Enzymatic Process For Fat and Oil Hydrolysis USA

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USO0951 2451 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,512.451 B2

Lali et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 6, 2016
HYDROLYSIS WO WO 91 (16442 10, 1991
WO WO 2012/122826 9, 2012
(71) Applicants: Arvind Mallinath Lali, Mumbai (IN);
Annamma Anil Odaneth, Mumbai OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(IN); Rajesh Natwarlal Vadgama,
Mumbai (IN); Anuradha Devdas Bhat, Zuyi. L. et al., "Stability of Microbial Lipase in Alcoholysis of Fish
Mumbai (IN); Amit Pande, Mumbai Oil During Repeated Enzyme Use'. Biotechnology Letters, Apr.
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(IN) Shibasaki-Kitakawa N. et al., High quality biodiesel fuel production
from crude Jatropha oil without upstream and downstream process
(72) Inventors: Arvind Mallinath Lali, Mumbai (IN); ing, AlChE Proceedings, ABST/Article 264g, 2011 Annual Meet
Annamma Anil Odaneth, Mumbai ing, Minneapolis, Originally prisented on Oct. 18, 2011; published
(IN); Rajesh Natwarlal Vadgama, on the web at http://www3.aiche.org/proceedings/Abstract.
Mumbai (IN); Anuradha Devdas Bhat, aspx?PaperID=233225, pp. 1-7.*
Mumbai (IN); Amit Pande, Mumbai Ataya F. et al., "Acid-catalyzed transesterification of Canola oil to
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(IN) & Fuel, 2007, vol. 21, pp. 2450-2459.*
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(Deemed University), Mumbai (IN) ogy, Jan.-Feb. 2009, vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 207-219.*
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(51) Int. Cl. (Continued)
CI2P 7/64 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. Primary Examiner — Satyendra K Singh
CPC ................ CI2P 7/6418 (2013.01); C12P 7/64
(2013.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Brinks Gilson & Lione
(58) Field of Classification Search (57) ABSTRACT
CPC ................................ C12P 7/64; C12P 7/6418
See application file for complete search history. An efficient process for enzymatic hydrolysis of fats and oils
in a homogenous mixture is provided herein. The present
(56) References Cited invention in particular provides a process for production of
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio
di-acyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol from fats, wherein
5,116,745 A 5, 1992 MaZur et al. more than 98% fats can be converted into the desired
5,932,458 A 8/1999 Piazza, Jr. product. The present invention also provides a process for
6,500,974 B2 12/2002 Thengumpillil et al. the production of fatty acids and glycerol, virtually free of
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG) and comprising less than
5% sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG) in the end product.
NL EP O232933 A1 * 8, 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . C11 C 1/045

WO WO 90/04033 4f1990 16 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

US 9,512.451 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited Freitas et al., “Enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean oil using lipase
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26:563-567 (2004). * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 2016 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9,512.451 B2

90 -
S. 8Oa
cy 70

8 60
E 50 so
U 40 -
30 wn Novozym-435
20 : 88. HVOLIP
ore TLM
10 whose RMIM
3 g acco Pseudomonas cepacia
O r s r ~r w

O 3O 60 90 12O 150 18O 210 240

w Time (mins)

U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 2016 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9,512.451 B2

proportion of
castor oil, tert
butanol, water

9.V |
50 -
2S 40 -
sus 30
t :

O ~- ~-ma. -

t-butanol t-amyl alcohol Diacetone alcohol Without solvent

Solvents for oilhydrolysis

U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 2016 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9,512.451 B2

Hot water inlet

Immobilized lipase
reaction time F 12 hrs
Hot water outlet

Substrate Mixture

Fatty acids, glycerol,

and monoglycerides

U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 2016 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9,512.451 B2

Diacylglycerols and Fatty


Hot water inlet

Immobilized lipase
Residence time = 0.5 mins

Hot water outlet

Substrate mixture

U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 2016 Sheet S of 7 US 9,512.451 B2

