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Transfer Of Heat through conduction

Name :Assad Ali Khan

Roll Number : BZ638688

Subject : Science

Topic : Transfer Of Heat through conduction

Class :7th

Size of class :27

School Name : GHS Kote Gali (Balakot) Mansehra

Duration : 35 minutes

Date : 4/08/2021

❖ Objectives Of lesson :
After this lesson the students will be able to

1. Learn scientific attitude.

2. Learn what are the application of science in our life.
3. Learn what is the purpose of thermal energy in our daily life.
❖ Specific objectives:
After this lesson the students will be able to learn
1. Heat transfer through conduction.
2. Good and bad conductors.
3. Learn how temperature and heat energy is transferred from one place to another.
4. Learn how the hotness and coldness effects.
❖ AV Aids:

White board, marker , spoon , light source.

❖ Teaching Method:
Lecture cum demonstration Method

❖ Introductory Question/Previous Knowledge:

To check the previous knowledge of students I will ask some questions related to topic for example

1. What is heat energy.

2. How the feeling of hotness and coldness measures

3. Effect of heat on our body temperature
❖ Presentation:
At the start of the lesson I will announce my topic i.e Transfer Of Heat through conduction then I
will tell the students about heat energy and its applications in our daily life. The process of transfer
of heat energy it is also called heat transfer.There are three modes of heat transfer i.e

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation

My focus in this topic is to cover the main idea of conduction of heat. In this mode heat is transferred by
a direct contact of two bodies having different temperatures one is hot than other and also heat is
transferred through thermal vibration of particles without the actual movement of particles from one
place to another.

Second portion of presentation is to give a knowledge about good and bad conductors.

Good conductors

Those substances In which heat can easily flow are called good conductors.For example iron , copper
steel etc.

Bad conductors

Those substances In which heat cannot flow easily are called bad conductors.For example rubber , paper
wood etc.

❖ Demonstration:
We design a small activity in class in which we need a spoon and a light source to show the students the
effect of conduction of heat that how heat is transferred through conduction from the part under which
heat source is on to another end.

❖ Evaluation:
By asking students an exemplary question related to the topic that

a) What is heat energy how it is transfer from a place to other.

b) What are the modes of heat transfer and how heat transfer takes place during conduction
of heat.
c) What are conditions for conduction of heat.
❖ Home Work:
1. Students are asked to write the definition of transfer of heat.
2. Students are asked to write the definition of conduction of heat with detail.
3. Write three good conductors and three bad conductors.

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