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Employee testing and selection; and training and

MC: Recently Ms. Krizzia shared to us their experienced in handling job evaluation and
employee’s appraisal based on how she handling their staff evaluation in The Bayleaf Hotel
Cavite, now we understand how evaluation and appraisal happen we can now proceed on
how management help our employee to empower the workforce but before that let me
introduce first our next speaker. Our next speaker is well experience in handling
manpower concern and direction, she is also part of an industry that well trained in facing
different action in able to maximize manpower productivity. Without further ado, may I
introduce Ms. Denise Kate Guinto as she will help us to understand the importance
“Employee testing and selection” and the role of “training and development” to enhance
manpower. Good morning Ms. Denise

Denise: Thank you for a very nice intro Mr. Brennan. So no more delay let’s proceed to the main
point the Employee testing and selection.

Why is a careful selection of employees important?

So there are three reasons why careful selection is important.

First, organizational performance always depends on subordinates' having the right skills
and attributes.
Second, it is costly to recruit and hire employees.
The third is that hiring incompetently has legal ramifications.

So what is Negligent Hiring and how do we avoid it?

Negligent hiring is a legal claim made by either an employee or a customer against a

company and its erring employee who has a history of repeating incidents or a high risk
of bringing harm to the employee or customer.

We can avoid negligent hiring claims by:

• Carefully scrutinize the information supplied by the applicant on his or her
employment application.
• Get the applicant’s written authorization for reference checks and carefully check
• Save all records and information you obtain about the applicant.
• Reject applicants who make false statements of material facts or who have
conviction records for offenses directly related and important to the job in
• Balance the applicant’s privacy rights with others’ "need to know," especially
when you discover damaging information.
• Take immediate disciplinary action if problems arise.
What are the types of interviews?
There are various types of job interviews, and you should be aware of them before facing

There are 6 common types of job interviews.

1. Traditional Interview
2. Panel Interview
3. Group Interview
4. Telephone Interview
5. Behavioral Interview
6. Dining Interview

What is Interviewing and the law: Employment Discrimination “Testers”

You may be familiar with the word "discrimination." But do you know what it means?
And do you understand how it applies in the context of your job?

To "discriminate" against someone means to treat that person differently, or less

favorably, for some reason.

The EEOC is responsible for protecting you from one type of discrimination -
employment discrimination because of your race, color, religion, sex (including
pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (age
40 or older), or genetic information. 

The laws enforced by EEOC protect you from employment discrimination when it
• Unfair treatment 
• Harassment
• Denial of a reasonable workplace change
• Improper questions or disclosure
• Retaliation 

How do you conduct an Effective Interview?

A personal interview is your chance to get to know your prospective employees. You’ll
be delivered deeper into the skills and requirements you’ve noted on the resume and
phone screening. Mostly, the interview allows you to get a sense of the intangibles, such
as passion, initiative, goals, cultural fit, attitudes, and communication skills.

I have 5 tips for you:

• Put the applicant at ease. 
Ask open-ended questions. 
• Listen more, talk less. 
• Take notes. 
• Understand what you can’t ask. 

What is the distinction between training and development?

Training and development refer to educational activities within a company created to

enhance the knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and
instruction on how to better perform specific tasks.

Training is a temporary, reactive procedure intended for employees, whereas

development is a continual, proactive activity intended for leaders. The goal of employee
development is the development of a whole personality, while the goal of employee
training is the acquisition of new abilities.

The management takes the initiative in training to address a worker's current needs. The
person takes the initiative to fill a future demand of an employee while it is still in

Its importance is it
• Provides the best possible use of human resources
• Enhances skill development
• Increases productivity
• Improves organizational culture
• Improve quality and safety
• Increase profitability
• Improves the company's morale and corporate image

Which phases make up the training process?

An effective training program for employees should be built by following a systematic,
step-by-step process. If the training is effective, then it can be very profitable for the

Training can be viewed as a process comprised of five related stages or activities:

assessment, motivation, design, delivery, and evaluation.

Each section of the guide builds on the previous sections, reflecting the process by which
trainers move through the steps of developing, delivering, and evaluating training.

1. Needs assessment
2. Deriving Instructional Objectives
3. Designing Training Program
4. Implementation of the Training Program
5. Evaluation of the Training Program

What training techniques are used?

1. Classroom-Based Training Programs
2. Interactive Training
3. On-The-Job Training
Modern Training Methods
4. Social Learning
5. Online Training

MC: Alright! Thank you very much Ms. Denise for giving us a very fruitful knowledge,
insight and examples about how should be us need to be careful in handling employee’s
selection and importance of training in manpower enhancement in one organization. I
learned a lot mam, I hope you guys too So, If you have a comment or question please free to
send us here. Again, thank you for our speaker Ms. Denise for the best practices that she
shared to us.

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