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Cambridge ICT Practical Contents 1" 2 3 1“ 15 16 v7 6 19 20 a File management Images Layout Styles Prooting Graphs and charts Document production Data manipulation Presentations Data analysis Website authoring " 18 ” a 25 31 40 57 File management pain why generic le types are used. UW mark) state what the following file extensions are short fr: ont bow htm 1 ap mat (13 marks Identity the three filetypes listed in question 2 that are stored as tot les, (1 mark) Photocopying prchibed cambridge acs ir Pract wertbook, © 11 ALE MANAGEMENT. 4 Identify the fou fle extensions liste in question 2 that are containers rather than files, 2 . 2 - - ‘ — ae tat 5 pln wy vio brs shoul be ud when sng yur dosent oe , (amas 6 erty two reasons whys desable tous smaller less : 2 oe (emai 7 ace tee flesin order ofthe fl ice wth the salt i Fe 25m Fea 25c8 ns oe toma 8 Exlsin what esamping (2 marst © sinscage csc race workbook Protea proiies ‘9 Name and describe the two types of resampling 10 Explain wy file compression i use. Potocopying prohitited 11 Fle management lamar] a (4 mars) amividge csr Pract werktook: Images ieee trate = 2 Explain the aspect ratio ofan image. ene mark 3. An image is Gem wide by Aem high. tis rsized to half oft original width with ts ‘spect rato maintained. Identify the dimensions ofthe new image. 2 Width oes . bhelght — le marks) 4 Describe each of the following text wrap options when used with an image: 12 InLine with Text — b square . 6 Trough . © Topand Bottom Behind Text 9 InFrontof Text vee B marks} © cinvrige cs tr mac! Workbook Potocoying prohibed 5 plain how you would place @ border around an image in a document 15 Name the typeof transformation and the feature sed in your word processor to turn cine B iaorsen @ 2 type of transformation feature used i Tene ba tooare fatnad un atenrel QR easecee {8 Name the type of transformation and the festure wed in your word procesor to turn 2 ype of transformation feature ed - 9. State the colour depth of a colour JPEG image in bits bits per channel . 10 Explain what the term ‘its pr channe means Photocopying prohibited 2images (4 marks) (mars) mark) (2 marks] (2 mors) U1 mark} comoitge cst cr acca wetbook @ 12 maces 1 envy aan ere erent no I y ' : {3 marks} * : . } . me rn sed wth i per 2 we Wn pc es tt » cy : 4 sect + tle 1 tings condo tenn © cinaniest cr mctaveiton rian rnd ron ried cori ec crracca note 13 Layour 13 Layout 4 entity the typeof alignment foreach of these Kons. 7 Detine the following terms header on . B footer nn - marks] b 8 Identity the two elements placed inthe header ofthe pages inthe textbook 1 = Pe zmarts 9 Identity the element placed inthe footer ofthe pages inthe textbook. ‘ (a marks} 0 mark 5 & lentily the typeof vertical alignment fr each of these ions. 10 tdentity four reasons why headers and footers are a benefit to an author. 3 . a (3 marks) i. bb state where these alignments are use. (3 marks} (4 marks) 6 ela the following tem: | sa ame theta in Microsoft office sed to acess the header and footer. borders: _ | iced ortines: . . . 13 mari] © camiritge ics ir race Workbook Prot non-contiguous (a marks] 5 Identity the key held down to select non-contiguous data when using the mouse. 2 0 mark) 66 dently the items labeled on the chart below: © Humber of employees in ‘cach fob entegory omer mais, pone ses b - — - 7 (2 marks} © cambria acs ir Pracic! Workbook photocopying peohibited 16 Graphs and charts 17 Identity the tems labelled on the chart below: onsite rsa amber of et es $0 LSP COTE Iss | ont) = (the fist one is done for you) Chart ttle ns » marks) {8 Explain why secondary axes are needed for some graphs and chars (a marks) Pretecopsng rohbed cambridge acs cr racial watbock OO Document production Expl what vate aye changed inthe secon of compart ne raph improve its readabilty 1 Explain the diference between files with tit, tf, odt and docx file extensions (3 marks} temo 2 alain howto change the paper from Ato Sn your word procesngpacage (mars 3 Nae thee tbs in the Fog Seu window : 2 2 (mats 4 talin themearing ofthe ter ger wihin document (amar rotxoying probed contre ccs crcl wontook © © comodo raster acca Workbook rotocopying prohibited 17 pocumenr pRooucTON 17 Document preduction '5 Describe the similarities and diferences between a widew and an orphan in document production. 