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● What have you heard or learned about sexual harassment?
● What do you know about the #MeToo movement?
● How do you feel about the movement? You can represent your
feelings with a word or an image.
● What questions do you have about this movement and the many
issues it has raised over the past several months?
● Why might this be a difficult topic to discuss in class?
Background Knowledge on Sexual Harassment
Class Discussion
• What has catalyzed the #MeToo moment? Why is this suddenly in
the news?
• What progress has been made since people first started talking
about sexual harassment in the workplace in the 1970s? In your
opinion, what still needs to be done and why?
• What effects have sexual harassment and misconduct in general had
on society? What examples can you give?
• Do men and boys have a different role to play than women and girls
in fighting sexual harassment? If so, how? If not, why not?
• In your opinion, is this a watershed moment or turning point in the
conversation around sexual misconduct in the workplace and beyond?
Why or why not?

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