Practice Test 4 2022 2023

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English Practice Test 4

I/ Multiple-Choice Questions
1. They (blamed/ accused/ complained/ convicted) him of having stolen the car

2. I was wearing a heavy raincoat to (conceal/ hide/ protect/ wrap) myself from the cold

3. The new discovery was a major (breakthrough/ break-down/ breakout/ break-in) for research workers

4. The film lasted every three hours with (a pause/ an interruption/ an interval/ a stop) of 15 minutes between part one
and part two

5. The nurse (on alarm/ on duty/ in service/ in shift) in the hospital helped the patient come round

6. Buses are not very (in time/ on time/ punctual/ timely). Sometimes, they come every five minutes, then other times
you have to wait for half an hour

7. The (umpire/ instructor/ referee/ guide) is the official who makes sure the rules are followed in tennis

8. Do you have a non-smoking room with two beds (empty/ available/ vacant/ ready) for next Friday and Saturday?

9. Workers demanded pay rises to take account of the (percent/ percentage/ estimate/ rate) of inflation

10. After his business failed, Mr. Johnson was declared (penniless/profitless/ bankrupt/ lost) by the court

11. Don’t (hang up/ hold on/ hang on/ call up)! I haven’t finished explaining yet!

12. It (resulted/ pointed/ broke/ turned) out that the mayor had bribed several councilors to vote

13. It’s difficult to tell identical twins (on/ out/ apart/ over)

14. No sooner had we started the picnic (than/ when/ that/ and) the rain began pouring down

15. (How hard/ However hard/ For as hard as/ So hard as) you try, you can never get them all right

16. He had an excellent grade in his examination (in spite of/ although/ because of/ on account of) the fact that he
hadn’t worked particularly hard

17. The child was told to (excuse/ apologize/ confess/ pardon) for being rude to his uncle

18. She (blamed/ accused/ complained/ convicted) her neighbor’s children for the broken window

19. Both drivers were (damaged/ beaten/ injured/ wounded) in the accident and were taken to hospital

20. Mary’s broken arm was so (aching/ painful/ sharp/ hurt) that she burst into tears

21. I meant to sound confident at the interview but I’m afraid I came (out/ through/ off/ over) as dogmatic

22. The switchboard at Television Centre was so (overrun/ overcome/ overwhelmed/ overhauled) by complaints about
the programme that they had to take on extra staff

23. She had _______ mind which kept her alert and well-informed even in old age
(an examining/ a demanding/ an enquiring/ a querying)
24. The police decided to (abandon/ evacuate/ evict/ expel) the department store after they had received a bomb

25. “Frankly, I couldn’t care less!” he said with a (twitch/ flick/ hunch/ shrug) of his shoulders

26. I’m not by (inclination/ habit/ character/ tendency) a particularly ambitious man

27. After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance (for/ from/ against/ towards)
further losses

28. He still suffers from a rare tropical disease which he (infected/ complained/ gained/ contracted) while in Africa

29. I was proud to be (selected/ singled/ separated/ distinguished) out for special praise for my performance

30. The mother sat by her (asleep/ sleep/ sleeping/ overslept) child’s bedside all night

31. It’s much more expensive if you use the phone at (high/ busy/ peak/ heavy) rate

32. The politician gave a press conference to deny the charges that had been (targeted/ levelled/ accused/ blamed) at

33. If you (spend/ lose/ expend/ invest) too much of your energy on the climb, you’ll have none left for the descent

34. I can lend you five pounds to help you (by/ up/ on/ out) until you’ve had time to go to the bank

35. The restaurant is popular with film stars and the (like/ same/ similar/ such)

36. Although I explained the situation, he didn’t seem to (seize/ grab/ catch/ grasp) the degree of danger he was in

II/ Supply the correct form of the word to fill in the blank
Healthy eating is (doubt) ____________ the key to general well-being. Our bodies are made up of what we eat, so our
(fit) ___________ cannot possibly escape the effects of bad diet and neither can our (vital) __________. Sweets,
chocolate and cake are fine in (moderate) ____________, but trouble arises when people just cannot leave them alone,
(greed) ___________ eating every possibly sticky item that comes their way. (Treat) ____________ is available for
serious problems but (avoid) ______________ is normally better than cure.

Make a careful (choose) _____________ when it comes to desserts, and favour cafes that offer a good (select)
___________ of fruit to round off a meal. A (reduce) ____________ in your sugar intake may well hurt at first but you
will feel better for it
III/ In most line, there is one unnecessary word. Some lines are correct
0. correct
0. of
0. exactly

Find mistakes and correct them

1. He looks remarkable like his father
2. The bridge was hitting by a large ship during a sudden storm last week
3. What does she often have for the lunch?
4. The director doesn’t allow smoke in this office
5. In the early days of their development, cars used a great numbers of fuel

