Countries in Comparative Education

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Countries in Comparative Education:

highly decentralized.
over 40,000 school districts in the 50 states of USA with its own state system of education.
The National US Department of Education only guides, recommends, and sets national
K-12 Education (i.e. from kindergarten to 12thgrade, is an American expression that indicates
the range of years of supported primary and secondary education)
compulsory for all American children.
Homeschooling is also allowed.
Education is mainly provided by the public sector and funded by the federal, state and local
Objectives of Education in USA: • to prepare children for citizenship • to cultivate well-
adjusted and well-informed citizens • to prepare students for a democratic society; where
everyone will have equal rights • to cultivate a skilled workforce • to teach cultural literacy
Curricula in USA • The National US Department of Education guides, recommends, and sets
national standards, but has no statutory control or power over state or local authority. • States
set broad curriculum guidelines; what students should know and be able to do. • School
districts or schools generally select textbooks, adhering to state guidelines. • Within these
guidelines, schools, and even individual teachers, are generally expected to determine content
details and the pace of instruction so that it is suited to the characteristics of students.
High School Curriculum (Grade 9th till 12th) Students take a broad variety of classes without
special emphasis in any particular subject. Mandatory subjects are required in nearly all U.S.
high schools. • Science: (3 years of biology, chemistry and physics). • Mathematics: (4 years of
algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, statistics, and calculus) • English: (4 years of literature,
humanities, composition, etc.) • Social sciences (3 years world and U.S. history, govt.
/economics) • Foreign language (2 years) • Physical education (4 years) • Arts education (2
years) • Vocational, technical or business education (4 years). Picture to be learned from notes.
Teaching Methodology in USA
Direct teaching:
Organized lessons
Computer assisted instruction:
Other common teaching methods used in the US: Lecture, demonstration, experiment, case
study, team project, project work, hands on activities, field trips etc.
Assessment & Evaluation of Education in USA
National level assessment: Progress is monitored through National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) for comparison with other states
State level standardized assessment: . In the U.S., the No Child Left behind Act mandates
standardized testing nationwide. The results are used to make recommendations concerning
placement in courses at the middle and high school levels
In-class tests and quizzes
Teacher Education in USA:
Strengths Weaknesses • Licensure • Constant renewal of license • Constant planning for
betterment such as, surveys for data collection about teacher requirements and the current
needs of teacher education programs. • Effective practicum facilities • Continuous professional
development • Higher pre-requisites criteria for admission in teacher education institutes •
High-Quality statutes (laws) • Excessive use of technology in teacher education
Less salaries of educators • Diversity in requirement of preparing teachers for North America,
Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean requires more practical approaches • Limited
time supervisory teachers spent during practicum • MCQ based testing for licensure does not
ensure teacher readiness • Teachers do not make demographic makeup of K-12 classrooms •
Challenges in Latin America and Caribbean regarding appropriate curriculum for teacher
education Opportunities
Opportunities: Diversity of population, language and cultural background • Training for diverse
countries • Opportunities to invest in performance assessment
Threats: Lesser salaries after graduating from student teacher courses-According to the report,
Education at a Glance 2017, US teachers, on average, earn less than 60% of the salaries of
similarly educated workers. • Decentralized system having lesser controls.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) consists of a group of islands off the
western coast of Europe. The education and training systems of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
are broadly similar.

Objectives of Education in UK Education in England is primarily guided by two ideas: child-centered

education; and social and economic progress
Objectives of education in UK. • The physical, mental and social development of children • To make
them self-dependent • Emphasis upon the development of the emotional knowledge • To emphasis
upon the self-expression • To impart compulsory education

Compulsory Education Statute in UK The Education and Skills Act of 2008 requires pupils to remain in
some form of education or training until the age of 18, even though the statutory leaving age of 16 has
been maintained. Compulsory Education Structure in UK The compulsory education system in the UK is
also split into "key stages" which breaks down as follows: • Key Stage 1: 5 to 7 years old • Key Stage 2: 7
to 11 years old • Key Stage 3: 11 to 14 years old • Key Stage 4: 14 to 16 years old. Picture to be learned
from notes.

Teaching Methodology in UK:

plan lessons for pupils who have low levels of prior attainment or come from disadvantaged

take account of their duties under equal opportunities

A wide range of pupils have special educational needs. Leeson plans to be planned accordingly. The SEN
Code of Practice outlines what needs to be done for them

Teachers must also take account of the needs of pupils whose first language is not English

develop pupils’ mathematical fluency

Assessment & Examination System in UK:

Towards the end of key stage 1 (children of 7 years), there is a statutory assessment in English (reading,
writing, speaking and listening), math and science. It combines external written assessment with
continuous teacher assessment. There may also be phonics screening test at year 1 and 2 if the
standards are not met.

