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IATA Aviation Charges

Intelligence Center
User Guide

Version1.3 | 16-Nov-16

Revision History

Version Section(s) Date Author(s) Reviewer (s) Approval(s)

1.0 Release1.0 07.03.2016 Yingmei

1.1 Release1.1 14.04.2016 Yingmei

1.2 Release1.2 08.08.2016 Yingmei

1.3 16.11.2016 Chen, Hui

Table of Contents

REVISION HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2


1.1 Browser compatibility in ACIC System ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.2 How to login Aviation Charges Intelligence Center----------------------------------------------------- 2

1.3 User Profile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.4 User Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6

1.5 Log out ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

1.6 Password -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

1.6.1 Change Password -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
1.6.2 Forgot Password ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
1.6.3 Reset password. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

1.7 Landing page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

1.7.1 Recent News on Aviation Charges ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.7.2 Advance Notice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

2. RAW DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

2.1 XML file download ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

2.2 XML API Web Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

3. REPORTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

3.1 View Rule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12

3.1.1 Define filter Criteria ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
3.1.2 View Reports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

3.2 Export Rule ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

3.2.1 Export Reports as Excel file ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
3.2.2 Export Reports as PDF file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

4. CALCULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

4.1 Airport Calculation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17

4.2 ATC Calculation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

4.2.1 Country Basis Calculation under ATC ------------------------------------------------------------ 21
4.2.2 Airport Basis Calculation under ATC -------------------------------------------------------------- 22
4.2.3 Overall Basis Calculation under ATC ------------------------------------------------------------- 23

4.3 Fuel Calculation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

4.4 Taxation Calculation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

4.5 Export Calculation Result ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

4.5.1 Export Calculation Result as Excel---------------------------------------------------------------- 27
4.5.2 Export Calculation Result as PDF ----------------------------------------------------------------- 27

5. SIMULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28

5.1 Simulation Rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

5.1.1 Define filter Criteria ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29
5.1.2 Modify Unit Rate and Fixed Charge --------------------------------------------------------------- 30
5.1.3 Simulation Result -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

5.2 Export Simulation as Excel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

6. BENCHMARKING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32

6.1 Airport Benchmarking -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

6.1.1 Current Charges --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 One Aircraft type, several airports ----------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Several aircraft types, one airport ----------------------------------------------------------------- 39 Several aircraft types, several airports ----------------------------------------------------------- 45
6.1.2 Historical Charges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51

6.2 ATC Benchmarking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56

6.2.1 Current Charges --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 One Aircraft type, several countries --------------------------------------------------------------- 57 Several aircraft types, one country ---------------------------------------------------------------- 58 Several aircraft types, several countries --------------------------------------------------------- 59
6.2.2 Historical Charges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61

6.3 Govt. Taxation Benchmarking ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63

6.3.1 Current Charges --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 One Aircraft type, several airports ----------------------------------------------------------------- 63

4 Country Basis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 Airport Basis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 Several aircraft types, one airport ----------------------------------------------------------------- 66 Country Basis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 Airport Basis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 Several aircraft types, several airports ----------------------------------------------------------- 69 Country Basis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 Airport Basis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
6.3.2 Historical Charges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Country Basis --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Airport Basis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73

6.4 Export Data of Benchmarking --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74

6.4.1 Export Data as Excel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
6.4.2 Export Image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75

7. HISTORICAL VIEW ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 75

7.1 View Rule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76

7.1.1 Define filter Criteria ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76
7.1.2 View Historical ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76

7.2 Export Rules--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77

7.2.1 Export Reports as Excel file ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
7.2.2 Export Rules as PDF file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79

8. REVISION CHANGES ------------------------------------------------------------------- 80

8.1 View Revision Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81

8.1.1 Define filter Criteria ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 81
8.1.2 View Changed Rules --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82

1. Aviation Charges Intelligence Center Introduction

Aviation Charges Intelligence Center (ACIC) has following features:

 Raw Data

User can download the raw data as xml file and also can get the xml file by API


User can view and export the published and effective rules according to the defined criteria.


User can calculate and export any published selected charges on airport or country basis

according to the defined criteria.


User can select any of the published and latest version charge to update the Unit Rate and

Fixed charge, and then to simulate and get the reasonable the simulated result and export it.


User can benchmark and export any published selected charges on different

airports/countries with different aircraft types according to the defined criteria. User can view

the result as chart or table with notes.

 Historical View

User can view and export all published charges according to filter criteria, including latest

version of charges and past version of charges.

