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Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Provisioning and Operating Procedures

Standard Release 1.2 Issue 1 April 2005

What’s inside...
Node information
Shelf level view
Equipment and facility provisioning
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management
Nodal cross-connect management
Communications management
Protection switching
Copyright  2004-2005 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved

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as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder is granted no rights to use the information contained herein.

This information is provided “as is”, and Nortel Networks does not make or provide any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
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Nortel, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.

Printed in Canada

Contents 0
About this document ix

Node information 1-1

Overview 1-1
General information 1-1
System information 1-1
Time of day 1-2
Node information parameters 1-3
Site Manager navigation 1-7
Procedures and options for node information 1-8
Associated procedures 1-8
Abbreviations used in procedures 1-9
List of procedures
1-1 Displaying node information 1-10
1-2 Changing the network element date and time, NE mode, or node name, or
CLLI 1-11
1-3 Editing the nodal system parameters 1-14
1-4 Editing time of day synchronization parameters 1-16
1-5 Setting time of day servers 1-17
1-6 Operating a time of day synchronization 1-19

Shelf level view 2-1

Overview 2-1
Site Manager navigation 2-1
Procedures and options for shelf level view 2-2
Associated procedures 2-2
Abbreviations used in procedures 2-2
List of procedures
2-1 Displaying shelf graphics 2-3
2-2 Performing a lamp test 2-6
2-3 Enabling/disabling slot based auto equipping 2-8

Equipment and facility provisioning 3-1

Overview 3-1
Equipment management 3-1
Facility management 3-2
International gateway 3-3

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
iv Contents

Equipment and facility parameters 3-3

Circuit pack/SFP/DPO shelf assignments 3-4
Primary and secondary states 3-5
Facility parameters 3-7
Section trace parameters 3-13
Path provisioning parameters 3-14
Site Manager navigation 3-16
Procedures and options for equipment provisioning 3-17
Procedures and options for facility provisioning 3-18
Associated procedures 3-19
Abbreviations used in procedures 3-19
List of procedures
3-1 Retrieving equipment and facility details 3-20
3-2 Provisioning a circuit pack automatically 3-21
3-3 Provisioning an SFP/DPO automatically 3-23
3-4 Provisioning a circuit pack or SFP/DPO manually 3-24
3-5 Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1 TM automatically 3-26
3-6 Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1TM manually 3-28
3-7 Defining or editing a site address for a DSM 3-30
3-8 Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO 3-31
3-9 Deleting a circuit pack or SFP/DPO 3-33
3-10 Changing the circuit pack or SFP/DPO variant 3-34
3-11 Adding a facility 3-35
3-12 Changing the primary state of a facility 3-37
3-13 Editing facility parameters 3-39
3-14 Deleting a facility 3-41
3-15 Operating/releasing a loopback 3-43
3-16 Retrieving and editing section trace messages 3-47
3-17 Retrieving and editing path provisioning 3-49

BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-1

Overview 4-1
Site Manager navigation 4-2
Procedures and options for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-3
Associated procedures 4-4
Abbreviations used in procedures 4-4
Specific requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-4
List of procedures
4-1 Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps 4-5
4-2 Adding a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map 4-6
4-3 Copying a ring map from one node to another node 4-8
4-4 Editing a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration 4-10
4-5 Deleting a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map 4-13

Nodal cross-connect management 5-1

Overview 5-1
OME6500 connection types 5-1
Supported unidirectional configurations 5-4
Payload interconnection 5-5

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Contents v

Time slot assignment (TSA) 5-9

Time slot interchange (TSI) 5-9
International gateway connections 5-10
Nodal cross-connect parameters 5-11
Site Manager navigation 5-17
Procedures and options for provisioning nodal cross-connects 5-17
Associated procedures 5-18
Abbreviations used in procedures 5-19
Specific requirements for bandwidth management in a UPSR/SNCP ring 5-19
Specific requirements for bandwidth management in a BLSR/MS-SPRing 5-20
List of procedures
5-1 Retrieving cross-connects 5-21
5-2 Deleting a cross-connect 5-23
5-3 Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect
5-4 Editing a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR
cross-connect 5-30
5-5 Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a 1+1/MSP linear
configuration 5-33
5-6 Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a 1+1/MSP
linear configuration 5-36
5-7 Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration 5-40
5-8 Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing and linear spur
configuration 5-44
5-9 Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing with
subtending UPSR/SNCP configuration 5-48
5-10 Provisioning dual feed connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration 5-52
5-11 Provisioning dual feed connections in an unprotected chain
configuration 5-58
5-12 Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a UPSR/SNCP configuration 5-62
5-13 Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a
UPSR/SNCP configuration 5-64
5-14 Provisioning dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration 5-70
5-15 Provisioning redundant (separate nodes) dual feed GE connections in a
UPSR/SNCP configuration 5-75
5-16 Provisioning redundant dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP
configuration (with an add/drop node) 5-81
5-17 Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a UPSR/SNCP with linear spur
configuration 5-87
5-18 Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a single-homed subtending
UPSR/SNCP configuration 5-90

Synchronization 6-1
Overview 6-1
Timing generation 6-1
Timing distribution 6-3
Synchronization operating modes 6-4
Synchronization status messages 6-5

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
vi Contents

Stratum clocks 6-7

Synchronization hierarchy 6-8
Hierarchy violations 6-9
Timing loops 6-9
Building-integrated timing supply 6-10
Mixed timing engineering guidelines 6-10
Synchronization parameters 6-12
Site Manager navigation 6-17
Procedures and options for provisioning system synchronization 6-18
Associated procedures 6-19
Abbreviations used in procedures 6-19
Guidelines for provisioning synchronization 6-20
List of procedures
6-1 Retrieving synchronization data for a network element 6-23
6-2 Provisioning ESI parameters 6-24
6-3 Provisioning the network element timing mode and references 6-26
6-4 Provisioning ESO parameters 6-29
6-5 Provisioning ESO references 6-31
6-6 Setting the synchronization status message override quality level 6-34

Inventory 7-1
Overview 7-1
Site Manager navigation 7-1
Procedures and options for inventory information 7-1
Associated procedures 7-2
List of procedures
7-1 Displaying shelf inventory information 7-3
7-2 Copying inventory information 7-4

Communications management 8-1

Overview 8-1
Interfaces 8-2
OAM comms management 8-4
OAM comms routing 8-4
TID address resolution protocol (TARP) 8-5
DSM OAM comms 8-6
Communications management parameters 8-7
Comms Setting Management options 8-7
Routers tab 8-8
Interfaces tab 8-17
Servers tab 8-25
Site Manager navigation 8-26
Procedures and options for Comms Setting Management 8-27
Associated procedures 8-28
Abbreviations used in procedures 8-28
List of procedures
8-1 Retrieving communications settings 8-30
8-2 Editing the communications settings 8-31
8-3 Adding a new entry in the communications settings 8-33

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Contents vii

8-4 Deleting an entry in the communications settings 8-35

8-5 Using the ping and trace utilities 8-36

Protection switching 9-1

Equipment protection overview 9-1
Cross-connect circuit pack protection 9-2
63xE1 and 24xDS3/EC-1 circuit pack protection 9-2
Provisioning 1:N equipment configurations 9-5
1:N protection switch criteria 9-5
1:N protection exerciser 9-7
84xDS1 TM circuit pack protection 9-7
Provisioning 1+1 84xDS1 TM equipment configurations 9-8
1+1 84xDS1 TM protection switch criteria 9-8
Traffic protection overview 9-9
1+1/MSP linear traffic protection 9-12
Provisioning MSP linear protected connections 9-12
1+1/MSP linear protection switch criteria 9-13
2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic protection 9-15
Provisioning 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic protection 9-19
BLSR/MS-SPRing protection switch criteria 9-21
STS/VC BLSR/MS-SPRing with VT/LO VC assignment 9-22
Traffic protection exerciser 9-23
UPSR/SNCP traffic protection 9-23
Provisioning UPSR/SNCP traffic protection 9-24
UPSR/SNCP protection switch criteria 9-25
Synchronization protection 9-27
Protection parameters 9-29
Schedule parameters 9-29
Site Manager navigation 9-31
Procedures and options for provisioning protection 9-31
Procedures and options for protection status 9-32
Procedures and options for protection exerciser 9-32
Procedures and options for synchronization protection 9-32
Associated procedures 9-33
Abbreviations used in procedures 9-33
List of procedures
9-1 Retrieving protection parameters 9-34
9-2 Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities 9-36
9-3 Changing the protection parameters for a pair of facilities 9-40
9-4 Changing the protection scheme for electrical equipment 9-42
9-5 Changing the protection parameters for electrical equipment 9-44
9-6 Retrieving protection status details 9-45
9-7 Operating a protection switch 9-47
9-8 Releasing a protection switch 9-50
9-9 Scheduling the exerciser 9-52
9-10 Retrieving the exerciser schedule 9-55
9-11 Running/inhibiting the exerciser 9-56
9-12 Retrieving synchronization protection status details 9-59
9-13 Operating a synchronization protection switch 9-60
9-14 Releasing a synchronization protection switch 9-62

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
viii Contents

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005


About this document 0

This document provides information about provisioning and operating the
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 (OME6500) network element.

The document contains information on:

• nodal information
• shelf level view
• equipment and facility provisioning
• nodal cross-connect provisioning
• synchronization provisioning
• inventory
• communications management
• protection switching

Supported software
This document supports the software release for Nortel Optical Multiservice
Edge 6500 Release 1.2.

Supported hardware
This document supports the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 optical,
optical/front electrical, and optical/rear electrical shelves.

The following members of your company are the intended audience of this
Nortel technical publication (NTP):
• planners
• provisioners
• network administrators
• transmission standards engineers

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
x About this document

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and the Electronics
Industries Alliance (EIA) accepted RS-232 as a standard in 1997 and
renumbered this standard as TIA/EIA-232. In this document, RS-232 is used
to reflect current labels on the hardware and in the software for the Optical
Multiservice Edge 6500.

Associated documents
Procedures in this document require the user to perform associated procedures
in the following documents:
• Security and Administration, 323-1851-301
Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 NTP library

Planning a Network Installing, Managing and Maintaining and Supporting

Commissioning and Provisioning Troubleshooting documentation
Testing a Network a Network a Network for the OME6500
Site Manager for
Optical Multiservice
Edge 6500 R1.2
Planning and
Installation Guide

Interworking Guide

About the Installation Security and Performance

OME6500 (323-1851-201) Administration Monitoring
NTP Library (323-1851-301) (323-1851-520)
(323-1851-090) Commissioning
and Testing Provisioning Alarm and
Ordering Information (323-1851-221) and Operating Trouble Clearing
(323-1851-151) Procedures (323-1851-543)
Planning Guide Module
(NTRN10BC) Replacement

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Node information 1-
General information
The OME6500 general parameters provide general information about the
network element. The following general parameters are editable by the user
(usually set during the commissioning phase):
• network element name
• network element mode
• date and time
• common language location identifier (CLLI)
The network element (NE) mode determines the overall function of the
network element in either a SONET or SDH environment (see Planning
Guide, NTRN10BC for details). On initial startup, the NE mode is Unknown.
While the network element is in the Unknown mode, the user cannot provision
other aspects of the network element. The user sets the NE mode to either
SONET or SDH during initial commissioning. When the user sets the mode,
the user can provision the network element.

System information
The OME6500 supports system or network element wide parameters. The
following network element wide facility parameters are editable by the user
and used by the system to trigger actions:
• fan monitoring
• path signal degrade threshold
• path excessive bit error ratio (BER) threshold
• path switch event reporting
• line/multiplex section (MS) switch event reporting
• path protection switch criteria
• path alarm indication signal (AIS) insertion
Some system facility parameters are not editable by the user but are used by
the system to trigger actions (for example, Ethernet/WAN thresholds).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-2 Node information

Time of day
The OME6500 supports time of day (TOD) synchronization which allows the
shelf processor to synchronize its time with simple network timing protocol
(SNTP) servers:
• up to 5 SNTP servers can be provisioned (no servers set as default)
• synchronization frequency of the shelf processor can be provisioned in
10 minute granularity up to 24 hours (default 1 hour)
• the shelf processor selects the SNTP server to use based on stratum and
When TOD synchronization is enabled, the shelf processor time is
automatically adjusted after a shelf processor replacement or shelf power
failures. If no SNTP server is available, the shelf processor time is based on an
internal clock. When an SNTP server is available, the shelf processor time is
automatically adjusted after shelf processor replacement or shelf power

Note: When the time is received from the SNTP server, the shelf processor
gradually adjusts the time (except for after a restart). After a restart, the
time is updated immediately.

If OMEA server(s) are managing the OME6500 network element, TOD

synchronization is automatically provisioned when the network element is
enrolled by the OMEA so that timestamps for alarms and events are aligned.

When the OMEA enrols the OME6500 network element, the OMEA:
• first sets the OME6500 time to the OMEA time (setting the time to the
OMEA time first ensures that the initial timestamps are aligned as
alignment using SNTP can take several minutes)
• provisions the primary OMEA server as the first SNTP server on the
OME6500 network element
• in a resilient OMEA configuration, provisions the secondary OMEA
server as the second SNTP server on the OME6500 network element
• if applicable, removes the third, fourth, and fifth SNTP servers provisioned
on the OME6500 network element
• sets the polling interval on the OME6500 network element to 1440 minutes
(24 hours)
If managed by the OMEA, it is recommended that you do not manually
provision the SNTP servers. If SNTP servers are manually provisioned, the
TOD provisioning information is replaced when the network element is
enrolled by the OMEA and whenever communications is re-established after
a communications break between the OME6500 network element and the
OMEA servers.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-3

Node information parameters

Table 1-1
Nodal general parameters

Parameter Options Description

Name Up to 20 Network element name.
alphanumeric Note: The name can include any combination of upper and lower
characters case letters, numbers, and special characters. The name cannot
include the following characters:
backslash (\), space, double-quote ("), colon (:), semicolon (;), ampersand
(&), greater than (>), less than (<), or comma (,)
Type Optical Type of network element. Read-only.
Multiservice Edge
6500 Optical,
Front Electrical,
or Rear Electrical
Function OCP Function of network element (Optical Convergence Platform).
Shelf number 1 Shelf number (‘1’ only in current release). Read-only.
Software REL0120x.xx Software version of network element. Read-only.
NE mode Unknown Software mode of network element.
Date YY-MM-DD Current date, where YY is last two digits of the year, MM is the month,
and DD is the day. User can enter new date or set date to local date.
Time HH-MM-SS Current time, where HH is in a 24 hour format, MM is the minute, and
SS is the second. User can enter new time or set time to local time.
Display Time Current local time Time zone of local machine (PC or UNIX). Read-only.
zone zone Note 1: To change the local time zone, use the procedures for
changing the time zone from the operating system (OS). The new
local time zone will appear when Site Manager is launched again.
Note 2: The user has the option on displaying timestamps using
either the NE time zone or local time zone by setting the user
preferences. See Alarm and Trouble Clearing, 323-1851-543 for
procedure for changing timestamp display.
NE Time GMT Time zone of network element (GMT). Read-only.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-4 Node information

Table 1-1 (continued)

Nodal general parameters

Parameter Options Description

CLLI Up to 11 11-character alphanumeric code in the form CCCCSSBBUUU where:
characters • CCCC denotes the city, town, or locality code
• SS denotes the geographical area (for example, state or province
• BB denotes the building code or network site
• DDD denotes the network entity or unique traffic unit identifier
The combination of these codes comprise a unique place, a unique
building, and a specific entry.

Table 1-2
Nodal system parameters

Parameter Options Description

Monitor fan Off, On (default) Determines if monitoring of the fans is On or Off.
When Off, the fans are not monitored and no fan
alarms are raised.
Path SDTH 1 x 10^-5, 1 x 10^-6 (default), Determines the BER at which:
1 x 10^-7, 1 x 10^-8, • an UPSR/SNCP autonomous protection switch
1 x 10^-9 due to signal degrade occurs between two
protected paths
• alarm reporting occurs
Path EBER 1 x 10^-3 (default), 1 x 10^-4, Determines the BER at which:
1 x 10^-5 • an UPSR/SNCP autonomous protection switch
due to excessive BER occurs between two
protected paths
• alarm reporting occurs.
Path Switch Event None, User Initiated Determines if path protection transient events are
(default), Automatic, User & reported for operator (manual) and/or automatic
Auto switch conditions.
Line/MS Switch None, User Initiated, Determines if line/multiplex section protection
Event Reporting Automatic, User & Auto transient events are reported for operator (manual)
(default) and/or automatic switch conditions.
Path Protection Signal Degrade, Trace Define which criteria, in addition to Path AIS and
Switch Criteria Identifier Mismatch, Path LOP, which cause an autonomous protection
Unequipped, Payload Label switch between two protected paths in a
Mismatch, Excessive Bit UPSR/SNCP configuration.
Error Rate Note: Signal Degrade, Unequipped, and
Excessive Bit Error rate are enabled by default for
SONET. No criteria are enabled by default for SDH.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-5

Table 1-2 (continued)

Nodal system parameters

Parameter Options Description

Path Alarm Trace Identifier Mismatch, Determines the triggers for path AIS insertion (in
Indication Signal Unequipped, Payload Label addition to AIS and LOP).
Insert Mismatch Note: Enabling path AIS insertion for a selected
trigger also causes RFI/RDI to be sent back from
the path terminating equipment for that path.
Ethernet SDTH Number (default 1%) Ethernet client signal degrade threshold value at
which alarm reporting occurs, shown as a
percentage of errored frames (see Note).
Ethernet EER Number (default 20%) Ethernet client excessive error ratio threshold
value at which alarm reporting occurs, shown as a
percentage of errored frames (see Note).
WAN Frame SDTH Number (default 1%) WAN frame (GFP-F) signal degrade threshold
value at which alarm reporting occurs, shown as a
percentage of errored frames (see Note).
WAN Frame EER Number (default 20%) WAN frame (GFP-F) excessive error ratio
threshold value at which alarm reporting occurs,
shown as a percentage of errored frames (see
Note). Read-only.
Note: A value of 0 means the alarm is not raised.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-6 Node information

Table 1-3
Time of day parameters

Parameter Options Description

Status On, Off (default) Time of day synchronization status.
Polling interval 10 to 1440 minutes in Determines the time interval (in minutes) for when
10 minute intervals timing reference source is checked.
(default 60)
Source 1 to 5 Timing reference source number
Address Standard dot notation IP address of the timing reference.
Status Active, Inactive, Unknown Timing reference status:
• Active: indicates the server which provided the
time for the last poll (best stratum)
• Inactive: indicates the server is available
• Unknown: indicates the server is unavailable
Last HH-MM-SS Displays the last time the time was adjusted (either
synchronization the poll time, the last gradual adjustment, or the
last manual synchronization). Read-only.
Next HH-MM-SS Displays the time of next time of day
synchronization synchronization or status if not known. Read-only.
This field is calculated dynamically using the
current time and reflects any changes that are
applied as a result of a gradual adjustment. If there
is no detected offset at poll time, the field remains
constant. If there is a detected offset, the offset is
applied in gradual adjustments over a period of
time until the detected offset is zero. As a result of
the gradual adjustment either speeding up or
slowing down the clock, the Next Synchronization
field will move in the same direction as the clock
Detected offset HHHH-MM-SS Displays the difference between the shelf
processor and the Active server time. Read-only.
Note 1: This field may be negative (for example,
-7303:34:45) or positive (for example, 7303:34:45).
Note 2: Periods of over 1 day are displayed in
hours, therefore the number of hours may be large.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-7

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with node information for the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500. The
figure shows the path from the Site Manager menu bar.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-8 Node information

Procedures and options for node information

Node Information application

Option Parameters Procedures and tables

Opening view

General N/A Procedure 1-1, Displaying node information on page

System 1-10
Time Of Day

Edit command

General Date and Time Procedure 1-2, Changing the network element date and
Node name time, NE mode, or node name, or CLLI on page 1-11
NE mode • Table 1-1, Nodal general parameters on page 1-3

System Monitor fan Procedure 1-3, Editing the nodal system parameters on
Path SDTH page 1-14
Path EBER • Table 1-2, Nodal system parameters on page 1-4
Path Switch Event
Line/MS Switch Event
Path Protection Switch
Path Alarm Indication Signal

Time Of Day Settings- Procedure 1-4, Editing time of day synchronization

Status parameters on page 1-16
Polling Interval • Table 1-3, Time of day parameters on page 1-6
Servers- Procedure 1-5, Setting time of day servers on page 1-17
• Table 1-3, Time of day parameters on page 1-6
Synchronize Procedure 1-6, Operating a time of day synchronization
on page 1-19

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-9

Abbreviations used in procedures

AIS Alarm indication signal
CLLI Common language location identifier
EBER Excessive bit error ratio
EER Excessive error ratio
GFP Generic framing procedure
IP Internet protocol
LOP Loss of pointer
MS Multiplex section
NE Network element
OCP Optical Convergence Platform
OS Operating system
PLM Path label mismatch
RDI Remote defect indicator
RFI Remote fault indicator
SDTH Signal degrade threshold
SNTP Simple network timing protocol
TIM Trace identifier mismatch
UNEQ Unequipped
TOD Time of day
UPC User privilege code
WAN Wide area network

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-10 Node information

Procedure 1-1
Displaying node information
Use this procedure to display nodal information about the network element.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element from the navigation tree.

2 Select Node Information from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Node Information application. The window contains three tabs which
display the following node information:
• General tab
Name, Type, Function, Shelf number, Software version, NE mode, Date,
Time, Display Time zone, NE Time zone, and CLLI.
See Table 1-1 on page 1-3 for details.
• System tab
Monitor fan, Path SDTH, Path EBER, Path Switch Event, Line/MS Switch
Event Reporting, Path Protection Switch Criteria, Path Alarm Indication
Signal Insert, Ethernet SDTH, Ethernet EER, WAN Frame SDTH, and
WAN Frame EER.
See Table 1-2 on page 1-4 for details.
• Time Of Day tab
Time of day settings (status and polling interval), server information
(source, address, and status), and synchronization information (last
synchronization, next synchronization, detected offset).
See Table 1-3 on page 1-6 for details.
Select the appropriate tab to display the required information.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-11

Procedure 1-2
Changing the network element date and time, NE
mode, or node name, or CLLI
Use this procedure to change the following general node parameters:
• date and time (see Note)
• NE mode
• node name
Note: The date and time are reset to the default values (01-01-01,
00:00:00) in the following scenarios unless time of day (TOD)
synchronization is enabled:
— power cycle
— a cross-connect circuit pack is not present when the shelf processor is
reseated or restarted
— a communication fault between the shelf processor and the
cross-connect circuit pack when the shelf processor is restarted
In these scenarios where TOD synchronization is not enabled, you must
reprovision the date and time.
See Table 1-1 on page 1-3 for details.

To perform this procedure you must use an account with:
• a level 4 or higher UPC to edit the date and time
• a level 3 or higher UPC to edit the NE mode, node name, or CLLI

Step Action

1 Select the required network element from the navigation tree.

2 Select Node Information from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Node Information application.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Click Edit to open the Edit General dialog box.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-12 Node information

Procedure 1-2 (continued)

Changing the network element date and time, NE mode, or node name, or CLLI

Step Action

5 If you want to Then go to

change the date and time step 6
change the CLLI step 9
change the NE mode step 12
change the node name step 18
close the dialog box step 25

See Table 1-1 on page 1-3 for details.

6 Select Date and Time from the Parameter drop-down list.
7 Do one of the following:
a. Click Set to Local Date & Time
b. In the New value field, enter the new time using the format
hour:minute:second (HH:MM:SS) and the new date using the format
year-month-day (YY-MM-DD).
Note 1: When you enter the time, use the 24-hour format.
Note 2: If the Time Zone Display user preference is set to Network Element
(which is always Greenwich Mean Time, GMT), the user must enter the GMT
time. If the Time Zone Display user preference is set to Local OS, the time the
user enters is converted to GMT before being sent to the network element
(the network element always runs on GMT).
Note 3: To apply the new time and date to all the logged in network elements,
select the Apply to all logged in NEs check box.
8 Click Apply. Go to step 5.
9 Select CLLI from the Parameter drop-down list.
10 Enter the CLLI in the New value field.
Note: The CLLI must be 11 characters or less. The CLLI cannot include
special characters but can include spaces. Spaces are included in the length
of the CLLI. To maintain case sensitivity when the CLLI includes lowercase
characters, enclose the CLLI in double quotes (“). The double quotes are not
included in the length of the CLLI.
11 Click Apply. Go to step 5.
12 Select NE mode from the Parameter drop-down list.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-13

Procedure 1-2 (continued)

Changing the network element date and time, NE mode, or node name, or CLLI

Step Action

13 Select the NE mode from the New value drop-down list.

Note 1: You cannot change the mode back to Unknown unless you delete
all provisioning (equipment, facilities, synchronization, and related entities).
Note 2: You cannot change the mode from SONET to SDH or from SDH to
SONET. To change the mode, you must first delete all provisioning and
change the mode to Unknown.
Note 3: If the network element is managed by OMEA, you must initiate a
ReDiscover on OMEA if the NE mode is changed.
14 Click OK.
15 Click Yes in the confirmation box. You will be logged out of the network
16 Wait for 5 minutes and log in to the target network element again. Refer to the
logging in procedures in Security and Administration, 323-1851-301.
17 Select the General tab and check that the NE mode has changed.
Go to step 4.
18 Select Node name from the Parameter drop-down list.
19 Enter the new node name in the New value field.
Note 1: The network element name must be between 1 and 20 alphanumeric
characters (inclusive). The name can include any combination of upper and
lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. The name cannot
include the following characters:
backslash (\), space, double-quote ("), colon (:), semicolon (;),
ampersand (&), greater than (>), less than (<), or comma (,)
Note 2: You cannot change the node name if there is more than one user
logged in to the network element, an error message is displayed.
20 Click OK.
21 Click Yes in the confirmation box. You will be logged out of the network
22 Log in to the target network element again. Refer to the logging in procedures
in Security and Administration, 323-1851-301.
23 Select Node Information from the Configuration drop-down menu.
Note: The Node Information application is automatically displayed after you
log in to and select a network element.
24 Select the General tab and check that the node name has changed. Go to
step 4.
25 Click OK.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-14 Node information

Procedure 1-3
Editing the nodal system parameters
Use this procedure to edit the following system node parameters:
• monitor fan
• path SDTH
• path EBER
• path switch event
• line/MS switch event reporting
• path protection switch criteria
• path alarm indication signal insert
See Table 1-2 on page 1-4 for details.
To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element from the navigation tree.

2 Select Node Information from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Node Information application.
3 Select the System tab.
4 Click Edit to open the Edit System dialog box.
See Table 1-2 on page 1-4 for details.
5 Select the required fan monitoring status from the Monitor fan drop-down
6 Select the required threshold from the Path SDTH drop-down list.
7 Select the required threshold from the Path EBER drop-down list.
8 Select the required event reporting status from the Path Switch Event
drop-down list.
9 Select the required event reporting status from the Line/MS Switch Event
Reporting drop-down list.
10 Select or clear the required check boxes from the Path Protection Switch
Criteria field. Any combination of options can be selected.
Note: The selected triggers for path protection switches are in addition to
Path AIS and Path LOP which always cause an autonomous protection
switch between two protected paths in a UPSR/SNCP configuration.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-15

Procedure 1-3 (continued)

Editing the nodal system parameters

Step Action

11 Select or clear the check boxes for path AIS insertion triggers in the Path
Alarm Indication Signal Insert field.
Note 1: The selected triggers for path AIS insertion are in addition to path
AIS and path LOP which always trigger path AIS insertion.
Note 2: Enabling path AIS insertion for a selected trigger also causes
RFI/RDI to be sent back from the path terminating equipment for that path.
12 Click OK.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-16 Node information

Procedure 1-4
Editing time of day synchronization parameters
Use this procedure to edit the following time of day status and polling interval
parameters on the network element:
• status
• polling interval
See Table 1-3 on page 1-6 for details.

Note: If OMEA server(s) are managing the OME6500 network element,

the TOD provisioning is performed automatically. If managed by the
OMEA, it is recommended that you do not manually provision the time of
day. For details, refer to Time of day on page 1-2.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level of 3 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Node Information from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Node Information application.
3 Select the Time Of Day tab.
4 Click Edit (in the Settings area of the window) to open the Edit Time of Day
settings dialog box.
5 Select the On radio button to activate time of day synchronization or the Off
radio button to deactivate time of day synchronization.
6 Select a polling interval (in minutes) from the Polling interval drop-down list.
7 Click OK to save the time of day parameters.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-17

Procedure 1-5
Setting time of day servers
Use this procedure to add, edit or delete up to five time of day timing servers
(SNTP servers) on the network element.
Note: When the state of the server is unstable or displayed as “Unknown”,
the network element switches to another provisioned timing server.

The following IP addresses are invalid addresses for the time of day server and
should not be entered:
• NE-IP (network element circuitless IP-address)
• subnet mask for the network element
• network element gateway
• default gateway
• loopback
• broadcast
See Table 1-3 on page 1-6 for details.

Note: If OMEA server(s) are managing the OME6500 network element,

the TOD provisioning is performed automatically. If managed by the
OMEA, it is recommended that you do not manually provision the time of
day. For details, refer to Time of day on page 1-2.

To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with a level of 3 UPC or higher
• ensure you have the IP address of an SNTP server

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Node Information from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Node Information window.
3 Select the Time Of Day tab.
4 Select an option:
If you are Then go to
adding a timing server step 5
editing a timing server step 9
deleting a timing server step 13

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-18 Node information

Procedure 1-5 (continued)

Setting time of day servers

Step Action

5 Click Add (in the Servers area of the window) to open the Add Time of Day
servers dialog box.
Note: If maximum number of timing servers are provisioned (five), the Add
button is disabled.
6 Select a source from the Source drop-down list.
Note: If a source value is already provisioned it does not appear in the drop
down list.
7 Enter the IP address of the timing server in the IP field.
8 If you Then
want to add additional timing servers click Apply. Go to step 6.
do not want to add additional timing servers click OK. The procedure
is complete.

9 Click Edit (in the Servers area of the window) to open the Edit Time of Day
servers dialog box.
10 Select a source from the Source drop-down list.
11 Edit the IP address of the timing server in the IP field.
12 If you Then
want to edit additional timing servers click Apply. Go to step
do not want to edit additional timing servers click OK. The procedure
is complete.

13 Select a server source from the Node Information window (in the Servers
14 Click Delete (in the Servers area of the window) to delete the selected server.
15 Click OK to confirm the delete. The procedure is complete.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Node information 1-19

Procedure 1-6
Operating a time of day synchronization
Use this procedure to force the network element to attempt to reference its
internal clock to the active provisioned SNTP server.

Note: An Unable to Synchronize TOD alarm is raised if none of the

provisioned time of day servers are reachable or valid or if the offset
between the time of day server time and the network element time exceeds
± 30 minutes.

To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with a level of 3 UPC or higher
• ensure the status parameter is On, see Procedure 1-4, Editing time of day
synchronization parameters on page 1-16.
• ensure the time of day timing source is provisioned, see Procedure 1-5,
Setting time of day servers on page 1-17.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Node Information from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Node Information window.
3 Select the Time Of Day tab.
4 Click Synchronize (in the Servers area of the window) to initiate a time of
day synchronization.
Note: If the synchronization is successful, the Detected offset field is set to
5 Click Refresh to update the Node Information window.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
1-20 Node information

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Shelf level view 2-

The shelf level view allows the user to view a graphical representation of a
shelf or a DS1 service module (DSM) together with shelf, equipment, and
circuit pack details. In addition, the user can perform a lamp test and
enable/disable auto equipping.

Note: For more information on auto equipping, refer to Equipment

management on page 3-1.

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with shelf level view for the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500. The
figure shows the path from the Site Manager menu bar.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
2-2 Shelf level view

Procedures and options for shelf level view

Shelf Level View application

Option Parameters Procedures and tables

Opening view

Shelf Details N/A Procedure 2-1, Displaying shelf graphics on page 2-3

Lamp Test command

N/A Equipment Procedure 2-2, Performing a lamp test on page 2-6

Auto Equip command

N/A Enabled Procedure 2-3, Enabling/disabling slot based auto equipping

Slot on page 2-8

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Abbreviations used in procedures

DPO DWDM pluggable optic
DS1 Digital signal, level 1
DSM DS1 service module
LAN Local area network
LED Light emitting diode
MIC Maintenance interface card
SFP Small-form factor pluggables
UPC User privilege code

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Shelf level view 2-3

Procedure 2-1
Displaying shelf graphics
Use this procedure to display a graphical representation of the network
element or DSM and to display information about a circuit pack.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Shelf Level View from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Shelf Level View application.
Note: After the Shelf Level View application appears on the screen, you can
open it in a window separate from the main display by:
• selecting Open in New Window from the File drop-down menu
• right-clicking on the application tab in the nodal manager instance and
selecting Open in New Window from the pop-up menu
• holding the left button down when over the application tab in the nodal
manager instance and dragging the application outside the main window
3 If you Then go to
want to review shelf details step 4
want to review circuit pack details step 5
want to review DSM details step 7
have reviewed the required details the procedure is complete

4 Select the Shelf Details tab and review the information in the Shelf Details
area of the Shelf Level View application.
Note: The squares that appear to the right of the shelf view indicate alarms
raised against non-circuit pack items, such as common equipment, facility, or
environment. You can display information about any of these alarms by
right-clicking on a square and selecting Show Alarms from the pop-up menu.
The Alarm Filtering dialog box appears. For alarm retrieval procedures, refer
to Alarm and Trouble Clearing, 323-1851-543.
Go to step 3.
5 Select the Circuit Pack Details tab and click on a circuit pack within the Shelf
Level View area to select it.
6 Review the circuit pack information in the Circuit Pack Details area.
Note 1: You can display information about the alarms raised against a circuit
pack by right-clicking on the circuit pack in the Shelf Level View application
and selecting Show Alarms from the pop-up menu. The Alarm Filtering
dialog box appears. For alarm retrieval procedures, refer to Alarm and
Trouble Clearing, 323-1851-543.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
2-4 Shelf level view

Procedure 2-1 (continued)

Displaying shelf graphics

Step Action

Note 2: You can open the Add Equipment dialog box by right-clicking on a
slot in the Shelf Level View application, and selecting Add Equipment from
the pop-up menu. The Add Equipment dialog appears. See Provisioning a
circuit pack or SFP/DPO manually on page 3-24 for details of the Add
Equipment dialog box.
Note 3: You can display information about the circuit pack by right-clicking
on the circuit pack in the Shelf Level View display and selecting Show
Equipment from the pop-up menu. The Equipment & Facility Provisioning
application appears. See Retrieving equipment and facility details on page
3-20 for details of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
Note 4: The shelf graphics area displays the alarm status of circuit packs in
color if the Alarms check box is selected. If one or more alarms are raised
against a circuit pack, the highest severity of the alarms is displayed.
Go to step 3.
7 Click on a 155622M circuit pack associated with the DSM within the Shelf
Level View area to select it.
Note: Circuit packs associated with a DSM have ‘DSM’ after the circuit pack
name (‘155622M DSM’).
The DSM Details tab becomes enabled.
8 Select the DSM Details tab, click on a DSM in the DSM Details table, and
select Show.
The Remote Shelf Level View application opens in a separate window.
9 If you Then go to
want to review DSM shelf details step 10
want to review DSM circuit pack details step 11
have reviewed the required DSM details step 3

10 Select the Shelf Details tab and review the information in the Shelf Details
area of the Remote Shelf Level View application.
Note: The squares that appear to the right of the shelf view indicate alarms
raised against non-circuit pack items, such as common equipment, facility, or
environment. You can display information about any of these alarms by
right-clicking on a square and selecting Show Alarms from the pop-up menu.
The Alarm Filtering dialog box appears. For alarm retrieval procedures, refer
to Alarm and Trouble Clearing, 323-1851-543.
Go to step 9.
11 Select the Circuit Pack Details tab and click on a circuit pack within the
Remote Shelf Level View area to select it.
12 Review the circuit pack information in the Circuit Pack Details area.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Shelf level view 2-5

Procedure 2-1 (continued)

Displaying shelf graphics

Step Action

Note 1: You can display information about the alarms raised against a circuit
pack by right-clicking on the circuit pack in the Remote Shelf Level View
application and selecting Show Alarms from the pop-up menu. The Alarm
Filtering dialog box appears. For alarm retrieval procedures, refer to Alarm
and Trouble Clearing, 323-1851-543.
Note 2: You can open the Add Equipment dialog box by right-clicking on a
slot in the Remote Shelf Level View application, and selecting Add
Equipment from the pop-up menu. The Add Equipment dialog appears. See
Procedure 3-6, Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1TM manually on page 3-28 for
details of the Add Equipment dialog box.
Note 3: You can display information about the circuit pack by right-clicking
on the circuit pack in the Shelf Level View display and selecting Show
Equipment from the pop-up menu. The Equipment & Facility Provisioning
application appears. See Retrieving equipment and facility details on page
3-20 for details of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
Note 4: The shelf graphics area displays the alarm status of circuit packs in
color if the Alarms check box is selected. If one or more alarms are raised
against a circuit pack, the highest severity of the alarms is displayed.
Go to step 9.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
2-6 Shelf level view

Procedure 2-2
Performing a lamp test
Use this procedure to perform a lamp test on the LEDs on the shelf or DSM.
For more information on lamp test, refer to Alarm and Trouble Clearing,

To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 2 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Shelf Level View from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Shelf Level View application.
Note: After the Shelf Level View application appears on the screen, you can
open it in a window separate from the main display by:
• selecting Open in New Window from the File drop-down menu
• right-clicking on the application tab in the nodal manager instance and
selecting Open in New Window from the pop-up menu
• holding the left button down when over the application tab in the nodal
manager instance and dragging the application outside the main window
3 If Then go to
you want to perform a lamp test on the OME6500 shelf step 4
you want to perform a lamp test on the 84xDS1TM step 8
circuit packs on a DSM shelf

4 Click Lamp Test to open the Lamp Test dialog box.

5 Select the required slot or All from the Slot drop-down list.
Note 1: Selecting Slot 1 performs a lamp test on the LEDs on the circuit pack
in Slot 1 and the LEDs on the access panel (LAN port LEDs).
Note 2: Selecting Slot 17-2 performs a lamp test on the LEDs on the MIC
and the LEDs on the fan modules.
Note 3: You cannot perform a lamp test on the LEDs on the power input
Note 4: Selecting All performs a lamp test on all the LEDs in the OME6500
shelf (except the power input cards) and on the 84xDS1TM circuit packs on
all provisioned DSM shelves.
6 If you want the circuit pack/pluggable LEDs to flash, select the using User
Intervention/Flash test check box.
Note 1: The All option is not available from the Slot drop-down list if the
using User Intervention/Flash test check box is selected.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Shelf level view 2-7

Procedure 2-2 (continued)

Performing a lamp test

Step Action

Note 2: The Slot drop-down list is dependent on the using User

Intervention/Flash test check box selection (for example, pluggables only
support the Flash option).
Note 3: Only ports on circuit packs with pluggables physically present can
be selected for a port user intervention flash test.
Note 4: You cannot perform a user intervention flash test on the LEDs on the
MIC, the power input cards, the access panel, the fan modules, or the LAN
on the shelf processor.
7 Click OK.
If the using User Intervention/Flash test check box is cleared, the LEDs on
the selected circuit pack (or all the circuit packs) are lit for 30 seconds.
If the using User Intervention/Flash check box is selected, the LEDs on
the selected circuit pack or pluggable flash for 15 minutes.
Note: You can stop a user intervention flash test by performing a non-flash
lamp test.
The procedure is complete.
8 Click on a 155622M circuit pack associated with the DSM within the Shelf
Level View area to select it.
Note: Circuit packs associated with a DSM have ‘DSM’ after the circuit pack
label (‘155622M DSM’).
The DSM Details tab becomes enabled.
9 Select the DSM Details tab, click on a DSM in the DSM Details table, and
select Show.
The Remote Shelf Level View application opens in a separate window.
10 Click Lamp Test to open the Lamp Test dialog box.
11 Select the required slot from the Slot drop-down list.
12 If you want the circuit pack/pluggable LEDs to flash, select the using User
Intervention/Flash test check box.
13 Click OK.
If the using User Intervention/Flash test check box is cleared, the LEDs on
the selected circuit pack are lit for 30 seconds.
If the using User Intervention/Flash check box is selected, the LEDs on
the selected circuit pack flash for 15 minutes.
Note: You can stop a user intervention flash test by performing a non-flash
lamp test.
The procedure is complete.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
2-8 Shelf level view

Procedure 2-3
Enabling/disabling slot based auto equipping
Use this procedure to enable or disable auto equipping on a per slot basis (also
known as auto provisioning). By default, auto equipping is enabled if the NE
mode is SONET or disabled if the NE mode is SDH.

Note: The auto equipping of DSM equipment is determined by the auto

equipping state of the host slot.

To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Shelf Level View from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Shelf Level View application.
Note: After the Shelf Level View application appears on the screen, you can
open it in a window separate from the main display by:
• selecting Open in New Window from the File drop-down menu
• right-clicking on the application tab in the nodal manager instance and
selecting Open in New Window from the pop-up menu
• holding the left button down when over the application tab in the nodal
manager instance and dragging the application outside the main window
3 Click Auto Equip to open the Slot Based Automatic Equipping dialog box.
4 Select or clear the Automatic Equipping Enabled check boxes for the slot
numbers as required. Selecting a check box enables auto equipping for that
To enable/disable auto equipping for all slots in the shelf, click Select All or
Deselect All.
5 Click OK.
Note: If you enable a slot which has a circuit pack installed, the circuit pack
and any SFPs/DPOs on the circuit pack auto provision.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Equipment and facility provisioning 3-

Equipment management
Provisionable equipment refers to any equipment entity that can be
provisioned and managed by user commands. The following sections detail the
provisionable actions available to the user.

Note: See Procedure 2-3, Enabling/disabling slot based auto equipping on

page 2-8 for setting the automatic equipping mode for the shelf.
Automatic equipping
Automatic equipping refers to the automatic creation and enabling of
functionality when the automatic equipping mode is enabled. Automatic
equipping occurs when the user:
• inserts a circuit pack into an unequipped valid slot
• inserts a pluggable module (SFP or DPO) into an unequipped valid
interface circuit pack socket
• automatic equipping is enabled for a slot which has a circuit pack
physically inserted and no equipment already provisioned
You do not require user commands to create the equipment or pluggable
module entities.

Note 1: Automatic equipping is enabled by default if the network element

mode is SONET and disabled by default if the network element mode is
Note 2: For equipment supporting multiple service types and rates (for
example, the OC-3/12/STM-1/4 or GE/FC SFPs or the DS3/EC-1 circuit
pack), the user must manually equip the type/rate for each port.
Note 3: Automatic equipping of DS1 service modules (DSM) is dependent
on the auto equipping mode of the host OC-3 facility.
After insertion into the shelf, the system creates the circuit pack and pluggable
module software attributes. The attributes are visible in the OAM&P
management system.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-2 Equipment and facility provisioning

Manual equipping
Manual equipping refers to the manual creation and enabling of functionality
on a circuit pack when inserted into an unequipped valid slot, or a pluggable
module when inserted into an unequipped valid interface circuit pack socket.
User commands create the equipment, pluggable module, or non-payload
facility entities.

When provisioned, the system creates the circuit pack and pluggable module
software attributes. The attributes are visible in the OAM&P management
Unequipping refers to the manual deletion and disabling of functionality of a
circuit pack or a pluggable module. You cannot unequip a circuit pack if the
equipped circuit pack is providing a service (the facility state is in-service [IS]
and is being used as a synchronization source, carries DCC, has protection
provisioned on it, or has a connection provisioned). The connection must first
be deleted and the facility deprovisioned before a circuit pack can be

When unequipped, the circuit packs and pluggable modules are no longer
visible in the OAM&P management system.
Provisionable cards and load management
The provisionable cards support auto-upgrade/downgrade of their software to
match the shelf software version. The upgrade/downgrade occurs
automatically without user intervention when the user inserts a provisionable
circuit pack with the incorrect software load in the shelf.

Facility management
A facility represents an equipment’s OAM&P capabilities that allow the user
to provision, inspect, and control that equipment. Facilities can be divided into
two categories for the OME6500 platform as follows:
• payload facilities: these facilities are endpoints of a SONET/SDH
connection. Examples of these facilities are VT1.5/VC12, STS-1/VC3,
STS-3c/VC4, STS-12/VC4-4c, STS-24c/VC4-8c, STS-48c/VC4-16c, and
• non-payload facilities: these facilities refer to the interfaces,
synchronization, DCC, management ports, and data facilities that are not
payloads. Examples are GE, DS1, DS3, EC-1, E1, OC-3/STM-1,
OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, and OC-192/STM-64.
Managing facilities
Provisioning of the facilities normally occurs when the user provisions the
associated equipment. Facility provisioning is a nodal function that allows you
to query and edit facility attributes on a specific network element. Facility
provisioning applies to all provisionable equipment in the OME6500.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-3

When you insert a circuit pack in a shelf, automatic or manual provisioning

• provisions the circuit pack with default values
• puts the circuit pack in-service
• places facilities in that circuit pack in-service
For non-payload facility entities supporting multiple service types and/or rates
(for example, 8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4, 4xGE, 24xDS3/EC-1, DSM DS1TM,
63xE1), the user must manually provision each port.

When you change a facility from in-service (IS) to the out-of-service (OOS)
state, the following occurs:
• traffic is not carried on the facility
• system inserts both line/MS AIS and path AIS on the signal (optical
interface circuits)
• system inserts AIS (electrical interface circuits)
• system inserts an unequipped signal label on the WAN side and turns the
laser off on the Ethernet side (GE circuit packs)
• traffic alarms for the facility clear
• performance monitoring terminates for the facility
• line/MS DCC, if provisioned, is disabled (section/RS DCC remains active
if provisioned)
Note: You cannot change the state of an equipment if the facility
associated with the equipment is in-service (except for E1 and DS3/EC-1

International gateway
The international gateway feature allows the OME6500 to function in mixed
SONET/SDH environments by allowing individual unprotected or 1+1/MSP
linear protected OC-48/STM-16 ports to be provisioned to SONET or SDH
mode. For example, the NE mode can be set to SONET but an individual
OC-48/STM-16 port can be provisioned to the SDH mode. Setting the port
mode, sets the SS bits, section trace format, path trace, ALS, RDI insertion,
and DCC diversity parameters to the selected port mode (see Table 3-5 on page

The port mode is not editable, you must set the mode during adding of the
optical facility. Once set, to change the port mode you must delete the facility
and then add the facility again with the correct port mode (see Table 3-5 on
page 3-7).

Equipment and facility parameters

The following sections and tables detail the parameters associated with
equipment and facility provisioning.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-4 Equipment and facility provisioning

Circuit pack/SFP/DPO shelf assignments

Table 3-1
Circuit pack/SFP/DPO assignments for OME6500 shelf
Circuit packs
Description Shelf slots Site Manager PEC series
equipment type
Maintenance interface card 17-2 - NTK505Fx
Power input card 17-1, 17-3 - NTK505Ax/
1xOC-192/STM-64 5, 6, 9, 10 10G NTK523xx
1xOC-192/STM-64 DWDM 5, 6, 9, 10 10GW NTK526xx
2xOC-48/STM-16 1 to 6, 9 to 14 2G5 NTK516xx
2xOC-48/STM-16 DWDM 1 to 6, 9 to 14 2G5W NTK519xx
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 1 to 6, 9 to 14 155622M NTK513xx
4xGE 1 to 6, 9 to 14 GE NTK535xx
24xDS3/EC-1 Working 1 to 4, 9 to 12 DS3EC1 NTK543xx
24xDS3/EC-1 Protection 13, 14 DS3EC1P NTK544xx
63xE1 Working 1 to 4, 9 to 12 E1 NTK541xx
63xE1 Protection 13, 14 E1P NTK541xx
Shelf processor 15 SP NTK555xx
Cross-connect 7 and 8 XC NTK557xx
84xDS1 TM 1 and 2 (of DSM) DS1TM NTN313Ax
Description Circuit pack Site Manager PEC series
ports equipment type
OC-48/STM-16 SFP 1 to 2 P2G5 NTTP03xx
OC-48/STM-16 DPO 1 to 2 P2G5W NTK580xx
OC-3/12/STM-1/4 SFP 1 to 8 P155622M NTTP04xx
OC-12/STM-4 SFP 1 to 8 P622M NTTP05xx
OC-3/STM-1 SFP 1 to 8 P155M NTTP02xx
STM-1e SFP 1 to 8 P155M NTTP60xx

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-5

Primary and secondary states

Table 3-2
Equipment and facility primary states

Primary State Description

IS In-service; no failure detected
IS-ANR In-service - abnormal; failure exists but entity is still capable of performing
some of its provisioned functions (that is partial failure)
OOS-AU In-service - autonomous; failure detected
OOS-MA Out-of-service - maintenance; no failure detected (OOS for maintenance
for provisioning memory administration)
OOS-AUMA Out-of-service autonomous management; failure detected
OOS-MAANR Out-of-service - maintenance - abnormal; partial failure detected

Table 3-3
Equipment secondary states

Secondary State Description

Active Equipment has connections established to the facilities it supports and the
connected facilities are in-service
Fault detected Equipment failure detected
Idle No connections established to facilities supported on this equipment, or all
connected facilities are out-of-service
Mismatched eqp. attribute Mismatched or unknown equipment detected in a provisioned slot
No OAM DSM does not have a OAM link with host shelf processor
No site DSM does not have a site address provisioned
Protection switch inhibited Protection switching has been inhibited for the equipment
Hot standby Equipment is inactive in a 1+1 equipment protection configuration (standby
cross-connect circuit pack)
Supported entity outage Supporting equipment has a failure (applicable to pluggables when
associated circuit pack has failed or is mismatched)
Unequipped Equipment is missing
Unknown Equipment cannot be identified
Working Circuit pack in an equipment protection scheme that is actively carrying
Working synchronization Cross-connect circuit pack is working circuit pack providing synchronization
Working traffic Cross-connect circuit pack is working circuit pack carrying traffic
1:N standby Circuit pack in a 1:N configuration with no active traffic

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-6 Equipment and facility provisioning

Table 3-4
Facility secondary states

Secondary State Description

Working receiver/Working Active OC-n/STM-n facility in the specified direction
Protected Optical line in a BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme is protected
Hot standby Inactive facility in both directions (Hot standby)
Protection switch inhibited Protection switch inhibited. Lockout command issued on a line OC-n/STM-n.
Disconnected Facility has no connections established
Fault detected Facility failure detected
Supported entity outage Supporting equipment has a failure
DCC link is down/failed DCC link is down or has failed
Signal degrade on sync Signal degrade detected on a synchronization reference
Loopback active Loopback active on facility
Unprovisioned site A provisioned DSM 84xDS1 TM is provisioned without its site address
address parameter.
OAM not available A provisioned DSM 84xDS1 TM does not have an OAM link
Host-DSM fiber Host-DSM fiber misconnected. There is a discrepancy between the
misconnected provisioning data and the actual fiber connection. Only applicable to host
OC-3 facility (not applicable to OC-3 facility on a 84xDS1 TM)

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-7

Facility parameters
Table 3-5
OC-n/STM-n facility parameters
Parameter Options Description
Primary state • IS Sets the primary state of the facility. Default reflects
• OOS primary state of associated equipment.
Port mode • SONET Displays the port mode. Port mode follows NE mode
• SDH except for OC-48/STM-16 ports where the port mode
can be set when the port is added.
Note: You cannot edit the port mode. To change the
port mode you must delete the OC-48 or STM-16
facility and then re-add it with the correct port mode.
Signal degrade • 1x10^-5 Sets the signal degrade threshold.
threshold • 1x10^-6 (default)
• 1x10^-7
• 1x10^-8
• 1x10^-9
Excessive bit error • 1x10^-3 (default) Sets the excessive bit error threshold.
threshold • 1x10^-4
• 1x10^-5,
Signal mode • SONET (default for Sets the signal mode (SS bits).
SONET NE mode)
• SDH (default for SDH
NE mode)
Automatic laser • Enabled (default for Enables/disables the automatic laser shutdown
shutdown SDH mode) (ALS) feature.
• Disabled (default for Note 1: If a port is not expected to receive a signal
SONET mode) (for example, at drop ports in dual feed applications),
you must disable ALS for the port to prevent the
associated transmit laser being shutdown.
Note 2: Automatic laser shutdown is not applicable
to STM-1e SFPs, you must set it to Disabled.
Forward error • On (default) Sets the FEC status.
correction • Off
(10G DWDM circuit
packs only)
Stimulated Brillouin • Off (default) Select the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS)
Scattering • On compensation status. Enable SBS compensation
(10G DWDM circuit where the SBS threshold for optical power is
packs only) exceeded in amplified applications.
DUS Override • Disabled (default) Select the do not use for synchronization (DUS)
• Enabled override status. Set to Enabled if you want to ignore
received synchronization status messages (SSM)
when facility is used as a timing reference port.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-8 Equipment and facility provisioning

Table 3-6
ETH facility parameters

Parameter Options Description

Primary state • IS Sets the primary state of the facility. Default reflects primary
• OOS state of associated equipment.