4 ™ 18 mart] = 10 um to page 256 of your textbook. Look atthe image ofa document inthe top right corner. Name ~ ‘the typeof line spacing used inthis document. . U1 mark 6 Explain the following terms: 12 Page break ‘11 hat typeof line spacing hasbeen used ith this tet: bb Section break 2) Thistexthasa particular typeof line spacing, ts called... This text has a particular peek [marks] ‘typeof ine spacing it s called. This text has. a particular typeof line spacing, ts eh cohen eee called. This text has a particular type of line spacing, it scaled 7 Tuto page 256 of your textbook. Look a the image of a document inthe top right comer 1b) This text has a particular typeof line spacing it scale. This text has a particular ‘typeof ine spacing, ts called This text has a parila typeof line spacing, tis a Fillin the missing word in the following sentence: called. This tex has aparteular typeof ine spacing, i calles ‘he yellow highlighted text is called ©) Thistexthas particular type of line spacing, it i clled This textes a perticlar bb Explain how you would improve the layout ofthis text without changing the styles ae ‘ype of ine spacing it called. This text har a particular typeof line spacing iti calle. This texthas a particular typeof line spacing, it scaled Au ab i 8. plain where you would find these Icons in your word processor, == } | Reieri0 [Feename [Surname |subleet [Room ‘vA Anthony [Varela | maths [St (GBA Graham —[Bamey [Scenes | Kw [Jennie | kwora[engisn [42 } ry [Pat [yet —[setence [13 . lemarks) si Sseah [Doran |g [3 2 When printing 2 master dacument field codes must be shown, Describe how to show these fed codes 4 - ® co - — - a (3 marks} marks] © camridge acs er racial Workbook rotocopying proitited Ptocopyina prohibits combaageracse cr Praca werttooe Mn 18 DATA MANIPULATION 18:0ata manipulation 4 Name the type of eld that contains unique data used to identify each record 10 Explain why Microsoft Excel i not suitable for databave toss 1 mark) 5 Name the three main types of database feds, - - ‘ . [marks] : . . - 11 Explain how you would change the format ofa fled with a Boolean datatype from YeuNo to Orv 2 (Bi marts} 6. bean the most important reason for using @ relational database rather than a flatfile database. [maria] 7 Sometimes numeric dat is not stored in afield with a numeric data type. Explain why ‘this happens and give one example where thi would be appropiate ss = le mars 8. Name the sub-types of numeric data described as follows 2. Data ie apayed to show today’s date, s . © Data contains only whole numbers. {Data display a symbol like $ oF € and often has 2 decimal paces. {Data can contin whole numbers and decimal values, os . «© Dataisesplayed to show the time : . - (5 marks} 15 Name the type of field in a table that points to the primary key fed in another table. . . In mara, © comridge csr Praca! Workbook Potocopin prohibited (mars) "2 Name and describe the two methods of veriaton ta could be sd when new ata typed nto a database. eae ioe Method 1 Description 1 Method 2 os Description 2 7 . (marks) 13 Explain the purpose ofa database form. os [mars] "tame the type of questions tha, where possible, should be used on a database form. os . . U1 mark] Potocpyng prohibited cambrldge acs 1c Pratl wrttook WO 18_DATA MAMPULATION ia ipa, 15 Tick three items from the following Ist that would be suitable for use on a database form with 19 entity the character sed to allow a wildcard search in a database. dlosed questions: ss a, text box a option group with radio (option buttons C) listbox (drop-down list) with fimit to tist drop-down ist without imittonst © tick box (check box) a # combo box Qa [3 marks} 16 Explain the purpose of navigation buttons on a database form, (a marks] 17 Identify the features of a well-designed data entry frm. (marks) 18.Complete the fllowing sentence using terms from the ist below: query interogator chart report form port Databases ke Access search for data using ‘The easiest method isto use the saa. (2 marks) © camnisge acs cr Pract! Workbook Potocopin prohibited 20 identity the ritria that would be used ina Salary field 1o see all the employees who ean less than or equa to $5,000.00 —— (amar) 21.A database contains two fields Sales Price and Purchase Price. You have been asked to create anew fel, calculated at run time to splay the Profit. entity the formula ‘that you wil enter into the Field: box within the query. —_— (4 marks) 22 Te following ae extracts from a database: fe ] [imine [suman [asergouy | [eetmane [amano [Waser Emi [wean [TSI [alesander [Ter TYR ‘alearder [ter nivea fmiy [wight [1x Sophie [cinch [TIVOM [George [Armond | YW [Gcorge [arnold [viv Rachel Noles [1958 Rachel [Noes [10S Sophie dines | Hwa Thomat—[kleder [10S thomas —[kleider [15 z ix = |Fisthame[Sumeme['uterareup | [Restnane [sumame [Tutor group [sophie [einen [11a [Geowe [anand Haun [George [arnold [11M Sopne [cinch | THY [alernder [Teny ——[vivca Thome! [Ree [1S Emi [waht xo Rachel [Noles [11S [nace —[Wolee [1008 Blender [Tey | HYCAL thomas [Reger [118 Emiy [wight [rvs For each extract describe the sorting applied tothe deta, . ren . Bs ae (9 mors] Potecopyng prohibited cambridge acs er Praca worttoot 18 DATA MANIPULATION 18 Data manipulation 23 deny (or this subject the generie meaning ofthe term report” 27 You hve designed a report in landscape and it oks like this Graham Brown Alloy wheels wa coe - 1 mark Mala Mo! Colne shee Yer bm, vet 24 bxplain were data held inthe folowing sectlons ofa database reports dpaye: ee = ee = = nao om ct 275400 2013 Collagen Seas lay Whe Ko . : = 7 Se ter ser 429500 200 AConding Ale eds to Page Header wn — : “ eae Aer nt " . | Describe how you could make all of the data in the Extra il ful visible © Detail 4 Page Fo0te nnn —— . — . = ~ (marks Report Footer = . a 28 Desibe two reasons why reports or queries might be exported into anctherappliation package sen ES marks 25 You ae using a mouse to select multiple controsin the Design View ofa Microsoft Acces report. State which Key onthe keyboard allows you to click on and select more than one control at once. 26 State in which section of a database report you would: i «place calculated control to spay the total for a field place heading that would appear on every page {add your name atthe bottom of the report but not on every page © comerdge acs cr Pract wertbooe . s+ mark) . (3 marks} Photocopying prohibited 1 : on (2 mars) 29 Describe two woys that data could be hidden in 2 report. Photocopying prohibited 4 mares} cambridge cs ic Praca wortook ! 18 DATA MANIPULATION i} 30 Describe why data may be hidden in a report . se F4 marks] 31 Dexrbe how you would change a contrl on a report to display dita as a percentage value | Y) anesaeet eres npn tector } average value of the Profit field in an Access report. / I) 'b_ Name the type of control used to display the text ‘Average’, next to your | voto oe © comndge acs ier Praca Workbook otoconyng poh 133 klentty how the data in the following database extracts have been sorted, 18 Data manipulation a a [onar [steahen [Brown teen, ——[eaoper & [ist Nane_[Surame Hemi [ade Stephen [Brown Farhur [row Tem [Addie bo 4 Photocopying prohibited cambridge csr raat werbook (49) Presentations 1 Explain what a presentation cand how it may be used . le marks] 2 State which ofthe following fle types would be most suitable to open as presentation. cv pat ct zip. it att tit U1 mark | Explain why a master side is tein Presentation Authoring . (mars) 4 12 Name the top master slide in Microsoft PowerPoint plain what happens tothe objects placed on this slide 0 mark 5 ‘Select the mast efficient method of creating @ PowerPoint presentation: «Set up your maste slides then imporvopen the data from a generic text fle 'b Importopen the dta from a generic txt file then setup your master sides - U mark) © comrsge cs cr Practical Workbook otaconingprohiited 19 Presentations 6 Youhave created «presentation and entered your name into the footer area using the top master slide, When you ty to show thi presentation your name not vibe on any slide, Describe how to make the footer visible on allies. (amar) 7 You are toe presentation wil be delivered using 2 multimedia projector and you need to et the aspect eatio fr this presentation’ Explain what is meant bythe aspect rato when working with a presentation _ (marks) 8 Describe how you would erste a chart in Microaft Exel and pace this chart on slide Sof your presentation. (mars) rotcnying prohibited canbidgerccsercrreciatwortook 19 PRESENTATIONS 19 Presentations Explain the difference between audience notes and presenter notes fora presentation delvered Ina lecture theatre, 10,8 presentation on e-safety has been created ina corporate house style and contains tet mages, \wansitons and animations. identi, giving an example foreach, two other ites that could . a [8 marks be Included inthe presentation to Keep on suience interested init i i _ (a marks] 11 Dexrbe the iffeence between transitions and animations ina presentation. a 2 marks) ® comnsge ctr rata! workbook Protocopying prohibited 