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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan
Libertad National High School
Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan

Banana (Musa acuminata) Peeling

Decoction as Termite Killer





Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 i
Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
This research capstone titled “Banana (Musa acuminata) Peeling Decoction as

Termite Killer” prepared and submitted by Zyryl O. Guimmayen, Jedson Andres, Jerry

Cabrera Jr., Romeo Krisler C. Julian, Jhon Mar V. Palad in partial completion of the

requirements in Research Capstone.


Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
Furniture making is one of the biggest industries in the Philippines. But the more

furniture made, the bigger the problem in termite infestation in woods. Termite infestation is

the biggest problem of craftsmen for the quality of their products devastated.

We the researchers made an investigation entitled Banana (Musa acuminata) Peeling

Decoction as Termite Killer to test the effectiveness of banana peeling decoction to kill


After the bananas were washed, the peelings were removed and it was sliced into

smaller pieces and putting desired amount of water and weight of banana peelings in the

whistling kettle and boiling for three minutes and decocted. The treatment (100ml. water and

75 grams of banana peeling decoction). The dependent variable is the result or number of the

dead termites.

As the destructive effect termites is solved and lessen, the problems on the wooden

furniture in the houses are lessen making its lifespan way longer.

Also using banana peel as termite killer, will lessen the possible waste out of banana,

instead of throwing it out, banana peels used as a inorganic fertilizer to

control or eradicate termite problems.


Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
We dedicate this research to our family who kept on supporting us in our battles in
life. Most especially our parents, for providing our needs and wants.
We would like to also dedicate this research to our teachers for their never fading
support and guidance in our academic battles.
Above all, we also dedicate this research to our Almighty God for his humble
guidance and blessings he had bestowed upon us.


Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
The researchers are grateful to all the people and institution who were involved for the

fulfillment for our Research Capstone Project. From the bottom of our heart, we wish to

acknowledge their presence for helping us. They are the following:

LIBERTAD NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL for giving us the chance to use every

single facility at the school we needed;

LNHS staff for their support and in giving the knowledge that they can offer;

To our family who supported us morally and financially;

To our friends and other people who helped us in testing the different procedures;

Above all, to our Lord God, who gave us the intelligence and courage to conquer

every query in this project.


Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com

APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………………………...ii




TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………vi


Description of the problem……………………………………………………….2

Review of related literature………………………………………………………4

Description of project………………………………………………………….....11



Reference and Sources…………………………………………………………..vii


Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
The purpose of this study is to create an organic insecticide to control or eradicate

termite problems. Termites has been a long problem to house owners, especially to those who

own any wood furniture of some sorts. A creative strategy that brought by the researcher

would want to produce a product that deals to the problem.

Termites are small insect, found chiefly from tropical areas, that is very destructive to

timber popularly called white ant, but not of the ant family. Due to their small size they are

able to fit into small spaces and inflict damage to furniture.

A banana tree is a fruit bearing tree producing an elongated, edible fruit. Banana is

one of the oldest cultivated plant due to its medicinal applications. The banana peel and pulp

of the fully ripe one possesses the principles of anti-fungal and antibiotic that acts against

Mycobacteria. Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the genus Musa and for

the fruit they bear and produce. The fruit varies in size, color and firmness, but is usually

elongated and curved with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind, which may be green,

yellow, red, purple or brown when ripe. Banana are produced by several kinds of large

herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. Banana is a tropical palm like plant that bears

bananas, having very large leaves but lacks of a woody trunk.

The purpose of the study is to prevent furniture from deteriorating, with the use of the

organic insecticide that the researchers wants to create. And to teach people to be mindful and

responsible to their environment. This will also benefits household owners who owns any

wooden furniture at home.

Description of the Problem


Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
Termites are known as “silent destroyers” because of their ability to chew through

wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. Any of various small, whitish, isopterous,

social insects native in warm regions, several species of which are very destructive of

wooden structures, furniture, etc. There are about 2,000 known termite species in the world.

Each year, termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage. The damage to buildings

by termites in tropical countries has been serious concern for a long time.

Philippine furniture is one of the priority export products given assistance and support

by the government. Export has grown at an annual average of 11% in the last ten years. In

fact, it has made significant inroads in the highly competitive export market. Developments

in the industry have also seen the increase in the number of production infrastructures and

highly skilled craftsmen and man power supporting the surging growth of the industry. But

these kinds of products are prone to terminate infestation. If not properly treated, these pieces

of furniture will decline in quality and life span, eventually affecting the quantity of the

supply and demand of these products.