Auto-negotiation • Enable (default) Controls auto-negotiation with the local Ethernet link partner.
• Disable
Advertised flow • Asymmetric Sets the advertised Ethernet flow control capabilities. None to
control (default) advertise flow control is not supported, Asymmetric to
• None advertise asymmetric flow control toward the link partner is
supported, Symmetric to advertise symmetric flow control or
• Symmetric asymmetric flow control toward the local device is supported.
Not applicable if auto-negotiation is disabled.
Pause • Enable (default) Explicitly controls the flow control towards the local device.
transmission • Disable Not applicable if auto-negotiation is enabled.

Maximum ethernet • 1600 (default) Sets the maximum transfer unit (MTU).
frame size • 9600
Pass control • Enable Determines if received Ethernet control frames are discarded
• Disable (default) (disable) or passed through transparently (enable).

Tx conditioning • Enable (default) Controls Ethernet conditioning.

• Disable If enabled, the transmit signal of the ETH port shuts down
when any of the following occur:
• there are client signal failures received from the far-end
• there is a link down condition on the corresponding WAN
• the corresponding WAN port receives client signal failures
• there are no cross-connects on the corresponding WAN port
In addition:
• client signal failures received from the far-end cause ingress
frames at the ETH port to be discarded and egress frames
on the WAN ports to be discarded.
• a link down condition on the ETH port triggers transmission
of client signal failures to the WAN port
• client signal failures from the WAN port trigger a Far End
Client Rx Signal Failure alarm
If disabled, the transmit signal of the ETH port does not shut
down if any of the conditions listed above occur. In addition,
if the WAN conditioning type is set to None, an ETH link down
condition does not trigger transmission of client signal failures
to the WAN port and client signal failures from the WAN port
do not trigger a Far End Client Rx Signal Failure alarm.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-9

Table 3-7
WAN facility parameters

Parameter Options Description

Virtual • Enabled Enables/disables the virtual concatenation mode of
concatenation • Enabled; Grouped the port. Can only be edited if no cross-connects
present on facility.
• Disabled (default)
For virtual concatenation support, select Enable
unless network uses dual feed GE sources when
the ‘Enable; Grouped’ option should be selected
(causes all virtual concatenated connections to be
switched together).
Frame checksum • 32 (default) Sets whether the GFP frame checksum is included
•0 in the frame. Checksum is not included if 0
selected, checksum included if 32 selected.
Conditioning type • GFP CMF (default) Controls WAN conditioning. User can set local
• Nil Trace client failures on the Ethernet port to trigger
• None
Note: The ‘Unequipped; Nil Trace’ option can be
• Unequipped
used when converting a network between using
• Unequipped; Nil Trace Unequipped and Nil Trace as a trigger.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-10 Equipment and facility provisioning

Table 3-8
DS1 facility parameters

Parameter Options Description

Primary state • IS Sets the primary state of the facility.

• OOS Default reflects primary state of
associated equipment.

Format • Extended Superframe Sets the frame format of the DS1 signal.
• Superframe (default)
• Superframe with TR08 extensions

Line Code • Bipolar with 8-zero substitution, Receive Sets the line code of the DS1 signal. If the
• Bipolar with 8-zero substitution, Transmit incoming and outgoing streams are
different, select options with just Receive
• Bipolar with 8-zero substitution, Transmit or Transmit in the description (for
and Receive example, select and apply ‘Alternate
• Alternate mark inversion Receive mark inversion Receive’ and then select
• Alternate mark inversion Transmit and apply ‘Bipolar with 8-zero
substitution, Transmit’).
• Alternate mark inversion with Zero code
suppression, Transmit Note: Zero suppression is not supported
in the receive direction.
• Alternate mark inversion with Zero code
suppression, Transmit and Receive
• Alternate mark inversion, Transmit and
Receive (default)

Equalization • 0-220 ft. receive Sets the equalization for the cable length
• 0-220 ft. transmit connecting to DS1 cross-connect panel.
If the cables for the incoming and
• 0-220 ft., both directions (default) outgoing streams are different, select
• 220-430 ft. receive options with just receive or transmit in the
• 220-430 ft. transmit description (for example, select and
apply ‘0-220 ft. receive’ and then select
• 220-430 ft., both directions and apply ‘220-430 ft. transmit’).
• 430-655 ft. receive Sets the values for both transmit and
• 430-655 ft. transmit receive cables.
• 430-655 ft., both directions

Far end NE • Far-end NE supports ANSI standards Sets whether far end NE supports ANSI
(default) standards.
• Far-end NE does not support ANSI

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-11

Table 3-8 (continued)

DS1 facility parameters

Parameter Options Description

Fault locate • Do not check frame format Sets what checks are performed in the
mode • Frame checked for incoming and outgoing frame format:
(default) • Do not check frame format - the DS1
• Only check incoming data facility can be unframed or used as a
clear channel facility
• Only check outgoing data
• Frame checked for incoming and
outgoing - both incoming and outgoing
data streams will have the frame format,
as specified by FMT, checked
• Only check incoming data - outgoing
can be unframed
• Only check outgoing data
Note: Use ‘Do not check frame format’ if
DS1 data is unframed.

Mapping • Out slot (S1 to S4) signaling bits are Sets the mapping of the DS1 payloads
transported into VT1.5s.
• Robbed bit signaling bits are transported Note: The ‘Out slot (S1 to S4) signaling
• VT1.5 Bit Asynchronous mapping (default) bits are transported’ and ‘Robbed bit
signaling bits are transported’ options are
• VT1.5 Bit Synchronous mapping
only applicable to the ‘VT1.5 Byte
• VT1.5 Byte Synchronous mapping Synchronous mapping’ option. To set
these options, you must first select and
apply the ‘VT1.5 Byte Synchronous
mapping’ option and then select and
apply the ‘Out slot (S1 to S4) signaling
bits are transported’ and ‘Robbed bit
signaling bits are transported’ options as
required (both options can be active at

Output • AIS code changed to all-zeros Sets the output stream coding.
stream • Normal (default)
• Set to an idle code

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-12 Equipment and facility provisioning

Table 3-9
OC-3 facility on 84xDS1TM parameters

Parameter Options Description

Primary state • IS Sets the primary state of the facility.
• OOS Default reflects primary state of associated
Signal degrade threshold • 1x10^-5 Sets the signal degrade threshold.
• 1x10^-6 (default)
• 1x10^-7
• 1x10^-8
• 1x10^-9

Table 3-10
DS3 facility parameters

Parameter Options Description

Primary state • IS Sets the primary state of the facility.

• OOS Default reflects primary state of
associated equipment.

Line build out • 0 to 224 ft (default) Sets the transmitter attenuation

• 225 to 450 ft parameter for various cable lengths.
The possible values are 0 to 224 ft
(short) or 225 to 450 ft (long).

Format • CBIT Sets the frame format of the DS3 signal.

• M13, Multiplex Framed (default)
• Unframed clear channel

Table 3-11
EC-1 facility parameters

Parameter Options Description

Primary state • IS Sets the primary state of the facility. Default

• OOS reflects primary state of associated equipment.

Line build out • 0 to 224 ft (default) Sets the transmitter attenuation parameter for
• 225 to 450 ft various cable lengths. The possible values are 0
to 224 ft (short) or 225 to 450 ft (long).

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Equipment and facility provisioning 3-13

Table 3-12
E1 facility parameters

Parameter Options Description

Primary state • IS Sets the primary state of the facility. Default
• OOS reflects primary state of associated equipment.

Frame format • Framed Sets the format of the E1 signal.

• Multi-framed
• Unframed (default)

Section trace parameters

Table 3-13
Section trace parameters

Parameter Options Description

Fail mode • Alarms off (default) Determines consequent actions on detecting a
• Alarms on section trace mismatch:

• Alarms on, with traffic • Alarms off

protection No Trace Identifier Mismatch alarm is raised and
no traffic protection switching occurs for a section
trace mismatch condition.
• Alarms on
A Trace Identifier Mismatch alarm is raised but no
traffic protection switching occurs for a section
trace mismatch condition.
• Alarms on, with traffic protection
A Trace Identifier Mismatch alarm is raised and
traffic protection switching occurs for a section
trace mismatch condition.
Format • Number (default if NE Determines whether the value to transmit, and the
mode is SONET) expected value in the receive direction, are in a
• String (default if NE mode string or numeric format.
is SDH)
Actual Rx 15-byte string or number Actual received section trace string or number.
between 0 and 255 Read-only.
Expected Rx 15-byte string (default Null Sets expected receive 15-byte string or number.
characters) or number
between 0 and 255
(default 1)
Transmitted 15-byte string (default Null Sets transmitted 15-byte string or number.
characters) or number
between 0 and 255
(default 1)

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-14 Equipment and facility provisioning

Path provisioning parameters

Table 3-14
Path provisioning parameters

Parameter Options Description

Path • Yes Indicates whether payload is terminated. Read-only.
terminated • No
Path trace • 64 Byte (default if NE mode Sets the path trace format.
format is SONET) Note 1: For VT1.5/VC12 paths, only the 16 Byte format is
• 16 Byte (default if NE mode available.
is SDH) Note 2: The path trace format must be the same at both the
transmit and receive ends of the path to prevent a mismatch.
Path trace 15-byte or 62-byte string Actual received path trace string. Read-only.
actual rx
Path trace 15-byte or 62-byte string Sets expected receive 15-byte or 62-byte string.
expected rx (default all NULL characters)
Path trace 15-byte or 62-byte string Sets transmitted 15-byte or 62-byte string.
transmitted (default all NULL characters)
Monitoring • On Sets whether path trace monitoring for the selected facility is
enabled • Off enabled or disabled.

Extended • On Sets whether VT1.5/VC12 payload will support extended

• Off (default) feature capabilities (path trace provisioning and monitoring).
Note: The Extended parameter can only be enabled for up
to 1334 VT1.5/VC12 payloads per interface circuit pack.
Signal label 0 to FF (hexadecimal) Actual received signal label value. Read only.
actual rx
Signal label 0 to FF (hexadecimal) Displays expected receive signal label. Read only. System
expected rx inserts a value when a connection is added as follows:
• 1: For STSn/VC12/VC3-n/VC4-n cross-connects
associated with OC-n/EC-1/STM-n facilities. Indicates
equipped, non-specific payload.
• 2: For VT1.5 cross-connects associated with OC-n/EC-1
facilities and VC12 cross-connects associated with E1
facilities. Indicates VT structured STS-1 or asynchronous
• 4: For STS1/VC3 cross-connects associated with DS3
facilities. Indicates asynchronous DS3 mapping.
• 1B: For cross-connects associated with ETH facilities
where the ETH is GFP mapped. Indicates GFP mapping.
Signal label 0 to FF (hexadecimal) Displays the transmitted signal label. Read only. System
transmitted inserts a value when a connection is added (defaults are the
same as for the Expected Rx parameter).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-15

Table 3-15
Path provisioning options

OC-n/STM-n/EC-1 GE endpoints E1 endpoints DS3 endpoints

endpoints (Terminated) (Terminated) (Terminated)

Parameter STS-n/ VT1.5/ STS-n/ VT1.5/ STS-1/VC3

VC4-n/ VC12 VC4-n/ VC12/STS-1
VC3-n VC3-n

Editable Editable Editable Editable Editable

Path terminated No No No No No

Path trace format Yes No Yes No Yes

Path trace actual rx No No No - No

Path trace expected rx Yes Yes * Yes - Yes

Path trace transmitted - - Yes Yes Yes

Monitoring enabled Yes Yes * Yes - Yes

Extended - Yes - - -

Signal label actual rx No No No - No

Signal label expected rx No No No - No

Signal label transmitted - - No No No

Note 1: ‘-’ indicates that the parameter is not applicable (greyed out/empty in Site Manager).
Note 2: ‘*’ indicates that the extended parameter must be selected before these items become active.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-16 Equipment and facility provisioning

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with equipment and facility provisioning for the Optical
Multiservice Edge 6500. The figure shows the path from the Site Manager
menu bar.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-17

Procedures and options for equipment provisioning

Equipment & Provisioning application - Equipment field

Options Procedures and tables

Opening view

N/A Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
Procedure 3-2, Provisioning a circuit pack automatically on page 3-21
Procedure 3-3, Provisioning an SFP/DPO automatically on page 3-23
Procedure 3-5, Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1 TM automatically on page

Add command

N/A Procedure 3-4, Provisioning a circuit pack or SFP/DPO manually on page

Procedure 3-6, Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1TM manually on page 3-28

Edit command

Primary state Procedure 3-7, Defining or editing a site address for a DSM on page 3-30
Procedure 3-8, Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO
on page 3-31
Procedure 3-10, Changing the circuit pack or SFP/DPO variant on page

Delete command

N/A Procedure 3-9, Deleting a circuit pack or SFP/DPO on page 3-33

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-18 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedures and options for facility provisioning

Equipment & Provisioning application - Facility field

Options Procedures and tables

Opening view

N/A Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20

Add command

N/A Procedure 3-11, Adding a facility on page 3-35

Edit command

N/A Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a facility on page 3-37
Procedure 3-13, Editing facility parameters on page 3-39
• Table 3-5, OC-n/STM-n facility parameters on page 3-7
• Table 3-6, ETH facility parameters on page 3-8
• Table 3-7, WAN facility parameters on page 3-9
• Table 3-8, DS1 facility parameters on page 3-10
• Table 3-9, OC-3 facility on 84xDS1TM parameters on page 3-12
• Table 3-10, DS3 facility parameters on page 3-12
• Table 3-11, EC-1 facility parameters on page 3-12
• Table 3-12, E1 facility parameters on page 3-13

Delete command

N/A Procedure 3-14, Deleting a facility on page 3-41

Test command

N/A Procedure 3-15, Operating/releasing a loopback on page 3-43

Section Trace command

N/A Procedure 3-16, Retrieving and editing section trace messages on

page 3-47
• Table 3-13, Section trace parameters on page 3-13

Path Provisioning command

N/A Procedure 3-17, Retrieving and editing path provisioning on page 3-49
• Table 3-14, Path provisioning parameters on page 3-14
• Table 3-15, Path provisioning options on page 3-15

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-19

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Abbreviations used in procedures

AIS Alarm indication signal
ALS Automatic laser shutdown
BLSR Bidirectional line switched ring
DCC Data communications channel
DPO DWDM pluggable optics
DS1 Digital signal, level 1
DSM DS1 service module
DWDM Dense wavelength division multiplexing
FC Fiber channel
FEC Forward error correction
GE Gigabit Ethernet
GFP-F Generic framing procedure - framed
IS In-service
LAN Local area network
LOP Loss of pointer
MS Multiplex section
MSP Multiplex section protection
MS-SPRing Multiplex section shared protection ring
MTU Maximum transfer unit
OME Optical Multiservice Edge
OOS Out-of-service
PEC Product engineering code
RS Regenerator section
Rx Receive
SFP Small-form factor pluggable
TM Termination module
UPC User privilege code
WAN Wide area network
XC Cross-connect

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-20 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-1
Retrieving equipment and facility details
Use this procedure to view details for selected equipment and facilities.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
The Equipment area displays the provisioning parameters for the equipment
on the shelf.
3 To display the Facility area, select a specific circuit pack/port in the Equipment
The Facility area displays information about the facility related to the selected
circuit pack/port.
Note 1: The Facility area is not available if the circuit pack does not support
facilities, or if the circuit pack does not have provisioned facilities.
Note 2: For equipment and facility primary and secondary states, see the
• Table 3-2 on page 3-5 for equipment and facility primary states
• Table 3-3 on page 3-5 for equipment secondary states
• Table 3-4 on page 3-6 for facility secondary states

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-21

Procedure 3-2
Provisioning a circuit pack automatically
If auto equipping is enabled, a circuit pack is automatically provisioned as
• If a non-SFP/DPO circuit pack is inserted in the shelf, the circuit pack auto
provisions and a facility, if applicable, is created (except for DS3/EC-1 and
E1 circuit packs). Both the circuit pack (equipment) and facility default to
in-service. For DS3/EC-1 and E1 circuit packs, no facilities are auto
• If an SFP/DPO circuit pack is inserted in the shelf, the circuit pack and any
SFPs/DPOs present auto provision and facilities are created for each
SFP/DPO present. The circuit pack, SFP/DPO, and facilities default to
in-service. The exception to this are 155/622M SFPs on OC-3/12/STM-1/4
circuit packs and the GE/FC SFPs on GE circuit packs, where the facility
is not created as the SFP/port supports more than one facility type.
Note 1: To enable auto equipping, see Procedure 2-3, Enabling/disabling
slot based auto equipping on page 2-8.
Note 2: To provision a circuit pack that was manually deleted or for a slot
which has auto equipping disabled, see Procedure 3-4, Provisioning a
circuit pack or SFP/DPO manually on page 3-24.
Note 3: If a circuit pack is inserted in an unsupported slot, an
Autoprovisioning Mismatch alarm is raised.
To provision equipment for an empty equipment slot, ensure the last
equipment that occupied the slot and its related facilities and cross-connects
have been deleted.

Step Action

1 Insert the circuit pack in the correct slot in the shelf.

The circuit pack and any SFPs/DPOs on the circuit pack are automatically
provisioned as in-service. Facilities are automatically created as required for
non-SFP/DPO circuit packs and for SFPs/DPOs on SFP/DPO circuit packs
(except 155/622M and GE/FC SFPs, and DS3/EC-1 and E1 circuit packs).
Note 1: See Table 3-1 on page 3-4 for the slot location of each circuit pack.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-22 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-2 (continued)

Provisioning a circuit pack automatically

Step Action

Note 2: If inserting a cross-connect circuit pack with auto equipping enabled,

the mate cross-connect circuit pack also automatically provisions with the
same attributes (for example, PEC) irrespective of the auto equipping status
of the mate slot. For example, if you insert a cross-connect circuit pack in slot
7 which has auto equipping enabled, a cross-connect with the same PEC is
automatically provisioned in slot 8. If a cross-connect circuit pack is not
present in the mate slot, a Circuit Pack Missing alarm is raised. If a
cross-connect with a different PEC is present in the mate slot, a Circuit Pack
Mate Mismatch alarm is raised.
2 Wait at least 20 seconds before you insert another circuit pack.
Note 1: The network element requires 20 seconds to autoprovision the
circuit pack. If you do not wait, a temporary Circuit Pack Failed alarm will be
Note 2: If you are logged in to Site Manager when you automatically
provision a circuit pack, click Refresh in the Equipment & Facility
Provisioning application to add the circuit pack to the list of available

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-23

Procedure 3-3
Provisioning an SFP/DPO automatically
If auto equipping is enabled, an SFP/DPO is automatically provisioned and a
facility is created when the SFP/DPO is inserted into the circuit pack port. The
exception to this is if a 155/622M SFP is inserted into an OC-3/12/STM-1/4
circuit pack, or a GE/FC SFP is inserted into an GE circuit pack, where the
facility is not created as the SFP supports more than one facility type.

Note 1: To enable auto equipping, see Procedure 2-3, Enabling/disabling

slot based auto equipping on page 2-8.
Note 2: To provision an SFP/DPO that was manually deleted or for a slot
which has auto equipping disabled, see Procedure 3-4, Provisioning a
circuit pack or SFP/DPO manually on page 3-24.
Note 3: If an SFP/DPO is inserted in an unsupported circuit pack and auto
equipping is enabled, an Autoprovisioning Mismatch - Pluggable alarm is
To provision an SFP/DPO for an empty circuit pack port, ensure the last
SFP/DPO that occupied the circuit pack port and its related facilities and
cross-connects have been deleted.

Step Action

1 Insert the SFP/DPO in the correct circuit pack port in the shelf.
The SFP/DPO is automatically provisioned with the same primary state as
the circuit pack. Facilities are automatically created except for 155/622M and
2 Wait at least 20 seconds before you insert another SFP/DPO.
Note: The network element requires 20 seconds to autoprovision the
SFP/DPO. If you do not wait, a temporary Circuit Pack Failed - Pluggable
alarm will be raised.

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3-24 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-4
Provisioning a circuit pack or SFP/DPO manually
Use this procedure to:
• provision an empty slot or port if auto equipping is disabled for a slot
• provision an empty slot or port for a circuit pack or SFP/DPO that will be
inserted in the slot or port at a later time
• provision a circuit pack or SFP/DPO that has been deprovisioned (but not
removed) from the shelf
Note: You must provision the circuit pack before you have the option of
provisioning SFPs/DPOs for that circuit pack.

To perform this procedure, you must:
• ensure that the last equipment that occupied the slot or port and its related
facilities and cross-connects have been deleted
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Click Add in the Equipment area to open the Add Equipment dialog box.
Note: See Table 3-1 on page 3-4 for the slot location of each circuit pack.
4 Select the type of equipment from the Type drop-down list.
Note: SFP/DPO equipment has a ‘P’ prefix in the drop-down list (see Table
3-1 on page 3-4 for list of equipment types for circuit packs and SFPs/DPOs).
5 Select the code of the equipment from the Provisioned PEC drop-down list.
6 Select the slot number for circuit packs or slot number - port number for
SFPs/DPOs from the Slot drop-down list.
7 Select the required equipment state from the State drop-down list.
Note: You cannot put the SFP/DPO in-service if the associated circuit pack
is out-of-service.
8 If Then
you want to add more equipment click Apply and go to step 4
you do not want to add more equipment click OK

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Procedure 3-4 (continued)

Provisioning a circuit pack or SFP/DPO manually

Step Action

Note: If manually provisioning a cross-connect circuit pack, the mate

cross-connect circuit pack also automatically provisions with the same
attributes (for example, PEC). For example, if you manually provision a
cross-connect circuit pack in slot 7, a cross-connect with the same PEC is
automatically provisioned in slot 8. If a cross-connect circuit pack is not
present in the mate slot, a Circuit Pack Missing alarm is raised. If a
cross-connect with a different PEC is present in the mate slot but not
provisioned, a Circuit Pack Mate Mismatch alarm is raised.

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3-26 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-5
Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1 TM automatically
Note: You cannot provision a DSM DS1x84TM if the NE mode is SDH.

If auto equipping is enabled on a host OC-3 facility that meets the DCC
requirements, a DSM is automatically provisioned when the optical fibers are
connected between the host OC-3 port on the OME6500 shelf and the OC-3
port of the 84xDS1 TM circuit pack in the DSM shelf.

Note 1: To enable auto equipping, see Procedure 2-3, Enabling/disabling

slot based auto equipping on page 2-8.
Note 2: No DS1 facilities are provisioned when the DSM is auto
Note 3: A Site Provisioning Required alarm is raised when the DSM auto
provisions. To clear the alarm, edit the DSM site address (see Procedure
3-7, Defining or editing a site address for a DSM on page 3-30).
Note 4: If provisioning an unprotected DSM 84xDS1 TM, the working
host OC-3 facility can be in any odd or even slot.
Note 5: If provisioning 1+1 protected DSM 84xDS1 TMs, the working
host OC-3 facility must be in an odd slot and the protection host OC-3
facility in the adjacent even slot (same port number) to the right of the
working host OC-3 facility. For example, working host OC-3 facility in
slot 3 port 2 and the protection OC-3 facility in slot 4 port 2.
Note 6: It is recommended that the working DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit
pack is auto-provisioned before the protection DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit
Note 7: The host OC-3 facility must have the DSM OAM link enabled.
Refer to DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17 for more information.
Note 8: The host OC-3 facility must be on a VT1.5/low order
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack.
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

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Equipment and facility provisioning 3-27

Procedure 3-5 (continued)

Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1 TM automatically

Step Action

1 Ensure that for the working host OC-3 facility and the protection host OC-3
facility (if applicable):
• the host OC-3 facility is provisioned on a VT1.5/low order
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack. See Procedure 3-1, Retrieving
equipment and facility details on page 3-20 and Procedure 3-11, Adding
a facility on page 3-35.
• there are no cross-connects provisioned on the host OC-3 facility. See
Procedures and options for provisioning nodal cross-connects on page
• the host OC-3 facility is not provisioned as a shelf timing reference. See
Procedures and options for provisioning system synchronization on page
• the host OC-3 facility is not a member of a facility protection group (FFP)
pair. See Procedures and options for provisioning protection on page
• auto provisioning is enabled for the host OC-3 slot. See Procedure 2-3,
Enabling/disabling slot based auto equipping on page 2-8.
• the host OC-3 has a DSM OAM Link enabled (correct DCC and IISIS
parameters). See Procedure 8-2, Editing the communications settings on
page 8-31 and DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17.
2 Connect the optical fibers between the host OC-3 port(s) on the OME6500
shelf and the OC-3 port(s) on the 84xDS1 TM(s) on the DSM as follows:
• connect the working optical fiber between the working host OC-3 facility
and the OC-3 port on the working 84xDS1 TM in slot 1 of the DSM
• for 1+1 protected 84xDS1 TMs (if applicable), connect the protection
optical fiber between the protection host OC-3 facility in the even slot and
the OC-3 port on the protection 84xDS1 TM in slot 2 of the DSM
Note: It is recommended that the working DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit pack is
auto-provisioned before the protection DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit pack.
The 84xDS1TM circuit pack(s) and the 84xDS1 TM OC-3 port(s) are
automatically provisioned with the same primary state as the host circuit
pack. No DS1 facilities are created.
A Site Provisioning Required alarm is raised.
3 Wait at least 20 seconds before you perform any further auto provisioning.
Note: The network element requires 20 seconds to autoprovision the DSM.
If you do not wait, a temporary Circuit Pack Failed alarm will be raised.
4 Edit the DSM site address (see Procedure 3-7, Defining or editing a site
address for a DSM on page 3-30).
The Site Provisioning Required alarm is cleared.

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3-28 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-6
Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1TM manually
Note: You cannot provision a DSM DS1x84TM if the NE mode is SDH.

Use this procedure to provision a DSM DS1x84 TM.

Note 1: No DS1 facilities are provisioned when the DSM is manually

Note 2: If provisioning an unprotected DSM 84xDS1 TM, the working
host OC-3 facility can be in any odd or even slot.
Note 3: If provisioning 1+1 protected DSM 84xDS1 TMs, the working
host OC-3 facility must be in an odd slot and the protection host OC-3
facility in the adjacent even slot (same port number) to the right of the
working host OC-3 facility. For example, working host OC-3 facility in
slot 3 port 2 and the protection OC-3 facility in slot 4 port 2.
Note 4: It is recommended that the working DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit
pack is manually provisioned before the protection DSM 84xDS1 TM
circuit pack.
Note 5: The host OC-3 facility must have the DSM OAM link enabled.
Refer to DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17 for more information.
Note 6: The host OC-3 facility must be on a VT1.5/low order
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack.
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Ensure:
• the host OC-3 facility is provisioned on a VT1.5/low order
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack. See Procedure 3-1, Retrieving
equipment and facility details on page 3-20 and Procedure 3-11, Adding
a facility on page 3-35 Adding a facility on page 2-22.
• there are no cross-connects provisioned on the host OC-3 facility. See
Procedures and options for provisioning nodal cross-connects on page
• the host OC-3 facility is not provisioned as a shelf timing reference. See
Procedures and options for provisioning system synchronization on page

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Equipment and facility provisioning 3-29

Procedure 3-6 (continued)

Provisioning a DSM 84xDS1TM manually

Step Action

• the host OC-3 facility is not a member of a facility protection group (FFP)
pair. See Procedures and options for provisioning protection on page
• the host OC-3 has a DSM OAM Link enabled (correct DCC and IISIS
parameters). See Procedure 8-2, Editing the communications settings on
page 8-31 and DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17.
2 Retrieve the shelf equipment details. See Retrieving equipment and facility
details on page 2-2.
3 Verify the host OC-3 equipment and its related facilities are in service (IS).
See Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20.
4 Click Add in the Equipment area to open the Add Equipment dialog box.
5 Select the type of equipment (DS1TM) from the Type drop-down list.
6 Select the code of the equipment from the Provisioned PEC drop-down list.
7 Do one of the following:
• Select slot 1 from the Slot drop-down list for the working DSM 84xDS1TM
• Select slot 2 from the Slot drop-down list for the protection DSM
Note: It is recommended that the working DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit pack is
manually provisioned before the protection DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit pack.
8 Select the slot for the host OC-3 facility from the Host slot drop-down list.
Note: If you are provisioning the working DSM 84xDS1 TM, you can select
any odd or even slot that meets the procedure requirements. However, if you
select an even slot, you will not be able to protect the working DSM DS1x84
TM. You can provision a protection DSM 84xDS1 TM only if the working one
is provisioned or can be provisioned against an odd OC-3 slot.
9 Select the required equipment state from the State drop-down list.
10 Enter a site address for the DSM in the Site address field (1 through 40
The Site Provisioning Required alarm is cleared.
Note 1: The name can contain a maximum of 40 characters with the
exception of a double-quote (“).
Note 2: When you are provisioning the protection DSM 84xDS1 TM in slot
2, the site address field is not available. You can define the DSM site address
only by editing the properties of the working DSM 84xDS1 TM in slot 1.
11 If Then
you want to add more equipment click Apply and go to step 5
you do not want to add more equipment click OK


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3-30 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-7
Defining or editing a site address for a DSM
Use this procedure to define or edit a site address for a DSM. After a working
DSM 84xDS1 TM auto-provisions, the DSM site address must be manually
provisioned. Until the site address has been defined, the DSM is not in a
working state and the Site Provisioning Required alarm is raised.
Note 1: Once you define a DSM site address, you can edit it but you
cannot delete it.
Note 2: If a DSM is connected to a host OC-3 port that is a member of a
facility fault protection (FFP) group, the DSM will not provision.
Furthermore, an Autoprovisioning Mismatch alarm will not be raised.
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the DS1TM-1 (the working DSM 84xDS1TM in slot 1) associated with
the host OC-3 port from the Equipment area.
4 Click Edit in the Equipment area to open the Edit Equipment dialog box.
5 Enter a site address, 1 to 40 characters in length.
Note: The name can contain a maximum of 40 characters with the exception
of a double-quote (“).
6 Click OK.
The Site Provisioning Required alarm is cleared.

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Equipment and facility provisioning 3-31

Procedure 3-8
Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or
Use this procedure to change the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO
to in-service or out-of-service.
Note 1: If cross-connects or synchronization references are provisioned on
the network element, only one XC circuit pack can be put OOS at any one
time. If the shelf is equipped with only one XC circuit pack, you cannot
change the XC equipment state to OOS unless all cross-connects or
synchronization references are deleted first.
Note 2: You must change the primary state of any related facilities (except
DS3, EC-1, and E1 facilities) to out-of-service before changing the
primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO to out-of-service, see
Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a facility on page 3-37. For
DS3, EC-1, and E1 facilities, you can change the primary state of an
DS3/EC-1 or E1 circuit pack in a 1:N protection scheme without changing
the corresponding DS3, EC-1, and E1 facilities to out-of-service (an
Equipment OOS with subtending facilities IS alarm is raised in this
Note 3: Changing the primary state of a circuit pack to out-of-service
automatically changes the primary state of any provisioned SFPs/DPOs on
that circuit pack to out-of-service.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• put the facilities associated with the circuit pack or SFP/DPO
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 If you are changing the primary state to Then go to
OOS step 4
IS step 5

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3-32 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-8 (continued)

Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO

Step Action

4 Ensure the circuit pack facilities, if there are any related facilities, are
out-of-service. See Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a facility
on page 3-37.
Risk of service interruption
If you place a facility out-of-service, you can cause a
loss of traffic.

Note: If cross-connects or synchronization references are provisioned on the

network element, only one XC circuit pack can be put OOS at any one time.
If the shelf is equipped with only one XC circuit pack, you cannot change the
XC equipment state to OOS unless all cross-connects or synchronization
references are deleted first.
5 Select the circuit pack or circuit pack port in the Equipment area.
6 Click Edit in the Equipment area to open the Edit Equipment dialog box.
7 Select IS or OOS from the Primary state drop-down list.
8 Click OK.
9 If you are changing the primary state to OOS, click Yes in the warning dialog

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Equipment and facility provisioning 3-33

Procedure 3-9
Deleting a circuit pack or SFP/DPO
Use this procedure to delete a circuit pack or SFP/DPO equipment from the list
of provisioned equipment in the Equipment and Facility provisioning

Note: Deleting a circuit pack automatically deletes any provisioned

SFPs/DPOs on that circuit pack.

To perform this procedure, you must
• delete all cross-connects to the circuit pack, see Procedure 5-2, Deleting a
cross-connect on page 5-23
• delete all facilities on the circuit pack, see Procedure 3-14, Deleting a
facility on page 3-41
• put the circuit pack or SFP/DPO you will delete out-of-service, see
Procedure 3-8, Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO
on page 3-31
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 In the Equipment area, select the equipment (circuit pack or SFP/DPO) you
want to delete.
4 Ensure you have deleted all cross-connects to the circuit pack or SFP/DPO.
See Deleting a cross-connect on page 5-23.
5 Ensure you have deleted all facilities on the circuit pack or SFP. See
Procedure 3-14, Deleting a facility on page 3-41.
6 Ensure the circuit pack or SFP/DPO is OOS. See Procedure 3-8, Changing
the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO on page 3-31.
7 Click Delete in the Equipment area.
8 Click Yes in the warning dialog box.

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3-34 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-10
Changing the circuit pack or SFP/DPO variant
Use this procedure to change the circuit pack or SFP/DPO variant used for an
equipped slot or port. The procedure can be used when replacing a circuit pack
or SFP/DPO with a circuit pack or SFP/DPO of the same type but different
variant (different PEC).

Note: You can only change the circuit pack or SFP/DPO variant if the
equipment (circuit pack) is OOS.

To perform this procedure, you must
• ensure the associated equipment is out-of-service, see Procedure 3-8,
Changing the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO on page 3-31
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 In the Equipment area, select the equipment (circuit pack or SFP/DPO) that
you want to change the variant.
4 Ensure the circuit pack or SFP/DPO is OOS. See Procedure 3-8, Changing
the primary state of a circuit pack or SFP/DPO on page 3-31.
5 Click Edit in the Equipment area to open the Edit Equipment dialog box.
6 Select the required variant (PEC) from the Provisioned PEC drop-down list.
7 Click OK.

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Procedure 3-11
Adding a facility
Use this procedure to:
• add a facility that was manually deleted
• add a facility for an SFP that supports more than one facility type
(155/622M SFPs and GE/FC SFPs)
• add DS1, DS3, EC-1, or E1 facilities (multiple add supported)
Note 1: If auto equipping is enabled, relevant facilities are added and put
in-service as soon as you insert a circuit pack or SFP/DPO (except for SFPs
that support more than one facility type [P155622M or PGEFC SFPs] or
non-pluggable circuit packs that support multiple facilities or more than
one facility type [DS1TM, DS3/EC-1, or E1 circuit packs]).
Note 2: Although the GE/FC SFPs support more than one facility type,
only GE (ETH) facilities are supported in the current release.
To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 In the Equipment area, select the SFP/DPO and port (if applicable) that will
support the facility.
Note 1: If the circuit pack is not listed in the Equipment area, you must
provision it. See Procedure 3-4, Provisioning a circuit pack or SFP/DPO
manually on page 3-24.
Note 2: If the circuit pack does not have any provisioned facilities, the Facility
area is blank.
4 If you are adding:
• a DS1 facility, select DS1 from the Facility Type drop-down list
• a DS3 or EC-1 facility on a SONET network element, select the facility
type (DS3 or EC1) from the Facility Type drop-down list
Note: EC-1 facilities are only supported on SONET network elements. For
SDH network elements, you do not need to select the facility type as only DS3
facilities are available.
5 Click Add in the Facility area to open the Add facility dialog box.
The dialog box displays the first facility that is not provisioned and is available.

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3-36 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-11 (continued)

Adding a facility

Step Action

6 If you are adding a P155622M facility, select the facility type (OC3/STM1 or
OC12/STM4) from the Facility Type drop-down list
7 If adding a DS1, DS3, EC-1, or E1 facility, select the required port from the
Port drop-down list.
Note: To add facilities to all the remaining unprovisioned DS1, DS3, EC-1, or
E1 ports, select ALL from the Port drop-down list.
8 Select the required parameters from the drop-down lists.
Note: See the following for facility attribute descriptions:
• Table 3-5 on page 3-7 for OC-n/STM-n facility parameters
• Table 3-6 on page 3-8 for ETH facility parameters
• Table 3-7 on page 3-9 for WAN facility parameters
• Table 3-8 on page 3-10 for DS1 facility parameters
• Table 3-9 on page 3-12 for OC-3 facility on 84xDS1TM parameters
• Table 3-10 on page 3-12 for DS3 facility parameters
• Table 3-11 on page 3-12 for EC-1 facility parameters
• Table 3-12 on page 3-13 for E1 facility parameters
9 Click OK to add the facility and close the Add facility dialog box.
Note: If the circuit pack or SFP/DPO is in-service, the new facility defaults to
in-service. If the circuit pack or SFP/DPO is out-of-service, the new facility
defaults to out-of-service.

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Procedure 3-12
Changing the primary state of a facility
Use this procedure to change the primary state of a facility.

Note 1: You cannot change the facility state of protection equipment to

out-of-service if the working facilities are still in-service.
Note 2: The primary state of a WAN facility is automatically changed to
the same primary state as the ETH facility. To change the primary state of
the WAN facility, you must change the primary state of the corresponding
ETH facility.
Note 3: The conditioning actions at the far end LAN link of taking the
ETH facility out-of-service depend on the setting of the signal label AIS
insert parameter (see Procedure 1-3, Editing the nodal system parameters
on page 1-14). The far end LAN facility (if on an OME6500 network
element) will turn off the laser if the near end LAN facility is taken
out-of-service (if Tx conditioning is enabled on the near end ETH facility,
see Table 3-6 on page 3-8).
To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 In the Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application,
select the circuit pack/port whose facility state you want to change.
4 If you are changing the primary state of:
• facilities on DS1TM equipment, select the facility type (DS1 or OC3) from
the Facility Type drop-down list
• facilities on DS3EC1 equipment on a SONET network element, select the
facility type (DS3 or EC1) from the Facility Type drop-down list
Note 1: EC-1 facilities are only supported on SONET network elements. For
SDH network elements, you do not need to select the facility type as only DS3
facilities are available.
Note 2: Changes to the DS1 facilities must be applied to DS1 TM in slot 1
(DS1TM-1) even if the DS1 TM in slot 2 (DS1TM-2) is the working circuit pack.
The Facility Type drop down list is not available if the DS1 TM in slot 2
(DS1TM-2) is selected (the OC-3 facility is automatically displayed).

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3-38 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-12 (continued)

Changing the primary state of a facility

Step Action

5 In the Facility area, select the facility whose state you want to change.
For non-pluggable circuit packs that support multiple facilities (for example,
DS1 TM, DS3/EC-1, and E1 circuit packs), you can select multiple facilities
as follows:
some but not all facilities select the first facility in the list and hold down
the Ctrl key while individually clicking on each
required facility
all facilities select the first cross-connect in the list and hold
down the SHIFT key while clicking once on the
last facility in the list.
select any facility in the list and then Ctrl_A (Ctrl
and A keys together) to select all facilities.

6 Click Edit in the Facility area to open the Edit facility dialog box.
7 Select OOS or IS from the Primary state drop-down list.
Risk of service interruption
If you place a facility out-of-service, you can cause a
loss of traffic.

Note: For multiple facilities, selecting <no change> from the drop-down lists
leaves the primary state unchanged for the selected facilities.
8 Click OK.
9 If changing the primary state to OOS, click Yes in the warning dialog box.

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Procedure 3-13
Editing facility parameters
Use this procedure to edit the facility parameters for a facility.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 In the Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application,
select the circuit pack whose facilities you want to edit.
4 If you are editing:
• facilities on DS1TM equipment, select the facility type (DS1 or OC3) from
the Facility Type drop-down list
• facilities on DS3EC1 equipment on a SONET network element, select the
facility type (DS3 or EC1) from the Facility Type drop-down list
Note 1: EC-1 facilities are only supported on SONET network elements. For
SDH network elements, you do not need to select the facility type as only DS3
facilities are available.
Note 2: Changes to the DS1 facilities must be applied to DS1 TM in slot 1
(DS1TM-1) even if the DS1 TM in slot 2 (DS1TM-2) is the working circuit pack.
The Facility Type drop down list is not available if the DS1 TM in slot 2
(DS1TM-2) is selected (the OC-3 facility is automatically displayed).
5 In the Facility area, select the facility you want to edit.
For non-pluggable circuit packs that support multiple facilities (DS1 TM,
DS3/EC-1, and E1 circuit packs), you can select multiple facilities as follows:
some but not all facilities select the first facility in the list and hold down
the Ctrl key while individually clicking on each
required facility
all facilities select the first cross-connect in the list and hold
down the SHIFT key while clicking once on the
last facility in the list.
select any facility in the list and then Ctrl_A (Ctrl
and A keys together) to select all facilities

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3-40 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-13 (continued)

Editing facility parameters

Step Action

6 If editing a ETH, DS1, DS3, EC-1, or E1 facility, ensure the facility is

out-of-service (OOS). See Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a
facility on page 3-37.
7 For ETH facilities, select either the ETH (LAN) or WAN facility from the
Facility Type drop-down list in the Facility area.
8 Click Edit in the Facility area to open the Edit Facility dialog box.
9 Select the required parameters from the drop-down lists.
Note: See the following for facility attribute descriptions:
• Table 3-5 on page 3-7 for OC-n/STM-n facility parameters
• Table 3-6 on page 3-8 for ETH facility parameters
• Table 3-7 on page 3-9 for WAN facility parameters
• Table 3-8 on page 3-10 for DS1 facility parameters
• Table 3-9 on page 3-12 for OC-3 facility on 84xDS1TM parameters
• Table 3-10 on page 3-12 for DS3 facility parameters
• Table 3-11 on page 3-12 for EC-1 facility parameters
• Table 3-12 on page 3-13 for E1 facility parameters
Note 1: To edit the parameters of a WAN port, the corresponding LAN port
must be out-of-service. See Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a
facility on page 3-37.
Note 2: For multiple facilities, selecting <no change> from the drop-down
lists leaves the parameter unchanged for the selected facilities.
10 Click OK.
11 If editing a ETH, DS1, DS3, EC-1, or E1 facility, put the facility back in-service
(IS) if required. See Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a facility
on page 3-37.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-41

Procedure 3-14
Deleting a facility
Use this procedure to delete a facility.

Note: Deleting an ETH facility automatically deletes the associated WAN


To perform this procedure, you must
• ensure the end-to-end service to be deleted is not carrying traffic
• delete the cross-connects of the entire path, see Procedure 5-2, Deleting a
cross-connect on page 5-23
• delete the IISIS circuit and then the SDCC/RSDCC link or
LDCC/MSDCC if provisioned on the facility to be deleted, see Procedure
8-4, Deleting an entry in the communications settings on page 8-35
• delete the timing reference if it is provisioned on the facility to be deleted,
see Procedure 6-3, Provisioning the network element timing mode and
references on page 6-26
• ensure that the protection switching scheme on the facility to be deleted is
provisioned as unprotected, see Procedure 9-2, Changing the protection
scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 In the Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application,
select the circuit pack whose facilities you want to delete.
4 If you are deleting:
• DS1 facilities on DS1TM equipment, select DS1 from the Facility Type
drop-down list
Note: You cannot delete the OC-3 facilities associated with DS1TM
• DS3 or EC-1 facilities on DS3EC1 equipment on a SONET network
element, select the facility type (DS3 or EC1) from the Facility Type
drop-down list

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-42 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-14 (continued)

Deleting a facility

Step Action

Note 1: EC-1 facilities are only supported on SONET network elements.

For SDH network elements, you do not need to select the facility type as
only DS3 facilities are available.
Note 2: You must delete the DS1 facilities associated with the DS1 TM
in slot 1 (DSMTM-1) even if the DS1 TM in slot 2 (DSMTM-2) is the
working circuit pack. The Facility Type drop down list is not available if
the DS1 TM in slot 2 (DSMTM-2) is selected (the OC-3 facility is
automatically displayed).
5 In the Facility area, select the facility you want to delete.
For non-pluggable circuit packs that support multiple facilities (DS1 TM,
DS3/EC-1, and E1 circuit packs), you can select multiple facilities as follows:
some but not all facilities select the first facility in the list and hold down
the Ctrl key while individually clicking on each
required facility
all facilities select the first cross-connect in the list and hold
down the SHIFT key while clicking once on the
last facility in the list.
select any facility in the list and then Ctrl_A (Ctrl
and A keys together) to select all facilities

6 Ensure the Primary state of the selected facility or facilities is out-of-service

(OOS). See Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a facility on page
7 Click Delete in the Facility area.
Risk of service interruption
If you delete a facility, you can cause a loss of traffic.

8 Click Yes in the warning dialog box.


Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-43

Procedure 3-15
Operating/releasing a loopback
Use this procedure to operate or release a loopback on an OC-n/STM-n, GE,
DS1, DS3, EC-1, or E1 facility.