 Revision Changes

User to view the published rules changes, such as create new version, reopen and add a new


1.1 Browser compatibility in ACIC System

 ACIC system supports these browsers with marked version and plus :

• Internet Explorer (IE): IE10 , IE10+

• Firefox: Firefox V35.0, Firefox V35.0+

• Chrome: Chrome V39.0, Chrome V39.0+

1.2 How to login Aviation Charges Intelligence Center

 Go to website

• Aviation Charges Intelligence Center

 Login process

• IATA Internal user:

Input Email then press “Enter”, the user will be directed to the Aviation Charges

Intelligence Center main page if the user is in IATA domain. Otherwise, IATA SSO page

will be shown for user to login into the ACIC page.

• External User:

Input Email and Password and then click “Login” to access the ACIC main home page as



• User must make sure the Email and password is correct.

• Only for external user, the password needs to be updated every six months. External

user will receive email which reminder user to update password. If user didn’t change

password before expired, account will be locked, user can get new password and

unlock account by Forgot Password function, user can also contact Admin to unlock

account and regain password by reset password or forget password.

• If no actions executed in system for over 30 minutes, system will recognize as timing

out and user has to login again.

• The failed login action with incorrect password for three times causes account locked.

Here are three ways can unlock the account:

o Wait 15 minutes, the account can be unlocked automatically. User use the

correct current password can login system.

o User use Forgot Password Function to regain new password to unlock the

account, and can login system with new password.

o User contact admin to unlock the account.

• If a user (A) has already logged in Aviation Charges Intelligence Center system and

another user (B) tries to login Aviation Charges Intelligence Center with the same

email, there is a message to notify user “Your account is already used to login on a

different device, if you proceed the other user will be logged out.” after entering

correct password and click login, the previous user (A) will exit system automatically.

Message for user B:

1.3 User Profile

There are some hidden options under user name, when user moving the cursor to user name

at the right top of the screen, the below options will be displayed.

• Internal user

 Profile: Current user profile, user needs to contact system Admin to modify the

content in user management part.

• External user

 Profile: Current user profile, including the basic user info, user needs to contact
system Admin to modify the content in user management part. The user’s profile

displayed as seen below:

 Change Password: External user can change the password. Please refer to “Change
password” part.

1.4 User Guide

User clicks the icon at the right top of the screen to download the latest user operation


1.5 Log out

User clicks “Log Out” link at the right top of the screen to exit the system.

1.6 Password

These parts are only used by the external user. The internal user’s password is managed in


1.6.1 Change Password

Change Password scenario:

 New created user login system with initial password.

 External User forgetting password, user login system with password in email.
 Admin helping reset password, user login system with password in email.
 External user wants to change password.
Please refer to Change password screenshot and policy:

• Current Password: current password should match with the login password.

• New Password: At least 8 characters and be alphanumeric.

• Confirm Password: Same as New Password.

1.6.2 Forgot Password

If external user forgets the password, the user can use this function to get new password to

login system.

After user click “Forget Password?” link, the below page is displayed.

After entering correct external Email, the new password will be sent to user by email. Then

user can login system with new password.

1.6.3 Reset password.

External user’s password can be reset by admin, please contact admin to help.

1.7 Landing page

Recent News on Aviation Charges and Advanced Notice info are displayed in landing page.

1.7.1 Recent News on Aviation Charges

User can view the recent news on Aviation Charges and click Read More to get the full news


1.7.2 Advance Notice

Advance Notice info can be viewed in landing page, user can also download the attachment

by clicking attachment icon.

 User can only view Advance Notice by his/her subscription authority.

2. Raw Data

Only user subscribed this feature can enter Raw Data page, it is one feature for user who can

download the Raw data as XML file or XML API web Service. Raw Data original page as seen


2.1 XML file download

User enters Raw Data main page, then click the Edit Button to set the subscription as below:

In Edit Subscription page, IP Address and charge type and Region should be defined before

saving. After the subscription, user click “Save” button and back to the main Raw Data, and

the all subscribed data is displayed in main page, Subscriber can click “Download XML Files”

button to download the Published and latest version charges. The all subscribed charges are

saved in one XML files.

User can get more technical information by clicking hyperlink “Click here” to download the


2.2 XML API Web Service

Before getting the XML file via API, the user should define the subscription in Tintin system,

Make sure the IP address is correct, More detailed info, please download the file by clicking

hyperlink “Click here” to download the document.

3. Reports

Reports feature is just for users who subscribed this feature to view published and effective

rules with latest version.

3.1 View Rule

The display result is restricted by user's subscription, e.g., if subscriber is eligible to view

Europe data only, then he/she can get the report data related to Europe only.

3.1.1 Define filter Criteria

User enters to Reports page and can view published and effective rules by set the search

criteria according to the authority, if no search criteria are set, no rules display. Please see the

overview of the reporting page as shown below:

 Can choose multi items in each search criteria.

 Support fuzzy function in each search criteria.

