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Gan, Jam Pebbles Ang Final Exam

BSBAHRM 3-4D Project


Answer the following briefly and concisely: (maximum of 10 sentences per question)

1. Identify one common problem and its solution in Project Management. (20

One of the most common problems that may occur in project management are
unrealistic deadlines. Having an impossible deadline is a project management
challenge that can severely affect the quality of the end product. Any effective
project manager knows the capability of the project team and negotiates the project
timeline by prioritizing deadlines and project tasks. The solution to this said problem
is to encourage an agile management during the planning phase of the project.
Velocity, which is the measure of work completed in a single sprint, is decided
collectively by taking inputs from all stakeholders. This also means that frequent
monitoring of a manager is a must in order to keep track with the project’s timeline.
This method ensures that any increase in scope during the execution of the project
is either avoided or timelines are set to be modified as required.

2. Differentiate Quality Control from Quality Assurance. (20 pts.)

Quality assurance can be defined as a part of quality management focused on

providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled. The confidence
provided by quality assurance is twofold; internally to management and externally to
customers, government agencies, regulators, certifiers, and third parties. An
alternate definition is that all the planned and systematic activities implemented
within the quality system that can be demonstrated to provide confidence that a
product or service will fulfill requirements for quality. On the other hand, quality
control can be defined as part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality
requirements. While quality assurance relates to how a process is performed or how
a product is made, quality control is more the inspection aspect of quality
management. An alternate definition to is that the operational techniques and
activities used to fulfill requirements for quality.

3. Briefly discuss the following:

a. Project Management Governance (15 pts.)

Project management governance is the infrastructure dealing with

responsibility and accountability that surrounds your project. It is the framework
for making decisions regarding the project. Governance in project management
answers the questions, "To whom will I be reporting?" and "Who must report to
me?". It gives a structure of oversight to the entire project. A crucial role in project
governance is that of the sponsor, who serves as the liaison between the board,
the project manager, and the stakeholders. It tells you what activities the
organization does, and who’s responsible. Project governance keeps projects
running smoothly on budget, with timely deliveries and client satisfaction.

b. Paperless Project Management (15 pts.)

With each day passing, technology is growing significantly and digital is

the way to go in communicating, collaborating with colleagues & clients.
Computers started to be the primary requirement for companies in the 1980s.
The technology grew in such a way that a company full of computers wasn’t
surprising in the 1990s. In those days businesses used computers in so many
ways like accounting work, word processing, printing documents to store them in
folders. Now, companies can convert their physical paper-based documents to
electronic paperless copies using document imaging and document management
systems available in the market. An example to this is Paperless Construction. It
is an app that provides a platform where design drawings, management
documents, and plant forms are available in the field, where they are most
needed. Drawings can be viewed and marked up, safety inspections performed,
plant checklists completed, and site instructions directly issued to relevant parties
using a smart phone or tablet without leaving site. This empowers the project
team to have all relevant documentation at their disposal, for use in the right
place and at the right time.

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