, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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