 Selected value will displayed at top of the list

 User can click the “Reset” button to clear all defined criteria.

3.1.2 View Reports

Only published and effective rules with latest version are displayed in the reports page, and in

this page, user can only view and export the reports, but not modify the rules.

 Cannot update the unit rate, fixed charges, and effective date in reporting page.
 The attachment can be downloaded.

3.2 Export Rule

3.2.1 Export Reports as Excel file

After User filters out result, user can click the “Export Excel” button to export the filtered

charge rules as an Excel spreadsheet.

 Exported charge rules are saved in one excel file if the rules are in same Airport/ Country.

 Exported charge rules are saved in one ZIP file if there is multi counties/Airports charge

rules selected.

 For ATC charges, if user filter out record with country code/name, the country basis ATC

charges and Airport basis charge (Terminal Navigation Charge) with airport code are

exported in one excel. Comment [1]: CR2 Need confirm by


3.2.2 Export Reports as PDF file

After User filters out result, user should click the “Export PDF” button to export the selected

charge rules as a PDF file.

 Exported charge rules are saved in one PDF file if the rules are in same Airport/ Country.

 Exported charge rules are saved in one ZIP file if there is multi counties/Airports charge

rules selected.

 For ATC charges, if user filter out record with country code/name, the country basis ATC

charges and Airport basis charge (Terminal Navigation Charge) with airport code are

exported in one excel. Comment [2]: CR2 Need to confirm by


4. Calculation

Only the published and effective rules can take part in the calculation. The charges can be

used in calculation and are restricted by user's subscription, e.g., if the subscriber is eligible to

view the Europe data only, then he/she can calculate the charges related to Europe only.

4.1 Airport Calculation

Airport Calculation includes Airport charge types and all airport basis charge rules in ATC/

Fuel and GOVT. Taxation charges.

There are seven fields on the Calculation page:

 Define Airport criteria: Select the airport that you want to calculate.

• Input Airport code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region and country criteria and define airport, airport list is updated according

to region and country define.

 Support Currency Conversion: User can select any of currency to do currency

conversion, now the default value is USD after user selecting Airport.

 Choose charges: Select the charges that you want to calculate.

• After defining airport, the Published and effective charge rules are listed in

unselected charges fields.

• The all charges are selected as default value.

• This part supports multi selection; user can define to calculate which charges from

this field.

 Aircraft Type: It is displayed when the A/C specification parameter is being calculated.
Otherwise it will be hidden.

• All the defined Aircraft types in the master data are listed in the dropdown list.

• User can choose one of the Aircraft types and the A/C Specification parameters

value will be filled automatically if they are predefined in Master Data.

 A/C Specification: The A/C Specification included in the calculation is displayed in this

• Auto filling the value by selecting Aircraft Type.

• User can input the value and unit manually.

• If the parameter contains the measuring type, the value of the parameter will be

adjusted to selected unit.

• Seating Capacity parameter will be displayed under A/C Specification area if

selected charges used Total Pax parameter. It will be filled automatically after

selecting Aircraft type.

 Variable Specification: All parameters which are not A/C specification are displayed in
this area.

• User inputs the value and unit manually.

• If parameter contains the measuring type, the value of parameter can be updated

according to selected unit.

• If selected charges including the parameter: Total Pax, another Variable parameter

Load Factor will be displayed under Variable Specification area. And there is

relationship for these three parameters, below parameter relationship is high priority

in all parameter relationship.

Total Pax= Load Factor * Seating Capacity

 Calculation Result: Click the “Calculate” button to get the calculation result with the
corresponding defined criteria.

• According to the criteria, the system will find the matched condition and formula, and

get the matched calculation result for the selected charges. If no condition matches

the criteria, Calculation result is N/A.

• If some parameter value /unit are empty, system also cannot get calculation result.

The following error message will be displayed.

• Input valid criteria and parameter values and unit, the calculation result shows as


 User can view the detailed formula and formula description of each charges by clicking

the icon “ ”

 User can click “Show/Hide Full Details” to view or hide the details of each calculated

 User can clear all the selected data and calculation results by clicking the “Reset” button.

• System will group the calculation result by the charge type for the airport basis

selected airport and charges.

4.2 ATC Calculation

ATC Calculation contains Country Basis and Airport Basis.

4.2.1 Country Basis Calculation under ATC

It follows the same operation as Airport Calculation except for choosing the Country basis and

defining country criteria. Please see examples below:

 Choose Country Basis (default): user should select the Country basis first and then
define the country criteria.

 Define Country criteria: it is mandatory criteria.

• Input Country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region then define Country, Country list is updated according to region define.

 Calculate Result: there is no Sub Total, as the item is only for ATC charge type.

