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Name: (10 x 1)
a. A plant disease caused by bacteria.
b. A protozoan, a food for amoeba.
c. A non-metal but a good conductor of electricity.
d. A non-metal used as an anti-septic.
e. An inexhaustible Natural Resource.
f. A major component of LPG.
g. A gas heavier than air.
h. A non-metallic oxide causing acid-rain.
i. A biosphere reserve.
j. A solid lubricant.
2. Write ‘T’ or ‘F’: (5 x 1)
a. Viruses are not included in microorganism.
b. A tissue is made of organs.
c. Pressure at a point inside a liquid is same in all
d. Friction is proportional to normal force acting on the
sliding bodies.
e. Chromosomes are always present inside the nucleus.
3. Fill in the blanks: (10 x 1)
a. ___________ discovered antibiotics in a fungus.
b. _____________ is the source book keeping records of all
endangered animals and plants.
c. _______________ is a non-metallic oxide which is neither
acidic nor basic.
d. ___________ is a petrochemical.
e. ___________ is a group of population capable of
f. The head of a matchstick is made of a mixture of
________________ and ________.
g. The property by which a metal can be beaten into thin
sheet is ___________.
h. _____________ is the attractive force present between
any two material bodies.
i. ____________ is a unit of inheritance in living
4. Choose the correct alternative/s. [Mention only the option
numbers.] (5 x 1)
i. Spring balance is a device used for measuring
a. Weight of a body.
b. Mass of a body.
c. Length of a body.
d. Volume of a body.
ii. Pressure at a point inside a fluid depends on
a. Mass of the liquid.
b. Density of the liquid.
c. Weight of the liquid.
d. Colour of the liquid
iii. A vacuum pump was invented by
a. Pascal.
b. Torricelli.
c. Otto Von Guericke.
d. Newton.
iv. Sulphur dioxide turns moist
a. Red litmus paper blue.
b. Blue litmus paper red.
c. Blue litmus paper green.
d. Red litmus paper violet.
v. AIDS is caused by
a. Bacteria.
b. Virus.
c. Protozoa.
d. Insects.
5. (5 x 1)
a. Mention one reason for migration of birds.
b. What does a vector do?
c. What does PCRA stand for?
d. What does a ‘pop-sound’ sound indicate when a metal
reacts with a dilute acid?
e. What is a granum?
6. Answer the following questions: (10 x 2)
a. Weight of an air column of the height of atmosphere
acting on an area, 15cm x 15cm is 2250N. Find the
atmospheric pressure in ‘Pa’.
b. A man is pulling a body on a rough surface by a force,
5N. The body is moving with a constant speed and
direction so that net force acting on it is zero. How is it
c. What is the role played by the Mitochondria inside a
d. What is an ecosystem?
e. Why should we be more calculative while using fossil
f. Why do we store sodium in kerosene?
g. What is 5 R principle?
h. What role does yeast play in baking industry?
i. In how many ways can we do reforestation?
j. An LPG cylinder contains 15kg gas. How much heat
energy can we obtain from it? [Calorific value of LPG is
55 x 103 unit.]
7. Answer the following questions: (5 x 5)
a. What are green-house gases? Why does ‘global
warming’ occur? 2 + 3
b. Why should we reduce the use of paper? What is the
objective of ‘Project Tiger’? 3 + 2
c. What is ‘Nitrogen Fixation’? How does it differ from
‘Nitrification’? 3 + 2
d. What is the difference between a national park and a
sanctuary? What is an endemic species? Give two
examples, one of a plant and the other of an animal.
e. One end of a straw is rubbed with a piece of paper. It
is then brought near another, suspended by a thread.
What do you observe? Explain your observation. If the
two straws are rubbed with paper and one of them is
brought near the other suspended, what will be the
observation? Explain. 1+ 2 + 2

Full Marks: 80
Time: 2h

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