The following types of loopback are supported:

• Facility - the received line signal is looped back towards the transmitter
interface immediately on entering the circuit pack. The following
conditioning is applied in the signal towards the cross-connect circuit
— OC-n/STM-n facilities: line/MS AIS
— GE (WAN) facilities: path unequipped
— DS1 facilities: DS1 AIS
— DS3 facilities: DS3 AIS
— EC-1 facilities: EC-1 AIS
— E1 facilities: E1 AIS
• Terminal - the line signal just prior to the transmitter interface is looped
back towards the cross-connect circuit pack. The following conditioning is
applied in the signal towards the transmitter interface:
— OC-n/STM-n facilities: none
— GE (WAN) facilities: no link pulse
— DS1 facilities: DS1 AIS
— DS3 facilities: DS3 AIS
— EC-1 facilities: EC-1 AIS
— E1 facilities: E1 AIS

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-44 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-15 (continued)

Operating/releasing a loopback

Figure 3-1

Optical Optical
circuit pack circuit pack
To To
cross-connect cross-connect
circuit pack circuit pack

Facility Terminal
loopback loopback
OC-n/STM-n circuit packs

GE circuit pack GE circuit pack

Path Uneqp

To To
cross-connect No Link cross-connect
circuit pack Pulse circuit pack

LAN side Facility WAN side LAN side Terminal WAN side
loopback loopback
GE circuit packs

Electrical Electrical
circuit pack circuit pack
To To
Electrical cross-connect Electrical cross-connect
interface circuit pack interface circuit pack

Facility Terminal
loopback loopback
Electrical circuit packs

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-45

Procedure 3-15 (continued)

Operating/releasing a loopback

Step Action

Note 1: Loopbacks can only be provisioned if the associated facility is

Note 2: You cannot operate a facility loopback and a terminal loopback on
the same facility at the same time.
Note 3: If a terminal loopback is applied to the facility whilst a loss of
signal condition exists, the appropriate yellow loss of signal LED on the
circuit pack turns off as the loss of signal detection circuit is bypassed (on
E1 circuit packs, the yellow LOS will remain on if a loss of signal
condition exists on another facility on the circuit pack).
To perform this procedure, you must
• ensure the associated facility is out-of-service, see Procedure 3-12,
Changing the primary state of a facility on page 3-37
• use an account with a level 2 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 In the Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application,
select the circuit pack whose facilities you want to operate/release a loopback
4 If you are operating/releasing a loopback on:
• DS1 facilities on DS1TM equipment, select DS1 from the Facility Type
drop-down list
Note: You cannot operate/release a loopback on the OC-3 facilities on
DS1TM equipment.
• DS3 or EC-1 facilities on DS3EC1 equipment on a SONET network
element, select the facility type (DS3 or EC1) from the Facility Type
drop-down list
Note: EC-1 facilities are only supported on SONET network elements.
For SDH network elements, you do not need to select the facility type as
only DS3 facilities are available.
5 In the Facility area, select the facility you want to operate/release a loopback
6 Click Test in the Facility area to open the Test Functions dialog box.
Note: The Test button is only enabled if the facility is out-of-service and the
user UPC level is 2 or higher.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-46 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-15 (continued)

Operating/releasing a loopback

Step Action

7 Select the required loopback type from the Direction drop-down list.
The current status (Active or Inactive) of the selected loopback is displayed
in the Test Status field.
8 If you want to Then select
operate the selected loopback Operate
release the selected loopback Release

Note 1: If a loopback is active on the selected loopback, the Operate button

is disabled. If a loopback is not active on the selected loopback, the Release
button is disabled.
Note 2: You cannot operate a facility loopback and a terminal loopback on
the same facility at the same time.
Note 3: When a loopback is active on a facility, a Loopback Active alarm is
raised and the facility secondary state is updated to include Loopback active.
Note 4: If a terminal loopback is applied to the facility whilst a loss of signal
condition exists, the appropriate yellow loss of signal LED on the circuit pack
turns off as the loss of signal detection circuit is bypassed (on an E1 circuit
pack, the yellow LOS will remain on if a loss of signal condition exists on
another facility on the circuit pack).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-47

Procedure 3-16
Retrieving and editing section trace messages
Use this procedure to retrieve and edit the section trace fail mode, format, and
section trace values on OC-n/STM-n facilities.

The value to transmit and the value to expect in the receive direction can be in
either string or numeric format:
• STRING - 15 bytes long printable alphanumeric ASCII string
Note: When entering the section trace string, you must enter any spaces
required in the message. Failure to correctly enter the spaces will cause a
Trace Identifier Mismatch alarm to be raised.

• NUMERIC - any value from 0 through 255 in decimal integer form

To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 1 or higher
UPC to retrieve the section trace information or an account with a level 3 or
higher UPC to edit the section trace information.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select the circuit pack/port for the required facility from the Equipment area.
4 Click Section Trace in the Facility area to open the Section Trace window.
The section trace fail mode, format, and section trace values are displayed
for the selected facility. For a description of the section trace parameters, see
Table 3-14 on page 3-14.
5 If you Then go to
do not want to edit the values step 12
want to edit the values step 6

6 Select a section trace fail mode from the Fail mode drop-down list.
Note: If you select the ‘Alarms on, with traffic protection’ fail mode, you
cannot edit the other parameters in the Section Trace dialog box.
7 Select a format from the Format drop-down list.
Note: Changing the format returns the expected Rx and transmitted values
to default.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-48 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-16 (continued)

Retrieving and editing section trace messages

Step Action

8 Enter the expected Rx value in the Expected Rx field. See Note on page
9 Enter the transmitted value in the Transmitted field. See Note on page 3-47.
10 If required, click on the Retrieve button to retrieve the actual incoming section
trace values.
11 Click Apply to save the values.
12 If you Then
want to view or edit the section select the required facility from the
trace values for other facilities Facility drop-down list, then go to
step 5
have completed all section trace go to step 13

13 Click the Close button in the top-right hand corner to close the Section Trace

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-49

Procedure 3-17
Retrieving and editing path provisioning
Use this procedure to retrieve and edit path trace and signal label values for
OC-n/STM-n, STS/VT/VC, GE WAN, DS3, EC-1, or E1 facilities.

You can enter a string of up to 15 characters (16-byte format) or 62 characters

(64-byte format) to provision a path trace message. If fewer characters are
entered, the string is padded with ASCII NULL characters.

Note 1: If there are no cross-connects, you cannot retrieve or edit path

trace or signal label values.
Note 2: When entering the path trace string, you must enter any spaces
required in the message. Failure to correctly enter the spaces will cause a
Trace Identifier Mismatch alarm to be raised.
To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 1 or higher
UPC to retrieve the path trace information or an account with a level 3 or
higher UPC to edit the path trace information.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Equipment & Facility Provisioning from the Configuration
drop-down menu to open the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
3 Select a circuit pack/port with provisioned facilities from the Equipment area.
4 If you are retrieving/editing path provisioning on:
• facilities on GE equipment, select WAN from the Facility Type
drop-down list in the Facility area
• facilities on DS3EC1 equipment on a SONET network element, select the
facility type (DS3 or EC1) from the Facility Type drop-down list
Note: EC-1 facilities are only supported on SONET network elements.
For SDH network elements, you do not need to select the facility type as
only DS3 facilities are available.
5 Click Path Provisioning in the Facility area to open the Path Provisioning

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-50 Equipment and facility provisioning

Procedure 3-17 (continued)

Retrieving and editing path provisioning

Step Action

6 Select a payload from the filter drop-down lists as follows:

a. Select a rate from the Rate drop-down list.
b. Select a slot from the Slot drop-down list.
c. Select a port from the Port drop-down list.
d. Select a channel number from the STS (SONET) or J-K or VC3 (SDH)
drop-down list.
Note 1: J is the AU-4 number, K is the TUG-3 payload number.
Note 2: VC3 is displayed when a DS3 payload is selected on a SDH
network element.
e. For VT1.5/VC12 paths, select the payload from the VTG and VT
(SONET) or L and M (SDH) drop-down lists.
Note: L is the TUG-2 payload number and M is the TU-12 payload
7 Click Retrieve to retrieve the path trace and signal label parameters.
The path trace and signal label values are displayed. For a description of the
parameters, see Path provisioning parameters on page 3-14.
Note 1: If the selected filter criteria is not a valid payload, a message is
displayed indicating that no path information is available for the filter selected.
Note 2: If the facility is OOS, the actual Rx values cannot be retrieved.
8 If you Then go to
do not want to edit the values but want to view or edit step 6
the path provisioning values for other facilities
want to edit the values step 9
have completed all path provisioning actions step 15

Note: The parameters that can be provisioned and retrieved in step 9 to step
13 depends on the type of endpoints and whether they are terminated. See
Table 3-14 on page 3-14 for details of path provisioning parameters and Table
3-15 on page 3-15 for applicability.
9 Select the required path trace format from the Path Format drop-down list.
Note 1: For VT1.5/VC12 paths, only the 16 Byte format is available.
Note 2: The path trace format must be the same at both the transmit and
receive ends of the path to prevent a mismatch.
10 Enter the path trace expected Rx value in the Path Expected Rx field (see
Note 2 on page 3-49).
11 Enter the path trace transmitted value in the Path Transmitted field (see
Note 2 on page 3-49).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Equipment and facility provisioning 3-51

Procedure 3-17 (continued)

Retrieving and editing path provisioning

Step Action

12 Select or deselect the Extended check box to enable or disable the extended
VT1.5/VC12 feature capabilities (path trace provisioning and monitoring).
Note 1: The Extended parameter can only be enabled for up to 1344
VT1.5/VC12 payloads per interface circuit pack.
Note 2: If the Extended parameter is off (check box not selected), the
expected path trace and monitoring parameters cannot be edited.
13 Select or deselect the Monitoring enabled check box to enable or disable
path trace monitoring for the selected facility.
14 Click Apply to save the values.
If you Then go to
want to view or edit the path provisioning for other step 6
have completed all path provisioning actions step 15

15 Click the Close button in the top-right hand corner to close the Path
Provisioning window.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
3-52 Equipment and facility provisioning

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
management 4-
Each BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration requires a ring map which contains an
ordered list of up to 16 APS IDs, ranging in value from 0 to 15 (APS ID0, APS
ID1, APS ID2, …APS ID15).

Note: Although ordered, the list does not have to be in sequential order of
0 to 15.

The ring map definition is as follows:

• The first APS ID defines the APS ID for the network element.
• The second APS ID defines the APS ID of the adjacent network element
connected to the port of the odd slot.
• Subsequent APS IDs in the list define the order of the subsequent network
elements in the ring.
• The last APS ID in the list defines the APS ID of the adjacent network
element connected to the even slot port.
The order of the ring map list is in a direction relative to the odd slot port.

This definition for ring maps requires that each protection group be
provisioned with a ring map rotated relative to the other network elements,
according to ring position.

The user can assign a ring name to each ring map of up to 40 characters
(allowable string characters are “0-9”, “A-Z”, and “-”). The same name should
be used at all nodes in the ring.

Figure 4-1 shows an example of ring map definitions for a 4 network element
ring. The APS IDS are numbered from 1 to 4 and the fibering consists of the
odd slot connected to an even slot of the adjacent protection group.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
4-2 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management

Figure 4-1
4-node BLSR/MS-SPRing - example of ring map definition


Ring Map: 1, 4, 3, 2 Ring Map: 2, 1, 4, 3
Node A Node B

Port B Port C
(Even slot) (Odd slot)
Port A Port D
(Odd slot) (Even slot)

Port H Port E
(Even slot) (Odd slot)
Port G Port F
(Odd slot) (Even slot)

Node D Node C
Ring Map: 4, 3, 2, 1 Ring Map: 3, 2, 1, 4
= Working/protection fibers

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management for the Optical
Multiservice Edge 6500. The figure shows the path from the Site Manager
menu bar.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-3

Procedures and options for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration window

Option Parameters Procedures and tables

Opening window

N/A N/A Procedure 4-1, Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps on page 4-5

Copy Map command

N/A N/A Procedure 4-2, Copying a ring map from one node to another node
on page 4-8

Add command

N/A N/A Procedure 4-3, Adding a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map on page 4-6

Edit command

Add APSID New APSID Procedure 4-4, Editing a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration on page
Edit APSID New Name 4-10
Delete APSID

Delete command

N/A N/A Procedure 4-5, Deleting a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map on page 4-13

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
4-4 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Abbreviations used in procedures

APS Automatic protection switching
BLSR Bidirectional line switched ring
LDCC Line data communications channel
MSDCC Multiplex section data communications channel
MS-SPRing Multiplex section-shared protection ring
RSDCC Regenerator section data communications channel
SDCC Section data communications channel
UPC User privilege code
Specific requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
For BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management procedures
• ensure all the OC-48/STM-16 or OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the slots
of the BLSR/MS-SPRing are BLSR/MS-SPRing protected. See Procedure
9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• ensure you have read and understand the information about 2-fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing networks (see 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic
protection on page 9-15) and the information on ring map provisioning in
Overview on page 4-1.
• ensure that any changes in the BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
provisioning are duplicated at each network element in the ring. The
MS-SPRing/BLSR Configuration application does not validate the
BLSR/MS-SPRing provisioning information across the ring. Incorrect
provisioning of the BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration information around a
ring can cause a traffic loss if a protection switch is required.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-5

Procedure 4-1
Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps
Perform this procedure to retrieve ring map data for BLSR/MS-SPRing

Step Action

1 Select the required network element from the navigation tree.

2 Select BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration from the Configuration menu to
open the BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration application. The table shows all
facilities that have been set up for BLSR/MS-SPRing protection.
• The Working Facility and Protection Facility columns display the odd
(working) and even (protected) facilities making up the
BLSR/MS-SPRing protected pair.
• The Name column displays the optional ring name.
• The Ring Map APSIDs are the APSIDs (0 to 15) of each node/facility pair
making up the ring. The first number is the APSID of the local node. The
next number is the APSID of the node connected to the odd-slot facility.
The remaining numbers are the APSIDs of the other nodes in the ring
travelling from the odd slot to the even slot. The last number is the APSID
of the node closing the ring (connected to the even-slot facility at the local
Note 1: For a two node ring, the node connected to the odd slot and the even
slot is the same node and only two APSIDs define the ring.
Note 2: The Name and Ring Map APSIDs columns remain blank until ring
map data is provisioned.
Note 3: In a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, both facilities can support
working and protection channels. The working and protection facility names
are defined when BLSR/MS-SPRing protection is provisioned.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
4-6 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management

Procedure 4-2
Adding a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map
Use this procedure to provision a ring map for a BLSR/MS-SPRing

Note 1: If you make a mistake during the provisioning steps, you can back
out of the provisioning steps by clicking Cancel. However, once the
provisioning is committed, you cannot back out.
Note 2: If this is the first time provisioning a new BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration, clicking Cancel at any time before committing clears all
provisioning information entered up to that point.
To perform this procedure, you must
• ensure the equipment and facilities on the OC-48/STM-16 or
OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the line slots of each node used by the
planned BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration are BLSR/MS-SPRing
protected, provisioned, and in service. See Procedure 9-2, Changing the
protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC to perform any provisioning
task, users with less than level 3 UPC have read-only access.
• ensure you have met the requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing
configurations. See Specific requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration management on page 4-4.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element from the navigation tree.

2 Select BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration from the Configuration menu to
open the BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration application.
3 Select the row containing the pair of facilities you want to add a ring map to.
4 Click Add.
The Add Ring Map dialog box is displayed. The Add node table contains two
rows, one named current node and the second named Next node connected
to <odd-facility>, <even-facility>.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-7

Procedure 4-2 (continued)

Adding a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map

Step Action

5 If required, type the name of the new ring in the Name field.
Note: Up to forty (40) characters are allowed in the Name field (except
backslash (/) and double quote (“)).
6 Select the APSID column and enter the value for the current node in the first
7 Enter the value for the next node connected to the odd-slot facility in the
second row.
8 If Then go to
you want to add a new APSID entry step 9
you want to change the ring map step 11
the ring map is complete step 12

9 Select a row in the Ring Map table and click Insert Row.
A new blank entry appears below the selected row. If there were only two
rows, the second row changes to Next node connected to <odd-facility>. If
the new row is the last row, it is named Next node connected to <even-slot
10 Enter the APSID value for the new entry in the new row.
Go to step 8.
11 If Then
you want to delete a row select a row and click Delete Row
you want to modify an APSID value click on an APSID table cell and
edit the value

Go to step 8.
12 Click OK.
13 If a Protection Invalid K-Bytes alarm is present, run the protection exerciser
on the BLSR/MS-SPRing protection pair identified to clear the alarm. Refer to
Procedure 9-11, Running/inhibiting the exerciser on page 9-56.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
4-8 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management

Procedure 4-3
Copying a ring map from one node to another node
Use this procedure to copy the ring map for a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
from one node to another node. Once copied, the ring map must be rotated so
that the node where the ring map is stored is at the top of the list with the last
node being its neighbour connected to the even-slot facility.

To perform this procedure, you must
• ensure the equipment and facilities on the OC-48/STM-16 or
OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the line slots of each node used by the
planned BLSR/MS-SPRing are BLSR/MS-SPRing protected, provisioned,
and in service. See Procedure 9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a
pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC to perform any provisioning
task, users with less than level 3 UPC have read-only access.
• ensure you have met the requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing
configurations. See Specific requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration management on page 4-4.

Step Action

1 Select the network element (node) with the provisioned ring map in the
navigation tree.
2 Select BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration from the Configuration menu to
open the BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration application.
3 Select the row that contains the required ring map and click Copy Map.
The row is selected and the status bar displays Ring Map data copied.
4 Within the same Site Manager session, select the node where the ring map
is to be copied.
Note: Log in to the other node if required.
5 Select BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration from the Configuration menu to
open the BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration application for the new node.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-9

Procedure 4-3 (continued)

Copying a ring map from one node to another node

Step Action

6 Select the row containing the facilities that are part of the same ring and click
The Add Ring Map dialog box appears.
7 Click Paste Map.
The ring map and the APSID column are populated using the data from the
first node.
8 Click Rotate Up or Rotate Down as necessary until the APSID of the
selected node is at the top of the list.
9 If the fibering order is different (even-to-odd slot instead of odd-to-even slot),
click Reverse.
Note: Clicking Clear removes the current ring name and all the APSIDs,
leaving only two rows.
10 Click OK.
11 If a Protection Invalid K-Bytes alarm is present, run the protection exerciser
on the BLSR/MS-SPRing protection pair identified to clear the alarm. Refer to
Procedure 9-11, Running/inhibiting the exerciser on page 9-56.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
4-10 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management

Procedure 4-4
Editing a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
Use this procedure to edit the BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map, namely:
• add an APSID
• edit an APSID
• delete an APSID
• rename a ring
• swap two APSIDs

Any changes to the BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map must be manually
propagated to all other nodes in the ring.

Note 1: Changes to the ring map are rejected if the BLSR/MS-SPRing is

not idle (a switch is active).
Note 2: If you do not operate a Lockout Protection on both members of
the BLSR/MS-SPRing protection group before editing the ring map
(except for renaming a ring), the ring map changes are rejected by the
network element.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC to perform any provisioning
task, users with less than level 3 UPC have read-only access
• ensure you have met the requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing
configurations, see Specific requirements for BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration management on page 4-4

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 If adding, editing, or deleting an APSID or swapping two APSIDs, operate a
Lockout Protection on both members of the BLSR/MS-SPRing protection
group (see Procedure 9-7, Operating a protection switch on page 9-47).
3 Select BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration from the Configuration menu to
open the BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration application.
4 Select the row that contains the required ring map and click Edit to open the
Edit Ring Map dialog box.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-11

Procedure 4-4 (continued)

Editing a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

Step Action

5 If you Then
want to add an APSID go to step 6
want to edit an APSID go to step 10
want to delete an APSID go to step 14
want to rename ring go to step 17
want to swap two APSID go to step 20
have completed the edit of the click Cancel.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map The procedure is complete

6 Select Add APSID from the Action drop-down list.

7 Select the row above where you want to add the new APSID.
8 Enter the new APSID value in the New APSID field.
9 If you Then
want to make other changes to the click Apply.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 5
do not want to make other changes to the click OK.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 23.

10 Select Edit APSID from the Action drop-down list.

11 Select the row with the APSID to change.
12 Enter the new APSID value in the New APSID field.
13 If you Then
want to make other changes to the click Apply.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 5
do not want to make other changes to the click OK.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 23.

14 Select Delete APSID from the Action drop-down list.

15 Select the row(s) with the APSID to be deleted.
Multiple rows can be selected as follows:
• to select some but not all rows, click on the first row to be selected then
hold down the Ctrl key while individually clicking once each of the
remaining required rows
• to select sequential rows, click on the first row to be selected then hold
down the Shift key and click on the last row in the required sequence.
• to select all the rows, click on any row then hold down Ctrl_A (Ctrl and A
keys together)

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
4-12 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management

Procedure 4-4 (continued)

Editing a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

Step Action

16 If you Then
want to make other changes to the click Apply.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 5
do not want to make other changes to the click OK.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 23.

Note: The deletion of an APSID is rejected if a cross-connect is

added/dropped on that APSID.
17 Select Rename Ring from the Action drop-down list.
18 In the New Name field, type the new name of the ring in the New Name field.
Note: Up to forty (40) characters are allowed in the Name field (except
backslash (/) and double quote (“)).
19 If you Then
want to make other changes to the click Apply.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 5
do not want to make other changes to the click OK.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map The procedure is complete.

Note: If the Nodal Cross-Connects application is open, click Refresh in the

Nodal Cross-Connects application to update the Ring Name information.
20 Select Swap APSIDs from the Action drop-down list.
21 Select the two rows containing the APSIDs to swap by holding down the Ctrl
key and clicking the APSID values that you want to swap.
22 If you Then
want to make other changes to the click Apply.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 5
do not want to make other changes to the click OK.
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map Go to step 23.

Note: The swapping of APSIDs is rejected if a cross-connect is

added/dropped on the APSIDs.
23 If you have added, edited, or deleted an APSID or swapped two APSIDs,
release the Lockout Protection performed in step 2 on both members of the
BLSR/MS-SPRing protection group (see Procedure 9-8, Releasing a
protection switch on page 9-50).
24 If a Protection Invalid K-Bytes alarm is present, run the protection exerciser
on the BLSR/MS-SPRing protection pair identified to clear the alarm. Refer to
Procedure 9-11, Running/inhibiting the exerciser on page 9-56.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management 4-13

Procedure 4-5
Deleting a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map
Use this procedure to delete a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map from a node.

To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC to perform any provisioning
task, users with less than level 3 UPC have read-only access
• ensure the network element with the BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration to
be deleted, is connected by fiber to the network and has SDCC/RSDCC or
LDCC/MSDCC enabled
• ensure that there are no cross-connects on the facilities in the
BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps you are deleting (see Procedure 5-2,
Deleting a cross-connect on page 5-23)
Note: You cannot delete a ring map unless you operate a Lockout
Protection on both members of the BLSR/MS-SPRing protection group.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Operate a Lockout Protection on both members of the BLSR/MS-SPRing
protection group (see Procedure 9-7, Operating a protection switch on page
3 Select BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration from the Configuration menu to
open the BLSR/MS-SPRing Configuration window is displayed.
4 Select the row that contains the ring map to be deleted.
Multiple rows can be selected as follows:
• to select some but not all rows, click on the first row to be selected then
hold down the Ctrl key while individually clicking once on each of the
remaining required rows
• to select sequential rows, click on the first row to be selected then hold
down the Shift key and click on the last row in the required sequence.
• to select all the rows, click on any row then hold down Ctrl_A (Ctrl and A
keys together)
5 Click Delete.
6 Release the Lockout Protection performed in step 2 on both members of the
BLSR/MS-SPRing protection group (see Procedure 9-8, Releasing a
protection switch on page 9-50).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005
4-14 BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Standard Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Apr 2005

Nodal cross-connect management 5-

In the OME6500 architecture, traffic is switched between ports on interface
circuit packs through the cross-connect circuit packs. Two cross-connect
circuit packs provide redundant equipment protection.

All ingress traffic, from a port on an interface circuit pack, maps to appropriate
VT/STS (SONET) or VC (SDH) containers for transmission to the
cross-connect circuit pack. The user configures the cross-connect circuit pack
to switch the VT/STS/VC container to a port on another interface circuit pack.
This basic functionality allows the OME6500 to support diverse connection
and protection configurations.

OME6500 connection types

1WAY unidirectional
A unidirectional (1WAY) connection type is a unidirectional path connection
mapped between two interface ports for drop-and-continue cross-connects.
For a 1WAY connection type:
• The From instance can be any channel on an OC-n/STM-n or GE facility
• The To instance can be any channel on an OC-n/STM-n or GE facility.

Figure 5-1 shows the 1WAY connection type for an STS-12c/VC4-4c path. See
Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4.
Figure 5-1
1WAY connection type

STS-12c/VC4-4c STS-12c/VC4-4c
STS-12c/VC4-4c STS-12c/VC4-4c
Port A

Port B

STS-12c/VC4-4c STS-12c/VC4-4c

Interface Cross-connect Interface

circuit packs circuit packs circuit packs

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-2 Nodal cross-connect management

2WAY bidirectional
A bidirectional (2WAY) connection type is a bidirectional path connection
mapped between two interface ports for pass-through, add/drop, or
port-to-port cross-connects. For a 2WAY connection type the From and To
instances can be any channel on an OC-n/STM-n, GE, DS3, EC-1, DS1, or E1

Figure 5-2 shows the 2WAY connection type for an STS-1/VC4 path.
Figure 5-2
2WAY connection type

Port A

Port B

Interface Cross-connect Interface

circuit packs circuit packs circuit packs

2WAYPR bidirectional
Defined as a bidirectional path protected connection between two interface
ports. A path selector controls which of the two protecting paths is passed to
the output. In the opposite direction, the traffic path is bridged to both
protecting paths. This connection type is used for UPSR/SNCP configurations.
For a 2WAYPR connection type:
• The From and Switch mate instances can be any channel on an unprotected
OC-n/STM-n or GE facility.
• The To instance can be any channel on an OC-n/STM-n, GE, DS3, EC-1,
DS1, or E1 facility.
Figure 5-3 illustrates the 2WAYPR connection type an STS-1/VC4 path.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-3

Figure 5-3
2WAYPR connection type


Port B

Port A
Port C
circuit packs circuit packs

circuit packs

1WAYPR unidirectional
Defined as a unidirectional path protected connection between two interface
ports. A path selector controls which of the two protecting paths is passed to
the output. For a 1WAYPR connection type:
• The From and Switch mate instances can be any channel on an unprotected
OC-n/STM-n or GE facility.
• The To instance can be any channel on an OC-n/STM-n or GE facility.
Figure 5-4 illustrates the 1WAYPR connection type an STS-1/VC4 paths. This
connection type is used for UPSR/SNCP configurations. See Supported
unidirectional configurations on page 5-4.
Figure 5-4
1WAYPR connection type

Port B

Port A

Port C

Cross-connect Interface
circuit packs circuit packs

circuit packs

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-4 Nodal cross-connect management

2WAYDPR bidirectional
Defined as a dual bidirectional path protected connection between four
interface ports. The connection type is used for UPSR/SNCP ring
interconnection and is the equivalent to four 1WAYPR connections.

For a 2WAYDPR connection type:

• The From and Switch mate instances can be any valid unconnected
channel on an unprotected OC-n/STM-n facility.
• The To and Destination Mate instances can be any valid unconnected
channel on an unprotected OC-n/STM-n facility.
Figure 5-5 illustrates the 2WAYDPR connection type an STS/VC-4 path.
Figure 5-5
2WAYDPR connection type

Port C

Port A
Port D

Port B

Interface Interface
circuit packs Cross-connect circuit packs
circuit packs

Supported unidirectional configurations

Unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR) are only supported for
the following applications:
• GE drop-and-continue applications on UPSR/SNCP, BLSR/SNCP, and
1+1/MSP linear configurations at STS-1, STS-3c, STS-12c, STS-24c,
STS-3c-nv (SONET) and VC4-nv (SDH) connection rates only. The
endpoints can be either OC-n/STM-n or GE facilities.
• dual feed connections on OC-48/STM-16 or OC-192/STM-64
BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations at the STS-12c/VC4-4c connection rate
only. Feeds on/off the BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration must be
OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, or OC-192/STM-64 facilities in either
unprotected or 1+1/MSP linear configurations.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-5

• dual feed connections on OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, or

OC-192/STM-64 unprotected configurations at the STS-12c/VC4-4c
connection rate only. Feeds on/off the unprotected configuration must be
OC-48/STM-16 facilities in either unprotected or 1+1/MSP linear
For drop-and-continue (broadcast) applications:
• For the VT1.5/VC12 cross-connect circuit packs (NTK557NA/PA/QA),
there is no limit for drops and continues per connection. In Release 1.2,
Nortel Networks has tested system configurations with up to 20 drops and
continues (for example, 1 drop and 19 continues).
• For the STS-1/VC3 cross-connect circuit packs (NTK557AA/BA), a
maximum of 4 drops and continues per connection is allowed. Each of the
drop-and-continue endpoints, including protected endpoints, must be on
different interface circuit packs (slots) on the OME6500. These limitations
only apply to the STS-1/VC3 cross-connect circuit packs and do not apply
to the VT1.5/VC12 cross-connect circuit packs with STS-1/VC3 (or higher
rates) connections.
Note: If the drops or continues are protected (either 1+1/MSP linear,
BLSR/MS-SPRing, or equipment protection), the drop or continue counts
as two towards the broadcast limit.

Payload interconnection
OME6500 supports the following payload interconnections:
• Non-concatenated at the VT1.5/STS-1 (SONET) or VC12/VC3(LO-AU4
mapping)/VC4 (SDH) level
• Contiguous concatenated at the STS-3c/STS-12c/STS-24c/
STS-48c/STS-192c (SONET) or VC4-4c/VC4-8c/VC4-16c/VC4-64c
(SDH) levels
All services (SONET/SDH, GE, DS1, DS3, and E1) are mapped to the
VT/STS/VC appropriate containers. The OME6500 uses Generic Framing
Procedure (GFP) as its standards based SONET/SDH mapping for
point-to-point GE connectivity services, as well as Virtual Concatenation
VC4 mapped VC3s (applicable to SDH only)
OME6500 supports the following VC3 (LO-AU4 mapping) mappings:
• VC4 mapped VC3 connection, connected at the VC4 level
• VC4 mapped VC3 where individual VC3s are connected directly to
another VC3 at the VC3 level
• VC4 mapped VC3 where the VC3s of one VC4 are connected to VC3s in
different VC4s at the VC3 level

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-6 Nodal cross-connect management

Note: VC3 (LO-AU4 mapping) connections require the VT1.5/VC-12

cross-connect circuit packs and the VT1.5/LO interface circuit packs.

Figure 5-6 shows a visual representation of these different mappings.

Figure 5-6
VC3 payload mappings







DS1 and E1 mapping

The DS1 signals are mapped to VT1.5 containers. The user has the option to
provision individual VT1.5 cross-connects for DS1 facilities or bulk provision
VT1.5 cross-connects for ports 1 to 28, ports 29 to 56, or ports 57 to 84.

The E1 signals are mapped to VC12 containers. The user has the option to
provision individual VC12 cross-connects for E1 facilities or bulk provision
VC12 cross-connects for ports 1 to 21, ports 22 to 42, or ports 43 to 63.
Generic Framing Procedure
GFP is an ITU standard (G.7041) which describes a flexible mapping
technique for transparent transport of multiple protocols in SDH and SONET.
GFP provides an efficient mechanism for Gigabit Ethernet (GE) and other data
services like Fibre Channel and FICON to be transported over an
SONET/SDH network via efficiently mapping varying client signals into
STS/VC containers.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-7

GFP defines two different implementations:

• Transparent GFP (GFP-T), for byte-oriented data streams that require low
latency transmission. The current release does not support GFP-T.
• Framed-mapped GFP (GFP-F), which maps one frame or packet of client
signal in one GFP frame. GFP-F processes client signal data streams on a
protocol data unit (PDU) basis and maps these streams into GFP-F frames
one packet at a time. GFP-F is recommended for Ethernet services as it
provides flow control capability and performance monitoring (operational
measurements (OM) and performance monitoring (PM)).
In GFP-F, idle frames are inserted as necessary to fill the transport payload.
Multiple GFP-F frames can be aggregated in a single SONET/SDH payload.

Figure 5-7 shows how GFP encapsulation is executed for Frame-mapped GFP.
Figure 5-7
GFP-F encapsulation

GFP Core Header Framed GFP

Client input GFP payload area comprising Used for packet-oriented clients
only client frames - not - no flow control or signalling
Client PM inter-frame bytes (Octet aligned) characters between packets
GFP - FCS Ethernet MAC frames, IP

VCAT/ client
PCS GMAC F-GFP SONET/ GFP necessary 8B/10B
CCAT Virtual
decode encode SDH demap inter-frame encode
mapper conca- bytes

Note: OME6500 supports the mapping of GE client signals to

STS-1/VC3/VC-4 granular containers using GFP-F at the STS-1,
STS-3c/VC4, STS-12c/VC4-4c, STS-24c/VC4-8c, STS-1-nv/VC3-nv
(n = 1 to 21), and STS-3c-nv/VC4-nv (n = 1 to 7) levels.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-8 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-1 provides a summary of the service mappings and interconnection

type supported in the current release.
Table 5-1
OME6500 service mapping

Service Mapping Interconnection type

OC-3/ • STS-1/VC4 • non-concatenated at STS-1/VC4 level
STM-1 • STS-3c • contiguous concatenation at STS-3c
OC-12/ • STS-1/VC4 • non-concatenated at STS-1/VC4 level
STM-4 • STS-3c/VC4-4c • contiguous concatenation at STS-3c,
• STS-12c STS-12c/VC4-4c level

OC-48/ • STS-1/VC4 • non-concatenated at STS-1/VC4 level

STM-16 • STS-3c, STS-12c/VC4-4c, • contiguous concatenation at STS-3c,
STS-24c/VC4-8c, STS-12c/VC4-4c, STS-24c/VC4-8c,
STS-48c/VC4-16c STS-48c/VC4-16c levels
OC-192/ • STS-1/VC4 • non-concatenated at STS-1/VC4 level
STM-64 • STS-3c, STS-12c/VC4-4c, • contiguous concatenation at STS-3c,
STS-24c/VC4-8c, STS-12c/VC4-4c, STS-24c/VC4-8c,
STS-48c/VC4-16c, STS-48c/VC4-16c, STS-192c/VC4-64c levels
GE • GFP-F to STS1, STS-3c/VC4, • non-concatenated at STS-1/VC4 levels
STS-12c/VC4-4c, STS-24c/VC4-8c • contiguous concatenation at STS-3c,
• GFP-F to STS-1nv/VC3-nv (n = 1 to STS-12c/VC4-4c, STS-24c/VC4-8c levels
21), STS-3c-nv/VC4-nv (n = 1 to 7) • virtual concatenation at STS-1nv/VC3-nv (n = 1 to
21), STS-3c-nv/VC4-nv (n = 1 to 7)
E1 • VC12 • non-concatenated at VC12 level
DS1 • VT1.5 • non-concatenated at VT1.5 level
DS3 • STS-1/LO_VC3 • non-concatenated at STS-1/LO_VC3 level
EC-1 • VT1.5 • non-concatenated at VT1.5 level
• STS-1 • non-concatenated at STS-1 level

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-9

Table 5-2 lists the different available transport structures available for the
4xGE EPL circuit pack and the associated throughput allocation for GE.
Table 5-2
Transport structure for GE and throughput

SONET/SDH Number of WAN bandwidth

transport STS-1/VC3, allocated
structure STS-3c/VC4 groups
STS-1nv/VC3-nv n n x 50 Mbit/s
STS-3c/VC4 1 150 Mbit/s
STS-3c-nv/VC4-nv n n x 150 Mbit/s
STS-12c/VC4-4c 4 600 Mbit/s
STS-24c/VC4-8c 8 1200 Mbit/s

Time slot assignment (TSA)

The OME6500 supports:
• unconstrained time slot assignment to any STS-1/VC4/VC3 container at
all STS-1/VC4 interconnection levels.
• partial time slot assignment to any low-order (VT1.5/VC12) container at
VT1.5/VC12 interconnection levels.
Note: The level of TSA supported depends on the cross-connect circuit
packs and the interface circuit packs.

TSA is performed as part of the connection creation process.

Time slot interchange (TSI)

The OME6500 provides the ability to change the time slot assignment of a
VT/STS/VC container to another available time slot at any point in the
add/drop or passthrough node in an OME6500 1+1/MSP linear, UPSR/SNCP
or unprotected network. TSI is not available on BLSR/MS-SPRing

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-10 Nodal cross-connect management

International gateway connections

OME6500 supports the international gateway feature which allows the
OME6500 to function in mixed SONET/SDH environments by allowing
individual OC-48/STM-16 ports to be provisioned to SONET or SDH mode
(see Chapter 3, Equipment and facility provisioning for details).

The internal gateway ports only support the following cross-connects between
the SONET and SDH ports:
• STS-1 (SONET port) and LO VC3 (SDH port)
• STS-3c (SONET port) and VC4 (SDH port)
• STS-12c (SONET port) and VC4-4c (SDH port)
• STS-24c (SONET port) and VC4-8c (SDH port)
• STS-48c (SONET port) and VC4-16c (SDH port)
Note 1: Only OC-48/STM-16 ports with unprotected or 1+1/MSP linear
protection schemes are supported.
Note 2: For the 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme, both working and
protection facilities must be set to the same port mode
Note 3: STS-1 to LO VC3 cross-connects require low-order cross-connect
circuit packs and low-order optical interface circuit packs.
An international gateway port (where the port mode is different to the NE
mode) also supports add/drop cross-connects to the following:
• GE facilities at STS-1/LO VC3, STS-3c/VC4, STS-12c/VC4-4c, or
STS-24c/VC4-8c rates
• DS3 facilities at the STS-1/LO VC3 rate
The selection panels in Site Manager are automatically updated to show the
correct terminology when an international gateway port is selected.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-11

Nodal cross-connect parameters

The following tables detail the parameters associated with nodal cross-connect

Table 5-3
Nodal cross-connect parameters

Parameter Description
Rate You must select the rate as:
• SONET: VT1.5, STS-1, STS-3c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-48c, or STS-192c.
• SDH: VC12,VC3, VC4, VC4-4c, VC4-8c, VC4-16c, or VC4-64c.
Type You must select the type as 1WAY (Unidirectional), 2WAY (Bidirectional),
2WAYPR (Bidirectional Path Ring), 1WAYPR (Unidirectional Path Ring), or
2WAYDPR (Dual Bidirectional Path Ring).
Equipment/Facility You must select the Equipment and Facility for the From or To as required (see
Table 5-4 on page 5-12).
BLSR/MSSPRing You must select the starting endpoint (End NE A) and finishing endpoint (End
Endpoints NE Z) of the path for BLSR/MS-SPRing connections.
Switch Mate You must select the Switch Mate when making 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or
2WAYDPR connections.
Destination Mate You must select the Destination Mate when making 2WAYDPR connections.
Note: The 2WAYDPR connection type is used for interconnecting
UPSR/SNCP rings. The ‘To’ and ‘Switch Mate’ parameters are associated with
one UPSR/SNCP ring whilst the ‘From’ and ‘Destination Mate’ parameters are
associated with the other UPSR/SNCP ring.
Timeslot numbers Each signal type requires that you assign a timeslot number to each parameter
(VT/STS/VC) in that signal type. You must enter a time slot number for the STS/VC. For
VT1.5, you must enter a timeslot number for STS, VT Group, and VT. For
VC12, you must enter a timeslot number for AU4 (J), TUG-3 (K), TUG-2 (L),
and TU-12(M).
Note: Site Manager automatically populates the available VT/STS/VC
parameter fields after you select the Rate and Type.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-12 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-4
OME6500 equipment and facility parameters
Rate Equipment Facility/channel Parameter values
DSM DS1x84 termination module
VT1.5 DS1-1-port# DS1-1-port# port# = 1 to 84
(OC3-Hslot#-Hport#) (OC3-Hslot#-Hport#) Hslot# = 1 to 4 & 9 to 12, Hport# = 1 to 4
DS1-1-DFLT-# DFLT-# = 1 to 3
(OC3-Hslot#--Hport#) (DFLT-1 = ports 1 to 28, DFLT-2 =
ports 29 to 56, DFLT-3 = ports 57 to 84
Hslot# = 1 to 4 & 9 to 12, Hport# = 1 to 4
24xDS3/EC-1 circuit pack
VT1.5 DS3EC1-slot# EC1-slot#-port#-vtg#-vt# slot# = 1 to 4 & 9 to 12, port# = 1 to 24
vtg# = 1 to 7 or ALL, vt# = 1 to 4
STS1 DS3EC1-slot# EC1-slot#-port# slot# = 1 to 4 & 9 to 12, port# = 1 to 24
STS1/ DS3EC1-slot# DS3-slot#-port# slot# = 1 to 4 & 9 to 12, port#= 1 to 24
63xE1 circuit pack
VC12 E1-slot# E1-slot#-port# slot# = 1 to 4 & 9 to 12
port# = 1 to 63
E1-slot#-DFLT-# DFLT-# = 1 to 3
(DFLT-1 = ports 1 to 21, DFLT-2 =
ports 22 to 42, DFLT-3 = ports 43 to 63)
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack
VT1.5/ P155622M-slot#-port# OC3-slot#-port#-sts#- slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 8
VC12 P155M-slot#-port# vtg#-vt# sts# = 1 to 3, vtg# = 1 to 7 or ALL,
STM1-slot#-port# vt# = 1 to 4
-J#-K#-L#-M# J (AU4) = 1, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3,
L (TUG-2) = 1 to 7 or ALL,
M (TU-12) = 1 to 3
P155622M-slot#-port# OC12-slot#-port#-sts#- slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 8
P622M-slot#-port# vtg#-vt# sts# = 1 to 12, vtg# = 1 to 7 or ALL,
STM4-slot#-port# vt# = 1 to 4
-J#-K#-L#-M# J (AU4) = 1 to 4, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3,
L (TUG-2) = 1 to 7 or ALL,
M (TU-12) = 1 to 3
STS1/ P155622M-slot#-port# OC3-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 8
VC3 P155M-slot#-port# STM1-slot#-port#-J#-K# sts# = 1 to 3
J (AU4) = 1, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3
P155622M-slot#-port# OC12-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 8
P622M-slot#-port# STM4-slot#-port#-J#-K# sts# = 1 to 12
J (AU4) = 1 to 4, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-13

Table 5-4 (continued)

OME6500 equipment and facility parameters
Rate Equipment Facility/channel Parameter values
STS3c/ P155622M-slot#-port# OC3-slot#-port# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 8
VC4 P155M-slot#-port# STM1-slot#-port#
P155622M-slot#-port# OC12-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 8
P622M-slot#-port# STM4-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 4, 7, 10
J (AU4) = 1 to 4
STS12c/ P155622M-slot#-port# OC12-slot#-port# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 8
VC4-4c P622M-slot#-port# STM4-slot#-port#
2xOC-48/STM-16 circuit pack (see Note 1)
VT1.5/ P2G5-slot#-port# OC48-slot#-port#-sts#- slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 2
VC12 P2G5W-slot#-port# vtg#-vt# sts# = 1 to 48,
STM16-slot#-port# vtg# = 1 to 7 or ALL, vt# = 1 to 4
-J#-K#-L#-M# J (AU4) = 1 to 16, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3,
L (TUG-2) = 1 to 7 or ALL,
M (TU-12) = 1 to 3
STS1/ P2G5-slot#-port# OC48-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 2
VC3 P2G5W-slot#-port# STM16-slot#-port# sts# = 1 to 48
-J#-K# J (AU4) = 1 to 16, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3
STS3c/ P2G5-slot#-port# OC48-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 2
VC4 P2G5W-slot#-port# STM16-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 4, 7, 10, ....46
J (AU4) = 1 to 16
STS12c/ P2G5-slot#-port# OC48-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 2
VC4-4c P2G5W-slot#-port# STM16-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 13, 25, 37
J (AU4) = 1, 5, 9, 13
STS24c/ P2G5-slot#-port# OC48-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 2
VC4-8c P2G5W-slot#-port# STM16-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 25
J (AU4) = 1, 9
STS48c/ P2G5-slot#-port# OC48-slot#-port# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 2
VC4-16c P2G5W-slot#-port# STM16-slot#-port#
OC-192/STM-64 circuit pack (see Note 1)
VT1.5/ 10G-slot# OC192-slot#-port#-sts#- slot# = 5, 6, 9, 10, port# = 1
VC12 10GW-slot# vtg#-vt# sts# = 1 to 192,
STM64-slot#-port# vtg# = 1 to 7 or ALL, vt# = 1 to 4
-J#-K#-L#-M# J (AU4) = 1 to 64, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3,
L (TUG-2) = 1 to 7 or ALL,
M (TU-12) = 1 to 3

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-14 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-4 (continued)

OME6500 equipment and facility parameters
Rate Equipment Facility/channel Parameter values
STS1/ 10G-slot# OC192-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 5, 6, 9, 10, port# = 1
VC3 10GW-slot# STM64-slot#-port# sts# = 1 to 192
-J#-K# J (AU4) = 1 to 64, K (TUG-3) = 1 to 3
STS3c/ 10G-slot# OC192-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 5, 6, 9, 10, port# = 1
VC4 10GW-slot# STM64-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 4, 7, 10, ... 190
J (AU4) = 1 to 64
STS12c/ 10G-slot# OC192-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 5, 6, 9, 10, port# = 1
VC4-4c 10GW-slot# STM64-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 13, 25, 37, ... 181
J (AU4) = 1, 5, 9, 13, ... 61
STS24c/ 10G-slot# OC192-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 5, 6, 9, 10, port# = 1
VC4-8c 10GW-slot# STM64-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 25, 49, 73, ... 169
J (AU4) = 1, 9, 17, 25, ... 57
STS48c/ 10G-slot# OC192-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 5, 6, 9, 10, port# = 1
VC4-16c 10GW-slot# STM64-slot#-port#-J# sts# = 1, 49, 97, 145
J (AU4) = 1, 17, 33, 49
STS192c/ 10G-slot# OC192-slot#-port# slot# = 5, 6, 9, 10, port# = 1
VC4-64c 10GW-slot# STM64-slot#-port#
4xGE circuit pack (see Note 2)
STS1/ PGEFC-slot#-port# WAN-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 4
VC3 WAN-slot#-port#-VC3# sts# = 1
VC3 = 1
STS3c/ PGEFC-slot#-port# WAN-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 4
VC4 WAN-slot#-port#-VC3# sts# = 1
VC3 = 1
STS12c/ PGEFC-slot#-port# WAN-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 4
VC4-4c WAN-slot#-port#-VC3# sts# = 1
VC3 = 1
STS24c/ PGEFC-slot#-port# WAN-slot#-port# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 4

STS1nv/ PGEFC-slot#-port# WAN-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 4

VC3-nv WAN-slot#-port#-VC3# sts# = 1 to 21
n= 1 to 21
VC3 = 1 to 21

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-15

Table 5-4 (continued)

OME6500 equipment and facility parameters
Rate Equipment Facility/channel Parameter values
STS3nv/ PGEFC-slot#-port# WAN-slot#-port#-sts# slot# = 1 to 6 & 9 to 14, port# = 1 to 4
VC4-nv WAN-slot#-port#-VC3# sts# = 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19
n= 1 to 7
VC3 = 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19
Note 1: For BLSR/MS-SPRing, you can provision channels (sts#/J#) 1 to 24 (SONET) or 1 to 8 (SDH)
for OC-48/STM-16 facilities or channels 1 to 96 (SONET) or 1 to 32 (SDH) for OC-192/STM-64 facilities
only as working channels. Channels 25 to 48 (SONET) or 9 to 16 (SDH) for OC-48/STM-16 facilities
and 97 to 192 (SONET) or 33 to 64 (SDH) for OC-192/STM-64 facilities are protection channels.
Note 2: When provisioning cross-connects on the GE circuit pack, ports 1 and 2 are considered mate
ports and ports 3 and 4 are considered mate ports. The following restrictions apply when provisioning
cross-connects on the mate ports:
• The virtual concatenation state (enabled or disabled) of the mate ports must be the same. For
example, if virtual concatenation is enabled on port 1 and has a cross-connect provisioned, you cannot
provision a cross-connect on port 2 if the virtual concatenation is disabled on port 2.
• If virtual concatenation is disabled:
— if an STS1/VC3 cross-connect is made to one port of the mate pair, only an STS-1/VC3
cross-connect can be provisioned on the other port of the mate pair.
— if a cross-connect other than an STS1/VC3 cross-connect is provisioned to one port of the mate
pair, an STS-1/VC3 cross-connect cannot be provisioned on the other port of the mate pair.
For example, if an STS1/VC3 cross-connect is provisioned on port 1, you cannot provision an
STS3c/VC4, STS12c/VC4-4c, or STS24c/VC4-8c cross-connect on port 2. You can provision an
STS3c/VC4, STS12c/VC4-4c, or STS24c/VC4-8c on port 1 and an STS3c/VC4, STS12c/VC4-4c, or
STS24c/VC4-8c on port 2.
Low-order VC-3s are mapped into a TU-3 and packed into an AU-4.
• If virtual concatenation is enabled, cross-connects on both ports of the mate pair must have the same
base rate. For example, if port 3 is provisioned with an STS1/low-order VC3 cross-connect, only
STS1/low-order VC3 cross-connects can be provisioned on port 4, you cannot provision STS3c/VC4
cross-connects on port 4. The number of virtual cross-connects on each port can be different.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-16 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-5
Allowable cross-connect types between network configurations

From endpoint To endpoint Allowed Connection path Connection path

protected protected cross-connect From To
facility facility types
BLSR/ Unprotected 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload and Facility/payload
BLSR/ BLSR/ 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload and Facility/payload
(pass-through endpoints
cross-connect in
the same ring)
BLSR/ BLSR/ 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload and Facility/payload and
cross-connect endpoints endpoints
between rings)
BLSR/ 1+1/MSP Linear 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload and Facility/payload
1+1/MSP Linear Unprotected 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload Facility/payload
1+1/MSP Linear BLSR/ 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload Facility/payload and
1+1/MSP Linear 1+1/MSP Linear 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload Facility/payload
Unprotected Unprotected 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload Facility/payload
Unprotected Unprotected 1WAYPR / Facility/payload and Facility/payload
2WAYPR Switch Mate
Unprotected Unprotected 2WAYDPR Facility/payload and Facility/payload and
Switch Mate Destination Mate
Unprotected BLSR/ 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload Facility/payload and
Unprotected BLSR/ 1WAYPR / Facility/payload and Facility/payload and
MS-SPRing 2WAYPR Switch Mate BLSR/MS-SPRing
Unprotected 1+1/MSP Linear 1WAY / 2WAY Facility/payload Facility/payload
Unprotected 1+1/MSP Linear 1WAYPR / Facility/payload and Facility/payload
2WAYPR Switch Mate
Note: See OME6500 connection types on page 5-1 for more information of the cross-connect types.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-17

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with nodal cross-connect management for the Optical Multiservice
Edge 6500. The figure shows the path from the Site Manager menu bar.