IV/ Reading
The garbage problem
Garbage is a big problem all over the world. People buy and use a lot of things nowadays. After a while, they throw them
away in the garbage bin. All the garbage is later thrown away or dumped outside the city. These places are called landfill
sites. In many cities, landfill sites are now full.
About one-third of all the garbage is made of paper. Another third of the garbage is a mix of glass, metal, plastic, and
wood. The final third comes from food scraps. These are remains of food that are not eating any more. Food scraps are
not a big garbage problem for the environment. Our natural world can get rid of food scraps. Insects and bacteria eat
the food scraps and make them go away.
But this does not happen with other materials. Plastic is very toxic to the environment. It poisons the earth and the
water. We use plastic for many things, such as combs or pens. Also, when we buy something from the supermarket, we
get a plastic bag. As soon as we get home, we throw the bag away. Plastic is also used to make Styrofoam. All take-out
coffee cups and fast-food boxes are made of Styrofoam. When we buy coffee and drink it on the street, we throw that
cup away too.
Other garbage we throw away is metal. The cans for soft drinks or beer are made of aluminum. Aluminum is toxic too.
The paper and wood we throw away are not toxic. But we have to cut down many trees every year to make paper and
wood. Our environment suffers when there are no forests around. The air is less fresh, and the earth dries up. With no
water in the earth, plants cannot grow.
Solutions to the garbage problem
We have to manage our waste and garbage better. If we throw away so many things, soon we will have no place to
dump them.
The best thing to do is to reduce the amount of garbage. If we use less, we throw away less. For instance, we can buy
food in big boxes and packages. Then we throw away only one box i every month or so. Otherwise, we throw away many
small boxes or cans every day.
Similarly, we can reuse a lot of packaging. For example, we do not have to buy take-out coffee in Styrofoam cups. We
can bring our own cup from home and fill it with fresh coffee. We also do not have to take the plastic bags from the
supermarket. We can bring our own cloth bag from home instead. When we pack lunch, it is better to use a lunch box
than a paper bag. Instead of paper plates, we can use real plates. We can clean up with a dishtowel, not a paper towel.
We can use a compost bin for food scraps. In this way, the food gets back into the earth. It does not get mixed up with
the regular garbage.
Finally, all paper, glass and metal we do use, we can recycle. In many countries, there are now recycling programs. In
Germany, for example, people separate all glass bottles by color. Then they put the bottles into special bins that are on
the street. The city collects the glass, cleans it, and reuses it. As well, in most countries, people recycle newspapers and
cardboard. It is easy and efficient.

1. What is the topic word of the first passage?

A Throw away
B Garbage
C Plastic
D Environment

2. What is the main idea of the second passage?

A People must deal with garbage better.
B People should reuse things.
C People should recycle more.
D People should reduce their waste.

3. Why does the author say that garbage is a big problem?

A Because people buy too many things.
B Because people throw away everything they buy.
C Because not all cities have landfill sites.
D Because landfill sites get fewer and fewer.

4. What do people throw away?

A Paper and wood
B Plastic, glass and metal
C Food scraps
D All of the above

5. Why does the author mention Germany at the end of the reading passage?
A To suggest that recycling is the best solution to the garbage problem
B To offer additional advice about how to handle waste
C To criticize countries that do not have a recycling program
D To demonstrate that recycling works

6. Why should people not throw away Styrofoam cups?

A Because they are toxic to the environment.
B Because they can reuse them again at home.
C Because they can buy take-out coffee in them.
D Because they can fill them again with fresh coffee.

What advice does the author give about reusing waste?

Choose TWO letters, A-D.
A We should drink take-out coffee.
B We should use our own bags, cups and plates.
C We should throw away food in the compost bin.
D We should clean glasses ourselves and recycle them.

V/ Guided Cloze Test

What kind of music do you (1) __________? Some people like going to (2) __________ concerts, and listening to (3)
__________. The (4) __________ wear very formal clothes, and the (5) __________ is silent until the end of the (6)
__________. Perhaps you're a rock music (7) __________. Rock concerts are often held at football (8) __________ or in
parks. (9) __________ of the audience dance to the music or sing the songs. (10) __________ music is (11) __________ at
weddings and parties in many countries, and some people (12) __________ their own music at home. Nowadays, we can
easily (13) __________ music, of all kinds, in shops, lifts or any other public places, and many people (14) _________ their
own music with them, or even (15) __________ to music when they study. Music is everywhere!

1. listen/ enjoy/ have/ preferring

2. classic/ classics/ classical/ classified
3. a group/ an orchestra/ a band/ a record
4. musicians/ actors/ musicals/ instruments
5. spectators/ people/ guests/ audience
6. happening/ action/ music/ performance
7. fan/ enthusiasm/ reader/ friend
8. matches/ grounds/ pitches/ pools
9. Members/ Selections/ Persons/ Those
10. Historical/ Nation/ Traditional/ Ancient
11. acted/ formed/ done/ played
12. do/ get/ make/ take
13. listen/ hear/ perform/ understand
14. carry/ wear/ lift/ play
15. hear/ have/ follow/ listen
VI/ Open Cloze Test

VII/ Rewrite
1. Despite Jack’s strange clothes, everybody ignored him
= Nobody took

2. It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage

= It was not

3. You must not communicate in any way with anyone involved in this case
= You must have

4. His father made him study Latin at the age of three

= At the age of three, he

5. I would prefer you to pay in cash

= I would rather

6. Try as I might, I couldn’t understand the code

= No matter how

7. Professor Helsing knows everything about this menu script

= There is
8. If you trade in your existing answer phone, we will reduce the price of a new one by $100
= Trade

9. Norman was sorry because he had lost his temper

= Norman regretted

10. Although I respect the law, I cannot accept the court’s decision
= Much
10. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week
= There has

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