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Explanation Text

Why Seawater is Salty?

Created By:
1. Dafa Faurian (09/X MIA D)
2. Moch. Ridwan H. (22/X MIA D)
3. Nabilah Fildzah A.(25/X MIA D)

Jalan Soekarno Hatta 137 Probolinggo 67212 Telp/Fax
(0335) 421566
Explanation Text
 Definition and Purpose of Explanation Text
Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural,
social, scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’
and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often found in science,
geography and history text books.
 Generic Structure
1. General Statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be
2. Sequenced Explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the
 Language Feature
1. Featuring generic participant; sun, rain, etc.
Example: Seawater, river, water
2. Using chronological connection; to begin with, next, etc.
Example: - Next, the carbon dioxide dissolved in water from the
atmosphere forms weak carbonic acid which dissolves
- Therefore, seawater is salty.
3. Using passive voice pattern
Example: - Most of our planet’s surface is covered in salt water.
- So some of the salts are added to the water at a time when
gases and lava are spewing from increased volcanic activity.
- Also, rivers drain into the oceans, bringing in additional ions
from rock that was eroded by rainwater and streams.
- But part of the reason it does not because many of the ions
in the ocean are taken in by the organisms that live in the
- The salt content of seawater does not change because new
minerals are forming on the sea floor at the same rate as salt
is added.
4. Using simple present tense
Example: - It's really easy to understand why the seawater is salty.
- Salinity of seawater is more salty 220 times than another
water in the world.
- While water evaporates from the sea, the salt gets left
- The salt content of the sea is at steady state.
- Salinity in each of the sea is highly varied.
 Social Function
Social Function is to explain the processes involved in the formation or
working of natural or social cultural phenomena.

Why Seawater is Salty?

Everyone who has been to the beach knows that seawater is salty. Most of
our planet’s surface is covered in salt water. The oceans that support so much of
Earth’s life consist of sodium chloride and salt. Salinity of seawater is more salty
220 times than another water in the world. Salinity in each of the sea is highly
varied. The highest salinity is Red Sea, whereas the highest freshwater is east of
Finland bay and north of Bothnia bay, two of them are part of Baltic Sea. Every
year, salinity of seawater will increase continuously because rivers carry 40 million
ton salts. (
Salinity of seawater in every part of the world is different, it can cause by
evaporability level depend on temperature and large surface, freshwater level from
river, molten ice level, and sea current. Example Dead Sea in Israel, because of hot
temperature, it causes big evaporation. So, salinity of sea water is high. (Lili
Somantri: 2013)
But where does it come from? It's really easy to understand why the
seawater is salty. The sea has been around a very long time, so some of the salts
are added to the water at a time when gases and lava are spewing from increased
volcanic activity.
Next, the carbon dioxide dissolved in water from the atmosphere forms
weak carbonic acid which dissolves minerals. When these minerals dissolve, they
form ions, which make the water salty. While water evaporates from the sea, the
salt gets left behind. Also, rivers drain into the oceans, bringing in additional ions
from rock that was eroded by rainwater and streams.
You might think the seawater would become increasingly salty over time,
but part of the reason it does not because many of the ions in the ocean are taken in
by the organisms that live in the ocean. The salt content of seawater does not
change because new minerals are forming on the sea floor at the same rate as salt is
added. Thus, the salt content of the sea is at steady state.
Therefore, seawater is salty. So, seawater is salty not because of sweaty fish.
How Seawater is Salty
 Somantri, Lili. 2013. Aktif dan Kreatif Belajar Geografi 1 Kurikulum 2013.
Bandung: Grafindo Media Pratama 2013.
 accessed on
Saturday, 16th January 2016 at 19.34 p.m.
 accessed on Saturday,
16th January 2016 at 09.15 a.m.
accessed on Monday, 11th January 2016 at 18.15 p.m.
 accessed on Monday,
11th January 2016 at 18.23 p.m.
seawater-is.html?m=1 accessed on Monday, 11th January 2016 at 18.30 p.m.
accessed on Saturday, 16th January 2016 at 22.42 p.m.
indonesia.html accessed on Sunday, 17th January 2016 at 00.08 a.m.
1. Setiap orang yang telah berkunjung ke pantai tahu bahwa air
laut asin. Sebagian besar permukaan planet kita ditutupi dalam
air garam. Lautan yang mendukung begitu banyak kehidupan
Bumi terdiri dari natrium klorida dan garam. Salinitas air laut
lebih asin 220 kali daripada air lain di dunia. Salinitas di setiap
laut sangat bervariasi. Salinitas tertinggi adalah Laut Merah,
sedangkan air tawar tertinggi adalah timur dari Finlandia Teluk
dan utara Teluk Bothnia, dua dari mereka adalah bagian dari
Laut Baltik. Setiap tahun, salinitas air laut akan meningkat terus
karena sungai membawa 40 juta ton garam.
2. Salinitas air laut di setiap bagian dari dunia yang berbeda,
dapat menyebabkan oleh tingkat evaporability tergantung pada
suhu dan permukaan besar, tingkat air tawar dari sungai,
tingkat es cair, dan arus laut. Contoh Laut Mati di Israel, karena
suhu panas, menyebabkan penguapan besar. Jadi, salinitas air
laut yang tinggi.
3 & 4. Tapi di mana asalnya? Ini sangat mudah untuk
memahami mengapa air laut asin. Laut telah sekitar waktu yang
sangat lama, sehingga beberapa dari garam-garam yang
ditambahkan ke air pada saat gas dan lava yang memuntahkan
dari peningkatan aktivitas vulkanik.
5. Berikutnya, karbon dioksida terlarut dalam air dari atmosfer
membentuk asam karbonat lemah yang larut mineral. Ketika
mineral ini larut, mereka membentuk ion, yang membuat air
6 & 7. Sementara air menguap dari laut, garam akan tertinggal.
Juga, sungai mengalir ke lautan, membawa ion tambahan dari
batu yang terkikis oleh air hujan dan sungai.
8. Anda mungkin berpikir air laut akan menjadi semakin asin
dari waktu ke waktu, tetapi bagian dari alasan itu tidak karena
banyak ion di laut yang diambil oleh organisme yang hidup di
laut. Kandungan garam air laut tidak berubah karena mineral
baru terbentuk di dasar laut pada tingkat yang sama seperti
garam ditambahkan. Dengan demikian, kandungan garam laut
di steady state.
Oleh karena itu, air laut asin. Jadi, air laut asin bukan karena
ikan berkeringat.

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