Procedures and options for provisioning nodal cross-connects

Nodal Cross-Connect application
Parameters Procedures and tables
Opening view
N/A Procedure 5-1, Retrieving cross-connects on page 5-21
Add command
Connection ID Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR
Rate cross-connect on page 5-25
Type • Table 5-3, Nodal cross-connect parameters on page 5-11
• Table 5-4, OME6500 equipment and facility parameters on page 5-12
Switch Mate • Table 5-5, Allowable cross-connect types between network configurations on
Destination Mate page 5-16
BLSR/MS-SPRing 1+1/MSP linear configurations
Endpoints Procedure 5-5, Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a 1+1/MSP linear
configuration on page 5-33
Procedure 5-6, Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in
a 1+1/MSP linear configuration on page 5-36

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-18 Nodal cross-connect management

Nodal Cross-Connect application

Parameters Procedures and tables
Connection ID BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations
Rate Procedure 5-7, Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing
Type configuration on page 5-40
From Procedure 5-8, Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing
To and linear spur configuration on page 5-44
Switch Mate
Procedure 5-9, Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing
Destination Mate
with subtending UPSR/SNCP configuration on page 5-48
Endpoints Procedure 5-10, Provisioning dual feed connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration on page 5-52
Unprotected configurations
Procedure 5-11, Provisioning dual feed connections in an unprotected chain
configuration on page 5-58
UPSR/SNCP configurations
Procedure 5-12, Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a UPSR/SNCP
configuration on page 5-62
Procedure 5-13, Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in
a UPSR/SNCP configuration on page 5-64
Procedure 5-14, Provisioning dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP
configuration on page 5-70
Procedure 5-15, Provisioning redundant (separate nodes) dual feed GE
connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration on page 5-75
Procedure 5-16, Provisioning redundant dual feed GE connections in a
UPSR/SNCP configuration (with an add/drop node) on page 5-81
Procedure 5-17, Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a UPSR/SNCP with
linear spur configuration on page 5-87
Procedure 5-18, Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a single-homed
subtending UPSR/SNCP configuration on page 5-90
Edit command
Connection ID Procedure 5-4, Editing a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR
cross-connect on page 5-30
Delete command
N/A Procedure 5-2, Deleting a cross-connect on page 5-23

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-19

Abbreviations used in procedures

ALS Automatic laser shutdown
BLSR Bidirectional line switched ring
DS1 Digital signal, level 1
DSM DS1 service module
ID Identifier
MSP Multiplex section protection
OME Optical Multiservice Edge
MS-SPRing Multiplex section-shared protection ring
SDTH Signal degrade threshold
SNCP Subnetwork connection protection
TM Termination module
TSA Time slot assignment
UPC User privilege code
VC Virtual container
UPSR Unidirectional path-switched ring
Specific requirements for bandwidth management in a UPSR/SNCP
For UPSR/SNCP bandwidth management procedures, ensure all the optical
interface circuit packs in the Layer 1 ring are unprotected. See Changing the
protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-20 Nodal cross-connect management

Specific requirements for bandwidth management in a

For BLSR/MS-SPRing bandwidth management procedures
• ensure all the OC-48/STM-16 or OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the slots
of the BLSR/MS-SPRing are BLSR/MS-SPRing protected. See Procedure
9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• ensure the network elements are present in the BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration. See Procedures and options for BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration management on page 4-3.
• ensure you have read and understand the information about 2-fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing networks, see 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic
protection on page 9-15.
Risk of traffic loss
Blocking of provisioning occurs only at a nodal level. Channel
reserving / blocking does not span more than one section. After
the provisioning rules determine which channels are reserved /
blocked on the east and west fiber sections adjacent to an add /
drop node, users must ensure they respect the ‘reserved’ and
‘blocked’ time slot assignments in all downstream fiber
sections until the far-end add / drop node. Provisioning over
these time slot assignments downstream can result in dropped
traffic if a protection switch occurs.

For BLSR/MS-SPRing provisioning rules, see the Planning

Guide, NTRN10BC.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-21

Procedure 5-1
Retrieving cross-connects
Use this procedure to retrieve nodal cross-connect information.

Note: If you must add or edit cross-connects after retrieving cross-connect

information, ensure you know the type of configuration in which they take

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Nodal Cross-Connects from the Configuration menu.
Note: If this is the initial launch of the Nodal Cross-Connects application, no
cross-connects will be displayed until the filter criteria is selected and a
Retrieve is performed. Subsequent launches of the Nodal Cross-Connects
application will display cross-connects based on the last filter criteria.
3 Select the cross-connects to be displayed using the filter drop-down lists as
a. Select the required rate from the Rate drop-down list which contains all
the supported rates.
b. Select the required slot from the Slot drop-down list which contains the
slot numbers of all provisioned circuit packs that support traffic.
c. Select the required port from the Port drop-down list which contains all
port numbers for the selected slot.
d. Select the required payload from the STS (SONET) or VC3, J-K, or J
(SDH) drop-down list which contains all the payloads applicable to the
selected rate.
Note 1: The filter drop-down lists can be hidden by clicking on the arrow
next to Filter label. If no filter drop-down lists are displayed, click on the
arrow next to Filter label to display them.
Note 2: The filter drop-down menus contain an ALL option to allow the
user to select multiple criteria. Selecting an ALL option may disable other
drop-down lists.
Note 3: For the SDH mode, the payload drop-down menu heading
changes depending on the criteria selected in the other filter drop-down
menus. For example, if the VC4 rate and a GE circuit pack/port are
selected, the heading is VC3. But if the VC4 rate and an optical circuit
pack/port are selected, the heading is J.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-22 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-1 (continued)

Retrieving cross-connects

Step Action

4 Select Retrieve.
The Nodal Cross-Connects application displays the provisioned nodal
cross-connects that match the selected filter criteria. The selected filter
criteria is displayed next to the Filter.
Note 1: The information in the columns of the Nodal Cross-Connects
application depends on the protection scheme of the specific slots in the
selected network element.
Note 2: To increase the cross-connect display area, you can hide the details
area by clicking on the arrow next to the Details label.
5 To view more information about a cross-connect, select the row containing
the cross-connect in the list.
The Details area of the Nodal Cross-Connects application displays details of
the selected cross-connect.
Note 1: If the cross-connect is part of a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration,
select the BLSR/MS-SPRing Endpoints tab to display information about the
BLSR/MS-SPRing endpoints.
Note 2: The details area can be hidden by clicking on the arrow next to
Details label. If the details area is not displayed, click on the arrow next to
Details label to display the area.
6 If you Then
want to view other cross-connects go to step 3
do not want to view other cross-connects the procedure is complete

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-23

Procedure 5-2
Deleting a cross-connect
Use this procedure to delete nodal cross-connects.

To perform this procedure you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Nodal Cross-Connects from the Configuration menu.
Note: If this is the initial launch of the Nodal Cross-Connects application, no
cross-connects will be displayed until the filter criteria is selected and a
Retrieve is performed. Subsequent launches of the Nodal Cross-Connects
application will display cross-connects based on the last filter criteria.
3 Select the cross-connects to be displayed using the filter drop-down lists as
a. Select the required rate from the Rate drop-down list which contains all
the supported rates.
b. Select the required slot from the Slot drop-down list which contains the
slot numbers of all provisioned circuit packs that support traffic.
c. Select the required port from the Port drop-down list which contains all
port numbers for the selected slot.
d. Select the required payload from the STS (SONET) or VC3, J-K, or J
(SDH) drop-down list which contains all the payloads applicable to the
selected rate.
Note 1: The filter drop-down lists can be hidden by clicking on the arrow
next to Filter label. If no filter drop-down lists are displayed, click on the
arrow next to Filter label to display them.
Note 2: The filter drop-down menus contain an ALL option to allow the
user to select multiple criteria. Selecting an ALL option may disable other
drop-down lists.
Note 3: For the SDH mode, the payload drop-down menu heading
changes depending on the criteria selected in the other filter drop-down
menus. For example, if the VC4 rate and a GE circuit pack/port are
selected, the heading is VC3. But if the VC4 rate and an optical circuit
pack/port are selected, the heading is J.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-24 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-2 (continued)

Deleting a cross-connect

Step Action

4 Select Retrieve.
The Nodal Cross-Connects application displays the provisioned nodal
cross-connects that match the selected filter criteria. The selected filter
criteria is displayed next to the Filter.
Note 1: The information in the columns of the Nodal cross-connect
application depends on the protection scheme of the specific slots in the
selected network element.
Note 2: To increase the cross-connect display area, you can hide the details
area by clicking on the arrow next to the Details label.
5 If you want to delete Then select
one cross-connect the cross-connect you want to delete from the
list of cross-connects
some but not all the first cross-connect in the list you want to
cross-connects delete. Hold down the Ctrl key while individually
clicking once each of the remaining
cross-connects in the list you are deleting.
all cross-connects the first cross-connect in the list. Hold down the
SHIFT key while clicking once on the last
cross-connect in the list.
any cross-connect in the list and then Ctrl_A
(Ctrl and A keys together) to highlight all
cross-connects (only applicable if more than two
cross-connects in the list)

Risk of traffic loss
Ensure cross-connects are not carrying traffic before
you delete the cross-connects. Deleting a cross-connect
that is carrying traffic causes traffic loss.

6 Click Delete.
7 Click Yes in the Warning dialog box.
You have completed this procedure.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-25

Procedure 5-3
Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or
2WAYDPR cross-connect
Use this procedure to add a nodal cross-connect to a network element.
Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

Note 1: You must provision the UPSR/SNCP protection against the From
endpoints in 1WAYPR, 2WAYPR, and 2WAYDPRconnections. The From
and Switch Mate endpoints must be unprotected OC-n/STM-n or GE ports.
Note 2: When adding an add/drop connection to/from a
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, the From endpoint should the
BLSR/MS-SPRing port and the To endpoint should be the add/drop port.
If you provision the From endpoint on the add/drop port and the To
endpoint on the BLSR/MS-SPRing add/drop port, the From and To
endpoints are automatically swapped. Click Refresh in the Nodal
Cross-Connects application to display the updated information.
For more information on the connection types, refer to OME6500 connection
types on page 5-1.

To perform this procedure, you must:
• for nodal cross-connects in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, ensure you
have met all specific requirements for bandwidth management in a
BLSR/MS-SPRing. See Specific requirements for bandwidth management
in a BLSR/MS-SPRing on page 5-20.
• ensure virtual concatenation is set to ‘Enabled’ on the WAN port if virtual
concatenation is required. At drop nodes in GE drop-and-continue
applications, ensure that virtual concatenation is set to ‘Enabled; Grouped’
if virtual concatenation is required. See Procedure 3-13, Editing facility
parameters on page 3-39.
• for nodal cross-connects in a UPSR/SNCP ring configuration, ensure you
have met all specific requirements for bandwidth management in a
UPSR/SNCP ring. See Specific requirements for bandwidth management
in a UPSR/SNCP ring on page 5-19.
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-26 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-3 (continued)

Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Nodal Cross-Connects from the Configuration menu.
Note: If this is the initial launch of the Nodal Cross-Connects application, no
cross-connects will be displayed until the filter criteria is selected and a
Retrieve is performed. Subsequent launches of the Nodal Cross-Connects
application will display cross-connects based on the last filter criteria.
3 Click Refresh.
4 Click Add to display the Add Cross-Connect dialog box.
5 If you Then go to
want to provision a Connection ID step 6
do not want to provision a Connection ID step 8

6 Click once in the Connection ID text field

7 Type the Connection ID.
Note: Up to forty (40) characters are allowed in the Connection ID text field
with the exception of \, “, and %.
8 Select a signal rate from the Rate drop-down list. See Table 5-3 on page 5-11
for nodal cross-connect parameters.
9 Select 2WAY (Bidirectional), 1WAY (Unidirectional), 2WAYPR
(Bidirectional Path Ring), 1WAYPR (Unidirectional Path Ring), or
2WAYDPR (Dual Bidirectional Path Ring) from the Type drop-down list.
Note: Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4 for
information on supported unidirectional (1WAY and 1WAYPR
cross-connects) configurations.
10 If you are adding Then go to
a single cross-connect step 11
multiple cross-connects (including GE WAN ports step 12
requiring virtual concatenation)
Note: Not applicable to VT1.5/VC12 connection rates.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-27

Procedure 5-3 (continued)

Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect

Step Action

11 Select the required equipment, facility, and payload parameters from the
drop-down lists for each of the following panels:
• From
• To
• Switch Mate (applicable to 1WAYPR and 2WAYPR connections only)
• Destination Mate (applicable to 2WAYDPR connections only).
See Table 5-4 on page 5-12 for OME6500 equipment and facility parameters
and Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for allowable cross-connects types between
network configurations.
Note 1: Site Manager automatically populates the available parameter fields
after you select the Rate and Type.
Note 2: If you want to bulk provision all VT1.5s/VC12s in an STS/TUG-3(K),
select ALL in the VTG/TUG-2(L) drop-down lists.
Note 3: If you want to bulk provision VC12 cross-connects for E1 facilities,
E1-#-DFLT-1 to provision VC12 cross-connects on E1 ports 1-21
E1-#-DFLT-2 to provision VC12 cross-connects on E1 ports 22-42
E1-#-DFLT-3 to provision VC12 cross-connects on E1 ports 43-63
Note 4: If you want to bulk provision VT1.5 cross-connects for DS1TM
facilities, select:
DS1-DFLT-1 to provision VT1.5 cross-connects on DS1 ports 1-28
DS1-DFLT-2 to provision VT1.5 cross-connects on DS1 ports 29-56
DS1-DFLT-3 to provision VT1.5 cross-connects in DS1 ports 57-84
Note 5: When adding an add/drop connection between an facility and an
optical facility in an BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, select the optical facility
in the BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration as the From point and the facility on
the add/drop port as the To point.
Note 6: UPSR/SNCP is not supported on DS1, DS3, EC-1, or E1 endpoints.
When provisioning 1WAYPR or 2WAYPR connections, the DS1, DS3, EC-1,
or E1 endpoint must be provisioned as the To endpoint and not the From
Go to step 19.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-28 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-3 (continued)

Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect

Step Action

12 Select the required equipment, facility, and payload parameters from the
drop-down lists for each of the following panels:
• From
• To
• Switch Mate (applicable to 1WAYPR and 2WAYPR connections only)
• Destination Mate (applicable to 2WAYDPR connections only)
See Table 5-4 on page 5-12 for OME6500 equipment and facility parameters
and Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for allowable cross-connects types between
network configurations.
Note: Site Manager automatically populates the available parameter fields
after you select the Rate and Type.
13 Click Select in the From panel to open the Multi-Channel Selector dialog box.
14 In the Multi-Channel Selector dialog box, under Available, select the required
channels for the cross-connects.
To select multiple channels select the first channel then:
• hold down the Ctrl key while individually clicking once each of the
remaining channels.
• hold down the Shift key and select the last channel required in the list.
• select Ctrl_A (Ctrl and A keys together) to select all channels.
Note 1: The cross-connects are dependent on the order of selection.
Note 2: Multiple channels will only be available for GE equipment/facilities if
virtual concatenation is enabled (see Procedure 3-13, Editing facility
parameters on page 3-39).
15 Click the arrow pointing to the right (->).
16 Perform step 14 and step 15 for each remaining channel to be in the
17 When all the channels you require are under the Selected column, click OK.
18 Repeat step 13 to step 17 for the To, Switch Mate (applicable to 1WAYPR and
2WAYPR connections only), and Destination Mate (applicable to 2WAYDPR
connections only) panels.
Note: When selecting multiple channels, you must select the same number
of channels in each of the From, To, Switch Mate (if applicable), and
Destination Mate (if applicable) panels.
19 If Then go to
the connection type is 1WAY, 2WAY, or step 20
2WAYPR and the From or To facility is a
otherwise step 21

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-29

Procedure 5-3 (continued)

Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect

Step Action

20 Select the End NE A and End NE Z node from the APSIDs in the drop-down
lists in the BLSR/MS-SPRing Endpoints panel.
21 If Then
you want to provision other cross-connects for click Apply
this network element
you have completed the cross-connect click OK
provisioning for this network element

22 If you are adding Then go to

a single cross-connect step 23
multiple cross-connects step 24

23 The cross-connect is added.

If the cross-connect cannot be added, an error message is displayed.
Go to step 25.
24 The Multiple Cross Connect Add Confirmation warning dialog box is
Check that the multiple cross-connects are correct, then click Yes.
If the cross-connects cannot be added, an error message is displayed.
25 If you selected Then
Apply in step 21 go to step 5
OK in step 21 the Add Cross-Connect dialog box is closed and
the procedure is complete
Note: When adding an add/drop connection
to/from a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, if you
provision the From endpoint on the add/drop port
and the To endpoint on the BLSR/MS-SPRing
add/drop port, the From and To endpoints are
automatically swapped. Click Refresh to display
the updated information.


Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-30 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-4
Editing a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or
2WAYDPR cross-connect
Use this procedure to edit the following nodal cross-connect parameters:
• the Connection ID
• the BLSR/MS-SPRing endpoints for a BLSR/MS-SPRing protected
To perform this procedure, you must
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in-service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• for nodal cross-connects in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, ensure you
have met all specific requirements for bandwidth management in a
BLSR/MS-SPRing. See Specific requirements for bandwidth management
in a UPSR/SNCP ring on page 5-19.
• for nodal cross-connects in a UPSR/SNCP ring configuration, ensure you
have met all specific requirements for bandwidth management in a
UPSR/SNCP ring. See Specific requirements for bandwidth management
in a UPSR/SNCP ring on page 5-19.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Nodal Cross-Connects from the Configuration menu.
Note: If this is the initial launch of the Nodal Cross-Connects application, no
cross-connects will be displayed until the filter criteria is selected and a
Retrieve is performed. Subsequent launches of the Nodal Cross-Connects
application will display cross-connects based on the last filter criteria.
3 Select the cross-connects to be displayed using the filter drop-down lists as
a. Select the required rate from the Rate drop-down list which contains all
the supported rates.
b. Select the required slot from the Slot drop-down list which contains the
slot numbers of all provisioned circuit packs that support traffic.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-31

Procedure 5-4 (continued)

Editing a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect

Step Action

c. Select the required port from the Port drop-down list which contains all
port numbers for the selected slot.
d. Select the required payload from the STS (SONET) or VC3, J-K, or J
(SDH) drop-down list which contains all the payloads applicable to the
selected rate.
Note 1: The filter drop-down lists can be hidden by clicking on the arrow
next to Filter label. If no filter drop-down lists are displayed, click on the
arrow next to Filter label to display them.
Note 2: The filter drop-down menus contain an ALL option to allow the
user to select multiple criteria. Selecting an ALL option may disable other
drop-down lists.
Note 3: For the SDH mode, the payload drop-down menu heading
changes depending on the criteria selected in the other filter drop-down
menus. For example, if the VC4 rate and a GE circuit pack/port are
selected, the heading is VC3. But if the VC4 rate and an optical circuit
pack/port are selected, the heading is J.
4 Select Retrieve.
The Nodal Cross-Connects application displays the provisioned nodal
cross-connects that match the selected filter criteria. The selected filter
criteria is displayed next to the Filter.
Note 1: The information in the columns of the Nodal cross-connect
application depends on the protection scheme of the specific slots in the
selected network element.
Note 2: To increase the cross-connect display area, you can hide the details
area by clicking on the arrow next to the Details label.
5 Select the cross-connect to be edited from the list of cross-connects.
6 Click Edit.
7 If you want to Then go to
edit the Connection ID step 8
do not want to edit the Connection ID step 10

8 Click in the Connection ID field and highlight the Connection ID.

9 Type the new Connection ID into the field.
Note: Up to forty (40) characters are allowed in the Connection ID text field
with the exception of \, “, and %.
10 If you want to Then go to
edit the BLSR/MS-SPRing endpoints step 11
do not want to edit the BLSR/MS-SPRing endpoints step 12

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-32 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-4 (continued)

Editing a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect

Step Action

11 Select the End NE A and End NE Z nodes from the APSIDs in the drop-down
lists in the BLSR/MSSPRing Endpoints panel.
12 Click OK.
13 If you have changed any cross-connect parameters, click Yes in the warning
dialog box.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-33

Procedure 5-5
Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a 1+1/MSP
linear configuration
Use this procedure to provision a bidirectional connection in a 1+1/MSP linear
point-to-point configuration on a nodal basis. For bidirectional connections
use 2WAY cross-connect types.

To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in-service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• to provision protected linear point-to-point connections, ensure you have
provisioned 1+1/MSP linear protection, bidirectional or unidirectional, on
the facilities for any protected 1+1 connection. See Procedure 9-2,
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
Risk of traffic loss
To provision unprotected linear point-to-point connections,
ensure that the 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme for
facilities at both ends of the link has been de-activated by
changing the protection to unprotected. See Procedure 9-2,
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on
page 9-36. This ensures that cross-connects can be
provisioned at both the odd and the even slot facilities.

This configuration does not provide traffic protection, and

results in a traffic loss in the event of a fiber cut or circuit
pack failure.

• get a traffic map for the 1+1/MSP linear system that requires cross-connect
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-34 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-5 (continued)

Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration

Step Action

1 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-8 on page 5-35. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.
2 Select the near-end network element in which you want to configure
cross-connects from the navigation tree and add a 2WAY cross-connect from
the slot/port x facility to the slot/port a facility. See Procedure 5-3, Adding a
2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page
3 Select the far-end network element in which you want to configure
cross-connects from the navigation tree and add a 2WAY cross-connect from
the slot/port c facility to the slot/port y facility. See Procedure 5-3, Adding a
2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-35

Figure 5-8
Bidirectional connection in a 1+1/MSP linear point-to-point configuration

network element
a b

c d y
network element


= 1+1/MSP linear protected facility

= Unprotected facility
= Bidirectional traffic
= Protection traffic

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-36 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-6
Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue
connections in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

Note 1: GE drop-and-continue connections are only supported at STS-1,

STS-3c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-3c-vn (SONET) and VC4-nv (SDH)
connection rates.
Note 2: Drop-and-continue cross-connect functionality is only supported
in unidirectional configurations.
The order of the From endpoint and the To endpoint is important for a
unidirectional connection. The From endpoint identifies the circuit pack from
which the signal originates. The To endpoint identifies the circuit pack to
which the signal is going. For example, for GE add nodes the From endpoint
must be the GE WAN facility and the To endpoint must be the OC-n/STM-n
facility in the 1+1/MSP linear configuration.

Note 1: The same source (From) end point can be connected to many
different destination (To) end points.
Note 2: To provision drops to multiple facilities at any one far-end
network element, overlay multiple unidirectional protected cross-connects
with the To endpoints configured for each facility endpoint.
A valid receive signal must be connected for unidirectional GE drop nodes
(ports b and c in Figure 5-9 on page 5-39). If there is no valid signal, GE idles
will be transmitted and auto-negotiation will not be functional.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-37

Procedure 5-6 (continued)

Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration

If provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections:

• When sub-rate WAN bandwidth is provisioned, Pause flow control at the
add node should be enabled to prevent ingress overflow unless the client
equipment is able to send traffic appropriate to the WAN bandwidth.
• A transmit fiber connection may not be required at the add node if
auto-negotiation or Pause flow control are not required (dependant on
subtending equipment, some equipment requires both fibers to bring up a
• Auto-negotiation can be enabled at the add and drop nodes but the transmit
and receive fibers must be connected to the same partner otherwise
auto-negotiation will not complete properly.
• Any Ethernet frames received from the LAN side at the drop node are
accumulated and will eventually cause an overflow. Frames dropped cause
the ETH INFRAMESDISCDS counter to increment unless Pause flow
control is Enabled.
To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in-service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Retrieving equipment
and facility details on page 3-20
• to provision protected linear point-to-point connections, ensure you have
provisioned 1+1/MSP linear protection, bidirectional or unidirectional, on
the facilities for any protected 1+1 connection. See Changing the
protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• get a traffic map for the 1+1/MSP linear system that requires cross-connect
• connect a valid signal to the receive ports at unidirectional GE drop nodes
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-38 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-6 (continued)

Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in your system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-9 on page 5-39. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and provision
the unprotected chain as indicated in Table 5-6, Unidirectional GE
drop-and-continue connection provisioning example for a 1+1/MSP linear
configuration on page 5-38, and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-9
on page 5-39). See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR,
1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.

Table 5-6
Unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connection provisioning example for a
1+1/MSP linear configuration

Cross-connect From To


1WAY (add) Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility


1WAY (continue) Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility

Far-end 1

1WAY (drop) Slot/port w facility Slot/port b facility

1WAY (continue) Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility

Far-end 2

1WAY (drop) Slot/port w facility Slot/port c facility

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-39

Figure 5-9
GE drop-and-continue connections in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration (example)

network element
x z

w y

network element

x z

w y

Far-end 1
network element

x z

w y

Far-end 2 c
network element
= 1+1/MSP linear
protected facility
= Unprotected facility
= Signal

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-40 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-7
Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

To perform this procedure, you must
• comply with provisioning rules associated with cross-connect types. See
Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations.
• ensure all the OC-48/STM-16 or OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the slots
of the BLSR/MS-SPRing are BLSR/MS-SPRing protected. See Procedure
9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• ensure the network elements are present in the Ring Map, see Procedure
4-1, Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps on page 4-5
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities, see Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on
page 3-20
• get or create a traffic map for the BLSR/MS-SPRing system
• ensure all planned cross-connects in the BLSR/MS-SPRing are 2WAY, see
Procedure 5-1, Retrieving cross-connects on page 5-21
• ensure there is no Node ID Mismatch alarm
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have read and understand the information about 2-fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing networks, see 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic
protection on page 9-15

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in your system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-10 on page 5-43. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-41

Procedure 5-7 (continued)

Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

Step Action

3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and provision
the BLSR/MS-SPRing as indicated in the Table 5-7, Bidirectional connection
provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration on page 5-42,
and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-10 on page 5-43). See
Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR
cross-connect on page 5-25.
Note: The End NE A and the End NE Z are the add/drop endpoints of your
path in the BLSR/MS-SPRing. You must enter the same NE A and NE Z
endpoints on every cross-connect on every network element that is on the
path you are configuring.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-42 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-7
Bidirectional connection provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

Ring map Path Cross- TSA From To

APS IDs (see Note) (Short/Long) connect
1,2,3,4 Short 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port b Slot/port w,
VC4-n#1 facility odd optical
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port a Slot/port x,
VC4-n#1 facility even optical
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
2,3,4,1 Short 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port x, Slot/port c
VC4-n#1 even optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port w, Slot/port d
VC4-n#1 odd optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
3,4,1,2 Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port w, Slot/port x,
pass-through VC4-n#1 odd optical even optical
connection facility facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
4,1,2,3 Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port w, Slot/port x,
pass-through VC4-n#1 odd optical even optical
connection facility facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
Note: The ring map APSID# column of this table is for use when performing the BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration. See Procedures and options for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management on page

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-43

Figure 5-10
Bidirectional connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration (example)

Long Path working channels Short Path working channels

1-24 (OC-48)/1-8 (STM-16) 1-24 (OC-48)/1-8 (STM-16)
or 1-96 (OC-192)/1-32 (STM-64) a b or 1-96 (OC-192)/1-32 (STM-64)

x w
<Even> < Odd>

w <Odd> <Even> x

APS ID 4 Pass-through NE Z APS ID 2

x <Even> <Odd> w

<Odd> <Even>
w x


= BLSR/MS-SPRing protected OC-48/STM-16
or OC-192/STM-64 optical facility
= Unprotected facility
= Fiber
= Signal path
= Bidirectional traffic flow

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-44 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-8
Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a
BLSR/MS-SPRing and linear spur configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Note: The linear part of this configuration is connected through the

OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, or OC-192/STM-64

To perform this procedure, you must
• comply with provisioning rules associated with cross-connect types. See
Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations.
• ensure all the OC-48/STM-16 or OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the slots
of the BLSR/MS-SPRing are BLSR/MS-SPRing protected. See Procedure
9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• ensure you have provisioned 1+1/MSP linear protection, bidirectional, on
both ends of the facilities for any protected linear 1+1 connection. See
Procedure 9-3, Changing the protection parameters for a pair of facilities
on page 9-40.
• ensure the network elements are present in the Ring Map, see Procedure
4-1, Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps on page 4-5
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities, see Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on
page 3-20
• get or create a traffic map for the BLSR/MS-SPRing system
• ensure all planned cross-connects in the BLSR/MS-SPRing are 2WAY, see
Procedure 5-1, Retrieving cross-connects on page 5-21
• ensure there are no Node ID Mismatch or Invalid Neighbor alarms
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have read and understand the information about 2-fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing networks, see 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic
protection on page 9-15

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-45

Procedure 5-8 (continued)

Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing and linear spur configuration

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-11 on page 5-47. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and add the
cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-8, Bidirectional connection
provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing with linear spur configuration
on page 5-46, to provision the path shown in the example diagram (Figure
5-11 on page 5-47).
See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or
2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.
Note 1: The example shows you how to provision a working path in the
BLSR/MS-SPRing through to the far-end of a linear spur. You do not provision
a protection path in either the BLSR/MS-SPRing or the linear part of the
configuration. The direction of the working path is determined from the path
provisioned and your selection of NE A and NE Z in the BLSR/MS-SPRing.
Note 2: The End NE A and the End NE Z are the add/drop endpoints of your
path in the BLSR/MS-SPRing. You must enter the same NE A and NE Z
endpoints on every cross-connect on every network element that is on the
path you are configuring.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-46 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-8
Bidirectional connection provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing with linear spur

Ring map Path Cross- TSA From To

APS IDs (see Note) (Short/Long) connect
1,2,3,4 Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port a Slot/port x,
VC4-n#1 facility even optical
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
4,1,2,3 Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port w, Slot/port x,
pass-through VC4-n#1 odd optical even optical
connection facility facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
3,4,1,2 Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port w, Slot/port b
VC4-n#1 odd optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
Linear spur
NA Linear spur 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port c Slot/port y
VC4-n#1 optical facility
Note: The ring map APSID# column of this table is for use when performing the BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration. See Procedures and options for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management on page

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-47

Figure 5-11
Bidirectional connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing with linear spur configuration (example)


Long Path

x w
<Even> <Odd>

w <Odd> x

APS ID 4 connection APS ID 2

x <Even> w

<Odd> APS ID 3 <Even>
w x

2WAY cross-connect
from 1+1/MSP linear b
protected facility 1+1/MSP linear
to BLSR/MS-SPRing protected facilities
protected OC-48/STM-16 y c z as a linear spur
or OC-192/STM-64
optical facility

= BLSR/MS-SPRing protected OC-48/STM-16
or OC-192/STM-64 opticial facility
= BLSR/MS-SPRing, 1+1/MSP linear, or
unprotected facility
= 1+1/MSP linear protected facility pair

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-48 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-9
Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a
BLSR/MS-SPRing with subtending UPSR/SNCP
Use this procedure as an example to provision nodal cross-connects for a new
bidirectional end-to-end service that has end points in two different subtending
rings of a network. Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network
is identical to the one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider
the procedure as an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your
network conditions.

Note: The interconnection of the subtending rings is supported through the

OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, or OC-192/STM-64

To perform this procedure, you must
• comply with provisioning rules associated with cross-connect types. See
Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations.
• ensure all the OC-48/STM-16 or OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the slots
of the BLSR/MS-SPRing are BLSR/MS-SPRing protected. See Procedure
9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• ensure the network elements are present in the Ring Map, see Procedure
4-1, Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps on page 4-5
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities, see Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on
page 3-20
• get or create a traffic map for the BLSR/MS-SPRing system
• ensure all planned cross-connects in the BLSR/MS-SPRing are 2WAY, see
Procedure 5-1, Retrieving cross-connects on page 5-21
• ensure there is no Node ID Mismatch or Invalid neighbor alarms
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have read and understand the information about 2-fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing networks, see 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic
protection on page 9-15
• ensure you have provisioned the required SDTH, see Procedure 1-3,
Editing facility parameters on page 3-39

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-49

Procedure 5-9 (continued)

Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a BLSR/MS-SPRing with subtending UPSR/SNCP

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-12 on page 5-51. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and add the
cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-9, Bidirectional connection
provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing with subtending UPSR/SNCP
configuration on page 5-50 and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-12
on page 5-51). See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR,
1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.
Note 1: The example shows you how to provision a working path in the
BLSR/MS-SPRing through to the far-end of a subtending UPSR/SNCP ring.
You must provision a protection path in the UPSR/SNCP ring part of the
configuration. The direction of the working path in the BLSR/MS-SPRing part
is determined from the path provisioned and your selection of NE A and NE
Z in the BLSR/MS-SPRing.
Note 2: The End NE A and the End NE Z are the add/drop endpoints of your
path in the BLSR/MS-SPRing. You must enter the same NE A and NE Z
endpoints on every cross-connect on every network element that is on the
path you are configuring.

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5-50 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-9
Bidirectional connection provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing with subtending
UPSR/SNCP configuration

Ring map Path Cross- TSA From To Switch Mate

APS IDs (Short/Long) connect
(see Note)
1,2,3,4 Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port a Slot/port w,
VC4-n#1 facility odd optical
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
2,3,4,1 Long 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port x, Slot/port w,
pass-through VC4-n#1 even optical odd optical
connection facility facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
3,4,1,2 Long/UPSR 2WAYPR STSn#1/ Slot/port z Slot/port x, Slot/port y
VC4-n#1 facility even optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
Pass-through network element 1
NA UPSR 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port x Slot/port w
VC4-n#1 optical facility optical facility
Pass-through network element 2
NA UPSR 2WAY STSn#1/ Slot/port w Slot/port x
VC4-n#1 optical facility optical facility
Far end
NA UPSR 2WAYPR STSn#1/ Slot/port x Slot/port b Slot/port w
VC4-n#1 optical facility optical facility
Note: The ring map APSID# column of this table is for use when performing the BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration. See Procedures and options for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management on page

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-51

Figure 5-12
Bidirectional connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing with subtending UPSR/SNCP configuration

x w
<Even> <Odd>

w <Even> x

OC-48/STM-16 or
OC-192/STM-64 APS ID 2

x <Odd> w

<Odd> APS ID 3 <Even>

w x

y z

protection working

w x

Pass-through Pass-through
network network
element 2 element 1

x w

= BLSR/MS-SPRing protected
OC-48/STM-16 or w x
OC-192/STM-64 optical facilities
= Unprotected facilities
(in USPR/SNCP) b
Far end NE
= Unprotected facilities
= 1+1/MSP linear protected facilities
= Path selector

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-52 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-10
Provisioning dual feed connections in a
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

The order of the From endpoint and the To endpoint is important for a
unidirectional connection. The From endpoint identifies the circuit pack from
which the signal originates. The To endpoint identifies the circuit pack to
which the signal is going.

Note 1: The same source (From) end point can be connected to many
different destination (To) end points.
Note 2: To provision drops to multiple facilities at any one far-end
network element, overlay multiple unidirectional protected cross-connects
with the To endpoints configured for each facility endpoint.
1. For unidirectional OC-n/STM-n drop node ports where a receive signal is
not expected (ports c, d, e, f, g, and h in Figure 5-13 on page 5-57), you must
disable ALS for the port. This prevents the associated transmit laser from
being shutdown (see Procedure 3-13, Editing facility parameters on page

2. A valid receive signal must be connected for unidirectional GE drop nodes

(ports c, d, e, f, g, and h in Figure 5-13 on page 5-57). If there is no valid
signal, GE idles will be transmitted and auto-negotiation will not be

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-53

Procedure 5-10 (continued)

Provisioning dual feed connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

If provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections:

• When sub-rate WAN bandwidth is provisioned, Pause flow control at the
add node should be enabled to prevent ingress overflow unless the client
equipment is able to send traffic appropriate to the WAN bandwidth.
• A transmit fiber connection may not be required at the add node if
auto-negotiation or Pause flow control are not required (dependant on
subtending equipment, some equipment requires both fibers to bring up a
• Auto-negotiation can be enabled at the add and drop nodes but the transmit
and receive fibers must be connected to the same partner otherwise
auto-negotiation will not complete properly.
• Any Ethernet frames received from the LAN side at the drop node are
accumulated and will eventually cause an overflow. Frames dropped cause
the ETH INFRAMESDISCDS counter to increment unless Pause flow
control is Enabled.
To perform this procedure, you must
• comply with provisioning rules associated with cross-connect types. See
Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations.
• ensure all OC-48/STM-16 or OC-192/STM-64 circuit packs in the slots of
the BLSR/MS-SPRing are BLSR/MS-SPRing protected. See Procedure
9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• ensure the network elements are present in the Ring Map, see Procedure
4-1, Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps on page 4-5
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities, see Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on
page 3-20
• get or create a traffic map for the BLSR/MS-SPRing system
• ensure there is no Node ID Mismatch alarm
• disable ALS on ports where a receive signal is not expected, see Procedure
3-13, Editing facility parameters on page 3-39
• connect a valid signal to the receive ports at unidirectional GE drop nodes

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-54 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-10 (continued)

Provisioning dual feed connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration

• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

• ensure you have read and understand the information about 2-fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing networks (see 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic
protection on page 9-15)

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in your system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-13 on page 5-57. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and provision
the BLSR/MS-SPRing as indicated in the Table 5-10, Dual feed
cross-connect provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration on
page 5-55, and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-13 on page 5-57).
See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or
2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.
Note: For the add and passthrough connections, the End NE A endpoint
must be the add node and the End NE Z endpoint must be the final drop node.
For all drop connections, the End NE A endpoint must be the remote source
(add node) and the End NE Z must be the local node.

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-55

Table 5-10
Dual feed cross-connect provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
Ring map Cross- Type/ From To
APS IDs (see Note) connect direction
1,2,3,4 1WAY Add/clockwise Slot/port b facility Slot/port w, odd
optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 4
1WAY Add/counter- Slot/port a facility Slot/port x, even
clockwise optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
2,3,4,1 1WAY Drop/clockwise Slot/port x, even Slot/port c facility
optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
1WAY Passthrough/ Slot/port x, even Slot/port w, odd
clockwise optical facility optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 4
1WAY Drop/counter- Slot/port w, odd Slot/port d facility
clockwise optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
3,4,1,2 1WAY Drop/clockwise Slot/port x, even Slot/port e facility
optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
1WAY Passthrough/ Slot/port x, even Slot/port w, odd
clockwise optical facility optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 4
1WAY Drop/counter- Slot/port w, odd Slot/port f facility
clockwise optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 3
1WAY Passthrough/ Slot/port w, odd Slot/port x, even
counter-clockwise optical facility optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2

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5-56 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-10 (continued)

Dual feed cross-connect provisioning example for a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
Ring map Cross- Type/ From To
APS IDs (see Note) connect direction
4,1,2,3 1WAY Drop/clockwise Slot/port x, even Slot/port g facility
optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 4
1WAY Drop/counter- Slot/port w, odd Slot/port h facility
clockwise optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 4
1WAY Passthrough/counter- Slot/port w, odd Slot/port x, even
clockwise optical facility optical facility
End NE A: 1
End NE Z: 2
Note: The ring map APS IDs column of this table is for use when performing the BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration. See Procedures and options for BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management on
page 4-3

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-57

Figure 5-13
Dual feed connections in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration (example)

a b

x w
<Even> < Odd>

w <Odd> <Even> x
h c


g d
x <Even> <Odd> w

<Odd> <Even>
w x


Working channels f e
1-96 (OC-192)/1-32 (STM-64) APS ID 3

= BLSR/MS-SPRing protected OC-48/STM-16
or OC-192/STM-64 optical facility
= Unprotected or 1+1/MSP linear
protected facilities
= Fiber

= Signal paths

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-58 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-11
Provisioning dual feed connections in an unprotected
chain configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

The order of the From endpoint and the To endpoint is important for a
unidirectional connection. The From endpoint identifies the circuit pack from
which the signal originates. The To endpoint identifies the circuit pack to
which the signal is going.

Note 1: The same source (From) end point can be connected to many
different destination (To) end points.
Note 2: To provision drops to multiple facilities at any one far-end
network element, overlay multiple unidirectional protected cross-connects
with the To endpoints configured for each facility endpoint.
For unidirectional OC-n/STM-n drop nodes where a receive signal is not
expected (ports c, d, e, f, g, and h in Figure 5-14 on page 5-61), you must
disable ALS for the port. This prevents the associated transmit laser from
being shutdown (see Procedure 3-13, Editing facility parameters on page

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-59

Procedure 5-11 (continued)

Provisioning dual feed connections in an unprotected chain configuration

To perform this procedure, you must
• comply with provisioning rules associated with cross-connect types. See
Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations.
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities, see Procedure 3-1, Retrieving equipment and facility details on
page 3-20
• disable ALS on ports where a receive signal is not expected, see Procedure
3-13, Editing facility parameters on page 3-39
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in your system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-14 on page 5-61. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and provision
the unprotected chain as indicated in Table 5-11, Dual feed cross-connect
provisioning example for an unprotected chain configuration on page 5-60,
and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-14 on page 5-61). See
Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR
cross-connect on page 5-25.

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5-60 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-11
Dual feed cross-connect provisioning example for an unprotected chain configuration

Cross- Type/direction From To



1WAY Add/clockwise Slot/port b facility Slot/port w facility

1WAY Add/counter-clockwise Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility


1WAY Drop/clockwise Slot/port x facility Slot/port c facility

1WAY Passthrough/clockwise Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility

1WAY Drop/counter-clockwise Slot/port w facility Slot/port d facility


1WAY Drop/clockwise Slot/port x facility Slot/port e facility

1WAY Passthrough/clockwise Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility

1WAY Drop/counter- Slot/port w facility Slot/port f facility


1WAY Passthrough/counter- Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility



1WAY Drop/clockwise Slot/port x facility Slot/port g facility

1WAY Drop/counter-clockwise Slot/port w facility Slot/port h facility

1WAY Passthrough/counter- Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility


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Nodal cross-connect management 5-61

Figure 5-14
Dual feed connections in an unprotected chain configuration (example)

a b

x w

w x
h c


g d
x w

w x

f e

= Unprotected facilities

= Unprotected facilities (add/drop)

= Fiber

= Signal paths

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-62 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-12
Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a
UPSR/SNCP configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Note: UPSR/SNCP protection is supported on the OC-3/STM-1,

OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE facilities.

To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• ensure you have provisioned the unprotected protection scheme on the
optical facilities for any UPSR/SNCP configuration. See Procedure 9-3,
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• get or create an interface traffic map for the UPSR/SNCP configuration
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have provisioned the required SDTH, see Procedure 1-3,
Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in your system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-15 on page 5-63. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs on your diagram so you can refer
to the slot/port numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and provision
the cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-12, Bidirectional cross-connect
provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP configuration on page 5-63, and
shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-15 on page 5-63). See Procedure
5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR
cross-connect on page 5-25.

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-63

Table 5-12
Bidirectional cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP configuration

Cross-connect From To Switch Mate

2WAYPR Slot/port w facility Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility
Pass-through 1
2WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a
Pass-through 2
2WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a
2WAYPR Slot/port x facility Slot/port b facility Slot/port w facility

Figure 5-15
Bidirectional connections in UPSR/SNCP configuration (example)

x w

Switch Near-end
mate network element

w x

Pass-through Pass-through
network element 1 network element 2

x w

network element
w x

= Unprotected facility
(in UPSR/SNCP) b
= Unprotected facility
= Signal
= Path selector

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-64 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-13
Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue
connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

Note 1: UPSR/SNCP is only supported on unprotected OC-3/STM-1,

OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE facilities.
Note 2: GE drop-and -continue connections are only supported at STS-1,
STS-3c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-3c-vn (SONET) and VC4-nv (SDH)
connection rates.
Note 3: Drop-and-continue cross-connect functionality is only supported
in unidirectional configurations.
The order of the From endpoint and the To endpoint is important for a
unidirectional connection. The From endpoint identifies the circuit pack from
which the signal originates. The To endpoint identifies the circuit pack to
which the signal is going. For example, for GE add nodes the From endpoint
must be the GE WAN facility and the To endpoint must be the OC-n/STM-n

Note 1: The same source (From) end point can be connected to many
different destination (To) end points.
Note 2: To provision drops to multiple facilities at any one far-end
network element, overlay multiple unidirectional protected cross-connects
with the To endpoints configured for each facility endpoint.
A valid receive signal must be connected for unidirectional GE drop nodes
(ports b, c, and d in Figure 5-16 on page 5-69). If there is no valid signal, GE
idles will be transmitted and auto-negotiation will not be functional.

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Nodal cross-connect management 5-65

Procedure 5-13 (continued)

Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration

The GE circuit pack does not generate AIS on LAN defects, so WAN
conditioning is used at the add node to provision either unequipped and/or nil
trace as triggers for path protection in the event of LAN defects:
• if using unequipped as the path protection trigger, Unequipped alarms may
be raised at pass-through nodes (nodes with no adds or drops) if
Unequipped is usually monitored. If required, the user may need to disable
Unequipped alarms at these pass-through nodes. You should not disable
the Unequipped alarms at the drop nodes. When a LAN defect is detected,
an unequipped signal label is transmitted in order to raise Unequipped
alarms at the drop nodes to trigger path switching.
• if using path trace as the path protection trigger, the transmit path trace
must be provisioned at the add node and the expected receive path trace
must be provisioned on the UPSR/SNCP protection pairs and the To end
point on the GE facility at each drop node (and at the inter-ring node in the
example). When a LAN defect is detected, a nil path trace is transmitted in
order to raise Trace Identifier Mismatch alarms to trigger path switching.
Note: Path protection using path trace is inherently slower than using

You must ensure that the WAN conditioning settings at the add nodes match
the path protection switch criteria at the drop nodes on the UPSR/SNCP. If the
WAN conditioning is set to Unequipped at the add nodes, the path protection
switch criteria at the drop nodes must contain Unequipped. If the WAN
conditioning is set to Nil Trace at the add nodes, the path protection switch
criteria at the drop nodes must contain Trace Identifier Mismatch. See WAN
facility parameters on page 3-9 for details of WAN conditioning and Nodal
system parameters on page 1-4 for details of path protection criteria.

Note 1: As only unequipped is sent when a GE facility is placed

out-of-service, it is recommended that both unequipped and path trace are
provisioned as path switching criteria in the UPSR/SNCP.
Note 2: Local client failures will still be propagated to the far end if GFP
CMF is the WAN conditioning parameter.
Note 3: If provisioning virtual concatenation connections for the GE
feeds, at the drop nodes ensure that the virtual concatenation parameter is
set to ‘Enabled; Grouped’ for the GE facility (see WAN facility parameters
on page 3-9 for details).
At drop nodes, the user can also control the LAN transmit conditioning which
determines if the Ethernet transmitter is shut down upon detecting certain
defects. For drop nodes, it is recommended that the Ethernet transmit
conditioning is disabled (see ETH facility parameters on page 3-8 for details).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-66 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-13 (continued)

Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration

If provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections:

• When sub-rate WAN bandwidth is provisioned, Pause flow control at the
add node should be enabled to prevent ingress overflow unless the client
equipment is able to send traffic appropriate to the WAN bandwidth.
• A transmit fiber connection may not be required at the add node if
auto-negotiation or Pause flow control are not required (dependant on
subtending equipment, some equipment requires both fibers to bring up a
• Auto-negotiation can be enabled at the add and drop nodes but the transmit
and receive fibers must be connected to the same partner otherwise
auto-negotiation will not complete properly.
• Any Ethernet frames received from the LAN side at the drop node are
accumulated and will eventually cause an overflow. Frames dropped cause
the ETH INFRAMESDISCDS counter to increment unless Pause flow
control is Enabled.
To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• ensure you have provisioned the unprotected protection scheme on the
optical facilities for any UPSR/SNCP configuration. See Procedure 9-3,
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• obtain or create a traffic map for the UPSR/SNCP configuration
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have provisioned the required SDTH, see Procedure 1-3,
Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14
• disable ALS on ports where a receive signal is not expected, see Procedure
3-13, Editing facility parameters on page 3-39
• connect a valid signal to the receive ports at unidirectional GE drop nodes
• ensure that the path protection switch criteria are set appropriately, see
Procedure 1-3, Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14
• ensure that the GE WAN conditioning and ETH transmit conditioning are
set appropriately, see Procedure 3-13, Editing facility parameters on page

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-67

Procedure 5-13 (continued)

Provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration

• if using path trace as a path protection trigger, ensure that path trace is
provisioned and path trace monitoring is enabled at the add and drop
nodes, see Procedure 3-17, Retrieving and editing path provisioning on
page 3-49

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-16 on page 5-69. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to them throughout
the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and add the
cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-13, Unidirectional GE
drop-and-continue cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP
configuration on page 5-68, and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-16
on page 5-69). See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR,
1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-68 Nodal cross-connect management

Table 5-13
Unidirectional GE drop-and-continue cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP

Cross-connect From To Switch Mate

1WAY (add/clockwise) Slot/port a facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAY Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility n/a
(add/counter- clockwise)
Pass-through 1
1WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a
Far-end 1
1WAYPR Slot/port x facility Slot/port b facility Slot/port w facility
1WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a
Pass-through 2
1WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a
Far-end 2
1WAYPR (drop/clockwise) Slot/port x facility Slot/port c facility Slot/port w facility
1WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a
Far-end 3
1WAYPR (drop/clockwise) Slot/port x facility Slot/port d facility Slot/port w facility
1WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a
Pass-through 3
1WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-69

Figure 5-16
Unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration (example)

x w

Near-end x
network element

Pass-through 1
network element
w x b

Pass-through 3 Far-end 1
network element network element

x w
Far-end 3
network element
Pass-through 2
multi drop

network element

Far-end 2
network element

w x

= Unprotected facility
= Unprotected facility

= Signal
= Path selector

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-70 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-14
Provisioning dual feed GE connections in a
UPSR/SNCP configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

Note 1: UPSR/SNCP is only supported on unprotected OC-3/STM-1,

OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE facilities.
Note 2: GE drop-and-continue connections are only supported at STS-1,
STS-3c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-3c-vn (SONET) and VC4-nv (SDH)
connection rates.
Note 3: Drop-and-continue cross-connect functionality is only supported
in unidirectional configurations.
The order of the From endpoint and the To endpoint is important for a
unidirectional connection. The From endpoint identifies the circuit pack from
which the signal originates. The To endpoint identifies the circuit pack to
which the signal is going. For example, for GE add nodes the From endpoint
must be the GE WAN facility and the To endpoint must be the OC-n/STM-n
Note 1: The same source (From) end point can be connected to many
different destination (To) end points.
Note 2: To provision drops to multiple facilities at any one far-end
network element, overlay multiple unidirectional protected cross-connects
with the To endpoints configured for each facility endpoint.
A valid receive signal must be connected for unidirectional GE drop nodes
(port c, d, and e in Figure 5-17 on page 5-74). If there is no valid signal, GE
idles will be transmitted and auto-negotiation will not be functional.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-71

Procedure 5-14 (continued)

Provisioning dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration

Protection of the dual feeds from the add (head-end) node is provided by the
UPSR/SNCP path protection mechanism. The GE circuit pack does not
generate AIS on LAN defects, so WAN conditioning is used at the add node to
provision either unequipped and/or nil trace as triggers for path protection in
the event of LAN defects:
• if using unequipped as the path protection trigger, Unequipped alarms may
be raised at pass-through nodes (nodes with no adds or drops) if
Unequipped is usually monitored. If required, the user may need to disable
Unequipped alarms at these pass-through nodes. You should not disable
the Unequipped alarms at the drop nodes. When a LAN defect is detected,
an unequipped signal label is transmitted in order to raise Unequipped
alarms at the drop nodes to trigger path switching.
• if using path trace as the path protection trigger, the transmit path trace
must be provisioned at the add node and the expected receive path trace
must be provisioned on the UPSR/SNCP protection pairs and the To end
point on the GE facility at each drop node (and at the inter-ring node in the
example). When a LAN defect is detected, a nil path trace is transmitted in
order to raise Trace Identifier Mismatch alarms to trigger path switching.
Note: Path protection using path trace is inherently slower than using

You must ensure that the WAN conditioning settings at the add nodes match
the path protection switch criteria at the drop nodes on the UPSR/SNCP. If the
WAN conditioning is set to Unequipped at the add nodes, the path protection
switch criteria at the drop nodes must contain Unequipped. If the WAN
conditioning is set to Nil Trace at the add nodes, the path protection switch
criteria at the drop nodes must contain Trace Identifier Mismatch. See WAN
facility parameters on page 3-9 for details of WAN conditioning and Nodal
system parameters on page 1-4 for details of path protection criteria.