At the end of key stage 2 (end of primary education) there is a statutory assessment in English and
Math. 5. The usual age for transfer to secondary school is 11 years. There is no certificate awarded at
the end of primary education.

At the age of 16, students typically take exams for the General Certificate of Secondary Education
(GCSE). The final assessment of sixteen-year-old or older pupils is a result of examination tests and is
requisite to receive a secondary school graduation certificate.

Exams The exams include: • International GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) • IGCSEs
(International General Certificate of Secondary Education) • GCE O levels (General Certificate of
Education-Ordinary Level) B.Ed. (Hons.) Comparative Education – Students’ Handouts • AS levels
(Advance Subsidiary Level) • A level (General Certificate of Education-Advance Level)

Teacher Education

In order to teach in state-maintained schools in England, teachers must possess Qualified Teacher Status
(QTS). To obtain QTS the individual must go through initial teacher training (ITT) which combines
theoretical learning with at least 18 weeks practicing teaching during school placements.
Pupils who might consider becoming teachers should be encouraged and enabled to stay on at school
up to the age of 18. • Maintenance allowances should be offered to suitable older men and women who
wished to become teachers, and their salaries should reflect their age and experiences.

Graduates should be required to receive professionals training if they are going to teach in primary

Japan Objectives of Education in Japan

important goals in addition to acquisition of academic knowledge, intellectual growth, or vocational

skills. Moral education and character development are also among the central concerns.

Equality of opportunity



Individual development:

System & Structure / Levels of Education in Japan The school system in Japan consists of • three years of
optional kindergarten • six years of primary school • three years of lower secondary school • three years
of upper secondary school There are three types of upper secondary schools in Japan: • senior high
schools • colleges of technology • specialized training colleges (Diagram to be learned from notes)

Curriculum in Japan:

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), in conjunction with
university professors and the Central Council for Education, establishes broad guidelines for the content
of each school subject from preschool education through senior high school

urrently, Japan’s primary school curriculum is divided into three main categories: compulsory subjects,
moral education and special activities. • Compulsory subjects are Japanese language, Japanese
literature, arithmetic, social studies, science, music, arts and handicrafts, programming and PE. English is
currently required in fifth and sixth grade, but it is taught through informal activities rather than as a
graded subject. Beginning in 2020, English will be a graded subject for fifth and sixth graders, with
informal activities starting earlier in third and fourth grade. • Moral education is intended to teach
students to respect one another and the environment, to understand the importance of life, to respect
the rules of society and to learn general self-control. • Special activities refer to activities and
ceremonies that emphasize teamwork and cooperation such as graduations, field trips or school
concerts. The language used, as medium of Instruction, most predominantly in Japanese schools is, of
course, the Japanese language.

Teaching Methodology in Japan

problem-solving activities

make use of lesson studies.

the use of technology in education

Assessment & Examination in Japan:

Exams exist for students entering preschool, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary, and
universities. Japan has national assessments — the National Assessment of Academic Ability (NAAA) —
in grades six and nine. These assessments are in mathematics, Japanese and science.

Teacher education:

Initial teacher education program: Teachers must hold a degree from an institute of higher education

Certificate renewal course: Japan introduced the Teacher License Renewal System in 2009. To renew
teacher by participating in B.Ed. (Hons.) Perspective on Teacher Education

New teacher training programs: Started in 2015

Issuance of teacher certificate: any student who has acquired necessary credits prescribed by the
Educational Personnel Certification Law at a university providing courses approved by the Minister of
Education is awarded a teacher's certificate.

Routes to teaching: 2 year at junior college or 4 year at university level


The city state took first place in the last PISA (global education rankings). Run by the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), PISA tests, conducted every three years, are intended
as a measure of problem-solving and cognition

Objectives of Education in Singapore : slogan “Thinking Schools, Learning Nations” Ministry of Education

To prepare a generation of thinking and committed citizens who are capable of contributing towards
Singapore’s continued growth and prosperity. • The Ministry is constantly revisiting its curriculum to
ensure that the skills and knowledge taught in schools meet the challenges of the 21st century. • The
Singapore education system aims to provide students with a holistic and broad-based education. •
Under the bilingual policy, every student learns English which is the common working language. • Given
the multi-cultural and multiracial characteristics of Singapore, the bilingual policy is a key feature of the
Singapore education system

Quality of Education System in Singapore:

about 450,000 school-going students educated in a system with roughly 369 schools staffed by a
teaching workforce of around 33,000 teachers (Education Statistics Digest, 2015)

Eight Core Skills and Values • Character Development • Self-Management Skills • Social and Cooperative
Skills • Literacy and Numeracy • Communication Skills • Information Skills • Thinking Skills and Creativity
• Knowledge Application Skills

Education System to be learned from Notes

Curriculum in Singapore:

discover his talents and to develop in him a passion for life-long learning
address the need for a common set of values

