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Answer 1. Strength and Weakness of George Brand

A well-known brand in Europe developed by British retail expert George Davies. Numerous
people in Canada, which has a lesser optional pay than North America, appreciate the
inexpensive prices for decently priced clothing. The company can sell customers a George
suit with European design for under $100, and people must buy it. The clothing's nature, fit,
and texture

The brand failed to develop its image character in the minds of American consumers.

“Due to the low prices and the item's quality, wealthy consumers avoid the brand. Because
Walmart is only renowned for everyday essentials and superior products, the brand is less
well-known and occasionally customers avoid the area in the shop. Lack of new innovators
within in the brand.”

Strength and Weakness of Metro 7 Brand

The models who were promoting the brand had high regard for the fabrics, fits, and design of
the clothing.

As Wal-Mart and Elle Girl maintained a fashion event on Times Square screen with
swaggering models sporting the newest Metro 7 clothes, the brand was thoroughly

Later, the brand use a variety of media to locate fashionable and anticipated samples for
garments. Before Christmas in 2006, arrangements of the Metro 7 line of clubwear, which
included slim-fitting pants and gold vest were made. The brands needed more rack space at
the store.

Answer 2. "Walmart's effort to gain prominence in their design office fails due to helpless
promotion and unable to fit their products with the modest fashionable patterns.

One explanation for this is Walmart's inability to engage customers through design displays
and sets. The brand is adversely affected by the life-sized model shows' shortcomings.
Customers will inevitably see items presented on life-sized models since they can visualise
themselves wearing them and appreciate the true functionality of the item of apparel.”

“The styles were not distinctive enough to gain traction with design shoppers, who are
constantly on the lookout for the latest fashion trends. Concerning raising the profile of their
clothing, Walmart's lack of practise is also a problem. Because of its size, it is unable to
accommodate every type and design. When the fall line was dispatched earlier than planned
when customers were in no way prepared for the line, improper administration led to
additional problems. Walmart proceeded past enthusiastic and deployed Metro 7 of every 500
additional stores since Missy Sizes of Metro 7 were performing so well. In any event, during
the holiday season, business decreased, and they anticipated a recovery in the spring. As a
result, the stock was overflowing the passageways.”

Answer 3. If Wal-Mart adopts the recommendations below, it can establish itself as the
arbiter of fashion:

1) Wal-Mart needs to make brands enjoyable, quick, and accessible

2) To draw people and demonstrate that Wal-Mart is making an effort and is sincere about its
product line, Wal-Mart will need to make changes to the appearance, lighting, fixtures,
gondolas, and other VM in the clothes section.

3. Wal-Mart must clearly identify its target market and brand positioning in order to improve
its ability to communicate and market its products.

4) Wal-Mart will need to offer brands an identity and personality, like Zara. When one thinks
of Zara, a picture of a young adult wearing bright, contemporary clothing comes to mind.

5) Most significantly, Wal-Mart must continue to be creatively innovative.

6) To be distinctive and memorable, a brand must stand for something greater than just

7) Wal-Mart will need to employ buyers with experience who are familiar with the market
and the chosen target audience.

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