12. presentation isto be shown at an on-screen carousel in the reception ares of schoo Describe how you would et this presentation to loop continuous. Photocopying prohibited - (4 marks) cambridge 65 cr Praca worttoot 1 eplain why you would create a data mode. . (marks) 2. Complete the following sentences using terms from the ist below: cell cals, columns rons sheet table workbook worksheet A spreadheet is a two-dimensional SEO one and nse ft lemade up of 3 numberof iniidual each __has an addres, for example: 9. A spreadsheet is sometimes called - orevens, a In Excel many sheets can be held Within a single (8 marks] 5. Complete the following sentences identifying what the contents ofa cll an contain Alcan HOI 9 nn ‘Acellcan hold : Acallcan hold . 3 mart} 4 deny the character that you place ina spreadsheet to start formula 2 eZ) 5. The contents of cells Al and A2 are multiplied together. aA i 215412 2] 635241 3 136839611 © camrige acs cr racial Workbook Potocopying roibted 200eta analysis | Gepain why cell A3 shows this answer Describe how you would change this a ve (3 marks] {Explain the citference between absolute and relative cel reference — (marks) 7 esribe how you woul! display the formulae used In a spreadsheet rather than the values. . marks} 8 Identify and name four simple mathematical operators ured in a spreadsheet Operator: Nam sos peta Name Operator: Name a operator: . Name 4 mart] Photocopying probit cambridge 6c 1 rac wottoot 20 DATA ANALYSIS 000 aa 4 plan when ng arent he tr name ng! «ly tm mon apr cl non oplac nc wea nas . (ama arty te oma hat wold be entrench i ia ~ {ofl whan ing spent thet ino ve ~ ~ i B12 (7 marks} «lh ow ou woul eps the forma cal hor ch pa, (amar 11 Fer he loving niet - . . aaa 2 cal temas tate of ay 90 t 12 a acon oma TA) 3] wie | Row works | ay tan the operation hi oma, 7 oad waton 4 5 Gran brown 3 | [John eee 2 — : ~ sian Surge 2 © emi wig zl | : 2) wu a jo] mene m0 2 (3m 2 Mini © camirige sec rac! Workbok Photocopying prohibited Photocopying prohibited cambridge acs cr Pratl werttock 20 DATA ANALYSIS 2000 anos 12 bese the operation of ech formula and foreach, ienty what would be dplayedin the el 15 Dexcbe the reason for sing the formula In cell AA and explain how t works, sa sel 41 sassi9 1 cal A2— Operation - . . 10 56 1 Result doplayed icra 1 CAAS~ Operation : 1223 8 414 =COUNTA(A3:A12)-COUNT(A3:A12) 1 Rest payed ce 1 CAIAR~ Operation 1 Rest dpaye . - : : 1 CAS ~Ope18 Rn - lamar . — - 16 A cel contains the funtion sCOUNTIRSFS T6526; Master raftsmae” —— : sing cel references, expan wha this function does. A Result payed nn a enn A] - 14 plain the ference between the COUNT and COUNTA functions rn . - vn 2 mas) 2 mars) © comong csr rata! worenook oxecopying prohibited retoconying ponte camrige 1c 1 Praca wottoot: 20 DATA ANALYSIS 17 cell contain the function is placed inthe layer. (10 marks) rotaconyng probit came 151 Prac wotbook 21 WEBSITE AUTHORING 5. Explain the following acronyms HTML con : . bos . — [6 marks} 6 Wdentity the file extension used when saving a file in HTML ~ b css Barks} 7 State the purpose ofthe chim tag, - (2 marks} 8 Name and descrive the two sections ofa web page section 1 . . Description 1 : or Section 2. eee 7 Description 2 wenn - . 7 émors) Comments re added to markup to help web developers. Write your name as an HTML comment. . - mark} © contridge csr Pata! Workbook Potocopying prehitites Photocopying prohibited 21 Website authoring 10 explain what the fllowing tags represent bw . : . [6 marks] 11 Explain what the fllowing tags repreent 8 . (7 marks) canbe ci crac wontook 21 WEBSITE AUTHORING 12 Identify the table attribute and values in HTML 5 that make the lines around the edge ofa table islble and invisible, 2 lines visible: ceabte > ines invisible: <¢Expain why even aftr entering your answer to part a the lines may not appear on the web page a ii nie 13.8 table isto be centre aligned and set to 90% ofthe width ofthe browser window: wil show all Internal and external lines. Write te tab atributes (including the embedded C35) to do this etable sees ee = lamar] 14 Text canbe horizontal aligned ik this ina web page: Se one of aumen mrs eas | Wet staypen st se ep nrmenats openers For each cell write the CSS to produce these results, cal cta styzest - » CollB cea styten vo ” Cellc.cea stytent ” CWlD . cos [6 mors] 17 dentity the largest hexadecimal number that can be stored ine sngle bye (8 bit) 1b Write this number again as a decimal value (marks) otaconying