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PAPER 3 Use of English Part 1 Task information ‘ In Part 1 you choose from words A, B, Cor D to @ Words that often go together, called ‘collocations, fill in each gap in a text. Options A, B, C and D are are often tested and so are words followed by a always the same kind of word (e.g, verbs) preposition (e.g. aware of) ‘@ Part 1 mainly tests vocabulary but you may also need to understand grammatical links between words, or the text as a whole. 7 Prepare for this task by noting phrases formed with words that often go together (eg, ride a bike, loud Useful language: collocations ‘oie in your vocabulary notebook 1 Match each noun in the box with the verbs below. (Some nouns go with more than one verb.) Then think of more nouns to add to each column. amistake shopping apary ashower swimming photo skiing anoise thebus some homework a job abreak friends fun sports riding time notes progress: take have Note down as many nouns as you can that often go with each of these verbs, beat catch earn hold keep lose miss pass play save spend win © Correct one mistake in sentences 1-10 written by First Certificate candidates, using verbs from Exercises 1 and 2. We can meet and we can pass some time toether! If you want to get fun, | think its better for you to go downtown. You can make a lot of sports and activities with other people. We can meet new people and know a few friends. I have to give an exam at the university My friends are arriving next week so I'd like to make a party. People make shopping in the nearest town and they spend a lot of money there. Well as you can see | have made some photos of my room. Please sit down and make your homework We went to a nice little café, took a coffee and talked. Use of English Part 1 Test 1 Training | 35 4 Write each of these adjectives and verbs on the correct line or lines. Then think of more words for each line. ‘afraid agree apply aware —ibelong —wbound care depend familiar famous _ interested involved jealous keen object __ pleased _ rely succeed 1 ..aaree, belona, bound, object. f 3. © For each of sentences 1-10, choose the correct word, A, B, C or D. 1. This film is... almost entirely on events that really happened. A set B based C rested fixed Eventually the rescue team finding the missing walkers. A managed B achieved C fulfilled succeeded You can always ..on Simon to help you. He's a good friend. A rely B trust C bargain believe The police still do not know who was... for the theft. A guilty B probable C likely responsible Itwasnt her turn, but Hannah ... on paying for the drinks. A demanded B required C requested insisted Some people are .. of the success of others. A angry B jealous C greedy dissatisfied My grandparents dont... of people who have bad manners. A respect B admire € approve appreciate Marta wanted the gold medal and was not... with silver. A glad B cheerful C satisfied positive When | study medicine at university | want to .. in surgery. A specialise B concentrate € dedicate focus This part of the country is... for its beautiful &cenery. A impressive B proud C famous outstanding Use of English Part 1 > Cum ictas(ao Use of English Part 1 Action plan 1 Look at the title and the example. 5 Try each word in the gap, checking whether it fits 2 Without filling in any gaps, quickly read the text to the grammar of the sentence. get an idea of what its about. 6 Check that the word you choose fits the overall 3 For each gap, decide what kind of word (e.g. nouns, meaning of the text. adverbs) the four options are. 7 Read through the complete text, checking that 4 Study the words either side of the gap, underlining everything makes sense. any possible collocations. Follow the exam instructions on page 38, using the advice to help you. Gfiph Write the example answer into gap (0). It will help you understand the beginning ofthe text. 1 A leading B resultn © causin * D creatin GG you're not sure ; 3 3 8 altace: cos ‘out any you know 2 A pass B employ C use D spend ee aaa 3 A aware B thought © wise D familar salle) 4 A save B secure © guard D defend 5 A liked B popular © approved D accepted 6 A used B experienced © preferred D prepared 7 Ado B live © cause D have 8 A positive B inevitable © bound D definite 9 A eager B keen © fond D enthusiastic 10 A going B cycling © playing D riding 11 A meet B know ¢ join D make 12 A demand B apply © claim D order Use of English Part 1 ‘Test 1 Exam practice | 37 For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) on page 37 best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 A making B taking C travelling D fying Hoan oo Holidays at home iy Official figures show that the number of people (0)...... international flights is decreasing, The only word of the four tho fooms 0 and that this is (1) ...ia significant changes to holidaying habits. cosloction with Tigh ‘aking’. ‘As the cost of air tickets increases, it appears that more and more families are choosing to 2, 4-7, 10, 11 Whichof AB CorD often goes (2) ....their summer holidays at home. People are also becoming more (3).....0fthe harm with cs noun? Notice si that tit obeys next to that flying does to the environment, and see it as a way of helping to (4).....theplanet, 00. regan 1,3,5,6,9, 12 Which For many parents a summer with no airport queues or overcrowded resorts may seem ra’ B’ Cor goes mith attractive, but the idea might well be less (6)... with their teenage children, who are fea res probably (6)...... to flying off to the Mediterranean or Miami as soon as school breaks up. Eire te ks next to the gop. oni : So, the question is, how can young people (7)....lots of fun when so much willbe closed g 3 nen gra for the holidays, and so many of their friends are (8)....t9 be away? Cor D goes with tis ‘preposion ard fs the ‘meaning ofthe text? The answer may lie at the local sports centre. Nowadays, many centres organise summer Notice that itisn abvoys next tothe gop. activities aimed at young people (9)... either an indoor or outdoor sports. These might 10, 11 Which of A.B C range, for instance, from playing table tennis to (10)...... mountain-biking. As well as being or Doften goes with ths ‘noun? Notice that it int healthy and enjoyable, taking part in activities like these is also an excellent way tO (11)... always ext the gop new friends. For the most popular activities, though, it is advisable to (12)... early for a place — perhaps two or three months in advance. (GTipy ill in your answers onthe question paper in pen This will help you check the completed text when you finish, 38 | Test 1 Exam practice Use of English Part 1.

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