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CALC WIL ATONE eae ru Indium gallium nitride (InGaN) DISPLAY AND KEYBOARD SENSOR Modern calculator usually contain the liquid-crystal display (LCD) RUBBER KEYBOARD Consists of keys used to input numbers and function commands. Calculator uses rubber keyboard that made from silicon. PROCESSER Usually the chip also includes peripheral functions such as keystroke inputs and display output, It also includes memory for input, calculation of intermediate results, saved values and final results of calculations They are made using the same silicon processes used in making most integrated circuits. EFFECT TO ENVIRONMENTAL @ Positive + Can use human activity + Save many paper + Save time + Get exactly result gS Qy vetve Y © + Does not use the brain to think + Think slowly * Stick to using calculator IT, 1992 MR.Pattarapong_Chuethonghua 6322770916 This work is part of MTS 252 Materials Scien:

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