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LEVELI BOOKLET GIVING PERSONAL INFORMATION WSEEUPATA te sipnaet TA ©17 Listen and repeat the letters. Aa Bb Ce Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii J) KK LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu ia q Viv Ww Xx ERSTE hg personal iiormacon 24 ©1.9 Usten and match conversations 1-3 with photos A~C. 3 Listen again and complete the information. Teetog [rrscrame | Farly narne Aeon meer | box. Each group has the same vowel E es { {| sound, zi J [HY TEWIMS. 1 AR za in groups and taketurns. Ask and answer 2BCD_GP_yv Fide 3 FL _N_X [ Stucene 1 | Studene 2 | tie | Fist name | | | oF oa Family name | | 6 Qu_ | Nationaliey les ae ‘ | Phone number | i | © ®18 Listen and check, Then listen | Email address ‘ and repeat. . LEVEL! BOOKLET! 4) A) Match the job with the photos AN 1) CLEANER 2) COOK/ CHEF 3) HAIRDRESSER 4) HOTEL MANAGER 5) 'T WORKER 6) MUSICIAN 7) OFFICER WORKER 8) PERSONAL ASSISTANT 9) PILOT 10) POLICE OFFICER 11) RECEPTIONIST 12) RETIRED 13) SHOP ASSISTANT 14) TOURIST INFORMATION ASSISTANT B) Put the jobs in the correct group. Sportsman actor businesswoman waitress actress waiter _sportswoman businessman | LEVEL BOOKLET! REVIEWING NUMBERS. Name: NUMBERS Add and complete the crossword CLE Es) Created using the Crossword Maker on Horizontal Vertical 2145 |. 5. 14s9= 6.9910: 7844 8.24430 9.29.46" LEVEL! BOOKLET! VIDEO: Countries and Nationalities a- Complete the chart with the correct information ENGLAND | SCOTTISH ENGLISH DUBLIN TALIAN SPANISH HOLLAND, GEORGIAN PARIS SWITZERLAND PORTUGUESE RUSSIAN ‘WENICO ITY (FEDERAL DISTRICT) BRAZILIAN TAPAN CHINESE HINDI / ENGLISH NEW DELHI CANADA CAMBERRA B) Study the ending rules for nationalities and complete the chart with the country. Nacionaliy Coumary | Nasonalicy __| Gounery cani-tan ~ : 1 American 17 Chinese 2. Argentinian 18 Japanese 3. Australian 19. Portuguese 4 Brazilian Sy 5 Canadian Spier ockeene 21 Irish 1 ore 22 Polish 8 Hungarian 23 Scowish 9 Indian 24 Spanish 10 tealian —_—] 11 Korean | 12 Pexiean 25 French | 13. Russian 26 Greek | 14 Saudi Arabian 27 New [ Zealander 15 South African 16, Venezuelan LEVEL I BOOKLET! VERB “TO BE” AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORM Complete the sentences with the correct negative form of to be. We aren’t from the United States, 1 Mysister in work at the moment, zt an assistant, I'm the director! 3 My cousins are twenty but they at work, 4 Uncle John is old now but he retired. 5 You a teacher here. Are you a student? 6 7 8 1 unemployed; I'm retired, ! a doctor, I’m a dentist! A: I think they’re architects. B: No, they ___ architects, they're engineers, 2) Read the following email and answer the questions below using the verb “to be” Australian, but my parents are from my husband. He's Australian, but his parents are from the United States. Our house is in Sydney. Him a student at Sydney University. Is Amanda from Perth? No, she isn't, She’s from Melbourne. 1 Where are Amanda’s parents from? 2 What is her husband's name? 3. Is he from the United States? 4 Where are his parents from? LEVEL1 BOOKLET! Homework: Ask questions for these answers. 1) Her name is Anna. 2p We are from Japan. 3) My daughter is three years old. qj No, he isn’t. He is a doctor. LEVELI BOOKLET! SPELL A Have you got Mayer You have deleted some address files on your Sera nto none ‘computer by mistake. Phone your friend and ‘Ge or ask him or her for the missing information, eon eee 2 = Undencore com = dotcom © Fastname: Mariela ana Lastame; Mazel icknane: Mazzy ‘ddess: Av. Brasil 1764, Montevideo, Uruguay mall address: Phone number: 709 8944 © Fistname: Kwanchat Lastname: Suphaphong Nickname: Kwan, Adéess: 134 Sri Ayutha Road, S01 32, Si'Sou Tewety mngkok, Thalland Phone number: @2 281 2475, rane a Last ame me: May ‘adress: iii: Lastname, ‘aves, Ena adda: Phone numb: mal addres Phone number. —— B Have you got Mazayhisner You have deleted some address files on your ee ereaun ‘number? computer by mistake. Phone your friend and desl Vienieee dias ask him or her for the missing information. e=at underscore com = dotcom Mayumi Firstname: Last mame: Oy © Festame: Francois ickname. May Lastname: Amitnat ‘ddess: 45 Sanae-cho, Nishi-kuy Nein Feaae Nagoya, Japan Address: 13.0 i 13a Boulevard victor, Email addess: 1Ba1e nenard Mtor hone number 052.451 9830 Eat acess: ¢ Phone number; 66 304 12 77 Fest vane: Last mame: 1 Pikongs oS aa oh Nickname: Mazzy ——————) Lastname: a Noam: Kuan Maes eT SaaS ‘oss: malades |} Prone number Emal adress: Phone number: LEVEL BOOKLET | VOCABULARY Piircety ‘TA Work in pairs and look at photos AD. Which objects in the box are notin the photos? computer printer desk keys clocks lamp business cards bowes picture chair ‘2A © 32 Listen and match conversations 1~4 with photos A-D. 1 Baie pelea A ce B Listen again. Who isnot happy? Circle two names, Sam MrStanford (Bi) Anne Jil Mr Fletcher | Janet Denise LEVELI BOOKLET! 1 a)ths b)these 2 a)this — b) these 3 a)these {sa new student in a language school. Complet with this, that, these or those, ' this isthe students’ room and?__are my there. he "—— is our C Complete the rule with is or are. 4 ; Mes King. Mrs King! Rule: LEVEL! BOOKLET! ‘Are you Interested in famous people? What about famous objects? A glove, a dress, a guitar? The Museum of Memorabilia® is a museum of famous people's things, but what are the Top Six? Read the list and find out: [El eivis Prestey’s guitar Presley Is The King of Reck and Roll, for simply The King. This Is his guitar from the fim Love Me Tender. Usain Bott's gold running shoes. Bolt is Jamaican and is 3 three-time Olympic gold medallit. Ei Venus Wiliams’s tennis racquet. Wiliams and her sister, Serena, both from the USA, are the winners of over 45; major tannis competitions bani! Radcife's glasses. They aren't really Daniel's but they're Harry Potter's glasses from the films. The English ctor Is famous as Harry Potter, but is also femous for his Acting In theatre. Ey Michael Jackson's glove. Jackson Is stil called ‘The King of op’ and this is the most femous glove In the world [i Maryn Monroe's white dress. Monroe fans ail know this {dress ~ Ie from the 1955 fim The Seven Year Itch memorabilia = objects from famous people, places, films, sports, ete 1A Work in pairs and look at photos 1=6 above, What's in the museum? B_ Work in pairs. Match the objects in the photos with the famous , people on page 33. C Read the text and check your ideas. D Read the text again and find: + two names of lms + two singers + two nationalities + pwo elothes + wo sports people (EMIVEGS possessive 's oe BA Add ‘sin the correct place in each, sentence. Use the text to help. | Thesa are Danie! Radclife's gasses. 2. These are Usaln Bolt gold running shoes 3. Thisis Michael Jackson glove 4 This is Venus Willams tennis racquet B ®3.A Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. C Complete the rule Rule:Usela name + __for the posseasivge = tmp page (22 LANGUAGEBANK q AA Complete the questions. 1 these / Nico / books? ‘Are these Nico’ books? 2 that / Yasmin / chair? 3. those / the teacher / shoes? 4 this / Carolyn / phone? 5 these / James / pens! B Change questions 1-5 to make questions ‘about students and things in your classroom: 1 Are-these-Nico's books? Is this Emile 7 book? (© Work in pairs and take turns. Ask end answer the questions, 10 LEVEL I BOOKLET! What are their relationships? Nilea and Nathalla. mother and daughter 3 Connor and Amber 2 Steve and Connor 3. Rafael and Amber 4 Steve and Amber 5 Nathalia and Alessandra Grammar | possessive 's Which sentence is correct? 1 Nilza s Rafael mother. 