prohibited comadge acs crac wortoot 21 WEBSITE AUTHORING 21 Website authoring 18 Some image types are suitable fo use In web pages. Inthe table write Yes or No to state whether each file isan image, a bitmap image, suitable an image for web authoring and can hold moving mages |Flewpe image fie Bian inane | image stable Tor web uthoring one SutabieTor moving | images | rem 19 In HTML 5 tvee tags are required to place video. Identiy these tags and the attrbutes that should be wed with each tag. Fist ta . Second t99 Thi ag 20 State the order of primary colours used in computer output 21 Which symbol tal the browser that a numbers In hexadecimal © comridge csr Pratl Workbook [6 marks) remarks] mar 1 mark) Photocopying prohibited 22 write the hexadeclmal code that wil set the background colour ofa table 1 have a green component off hexadecimal), no re component and fll blue component. ctable styles"backgroud-color +> marks] 23 A trainee creates part of table like this ctr stylewbackground-color: #oavoft > ctdseht etylestcolor: #00000" sieblo fees Evaluate this markup, ca - - sn mat 24 Fin se mising HIM to complet to ete is abo: Ee ances — (ema otocesing rohit camoridge se errata wortoot, 21 WEBSITE AUTHORING 21 Website authoring 25 Describe the HTAL tags used to create ordered and unowdered lists 26 Describe ahyperink. . - [6 marks} 27 Describe an HTML anchor: << ae sevens 2 marks 28.8 Explain the purpose ofthe HTML tag
eee = : seve marks] 1b Flin the misting HTML code that would be used to move the wer from the given text tothe correct place inthis web page: aert you see a < suanca ray then please. 2mars) © convrige aes tr acl Workbook Protcopying prohibited 29 Explain what these atibutes do when used as part of a hyperlink to open a web page: targers plane - a cnn . . sone marks} 30 This HTML has been extracted rom a webpage: ‘ hrefstnaileo:grahan.abronehotma] subject-New'20Workbook" > lick here to contact use/as Explain what this does oe co 4 marks) 31 Give two reasons why stylesheets are used with web pages. rs [marks] 32 ldemtfy the section of a web page where the stylesheets attached. vo a vo seve 9 mark] 33 Elan which stylesheet has the highest priority i more than one stylesheets attached toa webpage. trotacpying prohibited cambridge cs erratic Wontoot 21 WEBSITE AUTHORING {4 entity which HTML attrbute allows C35 styles tobe embedded in the markup. 11 mark 235 State which symbol is used to soparate declarations in CSS. em {0 mark 36 ody {background-color #££0000) dntity the following items from the CSS above: the selector the dedaration property : o © the declaration value (3 mark 237 Comments a added toa stylesheet to help web developers Write your name asa CSS comment . vee Yar 238 dent the error in each of the following CSS cules ia (tent-atigascentee} bh (font-family:tarial wr pola, "arial*;"sans-serit*) a [font-weight seelic] na (tont-famttyseerit, tinea, AbeLL)} © caningeracseicr racial workbook roteopying roe 21 Website authoring © 5 [colors#eeo0Eh) 9 (text-align: ustisiea) hr body (background-image: url *image.jpg?) background-repeat :no-repeat) . - (8 mars] 39 Write the C55 needed to place the background image like this x! o i (amar) 40 What characte precedes the selector to define a lst rather than a style? sl mark 41 Eepain what each line of ths CSS does. table (background-color: 4o000se; border-collepee:eollapee: border-etyle:eolid; order-wiath:épx} Bin enn - . Une 2 co : Line 3 _ : . Line (4 mars] Protcoping proiited cambridge cs errata! Wontoot 21 WEBSITE AUTHORING 21 Webulte authoring 42 Give two reasons why mest users do not hos their own websites, 46 klentity the ob description of people who would not be sutable fr user testing. rei Le merks} ss a 1 mark 2 i ven 2 OP 45. dentiy two parts of the frst phase of tet planning needed to test each web page. (Web page 1 — : —_ (web page2 . co - bIderify two parts ofthe fist phase of tes planning needed forthe website. CO WebsH0 1 on . co Website? soon a - a so . os so 8 marks} © conoridge acs 11 acta! Workbook Potacopyng pohbed otecpying prohibited comage cs cr Praca Wottook ores © consridge acs tr Mata! Workbook Photocopying prohibited contnidgetccsercrracicatwerttook ambridge IGCSE™ ICT Practical re Ler ee ee eu IGCSE™ ICT textbook, providing plenty of extra practice Peer ee ence es Oca ee ee ene ta ee es Cen eee oes Document Production, Data Manipulation and Presentations eee eat OEE sod NN ‘

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