Interview Questions

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Interview Questions for Doctors

A) Opener
Tell me about yourself or go through your CV.

B) Work experience

Why did you choose this career? Why did you choose this
Your professional experience: Tell us about your background as a
doctor: education and experience. What are your specialties/
What unique skills do you possess?
Why are you interested in this hospital/department?
What are you career goals? Is this hospital a proper fit?
How do you handle workload stress and emergency situations?
Describe your day to day activities, priorities and tasks.
What are your weaknesses and strengths?
Describe your most successful accomplishments.
What are the key challenges of this (field of medicine)? What are
your personal challenges?
Why should we hire you? What benefits will you bring to us?
Do you have references? How would your employers describe
you? How would your patients describe you?
Education /training/Future Goals:

1 What would you hope to achieve in the first 12 months?

2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
3 What do you see as the next step in your career?

The interviewer wants to know if you are serious about staying

with the company and to determine whether you’ve given some
thought to your future.


1 How soon can u join or start work. Have you any questions for

Mostly in the interview you are ask how to perform mental state
examination and do risk assessment..
History taking is bread n butter so need to be good in that
They will ask regarding D/D of low mood and Aetiopathogenesis
of psychosis or their mx..
Lithium, its indication and its toxicity and effects on thyroid
status before kicking off the interview......
They usually give Scenarios of psychosis and Mx.
Commonly used drugs for
promethazine,zolpidem,trazode and haloperidol.
You can be asked about Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa.
May ask about Clozapine ....and last but not the least ECT........
please see Ect guidelines
They would definitely ask about risk assessment.
They may also ask about approaching a difficult scenario.
Forexample, you are called to see a patient in A&E who is
demanding to leave. At the same time, you are called to see a
patient on the ward urgently who is medically unwell and the
next minute, you get a call from the surgical ward where a
patient has become violent. How do you proceed.
Some consultants are interested in audits and may ask relevant
They asked about any interesting psychiatric case u managed,
suicide risk assessment in 14 yr old girl who has taken
paracetamol overdose.
bipolar management
Indication of lithium and lab follow up.
Breaking bad news.
Suicide risk assessment.
Management of agitated patient.

What's your experience in pediatrics and what type of cases have
you seen.
Can you pass IV line?
Can you handle neonates?
Have you done any pediatrics/neonatal resuscitation course.
Stay confident during interview and speak with fluency.
Don't show confuse face on Skype. Any post graduate experience
will give edge as they make up their mind before they start
They will ask open question about your work experience and then
it's your job to elaborate your answer as much as you can like
tell them that you have seen emergency cases have done opd can
pass lines, can pass ett. Have done lp. Have done neonatal
resuscitation course recently.
Show that pediatrics is your passion and you want to make
career in it. Tell them if you have done any training post or exam
in paeds. Same questions and answering style applies for
interview of all other fields

Emergency med or medicine

Apart from the usual CV and A&E questions DKA seems to be a
favorite. They may show you an ABG and ask for diagnosis

ECG interpretation (most commonly anterior MI) would invariably

be expected in the interview.
I would advise going through the emergencies Section of OHCM.
DD of confusion, chest pain.
Scenario of inferior wall MI, and management
5 differential of crushing chest pain.
How will you proceed with unconscious 80 yrs old lady?

Questions some doctors were asked in an emergency medicine

1. Challenges you are likely to face at your job.
2. ECG of anterior MI. Very obvious st-t changes. Another ECG of
3. Blood gas interpretation. Readings were suggestive of severe
metabolic acidosis. Then shown increased blood glucose levels
and asked for diagnosis.
4. Immediate management of acute coronary syndrome.
5. Any interesting case you have come across.
6. Your friend calls you and asks that you inform the Consultant
that he is sick today and won't come in for work. You know he is
lying. What do you do?
7. A man has taken a significant overdose of paracetamol. He
insists he does not want treatment and wants to leave. Psychiatry
on call will not see him until he is medically stable. How do you

DDs of epigastric pain, central abdominal pain, right illiac fossa
Head injury..
You should know clinical diagnosis, investigations and
management of Acute abdomen. cholecystitis, cholangitis,
pancreatitis, DU perforation, appendiciits, bowel obstruction,

You should also know the ABCDE management of patient in

shock (could be due to conditions in acute abdomen).

You should know how to consent for appendicectomy, lap chole

and open inguinal hernia repair..

There would be general questions about your CV, what have you
done so far in terms of operative surgery (they don't expect much
at SHO level). Make sure you can tell them at least 1 strength
and 1 weakness of yours.

You should know DVT prophylaxis and fluids.

If you know all that.. You’ll fly in the interview.


When on a job interview, the questions that you forget to ask are
usually the biggest indicators of a practice's long term viability.
Anaesthesiologists should bring the following list of questions on
Job Interviews:

 What is your work experience, your skills procedure you

 Why did u apply for this position?
 How many cases per year do you currently perform as group
and individually?
 What is the breakdown of practice?
o ____% Critical Care
o ____% Pain Management
o ____% Peads
o ____% Hearts
o ____% Heads
o ____% OB
o ____% Bread and Butter
o ____% Other:_______________
 They might ask u about pre anaesthesia evaluation of
patient who is going for surgery or ect or c section?
 How many deliveries are performed each year, approx?
 How many of them require epidurals?
 What volume trends have you seen over the last 5 years to
get you to this point?
 What changes do you expect to see in the case volume over
the next 5 years, and why?
 Are you planning for fellowships exams to build a successful

 How many providers are in the team?
o ____ Anesthesiologists
o ____ CRNAs
o ____ Anesthesia Assistants/Techs
 If a pain management practice, what procedures are being
performed there and what are the volumes of each?


 How would you describe the relationship between the

Anesthesiologists and the CRNAs on staff?
 What percentage of time will you are personally providing
anesthesia care compared to directing CRNAs?
 How many Operating Rooms are in the hospital you
 How many Delivery Rooms?
 What is the relationship like between the OB's and the
Anesthesia team?
 How is OB call handled? Do they stay during epidurals, or
do they monitor?
 Are there Outpatient Surgery Centers? If so, what are their



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