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 Intellectual ~ Mental

 Dawn ~ sun rise

 Uncommon ~ Unusual

 Sincere ~ Honest

 Mild ~ Gentle

 Close ~ Shut

 Timid ~ nervous

 Before ~ prior, earlier

 Hint ~ Tip

 Guilt ~ regret

 Awful ~ dreadful, atrocious

 Accurate ~ correct

 Misery ~ Distress

 False ~ Untrue

 Exit ~ Leave

 Approve ~ accept

 Sack ~ big bag

 New ~ Recent

 Garbage ~ Trash

 Fortunate ~ Lucky

 Counsel ~ advise

 Weak ~ Feeble

 Hire ~ to recruit

 Daring ~ bold, audacious

 Brave ~ Bold
 Quake ~ Tremble

 Funny ~ Amusing

 Deter ~ hinder, prevent

 Hurry ~ Rush

 Epitome ~ best possible

 Beautiful ~ Pretty

 Fragile ~ week

 Diverse ~ different, distinct

 Big ~ Large

 Vague ~ Indistinct

 Important ~ Significant

 Ignore ~ Snub

 Tall ~ high, lofty

 Safe ~ Secure

 Liable ~ responsible

 Bizarre ~ Weird

 Intend ~ Mean

 Deliberate ~ Planned

 Alteration ~ change

 Significant ~ Meaningful

 Defend ~ protect, shield

 Vibes ~ signals

 Temporary ~ Transitory

 Sacked ~ to throw out

 Mesmerize ~ hypnotize

 Trustworthy ~ Reliable

 Exemplary ~ extra ordinary

 Encourage ~ promote, support

 Anxious ~ nervous

 Adversity ~ difficulty

 Sure ~ Certain

 Future ~ coming, tomorrow

 Fire ~ to throw out of job

 Destiny ~ Fate

 Calamity ~ Disaster

 Violent ~ forceful

 Symbolize ~ Represent

 Posture ~ way/position of body

 Infuriate ~ enrage, agitate

 Finish ~ Complete

 Real ~ Genuine

 Desperate ~ fanatic/extremist

 Delicate ~ fragile, dainty

 Compress ~ to press

 Reluctant ~ hesitant

 Freak ~ insane

 Baby ~ Infant

 Amiable ~ friendly
 Push ~ shove, propel

 Murals ~ huge paintings

 Maybe ~ Perhaps

 Invade ~ attack

 Center ~ Middle

 Pluck ~ to break something

 Keep ~ save, protect, guard

 Far flung ~ very far away

 Viable/feasible ~ possible

 Sleepy ~ Drowsy

 Eternal ~ never ending

 Chaos ~ noisy situation

 Mentor ~ guide

 Handsome ~ Good Looking

 Contrary ~ opposite

 Away ~ Absent

 Vary ~ Differ

 Eager ~ Keen

 Assets ~ earnings

 Amateur ~ beginner

 Outgoing ~ Friendly

 Famous ~ Renowned

 Exempt ~ except that

 Taut ~ tense, tight, stiff

 Complete ~ Total
 Dull ~ blunt, dreary

 Crazy ~ insane, daft, mad


 Want ~ Desire

 Raise ~ Lift

 Robust ~ strong

 Glossy ~ shiny

 Belly ~ Stomach

 Ill ~ Sick

 Defy ~ resist, challenge

 Arrive ~ reach

 Shiver ~ tremble

 Oversee ~ Supervise

 Hazard ~ Danger

 Grumble ~ Grouse

 Waiver ~ to cut off

 Tender ~ soft

 Moist ~ wet

 Flaw ~ mistake

 Prodding ~ encourage

 Chubby ~ plump, pudgy

 Candy ~ Sweets

 Becoming ~ Fitting

 Ambition ~ dreams
 Rude ~ Impolite

 Collect ~ Gather

 Antique ~ old item

 Active ~ energetic

 Numerous ~ Many

 Try ~ Attempt

 Old ~ Mature

 Abroad ~ Overseas

 Trivial ~ unimportant

 Talk ~ Speak

 Perception ~ Insight

 Ornament ~ Decoration

 Steady ~ Firm

 Minnow/Nano ~ very small

 Extra ~ Additional

 Emphatically ~ forcefully

 Sustain ~ to remain

 Slim ~ Sender

 Ethical ~ genuine

 Descendent ~ next generation

 Roster ~ schedule

 Immaculate ~ spotless, pure

 Fluke ~ bi-chance

 Bias ~ Revoke

 Believe ~ trust, accept

 Tiny ~ Small

 Mad ~ Crazy

 Incarnation ~ birth

 Candid ~ straight forward


 Chiefly ~ Mainly

 Informal ~ Casual

 Imitate ~ Mimic

 Enquire ~ Investigate

 Sorrow ~ woe, anguish, grief

 Instructions ~ Directions

 Evaluate ~ Assess

 Subtle ~ little

 Listen ~ Hear

 Learn ~ Memorize

 Fill ~ load, pack

 Disagree ~ differ, dispute

 Imitate ~ to copy

 Envisage ~ imagine it’s true

 Rich ~ Wealthy

 Glimpse ~ a brief look

 Agree ~ Consent

 Glitter ~ Sparkle

 Fun -Entertaining~

 Begin ~ Commence
 Angry ~ Mad

 Stoic ~ patient

 Make ~ Build

 Intimate ~ inform

 Evil ~ Bad

 Comical ~ amusing, funny

 Under ~ Below

 Miniature ~ very small

 Inspect ~ Examine

 Correct ~ accurate, right