Note 1: As only unequipped is sent when a GE facility is placed

out-of-service, it is recommended that both unequipped and path trace are
provisioned as path switching criteria in the UPSR/SNCP.
Note 2: Local client failures will still be propagated to the far end if GFP
CMF is the WAN conditioning parameter.
Note 3: The WAN conditioning parameter must be set to the same on both
GE sources feeding the UPSR/SNCP.
Note 4: If provisioning virtual concatenation connections for the GE
feeds, at the drop nodes ensure that the virtual concatenation parameter is
set to ‘Enabled; Grouped’ for the GE facility (see WAN facility parameters
on page 3-9 for details).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-72 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-14 (continued)

Provisioning dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration

At drop nodes, the user can also control the LAN transmit conditioning which
determines if the Ethernet transmitter is shut down upon detecting certain
defects. For drop nodes, it is recommended that the Ethernet transmit
conditioning is disabled (see ETH facility parameters on page 3-8 for details).

If provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections:

• When sub-rate WAN bandwidth is provisioned, Pause flow control at the
add node should be enabled to prevent ingress overflow unless the client
equipment is able to send traffic appropriate to the WAN bandwidth.
• A transmit fiber connection may not be required at the add node if
auto-negotiation or Pause flow control are not required (dependant on
subtending equipment, some equipment requires both fibers to bring up a
• Auto-negotiation can be enabled at the add and drop nodes but the transmit
and receive fibers must be connected to the same partner otherwise
auto-negotiation will not complete properly.
• Any Ethernet frames received from the LAN side at the drop node are
accumulated and will eventually cause an overflow. Frames dropped cause
the ETH INFRAMESDISCDS counter to increment unless Pause flow
control is Enabled.
To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• ensure you have provisioned the unprotected protection scheme on the
facilities for any UPSR/SNCP configuration. See Procedure 9-3, Changing
the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36
• obtain or create a traffic map for the UPSR/SNCP configuration
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have provisioned the required SDTH, see Procedure 1-3,
Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14
• connect a valid signal to the receive ports at unidirectional GE drop nodes
• ensure that the path protection switch criteria are set appropriately, see
Procedure 1-3, Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14
• ensure that the GE WAN conditioning and ETH transmit conditioning are
set appropriately, see Procedure 3-13, Editing facility parameters on page

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-73

Procedure 5-14 (continued)

Provisioning dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration

• if using path trace as a path protection trigger, ensure that path trace is
provisioned and path trace monitoring is enabled at the add and drop
nodes, see Procedure 3-17, Retrieving and editing path provisioning on
page 3-49

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-17 on page 5-74. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to them throughout
the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and add the
cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-14, Dual feed GE cross-connect
provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP configuration on page 5-73, and
shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-17 on page 5-74). See Procedure
5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR
cross-connect on page 5-25.

Table 5-14
Dual feed GE cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP configuration

Cross-connect From To Switch Mate

1WAY (add/counter-clockwise) Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility n/a
1WAY (add/clockwise) Slot/port b facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port x facility Slot/port c facility Slot/port w facility
1WAY (continue) Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port x facility Slot/port d facility Slot/port w facility
1WAY (continue) Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port x facility Slot/port y facility Slot/port w facility
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port x facility Slot/port z facility Slot/port w facility
2WAY (continue) Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port y facility Slot/port e facility Slot/port z facility

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-74 Nodal cross-connect management

Figure 5-17
Dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration (example)

a b

x w

w x

d c

x w

w x

y z


z y

= Unprotected facilities NE E
(in UPSR/SNCP) e

= Unprotected facilities
= Fiber
= Primary feed
= Secondary feed

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-75

Procedure 5-15
Provisioning redundant (separate nodes) dual feed
GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

Note 1: UPSR/SNCP is only supported on unprotected OC-3/STM-1,

OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE facilities.
Note 2: GE drop-and -continue connections are only supported at STS-1,
STS-3c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-3c-vn (SONET) and VC4-nv (SDH)
connection rates.
Note 3: Drop-and-continue cross-connect functionality is only supported
in unidirectional configurations.
The order of the From endpoint and the To endpoint is important for a
unidirectional connection. The From endpoint identifies the circuit pack from
which the signal originates. The To endpoint identifies the circuit pack to
which the signal is going. For example, for GE add nodes the From endpoint
must be the GE WAN facility and the To endpoint must be the OC-n/STM-n

Note 1: The same source (From) end point can be connected to many
different destination (To) end points.
Note 2: To provision drops to multiple facilities at any one far-end
network element, overlay multiple unidirectional protected cross-connects
with the To endpoints configured for each facility endpoint.
A valid receive signal must be connected for unidirectional GE drop nodes
(ports b, c, d, e, f, g, j, and k in Figure 5-18 on page 5-80). If there is no valid
signal, GE idles will be transmitted and auto-negotiation will not be

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-76 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-15 (continued)

Provisioning redundant (separate nodes) dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP

Protection of the dual feeds from the add (head-end) nodes is provided by the
UPSR/SNCP path protection mechanism. The GE circuit pack does not
generate AIS on LAN defects, so WAN conditioning is used at the add node to
provision either unequipped and/or nil trace as triggers for path protection in
the event of LAN defects:
• if using unequipped as the path protection trigger, Unequipped alarms may
be raised at pass-through nodes (nodes with no adds or drops) if
Unequipped is usually monitored. If required, the user may need to disable
Unequipped alarms at these pass-through nodes. You should not disable
the Unequipped alarms at the drop nodes. When a LAN defect is detected,
an unequipped signal label is transmitted in order to raise Unequipped
alarms at the drop nodes to trigger path switching.
• if using path trace as the path protection trigger, the transmit path trace
must be provisioned at the add node and the expected receive path trace
must be provisioned on the UPSR/SNCP protection pairs and the To end
point on the GE facility at each drop node (and at the inter-ring node in the
example). When a LAN defect is detected, a nil path trace is transmitted in
order to raise Trace Identifier Mismatch alarms to trigger path switching.
Note: Path protection using path trace is inherently slower than using

You must ensure that the WAN conditioning settings at the add nodes match
the path protection switch criteria at the drop nodes on the UPSR/SNCP. If the
WAN conditioning is set to Unequipped at the add nodes, the path protection
switch criteria at the drop nodes must contain Unequipped. If the WAN
conditioning is set to Nil Trace at the add nodes, the path protection switch
criteria at the drop nodes must contain Trace Identifier Mismatch. See WAN
facility parameters on page 3-9 for details of WAN conditioning and Nodal
system parameters on page 1-4 for details of path protection criteria.

Note 1: As only unequipped is sent when a GE facility is placed

out-of-service, it is recommended that both unequipped and path trace are
provisioned as path switching criteria in the UPSR/SNCP.
Note 2: Local client failures will still be propagated to the far end if GFP
CMF is the WAN conditioning parameter.
Note 3: The WAN conditioning parameter must be set to the same on both
GE sources feeding the UPSR/SNCP.
Note 4: If provisioning virtual concatenation connections for the GE
feeds, at the drop nodes ensure that the virtual concatenation parameter is
set to ‘Enabled; Grouped’ for the GE facility (see WAN facility parameters
on page 3-9 for details).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-77

Procedure 5-15 (continued)

Provisioning redundant (separate nodes) dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP

At drop nodes, the user can also control the LAN transmit conditioning which
determines if the Ethernet transmitter is shut down upon detecting certain
defects. For drop nodes, it is recommended that the Ethernet transmit
conditioning is disabled (see ETH facility parameters on page 3-8 for details).

No automatic protection is provided for the duplicated GE facilities at the drop

nodes in Figure 5-18. Any drop equipment failure (for example GE circuit
pack or port failure) requires a user initiated manual switch to the good port
(put good port in-service and bad port out-of-service).

If provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections:

• When sub-rate WAN bandwidth is provisioned, Pause flow control at the
add node should be enabled to prevent ingress overflow unless the client
equipment is able to send traffic appropriate to the WAN bandwidth.
• A transmit fiber connection may not be required at the add node if
auto-negotiation or Pause flow control are not required (dependant on
subtending equipment, some equipment requires both fibers to bring up a
• Auto-negotiation can be enabled at the add and drop nodes but the transmit
and receive fibers must be connected to the same partner otherwise
auto-negotiation will not complete properly.
• Any Ethernet frames received from the LAN side at the drop node are
accumulated and will eventually cause an overflow. Frames dropped cause
the ETH INFRAMESDISCDS counter to increment unless Pause flow
control is Enabled.
To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• ensure you have provisioned the unprotected protection scheme on the
facilities for any UPSR/SNCP configuration. See Procedure 9-3, Changing
the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36
• obtain or create a traffic map for the UPSR/SNCP configuration
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have provisioned the required SDTH, see Procedure 1-3,
Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-78 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-15 (continued)

Provisioning redundant (separate nodes) dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP

• connect a valid signal to the receive ports at unidirectional GE drop nodes

• ensure that the path protection switch criteria are set appropriately, see
Procedure 1-3, Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14
• ensure that the GE WAN conditioning and ETH transmit conditioning are
set appropriately, see Procedure 3-13, Editing facility parameters on page
• if using path trace as a path protection trigger, ensure that path trace is
provisioned and path trace monitoring is enabled at the add and drop
nodes, see Procedure 3-17, Retrieving and editing path provisioning on
page 3-49

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-18 on page 5-80. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to them throughout
the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and add the
cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-15, Redundant (separate nodes) dual
feed GE cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP
configuration on page 5-79, and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-18
on page 5-80). See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR,
1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-79

Table 5-15
Redundant (separate nodes) dual feed GE cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP

Cross-connect From To Switch Mate Destination Mate

1WAY (add primary feed Slot/port a facility Slot/port w facility n/a n/a
1WAY (add primary feed Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility n/a n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port x facility Slot/port b facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port x facility Slot/port c facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAY (continue primary Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a n/a
feed clockwise)
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port w facility Slot/port d facility Slot/port x facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port w facility Slot/port e facility Slot/port x facility n/a
1WAY (continue primary Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a n/a
feed counter-clockwise)
2WAYDPR (inter-ring) Slot/port w facility Slot/port y facility Slot/port x facility Slot/port z facility
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port z facility Slot/port f facility Slot/port y facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port z facility Slot/port g facility Slot/port y facility n/a
1WAY (continue Slot/port z facility Slot/port y facility n/a n/a
secondary feed
1WAY (add secondary Slot/port h facility Slot/port z facility n/a n/a
feed clockwise)
1WAY (add secondary Slot/port h facility Slot/port y facility n/a n/a
feed counter-clockwise)
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port z facility Slot/port j facility Slot/port y facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port z facility Slot/port k facility Slot/port y facility n/a
1WAY (continue Slot/port y facility Slot/port z facility n/a n/a
secondary feed

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-80 Nodal cross-connect management

Figure 5-18
Redundant (separate nodes) dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration (example)

x w

w x
d b

e c

x w

w x

y z

z y

y z
= Unprotected
facilities (in z y
= Unprotected
GE facilities
= Fiber
= Primary feed
= Secondary feed

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-81

Procedure 5-16
Provisioning redundant dual feed GE connections in
a UPSR/SNCP configuration (with an add/drop node)
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

Supported unidirectional configurations
Refer to Supported unidirectional configurations on page 5-4
for information and limitations on configurations using
unidirectional cross-connects (1WAY and 1WAYPR).

Note 1: UPSR/SNCP is only supported on unprotected OC-3/STM-1,

OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE facilities.
Note 2: Drop-and-continue cross-connect functionality is only supported
in unidirectional configurations.
The order of the From endpoint and the To endpoint is important for a
unidirectional connection. The From endpoint identifies the circuit pack from
which the signal originates. The To endpoint identifies the circuit pack to
which the signal is going. For example, for GE add nodes the From endpoint
must be the GE WAN facility and the To endpoint must be the OC-n/STM-n

Note 1: The same source (From) end point can be connected to many
different destination (To) end points.
Note 2: To provision drops to multiple facilities at any one far-end
network element, overlay multiple unidirectional protected cross-connects
with the To endpoints configured for each facility endpoint.
A valid receive signal must be connected for unidirectional GE drop nodes
(ports c, d, e, f, g, and h in Figure 5-19 on page 5-86). If there is no valid
signal, GE idles will be transmitted and auto-negotiation will not be

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-82 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-16 (continued)

Provisioning redundant dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration (with an
add/drop node)

Selection of the drop feed at the drop nodes is provided by the UPSR/SNCP
path protection mechanism. The GE circuit pack does not generate AIS on
LAN defects, so WAN conditioning is used to provision either unequipped
and/or nil trace as triggers for path protection in the event of LAN defects:
• if using unequipped as the path protection trigger, Unequipped alarms may
be raised at pass-through nodes (nodes with no adds or drops) if
Unequipped is usually monitored. If required, the user may need to disable
Unequipped alarms at these pass-through nodes. You should not disable
the Unequipped alarms at the drop nodes. When a LAN defect is detected,
an unequipped signal label is transmitted in order to raise Unequipped
alarms at the drop nodes to trigger path switching.
• if using path trace as the path protection trigger, the transmit path trace
must be provisioned at the add node and the expected receive path trace
must be provisioned on the UPSR/SNCP protection pairs and the To end
point on the GE facility at each drop node (and at the inter-ring node in the
example). When a LAN defect is detected, a nil path trace is transmitted in
order to raise Trace Identifier Mismatch alarms to trigger path switching.
Note: Path protection using path trace is inherently slower than using

You must ensure that the WAN conditioning settings at the add nodes match
the path protection switch criteria at the drop nodes on the UPSR/SNCP. If the
WAN conditioning is set to Unequipped at the add nodes, the path protection
switch criteria at the drop nodes must contain Unequipped. If the WAN
conditioning is set to Nil Trace at the add nodes, the path protection switch
criteria at the drop nodes must contain Trace Identifier Mismatch. See WAN
facility parameters on page 3-9 for details of WAN conditioning and Nodal
system parameters on page 1-4 for details of path protection criteria.

Note 1: As only unequipped is sent when a GE facility is placed

out-of-service, it is recommended that both unequipped and path trace are
provisioned as path switching criteria in the UPSR/SNCP.
Note 2: Local client failures will still be propagated to the far end if GFP
CMF is the WAN conditioning parameter.
Note 3: The WAN conditioning parameter must be set to the same on both
GE sources feeding the UPSR/SNCP.
Note 4: If provisioning virtual concatenation connections for the GE
feeds, at the drop nodes ensure that the virtual concatenation parameter is
set to ‘Enabled; Grouped’ for the GE facility (see WAN facility parameters
on page 3-9 for details).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-83

Procedure 5-16 (continued)

Provisioning redundant dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration (with an
add/drop node)

At drop nodes, the user can also control the LAN transmit conditioning which
determines if the Ethernet transmitter is shut down upon detecting certain
defects. For drop nodes, it is recommended that the Ethernet transmit
conditioning is disabled (see ETH facility parameters on page 3-8 for details).

If provisioning unidirectional GE drop-and-continue connections:

• When sub-rate WAN bandwidth is provisioned, Pause flow control at the
add node should be enabled to prevent ingress overflow unless the client
equipment is able to send traffic appropriate to the WAN bandwidth.
• A transmit fiber connection may not be required at the add node if
auto-negotiation or Pause flow control are not required (dependant on
subtending equipment, some equipment requires both fibers to bring up a
• Auto-negotiation can be enabled at the add and drop nodes but the transmit
and receive fibers must be connected to the same partner otherwise
auto-negotiation will not complete properly.
• Any Ethernet frames received from the LAN side at the drop node are
accumulated and will eventually cause an overflow. Frames dropped cause
the ETH INFRAMESDISCDS counter to increment unless Pause flow
control is Enabled.
To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• ensure you have provisioned the unprotected protection scheme on the
facilities for any UPSR/SNCP configuration. See Procedure 9-3, Changing
the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• obtain or create a traffic map for the UPSR/SNCP configuration
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have provisioned the SDTH, see Procedure 1-3, Editing the
nodal system parameters on page 1-14
• connect a valid signal to the receive ports at unidirectional GE drop nodes
• ensure that the path protection switch criteria are set appropriately, see
Procedure 1-3, Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-84 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-16 (continued)

Provisioning redundant dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration (with an
add/drop node)

• ensure that the GE WAN conditioning and ETH transmit conditioning are
set appropriately, see Procedure 3-13, Editing facility parameters on page
• if using path trace as a path protection trigger, ensure that path trace is
provisioned and path trace monitoring is enabled at the add and drop
nodes, see Procedure 3-17, Retrieving and editing path provisioning on
page 3-49

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-19 on page 5-86. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to them throughout
the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and add the
cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-16, Redundant dual feed GE
cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP configuration (with an
add/drop node) on page 5-85, and shown in the example diagram (Figure
5-19 on page 5-86). See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR,
1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-85

Table 5-16
Redundant dual feed GE cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP configuration
(with an add/drop node)

Cross-connect From To Switch Mate

1WAY (add primary feed Slot/port a facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAY (add primary feed Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port a facility Slot/port b facility Slot/port x facility
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port x facility Slot/port c facility Slot/port w facility
1WAY (add secondary feed Slot/port d facility Slot/port w facility n/a
1WAY (add secondary feed Slot/port d facility Slot/port x facility n/a
1WAYPR (drop) Slot/port w facility Slot/port e facility Slot/port x facility
1WAY (continue Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-86 Nodal cross-connect management

Figure 5-19
Redundant dual feed GE connections in a UPSR/SNCP configuration (with an add/drop node)


a b

x w


w x

e c


x w

w x

= Unprotected facilities
= Unprotected GE facilities d

= Fiber
= Signals Feed

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-87

Procedure 5-17
Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a
UPSR/SNCP with linear spur configuration
Note: UPSR/SNCP protection is supported on the OC-3/STM-1,
OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE facilities.
Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network
To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• ensure you have provisioned the unprotected protection scheme on the
optical facilities for any UPSR/SNCP configuration. See Procedure 9-3,
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• to provision protected cross-connects for a spur network, ensure you have
provisioned 1+1/MSP linear bidirectional protection, on the optical
facilities for any protected 1+1 connection. See Procedure 9-3, Changing
the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
Risk of traffic loss
If unprotected cross-connects are required for the spur,
ensure that the protection scheme for facilities at both ends
of the link protection scheme has been changed from the
1+1/MSP linear to unprotected. See Procedure 9-3,
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on
page 9-36. This ensures that cross-connects can be
provisioned at both the odd and the even slot facilities.
This configuration does not provide traffic protection, and
results in a traffic loss in the event of a fiber cut or circuit
pack failure on the spur.

• get or create an interface traffic map for the system

• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have provisioned the required SDTH, see Procedure 1-3,
Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-88 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-17 (continued)

Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a UPSR/SNCP with linear spur configuration

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-20 on page 5-89. Record
the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the slot/port
numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element in which you want to configure
cross-connects from the navigation tree and add cross-connects as indicated
in Table 5-17, Bidirectional cross-connect provisioning example for a
UPSR/SNCP with linear spur configuration on page 5-88, and shown in the
example diagram (Figure 5-20 on page 5-89). See Procedure 5-3, Adding a
2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page
Table 5-17
Bidirectional cross-connect provisioning example for a UPSR/SNCP with linear spur
Cross-connect From To Switch Mate


2WAYPR Slot/port w facility Slot/port c facility Slot/port x facility

Pass-through A

2WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a

Pass-through B

2WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a


2WAYPR Slot/port x facility Slot/port a facility Slot/port w facility


2WAY Slot/port a facility Slot/port d facility n/a

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-89

Figure 5-20
Bidirectional connections in a UPSR/SNCP with linear spur configuration (example)

x w
network element

w x

Pass-through Pass-through
network element B network element A
x w

Hub network element

w x

a b
= Unprotected facility
= Unprotected facility

= 1+1/MSP linear
protected facility

= Signal a b
= Path selector network element

Note: This diagram shows the far-end network element as an endpoint in a

protected 1+1/MSP linear system.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-90 Nodal cross-connect management

Procedure 5-18
Provisioning a bidirectional connection in a
single-homed subtending UPSR/SNCP configuration
Note: UPSR/SNCP protection is supported on the OC-3/STM-1,
OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE facilities.

Follow exactly the steps in this procedure if your network is identical to the
one in this example. If your network is not identical, consider the procedure as
an example, and make the necessary adjustments to meet your network

To perform this procedure, you must
• see Table 5-5 on page 5-16 for the allowable cross-connect types between
network configurations
• ensure you have provisioned and placed in service the equipment and
facilities used by the planned cross-connects, see Procedure 3-1,
Retrieving equipment and facility details on page 3-20
• ensure you have provisioned the unprotected protection scheme, on the
optical facilities for any UPSR/SNCP configuration. See Procedure 9-3,
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities on page 9-36.
• get or create an interface traffic map for the UPSR/SNCP configuration
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC
• ensure you have provisioned the required SDTH, see Procedure 3-13,
Editing the nodal system parameters on page 1-14

Step Action

1 Ensure that you log in to all network elements in this configuration.

2 For each network element in the system, find the corresponding network
element in the provisioning diagram. See Figure 5-21 on page 5-92.
Record the slot/port numbers for the circuit packs so you can refer to the
slot/port numbers in the procedure.
3 Select, in turn, each network element from the navigation tree and add
cross-connects as indicated in Table 5-18, Bidirectional cross-connect
provisioning example for a single-homed subtending UPSR/SNCP
configuration on page 5-91, and shown in the example diagram (Figure 5-21
on page 5-92). See Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY, 1WAY, 2WAYPR,
1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Nodal cross-connect management 5-91

Table 5-18
Bidirectional cross-connect provisioning example for a single-homed subtending UPSR/SNCP
Cross-connect From To Switch Mate Destination


2WAYPR Slot/port w facility Slot/port a facility Slot/port x facility n/a

Pass-through 1 (UPSR/SNCP A)

2WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a n/a

Pass-through 2 (UPSR/SNCP A)

2WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a n/a


2WAYDPR (see Note) Slot/port w facility Slot/port y facility Slot/port x facility Slot/port z facility

Pass-through 3 (UPSR/SNCP B)

2WAY Slot/port w facility Slot/port x facility n/a n/a

Pass-through 4 (UPSR/SNCP B)

2WAY Slot/port x facility Slot/port w facility n/a n/a


2WAYPR Slot/port w facility Slot/port b facility Slot/port x facility n/a

Note: The 2WAYDPR connection can be implemented by the following

four 1WAYPR connections:

Cross-connect From To Switch Mate

1WAYPR Slot/port w facility Slot/port y facility Slot/port x facility

1WAYPR Slot/port w facility Slot/port z facility Slot/port x facility

1WAYPR Slot/port y facility Slot/port w facility Slot/port z facility

1WAYPR Slot/port y facility Slot/port x facility Slot/port z facility

The 2WAYDPR connection or the four 1WAYPR connections are

displayed as eight 1WAY connections in the Protection Status application
of Site Manager.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
5-92 Nodal cross-connect management

Figure 5-21
Bidirectional connections in a single-homed subtending UPSR/SNCP configuration (example)

Pass-through 1 Single-homed Pass-through 3

network element network element network element
w x w y x w

a x x b
Near-end Far-end
w network element network element w

x w x z w x
Pass-through 2 Pass-through 4
network element network element

= Unprotected facility (in UPSR/SNCP)

= Unprotected facility

= Signal

= Path selector

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Synchronization 6-
Synchronization is a network level application that ensures all nodes across a
network can trace back to the same clock source. Within a single node,
synchronization prevents buffer overflow or underflow, which avoids bit

The OME6500 provides network element synchronization using 1+1

redundant synchronization hardware on the cross-connect circuit pack for both
timing generation and timing distribution.

Synchronization provisioning on the OME6500 is nodal based. However

synchronization must be planned at a network level to avoid hierarchy
violations and timing loops that cause excessive jitter and can result in traffic

A network level synchronization plan must take into consideration the

requirements for synchronization sources to be used for timing generation and
timing distribution. A detailed plan must be available to define how to
provision the synchronization parameters on the OME6500 network element
at each site.

Timing generation
Timing generation is the ability of the OME6500 to extract and use the
synchronization reference from any of the defined synchronization inputs. The
OME6500 generates shelf timing signals based on external, line, or internal
(freerun or holdover) references. The OME6500 supports a timing generation
hierarchy of up to four timing references.

The OME6500 is capable of generating a redundant 4.6 ppm quality clock

internally (internal timing mode). This clock is the default synchronization

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-2 Synchronization

The OME6500 also supports synchronizing to a reference clock signal derived

from the following sources (provisioned by the user as defined by the network
synchronization plan):
• external timing
An external timing reference input such as a timing signal generator can be
used to provide redundant DS1 (SONET), E1 (SDH), or 2.048 MHz (SDH)
signals to the external synchronization input (ESI) interfaces ESI-A or
ESI-B. See Figure 6-1 on page 6-3 example (b).
Note 1: If the network element is in the SDH mode, the signal format must
be the same on all ESI and ESO ports. ESI-A, ESI-B, ESO-A, and ESO-B
must all be set to either 2 MHz or 2 Mbit/s.
Note 2: To maximize reliability, the BITSIN/ESI ports require the payload
of the incoming signal to be all 1’s. The BITSIN/ESI hardware may not
operate correctly with other payload patterns.
• line timing
Line timing is a clock derived from a port of an OC-n/STM-n interface
circuit pack. See Figure 6-1 on page 6-3 example (c). OME6500 supports
a hierarchy of up to four inputs.
Note 1: One port per OC-n/STM-n circuit pack can be used as a timing
reference. A port on a different OC-n/STM-n circuit pack must be selected
when defining more than one timing reference in the hierarchy.
Note 2: DS1 service module (DSM) facilities and OC-3 ports which are
provisioned as DSM hosts cannot be used as timing references.
Note 3: DS3, EC-1, E1 and GE facilities cannot be used as timing
Note 4: OC-48/STM-16 ports being used as international gateways (port
mode is different from NE mode) cannot be used as timing references.
• mixed timing
The OME6500 enables the user to provision both external and line timing
as a timing references for the four input hierarchy.
The OME6500 can identify a faulty synchronization source and switch to the
next highest quality source as defined in the input hierarchy. When all
synchronization sources (external or line) are unavailable (caused by faulty
sources or lockouts), the OME6500 falls into holdover mode. In the holdover
mode, the cross-connect internal clock operates at a fixed frequency according
to the last known frequency reference for a minimum of 24 hours followed by
freerun mode (internal stratum 3 [ST3]/G.813 Option 1 compliant 4.6 ppm
clock). See Figure 6-1 on page 6-3 example (a).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-3

The OME6500 allows the user to modify the timing mode without
deprovisioning the active timing reference as follows:
• from line to mixed timing
• from external to mixed timing
All other timing mode changes require the user to deprovision the timing
reference source before changing the source.

Note: The user cannot deprovision an active timing reference. The user
must first switch away from the active timing reference to another valid
timing reference. If no other valid timing references are available, the
active timing reference must be locked out. Refer to Synchronization
protection on page 9-27 for information about performing a lockout.
Figure 6-1
Flow of synchronization timing signals

Stratum 3 (ST3)/G.813 Option 1

or better

Access Panel Access Panel

Clock Port Port

Port Port
Cross-connect Cross-connect

(a) Internal timing (b) External timing

Access Panel
Port Service interface port

Port Port Clock Internal clock generator

Cross-connect Synchronization timing

External synchronization reference

(c) Line timing
Traffic flow

Timing distribution
Timing distribution is the ability of the OME6500 to provide a synchronization
reference to external devices. The OME6500 distributes shelf timing signals
through the external synchronization output (ESO) interfaces located on the

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-4 Synchronization

access panel. The OME6500 distributes a DS1 (SONET), 2 Mbit/s (SDH), or

2.048 MHz (SDH) clock at each of its ESO-A and ESO-B interfaces based on
a timing reference derived from the following sources:
• an external clock source such as a timing signal generator used to provide
a DS1 (1.5 Mbit/s), 2 Mbit/s, or 2.048 MHz clock to the ESI interfaces
located on the access panel
• a clock derived from any of the OC-n/STM-n signals
Note 1: One port per OC-n/STM-n circuit pack can be used as a timing
reference. If a port on an OC-n/STM-n circuit pack is selected as the timing
reference for timing generation, that same port on the same OC-n/STM-n
circuit pack can be used for timing distribution.
Note 2: If the network element is in the SDH mode, the signal format must
be the same on all ESI and ESO ports. ESI-A, ESI-B, ESO-A, and ESO-B
must all be set to either 2 MHz or 2 Mbit/s.
The OME6500 supports a hierarchy of up to four timing references for timing

Synchronization operating modes

The OME6500 synchronization operating modes describe the state that the
synchronization hardware is operating in. These modes are not provisionable
by the user and consists of the following:
• freerun (default setting)
• locked
• holdover
Freerun mode
In freerun mode, the voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO) clock is not
locked to a timing reference and runs at its natural frequency. The
synchronization hardware on the cross-connect circuit pack provides timing
references of internal stratum 3 (ST3)/G.813 Option 1 quality (4.6 ppm). The
OME6500 is in this mode if the user has provisioned the shelf timing as
internal or the holdover period has expired in which case a warning alarm is
raised to advise the user.
Locked mode
In locked mode, the VCXO clock is locked to a timing reference. The
OME6500 is in this mode when a timing reference is active and working
during trouble free operations.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-5

Holdover mode
The synchronization hardware enters holdover mode automatically if the
target mode is locked but all timing references have become unavailable. The
VCXO clock in the synchronization hardware holds within a certain frequency
range of the last locked-in timing reference in which case a warning alarm is
raised to advise the user.

When a valid timing reference becomes available again, the synchronization

hardware automatically transitions to locked mode. The synchronization
hardware remains in holdover mode for a minimum of 24 hours. After
holdover mode, the synchronization hardware enters the freerun mode.

Synchronization status messages

Synchronization status messages (SSM) indicate the quality of the timing
signals currently available to a network element. The timing sources that can
be provisioned in a network element include external timing (ESI), line timing
(timing derived from OC-n/STM-n interfaces), and the internal clock of the
network element.

A network element can select the best of the four timing signals provided by
the timing sources provisioned by the user. The selection is based on the
quality values carried in the SSMs. SSMs are carried in bits 5 through 8 of the
S1 byte in the SONET/SDH line/MS overhead and the DS1 ESF datalink code
byte (SONET) or E1 SAN nibble (SDH) of the ESI/ESO signals. As the timing
passes from one network element to the next, each network element sends
SSMs. If the quality of the timing changes, the SSMs inform the next network
element of the change.

The quality level (QL) is the indication of the quality of a given

synchronization source. Table 6-6 on page 6-16 details the supported quality
levels sent in the SONET/SDH overhead byte and ESI/ESO signals and the
corresponding acronym used for provisioning and display. If a timing
reference is not to be used for synchronization, the SSM will contain a do not
use for synchronization (DUS) message.

Note 1: 2.048 MHz, superframe DS1, and normal frame E1 external

timing references do not support SSM.
Note 2: If the incoming quality level is not recognized by the OME6500,
the quality level is displayed as invalid (INV). To use a timing source with
an INV quality level as a timing reference, the user must override the INV
quality level.
Note 3: See Table 6-1 on page 6-7 for details of the SONET stratum clock
See Figure 6-2 on page 6-6 for an example of a network showing the
synchronization flow, head-end network element, synchronization boundary,
and synchronization status messaging.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-6 Synchronization

Figure 6-2
Synchronization flow detail in an OME6500 network (example)


Rx Tx
Tx Rx

Tx Rx ST3/ Tx Rx DUS

Line Line

Y (Active) X
ST3/ Rx Tx ST3/ Rx Tx

Tx Rx ST3/ Tx Rx DUS

Line Line

Synchronization Y X
stream Rx Tx Rx Tx
ST3/ ST3/
Rx Tx
Head end
Tx Rx
Legend DUS

= Optical interface

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-7

SSM on a port can be disabled by:

• for OC-n/STM-n ports:
— setting the incoming quality override (see Quality level overrides on
page 6-7) for the OC-n/STM-n port to STU (SONET) or SSU-A (SDH)
and setting the DUS Override parameter on the OC-n/STM-n port to
Enabled (see OC-n/STM-n facility parameters on page 3-7).
• for BITSIN/ESI ports:
— setting the incoming quality override (see Quality level overrides on
page 6-7) for the BITSIN/ESI port to STU (SONET) or SSU-A (SDH)
and supplying a SF framed DS1 signal (SONET) or Normal framed E1
signal (SDH) (see ESI parameters on page 6-14).
Quality level overrides
A user can specify or override the SSM quality level of an incoming or
outgoing timing source.

The user can specify the incoming quality level if the timing source comes
from equipment that does not support SSM (for example, equipment from
another vendor). To avoid timing loops do not override the quality level of an
incoming timing source if SSM is supported.

The outgoing override can be used when a remote network element expects a
particular SSM value.

Stratum clocks
Stratum clocks are stable timing reference signals that are graded according to
their accuracy. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards have
been developed to define four levels of stratum clocks. The accuracy
requirements of these stratum levels are shown in Table 6-1 on page 6-7.

Table 6-1
ANSI-required standard clock strata

Clock quality Minimum accuracy Minimum holdover stability

Stratum 1 +1.0 x 10-11 not applicable

Stratum 2 +1.6 x 10 1 x 10-10 per day
Stratum 3 +4.6 ppm +0.37 ppm during first 24 hours
SMC +20 ppm +4.6 ppm during first 24 hours
Stratum 4 +32 ppm not required

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-8 Synchronization

Synchronization hierarchy
A synchronization hierarchy is a network of stratum clocks that contains one
stratum 1 clock and several lower stratum clocks, as shown in Figure 6-3 on
page 6-8. The stratum 1 clock sends a reference signal to several stratum 2
clocks. These stratum 2 clocks, in turn, transmit synchronization signals to
other stratum 2 and stratum 3 clocks. Similarly, stratum 3 clocks synchronize
other stratum 3 and stratum 4 clocks. It is permissible to skip stratum levels
(for example, a stratum 1 clock sending a reference signal to several stratum 3
Figure 6-3
Hierarchical network synchronization

Stratum 1
Stratum 1

2A 2B 2C

Stratum 2

3A 3B 3C

Stratum 3

4A 4B 4C

Stratum 4

= Primary reference
= Secondary reference

Note: Each box represents an office using the building-integrated

timing supply (BITS) concept.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-9

For reliable operation, the synchronization network includes primary and

secondary synchronization facilities to each stratum 2 and 3 node, and to many
stratum 4 nodes. In addition, each stratum 2 and 3 node is equipped with an
internal clock that can bridge short disruptions to the synchronization

Each network element transmits a synchronization-status message (SSM)

from all OC-n/STM-n and SSM compatible ESO interfaces. When the timing
reference to a network element is disrupted, the network element enters
holdover mode.

A network element in holdover mode transmits timing signals with the quality
level of its internal clock, depending on the quality of the alternate timing
reference. If the alternate timing reference is of a higher quality than the
internal clock of a network element, the network element uses the alternate
timing reference. See Synchronization status messages on page 6-5.

Hierarchy violations
A hierarchy violation occurs when a clock of one stratum level is used to
synchronize a clock of a higher stratum level. A stratum 3 clock synchronizing
a stratum 2 clock is one such example. The synchronization network must be
carefully planned so that no hierarchy violations occur.

Timing loops
A timing loop is created when a clock is synchronizing itself, either directly or
through intermediate equipment. A timing loop causes excessive jitter and can
result in traffic loss.

Timing loops can be caused by a hierarchy violation, or by having clocks of

the same stratum level synchronize each other. In a digital network, timing
loops can be caused during the failure of a primary reference source, if the
secondary reference source is configured to receive timing from a derived
transport signal within the network.

A timing loop can also be caused by incorrectly provisioned SSM for some of
the facilities in a linear or ring system. Under normal conditions, if there is a
problem in the system (for example, pulled fiber), the SSM functionality heals
the timing in the system. However, if the SSM is incorrectly provisioned, the
system might not be able to heal itself and might segment part of itself in a
timing loop. See Mixed timing engineering guidelines on page 6-10.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-10 Synchronization

Building-integrated timing supply

The building-integrated timing supply (BITS) concept requires that all digital
equipment in a physical structure must receive timing from the same master
clock. This master clock is the most accurate and stable clock in the structure.
The BITS is driven by a Stratum 3 or better reference signal. This signal can
come from the following sources:
• a timing signal derived from an OC-n/STM-n signal, such as the output of
a ESO source in an OME6500 network element
• an external stratum clock
The BITS distributes a clock signal to all equipment in the same physical
location. The implementation of BITS has the following advantages.
The designation of a master timing supply for each structure simplifies and
enhances the reliability of the timing distribution. The BITS concept
minimizes the number of synchronization links entering a building, since each
piece of equipment no longer has its own external timing source.
Utilization of resources
A single, high-quality reference timing source can be shared among many
services within the office because BITS provides a large number of signals for
Record keeping for provisioning and maintenance purposes will be easier
when new digital services are introduced because BITS is location-dependent,
not service-dependent.

Mixed timing engineering guidelines

When using mixed timing (see Timing generation on page 6-1), you must
study the timing in the network to determine its susceptibility to timing loops
under fault conditions (see Timing loops on page 6-9). The following sections
provide some engineering guidelines that can be used in the study to help
prevent timing loops.

Note: Determining the synchronization flow at a network element can be

difficult, examine network topology diagrams carefully.
Mixed timing in ring systems
The use of mixed timing in ring systems is dependent on the number of
externally timed (BITSIN/ESI) network elements as follows:
• Mixed timing should not be used if there is only one externally timed
network element. A timing loop may be formed if the BITSIN/ESI signal

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-11

• Mixed timing can be used if there are two externally timed network
elements as follows:
— One externally timed network element must have only the clockwise
OC-n/STM-n interface provisioned as a timing generation reference.
— The other externally timed network element must have only the
counter-clockwise OC-n/STM-n interface provisioned as a timing
generation reference.
A timing loop may be formed if the two externally timed network elements
have both the clockwise and counter-clockwise OC-n/STM-n interfaces
provisioned as timing generation references and the BITSIN/ESI signals
fail at both externally timed network elements.
• Mixed timing can be used if there are three or more externally timed
network elements as follows:
— One externally timed network element must have only the clockwise
OC-n/STM-n interface provisioned as a timing generation reference.
— Another externally timed network element must have only the
counter-clockwise OC-n/STM-n interface provisioned as a timing
generation reference.
— The remaining externally timed network elements can have both the
clockwise and counter-clockwise OC-n/STM-n interfaces provisioned
as timing generation references.
Mixed timing in linear systems
Use of mixed timing in linear systems will not cause timing loops:
• A linear system with only one externally timed network element does not
provide any benefit as under BITSIN/ESI fail conditions the other
OC-n/STM-n interface receives a DUS SSM and a synchronization switch
does not occur.
• Mixed timing can be used if there are two or more externally timed
network elements without any possibility of forming timing loops. To
function correctly, provision one OC-n/STM-n interface as a timing
generation reference at terminal network elements and provision both
OC-n/STM-n interfaces as timing generation references at add/drop
network elements.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-12 Synchronization

Synchronization parameters
Table 6-2 provides details the four tabs available in the Synchronization
application. Table 6-3 to Table 6-6 detail the parameters applicable to each tab.
Table 6-2
Synchronization application - tab details

Tab Field Description

Timing Provisioned Timing Mode Displays the provisioned shelf timing mode.
Generation Timing References Displays the timing references used for shelf timing,
together with the state and incoming SSM status
(incoming received quality, incoming provisioned quality,
and the incoming current quality) of each reference. See
Procedure 6-3, Provisioning the network element timing
mode and references on page 6-26.
ESI ESI A, ESI B Displays the signal format, line code, impedance, frame
format, and San (SDH only) for the ESI ports. See
Procedure 6-2, Provisioning ESI parameters on page
Timing ESO A, ESO B Displays the signal format, equalization (SONET only),
Distribution threshold AIS, and impedance values for the ESO ports.
See Procedure 6-4, Provisioning ESO parameters on
page 6-29.
Timing References Displays the timing references used for timing
distribution to other equipment, together with the state
and incoming SSM status (incoming received quality,
incoming provisioned quality, and the incoming current
quality) of each reference. See Procedure 6-5,
Provisioning ESO references on page 6-31.
Quality Level Incoming Quality Override, Displays the provisioned incoming and outgoing quality
Overrides Outgoing Quality Override overrides for each possible reference source. For
incoming quality overrides, the possible sources are any
OC-n/STM-n port or the BITSIN/ESI ports. For outgoing
quality overrides, the possible sources are any
OC-n/STM-n port or the BITSOUT/ESO ports (outgoing
quality overrides only supported on BITSOUT/ESO ports
when BITSOUT/ESO ports provisioned for DS1 ESF
(SONET) or E1 CRC4 (SDH) signals). See Procedure
6-6, Setting the synchronization status message
override quality level on page 6-34.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-13

Table 6-3
Timing reference parameters

Mode Source Description

Internal Timing - No sources available for selection

Line Timing Any equipped See Note 1, Note 3, and Note 4

OC-n/STM-n port

None Indicates no reference provisioned

External Timing BITSIN-A/ESI-A External synchronization input A

(see Note 6)
BITSIN-B/ESI-B External synchronization input B

None Indicates an unused source

Mixed Timing BITSIN-A/ESI-A External synchronization input A

BITSIN-B/ESI-B External synchronization input B

Any equipped See Note 1, Note 3, and Note 4

OC-n/STM-n port

None Indicates no reference provisioned

Note 1: Only one port on each multi-port circuit pack can be selected as a timing
generation and timing distribution reference.
Note 2: Each possible source, except None, can only appear once in the timing
reference hierarchy.
Note 3: DS3, EC-1, E1, and GE facilities cannot be set as synchronization source
Note 4: DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as DSM hosts
cannot be set as synchronization source references.
Note 5: OC-48/STM-16 ports being used as international gateways (port mode is
different from NE mode) cannot be used as timing references.
Note 6: To maximize reliability, the BITSIN/ESI ports require the payload of the
incoming signal to be all 1’s. The BITSIN/ESI hardware may not operate correctly
with other payload patterns.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-14 Synchronization

Table 6-4
ESI parameters

Parameter Values Description

SONET mode

Signal format DS1 Digital signal, level 1

Line code B8ZS Line code for ESI.

Impedance 100R Impedance of ESI, 100R (100 ohm).

Frame format SF (default), ESF Superframe format (SF) or extended

superframe format (ESF). If ESF
selected, SSM is supported.

SDH mode

Signal format E1 (default), 2MHz E1 (2048 kbit/s signal) or 2MHz

(2048 kHz clock)

Line code HDB3 Line code for ESI.

HDB3 for E1 signal. Not applicable to
2MHz signal format.

Impedance 75R (default), 120R Impedance of ESI. Select 75R

(75 ohm) for coaxial cables (BT43
connectors on access panel) or
120R (120 ohm) for twisted pairs
(DB9 connector on access panel).

Frame format Normal (default), CRC4 Frame format for E1 signal. If Normal
selected, SSM is not supported on
ESI. If CRC4 selected, SSM is
Not applicable to 2MHz signal

San SA4 (default), SA5, SA6, Overhead bit used for SSM. Only
SA7, SA8 applicable to E1 signal format with
CRC4 frame format.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-15

Table 6-5
ESO parameters

Parameter Values Description

SONET mode

Signal format DS1 Digital signal, level 1

Equalization 0 ft. to 220 ft. Short, medium, or long

(default), 220 ft. to
430 ft., 430 ft. to 655

Threshold AIS None (default), Quality level at or below which AIS in

STU, ST2, ST3E, injected in DS1 output signal. If the
TNC, ST3, SMC threshold is set to None, AIS is not
injected. See Table 6-6 on page 6-16 for
more information about the possible

Frame format SF (default), ESF Superframe format or extended

superframe format

SDH mode

Signal format E1 (default), 2MHz E1 (2048 kbit/s signal) or 2MHz (2048 kHz

Equalization Not applicable

Threshold AIS None (default), Quality level below which 2 MHz ESO
PRS, SSU-A, signals are squelched or AIS in injected in
SSU-B, SEC, E1 output signal. If the threshold is set to
None, ESO signals are not squelched and
AIS is not injected. See Table 6-6 on page
6-16 for more information about the
possible values.

Impedance 75R (default), 120R Impedance of ESO output. Select 75R

(75 ohm) for coaxial cables (BT43
connectors on access panel) or 120R (120
ohm) for twisted pairs (DB9 connector on
access panel).

Frame format Normal (default), Frame format for E1 signal. If Normal

CRC4 selected, SSM is not supported on ESO. If
CRC4 selected, SSM is supported.
Not applicable to 2MHz signal format.

San SA4 (default), SA5, Overhead bit used for SSM. Only
SA6, SA7, SA8 applicable to E1 signal format with CRC4
frame format.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-16 Synchronization

Table 6-6
Synchronization status messages

Description Quality level Possible values

SONET mode

No override - None

Stratum 1 Traceable 1 ST1

Synchronized - Traceability Unknown 2 STU

Stratum 2 Traceable 3 ST2

G.812 Transit Clock 4 TNC

G.812 Type III (Stratum 3E) 5 ST3E

Stratum 3 Traceable 6 ST3

SONET Minimum Clock -Traceable 7 SMC

Do not use for synchronization 9 DUS

Provisionable by Network Operator - PNO

SDH mode

No override - None

Traceable to G.811 2 PRS

G.812 Transit Clock 4 SSU-A

G.812 Local Clock 8 SSU-B

Traceable to SDH equipment clock 11 SEC

Do not use for synchronization 15 DUS

Note: If a quality level is received that is not supported, a value of ‘INV’ is

displayed in the incoming quality columns to indicate that the received quality
level is invalid.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-17

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with synchronization provisioning for the Optical Multiservice
Edge 6500. The figure shows the path from the Site Manager menu bar.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-18 Synchronization

Procedures and options for provisioning system synchronization

Synchronization application
Option Parameters Procedures and tables
Opening window
Timing Generation N/A Procedure 6-1, Retrieving synchronization data
ESI for a network element on page 6-23
Timing Distribution • Table 6-2, Synchronization application - tab
Quality Level Overrides details on page 6-12
Edit command
Timing Generation Timing mode Procedure 6-3, Provisioning the network
Timing Mode & References Timing references element timing mode and references on page
• Table 6-3, Timing reference parameters on
page 6-13
ESI Signal format Procedure 6-2, Provisioning ESI parameters on
Line code page 6-24
Impedance • Table 6-4, ESI parameters on page 6-14
Frame format
San (SDH mode only)
Timing Distribution
ESO Signal format Procedure 6-4, Provisioning ESO parameters
Equalization (SONET on page 6-29
mode only) • Table 6-5, ESO parameters on page 6-15
Threshold AIS
Frame format
San (SDH mode only)
Timing Distribution Timing references Procedure 6-5, Provisioning ESO references on
References page 6-31
Quality Level Overrides
Override Incoming Quality Source Procedure 6-6, Setting the synchronization
Level Provisioned quality status message override quality level on page
New provisioned quality 6-34
Override Outgoing Quality Source • Table 6-6, Synchronization status messages
Level Provisioned quality on page 6-16
New provisioned quality

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-19

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note 1: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).
Note 2: For procedures on synchronization protection switching, see
Procedures and options for synchronization protection on page 9-32.
Abbreviations used in procedures
AIS Alarm indication signal
AMI Alternate mark inversion
BITS Building-integrated timing supply
BLSR Bidirectional line switched ring
CRC4 Cyclic redundancy check 4
DS1 Digital signal, level 1
DSM DS1 service module
DUS Do not use for synchronization
ESF Extended superframe format
ESI External synchronization input
ESO External synchronization output
HDB3 High density bipolar 3
LBO Line buildout
MSP Multiplex section protection
MS-SPRing Multiplex section-shared protection ring
ppm Parts-per-million
PNO Provisionable by network operator
PRS Primary reference source
San Synchronization status - one of the Sa4 to Sa8 bits
SEC SONET/SDH equipment clock
SF Superframe format
SMC SONET minimum clock
SNCP Subnetwork connection protection
SSM Synchronization status message
SSU Synchronization supply unit
ST Stratum
STU Synchronization traceability unknown

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-20 Synchronization

TNC Transit node clock

UPC User privilege code
UPSR Unidirectional path-switched ring

Guidelines for provisioning synchronization

Before performing the procedures for provisioning synchronization in this
chapter, the user must have a completed network synchronization plan that
details the following for the network element:
If the network element is in the SDH mode, the signal format must be the
same on all ESI and ESO ports. ESI A, ESI B, ESO A, and ESO B must all
be set to either 2MHz or E1 for the synchronization to function correctly.

