STS-When Technology and Humanity Cross: A. Think About These Questions

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STS- When Technology and Humanity Cross

A. Think About These Questions:

1. What are the impacts of technological advancement on education today? •
Technology benefits not just students but also teachers by making our life
simpler. The gathering and research of information are more accessible
with just one click away; it will immediately appear and we'll be able to
grasp the information we needed. If it was necessary to walk far to go to
a library room, now it can be done while lying or sitting at home, and this
is because of the presence of technology. Data storage has grown easier
as a result of technological advancements. It only takes a few seconds to
input or copy-paste various pieces of information. As a result, keeping
records online is much easier. School announcements and updates are
disseminated using technology. It's also utilized by students and teachers
to communicate with one another. We can relate to all of these since we
are adapting to an online learning set up.

2. How do you reconcile the ‘need’ for technology and the dilemma/s it
• One of the challenges that technology faces is the violation of intellectual
property rights, data privacy, and many others. These issues must be
addressed immediately in order to avert substantial damage without
compromising the need for technology. And I think that learning about
these challenges is the greatest approach to deal with it. Being online
literate is essential, thus letting ourselves being aware of the
restrictions that the internet gives will protect us from any potential

3. Should there be an ethics of technology? Site an example • Yes.

Technology must have ethics in order to avoid misuse, malicious
manipulation, and accountability purposes. Take the issue of privacy for
example. With the internet being available to everyone, individuals must
be aware of their rights and responsibilities in this space, including the
right to privacy and the responsibility to protect the information of
others with care. A thorough understanding of privacy and data
security might help future generations in avoiding the problems that
are currently being faced on social media platforms.
4. Do you believe robots can really replace humanity? Why?

• I cannot afford to think that technology will replace humanity, since in

some cases, even when technology is competent, we prefer to deal
with a person. While a machine can accomplish a certain work more
effectively than we can, it lacks the originality in the activity that only
human skills can cater to. A robot may advise one method, but a
person who is effective at their work understands when to adjust. Just
because technology is accessible does not imply that it is always the
best option in every scenario.

5. Write a short reflection on how technology influences humanity.

• The way we live, work, play, and interact is changing as a result of

technological advancements. Technology has become an indispensable
element of our lives, and our needs and expectations for it are
increasing at an exponential rate. It has evolved into one of the key
driving forces in the society’s progress as a whole. Technology is a
cyclical co
dependence in society. Humans utilize technology to travel,
communicate, learn, do business, and live comfortably.
Communication, transportation, education and learning, health-care,
and many other infrastructure business areas have all benefited from
technological advancements. Technology has simplified our lives. And,
I guess being able to exist without the presence of technology is
perhaps unimaginable for humans today.

B. It’s Movie Time!

Watch the movie (I, Robot 2004-Full movie, Will Smith
Movie) Answer the following questions:

1. Who is the bad guy in I robot?

VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence)

2. Does Sonny die in I robot?

No, Sonny was saved by Dr. Calvin.

3. Is there going to be as sequel to I Robot?

There is no sequel to I Robot since the storyline ended fairly well.

4. What are the 3 laws in I Robot?

The first law is that a robot must not harm a person or enable a human
to be harmed by inaction. The second law states that a robot must
obey any human-given order, and the third law states that a robot
must avoid acts or situations that could lead it to hurt itself.

5. What are the robots called in I Robot?


6. How are the robots controlled in I Robot?

By following human commands, but unlike older models, USR's new NS
5 robots are controlled by the company's supercomputer VIKI (Virtual
Interactive Kinetic Intelligence). The computer is commanding the
NS-5s to lead a global robotic takeover.

7. How did I Robot end?

Spoon, Calvin, and Sonny were successful in destroying the
supercomputer's core with nanites that Calvin was supposed to use on
Sonny; free of VIKI's control, the NS-5s return to its normal functions,
and Chicago's infrastructure is revived. The government has
deactivated and placed all NS-5′s at the Lake Michigan location, but
the film's last scene hints that Sonny may possibly become a robot

8. What is the moral lesson of the movie “I Robot?

The lesson of the story is that we cannot always control technology,
especially when we give them a lot of autonomy in decision-making.
We must constantly be cautious to avoid a technological revolution.

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