4.2.2 Airport Basis Calculation under ATC

Only Terminal Navigation charge is defined as Airport basis charge in ATC charge type.

It follows the same operation as Airport Calculation; more operations are needed as below:

 Choose Airport Basis: user should select the airport basis first and then define the
airport criteria.

 Define Airport criteria: it is mandatory criteria.

• Input Airport code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region and country criteria and then define airport, the airport list is updated

according to region and country defined.

 Calculate Result: there is only one calculation result displayed.

4.2.3 Overall Basis Calculation under ATC

It follows the same operation as Airport Calculation except for choosing the Overall basis and

defining Airport criteria. Please see examples below:

 Choose Overall Basis: user should select overall basis first, then define the airport


 All selected airport basis charges and corresponding country basis effective ATC

charges are listed in charges.

 Define Airport criteria: it is mandatory criteria.

• Input airport code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region and country criteria and then define airport, the airport list is updated

 Calculate Result: there is no Sub Total, as the item is only for ATC charge type.

• The selected Country basis charges and the selected airport basis charge result is

listed in calculation result.

4.3 Fuel Calculation

Fuel Calculation only calculates the published and effective fuel charges of specific airport.

It follows the same operation as Airport Calculation, The Fuel Charges are not depended on

Aircraft Type, and there is no Aircraft type and A/C Specification in fuel Calculation page.

Please see examples below:

 Calculate Result: there is no Sub Total, as the item is only for Fuel charge type.

4.4 Taxation Calculation

Taxation Calculation only calculates the published and effective GOVT. Taxation charges of

specific airport.

It follows the same operation as Airport Calculation, The Govt. Taxation Charges are not

depended on Aircraft Type, so there is no Aircraft type and A/C Specification in Govt. Taxation

Calculation page, Please see examples below:

 Calculate Result: there is no Sub Total, as the item is only for GOVT. Taxation charge

4.5 Export Calculation Result

4.5.1 Export Calculation Result as Excel

After finishing a calculation, the user can click the Export->Excel button in order to export the

parameters and calculate the result to excel as shown in this screenshot below:

4.5.2 Export Calculation Result as PDF

After finishing a calculation in each charge type, the user can click the Export -> PDF button in

order to export the parameters and calculate the result to PDF as shown in this screenshot


5. Simulation

Simulation feature is just for users to modify the value of latest published and effective

charges’ unit rate and fixed charges, and then do simulation to get simulated result. User can

also export the reasonable results including the charges’ info.

5.1 Simulation Rules

The simulation rules are restricted by user's subscription, e.g., if subscriber is eligible to view

Europe data only, then he/she can select the rules related to Europe only. If user subscribed

the calculation feature, means user subscribed simulation feature.

5.1.1 Define filter Criteria

User enters to Simulation page and can view published and effective rules according to the

filter criteria. Please see the overview of the Simulation page as shown below:

 Define the filter criteria and filter out which rules wants to simulate. (The operation is
same as Reports).

• Mark one charge category to active Simulation button.

• Mark multi charge categories which are under same airport and with same charge

type, the simulation button can be active.

• If selected charges are not in same airport/country, the Simulation button is disabled.

• If selected charges are not in same charge type, the Simulation button is disabled.

5.1.2 Modify Unit Rate and Fixed Charge

 Click Unit Rate and Fixed charge area which is marked as blue to update their value. The
updated area will be marked with red icon if the value is updated to new one.

• The updated unit rate and fixed charges cannot be saved in system. It can only be

used in simulation.

5.1.3 Simulation Result

 Click Simulation button to fill the parameter values and then get the simulated result,
seen as below:

 Input Desired Values: It follows airport calculation, please refer to airport calculation.
 Actual Cost: The result is same as the Calculation result, means the unit rate and fixed
charge is not modified.

 Simulated Cost: Use the modified unit rate and fixed charge. User can compare the two

 User can click the “Reset” button to clear all filled values of each parameter.
 User can click the “Close” button to close the calculation area and back to the main
simulation page as seen below:

5.2 Export Simulation as Excel

User can export the simulation result as excel by clicking Export button.

The exported simulation result in excel is seen as below:

 The updated Unit rates and fixed charges are marked with red font.

6. Benchmarking

Only the published and effective rules can take part in the Benchmarking. Benchmarking is

just for users who have authority to benchmark the charges, the charges can be used in

Benchmarking and are restricted by user's subscription, e.g., if the subscriber is eligible to

view the Europe data only, then he/she can benchmark the charges related to Europe only.

If user didn’t subscribe this feature or subscription is expired, the page is displayed as seen


Now assumption, user has subscribed all regions.