To enable students to achieve the learning outcomes

Teaching Methodology in Singapore:

transmission of factual and procedural knowledge,

mastery of specific procedures

Classroom talk is teacher-dominated

provide feedback

Examination / Assessment System in Singapore:

Primary school examinations • Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) • International Primary
School Leaving Examination (IPSLE), international variation of the PSLE Secondary school examinations •
Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level) • Singapore-Cambridge GCE Normal Level (GCE
N-Level) o Singapore-Cambridge GCE Normal (Academic) Level (GCE N(A)-Level) o Singapore-Cambridge
GCE Normal (Technical) Level (GCE N(T)-Level) Examinations for tertiary education • Singapore-
Cambridge GCE Advanced Level

Teacher Education: To be learned from notes


In 1986, the Chinese government passed a compulsory education law, making nine years of education
mandatory for all Chinese children. Today, the Ministry of Education estimates that above 99 percent of
the school-age children have received universal nine-year basic education.

Objectives of Education in China:

Improving moral development in primary and secondary education

Furthering the reform of the education system and educational mechanisms:

implementation of compulsory education by controlling dropout rates

Introduce centrally compiled textbooks for compulsory education:

Promote the development of world-class universities and disciplines

Education Structure: To be learned from Notes

Curriculum in China:

national curriculum

Ministry of Education (MOE) began to approve the use of multiple texts and resources

In 1988, Shanghai established a three-block curriculum, which enabled students to participate in

required and elective courses as well as extracurricular activities as part of their schooling, which was a
major change from the previous curriculum focused solely on core subjects
As of 2017, the Shanghai government is embarking on a new round of curriculum reforms, focused on
developing the skills of the future in students

Teaching Methodology in China:

chalk and talk” approach

ask and answer questions, invite students to demonstrate solutions on the board, quiz students about
their thinking. teacher-driven classrooms,

Assessment & Examination System in China:

year-end or term-end tests as well as informal assessment from teachers

take graduation examinations at the end of primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary school

rigorous university entrance examination

Teacher Education in China:

Pre-service teacher education: Pre-service education is housed in monotechnic colleges or

shifanxueyuan (specialized teacher education institutions), which enjoy a unique status within the
overall education system.

In-service teacher education: The in-service courses are offered on a part-time basis and are more
flexible in length and format. organize research to address local problems.

In-service teacher education is organized into four levels with specific target trainees; ✓ Provincial
colleges of education; which are responsible for training senior high school teachers ✓ County or city
colleges or teachers' advancement colleges; which are responsible for training junior high school
teachers ✓ County teachers' schools; which are responsible for training primary and kindergarten
teachers ✓ Town and village teachers' supervisory centers; which are responsible for training in their
own geographic areas

Education in Pakistan / Sindh

Objectives of Education in Pakistan / Sindh:

“Our education system must provide quality education to our children and youth to enable them to
realize their individual potential and contribute to development of society and nation, creating a sense
of Pakistani nationhood, the concepts of tolerance, social justice, democracy, their regional and local
culture and history based on the basic ideology enunciated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of

Formal Education (Public and Private Education)

Education Structure (formal) in Pakistan comprises of six levels:

• Katchi / Early Childhood Education (ECE)

• Primary
• Middle (Elementary is the collective term for Primary and Middle)

• Secondary

• Higher Secondary

• Tertiary education.

Public Sector Private Sector


Public sector organisations are owned, Private sector organisations are owned, controlled and
controlled and managed by the government or managed by individuals, groups or business entities.
other state-run bodies.


The ownership of the public sector units can be The ownership of private sector units is by individuals or
by central, state or local government bodies, entities with zero interference from the government.
and this ownership is either full or partial.


The main motive of public sector organisations The main motive of the private sector is to earn profits from
is to engage in activities that serve the general their business operations.

Source of Capital

The capital for public sector undertakings The capital for private sector entities comes either from its
comes from tax collections, excise and other owners or through loans, issuing shares and debentures, etc.
duties, bonds, treasury bills etc.

Employment Benefits

Public sector units provide several employment Private sector units offer benefits like higher salary
benefits like job security, housing facilities, packages, better chances of promotion and recognition,
allowances and retirement benefits. competitive environment and greater incentives in terms of
bonus and other benefits.


Jobs within the public sector are very stable Jobs within the private sector are not very secure since non-
since the chances of getting sacked due to non- performance can lead to sacking. Companies can also fire
performance are very low. people in case of cost cutting or scaling down of operations.


The criteria for promotion in the public sector The criteria for promotion in the private sector units is
units is generally based on the seniority of the generally based on the merit and job performance of the
employee. employee.


Some of the main areas that come under the Some of the main areas that come under the private sector
public sector are police, military, mining, are information technology, finance, fast moving consumer
manufacturing, healthcare, education, transport, goods, construction, hospitality, pharmaceuticals, etc.
banking, etc.

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