Sn-2 Monoglycerides and

Fatty acids
Hot water inlet

Immobilized lipase
Residence time = 15 mins

Hot water outlet

Substrate mixture


Ricinoleic acid
so MW-298
to: i

so: Sn-1 (3) Linoleic acid

Monoricinoleate MW=280
MW=372 ^
| Oleic acid
s: MW=280
zoo. Sn-2 -->
Monoricinoleate | y
MW=372 \\- - ---
o s 18 $5 2 s s in

U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 2016 Sheet 6 of 7 US 9,512.451 B2

Hot water
inlet Hot water

Ion exchange resin

Residence time - 100
Immobilized lipase Hot water
Residence time = 15 mins
Flot water

Substrate mixture

Sn-l(3) Monoglycerides
and Fatty acids

A. ------------------------------------------------------ ------- - - - - - - ---------, --------------- -

1200 -- Ricinoleic acid

Sn-l(3) Monoricinoleate
800 MW=372 Linoleic acid
Y. MW=280
600 . :

I Oleic acid i
a MW-280 :
Sn-2 Monoricinoleate i w
MW=372 -
ww.m. reem ---
NU -
zar w. X w...w "r, - - -
\- - v a as vs. m.a... . . . . ....... M. a ... m ... . . . . . . . . . . . ni

U.S. Patent Dec. 6, 2016 Sheet 7 Of 7 US 9,512.451 B2

Hot water Hot water

inlet outlet

Immobilized lipase
Immobilized lipase Hot Residence time = 25 r
Residence time = 15 mins Water