Aware of the devastating effect of terminates on wood furniture, the researcher will

investigate the effect of the use of banana peelings decoction as terminate killer.

The termite infested furniture weakens through time and will affects it’s lifespan due

to the presence of termite on the furniture. If the termites are not control or eradicated they’ll

most likely to multiply and inflict more damage to the wooden furniture. It will lead on the

deterioration of the wooden furniture.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
It is in this venture that the banana peeling decoction which is believed to kill termites

is being investigated. Such investigation is a product of the researchers’ intellectual curiosity

based from the information and experiences shared by folks which until practiced and is

becoming known in the locality.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 3

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com


Termites are mainly tropical and subtropical insects, comprising nearly 18000-

species in about 200 genera. Common to warm and humid climates, they are also found in

north America and Southern Europe. Termites evolved from roachlike ancestors. They are the

only insects other than bees, ants and wasps to form true societies. Known primarily for their

destruction of wooden structures, termites can also be agricultural pest.

All termites are herbivorous, and many feeds on decaying wood. Termites are able to

digest cellulose, a carbohydrate found in plants, because of bacteria in their intestines. Some

species also have symbolic protozoans in the gut. Many subterranean or mound-building

species cultivate fungi that help to breakdown plant material that has been incorporated into

“fungus garden”.

In many ways the life cycle and habits of termites are similar to those of ants. The

individuals of the society are divided into castes: the primary reproductive (king and queen),

the supplementary reproductive, the workers, and the soldier. The king and queen stay

together after mating. Commonly the queen’s ovaries grown enormously. The eggs hatch into

young brood, which resemble small workers and in more primitive kinds of termites, behave

like them. In other species the young are fairly helpless and are fed by the workers. After

several molts they develop into soldiers or workers.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 4

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
Primary reproductive have two pairs of wings on the thorax. They range from 5 to 22

mm (0.2 to 0.8 in) in length and are brown to black in color. The head is round, the mouth

parts bite, the antennae are many-segmented, and the eyes are compound. Two small claws

are borne at the end of each leg. No external genital organs are present; workers are usually

smaller than reproductive and in most species lack eyes. They never have wings. The soldier

which form 5 percent of the total colony are the defensive elements. Their heads are generally

so extremely modified for this function that they are unable to feed themselves. Their

weapons are their powerful jaws, chemical secretions, or both. Some of the damp-wood

termite species have soldiers with very large, heavily armored head capsules and powerful

cutting jaws. Those of other species have scissor-like mandibles. The so-called nasute soldier

have a frontal gland that opens through a pore on the top of a nozzle-shaped head. When the

soldier bites a droplet of toxic or sticky secretion squirts out of the gland. The liquid dries in

the air forming a sticky thread that entangles the adversary.

The most primitive nests are simple burrows in woods. Nest on trees or mound nests

on the ground comprise chewed vegetable material mixed with clay or fecal material.

BANANA (Musa acuminata)

Musa acuminata is the wild ancestor of the cultivated banana. Thousands of years of

domestication have produced a delicious edible fruit consumed by millions of people

throughout the world. The yellow variety known as the Cavendish, wish populates

supermarket shelves, represents just small proportion of global production.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 5

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
The diversity within banana is huge ranging from sweet to savoury, bent to straight

and varying in colour from yellow, pink, silvery or even striped and spotted. The fruits of the

banana contain high levels of minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and potassium as well as

vitamins A and C. their high carbohydrate content makes them a favourite with sports people

while the potassium the contain helps in avoiding muscle cramp.

The majority of dessert bananas eaten today derives from Musa acuminata and is

mainly eaten raw. Plantains which are starchier and less sweet are hybrid between Musa

acuminata and Musa balbisiana are usually cooked and eaten as a vegetable.

Morphologically will banana be very different to its cultivar.

The wild species contains seeds, while cultivated bananas are almost always seedless

(parthenocarpic) and are therefore sterile and dependent on vegetative propagation by means

of corms. For this reason, they lack genetic diversity and are therefore susceptible to pests

and diseases.

Banana are extremely versatile and beyond their use as food for humans, they provide

shelter, building materials and fiber among things, and even used by some in rituals and

religious ceremonies.

