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The Life of a Mistress

By: Kana-Chan There was a place covered in darkness and it is located in a separate dimension. This dimension is known to a group organization and the people of this organization are called Pandora. The Pandora are people who have been through the dimension and came back out alive. Average humans do not know this organization, the organization is top secret and they ban any knowledge of the dimension on the internet. The Pandora named the dimension the abyss. The abyss opens once every 10 years and when it opens everything inside a 10-meter radius will be sucked into the abyss. The abyss opens in random places and is invisible to the invisible to the naked eye. Once in the abyss living objects called chain attack people often. Chains want to get out of the abyss as much as humans do so they make a contract with humans. Chains kill their contractor because their is a time limit. It depends on the strength of the chain on how long the contract will last. If the chain has, a low power level then the contract will last a few months, and if it has a strong power level then it will be up to the chain if it decides to stay with its contractor. The strongest of chains

can take on human forms and escape the abyss without a contractor. It is possible that a chain was a former human that has died and been transformed into a chain. There is a chain that claims to be human and her memories scattered all over the human world when she entered the abyss. This chain is also claimed to be the strongest chain in the abyss. She has been given many nicknames like Bloodstained Rabbit, BRabbit and Black Rabbit. She claims that when she arrived in the abyss all she remembered was the name Azrael", a Latin name that means Angel of Death the twin of the apocalypse. Her real form is a giant black rabbit with a giant gray scythe as her weapon. There are rumors that she has two human forms a boy and a girl form. In Azarels in guy form, his name is Chris. His personality is rumored to be similar to Abbadon, a Latin name that means Angel of destruction. Together with Azarel, they are the twins of the apocalypse, created by Prince Lucifer himself, made by the dark, created for evil and together they betrayed their creator during the war in Rome centuries ago.

In England, a young girl named Angel was having her 15th birthday. Her family was one of the richest people in the country and her father owned a famous toy company and a chocolate factory in England. Young Mistress, you have a guest. Sebastian said. Sebastian is a demon who acts as her butler. It is said that Sebastians kind is very rare, especially when they act as butlers. Usually demons like Sebastian befriend humans for a day then, when nightfalls they feed on the humans soul. Bring them

in. Angel said while waving her hand in a demanding voice with the sound of boredom. The person who entered the room was a young 13 year-old girl along with her butler behind her. Its been a while hasnt it, Angel? the young girl asked as she put a grin on here face. Heh! Its been too long, but its nice to see you again after these years, Sharon. Angel said as she sat on her chair with a smirk on her face. Sebastian smiled then looked at Sharons butler with a straight face after. Sharons butler did the same thing. Sharons butler just grinned at Sebastian then said Yo! How ya been, my little Sebby? he smirked. Sebastian twitched then sighed, I already told not to call me that anymore, Break. Sebastian sounded a little annoyed, Angel could was the only one who could tell Sebastians attitude aside from fellow demons. Break, you know him? Sharon asked. Yeah, hes an old friend of mine. Break stated. Hmmmm, I never considered you as an old friend Break. Sebastian said. Sharon and Angel looked at each other and they started laughing. Sebastian and Break stopped arguing when they heard the two girls laughing and they smiled at the girls but turned away when they looked at each other. Soon after that, the two left the room to give the girls privacy and time to catch up.


Boss, target sighted. Awaiting further orders. a young man said over to his radio while adjusting the scope on his sniper. Wait for my signal. the boss said over his earpiece. Yes sir. The young man said. After Sebastian and Break closed the door behind them, they went into the living room. Now that thats over, lets get things started shall we? Why are y-- Sebastian got cut off. Ah~ Sebbys so serious right from the get-go. Break sighed. Sebastians eyes narrowed, and so did Breaks. Break sighed Your Mistress is being targeted and we were sent here to protect her. Other than that she has something we need. He said with a serious face. Sebastians face changed tch, again? Thats the third time this month. And he sighed. Ne, you sense them to right? Break asked. What kind of question is that? Of course I can Sebastian said and letting out his famous devil smile. Break smiled You really are the devil.. Well wat do you expect? Sebastian shrugged his shoulders. May I do the honors Sebastian? Break asked then looked out the window. Sebastian said Whatever, do what you want. Break showed a big smile on his face. The assassin saw Break coming out then said over his earpiece Boss someones coming out, what

should I do?. The boos said Do whatever you want, kill him if you want.. the young man said Yes sir, understood.

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