6.1 Airport Benchmarking

For Airport Benchmarking, there are two types, one is current charges, and another one is

Historical Charges. In current charges, there are three scenarios, please see screenshot


The disclaimer need to be read and select the checkbox for the first time user enter into

benchmarking page before benchmarking.

6.1.1 Current Charges

There are three scenarios:

 One Aircraft type, Several airports

 Several aircraft types, one airport

 Several aircraft types, several airports One Aircraft type, several airports

User enters benchmarking main page, select current charges->one aircraft type, several

airports-> Next. Screenshot as seen below:

 Define Airport criteria: Select the airports that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection, user can define to benchmark which airports from this field.

• Input Airport code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region and country criteria and define airport, airport list is updated according

to region and country define.

 Choose Currency: Support currency conversion, the benchmark result with selected

 Choose charges: Select the charges that you want to benchmark.

• Only charges that are available for selected airports displayed in this list.

• This part supports multi selection; user can define to benchmark which charges from

this field.

 Choose Aircraft Type: Select one aircraft type that you want to benchmark.
 A/C Specification: After select aircraft type, the all A/C Specification parameters will be

listed on this area. A/C Specification parameters value will be filled automatically if they

are predefined in system.

• User can input the value and unit manually.

• If the parameter contains the measuring type, the value of the parameter will be

adjusted to selected unit.

• Seating Capacity parameter will be displayed under A/C Specificication area if

selected charges used Total Pax parameter. It will be filled automatically after

selecting Aircraft type.

 Variable Specification: All parameters which are not A/C specification are displayed in
this area.

• User inputs the value and unit manually.

• If parameter contains the measuring type, the value of parameter can be updated

according to selected unit.

• If selected charges including the parameter: Total Pax, another Variable parameter

Load Factor will be displayed under Variable Specificiation area. And there is

relationship for these three parameters, below parameter relationship is high priority

in all parameter relationship.

Total Pax = Load Factor * Seating Capacity

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria.

Benchmark result has three parts: Chart, Table and Notes


• View charges individually or consolidated, user can switch view mode graphic

between individually and consolidated.

• View the Median and Average value if selected these two check boxes.


• Average and Median value and total value of each airport can be viewed in table.

• N/A result in table: No benchmarking result for selected charge on specific airport,

below is some scenarios of N/A

• No related charges in some specific airport

• No result according to defined criteria.

• Selected charge is not specified or Not Charged for some specified airport.

• The charge will be hided in table if each airport result is N/A.

Touch more information on the aggregation of charges.

• Click notes to show/hide the information.

• Charge is not displayed in notes if there is no charge created in some specific


 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”
button. Several aircraft types, one airport

User enters benchmarking main page; select current charges->several aircraft types, one

airport-> Next. Screenshot as seen below:

 Define Airport criteria: User can select only one airport in this scenario.

• Input Airport code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region and country criteria and define airport, airport list is updated according

to region and country define.

 Choose Currency: Support currency conversion, the benchmark result with selected

 Choose charges: Select the charges that you want to benchmark.

• Only charges that are available for selected airports displayed in this list.

• This part supports multi selection; user can define to benchmark which charges from

this field.

 Choose Aircraft Type: Select multi aircraft types that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection for aircraft types

 A/C Specification: After select aircraft types, the multi groups of all A/C Specification
parameters will be listed on this area. A/C Specification parameters value will be filled

automatically if they are predefined in Master Data.

• User can input the value and unit manually.

• If the parameter contains the measuring type, the value of the parameter will be

adjusted to selected unit.

• Seating Capacity parameter will be displayed under A/C Specification area if

selected charges used Total pax parameter. It will be filled automatically after

selecting Aircraft type.

 Variable Specification: All parameters which are not A/C specification are displayed in
this area.

• User inputs the value and unit manually.

• If parameter contains the measuring type, the value of parameter can be updated

according to selected unit.

• If selected charges including the parameter: Total Pax, another Variable parameter

Load Factor will be displayed under Variable Specification area. And there is

relationship for these three parameters, below parameter relationship is high priority

in all parameter relationship.

Total Pax = Load Factor * Seating Capacity

• As multi aircraft types are used in this scenario, so here are two cases for above


 Case 1: use the same load factor, it is the default value, after user input the load

factor then system will calculate Total Pax for each aircraft type according their

seating capacity. Please see the below example, and system will use different

Total pax value do benchmarking.

 Case2: use the same Total Pax: After user input the Total Pax, then system will

calculate load factor for each aircraft type according their seating capacity,

please see the below example, same Total Pax value is used in Benchmarking


 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria.


• View charges individually or consolidated, user can switch view mode graphic

between individually and consolidated. Display charges individually as default value.

• View the Median and Average value if selected these two check boxes.


