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Mood Disorders

Martins-de-Souza D (ed): Proteomics and Metabolomics in Psychiatry.

Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)

Use of Metabolomics and Proteomics to

Reveal Pathophysiological Pathways in
Anxiety Disorders
Elisabeth Altmaier a  · Rebecca T. Emeny b

Institutes of a Genetic Epidemiology and b Epidemiology II, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research

Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany

Abstract Introduction
With a frequent occurrence of approximately 10.6% in
adult populations, anxiety disorders are among the most Anxiety disorders rank above mood and sub-
common mental health problems worldwide. Although stance abuse disorders worldwide and occur in
anxiety disorders are rather prevalent, their underlying approximately 10.6% of adult populations, ac-
biochemical mechanisms remain unclear. As a functional cording to a World Health Organization survey
endpoint of all biological events, the metabolome repre- from 14 countries, with 12-month prevalence
sents the most precise and direct molecular expression of rates ranging from 2.4 to 18.2% [1]. In the 10th
a phenotype. Combining metabolic information with International Classification of Disease for mental
proteome data, systems biology can draw an even more and behavioral disorders, anxiety is considered
comprehensive picture of the biological processes. Here, among the following afflictions that are classified
we provide a review summarizing the results from human under ‘Neurotic stress-related and somatoform
as well as animal studies analyzing metabolic and pro- disorders: F40–F48’: obsessive-compulsive disor-
teomic traits in different tissues for associations with anx- der (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder, panic
iety. In addition, we give an overview of animal studies disorder, phobias and generalized anxiety disor-
that applied a systems biology approach using metabol- der (GAD). GAD is described as ‘a period of at
ic as well as proteomic data to identify anxiety-related least six months with prominent tension, worry
pathways. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel and feelings of apprehension, about every-day
events and problems’. In the newly released 5th
edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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of Mental Disorders, the first two disorders, OCD sponses. Adolescent and adult patients who suffer
and posttraumatic stress disorder, are each classi- from anxiety disorders have impaired hypoactiva-
fied separately from anxiety disorders. In any tion of threat-safety discrimination [14]. This
case, human studies of anxiety that will be dis- atypical emotional memory functioning involves
cussed here deal predominantly with GAD and three major neural systems of amygdala function
OCD, while preclinical, experimental models of- (pertaining to sensory perception and allocation
ten use animal strains that are prone to anxiety- of attention) and neuroendocrine function, and
like behavior, or are induced to have anxiety-like the interactive effects of these systems with mood
behavior, by unpredictable chronic mild stress, [11]. Other biophysiological pathways hypothe-
sleep deprivation or inflammation [2, 3]. sized to contribute to anxiety and depressive dis-
Anxiety encompasses overwhelming feelings orders involve chronic inflammation [15], oxida-
of worry and fear. While fear is an evolutionarily tive and nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunc-
hard-wired and life-saving response to a per- tion and epigenetic effects [16, 17].
ceived threat, anxiety disorders result from over- Genomic studies of anxiety disorders show as-
reaction to a stimulus that is subjectively per- sociations with the serotonin receptor and other
ceived as menacing [4, 5]. Phobias are triggered neurotransmitter systems [18, 19], circadian
by a specific external stimulus (object or situa- clock gene variants [20], stress response circuits
tion), while in GAD and OCD there is not neces- involving oxytocin [21] as well as novel trans-
sarily an external trigger but rather persevering membrane proteins [22]. Functional genomic
memories of threatening situations. Many anxi- studies have identified shared pathways involving
ety disorders begin in childhood, and these af- responses to environmental stimuli in both anxi-
flicted young adolescents carry a 2- to 3-fold in- ety and psychiatric disorders that suggest a new
creased risk of suffering from either major de- overlapping schizo-anxiety domain [23]. In any
pressive disorder or anxiety later in their adult event, behavioral, environmental and genetic in-
lives [6]. Anxiety and depression are often coex- teractions all influence the pathogenesis and se-
pressed [7, 8], and anxiety – independent of cog- verity of anxiety disorders, as demonstrated by
nitive complaints, self-perceived health and de- gene-environment interaction studies [24]. De-
pression – predicts recurrent depressive symp- spite our understanding of molecular underpin-
tomatology [9]. While depression is associated nings in anxiety disorders that support targeted
with anhedonia (low positive affectivity), anxiety drug therapeutics such as serotonin reuptake in-
is more commonly linked to hyperarousal [10]. hibitors, benzodiazepine sedatives or pregabalin,
Both anxiety and depression are associated which acts on voltage-dependent calcium chan-
with a facilitated memory response that reinforces nels to limit neurotransmitters (i.e. glutamate and
fear and negative affect, respectively. Persevering adrenaline), a meta-analysis demonstrated that
emotional memories typical of depression are of- while pharmacologic treatment reduces anxiety,
ten related to personal failures and shortcomings, cognitive behavioral therapy is more effective in
while anxious individuals ruminate over worri- the long run [25]. Thus, further efforts to reveal
some or fearful experiences [11]. Thus, an under- mediators of this disabling mental health disease
lying neurological basis for anxiety behavior is a are required. The study of metabolomics, which
conditioned fear response [12] which involves ab- may be viewed as a momentary read-out of an or-
normal functioning of the prefrontal cortex in ganism’s genetic potential expressed under spe-
threat perception [13] and of the amygdalae and cific environmental circumstances, may offer
hippocampus, part of the limbic system that forms new insights for novel therapeutic approaches
emotional memory and fear (fight-or-flight) re- [26]. - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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Martins-de-Souza D (ed): Proteomics and Metabolomics in Psychiatry.

Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)
Metabolomics plete, generic metabolome cannot be defined for
an organism, nor can it be fixed on a chip (unlike
Metabolomics, one of many ‘-omics’ disciplines, the transcriptome) [31, 36]. For the measurement
aims at the identification, quantification and of metabolites, several analytical methods are
analysis of the metabolome of a biological system. available. Here, we will briefly introduce some of
The metabolome comprises the entirety of all me- the most frequently reported methods.
tabolites (molecules with low molecular weight) Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy de-
that are synthesized at a specific state and time termines the resonance frequencies for each
point by the biological system [27–30]. atomic nucleus of a molecule by using a magnetic
For a long time, in molecular biology, the dog- field. The frequency of an atomic nucleus de-
ma of linear communication in only one direc- pends on the chemical surroundings, so that nu-
tion from genes to transcripts to proteins was fa- clear magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be
vored. Proteins with enzymatic function were used for determination of the structure of mole-
thought to singularly influence metabolic pro- cules. Other important methods for the analysis
cesses, leading to the phenotype of an organism. of metabolites are provided by mass spectrometry
This concept was outdated by the insight that cel- (MS). Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
lular processes are a dense interactive network MS belongs to ion trap MS and is based on iden-
with posttranscriptional and posttranslational tification of the mass-dependent circular path
modifications as well as feedback loops. For ex- and rotational frequency in the cyclotron that are
ample, as cofactors or inhibitors for enzymes, and characteristic for every ion and that can be de-
as transcription factors, metabolites influence the tected by applying a homogeneous magnetic field.
transcriptome as well as the proteome and subse- This method allows an extreme mass resolution
quently the metabolome itself [31–33]. and a high mass correctness. Time-of-flight MS
In addition to individual genetic predisposi- uses the principle that particles with different
tion, the effect of environmental factors such as masses but the same kinetic energy need different
medication, physical activity and nutrition often amounts of flying time to reach the detector. Fi-
become apparent in altered expression patterns of nally, tandem MS (MS/MS) couples multiple
the metabolome. Thus, the metabolome can be steps of mass separation in a row. This enables its
described as a functional endpoint of all biologi- usage for screening large amounts of samples by
cal events in a respective biological system. Con- providing high sample throughput as well as low
sequently, as a functional endpoint, changes in sample consumption.
the metabolome are potentiated, compared to the The MS methods described can also be com-
transcriptome and proteome [34, 35]. In contrast bined with chromatographic techniques. A com-
to the transcriptome or proteome, which gener- bination with gas or liquid chromatography (GC-
ally point to a possible cause of a special pheno- MS, LC-MS) is commonly used, while combina-
type, the metabolome represents the most precise tions with capillary electrophoresis and ion
and direct molecular expression of a phenotype. mobility spectrometry are less frequently used.
When combining information from the tran-
scriptome and/or the proteome with metabolic
data, systems biology can draw a comprehensive Metabolite Studies and Anxiety
picture of biological processes in the cell.
However, the influence of environmental fac- Metabolite association studies of anxiety in animal
tors on the metabolome has the consequence that models and clinical cohorts have identified altered
a metabolome is highly individualistic and a com- levels of a number of metabolites (table 1). Several - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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Martins-de-Souza D (ed): Proteomics and Metabolomics in Psychiatry.

Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)
Table 1. Overview of the main tissue-specific associations of metabolites in human studies of mood disorders and
animal models of anxiety

Metabolite Model Mood disorder Tissue Study

Choline – GAD ↓ centrum semiovale, Coplan et al. [59, 61],

subcortical white matter 2006, 2012
Creatine – GAD ↓ centrum semiovale Coplan et al. [59], 2006
– GAD ↓ left dorsolateral Yue et al. [60], 2012
­prefrontal cortex
Glutamate Sleep deprivation-­ – ↑ thalamus and Cortese et al. [54], 2010
induced anxiety, rats ­hippocampus
High anxiety behavior, – ↑ plasma Zhang et al. [51], 2011
Glutamate/creatine – OCD Cortex (medial Bédard and Chantal [53],
temporal lobe) 2011
Kynurenic acid UCMS mice – ↓ amygdala Laugeray et al. [48], 2011

Kynurenine – Endogenous anxiety ↑ plasma Orlikov et al. [46], 1994;

Lapin [44, 45], 1989,
– GAD, depression ↑ plasma Altmaier et al. [65], 2013
– Type D personality ↓ plasma Altmaier et al. [65], 2013
Inflammation-induced, – Hippocampus Gibney et al. [49], 2013
Tdo–/– mice – Liver, plasma Kanai et al. [47], 2009
UCMS mice – Lung Laugeray et al. [48], 2011
Naïve mice, – – Salazar et al. [50], 2012
­administration of
Kynurenine/tryptophan Inflammation-induced – Frontal cortex and Gibney et al. [49], 2013
anxiety, mice ­hippocampus
UCMS mice – Cingulate cortex Laugeray et al. [48], 2011
Serotonin (5-HT) UCMS mice – Cingulate cortex Laugeray et al. [48], 2011
Tdo–/– mice – Hippocampus and Kanai et al. [47], 2009
5-HIAA UCMS mice – Cingulate cortex Laugeray et al. [48], 2011
Inflammation-induced, – Frontal cortex, Gibney et al. [49], 2013
rats ­hippocampus
Tdo–/– mice – Hippocampus and Kanai et al. [47], 2009
­midbrain, plasma
Xanthurenic acid – Anxiety and depression ↑ urine Hoes [41], 1979

Tdo–/– = Tryptophan dioxygenase knock-out; UCMS = unpredictable chronic mild stress; 5-HIAA = 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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Martins-de-Souza D (ed): Proteomics and Metabolomics in Psychiatry.

Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)
One of the first groups to draw attention to the
5-HIAA association between the metabolite kynurenine
Serotonin and anxiety disorder was under the direction of
Professor Izyaslav P. Lapin [44, 45]. Based on
these findings, Orlikov et al. [46] examined 16 pa-
tients with endogenous anxiety and 15 healthy
controls. Their results showed that the concentra-
Quinolinic acid
IDO Kynurenine tion of kynurenine was increased in the plasma of
Kynuronic acid anxious patients. In addition, a significant posi-
tive correlation between kynurenine concentra-
tion and severity of anxiety was observed.
Fig. 1. Tryptophan degradation via the kynurenine and
the serotonin pathways. 5-HIAA = 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Studies by Kanai et al. [47] examined trypto-
acid; TDO = tryptophan dioxygenase; IDO = indoleamine phan metabolism and the production of kynuren-
2,3-dioxygenase. ine. Since TDO is a rate-limiting enzyme in this
pathway, mice deficient in TDO (Tdo–/–) were ex-
amined. Behavioral tests with the elevated plus
studies have found associations for altered trypto- maze test and the open field test indicated that de-
phan metabolism – involving both the kynurenine ficiency in TDO in TDO KO mice induced anxio-
as well as the serotonin pathways – in anxiety be- lytic effects. Increased levels of tryptophan as well
havior (fig. 1). Kynurenine is the first stable me- as a 2-fold higher concentration of kynurenine
tabolite formed along the tryptophan degradation were observed in Tdo–/– mice compared with
pathway. The enzymes mainly involved in the syn- wild-type mice. However, liver lysates of Tdo–/–
thesis of kynurenine are tryptophan dioxygenase mice had decreased conversion of tryptophan to
(TDO) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). kynurenine. The authors suggested that compen-
Altered concentrations of TRYCAT (tryptophan satory mechanisms may explain the increased
catabolites along the IDO pathway), including kynurenine levels in plasma, and that these mech-
kynurenine, kynurenic acid, xanthurenic acid and anisms may only occur in extrahepatic tissues.
quinolinic acid, are implicated in several mental Further analyses of tryptophan metabolism down
health diseases [17, 37–39]. While quinolinic acid the serotonin pathway indicated increased sero-
aggravates inflammation, the other three metabo- tonin and 5-HIAA levels in the hippocampus and
lites have been shown to downregulate inflamma- midbrain of Tdo–/– mice, while an increase only in
tion [40]. It has long been know that increased ex- 5-HIAA could be observed in blood plasma.
cretion of xanthurenic acid in urine is characteris- The tryptophan catabolic pathway was also the
tic of anxious but not depressive patients [41]. subject of the study by Laugeray et al. [48] in
Another pathway in the degradation of trypto- which mice were subjected to the unpredictable
phan leads to serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleace- chronic mild stress procedure for a period of
tic acid (5-HIAA), which are also associated with 6 weeks and thus showed anxiety-like behavior.
mood and anxiety disorder. Serotonin can also be In the peripheral tissue (lung) of these mice, a
metabolized to melatonin, which of course is crit- higher kynurenine/tryptophan ratio indicated in-
ical in regulating circadian rhythm and is thus creased kynurenine pathway activity. In contrast,
also a relevant factor contributing to mood and the concentration of kynurenic acid in the amyg-
anxiety disorder [42]. In fact, a synthetic melato- dala was decreased in the unpredictable chronic
nin, agomelatine, reduced anxiety symptoms in mild stress mice compared with wild-type mice.
patients with GAD [43]. The increased kynurenine/tryptophan ratio in - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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Martins-de-Souza D (ed): Proteomics and Metabolomics in Psychiatry.

Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)
the lung was positively correlated to the level of be associated with anxiety was used by the group
serotonin and 5-HIAA in the cingulate cortex, of Christian W. Turck [51], in which mouse
but not in the amygdala. strains with low versus high anxiety behavior
Increased kynurenine pathway activity in the (LAB vs. HAB) were analyzed. Behavioral analy-
brain was examined by Gibney et al. [49] as well, sis was assessed by ultrasonic vocalization, the el-
but with an inflammation-induced model of anxi- evated plus maze test and the tail suspension test.
ety used on rats via administration of the immu- Using GC-MS, this group measured 265 plasma
nostimulant polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid, a metabolites, of which 86 could be identified. The
synthetic analog of viral RNA. As expected, these metabolite with the strongest positive association
rats showed anxiety-like behavior in the open field with HAB was glutamate.
test. Hippocampal levels of kynurenine and tryp- In neurons, a protective measure against glu-
tophan were both increased, although not equally, tamate toxicity is a high concentration of the non-
resulting in a higher kynurenine/tryptophan ratio essential nutrient creatine, which can be synthe-
that may indicate increased kynurenine pathway sized from several amino acids (arginine, glycine
activity. While no changes in serotonin levels were and methionine) and provides a substantial en-
observed, 5-HIAA levels were higher in the frontal ergy reserve to buffer the toxicity of glutamate in
cortex and the hippocampus of rats treated with neurons [52]. The ratio of glutamate-glutamine
polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid. to creatine was analyzed in the study by Bédard
Another inflammation-induced anxiety mouse and Chantal [53]. The brain activity of patients
model has recently been investigated by Salazar et with OCD was examined using proton magnetic
al. [50], in which pretreatment with an IDO in- resonance spectroscopy, and compared with
hibitor ameliorated the anxiety-inducing effects of healthy controls. The OCD patients had higher
Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide administra- anxiety than the controls, as measured by the
tion. Furthermore, the systemic administration of Beck Anxiety Inventory, as well as a decreased ra-
kynurenine to naïve mice precipitated a dose-de- tio of glutamate-glutamine to creatine in the right
pendent anxiogenic effect similar to that seen with as well as in the left medial temporal lobe.
lipopolysaccharides, which demonstrates the key In animal models studied by Cortese et al. [54],
role of IDO and its enzymatic product in a pre- rats were deprived of sleep, which induced an in-
clinical model of anxiety behavior. These studies creased risk-taking and reduced fear-like behavior
and their results suggest that tryptophan metabo- observed in elevated plus maze test performance.
lism is involved in the underlying pathogenesis of Sleep deprivation is associated with reduced fear
anxiety. Due to the complexity of metabolic pro- behavior in anxious animal models [55, 56]. Glu-
cesses, the detailed interactions remain unclear. tamate levels in both the thalamus and hippocam-
Another anxiety-related metabolite of interest pus were significantly elevated in sleep-deprived
is glutamate, an essential amino acid and the most rats. These studies show that the purported im-
abundant neurotransmitter in the human ner- portant role of glutamate in anxiety [57] can be
vous system. High concentrations of glutamate supported by metabolic measurements.
and subsequent overactivation of glutamate re- Besides its relation to glutamate discussed
ceptors (NMDA and AMPA) can be toxic to cells. above, and because of its importance in energy
This excitotoxicity results in the influx of too metabolism, creatine is also critical for brain de-
much calcium into cells and the subsequent acti- velopment and performance [58]. Patients with
vation of calcium-dependent enzymes that con- GAD were examined in a study by Coplan et al.
tribute to cell damage. A recent metabolomic ap- [59], in which metabolites in the centrum semi-
proach that identified high levels of glutamate to ovale (cerebral white matter) were analyzed. Us- - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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Martins-de-Souza D (ed): Proteomics and Metabolomics in Psychiatry.

Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)
ing proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a southern Germany. A metabolomics approach
decreased concentration of creatine was observed was applied to the F4 survey that was conducted
in GAD patients compared with healthy controls. from 2006 to 2008. Among a great amount of oth-
Such a decrease in creatine was also observed by er information, 1,502 participants provided in-
Yue et al. [60] in the left dorsolateral prefrontal formation in a self-administered questionnaire
cortex of patients with social anxiety disorder. used to determine Type D personality as well as
Thus, a decreased creatine level combined with anxiety and depression. The Type D (DS14) scale,
an increased glutamate level in anxiety may wors- the GAD-7 and the 9-item Public Health Ques-
en the toxic effect of glutamate. tionnaire were used to identify Type D personal-
Another metabolite that is associated with anx- ity, anxiety and depression, respectively. For each
iety is choline, which serves as a precursor of the study participant, the serum metabolic profile
common neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In the containing 517 metabolites was measured by Me-
study on 15 patients with GAD by Coplan et al. tabolon Inc., using LC-MS/MS and GC-MS. The
[59] mentioned above, a decrease in the concen- aim of the study was to identify those metabolites
tration of choline-containing compounds was that were most strongly associated with Type D
also observed in the centrum semiovale. In 2012 personality, anxiety and/or depression [65]. The
the same group conducted a study on 26 GAD pa- metabolite with the strongest association with
tients [61] and confirmed their result of a de- Type D personality that was still significant after
creased level of choline-containing compounds in multiple testing correction was kynurenine. Its
subcortical white matter. Interestingly, worry was concentration in serum was lower in participants
positively correlated with IQ in GAD patients, but classified as Type D than in the control group.
in healthy controls this correlation was negative. This was, as far as we know, the first time that this
The study by Zhang et al. [51] previously men- association between kynurenine and Type D per-
tioned in the context of glutamate used a metabo- sonality was detected in a human population
lomic approach including more than 200 metab- study.
olites. Additional metabolites that showed a sig- As previously stated, kynurenine was the only
nificant association with anxiety in mice were metabolite significantly associated with any phe-
allo-inositol, myo-inositol, fumarate, malate, gly- notype after multiple testing correction. Multiple
cine and γ-aminobutyric acid. testing correction is used when more than one hy-
In recent years, Type D personality has emerged pothesis is tested, since there is a large probability
as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular that true hypotheses are rejected [66]. Testing
disease [62, 63] that is also strongly associated with more than 500 metabolites – and thus more than
social anxiety in the general population [64]. Type 500 hypotheses – needs this correction.
D personality is a combined phenotype of negative The analysis of participants with GAD and de-
affect and social isolation [62] that is prevalent in pression, respectively, did not yield a significant
approximately 25% of the population. Results association after multiple testing correction.
from a recent population-based study that applied However, having a look at the only nominally sig-
a metabolomic approach examining the metabo- nificant results for kynurenine, it is noteworthy
lite profiles of individuals with Type D personality, that for anxiety as well as for depression the asso-
anxiety and depression will be discussed. ciation is positive, while it is negative for Type D
The KORA (Cooperative Health Research in personality (table  2). Overall, these analyses
the Region of Augsburg) study consists of popu- strengthen the theory that the kynurenine path-
lation-based surveys and subsequent follow-up way plays an important role in the pathophysiol-
studies conducted in the region of Augsburg in ogy of mood and anxiety disorders [67, 68]. - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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Martins-de-Souza D (ed): Proteomics and Metabolomics in Psychiatry.

Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)
Table 2. Results for associations with kynurenine pus. The proteins identified are involved in sig-
nal transduction, energy metabolism, protein
Direction of p
association, β folding, cytoskeleton regulation and synaptic
plasticity. Another proteomic analysis of the
Anxiety 0.004 0.002 hippocampus from adult rats submitted to pre-
Depression 0.007 0.002
natal restraint stress demonstrated changes in
Type D –0.021 7.08×10–05
the expression profiles of proteins involved in
A linear regression analysis was applied with the confounders developmental programing triggered by early-
age, gender, HDL, LDL, cholesterol, triglycerides, hyperten- life stress, which also included proteins that reg-
sion, BMI, diabetes and the intake of antidepressive medica-
tions; p values are not corrected for multiple testing; only for
ulate the aforementioned functions identified in
Type D personality, the association is significant after multiple the Carboni study [76]. Most recently, a pro-
testing correction. teomic study was undertaken with a chronic un-
predictable stress-induced anxiety model on ze-
brafish which confirmed findings of differently
regulated mitochondrial proteins that have been
Metabolomics Combined with Proteomics well documented in rodent and clinical studies
Proteomics is the global analysis of proteins using Linking metabolomics with proteomics pro-
reduction in sample complexity and different vides information not only about substrates and
separation techniques combined with MS meth- products but also about the enzymes catalyzing
ods [69]. Proteomic approaches have been ap- the reactions. This may give a more detailed in-
plied to psychiatric models for over a decade and sight into which reactions and pathways are in-
were reviewed recently [70, 71]. Proteomic analy- volved in the formation of the phenotype exam-
ses of anxiety models have revealed many pro- ined. The previously mentioned mouse anxiety
teins possibly involved in the pathology of this studies by the Turck group conducted not only
disorder. For example, using a mouse model of metabolic but also proteomic profiling of these
anxiety Szego et al. [72] found changes in 82 pro- anxious mice from plasma [51] as well as samples
teins in the total brain proteome. This result lead from the cingulate cortex [78].
the authors to suggest that changes in carbohy- In plasma, several pathways have been identi-
drate metabolism, redox regulation, synaptic fied that may be involved in the etiology of anxi-
docking and serotonin receptor-associated pro- ety. The examination of metabolite as well as pro-
teins contribute to anxiety. Ditzen et al. [73] and tein levels showed that the phosphatidylinositol
Krömer et al. [74] analyzed HAB and LAB mice signaling system was impaired in mice with high
and identified increased expression in LAB versus anxiety-related behavior, especially the binding
HAB of glyoxalase I, an enzyme involved in de- and signaling of phosphatidylinositol as well as
toxification of the cytotoxic metabolite methyl­ the metabolism of inositol phosphate. Combined
glyoxal. Ditzen et al. [73] also identified altera- analysis also yielded an altered energy metabo-
tions in enolase phosphatase, an enzyme involved lism in anxiety including changes in the tricar-
in maintaining intracellular levels of the essential boxylic acid cycle. The authors argue that this is
amino acid methionine. in accordance with findings from their own pro-
Since stress is involved in the pathology of teomic analysis as well as from other studies, im-
many mental disorders, Carboni et al. [75] ana- plicating a role of oxidative stress in anxiety. Oxi-
lyzed rat models of chronic stress and identified dative stress, in turn, is caused by altered mito-
21 proteins with altered levels in the hippocam- chondrial energy pathways. - 3/7/2018 7:36:18 PM
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Adv Biol Psychiatry. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 29, pp 128–138 (DOI: 10.1159/000358038)
A subnetwork analysis revealed another im- network analysis of these data mainly showed al-
portant result of the analysis which demonstrated terations between HAB and LAB mice in glycoly-
that proteins and metabolites interacting with sis, synaptic neurotransmission and mitochon-
dexamethasone maintained different concentra- drial function. Regarding mitochondrial func-
tions in mice with high anxiety-related behavior tion, especially the citric acid cycle/oxidative
compared with those with low anxiety-related be- phosphorylation, oxidative stress/antioxidant de-
havior. Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorti- fense, and transport into and within mitochon-
coid that affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adre- dria were affected.
nal axis, a dynamic system of interactions be- The current review on metabolomic studies of
tween the hypothalamus, the hypophysis and the anxiety has employed different analytic strategies
adrenal glands. Dysregulation of this axis con- to identify contributing pathogenic factors.
tributes to depression among a myriad of other Whether targeted pathways or screening strate-
stress-associated states, including anxiety. Fur- gies were employed, both approaches provide use-
ther associations with anxiety resulting from this ful and complementary results that improve our
study concern proteasome-ubiquitin-mediated understanding of key underlying mechanisms of
proteolysis, neurotransmission and the Ras/Raf/ this very common and debilitating mental health
MEK/ERK pathway. disorder. Future studies that explore overlapping
In a second publication, the Turck group re- information about metabolomics and proteomics
ported the combined analysis of proteins and me- will likely improve this knowledge base and offer
tabolites in the cingulate cortex of HAB, normal promising new therapeutic targets.
anxiety-related behavior and LAB mice [78]. A

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Dr. Elisabeth Altmaier

Institute of Genetic Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München
German Research Center for Environmental Health
Ingolstätter Landstrasse 1, DE–85764 Neuherberg (Germany)
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