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ee DE VERA, CHAMP NORMAN C. 82 ASSIGNMENT NO.24 MALE AND FEMALE PERINEUM ‘At the end of the course the student must be able to: 1. Name the boundaries of the perineum. 5 Disease the triangles of the perineum as to their: a, boundaries b. structures 3, Discuss the ischiorectal fossa as t0 its: a. boundaries b. contents 4, Identify the pudendal canal. 5. Trace the pudendal ‘nerve and its ‘branches. €.Trave the internal pudendal vessels and their ranches. 7. Identify the urogenital diaphragm £, Discuss the superficial perineal pouch in male and female as to its: a. boundaries . contents 49, Discuss the deep perineal pouch in male and female as to its: a. boundaries b. contents 10, Bmumerate and discuss the parts of the the male external genitalia. Ti, Enumerate and discuss the parts of the female external genitalia. 1D, Differentiate the upper and lower halves ofthe anal canal as to their: ‘a. mucosa ». blood supply c. nerve supply 13, entity the structures responsible for fecal continence. 4, Give the anatomical basis for hemorroids DEVERA, CHAMP NORMAN C. B82 0. MALE AND FEMALE P LABORATORY tnan articulated pelvis. Identify the boundaries of the perineum nen dividing the perineum into its urogenital and anal ‘What are the surface landmarks triangles? Miuatrae the boundaries of the perineum wsi ing the photograph below ov Symp ysis (ue sneum, study and identify the vis and peri ‘and related muscles. \s of the male and female pel anal canal, In the sagittal model: i the external genitalia, urogenital diaphragm, edoral qunatain Looky DE VERA, CHAMP NORMAN C. 2 In the cadaver previously used in the laboratory procedures for the pelvis and pelvic contents, identify the structures identified in the sagittal models. In the male cadaver not yet sawn, place a piece of wood between the thighs to keep them abducted. Identify the following landmarks: pubic bones pubic arch ischiopubic rami ischial tuberosities, coceyx DE VERA, CHAMP NORMAN C. 82 Dissect the layers of the scrotum. Enumerate the layers found post sl 2 pididynis seo gl yi a aan meinen Ke eremuten fossth pw Seanitiferay) bebules iow Agent nlere| oferrohy ek Ava % yoni extural Udviecayernonas ea sefeeFadl Tmarers® pennal body [evaebr ani tHe aide q qehw frotnvr Detach the muscles of the urogenital triangle and the root of penis and push them upwards and forwards. Identify the perineal membrane. B2 oor ee Soe Sa (hour vineguite In the female urogenital triangle, identify the root ok the clitoris and muscles covering them. Review the contents of the scrotum, What are these? ‘The scrotum contains three major (paired) structures: -Spermatic cord is a collection of muscle fibers, vessels, nerves and ducts that run to and from the testes. ~Testis is the main site of sperm production. Epididymis is situated at the head of each testicle. It functions as a storage reservoir for sperm. ‘The ductus deferens ascends to the inguinal canal accompanied by blood vessels, nerves, lymphatics, coverings and all together this is called spermatic cont, ‘What are the components of spermatic cord? ‘The contents of the spermatic cord include the following: -Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve -Parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves -Lymphatic vessels DE VERA, CHAMP NORMAN C. 82 -Vas deferens Testicular artery ~Artery of the ductus deferens -Cremasteric artery -Pampiniform plexus Label the testes, epididymis, testicular vessels, cremaster muscle, external spermatic fascia, superficial fascia and scrotal skin in the picture below. Label the perineal body on the previous drawings of male and female. What are the muscles attached to it? Male perineal body, Superficial transverse perineal muscle External anal sphincter -Bulbospongiosus Female perineal body DE VERA, CHAMP NORMAN C. 82 Superficial transverse perineal muscle -Levator ani muscle -Bulbospongiosus muscle -External anal sphincter muscle Now examine the anal triangle. You will find here the anal canal and the ischiorectal fossa. Label the latter in previous drawings. Ina coronal section of the rectum and anal canal. Label the following. a. rectum b. Houston's valves . levator ani d. ano-rectal ring . external anal sphincter f. internal anal sphincter g. anal columns hanal valve i, Hilton's line J. ischiorectal fossa , pudendal canal hos bom yelve Jevaler en; wttena) ava) spline )\\ exdernt aa MPA Wine Sone lum of hrorgagnc Shinde What are the blood supply of rectum and anal canal and their root of origin? -Middle rectal artery ~ branch of the internal iliac artery. -Inferior rectal artery ~ branch of the internal pudendal artery. ~Superior rectal artery ~ terminal continuation of the inferior mesenteric artery. DE VERA, CHAMP NORMAN C. 82 What are the venous drainage of rectum and anal canal and their drainage ~ Venous drainage is via the corresponding superior, middle and inferior rectal veins. Label the following blood vessels related to rectum and anal canal, — ortay evatiinl terkualar ottey vntern| itia, ern Aafenvt glvleat arery uh orey middle ele shart Yeshua lene een sien] Kehutr vem

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