• Average and Median value and total value of each aircraft type can be viewed in


• N/A result in table: No benchmarking result for selected charge on this airport, below

is some scenarios of N/A

• No related charges in some specific airport

• No result according to defined criteria.

• Selected charge is not specified or Not Charged for some specified airport.

• The charge will be hide if each aircraft type value is N/A

Touch more information on the aggregation of charge.

• Click notes to show/hide the information. Charge is not displayed in notes if there is

no charge created in the airport.

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”
button. Several aircraft types, several airports

User enters benchmarking main page; select current charges->several aircraft types, several

airports -> next, screenshot as seen below:

 Define Airport criteria: User can select multi airport in this scenario.

• Support multi selection function.

• Input Airport code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region and country criteria and define airport, airport list is updated according

to region and country define.

 Choose Currency: Support currency conversion, the benchmark result with selected

 Choose charges: Select the charges that you want to benchmark.

• Only charges that are available for selected airports displayed in this list.

• This part supports multi selection; user can define to benchmark which charges from

this field.

 Choose Aircraft Type: Select multi aircraft types that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection for aircraft types.

 A/C Specification: After select aircraft types, the multi groups of all A/C Specification
parameters will be listed on this area. A/C Specification parameters value will be filled

automatically if they are predefined in Master Data.

• User can input the value and unit manually.

• If the parameter contains the measuring type, the value of the parameter will be

adjusted to selected unit.

• Seating Capacity parameter will be displayed under A/C Specification area if

selected charges used Total Pax parameter. It will be filled automatically after

selecting Aircraft Type.

 Variable Specification: All parameters which are not A/C specification are displayed in
this area.

• User inputs the value and unit manually.

• If parameter contains the measuring type, the value of parameter can be updated

according to selected unit.

• If selected charges including the parameter: Total Pax, another Variable parameter

Load Factor will be displayed under Variable Specification area. And there is

relationship for these three parameters, below parameter relationship is high priority

in all parameter relationship.

Total Pax= Load Factor * Seating Capacity

• As multi aircraft types are used in this scenario, so here are two cases for above


 Case 1: use the same load factor, it is the default value, after user input the load

factor then system will calculate Total Pax for each aircraft type according their

seating capacity. Please see the below example, and system will use different

Total pax value do benchmarking.

 Case2: use the same Total Pax: After user input the Total Pax, then system will

calculate load factor for each aircraft type according their seating capacity,

please see the below example, same Total Pax value is used in Benchmarking


 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria.


• View charges individually or consolidated, user can switch view mode graphic

between individually and consolidated. Display charges individually as default value.


Total value of each aircraft type on specific airport can be viewed in table.

• N/A result in table: No benchmarking result for selected charge on this airport, below

is some scenarios of N/A

• No related charges in some specific airport

• No result according to defined criteria.

• Selected charge is not specified or Not Charged for some specified airport.

• The charge will be hide if each aircraft type of all airports value is N/A

To touch more information on the aggregation of charges:

• Click notes to show/hide the information.

• Charge is not displayed in notes if there is no charge created in the airport.

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”

6.1.2 Historical Charges

User enters benchmarking main page; select Airport Benchmarking-> Historical

charges->one aircraft type, one airport for several Versions for past charges -> Next.

 Define Airport criteria: Select one airport that you want to benchmark.

• User can define to benchmark which airport from this field.

• Input Airport code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

• Define region and country criteria and define airport, airport list is updated according

to region and country define.

 Choose Currency: Support currency conversion, the benchmark result with selected
currency. The default currency is USD after defined airport.

 Choose charges: Select the charges that you want to benchmark.

• Only charges that are available for selected airport displayed in this list.

• This part supports multi selection; user can define to benchmark which charges from

this field.

 Effective Year: Select the charges’ past versions effective year that you want to

• This is a time period; the end year is current year as default.

 Effective Month: Select one month from dropdown list as the specified month to


 Choose Aircraft Type: Select one aircraft type that you want to benchmark.
 A/C Specification: After select aircraft type, the all A/C Specification parameters will be
listed on this area. A/C Specification parameters value will be filled automatically if they

are predefined in Master Data.

• User can input the value and unit manually.

• If the parameter contains the measuring type, the value of the parameter will be

adjusted to selected unit.

 Variable Specification: All parameters which are not A/C specification are displayed in
this area.

• User inputs the value and unit manually.

• If parameter contains the measuring type, the value of parameter can be updated

according to selected unit.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria.

Benchmark result has three parts: Chart, Table and Notes


• View charges individually or consolidated, user can switch view mode graphic

between individually and consolidated.


• Total value of each Effective Date can be viewed in table.

• N/A result in table: No benchmarking result for selected charge on specific airport,

below is some scenarios of N/A

• No result according to defined criteria.

