BSBXCM501 Self-Study Guide

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Self-Study Guide

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

About this document

This document is to be used as a self-study guide at home/in your own time to complement the
formal learning you are doing as part of your classroom or online studies. It is a requirement of your
course that you complete the activities in this guide.
You will need to take your notes/completed activities to class, or follow your trainers direction about
how to complete activities.
If you are unsure about anything, talk to your trainer/assessor.

Self-study Guide

Unit code and title BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

Instructions You are to complete each of the self-study tasks below. Each activity
is a mandatory part of your study. After completing each of the tasks,
tick the box below to show that you have completed the activity and
bring evidence of this to class to share.

© 2020 RTO Works <RTO Name and ID>

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace Self-study Guide

Activity Task time Completed

Watch & research Watch the videos from the RTO Works video 2 hours 

 People as Assets (People Management)

Conduct your own research to answer the

following questions:

 How is effective communication important

when leading a team?

 What’s the difference between a manager

and a leader and how does this impact
communication in the workplace?

 Have you ever had an experience similar to

that of Tom and Sue’s? What was it and
how did you deal with it? If not, imagine
you’re in Sue’s position and note down how
you would handle the situation.

Practical activity Divide into groups of three and elect one 4 hours 
member of the group to be the manager while
the other two are the employees. Imagine one of
the employees is struggling at work due to an
overload in work and is therefore experiencing
constant drowsiness and agitation from being
overworked. Meanwhile, the other employee
feels they aren’t receiving enough work and
would like to take on more responsibilities. In
your group, discuss:

 What are the main problems being

experienced here and how could effective
communication improve this problem?

 What barriers to communication are evident

in this scenario and how might conflict
management assist with these?
In your group, act out how each member should
approach this scenario using effective
communication to solve the issue.

© 2021 RTO Works

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace Self-study Guide

Activity Task time Completed

Research Imagine you’re managing a business of your 4 hours 

choice and research some of the different ways
you can gather feedback from your employees
on your managing style.

 Why would receiving feedback be important

and what are the pros and cons of doing

 What communication techniques can you

use to ensure staff feel comfortable coming
to you about any problems they may be
experiencing in the workplace? What
barriers would you have to overcome?
Take notes to share in class.

Review Review your assessment requirements for this 3 hours 

unit and read through your Project Portfolio so
you know what you will be required to do. Make
sure you review your Student Guide if you need
to revisit some areas of your training. Ask your
trainer any questions before you begin your
assessment to ensure you understand all of the
learning and are ready to be assessed.

Reflection Reflect on the following: 2 hours 

 Information learned during your training

 Your main key “takeaways” from this unit

 What did you learn that you didn’t know

already? How can you apply this in your

 What did you find challenging or

confronting? How did you overcome these
challenges or barriers?

© 2021 RTO Works

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