Edible bananas and plantains are through to have originated in Southeast Asia and

Western Pacific Region where their inedible, seed-bearing, diploid (containing two sets of

chromosomes) ancestors can still be found today. Edible banana first occurred through the

natural crossing of various inedible diploid species of Musa acuminata resulting in sterile

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 6

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
hybrids which were seedless(parthenocarpic) and triploid, containing these set of

chromosomes. Local people soon discovered that these hybrids had edible fruits and they

began to propagate the plants vegetatively by suckers. Before long the crosses that produced

the tastiest fruit were selected, cultivated, propagated and distributed as a food crop. Today

Musa acuminata is distributed mainly on margins of tropical rainforest.

There is a huge amount of morphological variability in the cultivated banana.Musa

app. which include banana and plantain are not trees but giant herbs with a pseudostem

(formed from the bases of leaves rolled tightly around each other). Members of this genus can

grow up to 15m tall making them the largest perennial herb in the world.

Banana plants cultivated vegetative do not have one mainly taproot, instead they have

a root system that is fleshy and adventitious. Leaves are arranged spirally and are up to 2.7-

meter-long and 60 cm wide. Male flowers are borne at the tip of the inflorescence and,

beneath them, separated by several sterile flowers, are the flowers which develop into fruits.

In the case of the cultivated banana the fruits develop parthenocarpically and are seedless.

The fruits are arranged in hands, each formed of 10-20 bananas (fingers).

The cultivated banana is an important crop in the topics and subtopics, providing

energy and nutrient rich food for millions of people throughout the world.

For many people living in the tropics, the banana is a stapled crop, providing food

from the fruit, but the leaf as well as building materials, shelter, wrapping for food and other

items, even burial shrouds. They are also commonly cultivated for ornamental purposes and

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 7

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
for their fibers. Banana have a spiritual significance for many people and they are used

infertility rituals and are planted is sacred precincts in India.

As a food, banana is used in multitude of different ways.

 The fruit can be simply peeled and eaten, or sliced and served in salads, cakes custards

and ice cream.

 It is often baked with dough to make banana bread or topped with sugar and cinnamon

and eaten on pancakes.

 In the South Pacific ripe bananas are mashed, mixed with coconut cream and scented

with Citrus leaves to make a thick fragrant drink.

 Many infants throughout the world start their journey from milk to solid food with

banana pure.

 The addition of ascorbic acid to prevent discoloration means that it can be successfully

canned and sold in supermarkets.

 In Africa, ripe bananas are fermented into beer and wine.

In the tropic’s banana leaves are commonly used as plates and for wrapping and storing food.

Holding banana leaf by the petiole makes an effective umbrella. The peel of dried banana has

high tannin content and is used to blacken leather. The ash from the dried peel of the banana

is rich in potash and is used in soap-making.

 the flowers are used to treat bronchitis and diabetes

 the astringent plant sap is reputed to be effective in treating hysteria, epilepsy, fever,

diarrhoea and can also relieve haemorrhoids and insects’ bites and stings.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 8

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
 the young leaves are used as poultices on burns

 the roots are used for digestive problems

 the peel and pulp of ripe bananas are found to have anti-fungal and antibiotic properties

Musa acamunita peels were also analyzed for minerals, nutritional and anti-nutritional

contents. The results of mineral content indicate the concentrations (mg/g) of potassium,

calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, bromine, rubidium, strontium, zicronium and niobium to

be 78.10, 19.20, 24.30, 0.61, 76.20, 0.04, 0.21, 0.03, and 0.02 respectively. The percentage

concentrations of protein, crude lipid, carbohydrate and crude lipid, carbohydrate and crude

fiber were 0.90, 1.70, 59.00 and 31.70 respectively. The result indicates that if the peels are

properly exploited and process, they could be a high-quality and cheap source of

carbohydrates and minerals for livestock. The banana peel is rich in phytochemical

compounds than its pulp. The anti-fungal, antibiotic properties of banana peel can put to be

good use.


 Mineral content in a banana peel is primary consistent of potassium (78.10mg/g) and

manganese (76.20 mg/g). Other minerals present are sodium, calcium and iron at 24.30,

19.20 and 0.61 mg/g respectively. The peels high potassium content, taken orally, aids in

maintaining normal blood pressure.

 About 91.50 percent of a banana peel is organic nutrient matter consisting of lipids,

proteins crude fiber and carbohydrates. About 31.70 percent of total mass is fiber with

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 9

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
carbohydrates accounting for 59 percent and protein and lipids accounting for 0.9 and 1.7

percent respectively. The high fiber content is useful as a natural laxative.


 Phytates (myo-inositol hexaphosphate) content of a banana peel is 0.28 mg/g, lower than

in most whole grains. The only risk associated with phytate and dietary consumption

comes from a lack of it. Low phytate consumption increases risk for osteoporosis and

adding it to the diet increases bone density.


