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B. Complete the following statements using appropriate modal.

Circle the letter

of your choice.

1. I’d love to come with my friends to the park, but I ______ join my family during

this difficult time.

a. must b. may c. can d. can’t

2. You _____ hit your sister again! Do you understand?

a. mustn’t b. can c. have to d. should

3. You _____ carry all the burden. Just try to reach out to your parents.

a. have to b. mustn’t c. must d. can

4. My mother is totally vegetarian. You _____ cook or eat meat in our house.

That’s how we show respect.

a. can’t b. must c. may d. should

5. I did this yesterday – I can help you! You _____ stop blaming yourself even

for small inconvenient things.

a. must b. should c. can d. can’t

6. Cellphones _____ be kept silent or turned off during COVID-19 evening family

Oratio Imperata.

a. have to b. should c. can d. can’t

7. You _____ always count on me as your older bro if you are feeling lonely.

a. have to b. mustn’t c. can d. can’t

8. ______ I call you whenever I feel sad, so we can have a strong family


a. Can b. Must c. Mustn’t d. Should

9. You ___ come to dad’s birthday, it would help us all if you’re there. a. mustn’t b. should c. can d. can’t

10. Did mother and father tell you that you ___ come into this area? It’s restricted for children like us.

a. mustn’t b. may c. can d. should

Directions: Read and analyze each sentence below. Identify the correct verb to be used.

1. I will send her an invitation if I (find) her address.

a.would find b. will find c. found d. find

2. Alan will mix the drinks if Jane (give) him some of her cocktail recipes.

a. gives b. will give c. gave d. would give

3. If I owned a lonely island, I (build) a huge house by the beach.

a. would build b. would have built c. built d. build

4. If I don’t see him this afternoon, I (phone) him in the evening

a. phone b. phoned c. will phone d. would phone

5. If John has the money, he (buy) a Ferrari.

a. will buy b. buys c. bought d. would buy

6. If we had a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas.

a. sail b. sailed c. will sail d. would sail

7. Elaine (buy) the drinks if somebody helps her carry the bottles.

a. will buy b. buys c. bought d. would buy

8. Frank will play the DJ if others (bring) along their CDs.

a. bring b. brings c. brought d. would have brought

9. If he had more time, he (learn) karate.

a. learned c. learn c. would learn d. would have learned

10. If our team had won the match, they (move up) in the league.

a. move up b. would have moved up c. will move up d. moved up

Read the poem, then do the tasks that follow.

The Road Not Taken

By Robert L. Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Task 1. Answer the following questions. Write the letter which represents your answer

on a sheet of paper.

1. Which intersection point the poet stood?

a. crossroads b. Two roads c. Three roads

2.The poet felt sorry because?

a. He could not see the road well b. He could not travel on both the roads

c. He did not know the direction

3. The poet took the road.

a. To the right b. To the left c. The one less traveled on

4. In poem, the speaker describes___

a. Conflicts in life b. Problems we face in life c. Choices we make in life

5. What did the poet see in the yellow wood?

a. Two paths diverging in different directions b. Trees in the forest c. Green grass

6. In the line “Oh I kept the first for another day!”, the first refers to_____?

a. Narrators choice b. The road c. Fate

7. Frost uses the image of two diverging roads to symbolize___

a. Sorrow and regret b. Life's choice c. The spirit of independence

8. According to the poet, why does the second road has the better claim?

a. Because it was a familiar path b. Because it has never been used

c. Because it had been traveled less on

9. Which of the following statements is the closest interpretation of the line

"yet knowing how way leads on to way?"

a. You can never go home alone b. It's easy to get lost in a path

c. One path takes you to the next

10. Looking back on his decision, the speaker feels?

a. Relieved b. Regretful c. Meditative

Speech style is a communicative style which portrays how a language is

characterized in terms of degree of formality. These styles include casual, for-

mal, consultative, frozen and intimate.

Learning Task 8: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write only the letter of

your choice.
1. It is the communicative style that is used in private conversation and is

applied by the persons with very close relationship.

a. frozen b. intimate c. casual d. formal

2. This communicative style is used in corporate meetings.

a. consultative b. casual c. frozen d. formal

3. This type of communicative style rarely changes.

a. frozen b. formal c. intimate d. casual

4. This communicative style can be applied when writing a letter with


a. intimate b. frozen c. casual d. formal

5. This communicative style does not use unplanned speech.

a. frozen b. consultative c. intimate d. casual

6. Lawyer-client relationship uses this type of communicative style.

a. intimate b. formal c. consultative d. frozen

7. When you sent a private message to your friend using your social media

account, you use this type of communicative style.

a. formal b. casual c. intimate d. frozen

8. When your mother talks to your father about their future plans for the

family, this type of communicative style is applied.

a. consultative b. formal c. intimate d. casual

9. “Lupang Hinirang” uses this type of communicative style.

a. frozen b. intimate c. consultative d. casual

10. This type of speech style uses slang and colloquialism.

a. frozen b. formal c. intimate d. casual

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