Substrate mixture
Fatty acids and glycerol

US 9,512,451 B2
1. 2
ENZYMATIC PROCESS FOR FAT AND OL trials. Enzymatic process has never been commercialized
HYDROLYSIS due to high cost and long reaction times.
Hammond et al. (Journal of American Oil Chemist's
RELATED APPLICATIONS Society, 67 (1990), pp. 761-765) describe 90% lipolysis in
about 58 days where, only 10% conversion was achieved in
The present patent document is a S371 filing based on 4 days. The authors postulate that the slow rate of hydrolysis
PCT Application Serial No. PCT/IB2013/000110, filed Jan. may be due to inhibition of the enzyme by glycerol, a
30, 2013, designating the United States and published in product of the reaction. U.S. Pat. No. 5,932,458 describes
English, which claims priority from Indian provisional 10
use of lipase catalysts recovered from pulverised seeds for
application number 278/MUM/2012, filed on Jan. 30, 2012. splitting of fats and oils of various types, differing in the
All of the foregoing applications are hereby incorporated by degree of Saturation or hydroxylation.
reference. Microbial lipase has also been studied as catalyst of
hydrolysis of sunflower oil, soybean lecithin and their mix
FIELD OF INVENTION tures at 60°C. in a biphasic mixture heptane-buffer pH 7.0
(Ferreira et al., Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 41(1-2)
The present invention relates to an efficient and cost 2007, pp. 35-43). Hydrolysis of palm oil with an yield of
effective process for production of oleochemicals such as 32-50% of MAGs using membrane bound lipase in a two
fatty acids and glycerol from fats. phase reaction system (Tianwei Tan et al., Journal of
Molecular Catalysis B. Enzymatic, 18 (2002), pp. 325-331).
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Fernandesa ML Metal. (Journal of Molecular Catalysis B.
Enzymatic, 30 (1) 2004, pp. 43-49) describes hydrolysis and
Oils and fats are triglycerides which typically consist of synthesis reactions catalysed by TLL lipase in the AOT/
glycerol and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. These are Isooctane reversed micellar system. Bilyk et al. (Journal of
being increasingly used in recent times for the development 25 American Oil Chemist's Society, 68 (1991), pp. 320-323)
of competitive, powerful products, which are both con report 76% hydrolysis by use of fungal lipases in presence
Sumer-friendly and environment-friendly (Hill K. Pure and of secondary amines, at moderate temperatures within 20
Applied Chemistry 72 (2000) pp. 1255-1264). For most of hrs. Further improvements in the yields have also been
the further uses, oils and fats must be split into the so-called reported at 45° C.
oleochemical base materials, predominantly fatty acids and 30 Kulkarni et al. (Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 4
glycerol. Intermediates as well as monoacyl glycerols (2005), pp. 241-245) report optimization of enzymatic
(MAG's), diacylglycerols (DAG's), fatty acid methyl esters hydrolysis of castor oil with reference to reactor and reaction
and also hydrogenation products of the fatty acid methyl conditions. Ramachandran et al. (Biochemical Engineering
esters i.e. fatty alcohols find immense use in the oleochemi Journal, 34 (2007), pp. 228-235) describes use of packed
cal industry (Fallbe et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 27 35 bed reactors with immobilized lipases for studying kinetics
(1988) pp. 41-62). of hydrolysis of different oils and for improving the opera
The hydrolysis of triacylglycerols (TAG) to yield free tional stability of lipases used in hydrolysis reactions. Gos
fatty acids (FAs), MAGs and glycerol is the primary reac wami et al. (Bioresource technology, 101 (1) 2010, pp. 6-13)
tion, the fatty acids thus produced are further interesterified, describes surfactant enhanced hydrolysis of castor oils for
transesterified, or are converted into high-value fatty alco 40 production of fatty acids. Martinez et al. describes hydro
hols. These base materials are then used as intermediates in lysis of canola oil in a continuous flow of Supercritical CO
production of washing and cleansing agents, cosmetics, through a packed-bed reactor (Biocatalysis and Biotrans
Surfactants, polymers and lubricants. There are many useful formation, 12 (2) 2002, pp. 147-157). Helena Sovova et al.
mono-glycerides of immense commercial interest like glyc describes hydrolysis of blackcurrant seed oil catalysed by
erol monostearates, monooleates and monoricinoleates that 45 Lipozyme in a packed-bed reactor using Supercritical CO
are produced synthetically from fatty acids and glycerol to (Chemical Engineering Science, 58 (11) 2003, pp. 2339
the tune of more than 10,000 tons annually. 2350).
Hydrolysis of oil has been accomplished commercially by WO 91/016442 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,116,745 describe a
using catalysts at high temperature and high pressure like process for the selective hydrolysis of triglycerides to 2-acyl
Twitchell process and Colgate-Emery process. Colour 50 glycerides. The process uses a primary lower alkyl alcohol,
development, formation of by-products, induction of polym an aqueous buffer system and a 1.3-lipase. The 2-acyl
erization and requirement of Subsequent distillation are monoglycerides can be used to make stereospecific 1.2-
major drawbacks of these processes. The reaction by-prod diacyl glycerides or 2,3-diacyl glycerides through esterifi
ucts are associated with undesired dark colour and burnt cation with acid anhydrides and 1.3-lipase catalysis. Stereo
taste, and thus need specialized techniques (e.g. molecular 55 specific triglycerides can be made from these materials by
distillation) to remove colour and by-products. The rapid standard esterification reactions under conditions which
advances in the field have led to the introduction of milder control rearrangement.
chemical reaction conditions for fat-splitting; however, the WO90/013.656 describes a two-step enzymatic process
process is still very high on CAPEX and calls for better involving lipase-catalyzed transesterification of triglycer