 Saponins are known for their foaming property and are another potentially dangerous

constituent of banana peel. The levels are high in banana at 24 percent, greatly exceeding

the 3.00 percent level marked safe for consumption by animals. Saponins consumption at

high levels can paralyze the sensory system are known to increase cholesterol production

in the body.


 Oxalates are organic acids associated with kidney disease and are known to decrease the

absorption of minerals, such as calcium, in the body by binding with them decreasing

their availability. Eighty percent of all kidney stones occurring in adults in the United

States are calcium oxalate stones. The oxalate level in a banana peel is 0.51 mg/g, which

is low and relatively non-threatening.


 Of the anti-nutritive constituents, the most poisonous is hydrogen cyanide. It is present in

the peel at 1.33mg/g. The chemical death if taken in high dosages and in small dosages

may cause stiffening of the throat and chest, heart palpitation and weak muscles.

Amounts in a peel fall into the 0.5 to 3.5mg/g safe range.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 10

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com

The banana tree and the fruit it bears has long been used in dealing medical conditions

but haven’t been used to how we are aiming for, banana as insecticide. One of the common

problems in each household are termites. On this study we intend to create a solution that can

help and provide an easy and affordable alternative for insecticide. A substance to eradicate

termites and prevent them from inflicting more damage.

The study starts from gathering and preparing the materials the researchers will be

needing in order to accomplish the project. Followed by the peeling and slicing the banana

peeling in the whistling kettle and boiling for three minutes. Followed by cooling of the

decocted concentration, preparing the treatments. Then spraying the concentration to the

termites and gathering data

Research Design

The main objective of this study is to determine the efficacy of decoction of

banana peel as insecticide in terms of: How fast do the effects of the insecticide starts to kick
in, how many classifications of termites it can kill, how strong it is and how safe it is to
inhale. The researchers will use this experimental research to design and correlational analysis.

Statistical Analysis of Data

The researcher utilized percentage in identifying the acceptability of the effectiveness

of Banana (Musa acuminata) Peeling Decoction as Termite Killer in its feasibility.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
Materials Used
Banana Spoon Gloves

Container Measuring Cup

Termites Knife

Spay Can Chopping Board

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com

The purpose of the study is to lessen the destructive effect of termites by the use of

banana peel as an organic insecticide.

Termites are species that are very destructive against wooden furniture because of

their ability to chew through wood. Thus, creating an organic insecticide out of banana peel

to control or eradicate termite problems which is a long-term problem to house owners,

especially on those who have wooden furniture in their houses.

The banana peel and pulp of the fully ripe one possesses the principles of anti-fungal

and antibiotic that acts against Mycobacteria. It also contains saponins which is good against

termites. Saponins possess clear insecticidal activities, they exert a strong and rapid-working

action against a broad range of pest insects that is different from neurotoxicity.

As the destructive effect termites is solved and lessen, the problems on the wooden

furniture in the houses are lessen making its lifespan way longer.

Also using banana peel as termite killer, will lessen the possible waste out of banana,

instead of throwing it out, banana peels used as a inorganic fertilizer to

control or eradicate termite problems.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 13

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com

Additional Information

Südwind, a non-governmental organization in the field of development policy, has been

advocating sustainable global development, human rights and fair working conditions

worldwide for more than 35 years. Through educational work in schools and out-of-school

education, the monthly journal Südwind Magazin and other publications, Südwind aims to

raise public awareness of global interdependence and its consequences in Austria. Through

attention-grabbing actions, campaigns and information activities, Südwind strives for a more

equitable world.

The campaign “Make Fruit Fair!” is a three-year-project in which Südwind and 19 other

partner organizations are promoting fair working conditions, sustainable development and

fair-trade practices in the production of fruits. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from

all over Europe are working in close partnership with organizations of small farmers and

unions of plantation workers from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. The aim is to

improve living and working conditions of those people who grow, pick and pack the tropical

fruits we buy every day. Specifically, the campaign calls for supermarkets, as the most

powerful actors along the supply chain, to pay fair prices to their suppliers that cover the

costs of sustainable production and to protect the environment by reducing the use of toxic

agrochemicals. Governments should prevent supermarkets from abusing their buying power

and ensure that companies can be held accountable for working conditions in producing

countries. www.suedwind.atresp.

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 14

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com
Reference and Sources

Address: Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan, 3517 vii

Contact Nos.: 09050425523
Email Address: lnhs1967@gmail.Com

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