• Selected charge is not specified or Not Charged for some specified version.

• The charge will be hided in table if each airport result is N/A.

Touch more information on the aggregation of charges.

• Click notes to show/hide the information.

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”


6.2 ATC Benchmarking

ATC benchmarking is only used for country basis charge, only overflight charge is used.

6.2.1 Current Charges

There are three scenarios:

 One Aircraft type, Several countries

 Several aircraft types, one country

 Several aircraft types, several countries

6 One Aircraft type, several countries

User enters benchmarking main page, select ATC benchmarking->current charges->one

aircraft type, several countries-> Next. Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (one aircraft type, several airports) operation excepting
defining country criteria, more detail please refer to One Aircraft type, several airports

 Define country criteria: Select countries that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection, user can define to benchmark which countries from this


• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the

corresponding defined criteria, ATC benchmarking result as seen below: Several aircraft types, one country

User enters benchmarking main page; select ATC Benchmarking->current charges->several

aircraft types, one country-> next. Screenshot as seen below:

It follows airport benchmarking (Several aircraft types, one airport) operation excepting

defining country criteria, more detail please refer to several aircraft types, one airport

 Define country criteria: User can select only one country in this scenario.

• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria.

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”
button. Several aircraft types, several countries

User enters benchmarking main page; select ATC Benchmarking->current charges->several

aircraft types, several countries -> next, screenshot as seen below:

It follows airport benchmarking (Several aircraft types, several airports) operation excepting

defining country criteria, more detail please refer to several aircraft types, several airports

 Define Country criteria: User can select multi countries in this scenario.

• Support multi selection function.

• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria.

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”

6.2.2 Historical Charges

User enters benchmarking main page, select ATC benchmarking->Historical charges->one

aircraft type, one country for several versions for past charges-> Next. Screenshot as seen


 It follows airport benchmarking (one aircraft type, one airport for several versions for past
charges) operation excepting defining country criteria, more detail please refer to

Historical Charges

 Define country criteria: Select countries that you want to benchmark.

• User can define to benchmark which country from this field.

• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria. ATC benchmarking result as seen below:

6.3 Govt. Taxation Benchmarking

Only Govt. Taxation charges join this benchmarking, the all charges are airport basis.

6.3.1 Current Charges

There are three scenarios:

 One Aircraft type, Several airports

 Several aircraft types, one airport

 Several aircraft types, several airports One Aircraft type, several airports

There are two cases, one is country basis, and another is airport basis. Country Basis

User enters benchmarking main page, select Govt. Taxation Benchmarking->current

charges->one aircraft type, several airports-> Next. Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (one aircraft type, several airports) operation, more detail
please refer to One Aircraft type, several airports

 For Country basis: User can select CN to benchmark, in fact, according to relationship
as we predefined in Taxation relationship, For CN: The Govt. Taxation charges of PEK

used in benchmarking.

 Define country criteria: Select counties that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection, user can define to benchmark which counties from this field.

• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria, Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

4 Airport Basis

User enters benchmarking main page, selected Govt. Taxation Benchmarking - > current

charges - > one aircraft type, several airports/ Countries - > Next. Choose the Airport

Basis, Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (one aircraft type, several airports) operation, more

detail please refer to One Aircraft type, several airports

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the

corresponding defined criteria, Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

5 Several aircraft types, one airport Country Basis

User enters benchmarking main page; select Govt. Taxation Benchmarking->current charges

->several aircraft types, one airport-> next. Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (Several aircraft types, one airport) operation, more detail

please refer to several aircraft types, one airport

 For Country basis: User can select CN to benchmark, in fact, according to relationship

as we predefined in Taxation relationship, For CN: The Govt. Taxation charges of PEK

used in benchmarking.

 Define country criteria: Select countries that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection, user can define to benchmark which counties from this field.

• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria, Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”
button. Airport Basis

User enters benchmarking main page, select Govt. Taxation benchmarking → current

charges → several aircraft types, one airport/ Country → next. Choose the Airport Basis,

Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (one aircraft type, several airports) operation, more detail

please refer to One Aircraft type, several airports

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria, Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”

8 Several aircraft types, several airports Country Basis

User enters benchmarking main page; select Govt. Taxation Benchmarking->current charges

->several aircraft types, several airports-> next. Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (Several aircraft types, several airports) operation, more

detail please refer to several aircraft types, several airports

 For Country basis: User can select CN to benchmark, in fact, according to relationship

as we predefined in Taxation relationship, For CN: The Govt. Taxation charges of PEK

used in benchmarking.

 Define country criteria: Select counties that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection, user can define to benchmark which counties from this field.

• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria. Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

 User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset”
button. Airport Basis

User enters benchmarking main page, select Govt. Taxation Benchmarking → current

charges → several aircraft types, several airport/ Countries → next. Choose the Airport

Basis, Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (several aircraft types, several airports) operation, more

detail please refer to several aircraft types, several airports

 Benchmark result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the

corresponding defined criteria, Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

User can clear all the selected data and benchmarking results by clicking the “Reset” button.

6.3.2 Historical Charges Country Basis

User enters benchmarking main page, select Govt. Taxation Benchmarking->Historical

charges->one aircraft type, one airport for several version for past charges-> Next.

Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (one aircraft type, one airport for several versions for past
charges) operation, more detail please refer to Historical Charges

 For Country basis: User can select CN to benchmark, in fact, according to relationship
as we predefined in Taxation relationship, For CN: The Govt. Taxation charges of PEK

used in benchmarking.

 Define country criteria: Select counties that you want to benchmark.

• Support multi selection, user can define to benchmark which countries from this field.

• Input country code/ name directly, it supports fuzzy query function.

 Benchmark Result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the
corresponding defined criteria, Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

2 Airport Basis

User enters benchmarking main page, select Govt. Taxation benchmarking → Historical

Charges → one aircraft type, one airport for several version for past charges → Next. Select

Airport basis. Screenshot as seen below:

 It follows airport benchmarking (one aircraft type, one airport for several versions for

past charges) operation expecting defining country criteria, more detail please refer to

Historical Charges

 Benchmark result: Click the “Benchmark” button to get the result with the

corresponding defined criteria, Govt. Taxation Benchmarking result as seen below:

6.4 Export Data of Benchmarking

6.4.1 Export Data as Excel

After finishing a benchmarking in each scenario, the user can click the Export Data to export

the parameters and benchmark result to excel as shown in this screenshot below:

6.4.2 Export Image

After finishing a benchmarking in each scenario, the user can click the Export Image to export

chart as an image.

7. Historical View

Historical View feature is for users to view all published and effective rules, including the past

versions and latest version.

7.1 View Rule

The display result is restricted by user's subscription, e.g., if subscriber is eligible to view

Europe data only, then he/she can get the data related to Europe only.

7.1.1 Define filter Criteria

User enters to Historical View page and can view all published rules according to the authority.

Please see the overview of the Historical view page as shown below:

 Can choose multi items in each search criteria.

 Support fuzzy function in each search criteria.
 Selected value will displayed at top of the list.
 User can filter out records by one date period.
 User can click the “Reset” button to clear all defined criteria.

7.1.2 View Historical

Only published and effective rules are displayed in the Historical view page, and in this page,

user can only view and export the reports.

 Cannot update the unit rate, fixed charges, and effective date in Historical view page.
 The display order of same charge is following the latest version to the last version.
Comment [3]: CR2 need to confirm by
7.2 Export Rules

7.2.1 Export Reports as Excel file

After User filters out result, user should click the Export-> Excel button to export the selected

charge rules as an Excel spreadsheet.

 Exported charge rules are saved in one excel file if the rules are in same Airport/ Country.

 Exported charge rules are saved in one ZIP file if there is multi counties/Airports charge

rules selected

7.2.2 Export Rules as PDF file

After User filters out result, user should click the Export-> PDF button to export the selected

charge rules as a PDF file.

 Exported charge rules are saved in PDF file if the rules are in same Airport/ Country.

 Exported charge rules are saved in one ZIP file if there is multi counties/Airports charge

rules selected.

8. Revision Changes

Revision Changes is just for users who have authority to view published rules’ changes, the

charges can be viewed and are restricted by user's subscription, e.g., if the subscriber is

eligible to view the Europe data only, then he/she can view the charges change related to

Europe only. Now assumption, user has subscribed all regions of Reports.

Record the new published rule or reopen or verify published rules as verified status. Create

new version marked as changed.

8.1 View Revision Changes

8.1.1 Define filter Criteria

User enters to Revision Changes page and no records will display unless search criteria are

set. Please see the overview of the Revision Changes page as shown below:

 Can choose multi items in each search criteria.

 Support fuzzy function in each search criteria.

 User can filter out records by one date period.

 User can click the “Reset” button to clear all defined criteria.

 Asc/Desc function is supported by clicking icon on each column except Action.

 User can view all records page by page, the records number shown on each page can be
altered from the bottom left dropdown list, and default number is 10 on each page.

8.1.2 View Changed Rules

The created new version rules are marked changed status, there is one hyperlink of changed,

if user click the hyperlink, track changes info between current version and past version page

is displayed, user can view the difference between the two versions. Please see the

screenshot as below:

 If the conditions and structures are same between two versions, The Unit rate and Fixed
Charges are will be compared and marked with trend. If not, only display the two

versions info, there is no compare.


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