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Corporacién Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR” & Bachelor in Education Teaching English as a Foreign Language CREAR Subject: English Literature Analysis Workshop on guessing meaning from context Dear student, Follow these instructions carefully: 1, Read each TOEFL text carefully : 2. Answer the vocabulary questions trying to follow the tips given in the vocabulary guide. 3. DO NOT USE ANY DICTIONARES EXERCISE 1 Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the READING EXERCI: questions that follow. PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-5) oh ‘Smog > Te oxidation of exhaust gases Is one of the primary sources of the world’s pollution. ‘Tho brown haze that is polled over some of the world’s Largest cities is properly called photochemical smog; it resuits from chemical reactions that fake place in the air, using the ‘energy of sunlight. The preduction of smog begins when gases are created in the cylinders of vehicie engines. It is there that oxygen and nitrogen gas combine as the fuel burns to form nitric oxide (NO), a colorless gas. The nitric oxide is {GFC8d out into the air through the vehicle tailpipe along with other gases. > _ When the gas reaches the air, it comes into contact with available oxygen from the atmosphere and combines with the oxygen to produce nitrogen dioxide (NOz), which is a (92s with a brownish hue. This nitrogen dioxide plays Pole in the formaton of acid rain in wetter or more humid climates and tends to decompose back into nitnc oxide as it releases: en oxygen atom from each motecule: the released oxygen atoms quickly combine with ‘oxygen (0,) molecules to form azone (0,). The brownsh cotored nitrogen dioxide is partially responsible for the brown color in smoggy alr; the ozone 1s the toxic substance that causes imtation to eyes. 1, The word “pOWEY" in paragraph 1 is closest 4, The word “hi” in paragraph 2 is closest in in meaning to meaning to © interacting A color @ sitting © blowing © thickness, © poisoning ® smoke 2. The phrase “take [plaGe" in paragraph 1 is 5, The phrase * aC closest in meaning to ts closest in ene on? @ position themselves ® makes fun of @ out ‘serves a function in © ore seated © acts the par of @ ocour ® moves about in ‘3. The word "forebd” in paragraph 1 could ‘ best be replaced by @ odiiged © required @ pusned © commanded ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR” Q Bachelor in Education Teaching English as a Foreign Language Subject: English Literature Analysis Workshop on guessing meaning from context EXERCISE 2 Corporaci6n Virtual PASSAGE TWO (Questions 6-10) Autism ‘ental disorder that is characterized by severe behavioral abnormalities across all primary areas of functioning, Its OASAt is often early; it generally sere teett known by the age of two and one-half, It is not a single disease entity but ig instead a BYRBFOHC dofined by patterns and characteristics ‘of behavior, it, therefore, most likely has multiple 6ti6ISgies rather than o single causative factor. Autism is not fully understood and thus is controversial With, respeet to diagnosis, etlology. and treatment Autism is a developm: strategies. 6. The word “priefiaify" in the passage could 9. The word “etialogies” in the passage is best be replaced by closest in meaning to ® elementary @ symptoms @ man ® patterns + © introductory @ causes @ primitive © onsets 7. The word “Biigét” in the passage is closest 10. Tho phrase “With Fes peet to” in the passage in meaning to could best be replaced by @ placement ® with dignity toward @ arrangement © in regard to © support © irrespective of @ beginning © out of politeness for 8. Tho word “#yiiGiOMi6” in the passage is closest in meaning to @ concurrent set of symptoms ® feeling of euphoria © mental breakdown ® repetitive task Scanned with ComScanner Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR” Corporaci6n Bachelor in Education & Teaching English as a Foreign Language CECAR Subject: English Literature Analysis Workshop on guessing meaning from context. EXERCISE 3 PASSAGE THREE (Questions 11-15) Parasitic Plants > _Parastic plants are plants that survive by using food produced by host plants rather than by producing their own food from the Sun's energy. Because they do not need sunlight to survive, parasitic plants are generally found in iimbrageous areas rather than in areas exposed to direct sunlight. Parasitic plants attach themselves to host plants, often to the ‘stems of roots, by means of haustoria, which the parasite uses to make its Way int6 the food channels of the host plant and absorb the nutrients that it needs to survive from the ‘ost plant. - > The world’s heaviest flower, a species of rafflesia, is a parasite that flourishes among. ‘and lives off of, the roots of jungie vines. Each of these ponderolis blooms can weigh up to 15 pounds (7 kilograms) and can measure up to 3 feet (1 moter) across. Paragraph ‘The word “Uifibfageous” in paragraph 1 is 14, The word “Bondérous” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to - closest in meaning to @ moist © smelly © well lit @® hidden @ shaded © buried heavy 12, “Haiisteria” in paragraph 1 are most likely 15, The word “aéross” in paragraph 2 could © offshoots from the parasite best be replaced by © seeds of the host plant @ in diameter © fruits from the host plant @ on the other side © ata distance @ {004 for the parasite © insido and out 43. The phrase “ifiakelits Way paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to @ develop @ penetrate © outline Dea Scanned with ComScanner Corporaci6n Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR” Bachelor in Education Teaching English as a Foreign Language Subject: English Literature Analysis Workshop on guessing meaning from context Peregr EXERCISE 4 PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 16-24) Edna Ferber 2 > Edina Ferber (1887-1968) was a por pular American novelist in the first half of the ‘career by working as a newspaper reporter in twentieth century. She her is. Her first novel, Dawn O'Hara, the Girl W/no Wisconsin and soon began writing novels, ‘sho was only twenty-four years old. Laughed, was published in 1911, when novel So Big (1924), which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize > Herbig Beal came with the in Literature. ‘on hard work and honor and a son who fepiudiate’ the easier path to fortune and celebrity. Like many of “The main confit in the novel is betwen a mother who pldges a high value his mother's values, instead preferring 1 Ferber’s novels, this novel features ‘Trenatious female BRGtagaRIa with strong character who struggles to deal with ethical dilemmas about the of status and money. Ferber's novels was Show Boat (1926), which tells the story > _ Probably the best known of ‘ot a Southern woman maried to a charismatic but iresponsible man who leaves her with a IBRD great nd to support. In 1927, the novel was made into a musical daughter she must that has BRGUREY to the present. ‘well-known novels by Ferber includ le Cimarron (1930) and Giant (1952), both of ter’ which were made Into movies. These were BpIG nove's about the settlement and growth j strong female lead characters who marry men lacking the same 16. The phrase “BIBAIHBAIA in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to @ took a trip to @ started out on © improved upon © had an opinion about 17. The word “BREAK” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by @® rupture ‘@ revelation © opportunity OD rest 18. The word “BIBBES” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ® locates @ puts © recites © positions 19. The word “fOpUUHaHGS” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to © retuses 10 accept ® Wves up to © tries to understand © makes the best of 20. The word “protagonist” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to © arch enemy © voracious reader © skilled worker @ lead character 21, The phrase “fake great pains” iwen, oe ® work diligently ® recognize hurtfully @ accept unequivocally ® burt agonizingly 22, Tho word “BARB” in paragr closest in meaning to ee @ lasted ® tested 23, The word "BIG" in bei ed by Paragraph 4 could best ® lengthy narrative © detailed nontfictional @ emotionally romantic ® rousing Western Scanned with CamScanner

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