2 Nitzais Rafae’s mother. Dy Make eight sentences about “Amber and Rafael’ family. Use 's Listening brother daughter father husband mother sister oak a the photo above Whats the occasion? Who are the people? ee EAB a ++ Listen to amber and choose the correct words in italics, 4 Amber talks about her job Qa 2. Rafael is Amber's husband] other. 3. Rafael's family is hom England) Brazil Amber is Rafael’s wife, see Reference page 17 Who do the objects belong to? 1b Listen again and complete the family tree with names from the box. Look at the pictures and complete the gaps, Connor Eileen Nathalla Nilza Steve Seamus. () iy S Amber's watch ——— phone ——_lacket wedding ring sunglasses handbag “Reessandra 11 TEVEL BOOKLET! peer ee eee eee {GBB a atch the family words withthe meanings. CTIVE GRAMMAR + mother and father uncle SUBJECT PRONOUNS: 2 sons and daughters grandmother ’ Leap aee cen aaa | 5, mother’s or father's brother | ¢ nephow : | & mother’s or father's sister. \d_ parents i 5 mother's or father's mother aunt you 6 mother’s or father’s father {niece 7 brother's or sister's son children THEY 8 brother's orsister’s daughter h grandfather Find the meanings of these words in a we dictionary. you best fiend cousins ath ae girliriend grandparents stepbrother i ue an Make three sentences about your family. te . IT Kate is my best friend. ‘My brother's gidlfriend is called Sophia, 19 | Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives, Clare is our sister. (we) 1 ____teacher is English. () Mrand Mrs Schegel are ____ parents. (they) i 8 : i | Grammar | possessive adjectives ‘a @ 1 Heather is from Canada, Listen and find the mistakes.Cirelpthe words that are wrong. i a 66 Thisis a picture of my family from Canada, This, 3 Whatis_ homework? (ve) | ismy mom and this is my dad and this is nyt) 4 AAte grandparents from Madrid? (you) | Ben. His wifes Sher and these are thei wo Sos, B:Yes, they are, | julia and Erica, This is my aunt, Margaret and my : ; i grandpa, lack, They lve in southern Ontario This is 5 kehre_sitets marted she) ‘my daughter, Emily. Her husband’s name is Tom and B: No, they're single, | theison's name isjmes. Ths s my brother, a. His Acls___ boyfriend American? (you) | grandmother's name Seley ‘And this is thelr dog. lla we Metin, His name is Shadow. 99 7 7 Als Tomas ___ brother? (he) Db Complete the Active grammar box with the B: Yes, hes, underlined words. 12 LEVEL BOOKLET! 1 Read the description of the two Tait families. Name each person in the photograph, Meet the CHARLIE TAIT AND WILLIE TAIT are identical twin brothers. Charlie is married to Lisa, and Willie is : e married to Dawn. Lisa and Dawn are sisters. Both couples have got three children. Charlie and Lisa alts sos Kylie is 13, and Claire is 6. Willie and Dawn have get Wo sons and one daughter. Michacl is 16, Scou is 12, and Becky is 5. The two families live next door to cach other in Newcastle, 2 Work with a partner. Read the following descriptions and identify the people. Who are we? Who are they? a Charlie is Charlie isher | Dawns his Kevin, Kylie and Kevin is their my father. unde. sisterinsaw. _Claieare our cousins. | nephew. Lisa is my mother. | Lisa is heraunt. | Michael and Willie and Dawn Kylie and Claire are Te got tro She's gottwo | Scott are his ae our parents. their nieces. sisters called brothers. nephews. | ‘We've go alittle They've got two sons Kylie and Claire. He's gotone niece. sistercalled Becky. | anda daughter. i | Who am I? Kevin | Whoisshe? | Whois he? 33 LEVEL | BOOKLET! DESCRIBING PEOPLE 3 |Complete the sentences about each person in the family photo. lUse the words in the box. Age Height “Ales 2 | young tal Alo inher/his twenties average height elderly (70%) short Weight Eye color thin blue slim green average weight brown heavy-set dark Hairstyle Hair color long black short Gight/dark) brown straight blond curly gray spiky red. 1 Emiiois labia. “He ig. tl He is _aeraae weight oe weit He has___imown___ eyes, He has ——— hai. 