• timing generation
— timing mode (internal, external, line, or mixed timing)
— for external, line, and mixed timing, the reference sources to be used
for timing generation and the hierarchy
— if external or mixed timing is to be used:
– the signal format of the ESI A and/or ESI B ports (SDH mode only)
– the connector type/impedance of the ESI A and/or ESI B ports
(SDH mode only)
– the frame format of the ESI A and/or ESI B ports (SONET DS1 and
SDH E1 signals only)
– the San bit used for SSM (SDH E1 signals with CRC4 frame
format only)
• timing distribution
— whether timing distribution is required at the network element
— if timing distribution is required
– the signal format of the ESO A and/or ESO B ports (SDH mode
– the equalization (LBO) required at the ESO A and/or ESO B ports
(cable length to be used at ports) (SONET DS1 signals only)
– the quality level at or below (SONET) or below (SDH) which the
output from the ESO A and/or ESO B ports is squelched or AIS is
injected (threshold AIS)
– the connector type/impedance of the ESO A and/or ESO B ports
(SDH mode only)
– the frame format of the ESO A and/or ESO B ports (SONET DS1
and SDH E1 signals only)

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-21

– the San bit used for SSM (SDH E1 signals with CRC4 frame
format only)
– the reference sources to be used for timing distribution and the
• overrides
— whether the incoming quality level on any of the OC-n/STM-n or
BITSIN/ESI ports needs to be overridden
— whether the outgoing quality level on any of the OC-n/STM-n or
BITSOUT/ESO ports needs to be overridden. Outgoing quality level
override on the BITSOUT/ESO ports is only supported when
BITSOUT/ESO ports are provisioned for DS1 ESF (SONET) or E1
CRC4 (SDH) signals.
For information on network synchronization planning, see Overview on page

Once a completed network synchronization plan is available, the user can

perform the following tasks to provision synchronization on the network
Timing generation
1 If ESI A and/or ESI B is to be used as a reference source in the external or
mixed timing modes, provision:
— SONET mode: the frame format for the ESI A and/or ESI B ports (see
Procedure 6-2, Provisioning ESI parameters on page 6-24).
— SDH mode: the signal format, connector type/impedance, frame
format (E1 signals only), and San bit (E1 signals with CRC4 frame
format only) for the ESI A and/or ESI B ports (see Procedure 6-2,
Provisioning ESI parameters on page 6-24).
2 Provision the timing mode (see Procedure 6-3, Provisioning the network
element timing mode and references on page 6-26).
3 For external, line, and mixed timing modes, provision the reference
sources in the timing generation hierarchy (see Procedure 6-3,
Provisioning the network element timing mode and references on page

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-22 Synchronization

Timing distribution (if required)

1 Provision:
— SONET mode: the equalization, threshold AIS, and frame format for
the ESO A and/or ESO B ports (see Procedure 6-4, Provisioning ESO
parameters on page 6-29).
— SDH mode: the signal format, threshold AIS, connector
type/impedance, frame format (E1 signals only), and San bit (E1
signals with CRC4 frame format only) for the ESO A and/or ESO B
ports (see Procedure 6-3, Provisioning ESO parameters on page 6-29).
2 Provision the reference sources in the timing distribution hierarchy (see
Procedure 6-5, Provisioning ESO references on page 6-31).
1 If required, provision quality level overrides for the incoming signal on the
OC-n/STM-n ports and the BITSIN/ESI ports (see Procedure 6-6, Setting
the synchronization status message override quality level on page 6-34).
2 If required, provision quality level overrides for the outgoing signal on the
OC-n/STM-n ports and the BITSOUT/ESO ports (see Procedure 6-6,
Setting the synchronization status message override quality level on page
6-34). Outgoing quality level override on the BITSOUT/ESO ports is only
supported when BITSOUT/ESO ports are provisioned for DS1 ESF
(SONET) or E1 CRC4 (SDH) signals.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-23

Procedure 6-1
Retrieving synchronization data for a network element
Use this procedure to retrieve the timing mode, timing references, ESI
parameters, and ESO parameters for synchronization.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application. The application contains four tabs which
display information about synchronization on the network element. See
Synchronization parameters on page 6-12 for details.
3 Select the required tab.
4 Click Refresh.
The Synchronization application displays the appropriate synchronization

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-24 Synchronization

Procedure 6-2
Provisioning ESI parameters
Use this procedure to provision the impedance signal format, line code, frame
format, impedance, and San for ESI A and ESI B. The options available
depend on the NE mode (SONET or SDH). See Table 6-4 on page 6-14 for

Note: This procedure is only applicable if ESI A and/or ESI B is to be used

for timing generation or timing distribution. See Procedure 6-3,
Provisioning the network element timing mode and references on page
6-26 for information on provisioning timing generation for the network
element. See Procedure 6-5, Provisioning ESO references on page 6-31 for
information on provisioning timing distribution for the network element.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application.
3 Select the ESI tab.
4 Click Edit to open the Synchronization Edit dialog box.
Note: For information on the signal format, frame format, line code,
impedance, and San values, see Table 6-4 on page 6-14.
5 If you want to change the Then select
ESI A parameters ESI A from the Type drop-down list
ESI B parameters ESI B from the Type drop-down list

6 If the network element is in SDH mode, select the signal format from the
Signal format drop-down list.
Note: If the network element is in the SDH mode, the signal format must be
the same on all ESI and ESO ports.
7 If the network element is in SDH mode, select the impedance from the
Impedance drop-down list.
Note: For 2 MHz and E1 signals, select 75R for coaxial cables (BT43
connectors on access panel) or 120R for twisted pairs (DB9 connector on
access panel).
8 Select frame format from the Frame format drop-down list.
Note: Not applicable to SDH 2MHz signals.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-25

Procedure 6-2 (continued)

Provisioning ESI parameters

Step Action

9 If network element is in SDH mode with E1 signals with a CRC4 frame format,
select the overhead bit used for SSM from the San drop-down list.
10 Click Apply.
11 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
If Then go to
you want to change the parameters for the step 5
other ESI port
you have completed the changes step 12

12 Click OK.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-26 Synchronization

Procedure 6-3
Provisioning the network element timing mode and
Use this procedure to provision the timing generation (timing mode and
references) for the network element. The timing mode can be set to:
• internal timing—the shelf timing is derived from an internal clock on the
cross-connect circuit pack
• line timing—the shelf timing is derived from received OC-n/STM-n ports
• external timing—the shelf timing is derived from the BITSIN/ESI ports
• mixed timing—the shelf timing is derived from OC-n/STM-n ports or
For line timing, external timing, and mixed timing, a hierarchy of up to four
reference sources can be provisioned. The timing generation selects the source
in the hierarchy with the highest derived quality level for the shelf timing. If
there is more than one source at the highest derived quality level, the timing
generation selects the highest priority source in the hierarchy from references
with the same derived quality level (first is the highest priority and fourth is
the lowest priority). To provision a timing source from an OC-n/STM-n port,
the reference source must be logically equipped.

Note 1: If a reference source is selected as the active source, the reference

source cannot be removed from the timing generation hierarchy. To
remove the active source from the timing generation hierarchy, you first
must either perform a manual switch to another source or a lockout on the
active source (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a synchronization protection
switch on page 9-60).
Note 2: If a reference source is not selected as the active source, it can be
removed from the timing generation hierarchy. It is recommended that you
perform a lockout of the reference source before removing it from the
timing generation hierarchy (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a
synchronization protection switch on page 9-60).
Note 3: If using the BITSIN/ESI in the hierarchy, you must provision the
ESI parameters, see Procedure 6-2, Provisioning ESI parameters on page
The internal timing source is provided by a SONET/SDH-compliant Stratum
3/G.813 Option 1 free running clock (±4.6 ppm) produced within the network

Sources of line timing are OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, and

OC-192/STM-64 facilities.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-27

Procedure 6-3 (continued)

Provisioning the network element timing mode and references

Note 1: You cannot use the DS3, EC-1, E1, or GE facilities as

synchronization source references.
Note 2: DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as
DSM hosts cannot be used as synchronization source references.
Note 3: OC-48/STM-16 ports being used as international gateways (port
mode is different from NE mode) cannot be used as timing references.
For information on network synchronization planning, see Overview on page

For information on the synchronization protection switching procedures, see

Procedures and options for synchronization protection on page 9-32.

To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with a level 3 UPC or higher
• have a network synchronization plan for the network element, see
Overview on page 6-1 for information on planning the network

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application.
3 Select the Timing Generation tab.
4 Click Edit to open the Synchronization Edit dialog box.
5 Select Timing Mode & References from the Type drop-down list.
6 From the network synchronization plan, determine the timing mode required.
Select the required Timing mode radio button to set the timing mode for the
network element.
Note 1: To avoid timing loops, verify the clock source setting of each network
element in the network. An incorrect clock source setting can cause a service
Note 2: The Timing mode radio buttons are disabled if both cross-connect
circuit packs are missing.
Note 3: Except when changing the timing mode from line timing or external
timing to mixed timing, you must remove all references from the hierarchy
(set the references to None, see step 7) before changing the timing mode.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-28 Synchronization

Procedure 6-3 (continued)

Provisioning the network element timing mode and references

Step Action

7 From the network synchronization plan, determine the references to be

provisioned. For each timing generation reference to be provisioned, select
the timing reference from the appropriate source drop-down list, leave all
other possible references as None. See Table 6-3 on page 6-13.
Note 1: Only one port of each multi-port circuit pack can be used as a timing
reference source.
Note 2: The available options from the source drop-down lists are dependent
on the selected timing mode. Only logically equipped sources are available
for selection.
Note 3: You cannot remove the active reference source from the hierarchy.
To remove the active source from the timing generation hierarchy, you first
must either perform a manual switch away from the active source or a lockout
on the active source (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a synchronization
protection switch on page 9-60).
Note 4: If a reference source is not selected as the active source, it can be
removed from the timing generation hierarchy. It is recommended that you
perform a lockout of the reference source before removing it from the timing
generation hierarchy (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a synchronization
protection switch on page 9-60).
Note 5: E1, DS3, EC-1, and GE facilities cannot be set as synchronization
source references.
Note 6: DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as DSM
hosts cannot be set as line synchronization source references.
Note 7: OC-48/STM-16 ports being used as international gateways (port
mode is different from NE mode) cannot be used as timing references.
8 Click OK.
9 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
10 If the Synchronization Protection application is open, click Refresh in the
Synchronization Protection application to update the application with the
changes you have made to the hierarchy.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-29

Procedure 6-4
Provisioning ESO parameters
Use this procedure to provision the signal format, equalization, line code,
threshold AIS, impedance, frame format, and San for ESO A and ESO B. The
options available depend on the NE mode (SONET or SDH), see Table 6-5 on
page 6-15 for details.

Note: This procedure is only applicable if the network element is to be

used for timing distribution. See Procedure 6-5, Provisioning ESO
references on page 6-31 for information on provisioning the network
element for timing distribution.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application.
3 Select the Timing Distribution tab.
4 Click Edit to open the Synchronization Edit dialog box.
Note: For information on the signal format, equalization, threshold AIS,
frame format, and San values, see Table 6-5 on page 6-15.
5 If you want to change the Then select
ESO A parameters ESO A from the Type drop-down list
ESO B parameters ESO B from the Type drop-down list

6 If the network element is in SDH mode, select the signal format from the
Signal format drop-down list.
Note: If the network element is in the SDH mode, the signal format must be
the same on all ESI and ESO ports.
7 If the network element is in SONET mode, select the equalization from the
Equalization drop-down list.
8 Select a quality level from the Threshold AIS drop-down list.
9 If the network element is in SDH mode, select the impedance from the
Impedance drop-down list.
Note: For 2 MHz and E1 signals, select 75R for coaxial cables (BT43
connectors on access panel) or 120R for twisted pairs (DB9 connector on
access panel).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-30 Synchronization

Procedure 6-4 (continued)

Provisioning ESO parameters

Step Action

10 Select the frame format from the Frame format drop-down list.
Note: Not applicable to SDH 2MHz signals.
11 If network element is in SDH mode with E1 signals with a CRC4 frame format,
select the overhead bit used for SSM from the San drop-down list.
12 Click Apply.
13 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
If Then go to
you want to change the parameters for the step 5
other ESO port
you have completed the changes step 14

14 Click OK.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-31

Procedure 6-5
Provisioning ESO references
Note: This procedure is only applicable if the network element is to be
used for timing distribution.

Use this procedure to provision a hierarchy of up to four sources for timing

distribution. Timing distribution selects the source in the hierarchy with the
highest derived quality level for the output timing. If there is more than one
source at the highest derived quality level, timing distribution selects the
highest priority source in the hierarchy from references with the same derived
quality level (first is the highest and fourth is the lowest priority). The selected
source provides the output timing to both the ESO-A and ESO-B ports. The
ESO signals can be used as BITS/SSU references for other digital equipment
(capable of accepting a BITS/SSU reference) in the central office. You can
select any incoming signal (equipped OC-n/STM-n port or BITSIN/ESI port)
as a possible source for timing distribution.

Note 1: If a reference source is selected as the active source, the reference

source cannot be removed from the timing distribution hierarchy. To
remove the active source from the timing distribution hierarchy, you first
must either perform a manual switch to another source or a lockout on the
active source (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a synchronization protection
switch on page 9-60).
Note 2: If a reference source is not selected as the active source, it can be
removed from the timing distribution hierarchy. It is recommended that
you perform a lockout of the reference source before removing it from the
timing distribution hierarchy (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a
synchronization protection switch on page 9-60).
Note 3: You must provision the ESO parameters, see Procedure 6-4,
Provisioning ESO parameters on page 6-29.
Note 4: You cannot use the E1, DS3, EC-1, and GE facilities as
synchronization source references.
Note 5: DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as
DSM hosts cannot be used as synchronization source references.
Note 6: OC-48/STM-16 ports being used as international gateways (port
mode is different from NE mode) cannot be used as synchronization source
For information on network synchronization planning, see Overview on page

For information on the synchronization protection switching procedures, see

Procedures and options for synchronization protection on page 9-32.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-32 Synchronization

Procedure 6-5 (continued)

Provisioning ESO references

To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with a level 3 UPC or higher
• have a network synchronization plan for the network element, see
Overview on page 6-1 for information on planning the network

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application.
3 Select the Timing Distribution tab.
4 Click Edit to open the Synchronization Edit dialog box.
5 Select Timing Distribution References from the Type drop-down list.
6 From the network synchronization plan, determine the references to be
provisioned. For each timing distribution reference to be provisioned, select
the timing reference from the appropriate source drop-down list, leave all
other possible references as None.
Note 1: Only one port of each multi-port circuit pack can be used as a timing
reference source.
Note 2: Each possible source, except None, can only appear once in the
timing reference hierarchy.
Note 3: You cannot remove the active reference source from the hierarchy.
To remove the active source from the timing distribution hierarchy, you first
must either perform a manual switch away from the active source or a lockout
on the active source (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a synchronization
protection switch on page 9-60).
Note 4: If a reference source is not selected as the active source, it can be
removed from the timing distribution hierarchy. It is recommended that you
perform a lockout of the reference source before removing it from the timing
distribution hierarchy (see Procedure 9-13, Operating a synchronization
protection switch on page 9-60).
Note 5: E1, DS3, EC-1, and GE facilities cannot be set as synchronization
source references.
Note 6: DS1 DSM facilities and OC-3 ports which are provisioned as DSM
hosts cannot be set as line synchronization source references.
Note: OC-48/STM-16 ports being used as international gateways (port mode
is different from NE mode) cannot be used as synchronization source

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-33

Procedure 6-5 (continued)

Provisioning ESO references

Step Action

7 Click OK.
8 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
9 If the Synchronization Protection application is open, click Refresh in the
Synchronization Protection application to update the application with the
changes you have made to the hierarchy.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-34 Synchronization

Procedure 6-6
Setting the synchronization status message override
quality level
Use this procedure to set the outgoing and incoming override quality levels of
an SSM.
You can set the quality value to override the incoming SSM so that the
synchronization source is given a different quality level. This value specifies
the quality of the synchronization source and is used in the selection of the
timing reference for timing generation. The incoming override can be used
when the incoming synchronization does not support SSM (for example, a
2 MHz ESI).

You can set the quality value to override the outgoing SSM so that the
synchronization signal is given a different quality level. This value specifies
the quality of the synchronization signal transmitted on the port. The outgoing
override can be used when a remote network element expects a particular SSM

For information on SSM quality levels, see Table 6-6 on page 6-16.

SSM on a port can be disabled by:

• for OC-n/STM-n ports:
— setting the incoming quality override for the OC-n/STM-n port to STU
(SONET) or SSU-A (SDH) and setting the DUS Override parameter
on the OC-n/STM-n port to Enabled (see OC-n/STM-n facility
parameters on page 3-7).
• for BITSIN/ESI ports:
— setting the incoming quality override for the BITSIN/ESI port to STU
(SONET) or SSU-A (SDH) and supplying a SF framed DS1 signal
(SONET) or Normal framed E1 signal (SDH) (see ESI parameters on
page 6-14).
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Configuration drop-down menu to open
the Synchronization application.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Synchronization 6-35

Procedure 6-6 (continued)

Setting the synchronization status message override quality level

Step Action

3 Select the Quality Level Overrides tab.

4 Click Edit to open the Synchronization Edit dialog box.
5 If you want to change the Then select
Incoming Quality Override Override Incoming Quality Level
from the Type drop-down list
Outgoing Quality Override Override Outgoing Quality Level
from the Type drop-down list

6 Select the source whose SSM is to be overridden from the Source

drop-down list.
7 Select a new value from the New provisioned quality drop-down list. See
Table 6-6 on page 6-16 for more information about the possible values.
Note: To avoid timing loops, verify the clock source setting of each network
element in the network. An incorrect setting for SSM can cause a service
8 Click Apply.
9 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
If Then go to
you want to change the selected override for step 6
other sources
you want to change the other override step 5
you have completed the changes step 10

10 Click OK.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
6-36 Synchronization

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Inventory 7-
The inventory application allows to user to view information on all physically
present hardware in a network element.

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with inventory for the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500. The figure
shows the path from the Site Manager menu bar.

Procedures and options for inventory information

Inventory application

Option Parameters Procedures and tables

Opening window

N/A N/A Procedure 7-1, Displaying shelf inventory information

on page 7-3
Procedure 7-2, Copying inventory information on
page 7-4

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
7-2 Inventory

Associated procedures
All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network element (see
Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Inventory 7-3

Procedure 7-1
Displaying shelf inventory information
Use this procedure to display inventory information about all equipment that
is physically present in a network element.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Inventory from the Configuration drop-down menu to open the
Inventory application.
3 Review the information in the table.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
7-4 Inventory

Procedure 7-2
Copying inventory information
Use this procedure to copy inventory information to the clipboard. You can
paste this information into an application of your choice to view, print, or save
to a file.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Inventory from the Configuration drop-down menu to open the
Inventory application.
3 Select information in the Inventory table.
4 Select Copy or Copy Table from the Edit drop-down menu.
A report is generated and placed on the clipboard. The report contains the
following information as it appears in the Inventory window:
— column headings (if Copy Table option is used)
— inventory data, one line for each hardware item

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Communications management 8-
The OME6500 OAM interfaces and comms provides the capabilities for local
and remote management of the OME6500 network element and for
interworking with other network elements to provide a cohesive network
management solution. The OME6500 OAM interfaces provided are as
• COLAN (COLAN-A or COLAN-X ports) for interface to a data
communications network (DCN)
• ILAN (ILAN-IN and ILAN-OUT ports) for intershelf DCN
• RS-232 port on the access panel and shelf processor and a 10/100Base-T
port on the shelf processor for craft user interface
• section/RS and line/MS DCC for OAM&P access to remote network
Figure 8-1 provides an overview of the OME6500 OAM communications

Refer to the Planning Guide, NTRN10BC, for an overview of OME6500

communications planning.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-2 Communications management

Figure 8-1
OME6500 OAM communications architecture

Local Craft Access

Used for
RS232 RS232 temporary access
10/100B DTE DCE
Craft Modem Craft

10/100B OME6500 DCC (PPP or DCC Remote
Network Element LAPD) Access

Used for external

DCN access ILAN IN ILAN OUT Used between
10/100BT 10/100BT sites

Embedded Used between

DCN Site shelves at a site

COLAN interface
The COLAN interface provides a mechanism to connect the OME6500
network element to the office DCN for connectivity to a management system
for remote management of the OME6500 network and subtending network
The COLAN interfaces consist of the two 10/100Base-T RJ-45 LAN ports
located on the access panel. The ports are configurable as half-duplex
10 Mbit/s, half-duplex 100 Mbit/s, full-duplex 10 Mbit/s, full-duplex
100 Mbit/s and automatic. The default value for LAN port configuration is

The COLAN port can be enabled or disabled with the default being disabled.
ILAN interface
The ILAN interface provides a mechanism to interconnect colocated
OME6500 network elements so that a remote user can perform OAM
functions by using a single OAM connection to OME6500 network elements
at a site. The ILAN interface can also be used to connect to other IP and OSI
based network elements via an Ethernet connection.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-3

The ILAN interfaces consist of two 10/100Base-T RJ-45 LAN ports located
on the access panel. The ports are configurable as half-duplex 10 Mbit/s,
half-duplex 100 Mbit/s, full-duplex 10 Mbit/s, full-duplex 100 Mbit/s and
automatic. The default value for LAN port configuration is automatic. The
ILAN port can be enabled or disabled with the default being disabled.
Craft user interface
The craft interface provides a mechanism to connect a PC or a modem to the
OME6500 network element for local or remote management. The physical
interfaces consist of the following:
• one 10/100Base-T RJ-45 LAN port located on the shelf processor circuit
pack. This port is configurable as half-duplex 10 Mbit/s, half-duplex
100 Mbit/s, full-duplex 10 Mbit/s, full-duplex 100 Mbit/s, and automatic.
The default value for LAN port configuration is automatic.
The LAN port can be enabled or disabled with the default being enabled.
• an RS-232 DB-9 DTE modem port located on the access panel. The baud
rate is set to auto-detect.
• an RS-232 DCE craft access port located on the shelf processor circuit
pack. The baud rate is set to auto-detect.
Section/RS and line/MS DCC interface
The section/RS and line/MS DCC interfaces provide a mechanism for
OME6500 network elements and subtending network elements to
communicate and exchange OAM messages using the section/RS and line/MS
overhead bytes.

The OME6500 supports both IP and OSI based DCC interfaces and can
operate as a single point of entry for access to remote or subtending network
elements using OSI or IP based DCC interfaces. The OAM for the OME6500
uses IP DCC and supports full routing of OSI DCC for other nodes which need
to route through the OME6500. Each DCC interface can be provisioned to
support IP or OSI. The network element supports GRE tunneling of OSI/IP
and IP/OSI on all interfaces.

Each SONET/SDH OC-n/STM-n port is capable of supporting comms on the

section/RS or line/MS DCC interface. The OME6500 supports the following
DCC capabilities:
• A DCC port can be configured as section/RS, line/MS, or Off. The default
value is Off. The OME6500 supports one section/RS DCC per OCn/STMn
port and up to two line/MS DCC per OC-n/STM-n circuit pack.
• Each DCC interface is capable of supporting either PPP (IP-based DCC
datalink layer) or LAPD (OSI-based DCC datalink layer). The default
value is PPP.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-4 Communications management

• Route diversity off (DCC follows traffic) or on (DCC active on both

working and protected paths) is supported on 1+1/MSP linear
configurations (default is route diversity on). For BLSR/MS-SPRing
configurations, route diversity is always on.
Note: Protected DCC (route diversity off) is not supported on PPP DCC
links. You cannot set route diversity to off if either of the DCCs in the
1+1/MSP linear protection scheme is set to PPP.

• An alarm is raised when the DCC comms is lost on any port that is
configured and operational.
• Line/MS DCC port is linked to the administrative state of the associated
facility (when a facility is placed out-of-service, the line/MS DCC link
goes down)
OAM comms management
The OME6500 uses an IP-based comms infrastructure for network element
management and interworking with IP-based DCC network elements.
OME6500 also supports OSI-based DCC for interworking with OSI-based
network elements.
OAM comms routing
Support of IP-based and OSI-based DCC requires support of several routing
protocols. OME6500 supports the following routing protocols:
• Integrated ISIS (iISIS)
iISIS is used as the internal DCN routing protocol and is available on all
interfaces except Autotunnel interfaces and the RS-232 ports.
OSPF is supported on the COLAN and ILAN ports but not the craft LAN
• Host Only Mode
In Host Only Mode a circuit only accepts packets which terminate at its IP
address. Routing updates and packets to be forwarded through other
circuits are dropped.
This mode is only relevant to IP tunnels over a public network. When the
OME6500 interface is configured in “host only” mode, the interface
behaves from the perspective of the public network to which that interface
is attached as an IP host (does not send or receive routing updates across
this interface nor forward any packets via the interface). The interface has
a single static IP route for the end point of the tunnel. This end point of the
tunnel must be an IP address visible from within the public network across
which the tunnels are configured.
Host only mode is configurable on the LAN circuits.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-5

• Non-routing mode
This mode is relevant to any interface, physical or tunnel, and involves the
ability to switch the routing updates on or off for iISIS and OSPF.
Non-routing mode is configurable on the LAN circuits.
• Tunnelling
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is the encapsulation mechanism for
all tunnels. OME6500 supports the following tunnels:
— IP over OSI tunnelling
— OSI over IP tunnelling
— static tunnel configuration with up to 4 tunnels over each network layer
protocol (IP, OSI)
— dynamic tunnelling using auto-tunnelling, allowing a “plug and play”
OME6500 provides tunnelling support on all interfaces except the RS-232
• DHCP server
The DHCP server supports Windows (98, NT, 2000, XP) based DHCP
client and is supported on the 10/100Base-T port located on the shelf
processor for local PC support.
The DHCP server can be configured with a single IP address. The default
value for configured DHCP server IP address is
• HTTP server
OME supports a single session HTTP server. The server supports requests
to deliver files to the HTTP client.
Typically the HTTP server is used to deliver Site Manager software stored
on the shelf processor to a local PC using a web browser. The HTTP is also
used to deliver shelf OAM data files to the Site Manager when a user logs
in, speeding up the shelf configuration retrieval.
TID address resolution protocol (TARP)
The TID address resolution protocol (TARP) is used by TL1-based network
elements to convert target identifiers (TID) into network service access points
(NSAP). An NSAP is used internally in a SONET/SDH communications
network as a means of addressing a network element.

TARP is a propagation protocol. TARP uses this propagation method with a

distributed database of learned TID/network entity title (NET) mappings.
TARP allows network elements to translate between TID and NET by
automatically exchanging mapping information with other TL1-based

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-6 Communications management

network elements without the need for craftsperson intervention. No

additional address provisioning is required at the network element to support

This release only supports TARP transparency which is required for

operations, administration, and maintenance (OAM) interoperability between
OME6500 network elements and network elements that are based on TL1.

DSM OAM comms

OME6500 supports up to 16 DS1 service modules (DSM). These DSMs are
external equipment connected to the host OME6500 shelf via OC-3 optical

The DSMs are managed as an equipment entity in the OME6500 shelf in an

internal IS domain and do not appear as nodes in the external DCN (do not
appear in Routing Information table). Before a DSM can be provisioned
(either manually or automatically), a DSM OAM link must be provisioned on
the host OC-3 facility on the OME6500.

The DSM supports a remote login (rlogin) facility which allows a PC

connected to the serial port of the DSM to access the OME6500 shelf if an
OAM link exists. If an OAM link does not exist between the DSM and the
OME6500, connecting a PC to the serial port opens a local UI which allows
the user to retrieve status information for SLAT or troubleshooting.

Note: The rlogin facility is only supported on the DSMs and is not
supported on the OME6500 network elements.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-7

Communications management parameters

Comms Setting Management options
Table 8-1
Comms Setting Management options

Option Description Add/Delete Edit

IISIS Circuit Displays information about the IISIS circuits. See IISIS Circuit Yes No
parameters on page 8-8.
IISIS Router Displays information about the IISIS routing. See IISIS Router Yes No
parameters on page 8-9.
IP Routing Displays information about IP routing. See IP Routing Table Yes Yes
Table parameters on page 8-11.
OSPF Circuit Displays information about the OSPF circuits. See OSPF Yes No
Circuit parameters on page 8-11.
OSPF Router Displays information about the OSPF routers. Supported on all Yes No
Ethernet and static tunnels but not the craft LAN port on the
shelf processor. See OSPF Router parameters on page 8-13.
Upper Layer Displays information about the manual area addresses used in Yes No
DCC OSI addressing. See Upper Layer DCC parameters on page
Routing Displays the routing information. See Routing Information No No
Information parameters on page 8-15.
Routing Table Displays the routing table. See Routing Table parameters on No No
page 8-16.
ARP Table Displays information about the ARP table. See ARP Table Yes Yes
parameters on page 8-17.
DSM OAM Link Displays information about the DSM OAM link status for OC3 No Yes
facilities. See DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17.
GRE Displays GRE information used for tunnelling on all interfaces Yes No
except the RS-232 port. See GRE parameters on page 8-19.
IP Displays information about the IP on the LAN and RS-232 Yes Yes
serial ports. See IP parameters on page 8-19.
LAN Displays information about the five external LAN interfaces. Yes Yes
LAN parameters on page 8-20.
Lower Layer Displays information about the DCC communication on the Yes Yes
DCC OC-n/STM-n ports. See Lower Layer DCC parameters on page

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-8 Communications management

Table 8-1 (continued)

Comms Setting Management options

Option Description Add/Delete Edit

PPP Displays information about point-to-point protocol for No Yes
communication on the OC-n/STM-n ports and the RS-232
serial ports. See PPP parameters on page 8-23.
Serial/RS-232 Displays information about the serial RS-232 ports. See No No
Serial/RS-232 parameters on page 8-24.
DHCP Displays information about the DHCP server used for local PC No Yes
access. See DHCP parameters on page 8-25.
FTP Displays information about the file transfer protocol (FTP) No Yes
server used for transferring files to/from the network element.
See FTP parameters on page 8-25.
Telnet Displays information about Telnet used for remote access No Yes
to/from remote computers. See Telnet parameters on page

Routers tab
IISIS Circuit parameters
The IISIS Circuit option has a single table. Use the Add button to provision
new IISIS circuits and the Delete button to delete existing IISIS circuits.
Note 1: It is recommended that an IISIS circuit is not created for LAN-15.
Note 2: For host OC-3 ports used for connecting to a DSM, an IISIS circuit
is automatically added/deleted when enabling/disabling a DSM OAM link
(see DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-9

Table 8-2
IISIS Circuit parameters
Parameters Options Description Editable
Name NE-IP, LAN-15, Displays the available ports for an IISIS circuit. Yes
COLAN-A, Note: OC-n/STM-n ports are displayed in the
COLAN-X, ILAN-IN, following format:
ILAN-OUT, GRE-IP-1 OCn/STMn-slot#-port#
to 4, OC-n/STM-n
ports Only OC-n/STM-n ports with lower layer DCC
provisioned are available for selection.
Circuit Default 1 to 63 Sets the circuit default metric used to calculate the Yes
Metric best route. Default depends on type of interface as
• OCn/STMn ports with line/MS DCC provisioned:
• OC-n/STM-n ports with section/RS DCC
provisioned: 6
Select a higher value for a slower circuit.
Level 2 Only On, Off (default) Sets the status of level 2 only routing on the IISIS No
Note: Not supported in this release, On option is
always disabled.
3 Way On, Off (default) Sets the status of 3-way handshaking on the IISIS No
Handshake circuit.
Note: Not supported in this release, On option is
always disabled.
Neighbour Off (default), IP, OSI, Sets the protocols supported on neighbour routers Yes
Protocols IP and OSI (overrides what the router advertises).
Supported Note 1: OSI is only valid if LAPD is selected.
Note 2: When provisioning an iISIS circuit on an
ILAN port, you must ensure that neighbour protocol
supported override parameter is set to Off.

IISIS Router parameters

The IISIS Router option has two tables.
• The upper table displays information about the IISIS router. Use the Add
button to add an IISIS router (only one allowed) and associated distribution
lists. Use the Delete button to delete the existing IISIS router.
• The lower Details table displays information about the distribution lists
provisioned for the IISIS router. Use the Enter and Delete buttons on the
Add IISIS Router Parameters dialog box to provision the distribution list
parameters. When provisioning distribution lists, the current entries are
displayed in the table on the Add IISIS Router Parameters dialog box.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-10 Communications management

Note: When adding an IISIS router (including deleting and re-adding the
IISIS router), you must perform a cold restart of the shelf processor for the
changes to be implemented.

Table 8-3
IISIS Router parameters
Parameter Options Description Editable
Router table
Route Level Level 1 (default), Sets the IISIS router level. Yes
Level 1 and 2 Note: Level 1 and 2 not supported in this release,
option is always disabled.
L1 Priority 0 to 127 (default 64) Sets the level 1 router priority. The L1 router Yes
assigned the highest priority becomes the L1
designated router for that LAN segment.
L2 Priority 0 to 127 (default 64) Sets the level 2 router priority. The L2 router Yes
assigned the highest priority becomes the L2
designated router for that LAN segment.
Note: Not supported in this release, option is
Route On (default), Off Sets whether routes (Off) or route summaries (On) Yes
Summarization are redistributed.
Note: Always On in this release, Off option is
Route OSPF Distribution, Sets the IISIS router distribution list entries for the Yes
Redistribution/ Static Distribution selected IISIS router.
List Note: This parameter is selected from the
Provisioning field in the Add IISIS Router
Parameters dialog box.
IP Subnet Standard dot Sets the IP subnet address of the distribution list Yes
notation entry for the selected IISIS router.
Subnet Mask Standard dot Sets the subnet mask of the distribution list entry for Yes
notation the selected IISIS router.
Metric 1 to 63 Sets the metric (cost) of the distribution list entry for Yes
the selected IISIS router.
Metric Type Internal, External Sets the metric type of the distribution list entry for Yes
the selected IISIS router.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-11

IP Routing Table parameters

The IP Routing Table option has two tables.
• The upper Static routing information table displays static entries. Use the:
— Add button to add a static entry
— Delete button to delete an existing static entry
— Edit button to edit the parameters of an existing static entry
• The lower Dynamic routing information table displays dynamic entries
which are read-only.
Table 8-4
IP Routing Table parameters

Parameters Options Description Editable

IP Subnet Standard dot Sets the destination IP subnet of the static entry. Yes
notation (see Note)
Subnet Mask Standard dot Sets the subnet mask of the table entries. Yes
notation (see Note)
Next Hop Standard dot Sets the IP address of the next hop. Yes
notation (see Note)
Cost 1 to 65535 Sets the cost of the link. Yes
(see Note)
Circuit ID COLAN-A, Sets the circuit identifier of the port used to get to Yes
COLAN-X, ILAN-IN, the next hop. (see Note)
ILAN-OUT, Note: OC-n/STM-n ports are displayed in the
GRE-IP-1 to 4, following format:
GRE-OSI-1 to 4, OCn/STMn-slot#-port#
OC-n/STM-n ports,
Owner Static, Local, ISIS, Displays the owner of the entry. No
Tunnel Displays the other node the tunnel is terminated No
Termination on.
Note: These parameters are not editable in the Dynamic routing information table.

OSPF Circuit parameters

The OSPF Circuit option has two tables.
• The upper table displays information about the OSPF circuit. Use the Add
button to add an OSPF circuit. Use the Delete button to delete an existing
OSPF circuit.
• The lower Details table displays information about the area lists
provisioned for the OSPF circuit.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-12 Communications management

Note: Area lists are not supported in the this release and the table will
always be empty. The area list fields and the Enter and Delete buttons on
the Add OSPF Circuit Parameters dialog box are disabled.
Table 8-5
OSPF Circuit parameters
Parameter Options Description Editable
Name COLAN-A, COLAN-X, Displays the LAN ports available for OSPF. Yes
Network Area Standard dot notation Sets the area (defaults to backbone area of Yes
Cost 1 to 65535 (default 10) Sets the cost of the route (reflects speed of interface). Yes
Area Default 1 to 16777215 Sets the cost of the route to the next area. Yes
Cost (default 1)
Dead Interval 10 to 240 (default 40) Sets the interval (in seconds) at which hello packets Yes
must not be seen before neighbors declare the router
Hello Interval 1 to 255 (default 10) Sets the interval (in seconds) between the hello Yes
packets that the router sends on the interface.
Retransmit 10 to 240 (default 5) Sets the interval (in seconds) required between Yes
Interval link-state advertisement retransmissions.
Transmit 1 to 240 (default 1) Sets the estimated time (in seconds) it takes to Yes
Delay transmit a link state update packet over this interface.
Priority 1 to 255 (default 1) Sets the router priority value used in multi-access Yes
networks for the election of the designated router (0
indicates that router is not eligible to become
designated router).
Area Off (default), NSSA, Sets whether the router is in a not so stubby area Yes
Stub (NSSA) or stub area. NSSA and Stub not supported
in this release.
Area Virtual Standard dot notation Sets the IP address of the OSPF router id designated Yes
Link as a virtual interface.
Area List IP Standard dot notation Sets the IP subnet address of the OSPF area. No
Subnet Note: Not supported in this release, field is disabled.
Area List Standard dot notation Sets the subnet mask of the OSPF area. No
Subnet Mask Note: Not supported in this release, field is disabled.
Result Displays the OPSF areas entered in the area list. Up No
(Area list area to 10 OSPF area ranges can be configured.
of Add OSPF Note: Not supported in this release, field is disabled.
dialog box

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Communications management 8-13

OSPF Router parameters

The OSPF Router option has two tables.
• The upper table displays information about the OSPF router. Use the Add
button to add an OSPF router and associated distribution lists. Use the
Delete button to delete an existing OSPF router.
• The lower Details table displays information about the distribution lists
provisioned for the OSPF router. Use the Enter and Delete buttons on the
Add OSPF Router Parameters dialog box to provision the distribution list
parameters. When provisioning distribution lists, the current entries are
displayed in the table on the Add OSPF Router Parameters dialog box.

Table 8-6
OSPF Router parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

OSPF Router Id Standard dot notation Sets the router ID for the OSPF. Yes
Link State External (default), Sets the type of link state announcement used. Yes
Router, Summary
Route ON (default), OFF Sets whether routes or route summaries (On) Yes
Summarization are redistributed.
Route ISIS Distribution, Static When adding an OSPF router, sets the Yes
Redistribution/List Distribution redistribution mode.
IP Subnet Standard dot notation When adding an OSPF router, sets the IP Yes
subnet address for redistribution.
Subnet Mask Standard dot notation When adding an OSPF router, sets the subnet Yes
mask for redistribution.
Metric 1 to 65535 When adding an OSPF router, sets the metric Yes
for redistribution.
Metric Type External, Internal When adding an OSPF router, sets the metric Yes
type for redistribution.
Result (Add OSPF Displays the result of the OSPF router add No
Router Parameters parameters.
dialog box only)

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-14 Communications management

Upper Layer DCC parameters

The Upper Layer DCC option has a single table with three entries, one for each
of the three possible manual area addresses required to interop with other OSI
products. The manual area addresses are used to form the NSAP address of
each network element in the OSI level 1 area.

Use the Add button to add new manual area addresses to an unprovisioned

Loss of data communications
The deleting of existing manual addresses can cause a loss of
data communications to the network element.

Note 1: To edit an existing manual area address, add a new manual area
address to an empty entry to support other equipment then delete existing
manual area address. If you are moving this network element to a new area,
the manual area address must be added to all network elements before you
delete the old manual area address.
Note 2: When editing an address, you can either enter the complete
address in the Area address field or enter the individual components of the
address in the Area Address Components fields.
Note 3: If you enter an Address Format ID (AFI) and Initial Domain ID
(IDI) of 39840F (either in the Area address field or the Address format ID
and Initial domain ID fields), it is recognized as the country code for the
United States and the Domain specific part (DSP) field is replaced with
fields for the individual components of the DSP. For other AFI and IDI
entries in the AFI and IDI fields, you must enter all components of the DSP
in either the Area address field or the Domain specific part (DSP) field.
Use the Delete button to delete an existing manual area address.

Note 1: You must have at least one manual area address, you cannot delete
a manual area address if it is the only one in the list.
Note 2: A warning dialog is displayed when you attempt to delete a
manual area address allowing you to cancel the delete operation.

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Communications management 8-15

Table 8-7
Upper Layer DCC parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Number 1, 2, 3 Displays the three possible manual area No
addresses. The default for manual area address 1
is 490000.
Manual Area 6 to 26-hexadecimal Sets the manual area addresses. When editing an Yes
Address number address, the user can enter:
• a free form manual area address or a manual
area address. The manual area address must be
less than or equal to 26 hexadecimal characters.
The number of characters must be even.
• the individual components of the address in the
Area Address Components fields:
— Address format ID (2 hexadecimal characters)
— Initial domain ID (4 hexadecimal characters,
pad with ‘F’ hexadecimal characters if less
than four characters)
— Domain specific part (up to 20 hexadecimal
characters) (see Note)
— DSP format ID (2 hexadecimal characters,
default value is 80)
— Organization ID (6 hexadecimal characters)
— Domain (4 hexadecimal characters)
— Area (4 hexadecimal characters).
Note: The domain specific part field is replaced by
the DSP format ID, Organization ID, Domain, and
Area fields if the Address format ID and Initial
domain ID fields are 39840F.
Calculated 6 to 26-hexadecimal Displays the calculated manual area addresses. No
Manual Area number

Routing Information parameters

The Routing Information option has a single table which displays all network
elements that can be reached. The table is read-only.
Each row lists the address information required to communicate with that
network element. The name column can be used to identify the network
element being queried.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-16 Communications management

Table 8-8
Routing Information parameters
Parameters Options Description Editable
Name Character string (up Displays the system identifier (name) of the No
to 20 characters) network element.
ID Displays the id of network element. No
Network Standard dot notation Displays the IP address of the network element. No
MAC Address 12-hexadecimal Displays the MAC address of the network element. No
Type Character string Displays the network element equipment type (for No
example, Optical Multiservice Edge 6500).
Supported Yes, No Displays whether network element is supported by No
Site Manager (only OME6500 currently
Additional Character string Displays additional information. No

Routing Table parameters

The Routing option has a single table which displays all network elements that
can be reached. The table is read-only.
Note: The routing table supports a maximum of 150 nodes in a level 1
area. A Routing Table Overflow alarm is raised if the 150 limit is
Each row lists route information required to reach that network element. The
row with a cost of 0 and adjacency of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is the accessed
network element.

The Routing Table is a dynamic list that is updated each time a network
element or circuit is added in the network. Use the Refresh button each time a
change is made.
Table 8-9
Routing Table parameters
Parameters Options Description Editable
Destination 12-hexadecimal Displays the MAC address of the destination No
characters element.
Adjacency 12-hexadecimal Displays the MAC address of the adjacent network No
characters element (00:00:00:00:00:00 is the accessed
network element).
Cost 0 to 1023 Displays the OSI cost values (0 is the accessed No
network element).

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-17

Interfaces tab
ARP Table parameters
The ARP Table option has two tables.
• The upper Static routing information table displays static entries. Use the:
— Add button to add a static entry
— Delete button to delete an existing static entry
— Edit button to edit the parameters of an existing static entry (you can
only edit the IP address, you cannot edit the MAC address or name)
• The lower Dynamic routing information table displays dynamic entries
which are read-only.

Table 8-10
ARP Table parameters

Parameters Options Description Editable

ARP time out 1 to 3600 (default Displays time in seconds before an inactive entry No
3600) is removed from the table.
MAC Address 12-hexadecimal Sets the hardware MAC address of the destination Yes
characters host. (see Note 1)
IP Address Standard dot notation Sets the IP address of the destination host. Yes
(see Note 1
and Note 2)
Name COLAN-A, Sets the name of the LAN interface used to Yes
COLAN-X, ILAN-IN, connect to the destination host. (see Note 1
ILAN-OUT, LAN-15 and Note 2)
Type Local, Dynamic, Displays the ARP entry type. Local indicates an No
Broadcast, Point to entry associated with a destination local to the
Point shelf. Dynamic indicates a learned entry from the
network. Broadcast indicates the ARP entry used
when the destination IP is the broadcast address
for a subnet.
Note 1: These parameters are not editable in the Dynamic routing information table.
Note 2: These parameters can only be set when adding a static entry and cannot be edited using the
Edit button.

DSM OAM Link parameters

The DSM OAM Link option has a single table. The table lists the status of the
OC-3 facilities that can host DS1TM equipment or for which DSM OAM links
can be enabled to support the hosting of DS1TM equipment.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-18 Communications management

OC-3 facilities that meet the following criteria are displayed in the table:
• have DS1TM equipment provisioned
• do not have DS1TM equipment provisioned and the lower layer DCC is
provisioned as Section DCC with LAPD and L2 frame size of 1304
• do not have DS1TM equipment provisioned and the lower layer DCC is not
Note: OC-3 facilities that do not meet these criteria are not displayed.

Use the Enable or Disable to set the DSM OAM link status of the selected
OC-3 facility. Setting the state to Enable provisions the lower layer DCC and
IISIS circuit to the following parameters required to host DS1TM equipment:
• lower layer DCC: Carrier = Section, Protocol = LAPD, L2 Frame Size =
• iISIS circuit: Circuit Default Metric: 6, Neighbour Protocols Supported
Override = OSI
Note: The Enable and Disable buttons are disabled if the DSM OAM link
is in use.

For information on provisioning a DSM, refer to Procedures and options for

equipment provisioning on page 3-17.

Table 8-11
DSM OAM Link parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Name OC-3 optical Displays OC-3 facilities that have: No
ports • DS1TM equipment provisioned
• do not have DS1TM equipment provisioned and the lower
layer DCC is provisioned with LAPD and Section DCC
• do not have DS1TM equipment provisioned and the lower
layer DCC is not provisioned
State Disabled, Sets the status of the DSM OAM link. A facility is Yes
Enabled automatically disabled if:
• no layer DCC has been provisioned on the facility or a
lower layer DCC has been provisioned as LAPD and the L2
frame size is not equal to 1304
• the iISIS circuit is configured and the parameters are not:
— circuit default metric: 6
— neighbour protocols supported override: OSI
In Use Yes, No Displays whether the facility is in use for DSM OAM comms No
(DS1TM equipment provisioned on the port).

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Communications management 8-19

GRE parameters
The GRE option has a single table. Use the Add button to provision a new
static tunnel. Use the Delete button to delete an existing static tunnel.

Table 8-12
GRE parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Name GRE-IP-1 to Displays the possible static tunnel configurations Yes
GRE-IP-4, (four for each network layer protocol, IP or OSI).
GRE-OSI-1 to
Destination Standard dot notation Sets the IP or OSI address of the destination Yes
Address (IP) or NSAP (OSI) device on the tunnel. See Note.
Note: The NSAP is up to 40 characters depending on the first 2 characters (AFI). For example, for an
AFI of 49, the range is 20 characters (6 characters for area address, 12 characters for system id, and
2 characters for selector).

IP parameters
The IP option has a single table which displays all the provisioned ports. Use
• Add button to add an entry
• Delete button to delete an existing entry
• Edit button to edit the parameters of an existing entry
Note: When deleting and then re-adding IP addresses on the COLAN and
ILAN ports, you must restart the network element by performing a cold
restart on the shelf processor before the new (added) IP addresses become

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-20 Communications management

Table 8-13
IP parameters

Parameters Options Description Editable

Name COLAN-A, Displays the provisioned ports. NE-IP is the Yes
COLAN-X, ILAN-IN, circuitless IP.
ILAN-OUT, LAN-15, Note 1: When adding an IP, the Add IP Parameters
SERIAL-15, dialog box lists the ports that are provisioned but do
SERIAL-X, NE-IP, not have IP addresses (optical ports with LAPD
OC-n/STM-n ports facilities are not listed). If all the provisioned ports
have IP addresses, an error message is displayed
and the Add IP Parameters dialog box is not
displayed. If you select Apply in the Add IP
Parameters dialog box and you are adding an IP
address to the last provisioned port without an IP
address, the Add IP Parameters dialog box closes.
Note 2: OC-n/STM-n ports are displayed in the
following format: OCn/STMn-slot#-port#
Note 3: An IP address of is assigned to
OC-n/STM-n ports automatically when PPP DCC is
enabled and the circuit is created.
IP Address Standard dot notation Sets the IP address for the selected port. Yes
Broadcast Standard dot notation Displays the IP broadcast address derived from the No
Address IP address and the subnet mask. Read-only.
Netmask Standard dot notation Sets the subnet mask for the selected port. Yes
Note: NE-IP netmask must be
Default Time 1 to 255 (default 90) Sets the number of hops before a packet is dropped. No
to Live Note: Not supported in this release, option is
always disabled.
Host Only On, Off (default) Sets the host only mode. When On, the interface Yes
Mode only accepts packets that terminate at its IP address
and routing updates and packets to be forwarded
through other circuits are dropped.
Non-routing On, Off (default) Sets the non-routing mode. When on, routing Yes
Mode updates are not propagated but packets are
forwarded through the interface.