 Tavern ~ pub

 Innocent ~ Harmless

 Immediate ~ Instantly

 Particular ~ Specific

 Overlook ~ Miss

 Joy ~ Delight

 Inventory ~ Stock

 Blend ~ combine, mix

 Verdict ~ result

 Kind ~ Benevolent

 Allure ~ attract

 Uncooked ~ Raw

 Souvenir ~ memento

 Drab ~ dull

 Reliant ~ dependent
 Ort ~ used

 Fair ~ Unbiased

 Exaggerate ~ over pound

 Change ~ Transform

 Modern ~ Contemporary


 Berserk ~ gone mad

 Vanquish ~ Conquer

 Inferior ~ lesser, substandard

 Dusk ~ sun set

 Bottom ~ base, foundation

 Provide ~ Supply

 Lethargic ~ weak

 Blossom ~ to grow

 Resilient ~ to resist

 Nice ~ Pleasant

 High ~ elevated, lofty

 Get ~ Receive

 Annoy ~ to disturb someone

 Use ~ Utilize

 Rock ~ Stone

 Contemporary ~ modern

 Blunder ~ a very big mistake

 Spill ~ for liquid

 Skeptical ~ doubtful

 Maintain ~ Preserve

 Elite ~ most talented

 Necessary ~ Essential

 Innocent ~ guiltless, blameless

 Divide ~ separate, split

 Agility ~ quickness

 Victory ~ triumph, win, success

 Noon ~ Midday

 Curb ~ to control

 See ~ Look

 Considerate ~ Thoughtful

 Coarse ~ bumpy, rough

 Answer ~ Response

 Stiff ~ firm/hard

 Exactly ~ Precisely

 Lethal ~ Deadly

 Detain ~ punishment

 Cunning ~ Clever

 Hop ~ to jump a bit

 Break ~ fracture, burst

 Inconsiderate ~ Thoughtless

 Fuddy-duddy ~ old fashioned

 Obey ~ mind, heed, comply

 Cranky ~ cross, irritable

 Collision ~ collide

 Brief ~ short, concise

 Identical ~ alike, duplicate

 Eye opener ~ show reality

 Enormous ~ Huge

 Dispute ~ debate, oppose

 Attire ~ Dress


 Temper ~ mental state

 Prevail ~ which remains

 Formerly ~ Previously

 Flippant ~ excess talkative

 Courage ~ bravery, valor

 Gaunt ~ scrawny, skinny, thin

 Fate ~ destiny

 Curse ~ to bane someone

 Cruel ~ mean, heartless

 Admit ~ Confess

 Premises ~ area

 Dumb ~ stupid, dense

 Dubious ~ doubtful

 Broad ~ Wide

 Always ~ forever

 Inevitable ~ unstoppable
 Happily ~ Fortunately

 Enlarge ~ expand, magnify

 Despise ~ hate, detest, loathe

 Receive ~ Get

 Ratify ~ approve, confirm

 Interesting ~ provocative

 Confuse ~ Mixed Up

 Choosy ~ picky

 Serious ~ grave, solemn

 Scared ~ Afraid

 Fatal ~ deadly, mortal, killing

 Confine ~ Restrict

 Shrine ~ holy place

 Overturned ~ upside down

 Help ~ Assist

 Usually ~ Generally

 Small ~ little, insignificant

 Jubilant ~ overjoyed, delighted

 Hallucination ~ mirage

 Delicate ~ Fragile

 Renew ~ Resume

 Obsolete ~ extinct, dated

 Aggressive ~ assertive

 Achieve ~ accomplish

 Wardrobe ~ cupboard
 Part ~ Section

 Jolly ~ merry, jovial, joyful

 Insomnia ~ sleeplessness

 Impact ~ Affect

 Tandem ~ work together

 Inroads ~ affect

 Escalate ~ increase


 Regret ~ Remorse

 Gloomy ~ hazy or blur

 Docile ~ tame, gentle

 Adamant ~ firm

 Outskirts ~ city’s outer area

 Meeting ~ Assembly

 Swift ~ fast and smooth

 Infamous ~ Notorious

 Hall ~ Corridor

 Ask ~ Inquire

 Amount ~ Quantity

 Prestigious ~ very important

 Possess ~ own

 Little ~ Small

 Join ~ connect, unite, link

 Chilly ~ cool, nippy

 Suggest ~ Propose

 Hard ~ Difficult

 Havoc ~ lots of trouble

 Daybreak ~ Dawn

 Awful ~ Terrible

 Remark ~ Comment

 Podium ~ lecture stand

 Ferry ~ boat

 Fast ~ Quick

 Allow ~ Permit

 Praise ~ Compliment

 Perfect ~ Flawless

 Invincible ~ unconquerable

 Accord ~ Agreement

 Close ~ near, imminent

 Alike ~ Same

 Sightseeing ~ to explore places

 Ordinary ~ usual, average

 Gut feeling ~ inner voice

 Dedicated ~ Committed

 Transform ~ Convert

 Movie ~ Film

 Insufficient ~ Inadequate

 Except ~ Apart From

 Choosy ~ Picky
 Sad ~ Unhappy

 Proud ~ arrogant, elated

 Observe ~ examine, study,

 Magnify ~ expand, enlarge,

 Beautiful ~ pretty, attractive

 Tenets ~ on rent

 Portion ~ part, segment, piece

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