2. Kathy is She is She is _thin! sian She has 2 height weight eyes. She has » straight z hair 3. Michael is Heise. Hes, ae eght He has eyes. He has. 4, Alevisand Ashley are______. They are__. They are a Tait They have eyes, They have 4) Describe yourself as regards age, height, weight, eyes and hair colour. weight hair. hair. 14 LEVEL I BOOKLET! WHAT DO PEOPLE LOOK LIKE? 2 Listening what does he look like? A. Look at the pictures below, Describe the man’s appearance in each one. 9) B tisten and answ (Why Emily atthe aroort? mas @- 1 She's buying souvenirs, D2. shes meeting her uncle G3. She's traveing to another country 4) G ciele the words that describe Uncle Tim, Then check th on lot geen 1. Uncle Tim before: short / tail short hair /long hair brown hair / blond hai 2 Uncle Tim now: fi short / tall 1 Picture of Uncle Tim in a, Short hair / ong hair brown hair /blone hair 15 LEVEL! BOOKLET! natal THE SENTENCES BELOW WITH THE CORRECT FORM. OF “BE” OR 4, Ricardo Yas. curly heir 2, Monique inher eighties. She esis elderly Su _____ blue eyes, A mowand Cherie aetvine. Moa beard andamustacne, cre clean-shaven They both_____-_blond har. 5, Tanya's dad_____averageheioht. 6, Damon heavy. He weighs about 186 kilos! B Lookat the photo of Usain Bolt and make sentences about him. Describe his appearance. 4, HAIR: He has hai 2. EYES: ____ So AGE He’ young. 4, HEIGHT: s 5, WEIGHT: Hes______——_ welsh 6, NATIONALITY: He's Deseribe a beautful woman or handsome man. This can be areal person or nota real person, Tel Your partner What he or she looks lke. Your partner can ask questions, 16 LEVELI Some te a GS a 6 So m 74H om “2M s m < S85 ao Zoo wn & sy a Nae SO 80 OE 6 mt nt o oa v ms Se of ME Z bird 7 oS e Oa py Pman Rea 0 O 8 O-d 2 oa poy > 17 LEVELI BOOKLET Alphabet Pronunciation Q [kju:] : [es] {ti:] [viz] ye [eks] [zed/zi:] ['dabalju:] [wat] LEVELI BOOKLET! Numbers in English 0 zero 10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one 2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 32 thirty-two 3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 33 thirty-three 4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 34 thirty-four 5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 35 thirty-five 6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 36 thirty-six 7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 37 thirty-seven 8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 38 thirty-eight 9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 39 thirty-nine 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 41 forty-one 51 fifty-one 61 sixty-one 71 seventy-one 42 forty-two 52 fifty-two 62 sixty-two 72 seventy-two 43 forty-three 53 fifty-three 63 sixty-three 73 seventy-three 44 forty-four 54 fifty-four 64 sixty-four 74 seventy-four 45 forty-five 55 fifty-five 65 sixty-five 75 seventy-five 46 forty-six 56 fifty-six 66 sixty-six 76 seventy-six 47 forty-seven 57 fifty-seven 67 sixty-seven 77 seventy-seven 48 forty-eight 58 fifty-eight 68 sixty-eight 78 seventy-eight 49 forty-nine 59 fifty-nine 69 sixty-nine 79 seventy-nine 80 eighty 90 ninety LARGE NUMBERS © Woodward English 81 eighty-one 91 ninety-one 100 one hundred 1,000 one thousand 82 eighty-two 92 ninety-two —_101 one hundred and one 2,000 two thousand 83 eighty-three 93 ninety-three | 200 two hundred 10,000 ten thousand 84 eighty-four 94 ninety-four 300 three hundred 100,000 one hundred thousand 400 four hundred —_ 1,000,000 one million 85 eighty-five 95 ninety-five 599 fivehundred 10,000,000 tenmillion 86 eighty-six 96 ninety-six 600 sixhundred 423,456,789 87 eighty-seven _97 ninety-seven | 700 seven hundred one hundred and twenty-three milion, 88 eighty-eight 98 ninety-eight 800 eight hundred four hundred and fifty-six thousand, 89 eighty-nine 99 ninety-nine \20P bine hunted sn & te : va 19

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