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Mid-term exam 2021

MUhammad Ghayoor Roll 210157

May 21, 2021

In this article we will discuss about the rate of filling up hemispherical

1 introduction
water is flowing into hemi-sphere is to a reservoir shaped like a hemispherical
bowl of radius R m, shown here in profile.

π(3Ry 2 − y 3 )
V = (1)
. therefore rate of filling water meter cube per minute is given by following
= π(2Ry − y 2 )
when the water is y meters deep.We will find At what rate is the water level
changing when the reservoir just starts to overflow?

1.1 techenique to solve the problem related to rate of


1.2 tables column1 column2

1 a1 1 a12
2 a2 1 a2 2
3 a3 1 a3 l

Table 1: first table

1.3 conclusions
we used here derivative technique to see the rate of flow and after certian time
it start to overflow.[1]

[1] E. Oñate and S. Idelsohn, A mesh-free finite point method for advective-
diffusive transport and fluid flow problems, Computational Mechanics 21
(1998), 283–292.

[2] John S. Ramberg, Edward J. Dudewicz, Pandu R. Tadikamalla, and Ed-

ward F. Mykytka, A probability distribution and its uses in fitting data,
Technometrics 21 (1979), no. 2, 201–214.

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