LAN parameters
The LAN option has a single table which displays all the provisioned LAN
ports. Use the:
• Add button to add an entry
• Delete button to delete an existing entry
• Edit button to edit the parameters of an existing entry

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-21

Table 8-14
LAN parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Name LAN-15, COLAN-A, Select the provisioned LAN ports. LAN-15 is the craft Yes
COLAN-X, ILAN-IN, LAN port on the shelf processor. Remaining ports are
ILAN-OUT located on the access panel.
Note: The LAN-15 port cannot be deleted.
Configuration Automatic (default), Sets the port configuration for each provisioned LAN Yes
Half duplex 10BT, port. Half duplex 10BT is Half-Duplex 10 Mbit/s, Half
Half duplex 100BT, duplex 100BT is Half-Duplex 100 Mbit/s, Full duplex
Full duplex 10BT, Full 10BT is Full-Duplex 10 Mbit/s, Full duplex 100BT is
duplex 100BT Full-Duplex 100 Mbit/s, and Automatic is
auto-negotiation (see Note).
Negotiated Half duplex 10BT, Displays the provisioned or negotiated port No
Configuration Half duplex 100BT, configuration.
Full duplex 10BT, Full
duplex 100BT,
MAC Address 12-hexadecimal Displays the unique MAC address assigned to the LAN No
characters port.
Note: If you set the LAN port configuration to Automatic (default), auto-negotiation and automatic
medium-dependent interface cross-over (auto-MDIX) are enabled. Auto-negotiation automatically senses
the speed/mode settings of the link. Auto-MDIX automatically senses what type of cable is connected to
the port. If you set the LAN port configuration to Automatic, the link works with either a straight-through or
cross-over cable and the LAN port will behave as a DCE or DTE depending on what it is connected to. If
the LAN port configuration is not set to Automatic, the LAN port is a DCE and requires a cross-over cable.

Lower Layer DCC parameters

The Lower Layer DCC option has a single table which displays all the
provisioned OC-n/STM-n ports and their DCC settings. If the OC-n/STM-n
port has not been provisioned with a DCC circuit, a dash (-) is displayed in all
columns after the name.

Use the Add button to provision new DCC circuits and the Delete button to
delete existing DCC circuits. The Edit button is only enabled for editing the
LAPD parameters. When adding a DCC circuit:
• A maximum of two line/MS DCC circuits are supported on each
OC-3/12/STM-1/4 and OC-48/STM-16 circuit pack.
• Each end of the DCC circuit must be provisioned with the same options.
• When adding an DCC circuit, the L2 Frame Size and L2 Side Role fields
only become available when the LAPD option is selected.
• Once a new DCC circuit has been added, an IISIS circuit must be added
for this port. See IP parameters on page 8-19.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-22 Communications management

Note 1: You cannot edit the LAPD frame size if the DSM OAM Link
status of an OC-3 facility is Enabled.
Note 2: For host OC-3 ports used for connecting to a DSM, a DCC circuit
is automatically added/deleted when enabling/disabling a DSM OAM link
(see DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17).
Table 8-15
Lower Layer DCC parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Name OC-n/STM-n ports Displays all the provisioned optical ports. Yes
Note: OC-n/STM-n ports are displayed in the
following format: OCn/STMn-slot#-port#
Carrier Section/RS (default), Sets DCC channel used, section/RS or line/MS. Yes
Operation Section/RS, Line/MS, Displays the established DCC connection. No
Carrier Disconnected
Protocol LAPD, PPP (default) Sets whether the interface supports PPP or LAPD. Yes
L2 Frame Size 512 to 1492 Note: Sets the LAPD frame size (only applicable if Yes
(default 1304) Protocol set to LAPD).
Each end of the DCC circuit must be provisioned
with the same LAPD frame size. Defaults on
different equipment types may be different.
L2 Side Role Network, User, Sets the LAPD link mode (only applicable if No
Automatic (default) Protocol set to LAPD).
Note: Always Automatic in this release, Network
and User options are disabled.
Operation L2 Network, User, If Automatic is selected, displays the selected No
Side Role Disconnected LAPD link mode (only applicable if Protocol set to

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-23

PPP parameters
The PPP option has a single table which displays entries for the ports
configured for PPP. Use the Edit button to edit the PPP magic number support

Table 8-16
PPP parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Name SERIAL-15, Displays the RS-232 serial ports and optical ports No
SERIAL-X, available for PPP. SERIAL-15 is on the shelf
OC-n/STM-n ports processor.
Note: OC-n/STM-n ports are displayed in the
following format: OCn/STMn-slot#-port#
Frame Size 64 to 4470 Displays the PPP frame size. No
(default 1500)
Negotiated 64 to 4470 Displays the negotiated frame size. Read-only. No
Frame Size
Preferred 16 bits (default), Displays the preferred frame checksum value. No
Frame 32 bits, Off
Magic Number On, Off (default) Sets whether magic number is supported on the Yes
Support PPP circuit.
Security Type Off (default), CHAP, Displays the security used on the PPP circuit. No
Local Secret Up to 253 character Displays the local secret when the Security type is No
string CHAP or PAP.
Remote Secret Up to 253 character Displays the remote secret when the Security type No
string is CHAP or PAP.
IP Header On, Off (default) Displays the IP header compression status. No
Heartbeat On (default), Off Displays whether heartbeat generation and No
detection is supported.
Peer IP Address Standard dot Displays the IP address of the remote end device. No

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-24 Communications management

Serial/RS-232 parameters
The Serial/RS-232 option has a single table which displays information on the
serial ports. The table is read-only.
Note 1: The Edit button is always disabled for this release.
Note 2: It is recommended that the serial port on a PC connected to the
OME6500 is set to either 9600 or 19200.
Table 8-17
Serial/RS-232 parameters

Parameters Options Description Editable

Name SERIAL-15, Displays possible RS-232 serial ports. No
Protocol Auto (default), PPP, Displays the protocol for the serial port. No
Protocol timeout 60 to 3600 Displays the period of inactivity before a PPP No
(default 300) configured serial port reverts to the default mode.
Negotiated 60 to 3600, Displays the negotiated protocol. No
protocol Disconnected Note: For this release, Disconnected is displayed
irrespective of the negotiated protocol.
Baud rate 9600, 19200, 38400, Displays the baud rate for the serial port. No
57600, 115200, Auto
Negotiated 9600, 19200, 38400, Displays the negotiated baud rate. No
baud rate 57600, 115200, Note: For this release, Disconnected is displayed
Disconnected irrespective of the negotiated baud rate.
Data bits 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (default) Displays the number of data bits. No
Parity None (default), Odd, Displays the parity. No
Even, Mark, Space
Stop bits 1 (default), 1.5, 2 Displays the number of stop bits. No
Hardware flow On, Off (default) Displays whether hardware flow control is used. No

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
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Servers tab
DHCP parameters
The DHCP option has a single table with a single entry. Use the Edit button to
edit the DHCP parameters.

Table 8-18
DHCP parameters

Parameters Options Description Editable

IP address Standard dot notation Sets the IP address leased out on the craft LAN. Yes
Netmask Standard dot notation Sets the subnet mask for the IP address leased out Yes
(default on the craft LAN.
LAN-15 Standard dot notation Displays the IP address of the LAN-15 port. No
Address (default
Gateway Standard dot notation Sets the gateway IP address leased out on the Yes
address (default craft LAN.
Server status Enabled (default), Sets the status of the DHCP server on the craft No
Disabled LAN port.
Note: You cannot disable the server in this
release, the Disabled option is always disabled.
Default Lease 1 to 7200 (default Displays the default lease time in seconds. No
(seconds) 600)
Maximum 1 to 7200 Displays the maximum default lease time in No
Default Lease (default 7200) seconds.

FTP parameters
The FTP option has a single table with a single entry. Use the Edit button to
edit the FTP parameters.

Table 8-19
FTP parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Maximum 1 Displays the maximum number of concurrent FTP No
number of FTP sessions that are allowed to the network element.
Idle timeout 1 to 900 Sets the time (in seconds) before an idle ftp Yes
(seconds) (default 180) session is disconnected.
Server status Disabled (default), Sets the status of the ftp server. Yes

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-26 Communications management

Telnet parameters
The Telnet option has a single table with a single entry. Use the Edit button to
edit the Telnet parameters.

Table 8-20
Telnet parameters

Parameter Options Description Editable

Maximum 1 to 10 (default 10) Sets the maximum number of concurrent Telnet Yes
number of telnet sessions that are allowed to the network element.
Idle timeout 0 to 99 (default 30) Sets the time (in minutes) before an idle Telnet Yes
(minutes) session is disconnected. A value of 0 indicates
infinite (no timeout).

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with communications management for the Optical Multiservice
Edge 6500. The figure shows the path from the Site Manager menu bar.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-27

Procedures and options for Comms Setting Management

Comms Setting Management window
Parameters Procedures
Opening window
Comms Setting Procedure 8-1, Retrieving communications settings on
Management page 8-30
Communications management parameters on page 8-7

IISIS Circuit parameters on page 8-8
IISIS Router parameters on page 8-9
IP Routing Table parameters on page 8-11
OSPF Circuit parameters on page 8-11
OSPF Router parameters on page 8-13
Upper Layer DCC parameters on page 8-14
Routing Information parameters on page 8-15
Routing Table parameters on page 8-16

ARP Table parameters on page 8-17
DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17
GRE parameters on page 8-19
IP parameters on page 8-19
LAN parameters on page 8-20
Lower Layer DCC parameters on page 8-21
PPP parameters on page 8-23
Serial/RS-232 parameters on page 8-24

DHCP parameters on page 8-25
FTP parameters on page 8-25
Telnet parameters on page 8-26
Edit command
Comms Setting Procedure 8-2, Editing the communications settings on
Management page 8-31
Add command
Comms Setting Procedure 8-3, Adding a new entry in the
Management communications settings on page 8-33
Delete command
Comms Setting Procedure 8-4, Deleting an entry in the communications
Management settings on page 8-35

Note: Procedure 8-5, Using the ping and trace utilities on page 8-36 is
performed from the command line interface and not from Site Manager.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-28 Communications management

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Abbreviations used in procedures

AFI Authority and Format Identifier
ARP Address resolution protocol
CHAP Challenge-handshake authentication protocol
DCC Data communications channel
DCN Data communications network
DHCP Dynamic host configuration protocol
DS1 Digital signal, level 1
DSM DS1 service module
DSO Dynamic shared object
DSP Domain specific part
FTP File transfer protocol
GRE Generic route encapsulation
ID Identifier
IP Internet protocol
iISIS Integrated ISIS
ISIS Intermediate system to intermediate system
LAN Local area network
LAPD Link access protocol on the D-channel
LLDCC Lower layer DCC
MAC Media access control
MDIX Medium-dependent interface cross-over
MS Multiplex section
NSAP Network access service point
NSSA Not so stubby area
OAM Operations, administration, and maintenance
OME Optical Multiservice Edge
OSI Open systems interconnect
OSPF Open shortest path first

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-29

PAP Password authentication protocol

PC Personal computer
PPP Point-to-point protocol
RS Regenerator section
ULDCC Upper layer DCC
UPC User privilege code

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-30 Communications management

Procedure 8-1
Retrieving communications settings
Use this procedure to retrieve the provisioned parameters associated with the
data communication network. For more information on these parameters and
how they apply to the DCN, refer to the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Planning Guide, NTRN10BC.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Comms Setting Management from the Configuration drop-down
menu to open the Comms Setting Management application.
The Comms Setting Management application contains three tabs which
provide access to associated parameters as follows:
• Routers
IISIS Circuit, IISIS Router, IP Routing Table, OSPF Circuit, OSPF Router,
Upper Layer DCC, Routing Information, Routing Table
• Interfaces
ARP Table, DSM OAM Link, GRE, IP, LAN, Lower Layer DCC, PPP,
• Servers
DHCP, FTP, Telnet
3 Select the required tab.
4 Select the appropriate comms type from the Router type, Interface type, or
Server type drop-down list.
The information about the selected comms is displayed. See
Communications management parameters on page 8-7 for information about
the options available.
Note: For tables, the number of items in the table is displayed on the right
above the table.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-31

Procedure 8-2
Editing the communications settings
Use this procedure to edit the provisioned parameters associated with the data
communication network. For more information on these parameters and how
they apply to the DCN, refer to the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 Planning
Guide, NTRN10BC.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 4 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Comms Setting Management from the Configuration drop-down
menu to open the Comms Setting Management application.
The Comms Setting Management window contains three tabs which provide
access to associated parameters as follows:
• Routers
IISIS Circuit, IISIS Router, IP Routing Table, OSPF Circuit, OSPF Router,
Upper Layer DCC, Routing Information, Routing Table
• Interfaces
ARP Table, DSM OAM Link, GRE, IP, LAN, Lower Layer DCC, PPP,
• Servers
DHCP, FTP, Telnet
3 Select the required tab.
4 Select the appropriate comms type from the Router type, Interface type, or
Server type drop-down list. See Communications management parameters
on page 8-7 for the options that can be edited.
5 Select the required circuit/port/entry in the table.
6 Click Edit to open the appropriate edit dialog box.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-32 Communications management

Procedure 8-2 (continued)

Retrieving communications settings

Step Action

7 Edit the parameters are required. See the following for editable parameters:
• Routers
— IP Routing Table parameters on page 8-11
— Upper Layer DCC parameters on page 8-14
• Interfaces
— ARP Table parameters on page 8-17
— DSM OAM Link parameters on page 8-17
— IP parameters on page 8-19
— LAN parameters on page 8-20
— Lower Layer DCC parameters on page 8-21
— PPP parameters on page 8-23
• Servers
— DHCP parameters on page 8-25
— FTP parameters on page 8-25
— Telnet parameters on page 8-26
8 Click OK.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-33

Procedure 8-3
Adding a new entry in the communications settings
Use this procedure to add a new entry (interface, circuit, router) in the
communications settings. For more information on these parameters and how
they apply to the DCN, refer to the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 Planning
Guide, NTRN10BC.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 4 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Comms Setting Management from the Configuration drop-down
menu to open the Comms Setting Management application.
The Comms Setting Management application contains three tabs which
provide access to associated parameters as follows:
• Routers
IISIS Circuit, IISIS Router, IP Routing Table, OSPF Circuit, OSPF Router,
Upper Layer DCC, Routing Information, Routing Table
• Interfaces
ARP, DSM OAM Link, GRE, IP, LAN, Lower Layer DCC, PPP,
• Servers
DHCP, FTP, Telnet
3 Select the required tab.
4 Select the appropriate comms type from the Router type, Interface type, or
Server type drop-down list. See Communications management parameters
on page 8-7 for the options where an entry can be added.
5 For the Lower Layer DCC dialog box, select the port to be added.
Note: The selected port must not already have been provisioned.
6 Click Add to open the appropriate add dialog box.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-34 Communications management

Procedure 8-3 (continued)

Adding a new entry in the communications settings

Step Action

7 Add the parameters are required (if appropriate). See the following for
editable parameters:
• Routers
— IISIS Circuit parameters on page 8-8
— IISIS Router parameters on page 8-9 (see Note)
— IP Routing Table parameters on page 8-11
— OSPF Circuit parameters on page 8-11
— OSPF Router parameters on page 8-13 (see Note)
• Interfaces
— ARP Table parameters on page 8-17
— GRE parameters on page 8-19
— IP parameters on page 8-19
— LAN parameters on page 8-20
— Lower Layer DCC parameters on page 8-21
Note: For the Add IISIS Router Parameters dialog and the Add OSPF Router
Parameters dialogs, you have the option of adding distribution lists. To add a
distribution list, select the list type from the Route redistribution drop-down
list and enter the required parameters. As the parameters are added, the list
appears in the Result field. When you have entered all the parameters, click
Enter to save the parameters. The result appears in the appropriate table. A
maximum of 10 distribution lists can be added for each type of list.
To delete a new entry, select the entry in the table and select Delete.
8 If Then
the dialog allows more than one entry to be click Apply, go
added and you want to add another entry to step 7
otherwise go to step 9

9 Click OK.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-35

Procedure 8-4
Deleting an entry in the communications settings
Use this procedure to delete an entry (interface, circuit, router) in the
communications settings. For more information on these parameters and how
they apply to the DCN, refer to the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 Planning
Guide, NTRN10BC.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 4 UPC or

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Comms Setting Management from the Configuration drop-down
menu to open the Comms Setting Management application.
The Comms Setting Management application contains three tabs which
provide access to associated parameters as follows:
• Routers
IISIS Circuit, IISIS Router, IP Routing Table, OSPF Circuit, OSPF Router,
Upper Layer DCC, Routing Information, Routing Table
• Interfaces
ARP, DSM OAM Link, GRE, IP, LAN, Lower Layer DCC, PPP,
• Servers
DHCP, FTP, Telnet
3 Select the required tab.
4 Select the appropriate comms type from the Router type, Interface type, or
Server type drop-down list. See Communications management parameters
on page 8-7 for the options where an entry can be deleted.
5 Select the required circuit/port/entry in the table.
6 Click Delete to open the appropriate delete dialog box.
7 Click OK.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-36 Communications management

Procedure 8-5
Using the ping and trace utilities
Use this procedure to test for network connectivity using IP and OSI ping and
trace utility tools. These tools are available in the General Utilities Menu of the
command line interface available when using Telnet or a terminal session.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 4 UPC or

Step Action

1 If are using Then

a Terminal session Start terminal session using 8888 port (see
Security and Administration,
323-1851-301 for detailed procedures).
Go to step 2.
Telnet Open a Telnet session using port 8888. Go
to step 3.

Note: If you use any port other than 8888, enter Ctrl_D to switch to the
debug mode.
2 In the Terminal window, do one of the following:
• if you started a terminal session using the network, display the Main
Menu by entering:

• if you started a terminal session using a modem or direct cable, display
the Main Menu:
— enter ↵
— select Send Break from the File menu in the Terminal window
— enter ↵ again
Go to step 4.
3 Display the Main Menu by entering:

4 Display the General Utility Access menu by entering:
5 Display the Login prompt by entering:
6 At the login prompt, enter the user ID by entering:
<used ID>↵

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-37

Procedure 8-5 (continued)

Using the ping and trace utilities

Step Action

7 At the password prompt, enter the password by entering:

The General Utility Menu is displayed.
8 If you want to use the Then go to
IP ping tool step 9
IP traceroute tool step 11
OSI netping tool step 13
OSI clping tool step 15
OSI coping tool step 17
logout of the general utility menu step 19

9 Select the Ping tool by entering:

10 Enter the ping parameters by entering:
<ip address> [-s<size>] [-c<count>] [-t<timeout>]↵
<ip address> is the IP address in the format
<size> is optional datagram size in bytes (8 to 1450,
default 100)
<count> is optional repeat count (1 to 255, default 5)
<timeout> is optional timeout in seconds (1 to 60, default 10)

The response to the ping is displayed.

Enter ↵ to return to the General Utility Menu.
Go to step 8.
11 Select the Traceroute tool by entering:
12 Enter the traceroute parameters by entering:
<ip address> [-c<count>] [-t<timeout>] [-l<ttl>]↵
<ip address> is the IP address in the format
<count> is optional repeat count (1 to 10, default 3)
<timeout> is optional timeout in seconds (1 to 60, default 10)
<ttl> is optional time to live (1 to 255, default 30)

The response to the traceroute response is displayed.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-38 Communications management

Procedure 8-5 (continued)

Using the ping and trace utilities

Step Action

Note: The traceroute can be aborted by pressing any key.

Enter ↵ to return to the General Utility Menu.
Go to step 8.
13 Select the Netping tool by entering:
14 Enter the netping parameters by entering:
<osi address>↵
<osi address> is the OSI NSAP address in the format

A response to the netping is displayed.

Go to step 8.
15 Select the Clping tool by entering:
16 Enter the clping parameters by entering:
<osi address> [-n<number TSDUs>] [-s<TSDU size>]
[-r<rate>] [-v<validate>]↵
<osi address> is the OSI NET address of the remote node to ping
in non-RPF format [<MAA><SYSID><NSEL> (use
zero N-selector)
<number is optional number of TSDUs to send (1 to 500,
TSDUs> default 20)
<size> is optional size in bytes of TSDUs to send (12 to
16384, default 64)
<rate> is optional rate at which to send in seconds (0 to
300, default 1)
<validate> is optional validate the contents of looped back
TSDUs (0 for no, 1 for yes, default 0)

A response to the clping is displayed.

Go to step 8.
17 Select the Coping tool by entering:

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Communications management 8-39

Procedure 8-5 (continued)

Using the ping and trace utilities

Step Action

18 Enter the coping parameters by entering:

<net address> [-n<number TSDUs>] [-s<TSDU size>]
[-r<rate>] [-v<validate>]↵
<net address> is the OSI NET address of the remote node to ping
in non-RPF format [<MAA><SYSID><NSEL> (use
zero N-selector)
<number is optional number of TSDUs to send (1 to 500,
TSDUs> default 20)
<size> is optional size in bytes of TSDUs to send (12 to
16384, default 64)
<rate> is optional rate at which to send in seconds (0 to
300, default 1)
<validate> is optional validate the contents of looped back
TSDUs (0 for no, 1 for yes, default 0)

A response to the coping is displayed.

Go to step 8.
19 Select Logout entering:
20 Return to the General Utility Access menu by entering:
21 Either:
• close the terminal session (see Security and Administration,
323-1851-301 for detailed procedures).
• exit and close the Telnet session by entering:
— Ctrl+]
— quit↵

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
8-40 Communications management

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Protection switching 9-
Equipment protection overview
Equipment protection detects an equipment failure that causes a loss of
service, and restores the failed services from a redundant piece of equipment.
Equipment protection manages core functions and services in a network
element that are normally traffic affecting. This section provides a definition
of OME6500 equipment protection, including information about the
protection scheme and mode for the following equipment:
• cross-connect circuit packs
• 63xE1 circuit packs
• 24xDS3/EC-1 circuit packs
• 84xDS1 termination module (TM) circuit packs in a DS1 service module
Performance degradation and/or equipment failure triggers equipment
protection. The protection switch can be the result of the following:
• hardware or software failure on the circuit pack
• removal of the circuit pack from the network element
• manual command (not applicable to cross-connect circuit packs)
The OME6500 supports the following equipment protection schemes and
• 1+1 non-revertive for the cross-connect circuit packs
• 1:N revertive for the 63xE1 or 24xDS3/EC-1 circuit packs (2 banks of 1:4
• 1+1 non-revertive for the 84xDS1 TM circuit packs
In a revertive mode, when the condition that caused the equipment protection
switch clears, the working unit becomes active after a wait-to-restore (WTR)

In a non-revertive mode, when the condition that caused the equipment

protection switch clears, the working unit does not become active

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-2 Protection switching

Cross-connect circuit pack protection

OME6500 supports equipment protection for the cross-connect circuit pack in
a 1+1 scheme and non-revertive mode. The cross-connect circuit pack
provides core functions such as port-to-port interconnection and shelf

Equipment switching for the cross-connect circuit packs is automatic and can
result from hardware or software failure on the circuit pack, removal of the
circuit pack from the network element, putting the circuit pack out-of-service
(OOS), or a warm/cold restart. Manual switching of the cross-connect circuit
packs is not supported.

63xE1 and 24xDS3/EC-1 circuit pack protection

OME6500 supports equipment protection for the 63xE1 or 24xDS3/EC-1
circuit packs in a 1:N scheme and revertive mode. The 1:N protection is
arranged in two banks of 1:4 protection where up to four 63xE1 or
24xDS3/EC-1 working circuit packs are protected by a single 63xE1 or
24xDS3/EC-1 protection circuit pack.

In the 1:N protection, the protection switch moves all of the traffic on a
working circuit pack to the protection circuit pack, enabling the faulty working
circuit pack to be replaced without affecting traffic.

Figure 9-1 and Figure 9-2 show the 1:N protection architecture.

The two banks of 1:4 protection are provided by:

• 63xE1 or 24xDS3/EC-1 working circuit packs in slots 1 to 4 and a
protection circuit pack in slot 13
• 63xE1 or 24xDS3/EC-1 working circuit packs in slots 9 to 12 and a
protection circuit pack in slot 14
For each 63xE1 working circuit pack in the 1:N protection configuration, you
must install an I/O protection module in the appropriate slot in the associated
I/O panel. For example, if slots 1 and 2 contain 63xE1 working circuit packs,
you must install I/O protection modules in slots 1 and 2 of the bank 1 (left) I/O

Note: I/O protection modules are not required for 1:N protection of
24xDS3/EC-1 circuit packs.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-3

Figure 9-1
1:N circuit pack protection (input direction)

63xE1 or 63xE1 or 63xE1 or 63xE1 or

24xDS3/EC1 24xDS3/EC1 24xDS3/EC1 24xDS3/EC1
Inputs Inputs Inputs Inputs

I/O Panel
E1/DS3/EC1 E1/DS3/EC1 E1/DS3/EC1 E1/DS3/EC1
Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces


Protection Working Working Working Working

Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit
Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack

Cross-Connect 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1

Circuit Pack selector selector selector selector

63xE1 or 24xDS3/EC1 signals
High-speed signal (VT/VC mapped)

Note: * On I/O protection modules for 63xE1 circuit packs

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-4 Protection switching

Figure 9-2
1:N circuit pack protection (output direction)

Circuit Pack

Protection Working Working Working Working

Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit
Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack

I/O Panel
2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
selector* selector* selector* selector*

E1/DS3/EC1 E1/DS3/EC1 E1/DS3/EC1 E1/DS3/EC1

Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces

63xE1 or 63xE1 or 63xE1 or 63xE1 or

24xDS3/EC1 24xDS3/EC1 24xDS3/EC1 24xDS3/EC1
Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs


63xE1 or 24xDS3/EC1 signals

High-speed signal (VT/VC mapped)

Note: * On I/O protection modules for 63xE1 circuit packs

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-5

Provisioning 1:N equipment configurations

1:N equipment protection requires the following items to be provisioned.
Protection group provisioning
When the user selects the 1:N protection scheme for a working circuit pack:
• if auto-equipping is enabled, the protection circuit pack automatically
provisions (if not already provisioned). If a different circuit pack is
provisioned in the protection slot, the systems rejects the 1:N provisioning.
• if auto-equipping is disabled, the system rejects the 1:N provisioning if a
protection circuit pack is not provisioned
Note 1: If auto-equipping is disabled, you must provision the protection
circuit pack before selecting the 1:N protection on the working circuit
Note 2: For the 63xE1 circuit packs, if the protection circuit pack is
provisioned but the correct I/O protection modules are not present for the
associated working circuit packs, the system raises Protection Sub-module
Missing or Protection Sub-module Mismatch alarms.
Note 3: The default protection mode is unprotected. If required, 1:N
protection must be provisioned by the user.
The user also provisions the wait-to-restore time as part of the protection group
provisioning. The default time is 5 minutes. OME6500 allows the user to
provision an infinite wait-to-restore period for the 1:N protection group. This
feature allows the user to provision the 1:N protection group to autonomously
switch in a non-revertive mode.

1:N protection switch criteria

1:N protection switch requests can occur automatically by the system or by
user initiated actions.
Automatic switch
An automatic switch occurs for working circuit pack removal or failure
provided no higher priority switch exists and at least one of the following
conditions exist:
• at least one facility on the working circuit pack is in-service and has an
associated cross-connect
• the working circuit pack and the protection circuit pack are both in-service
The user has the option of assigning a priority (low or high) to the working
circuit pack during provisioning. Circuit packs with a high priority take
precedence over low priority circuit packs. The 1:N protection is revertive,
when the fault clears and the wait-to-restore time has expired, traffic switches
back to the working circuit pack. Traffic also switches back to the working
circuit pack if the protection circuit pack fails or is removed.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-6 Protection switching

User-initiated switches
• Manual switch
This command switches the E1 or DS3/EC-1 signals from the working
circuit pack to the protection circuit pack. The manual switch has the
lowest priority and occurs only if a higher priority switch is not active (no
active automatic switch, forced switch, lockout, or protection circuit pack
failed). The manual switch remains active until released by the user or a
higher priority switch occurs. A manual switch can only be applied to
working circuit packs and only one manual switch can be present.
• Forced switch
This command switches the E1 or DS3/EC-1 signals from the working
circuit pack to the protection circuit pack regardless of the effect on traffic.
The forced switch occurs only if the protection circuit pack is available and
no active lockout commands exist. The forced switch remains active until
released by the user or a higher priority switch occurs. A forced switch can
only be applied to working circuit packs and only one forced switch can be
• Lockout
A lockout removes the circuit pack from the protection system. If you
apply a lockout to a working circuit pack, that circuit pack is not protected.
If you apply a lockout to the protection circuit pack, none of the working
circuit packs are protected. The lockout command has the highest priority.
The lockout remains active until released by the user. A lockout can be
applied to any working or protection circuit pack (you can apply multiple
Table 9-1 shows the hierarchy of protection commands.
Table 9-1
1:N equipment protection hierarchy

Switch request Priority Applicable to Working/Protection

Lockout 1 (highest) Working or protection circuit packs

Automatic (Protection) 2 Protection circuit pack (failed or


Forced 3 Working circuit packs

Automatic (High) 4 Working circuit packs (assigned high


Automatic (Low) 5 Working circuit packs (assigned low


Manual 6 Working circuit packs

Wait-to-restore 7 (lowest) Working circuit packs

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-7

1:N protection exerciser

The 1:N protection exerciser tests the protection paths to ensure protection can
function correctly. If protection is not functioning correctly, the protection
exerciser raises a Protection Exerciser Fail alarm.

The 1:N protection exerciser tests certain signal paths and some components
on the working and protection circuit packs by bridging traffic from each
working circuit pack to the protection circuit pack, and verifying traffic. The
protection exerciser does not affect traffic.

Any or all working circuit packs can be ‘allowed’ or ‘inhibited’ from the
protection exerciser. An allowed circuit pack will be exercised during the next
exercise run. An inhibited circuit pack will not be exercised during the next
exercise run.

The protection exerciser can be performed on a single working circuit pack or

all working circuit packs.

The exerciser can run automatically on a schedule set in advance, or can be

initiated manually.

E1 and DS3/EC-1 protection exerciser schedule frequency
Do not schedule the E1 or DS3/EC-1 protection exerciser to run
for extended periods at a frequency below one hour (this will
cause excessive wear on the protection relays). If you must
schedule the E1 or DS3/EC-1 protection exerciser to run at
frequencies below one hour (for example, during debugging
activities), ensure that this is for short periods (no more than 2
or 3 days).

The exerciser can be set to run autonomously for an allowed circuit pack. This
means that the protection exerciser also runs for the working circuit pack when
it detects a signal fail change.

The 1:N protection exerciser does not run if there is a protection switch active,
except on the circuit pack that is currently switched.

84xDS1 TM circuit pack protection

OME6500 supports 1+1 equipment protection for the DSM 84xDS1 TM
circuit pack in a non-revertive mode.

In the 1+1 protection, the protection switch moves all of the traffic on a
working DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit pack to the protection DSM 84xDS1 TM
circuit pack, enabling the faulty working circuit pack to be replaced without
affecting traffic.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-8 Protection switching

Provisioning 1+1 84xDS1 TM equipment configurations

The 1+1 protection is automatically provisioned when a protection 84xDS1
TM circuit pack is automatically or manually provisioned in slot 2 of the DSM.
The 1+1 protection cannot be changed manually.
The user can view the 1+1 protection parameters but cannot change them.

1+1 84xDS1 TM protection switch criteria

1+1 84xDS1 TM equipment protection switch request can occur automatically
by the system or by user initiated actions.
Automatic switch
An automatic switch occurs automatically after the following failures:
• equipment unavailability (circuit pack removal, reset, fail)
• OC-3 facility alarms: loss of signal, loss of frame, AIS, section trace
mismatch, signal fail, signal degrade, circuit pack loss of host timing ref
• OC-3 facility out-of-service
This release supports non-revertive switching. When an automatic switch
occurs, traffic does not revert to the previous circuit pack. The automatic
switch is a non-standing request as once the switch has occurred or is refused,
the request is lowered.
User-initiated switches
• Manual switch
This command switches the DS1 signals from the working circuit pack to
the protection circuit pack. The manual switch has the lowest priority of
the user initiated switch requests and occurs only if a higher priority switch
is not active (no active automatic switch, forced switch, or protection
circuit pack failed). The manual switch is a non-standing request as once
the switch has occurred or is refused, the request is lowered.
• Forced switch
This command switches the DS1 signals from the working circuit pack to
the protection circuit pack regardless of the effect on traffic. The forced
switch occurs only if the protection circuit pack is available. The forced
switch is a standing request as it remains active until it is released by the

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-9

Table 9-2 shows the hierarchy of protection commands.

Table 9-2
1+1 84xDS1 TM equipment protection hierarchy

Switch request Priority

Automatic (Protection) 1 (highest)

Forced 2

Automatic (Working) 3

Automatic (Signal Degrade) 4

Manual 5 (lowest)

Traffic protection overview

Traffic protection is a mechanism to enhance the dependability of a transport
service. The OME6500 provides a variety of protection mechanisms which
can be deployed to tailor the resilience of the platform to that required by the
customer. The system monitors the traffic facilities for performance
degradation and failure and performs protection switching when these
conditions are present.

OME6500 supports line level and path level traffic protection and restoration
schemes. Line level traffic protection implies that all payloads provisioned on
a port of the interface circuit pack are switched together.

The following line level traffic protection schemes are available:

• 1+1/multiplex section protection (MSP) linear
• 2-Fiber bidirectional line-switched ring (BLSR)/multiplex section shared
protection ring (MS-SPRing)
• unprotected
Note 1: Traffic switches for the 1+1/MSP linear and 2-Fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing schemes are port based and not circuit pack based. For
example, if a problem is detected on a working port of circuit of a
multi-port circuit pack, only traffic on the faulty port is switched, not
traffic on all the ports on the circuit pack.
Note 2: The working and protection ports on an adjacent pair of multi-port
traffic circuit packs must be horizontally aligned. For example, on an
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 SFP circuit pack where the working port is on slot 1
port 3, the protection port is on slot 2 port 3 (same port number). This rule
applies for all multi-port circuit packs operating in protection pairs
irrespective of protection scheme being utilized (1+1/MSP linear or

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-10 Protection switching

The traffic protection architecture consists of one working channel and one
protection channel, carried on separate fibers/cables and separate equipment.
The system provides traffic protection by switching traffic between the two
channels either automatically when a degradation or failure is detected or by
user initiated actions. Figure 9-3 provides an overview of the line traffic
protection architecture on the OME6500.

OME6500 supports the UPSR/SNCP path level traffic protection scheme.

The OME6500 supports any mix of traffic protection schemes listed in Table
9-3 on a single network element so long as the maximum per network element
value is not exceeded.
Figure 9-3
OME6500 line traffic protection architecture

circuit packs

interface ports Port A Port B

Optical interface
circuit packs
Pair of adajcent
service interface ports
used to provide traffic
Working Protection

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-11

Table 9-3
OME6500 traffic protection summary

Protection Interface Maximum

scheme circuit packs configurations per
network element
1+1/MSP linear 1xOC-192/STM-64 circuit pack 2
2xOC-48/STM-16 circuit pack 12
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack 48
UPSR/SNCP 1xOC-192/STM-64 circuit pack 80/0 and 160/0 XCs
(see Note 2) 2xOC-48/STM-16 circuit pack • 512 STS-1/VC3
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack • 170 STS-3C/VC4
4xGE EPL circuit pack 80/20 XC
• 512 STS-1/VC3
• 170 STS-3C/VC4
• 3584 VT1.5
• 3072 VC12
20/20 XC
• 128 STS-1/VC3
• 42 STS-3C/VC4
• 3584 VT1.5
• 3072 VC12
80/80 XC
• 128 STS-1/VC3
• 42 STS-3C/VC4
• 4480 VT1.5
• 3840 VC12
2-Fiber 1xOC-192/STM-64 circuit pack 4
BLSR/MS-SPRing 2xOC-48/STM-16 circuit pack
Unprotected 1xOC-192/STM-64 circuit pack 4
2xOC-48/STM-16 circuit pack 24
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 circuit pack 96
4xGE EPL circuit pack 48
Note 1: The default traffic protection mode on the OME6500 network element is
Note 2: The maximum number of UPSR/SNCP configurations depends on the
number of cross-connects destinations. Figures quoted are for bidirectional
connections using 2WAYPR connections (three destinations per connection).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-12 Protection switching

1+1/MSP linear traffic protection

1+1/MSP linear traffic protection uses a pair of interface ports in adjacent slots
to provide line traffic protection. 1+1/MSP linear traffic protection uses the
1+1/MSP protocol to handshake between adjacent network elements to
determine when a protection switch should occur. All of the payloads within
the line are protected together.

Provisioning MSP linear protected connections

1+1/MSP linear traffic protection requires the following items to be
Protection group provisioning
The user selects the 1+1/MSP Linear protection scheme for an interface port
located in an odd slot of the OME6500 shelf. The system assigns the adjacent
port on the interface circuit pack located in the even slot to the immediate right
of the identified slot as the mate port to provide the 1+1/MSP linear protection.

The user also provisions the switch mode as either bidirectional (both transmit
and receive directions switch together) or unidirectional (only the transmit or
receive directions switched based on the fault or user initiated action).
Cross-connect provisioning
The user selects a 2WAY connection type at the end points and at any
pass-through nodes if applicable.

Figure 9-4 provides an example of a 1+1/MSP linear provisioning and shows

the protection group provisioned and the connection type.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-13

Figure 9-4
1+1/MSP linear traffic protection - provisioning example

2WAY connection type on service

interface port located in odd-slot

Node B

Port A Port C

Port B Port D

1+1/MSP linear 1+1/MSP linear

protection mode protection mode

PortC Port D Port D Port C

2WAY connection type

on service interface port
located in odd-slot

Port A Port B Port A Port B

Node A Node C

1+1/MSP linear 1+1/MSP linear

protection mode protection mode
Client Client
Equipment Equipment

Note: The OME6500 supports nodal provisioning. When provisioning an

end-to-end circuit, you must provision the traffic protection and
cross-connects at the connection end points and at any pass-through nodes
that make up the end-to-end circuit.

1+1/MSP linear protection switch criteria

1+1/MSP linear protection switch request can occur automatically by the
system or by user initiated actions.
Note: User-initiated 1+1/MSP linear switching commands are signaled
through the 1+1/MSP channels (K1 and K2 bytes).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-14 Protection switching

Automatic switch
An automatic switch occurs automatically after a signal fail, signal degrade, or
equipment unavailability (circuit pack removal, reset, failure) condition
associated with an interface port. An automatic switch occurs unless a higher
priority switch request is active. This release supports non-revertive switching.
When an automatic switch occurs, traffic does not revert to the previous active
interface port. The automatic switch is a non-standing request as once the
switch has occurred or is refused, the request is lowered.
User-initiated switches
• Manual switch
This command switches the working line to the protection line or the
protection line to the working line. The manual switch has the lowest
priority and occurs only if the requested line is available (no active
automatic switch or forced switch). The manual switch is a non-standing
request as once the switch has occurred or is refused, the request is
• Forced switch
This command switches the working line to the protection line or the
protection line to the working line. The forced switch occurs only if the
protection line is available and no active lockout commands exist. The
forced switch is a standing request as it remains active until it is released
by the user.
• Lockout
An external request triggers the lockout and prevents the working line from
switching to the protection line. The lockout command has the highest
priority. The lockout is a standing request as it remains active until it is
released by the user. A lockout can only be performed on the protection
circuit pack (even circuit pack slot)
Table 9-4 summarizes the hierarchy of protection commands.
Table 9-4
1+1/MSP linear protection - command hierarchy

Switch request Priority Applicable to Working/Protection

Lockout 1 (highest) Protection channel
Auto (Signal Fail) 2 Protection channel
Forced 3 Working or Protection channel
Auto (Signal Fail) 4 Working channel
Auto (Signal Degrade) 5 Working or Protection channel
Manual 6 (lowest) Working or Protection channel

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Protection switching 9-15

2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic protection

A 2-Fiber bidirectional line-switched ring (BLSR)/multiplex section shared
protection ring (MS-SPRing) is a ring network of nodes interconnected by a
pair of optical fibers. BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic protection provides 100%
restoration of restorable traffic for single failures by reserving 50% of the
ring’s capacity for protection. As a result, a 2-Fiber OC-48/STM-16 or
OC-192/STM-64 ring effectively has a span capacity of STS-24/STM-8 and
STS-96/STM-32 respectively.

For a 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing operating at the OC-48/STM-16 level, time

slot numbers 1 through 24 (SONET) or 1 through 8 (SDH) at the multiplex
input are reserved for working channels. Time slot number ‘X’ of the first fiber
is protected using time slot number ‘X+24’ (SONET) or ‘X+8’ (SDH) of the
second fiber in the opposite direction, where X is an integer between 1 and 24
(SONET) or between 1 and 8 (SDH).

For a 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing operating at the OC-192/STM-64 level, time

slot numbers 1 through 96 (SONET) or 1 through 32 (SDH) at the multiplex
input are reserved for working channels. Time slot number ‘X’ of the first fiber
is protected using time slot number ‘X+96’ (SONET) or ‘X+32’ (SDH) of the
second fiber in the opposite direction, where X is an integer between 1 and 96
(SONET) or between 1 and 32 (SDH).

In a BLSR/MS-SPRing, switching nodes communicate to each other through

K-bytes. All of the STS-1s/VC-4s within the line are protected together (see
STS/VC BLSR/MS-SPRing with VT/LO VC assignment on page 9-22).
Figure 9-5 shows an overview of the 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-16 Protection switching

Figure 9-5
2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic protection overview

Working time slots

STS #1 to 24 for OC-48/
VC4 #1 to 8 for STM-16
STS #1 to 96 for OC-192/
VC4 #1to 32 for STM-64

Port C Port B

Protection time slots

STS #25 to 48 for OC-48/
Port A
VC4 #9 to 16 for STM-16
STS #97 to 192 for OC-192/
VC4 #33 to 64 for STM-64

Client Equipment


= Optical fiber
= working time slots
= protection time slots

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Protection switching 9-17

The BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration provides traffic protection by using a

time slot select function. The network elements adjacent to the protected span
bridge the working time slots in the failed direction to the pre-assigned
protection time slots in the direction away from the failure. The network
element where the signal is dropped from the ring receives (selects) from the
protection time slots on the side away from the failure. Figure 9-6 shows an
overview of a 4-node 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing network in an idle state.
Figure 9-6
2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing network overview - idle state

Node A Node B

Port B Port C

Port A Port D

Port H Port E

Port G Port F

Node D Node C

= Traffic flow
= Add/drop traffic
= Working/protection fibers

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-18 Protection switching

Figure 9-7 provides an overview of a 4-node 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing

network with an optical fiber break on a span and the traffic routed away from
the fault around the alternate path using the protection time slots.
Figure 9-7
2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing network overview - fiber break

Node A Port B Port C Node B

Port A Port D
Traffic bridged from
protection time slots
to working time slots
away from fault

Protection time slots

used to bypass fault
Port H Port E

Port G Port F

Node D G12 G11 Node C

= Traffic flow
= Add/drop traffic
= Working/protection fibers

Multi-span failure scenario

In the instance in which one or more nodes become disconnected because of
multiple line failures and/or nodal failures, a BLSR/MS-SPRing network
enters into a bidirectional protected state of operation. The protection
operation is like that of a loss of a span, except the loss of add/drop traffic at
the affected node.

During protection switching, traffic that normally exits the ring at the lost node
has the potential to be misconnected to another path termination. To ensure
that this does not occur, the nodes adjacent to the failed node squelch the

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-19

appropriate working and protection paths by inserting a path AIS (alarm

indication signal) before completing the protection switch. These paths
continue to be given path AIS until the ring returns to normal operation.

The squelching is performed by the switch nodes on the basis of a squelch map
that is automatically derived from the ring map and cross-connection map
when these maps are provisioned. The squelch map has an entry for each
cross-connect provisioned at the ADM node. Each entry contains the APS IDs
of the nodes providing the service access point (SAP) and end node for that

If a node loses communication with the SAP or end node for a particular
cross-connect (for example, because of a failure of the SAP or end node or
because of a ring segmentation isolating the SAP or end node), it can then
squelch the path. Pass-through connections at the failed node are not
squelched, as these can be successfully rerouted over the protection path.

Provisioning 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing traffic protection

A 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing requires the following items to be provisioned.
Protection group provisioning
The user selects BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme for a port on an
interface circuit pack located in an odd slot of the OME6500 shelf. The system
assigns the adjacent port on the interface circuit pack located in the even slot
to the immediate right of the identified slot as the mate port to provide the
BLSR/MS-SPRing protection.

The user also provisions the wait-to-restore time as part of the protection group
provisioning. The default time is 5 minutes. OME6500 allows the user to
provision an infinite wait-to-restore period in BLSR/MS-SPRing protected
interfaces. This feature allows the user to provision BLSRs/MS-SPRings to
autonomously switch in a non-revertive mode.
Ring map provisioning
The user performs ring map provisioning from the BLSR/MS-SPRing
Configuration application in the Configuration menu of Site Manager (see
Chapter 4 for details).
Cross-connect provisioning
The user provisions a 2WAY connection type at the end points and any pass
through nodes if applicable.

Note: For dual feed applications on BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations,

use the 1WAY connection type to create drop and continue connections
(see 1WAY unidirectional on page 5-1).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-20 Protection switching

For BLSR/MS-SPRing connections only, the BLSR/MS-SPRing end points

must be identified. The BLSR/MS-SPRing end points are the APS IDs of the
connection end points. Figure 9-8 provides an example of a 4-node 2-Fiber
BLSR/MS-SPRing showing the provisioned protection groups, ring maps, and
connection types.
Figure 9-8
4-node 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing - provisioning example

Node A Node B
Ring Map: 1, 4, 3, 2 Ring Map: 2, 1, 4, 3

Port B Port C
2WAY Connection
(Even slot) (Odd slot) 2WAY Connection
(Pass through)
End NE A: 2 Port D End NE A: 2
Port A
End NE Z: 4 (Even slot) End NE Z: 4
(Odd slot)

Port H Port E
(Even slot) (Odd slot)
Port G Port F
(Odd slot) (Even slot)

2WAY Connection
End NE A: 2
Node D Node C
End NE Z: 4 APS ID: 3
Ring Map: 4, 3, 2, 1 Ring Map: 3, 2, 1, 4
= Traffic flow
= Add/drop traffic
= Working/protection fibers

Note: The OME6500 supports nodal provisioning. When provisioning an

end-to-end circuit, you must provision the traffic protection and
cross-connects at the end points and at any pass through nodes that make
up the end-to-end circuit.

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Protection switching 9-21

BLSR/MS-SPRing protection switch criteria

BLSR/MS-SPRing protection switch requests can occur automatically by the
system or by user initiated actions.

Note 1: All user-initiated BLSR/MS-SPRing switching commands are

signaled on the APS channels (K1 and K2 bytes).
Note 2: The signal fail protection and lockout of protection - span
switching commands use the same code in the K-bytes. If an automatic
switch due to a signal fail protection condition is active, the protection
status application in Site Manager displays ‘lockout of protection - remote’
(this is the expected behavior).
Automatic switch
An automatic switch occurs automatically after a signal fail, signal degrade, or
equipment unavailability (circuit pack removal, reset, failure) condition
associated with a service interface port. An automatic switch occurs unless a
higher priority switch request is active. This release supports revertive
switching. When the fault clears and the wait-to-restore time has expired,
traffic switches back to the pre-assigned working time slot.
User-initiated switches
• Manual switch
This command performs the ring switch from the working to the protection
channels for the span between the node at which the command was
initiated and the adjacent node to which the command was destined. This
switch occurs if the protection channels to be used are not satisfying an
equal or higher priority request (including failure of the protection
channels). A manual switch cannot segment the ring.
• Forced switch
This command performs the ring switch from the working to the protection
channels for the span between the node at which the command is initiated
and the adjacent node to which the command is destined. This switch
occurs regardless of the state of the protection channels, unless the
protection channels are satisfying a higher priority request. A forced
switch can segment the ring.
• Lockout of Working
This command prevents the working time slots from switching to the
protection time slots. The lockout command has the highest priority. The
lockout remains active until cleared by the user.
A lockout of working channels on a span prevents the span from switching.
• Lockout of Protection
This command prevents the protection time slots from being used by other
nodes in the ring. The lockout command has the highest priority. The
lockout remains active until cleared by the user.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-22 Protection switching

A lockout of protection channels on a span prevents the use of the span for
any protection activity, and prevents (and pre-empts) ring switches
anywhere in the ring.
Table 9-5 summarizes the hierarchy of protection commands.
Table 9-5
BLSR/MS-SPRing protection - command hierarchy

Switch request Priority Applicable to Working/Protection

Lockout 1 (highest) Working or Protection channel
Forced 2 Working channel
Auto (Signal Fail) 3 Working channel
Auto (Signal Degrade) 4 Working channel
Manual 5 Working channel
Exerciser 6 (lowest) Working channel

STS/VC BLSR/MS-SPRing with VT/LO VC assignment

OME6500 supports VT/low order (LO) VC assignment on
BLSRs/MS-SPRings. Payload connectivity in the BLSR/MS-SPRing
configurations is at the STS/VC4 level where the STS/VC4 managed
connection can contain VT/LO VC payloads. Individual VT/LO VC payload
overheads are not monitored.
In VT/LO VC assigned BLSRs/MS-SPRings, users must provision
STSn/VC4-nc connections at pass-through nodes. This gives a number of
distinct advantages to the user:
• less connections for the user to manage
• less, therefore quicker, connection retrievals on pass-through nodes
• interoperability support with STSn/VC4-nc based products (for example,
Optical Cross Connect HDX/HDXc and Optical Cross Connect DX)
VT/LO VC assigned end-to-end connections must have the following
• for any given end-to-end VT/LO VC connection, add and drop nodes must
be provisioned with VT/LO VC connections and pass-through nodes must
be provisioned with STSn/VC4-nc connections
• if one VT/LO VC connection within an STSn/VC4-nc is provisioned as
VT/LO VC assigned, all of the VTs/LO VCs within that STSn/VC4-nc
must be VT/LO VC assigned
• all VT/LO VC assigned end-to-end connections with an STSn/VC4-nc
channel must terminate (add/drop) at the same node

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-23

Traffic protection exerciser

The traffic protection exerciser allows you to verify the protection
functionality without affecting the traffic. By running the protection exerciser,
you can detect silent protection-related failures before the failures become

The traffic protection exerciser is a routine that tests the integrity of the
protection switching bytes (K-bytes) communication between an interface pair
of a 1+1/MSP linear or BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration. If the two ends fail
to exchange the K-bytes, the test fails and alarms are raised.

