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Don Bosco Executive Village, Trece Martires Cavite

“The School that Builds Character”
SY 2017-2018


Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the space given before the number.

1. Joshua excels in sports like basketball that's why he got the scholarship in the prestigious university. What multiple
intelligence does Joshua have?

a. Linguistic Intelligence c. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence

b. Musical Intelligence d. Naturalistic Intelligence

2. Diva is not only a famous singer but also the composer of the famous songs today. And now she stepped to the next
level being the musical producer of an upcoming movie.

Based on the situation above, we can say that Diva is inclined to what multiple intelligence?

a. Musical Intelligence c. Visual-spatial Intelligence

b. Linguistic Intelligence d. Naturalistic Intelligence

3. Lei is the best declamator in her school. But aside from being good in speaking, she's also a member of the Journalism
Club as a feature writer. What multiple intelligence does Lei possess?

a. Logico-mathematical Intelligence c. Linguistic Intelligence

b. Interpersonal Intelligence d. Intrapersonal Intelligence

4. Jerome is known for being friendly. He has a lot of friends not only with his classmates but with other grade level.
That's why he got the landslide victory when he ran as the president of the student council. What multiple intelligence is
shown in the situation?

a. Linguistic Intelligence c. Naturalistic Intelligence

b. Intrapersonal Intelligence d. Interpersonal Intelligence

5. Some artist, poet, and writer use nature as the theme of their artwork or literary work. Basically they appreciate the
beauty of nature and its importance to our lives. These people are intelligent in what type of multiple intelligence?

a. Naturalistic Intelligence c. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence

b. Interpersonal Intelligence d. Intrapersonal Intelligence

Test II. Identification

Direction: Identify what is being asked in the following statement.

1. It involves manipulating mental representation and prevents us from making a mistake (Roberston, 1999).

2. Increase heart rate and dilation of pupil is the response to stress also known as this syndrome.

3. A kind of thinking that requires logic and coherence.

4. It is a natural response to our daily activities.

5. This component of emotion embodies our facial expression.

6. It is the ability of a person to understand and express himself, to understand and relate well with others (Bar-On, 2005).

7. A type of stress that includes pollution, noise, and pain.

8. This is the effect caused by the stressors.

9. He believed that we have different intelligences, the eight Multiple Intelligences.

10. An emotionally competent person can motivate himself to work because he has a positive attitude in life.

11. Feelings of closeness and connectedness in relationships, which include experienced happiness and mutual

12. This is usually referred to as "people skills" because they can influence, communicate, and lead.

13. Feelings of romance, physical attraction, and sexual arousal in a relationship.

14. A kind of love that is also known as "love at first sight."

15. Refers to feelings of friendship, such as closeness, bondedness, and warmth.

Test III. Enumeration

Direction: Enumerate the following.

1. Source of Stress (7)

2. Challenges that adolescent face (4)

3. Kind of love (8)

Good luck and God bless!

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