The exerciser can run automatically on a schedule set in advance, or can be

initiated manually.

The exerciser is the lowest priority user command and does not run if:
• a higher priority feature or command is in effect
• alarms are present on the interface circuit packs
The exerciser runs only on a pair of interface circuit packs that meet all the
following conditions:
• The interface circuit packs must be in a 1+1/MSP linear or
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration. If the interface circuit packs are in a
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, they must also have a valid
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration and no active protection switch. If the
interface circuit packs are in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration, there must
not be an active protection switch and the working facilities must be active.
• in-service
• in bidirectional protection switching mode, if in a 1+1/MSP linear

UPSR/SNCP traffic protection

UPSR/SNCP is a type of path protection scheme. In a UPSR/SNCP
configuration, identical traffic is bridged at an entry node and transmitted
simultaneously on two separate ports. At the exit node, the selector function
selects the better quality signal from one of the two paths. Since the exit node
handles the protection switching, there is no need for communication between
entry and exit nodes.

UPSR/SNCP ring is similar to the 1+1 linear/MSP configuration in that

protection is left to the discretion of the exit node. Unlike the 1+1 linear/MSP
configuration, UPSR/SNCP protection is done using the path level indicators
instead of the line level indicators, so that protection switching occurs to the
affected paths only.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-24 Protection switching

The entry and exit nodes are designated at connection provisioning time. A
node can be both entry and exit node in the case of a bidirectional UPSR/SNCP
connection. UPSR/SNCP groups are formed from unprotected facilities when
UPSR/SNCP connections are provisioned on these facilities. All intermediate
nodes have pass-through connections.

Note: The From and Switch mate endpoints for UPSR/SNCP connections
(1WAYPR, 2WAYPR, and 2WAYDPR) can only be provisioned on
unprotected OC-n/STM-n or GE facilities.

Figure 9-9 shows an example of a UPSR/SNCP configuration, with a

unidirectional STS-n/VC4-n connection between node B and node D. In this
example, node B is the entry node, node D is the exit node, node A and node
C are the intermediate nodes.

OME6500 supports UPSR/SNCP connections at VT1.5/VC12, STS-1/VC3,

STS-3c/VC4, STS-12c/VC4-4c, STS-24c/VC4-8c, STS-48c/VC4-16c,
STS-192c/VC4-64c rates on the OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4,
OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64, and GE interfaces.
Figure 9-9
UPSR/SNCP protection configuration

Node A


Node B Node D

Node C

Provisioning UPSR/SNCP traffic protection

Protection group provisioning
When creating a UPSR/SNCP configuration, the user must selects the
unprotected protection scheme for both the working and protection interface
ports. OME6500 supports flexible mapping where by the working and
protection members can be located on any unprotected facility and any
timeslot within the unprotected facility. Unlike line level protection, the
interface circuit packs need not be adjacent to each other. For example, a
STS-1/VC-4 on slot 1 port 1 can provide STS-1/VC-4 protection for a
STS-1/VC-4 on slot 3 port 3.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-25

Cross-connect provisioning
For bidirectional connections, the user selects 2WAYPR connection types at
the entry node and the exit node and 2WAY connection types at the
intermediate nodes. When interconnecting UPSR/SNCP rings with
bidirectional connections, a dual 2WAYPR connection is used.

For unidirectional connections, the user selects two 1WAY connection types at
the entry node, 1WAY connection types at the intermediate nodes, and a
1WAYPR connection type at the exit node. When interconnecting
UPSR/SNCP rings with unidirectional connections, two 1WAYPR
connections are used.

For details of the cross-connect provisioning for the different UPSR/SNCP

ring configurations, refer to Chapter 5, Nodal cross-connect management.

Note 1: The OME6500 supports nodal provisioning. When provisioning

an end-to-end circuit, you must ensure that the traffic protection as well as
cross-connections are performed at the end-points as well as any
passthrough nodes that make up the end-to-end circuit.
Note 2: You must provision the UPSR/SNCP protection against the From
and Switch Mate endpoints in 1WAYPR, 2WAYPR, and 2WAYDPR
connections. The From and Switch Mate endpoints must be unprotected
OC-n/STM-n or GE ports.
UPSR/SNCP protection switch criteria
A UPSRSNCP protection switch request can occur automatically by the
system or by user initiated actions.
Automatic switch
The protection switch trigger hierarchy is as per Telcordia GR-1400 and
ITU-T G.841. An automatic switch occurs automatically and can be triggered
by the following conditions:
• Facility OOS
• Path AIS
• Path LOP
• Path Unequipped
• Path Excessive BER
• Path Payload Label Mismatch
• Path Trace Identifier Mismatch (see Note)
• Path Signal Degrade
Note: The Path Trace Identifier Mismatch alarm used to trigger an
automatic switch can take up to 48 seconds to be raised after the mismatch

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-26 Protection switching

An automatic switch will be executed only if a higher priority switch request

is not active or the path is available. This release supports non-revertive
switching. This implies that once an automatic switch occurs, traffic will not
revert to the previous active path on a port of an interface circuit pack. An
automatic switch causes an event to be generated indicating a protection
switch occurred.

The automatic switch criteria are user provisionable and apply to the complete
network element (Path AIS and Path LOP are always automatic switch criteria
and cannot be disabled). The default automatic switch criteria depends on the
NE mode as follows:
• For the SONET mode, the default automatic switch criteria are Path AIS,
Path LOP, Path Unequipped, Path Excessive BER, and Path Signal
• For the SDH mode, the default automatic switch criteria are Path AIS and
Path LOP (SNC-I parameters).
Note 1: The provisioning of the automatic switch criteria is independent
of the NE mode.
Note 2: For SDH mode, automatic switch criteria for SNC-N are Path AIS,
Path LOP, Path Unequipped, Path Excessive BER, and Path Signal
User initiated switches
• Manual switch
This command causes the selector at the receiving end to select the
alternate subnetwork connection path. The manual switch has the lowest
priority and will be executed only if the alternate path available (no active
automatic switch or forced switch). The manual switch is a non-standing
request as once the switch has occurred or is refused, the request is
• Forced switch
This command causes the selector at the receiving end to select the
alternate subnetwork connection path regardless of the availability of the
alternate path. The forced switch has the highest priority. The forced
switch is a standing request as it remains active until it is cleared by the

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-27

Table 9-6 summarizes the hierarchy of protection commands.

Table 9-6
Hierarchy of protection commands

Switch request Priority

Forced 1 (Highest)

Auto (Signal Fail) 2

Auto (Signal Degrade) 3

Manual 4 (lowest)

Synchronization protection
The OME6500 provides system synchronization using 1+1 redundant
synchronization hardware on the cross-connect circuit packs to protect against
synchronization equipment failure. Synchronization hardware protection is
performed by the system automatically.

The OME6500 also supports the protection of the timing reference used for
timing generation and timing distribution.

From Site Manager, the Synchronization Protection application is available

from the Protection menu and displays the protection status of the provisioned
synchronization hierarchies for a network element. The application shows the
source facility name, source state, current quality level, and any active
synchronization protection switches on the sources for each hierarchy.
Synchronization protection switches include the following:
• automatic switch
• manual switch
• forced switch
• lockout
Automatic switch
When a timing reference is selected, the protection algorithm does not select a
different reference unless the active reference has failed or the quality level of
the active reference is below that of a timing reference defined in the hierarchy.
In this case, an automatic switch occurs to a valid timing reference with the
next highest quality level. If two or more timing references have the same
quality level, the system selects the first one as defined in the hierarchy.

If all the timing references in the hierarchy are faulty or the quality levels are
worse than or equal to SMC (SONET) or worse than SSU-B (SDH), the
network element enters into holdover mode for timing generation. A network
element can remain in holdover mode for a minimum of 24 hours after which
the network element switches to freerun mode.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-28 Protection switching

Manual switch
A user initiated manual switch operated on a synchronization source results in
the selection of that source, provided:
• there is no forced switch in operation
• the source's derived quality is equal to the current source's derived quality
• the source's derived quality is not DUS
Forced switch
A user initiated forced switch operated on a synchronization source results in
the selection of that source, provided all sources are not locked out.

If the forced switch results in the selection of a faulty source, the network
element enters holdover operation for timing generation. In the case of timing
distribution, if the forced switch results in selection of a faulty source, the
network element transmits AIS (DS1 and E1 signals) with an SSM of DUS (if
applicable) or squelches the signal (2 MHz) on the ESO port.

The forced switch remains active until the user issues a forced release
command or a lockout request. In the case of a lockout, the forced switch will
be released.
A user initiated lockout operation of a synchronization source prevents that
source from being selected. A locked out source remains locked out until the
user issues a lockout release command.

If the user applies a lockout to the last synchronization source, the network
element goes into holdover. A lockout is also released when the user deletes
the locked out reference from the synchronization hierarchy. The user cannot
delete an active reference, so applying a lockout to the last synchronization
source allows the user to delete the last synchronization reference.

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Protection switching 9-29

Protection parameters
Table 9-7
Equipment/traffic protection provisioning parameters

scheme Switch mode Route Remote Wait to Priority
diversity standard restore time

Unprotected - - - - -

1+1/MSP linear Bidirectional, Off, On G-841 (default - -

Unidirectional (default) SDH), GR253
(default) (default SONET),

BLSR/MS-SPRing Bidirectional On GR1230 0 to 12 -

(SONET), G-841 minutes or
(SDH) Infinite (default
5 minutes)

1:N - - - 0 to 12 Low (default),

(E1 and DS3/EC-1 minutes or High
equipment) Infinite (default
5 minutes)

1+1 - - - - Low
(84xDS1 TM)

Schedule parameters
Table 9-8
Protection exerciser schedule parameters

Parameter Valid values Description

Equipment/ The value is The value is displayed by Site Manager and cannot be edited.
Facility displayed by Site
Manager and
cannot be edited.

Frequency for Value Unit

running the 1 to 7 DAY Run the exerciser once every x days
(Run every) 1 to 23 HR Run the exerciser once every x hours
5 to 55 MIN Run the exerciser once every x minutes
If no parameter is entered, the default is once every day.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-30 Protection switching

Table 9-8 (continued)

Protection exerciser schedule parameters

Parameter Valid values Description

Number of times 0 to 250 The exerciser runs the specified number of times.
the exerciser Indefinitely If no parameter is entered and the radio button Indefinitely is
runs before it selected, the exerciser runs indefinitely until it is stopped or
stops rescheduled by another command.
Note: Setting the Run parameter to 0 stops the exerciser.
Start time for the Start at Hours: Hours and Minutes to start the exerciser
exerciser from 0 to 23, If no parameter is entered, the default is:
schedule Minutes:
(Start At) from 0 to 59 • the current time (for facilities)
• 2.00 am for 1:N protection group associated with slot 13
• 2.05 am for 1:N protection group associated with slot 14
The start time is displayed as mm-dd,hh:mm
Note 1: The system displays the date/time in the Start at column in
the Protection Exerciser window.
Note 2: For the ALL option, the Start At option is blank by default.
Note 3: For facilities, the Start At option is blank by default. If no
values are entered, the current time is set when an Allow or Run
command is entered.
Note 4: Do not schedule more than one test at the same time. For
BLSR/MS-SPRing or 1+1/MSP linear configurations, the start times
of the nodes in the configuration must be different (delayed)
otherwise the exerciser will fail

Log Event On failure Report results of failed exercises

Always Report results of all exercises
If no parameter is entered, the default is On failure.

Automatic Yes Run protection exerciser automatically if signal fail status change
(working circuit detected. If protection exerciser determines that the working circuit
packs in 1:N pack is worse than the protection circuit pack (using the signal fail
equipment status), traffic is switched to the protection circuit pack.
protection only) Do not run protection exerciser automatically if signal fail status
(see Note) No change detected.
If no parameter is entered, the default is No.

Status Allow The exerciser is allowed to run as scheduled.

Inhibit The exerciser is inhibited from running as scheduled. Inhibited
facilities/circuit packs can still be exercised manually.

Note: There is no Automatic field in the Edit Protection Exerciser Schedule dialog box. The Automatic
column is displayed in the protection exerciser data table if E1 or DS3/EC1 is the selected type and can
be edited using the Allow Protection Exerciser dialog box if Allow is selected for an E1 or DS3/EC1 type.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-31

Site Manager navigation

The following figure provides an overview of the Site Manager navigation
associated with protection for the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500. The figure
shows the path from the Site Manager menu bar.

Procedures and options for provisioning protection

Protection Provisioning application
Parameters Procedures
Opening window
N/A Procedure 9-1, Retrieving protection parameters on page
• Table 9-7, Equipment/traffic protection provisioning
parameters on page 9-29
Edit command
Scheme Procedure 9-2, Changing the protection scheme for a pair
Switch mode of facilities on page 9-36
Route diversity Procedure 9-3, Changing the protection parameters for a
Remote standard pair of facilities on page 9-40
Wait to restore time
Priority Procedure 9-4, Changing the protection scheme for
electrical equipment on page 9-42
Procedure 9-5, Changing the protection parameters for
electrical equipment on page 9-44
• Table 9-7, Equipment/traffic protection provisioning
parameters on page 9-29

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-32 Protection switching

Procedures and options for protection status

Status application
Parameters Procedures
Opening window
N/A Procedure 9-6, Retrieving protection status details on page
Operate and Release commands
N/A Procedure 9-7, Operating a protection switch on page 9-47
Procedure 9-8, Releasing a protection switch on page 9-50

Procedures and options for protection exerciser

Exerciser application
Parameters Procedures
Opening window
N/A Procedure 9-10, Retrieving the exerciser schedule on page
Edit command
Run every Procedure 9-9, Scheduling the exerciser on page 9-52
Run • Table 9-8, Protection exerciser schedule parameters on
Start at page 9-29
Log event
Execute, Allow, and Inhibit commands
N/A Procedure 9-11, Running/inhibiting the exerciser on page 9-56

Procedures and options for synchronization protection

Synchronization Protection application
Parameters Procedures
Open, Operate, and Release commands
Timing Generation Procedure 9-12, Retrieving synchronization protection status
Timing Distribution details on page 9-59
Procedure 9-13, Operating a synchronization protection switch
on page 9-60
Procedure 9-14, Releasing a synchronization protection switch
on page 9-62

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-33

Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the information
about the associated procedures is available.

Note: All procedures assume that the user is logged in to the network
element (see Security and Administration, 323-1851-301).

Abbreviations used in procedures

BLSR Bidirectional line switched ring
DS1 Digital signal, level 1
DSM DS1 service module
ESI External synchronization input
ESO External synchronization output
MSP Multiplex section protection
MS-SPRing Multiplex section-shared protection ring
SNCP Subnetwork connection protection
TM Termination module
UPC User privilege code
UPSR Unidirectional path-switched ring

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-34 Protection switching

Procedure 9-1
Retrieving protection parameters
Use this procedure to retrieve the provisioned values for the following
protection parameters:
• protection scheme (unprotected, 1+1/MSP linear, BLSR/MS-SPRing, 1+1,
or 1:N)
• protection switch mode (for 1+1/MSP linear and BLSR/MS-SPRing
protected facilities only, read-only for BLSR/MS-SPRing protected
• route diversity (for 1+1/MSP linear and BLSR/MS-SPRing protected
facilities only, read-only for BLSR/MS-SPRing protected facilities)
• remote standard (for 1+1/MSP linear and BLSR/MS-SPRing protected
facilities, read-only for BLSR/MS-SPRing protected facilities)
• wait-to-restore time (for BLSR/MS-SPRing protected facilities and 1:N
protected electrical DS3/EC-1 or E1 equipment only)
• priority (for 1:N protected electrical DS3/EC-1 or E1 equipment only)
Note: An OC-3 facility connected to a protected DSM 84xDS1 TM is
always in a 1+1/MSP linear bidirectional protection switch mode. You
cannot change this protection switch mode.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Provisioning from the Protection drop-down menu to open the
Protection Provisioning application.
3 Select the appropriate facility type from the Type drop-down list.
The provisioning data table is updated with information about the slots/ports
for the selected facility type:
• The protection scheme is displayed in the Scheme column.
• The protection switch mode is displayed in the Switch Mode column
(unidirectional or bidirectional for 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme,
bidirectional only for BLSR/MS-SPRing linear protection scheme).
• The route diversity setting is displayed in the Route Diversity column (Off
or On for 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme, On only for
BLSR/MS-SPRing linear protection scheme)

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-35

Procedure 9-1 (continued)

Retrieving protection parameters

Step Action

• The remote standard setting is displayed in the Remote Standard column

(G-841, GR253, or EN300 for 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme,
GR1230 (SONET) or G-841 (SDH) only for BLSR/MS-SPRing linear
protection scheme)
• The wait to restore time is displayed in the Wait To Restore Time column
(0 to 12 minutes or Infinite, applicable to BLSR/MS-SPRing protection
and 1:N protection schemes only).
• The priority setting is displayed in the Priority column (Low or High,
applicable to 1:N protection scheme only)
Note 1: A dash (-) in a column indicates that the parameter is not presently
set. For example, if both facilities in a pair have been provisioned but
protection has not been provisioned, all columns except the Slot-Port and
Scheme will have a dash.
Note 2: The columns displayed depends on the protection Type selected.
For example, the Priority column is only displayed if the E1 or DS3/EC1 type
is selected.
See Table 9-7 on page 9-29 for details.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-36 Protection switching

Procedure 9-2
Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities
Use this procedure to change the protection scheme for a pair of protected
OC-n/STM-n facilities:
• from 1+1/MSP linear to unprotected
• from unprotected to 1+1/MSP linear
• from unprotected to BLSR/MS-SPRing
• from BLSR/MS-SPRing to unprotected

Risk of traffic loss
Changing the protection scheme is a service impacting

Note 1: For multiple port interface circuit packs, you can provision the
ports to have different protection schemes.
Note 2: You cannot change the protection scheme from unprotected to
1+1/MSP linear if there are already cross-connects provisioned on the
facility that will become the protection facility.
Note 3: The BLSR/MS-SPRing scheme cannot be provisioned if there are
already cross-connects provisioned on either of the two facilities to be
Note 4: The BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme is only applicable to
OC-48/STM-16 and OC-192/STM-64 facilities.
Note 5: The working and protection ports on an adjacent pair of multi-port
traffic circuit packs must be horizontally aligned. For example, on an
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 SFP circuit pack where the working port is on slot 1
port 3, the protection port is on slot 2 port 3 (same port number). This rule
applies for all multi-port circuit packs operating in protection pairs
irrespective of protection scheme being utilized (1+1/MSP linear or
Note 6: An OC-3 facility connected to a protected DSM 84xDS1 TM is
always in a 1+1/MSP linear bidirectional protection switch mode. You
cannot change this switch mode.
Note 7: For 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme, both working and
protection OC-48/STM-16 facilities must be set to the same port mode.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-37

Procedure 9-2 (continued)

Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities

To perform this procedure, you must:
• ensure you have all the documentation relating to editing and deleting
cross-connects, deleting a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, and changing
a facility state. See Procedures and options for provisioning nodal
cross-connects on page 5-17, Procedures and options for
BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration management on page 4-3, and
Procedures and options for facility provisioning on page 3-18.
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 If you are changing the protection scheme Then go to
from 1+1/MSP linear to unprotected step 3
from unprotected to 1+1/MSP linear step 4
from unprotected to BLSR/MS-SPRing step 5
from BLSR/MS-SPRing to unprotected step 6

Risk of traffic loss
If you place a facility out-of-service, you can cause a
loss of traffic.

Change the even slot facility to the out-of-service state. See Procedure 3-12,
Changing the primary state of a facility on page 3-37.
Go to step 9.
4 Ensure that any 1WAYPR or 2WAYPR (UPSR/SNCP protected)
cross-connects that exist on the facilities being changed to 1+1/MSP linear
are changed to 1WAY or 2WAY (unprotected).
Note: To change from protected (1WAYPR or 2WAYPR) to unprotected
(1WAY or 2WAY), you must delete the protected cross-connects and re-add
them as unprotected cross-connects.
Go to step 9.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-38 Protection switching

Procedure 9-2 (continued)

Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities

Step Action

Risk of traffic loss
Ensure cross-connects are not carrying traffic before
you delete them. Deleting a cross-connect that is
carrying traffic causes traffic loss.

Delete cross-connects for the facilities that are in the unprotected

configuration. See Procedure 5-2, Deleting a cross-connect on page 5-23.
Go to step 9.
Risk of traffic loss
Ensure cross-connects are not carrying traffic before
you delete them. Deleting a cross-connect that is
carrying traffic causes traffic loss.

Delete cross-connects for the facilities that are in a BLSR/MS-SPRing

configuration. See Procedure 5-2, Deleting a cross-connect on page 5-23.
7 Delete the APSIDs for facilities in the ring map of the BLSR/MS-SPRing
configuration. See Procedure 4-4, Editing a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
on page 4-10.
Note: The APSIDs of the facilities must be deleted from the ring map at each
network element in the BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration.
8 Change the even and odd slots facility to the out-of-service state. See
Procedure 3-12, Changing the primary state of a facility on page 3-37.
9 Select Provisioning from the Protection drop-down menu to open the
Protection Provisioning application.
10 Select the corresponding facility type for the facility from the Type drop-down
The provisioning data table opens below the Facility type.
11 Select one of the slot-ports from the table.
Note: When changing the protection scheme, provisioning the protection
scheme for one of the facilities in a pair automatically provisions the
protection scheme for the other facility in the pair.
12 Click Edit to open the Edit protection provisioning dialog box.
13 Select the radio button of the new protection scheme (Unprotected,
1+1/MSP linear, or BLSR/MS-SPRing).
14 Click OK.
15 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-39

Procedure 9-2 (continued)

Changing the protection scheme for a pair of facilities

Step Action

16 If you are changing the protection scheme Then go to

from 1+1/MSP linear to unprotected step 17
from unprotected to 1+1/MSP linear step 20
from unprotected to BLSR/MS-SPRing step 20
from BLSR/MS-SPRing to unprotected step 19

17 When changing the protection scheme from 1+1/MSP linear to unprotected,

any 1WAY or 2WAY cross-connects that were provisioned exist only against
the working facility of the 1+1/MSP linear protection group. If the existing
cross-connects are required to form part of new UPSR/SNCP
cross-connects, delete the 1WAY or 2WAY cross-connects (see Procedure
5-2, Deleting a cross-connect on page 5-23) and create 1WAYPR or
2WAYPR cross-connects as required (see Procedure 5-3, Adding a 2WAY,
1WAY, 2WAYPR, 1WAYPR, or 2WAYDPR cross-connect on page 5-25).
18 Change the even slot facility back to the in-service state. See Procedure 3-12,
Changing the primary state of a facility on page 3-37.
Go to step 20.
19 Change the even and odd slots facility to the in-service state. See Procedure
3-12, Changing the primary state of a facility on page 3-37.
20 Change the parameters of the new protection scheme. See Procedure 9-3,
Changing the protection parameters for a pair of facilities on page 9-40.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-40 Protection switching

Procedure 9-3
Changing the protection parameters for a pair of
Use this procedure to change the following protection parameters for a pair of
OC-n/STM-n protected facilities:
• switch mode. For 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme, two switch modes
are supported, unidirectional and bidirectional. Unidirectional switches
only the direction that has failed. Bidirectional switches both directions of
transmission on to the protection facility. For BLSR/MS-SPRing
protection scheme, only bidirectional switch mode supported (not
• wait to restore time (BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme only). Sets the
time before traffic is switched back to the working facility after the original
fault causing the switch has cleared.
Note: To release a BLSR/MS-SPRing protection switch on an optical line
with the wait-to-restore time set to infinite, see Procedure 9-8, Releasing a
protection switch on page 9-50.

• route diversity. For 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme, sets if DCC comms
follows traffic (off = DCC follows traffic, on = DCC is independent of
traffic). For BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme, only routing diversity
on supported (not editable).
• remote standard. For 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme, sets the standard
used by the remote equipment. For BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme,
only GR1230 (SONET) or G-841 (SDH) remote standard supported (not
See Table 9-7 on page 9-29 for options.

Note: An OC-3 facility connected to a protected DSM 84xDS1 TM is

always in a 1+1/MSP linear bidirectional protection switch mode. You
cannot change this protection switch mode.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-41

Procedure 9-3 (continued)

Changing the protection parameters for a pair of facilities

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Provisioning from the Protection drop-down menu to open the
Protection Provisioning application.
3 Select the appropriate facility type from the Type drop-down list.
The provisioning data table opens below the Facility type.
4 Select from the provisioning data table the facility you want to change the
Note 1: Changing the attributes for one of the facilities in a pair automatically
changes the attributes for the other facility in the pair.
Note 2: The protection switching mode must be the same at both connected
network elements in the linear system.
5 Click Edit to open the Edit protection provisioning dialog box.
6 For 1+1/MSP linear protection schemes, select the required switch mode
(Bidirectional or Unidirectional).
Note: For BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme, switch mode is set to
Bidirectional (not editable).
7 For 1+1/MSP linear protection schemes, select the required route diversity
(Off or On).
Note 1: For BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme, route diversity is set to
On (not editable).
Note 2: Protected DCC (route diversity off) is not supported on PPP DCC
links. You cannot set route diversity to off if either of the DCCs in the 1+1/MSP
linear protection scheme is set to PPP.
8 For 1+1/MSP linear protection scheme, select the required remote standard
(G-841, GR253, or EN300).
Note: For BLSR/MS-SPRing protection scheme, remote standard is set to
GR1230 (SONET) or G-841 (SDH) (not editable).
9 For BLSR/MS-SPRing protection schemes, select the required time from the
Wait to restore time drop-down list.
10 Click OK.
11 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-42 Protection switching

Procedure 9-4
Changing the protection scheme for electrical
Use this procedure to change the protection scheme for 63xE1 or
24xDS3/EC-1 electrical circuit packs:
• from unprotected to 1:N
• from 1:N to unprotected
Note: The DSM 84xDS1 TM are automatically provisioned for 1+1
equipment protection if a protection module is present in slot 2 of the
DSM. You cannot manually change the 1+1 protection mode.

Refer to 63xE1 and 24xDS3/EC-1 circuit pack protection on page 9-2 for more
information on 1:N protection of electrical equipment.

You cannot change the protection scheme to 1:N for E1 or DS3/EC-1

equipment if:
• auto-equipping is on for the selected slot and the protection slot is already
provisioned with another circuit pack type (not an E1 protection circuit
pack for E1 protection or a DS3/EC-1 protection circuit pack for
DS3/EC-1 protection). If auto-equipping is on and the protection slot does
not contain a provisioned circuit pack, an E1 or DS3/EC-1 protection
circuit pack is auto-provisioned when the protection scheme is set to 1:N.
• auto-equipping is off and the protection slot does not contain an E1 or
DS3/EC-1 protection circuit pack. You must provision an E1 or DS3/EC-1
protection circuit pack in the correct protection slot before changing the
protection scheme.

To perform this procedure, you must:
• ensure that:
— you have provisioned an E1 or DS3/EC-1 protection circuit pack in the
correct protection slot
— if auto-equipping is on, the protection slot does not contain any circuit
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-43

Procedure 9-4 (continued)

Changing the protection scheme for electrical equipment

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Provisioning from the Protection drop-down menu to open the
Protection Provisioning application.
3 Select the electrical equipment type (E1 or DS3/EC1) from the Type
drop-down list.
The provisioning data table displays the protection information of all
equipment of the selected type.
4 Select the row in the table containing the required equipment.
5 Click Edit to open the Edit Protection Provisioning dialog box.
6 Select the radio button of the new protection scheme (Unprotected or 1:N).
7 Click OK.
8 If changing the protection scheme from 1:N to Unprotected, click Yes in the
confirmation dialog box.
9 Change the parameters of the new protection scheme. See Procedure 9-5,
Changing the protection parameters for electrical equipment on page 9-44.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-44 Protection switching

Procedure 9-5
Changing the protection parameters for electrical
Use this procedure to change the following protection parameters for 63xE1 or
24xDS3/EC-1 electrical circuit packs:
• priority. Sets the priority level for automatic protection switching. A circuit
pack assigned a high priority takes precedence over a circuit pack assigned
a low priority.
• wait to restore time. Sets the time before traffic is switched back to the
working equipment after the original fault causing the automatic switch
has cleared.
Note: The DSM 84xDS1 TM are automatically provisioned for 1+1
equipment protection if a protection module is present in slot 2 of the
DSM. You cannot manually change the protection parameters for 84xDS1
See Table 9-7 on page 9-29 for options.

To perform this procedure, you must:
• ensure that the electrical equipment is provisioned with the 1:N protection
• use an account with a level 3 or higher UPC

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Provisioning from the Protection drop-down menu to open the
Protection Provisioning application.
3 Select the electrical equipment type (E1 or DS3/EC1) from the Type
drop-down list.
The provisioning data table displays the protection information of all
equipment of the selected type.
4 Select the row in the table containing the required equipment.
5 Click Edit to open the Edit Protection Provisioning dialog box.
6 Select the priority using the Low or High radio button.
7 Select the wait to restore time from the Wait to restore time drop-down list.
8 Click OK.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-45

Procedure 9-6
Retrieving protection status details
Use this procedure to retrieve the status of the provisioned protected
equipment, facilities, and paths for a single network element. You can view the
total number of lockouts, forced switches, automatic switches, and manual
Note: The signal fail protection and lockout of protection - span switching
commands use the same code in the K-bytes. If an automatic switch due to
a signal fail protection condition is active, the protection status application
in Site Manager displays ‘lockout of protection - remote’ (this is the
expected behavior).


Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Status from the Protection drop-down menu to open the Protection
Status application.
3 Select the equipment, facility, or rate to be displayed using the filter
drop-down lists as follows:
a. Select the required type from the Type drop-down list which contains all
the available equipment, facilities, and rates.
b. Select the required slot from the Slot drop-down list which contains the
slot numbers of all provisioned circuit packs that support traffic.
c. Select the required port from the Port drop-down list which contains all
port numbers for the selected slot.
d. Select the required channel from the Channel drop-down list which
contains all the channel numbers applicable to the selected rate.
Note 1: The filter drop-down lists can be hidden by clicking on the arrow
next to Type Filter label. If no filter drop-down lists are displayed, click on
the arrow next to Type Filter label to display them.
Note 2: The filter drop-down menus contain ALL options to allow the
user to select multiple criteria. Selecting an ALL option may disable other
drop-down lists.
Note 3: If a drop-down list is not applicable to the selected type, the
drop-down list is disabled (for example, the Channel drop-down list is
only enabled if a rate is selected in the Type drop-down list).

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-46 Protection switching

Procedure 9-6 (continued)

Retrieving protection status details

Step Action

4 Select Retrieve.
The protection details table (upper table) displays the protection status for
items that match the selected filter criteria. The selected filter criteria is
displayed next to the Type Filter label.
Note 1: The information in the columns of the protection details table
depends on the selected filter criteria.
Note 2: Only information on protected equipment, facilities, and paths is
displayed in the protection details table. To view information about
unprotected equipment, facilities, and paths, refer to Procedure 9-1,
Retrieving protection parameters on page 9-34 and Procedure 5-1,
Retrieving cross-connects on page 5-21.
The equipment/facility protection summary table (bottom table) displays the
protection status summary for each type of protection equipment/facility
provisioned on the network element.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-47

Procedure 9-7
Operating a protection switch
Use this procedure to operate the following:
• manual switch or forced switch in UPSR/SNCP configurations (path
switches at VT1.5/VC-12, STS-1/VC-3, STS-3c/VC-4,
STS-12c/VC-4-4c, STS-24c/VC-4-8c, STS-48c/VC-4-16c, or
• manual switch, forced switch, or lockout in 1+1/MSP linear configurations
• manual switch, forced switch, lockout working, or lockout protection in
BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations
Note 1: Lockout working prevents the working channels over the
addressed span from accessing the protection channels for a ring switch in
the BLSR/MS-SPRing.
Note 2: Lockout protection prevents the use of the span for any protection
activity and prevents any ring switches anywhere in the

Lockout working must be initiated at both network elements terminating the
affected span. Existing and subsequent lower-priority protection switches are
dropped or denied until the lockout working is released.

• manual switch, forced switch, or lockout in 1:N configurations (E1 and

DS3/EC-1 equipment protection)
• manual switch or forced switch in 1+1 configurations (84xDS1 TM
equipment protection)
Note: When a user selects a new filter criteria, the protection details table
(upper table) clears and remains empty until the Retrieve button is selected
and updated information (if available) is displayed.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• for BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations, ensure the BLSR/MS-SPRing ring
map is provisioned on all network elements in the configuration. See
Procedure 4-2, Adding a BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map on page 4-6.
Incorrect provisioning of the BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
information around a ring can cause a traffic loss if a protection switch is
required. See Procedure 4-1, Retrieving BLSR/MS-SPRing ring maps on
page 4-5.
• for a BLSR/MS-SPRing lockout working, identify the other network
element at the other end of the affected span.
• use an account with a level 2 or higher UPC

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-48 Protection switching

Procedure 9-7 (continued)

Operating a protection switch

Risk of traffic loss
Exercise caution when you perform a forced switch. Force
switching has a higher priority than automatic or manual
switching. Before you switch traffic, make sure that the
protection circuit pack is available to carry traffic.

Risk of traffic loss
A protection switch is a traffic affecting operation. Ensure the
protection circuit pack is available to carry traffic before you
switch traffic.

Risk of traffic loss
Exercise caution when you perform a lockout. Lockouts
prevent automatic protection switching and can cause a loss of
traffic when operated. Lockouts have a higher priority than
automatic, forced and manual switches.

Risk of traffic loss
If traffic on the protection circuit pack is being locked out, the
lockout operation automatically switches the traffic back to the
working circuit pack.
Make sure that the odd slot circuit pack is functional before
completing the lockout operation.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Status from the Protection drop-down menu to open the Protection
Status application.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-49

Procedure 9-7 (continued)

Operating a protection switch

Step Action

3 Select the required equipment, facility, or rate (see Procedure 9-6, Retrieving
protection status details on page 9-45).
4 Select the required facility/equipment/path under the protection details:
• the working facility for manual and forced switches in 1+1/MSP linear
• the active path for manual and forced switches in UPSR/SNCP
• the protection facility for lockout in 1+1/MSP linear configurations
• the working facility for manual switch, forced switch, and lockout working
in BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations
• the protection facility for lockout protection in BLSR/MS-SPRing
• the working equipment for manual switch, forced switch, and lockout
working in 1:N configurations
• the protection equipment for lockout protection in 1:N configurations
• the active equipment for manual switch in 1+1 84xDS1TM configurations
• the working equipment for forced switch in 1+1 84xDS1TM configurations
Note: The separate parts of 1WAYPR, 2WAYPR, and 2WAYDPR
connections are shown on separate lines in the path protection details table
with a common To endpoint (by default, the separate lines are grouped
together using the To endpoint).
5 Click Operate to open the Operate Protection Switch dialog box.
6 Select the type of switch:
• Manual Switch or Forced Switch for UPSR/SNCP configurations
• Manual Switch, Forced Switch, or Lockout for 1+1/MSP linear
• Manual Switch, Forced Switch, Lockout Working, or Lockout
Protection for BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations
• Manual Switch, Forced Switch, or Lockout for working equipment in
1:N configurations
• Lockout for protection equipment in 1:N configurations
• Manual Switch or Forced Switch for active equipment in 1+1 84xDS1
TM configurations
7 Click Operate.
8 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
9 For lockout working in BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations, repeat step 1
through step 8 for the network element at the other end of the affected span.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-50 Protection switching

Procedure 9-8
Releasing a protection switch
Use this procedure to release the following:
• forced switch in UPSR/SNCP configurations (path switches at
VT1.5/VC12, STS-1/VC-3, STS-3c/VC-4, STS-12c/VC-4-4c,
STS-24c/VC-4-8c, STS-48c/VC-4-16c, or STS-192c/VC-4-64c)
Note: As switching is non-revertive in UPSR/SNCP configurations, a
manual switch cannot be released

• forced switch or lockout in 1+1/MSP linear configurations

Note: As switching is non-revertive in 1+1/MSP linear configurations, a
manual switch cannot be released.
• manual switch, forced switch, lockout protection, or lockout working in
BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations
• manual switch, forced switch, or lockout in 1:N configurations
• protection switch that is provisioned with an infinite wait-to-restore period
in BLSR/MS-SPRing and 1:N configurations
• forced switch in 1+1 84xDS1 TM configurations
Note: As switching is non-revertive in 1+1 84xDS1 TM configurations, a
manual switch cannot be released.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 2 or higher

Risk of traffic loss
A protection switch is a traffic affecting operation. Ensure a
circuit pack is available to carry traffic before you switch

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-51

Procedure 9-8 (continued)

Releasing a protection switch

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Status from the Protection drop-down menu to open the Protection
Status application.
3 Select the required equipment, facility, or rate (see Procedure 9-6, Retrieving
protection status details on page 9-45).
4 Select the protection switch you want to release under protection details.
Note 1: To release a lockout protection in BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations,
select the facility with the Lockout of protection specified in the Switch
column. Do not select the facility that has Lockout of protection, remote,
specified in the Switch column.
Note 2: The separate parts of 1WAYPR, 2WAYPR, and 2WAYDPR
connections are shown on separate lines in the path protection details table
with a common To endpoint (by default, the separate lines are grouped
together using the To endpoint).
5 Click Release.
If Then
a single switch/lockout exists on a facility, go to step 7
equipment, or path
multiple protection switches/lockouts the Release Protection
coexist for a BLSR/MS-SPRing Switch dialog box opens, go
configuration to step 6

6 In the Release Protection Switch dialog box, select the switch/lockout to

Note: Only the active switch/lockouts radio buttons are enabled.
Click Release.
7 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-52 Protection switching

Procedure 9-9
Scheduling the exerciser
Use this procedure to schedule the protection exerciser for:
• facilities in a 1+1/MSP linear and BLSR/MS-SPRing configurations
• E1 or DS3/EC-1 equipment in a 1:N configuration.
Note: After a shelf processor restart or a time change, the protection
exerciser resumes its schedule on the next calendar day at the provisioned
start time. Also, if you provisioned the number of times the exerciser runs,
this counter is restarted when the exerciser resumes the next day.

The exerciser runs only if the following conditions are met:

• facilities
— in a 1+1/MSP linear or BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
Note 1: If the facilities are in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, they
must also have a valid BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map and no active
protection switch.
Note 2: If the facilities are in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration, there must
not be an active protection switch.
— in service
— in bidirectional protection switching mode, if in a 1+1/MSP linear
— active for the working facility
• E1 or DS3/EC-1 equipment
— in a 1:N configuration
— in service
For facilities, the protection exerciser is a routine that tests the integrity of the
protection switching bytes (K-bytes) communication between a facility pair. If
the two ends fail to exchange the K-bytes, the test fails and alarms can be

For E1 or DS3/EC-1 equipment, the protection exerciser tests the protection

paths to ensure protection can function correctly.

The exerciser can run automatically on a schedule set in advance, or can be

initiated manually.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-53

Procedure 9-9 (continued)

Scheduling the exerciser

Note: You cannot schedule the protection exerciser for an individual E1

or DS3/EC-1 working circuit pack, the protection exerciser runs on all the
circuit packs in the 1:N group at the same time.

The exerciser is the lowest priority user command and does not run if a higher
priority feature or command is in effect. Also, the exerciser will not run if
alarms are present on the facilities or E1 or DS3/EC-1 equipment.

E1 and DS3/EC-1 protection exerciser schedule frequency
Do not schedule the E1 or DS3/EC-1 protection exerciser to run
for extended periods at a frequency below one hour (this will
cause excessive wear on the protection relays). If you must
schedule the E1 or DS3/EC-1 protection exerciser to run at
frequencies below one hour (for example, during debugging
activities), ensure that this is for short periods (no more than 2
or 3 days).

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Ensure the network element is selected in the navigation tree.

2 Select Exerciser from the Protection drop-down menu to open the Exerciser
application and display the Exerciser schedule data table.
3 Select the required facility/equipment type from the Type drop-down list.
Note: In a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, the exerciser will run on both
4 Select the required facility/equipment in the Exerciser schedule data table.
Note 1: For 1:N protection, individual equipment is shown as (<equipment
type>-<working slot>/P-<protection slot>, a complete 1:N protection group is
shown as <equipment type>P-<protection slot>, and both 1:N protection
groups are shown as ALL. (<equipment type> is E1 or DS3EC1). For
• E1-2/P-13 represents the E1 working circuit pack in slot 2 which is
protected by the E1 protection circuit pack in slot 13.
• DS3EC1P-13 represents the complete DS3EC1 1:N protection group
protected by the DS3EC1 protection circuit pack in slot 13
• ALL represents the 1:N protection groups protected by the protection
circuit packs in slot 13 and slot 14

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-54 Protection switching

Procedure 9-9 (continued)

Scheduling the exerciser

Step Action

Note 2: The Edit button is disabled if you select an individual E1 or DS3/EC1

working circuit pack.
Note 3: The ALL option can be used to select all facilities/equipment for the
selected facility/equipment type.
Note 4: When a DSM is attached to a host OC-3 facility, exerciser scheduling
can only be provisioned on the DSM OC-3 line, but exerciser operation can
be executed on both the Host-prov line and DSM OC3 line. If you select the
Host prov-line, you can only use the Execute button to initiate the exerciser
to run immediately. You cannot edit the exerciser for this line.
5 Click Edit to open the Edit Protection Exerciser Schedule dialog box.
6 Enter the frequency of running the exerciser in the boxes after Run every.
Note: See Table 9-8 on page 9-29 for schedule parameter values.
7 Select either one of the radio buttons after Run.
Note: If you select number of times, enter the appropriate value in the box.
8 Enter the start time (Hours Minutes) values in the Start at boxes.
Do not schedule more than one test at the same time.
For BLSR/MS-SPRing or 1+1/MSP linear
configurations, the start times of the nodes in the
configuration must be different (delayed) otherwise the
exerciser will fail.

9 Select one of the two Log event radio buttons.

10 Click OK.
11 Click Refresh to update the details in the Protection Exerciser window.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-55

Procedure 9-10
Retrieving the exerciser schedule
Use this procedure to retrieve the protection exerciser schedule on:
• a pair of facilities in a 1+1/MSP linear or BLSR/MS-SPRing protected
• E1 or DS3/EC-1 equipment in a 1:N configuration.
Note: After a shelf processor restart or a time change, the protection
exerciser will resume its schedule on the next calendar day at the
provisioned start time. Also, if you provisioned the number of times the
exerciser runs, this counter is restarted when the exerciser resumes the next

Step Action

1 Ensure the network element is selected in the navigation tree.

2 Select Exerciser from the Protection drop-down menu to open the Exerciser
3 Select the required facility/equipment from the Type drop-down list.
The Exerciser schedule data table displays the exerciser information for the
selected facility/equipment. See Table 9-8 on page 9-29 for details.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-56 Protection switching

Procedure 9-11
Running/inhibiting the exerciser
Use this procedure to:
• manually initiate the protection exerciser
• allow the protection exerciser to run as the scheduled
• inhibit the running of the protection exerciser as scheduled
• for E1 or DS3/EC-1 working circuit packs only, allow the automatic
running of the protection exerciser on detection of a signal fail status
change on a E1 or DS3/EC-1 circuit pack. If the protection exerciser
determines that the working circuit pack is worse than the protection
circuit pack (using the signal fail status), traffic is switched to the
protection circuit pack.
The exerciser runs only if the following conditions are met:
• facilities
— in a 1+1/MSP linear or BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration
Note 1: If the facilities are in a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, they
must also have a valid BLSR/MS-SPRing ring map and no active
protection switch.
Note 2: If the facilities are in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration, there must
not be an active protection switch.
— in service
— in bidirectional protection switching mode, if in a 1+1/MSP linear
— active for the working facility
• E1 or DS3/EC-1 equipment
— in a 1:N configuration
— in service
The exerciser is the lowest priority user command and does not run if a higher
priority feature or command is in effect. Also, the exerciser will not run if
alarms are present on the facilities, or E1 or DS3/EC-1 equipment.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-57

Procedure 9-11 (continued)

Running/inhibiting the exerciser

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher

Step Action

1 Ensure the network element is selected in the navigation tree.

2 Select Exerciser from the Protection drop-down menu to open the Exerciser
3 Select the required facility/equipment type from the Type drop-down list.
The Exerciser schedule data table displays the schedule information for the
selected facility/equipment type.
Note: In a BLSR/MS-SPRing configuration, the exerciser will run on both
4 Select the required facility/equipment from the table.
Note 1: You can select either an individual pair of facilities or all facilities of
the selected rate (ALL). If the ALL row is selected, the Execute button is
Note 2: For 1:N protection, you can select either an individual working
equipment (shown as <equipment type>-<working slot>/P-<protection slot>),
a complete 1:N protection group (shown as <equipment type>P-<protection
slot>), or both 1:N protection groups (shown as ALL). <equipment type> is E1
or DS3EC1.
Note 3: The Edit, Execute, Inhibit, and Allow buttons are enabled or
disabled depending on the selected facility/equipment and the current status.
5 If you want to Then go to
manually run the exerciser step 6
allow the exerciser to run as scheduled on a pair of step 7
allow the exerciser to run as scheduled on a working step 8
E1 or DS3/EC1 circuit pack (see Note 1)
inhibit the running of the exerciser as scheduled step 10
(see Note 2)
Note 1: Only applies if current status is Inhibit.
Note 2: Only applies if current status is Allow.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-58 Protection switching

Procedure 9-11 (continued)

Running/inhibiting the exerciser

Step Action

6 Click Execute.
The protection exerciser is executed on the selected facility/equipment and
the busy cursor is displayed until the exerciser is complete.
If the exerciser fails, an error dialog is displayed indicating the reason for the
Go to step 11.
7 Ensure that the selected facility/equipment has an Inhibit status and then click
The status of the selected facility/equipment in the Exerciser schedule data
table is updated to Allow. If the ALL row is selected, all the corresponding
rows are updated to Allow.
Go to step 11.
8 Ensure that the selected equipment has an Inhibit status and then click Allow.
The Allow Protection Exerciser dialog box is displayed.
9 Select either the Yes or No radio button to set if the exerciser is run if the
selected working equipment detects a signal fail status change.
The selected facility/equipment in the Exerciser schedule data table is
updated to Allow and to the new automatic status.
Go to step 11.
10 Ensure that the selected facility/equipment has an Allow status and then click
The status of the selected facility/equipment in the Exerciser schedule data
table is updated to Inhibit. If an ALL row is selected, all the corresponding
rows are updated to Inhibit. If a 1:N E1 or DS3/EC1 protection row is selected,
the automatic column is updated to No.
11 If you Then
want to change the exerciser status of other go to step 4

you have changed the exerciser status of all go to step 12

required facilities/equipment

12 Click Refresh to update the details in the Protection Exerciser window.


Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-59

Procedure 9-12
Retrieving synchronization protection status details
Use this procedure to retrieve the protection status of the provisioned
synchronization hierarchies (timing generation and timing distribution) for a
single network element. You can view the state, current quality, and switch
state (lockout or forced) for each source in the hierarchy.

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Protection drop-down menu to open
Synchronization Protection application.
3 Select the required hierarchy from the Synchronization hierarchy
drop-down list.
The bottom area of the Synchronization Protection application displays the
protection status details of the selected synchronization hierarchy.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-60 Protection switching

Procedure 9-13
Operating a synchronization protection switch
Use this procedure to operate a manual switch, forced switch, or lockout on a
synchronization source in the synchronization hierarchies (timing generation
and timing distribution).

A manual switch selects the specified reference source to become active. A

manual switch is only possible if:
• the source is not faulty
• the source is not locked-out
• no forced switch is in operation
• the current quality of the selected source is equal to the most accurate
source in the hierarchy
A forced switch forces the selected source to become active. A forced switch
is only possible if a lockout is not present on all the selected reference. A
forced switch has a higher priority than automatic or manual switch.

Note 1: If a forced switch is applied to a source, you cannot remove the

source from the hierarchy or change to another line source.
Note 2: It is possible to apply a forced switch to a bad reference source.
A lockout forces the selected source to become inactive. If a lockout is applied
to a reference source and the reference source is then removed from the
hierarchy, the lockout automatically releases. If a lockout is applied to the only
source in the timing generation hierarchy, the network element enters holdover
as it cannot use the source and there are no other sources available. Lockouts
have a higher priority than automatic, forced, and manual switches.

To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 2 or higher

Risk of traffic loss
A synchronization protection switch can be a traffic affecting

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
Protection switching 9-61

Procedure 9-13 (continued)

Operating a synchronization protection switch

Step Action

1 Select the required network element in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Protection drop-down menu to open
Synchronization Protection application.
3 Select the required hierarchy from the Synchronization hierarchy
drop-down list.
4 Select the required reference source under synchronization hierarchy details.
For a manual or forced switch, select the reference source to be switched to
(become active). For a lockout, select the source to be locked out (become
5 Click Operate to open the Operate Synchronization Protection Switch dialog
6 Select the type of switch (Manual Switch To, Forced Switch To, or
7 Click Operate.
8 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Provisioning and Operating Procedures 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005
9-62 Protection switching

Procedure 9-14
Releasing a synchronization protection switch
Use this procedure to release a forced switch or lockout on a synchronization
source in the synchronization hierarchies (timing generation and timing
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 2 or higher

Risk of traffic loss
A synchronization protection switch can be a traffic affecting

Step Action

1 Ensure the network element is selected in the navigation tree.

2 Select Synchronization from the Protection drop-down menu to open
Synchronization Protection application.
3 Select the required hierarchy from the Synchronization hierarchy
drop-down list.
4 Select the required reference source under synchronization hierarchy details.
5 Click Release.
6 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 323-1851-310 Rel 1.2 Iss 1 Standard Apr 2005

Optical Multiservice
Edge 6500
Provisioning and Operating Procedures
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Standard Release 1.2 Issue 1
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