technologies. 60 ides followed by low-temperature crystallization for prepar
Hydrolysis of oils or fats, specifically with lipase as ing oil based products significantly enriched in omega-3
biocatalyst, provides several advantages including reaction fatty acids. The process yields a mixture of highly pure
at atmospheric pressure and low temperatures. There are monoglycerides, at least 60% of which contain omega-3
several additional advantages of the enzymatic process in fatty acids. WO 90/04033 describes a process for the pro
addition to the possibility of controlling the reaction to give 65 duction of high purity monoglycerides by lipase-catalyzed
MAGs. However, till date fat splitting through the use of transesterification. The method described comprises com
lipolytic enzymes has been carried out only in experimental bining oils or pure triglycerides with alcohol, a small amount
US 9,512,451 B2
3 4
of water and a lipase. The reaction proceeds under mild completion. Hence there is a need in the art for a quick and
conditions, and produces high yields of beta-monoglyceride easier process for enzymatic hydrolysis of fats and oils in a
product. homogenous mixture.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,500,974 describes a process for the The present invention provides an enzyme catalyzed
preparation of a monoglyceride by reacting a fatty acid and 5 process for the hydrolysis of fats, oils and combinations of
glycerol in the presence of a food grade polar solvent and fats and oils which can be completed in under 6 hours.
avoiding the use of catalysts. Eitel Pastor et al. (Biocatalysis SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
and Biotransformation, 12 (2) 1995, pp. 147-157) describes
direct esterification of glycerol with Stearic acid or transes 10
Accordingly the present invention provides a process for
terification using ethyl Stearate as acyl donor in the presence production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol
of Candida antarcticalipase (Novozym-435) using a variety (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol,
of solvents of differing polarity. wherein the process comprises preparing a homogeneous
In almost all cases, the hydrolysis was either incomplete mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, and water, and Sub
or required longer reaction time which is more than three jecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydrolysis
days to achieve completion. The effectiveness of lipases as
15 with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the hydro
lysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol
catalysts is often offset by the high costs of production and (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol.
isolation so that research groups are constantly striving to Also, there is provided a process for production of fatty
increase the yields of enzymes or productivity of enzymes. acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl
Further, commercial applications have been limited by high glycerols (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process com
enzyme consumption, long reaction times and low produc prises: preparing a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar
tivity that have impeded Successful industrial application. organic solvent, and water, Subjecting the homogenous
Typically, lipase catalyzed enzymatic hydrolysis has been mixture to an enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a
carried out using oil in water or water in oil emulsions hydrolysate, and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty
where, the reusability of enzyme solution poses a problem if 25 acids, MAG, DAG, and glycerol; and processing the hydro
enzyme is used in free form. Also, immobilized enzyme lysate using an ion exchange resin followed by another
enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a mixture,
preparations Suffer from Substrate accessibility issues wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids and glycerol, and
wherein poor diffusibility of substrate in a non-homoge wherein the mixture has less than 5% mono-acylglycerol
neous media restricts its efficient conversion. (MAG).
None of the methods of the prior art provides the three
desirable attributes namely, low cost of enzyme catalyst, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACCOMPANYING
complete hydrolysis of the oil and high enzyme stability. In DRAWINGS
the cited prior arts, no attempts have been made to separate The following drawings form part of the present specifi
the incompletely hydrolyzed oils (MAGs and DAGs) and 35 cation and are included to further illustrate aspects of the
All the reports on enzymatic monoglyceride synthesis is present invention. The invention may be better understood
by reference to the drawings in combination with the
primarily focused on the glycerolysis of various Substrates detailed description of the specific embodiments presented
like castor oil, soybean oil, coconut oil, palm oil, rapeseed herein.
oil, rice bran using glycerol. MAG production via glycer 40 FIG. 1 shows the hydrolysis of castor oil with different
olysis using different oils and glycerol is an expensive lipases in homogenous media.
process. FIG. 2 shows the ternary phase diagram of castor oil,
Therefore, there is a need to develop an efficient process t-butanol and water.
for production of oleochemicals such as fatty acids and FIG. 3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained
glycerol from oils. The process may be a process of hydro 45 after 6 hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP (immobi
lysis of oils and/or fats, which bypasses the glycerol medi lized Thermomyces langinousa lipase) without solvent and
ated hydrolysis i.e. glycerolysis and results in higher of fatty in different polar organic solvents.
acids, MAGs directly through controlled oil hydrolysis. FIG. 4 shows the scheme for semi-continuous process for
oil hydrolysis.
Additional aspects of the disclosure will be set forth in FIG. 5 shows the scheme of continuous process for
part in the description which follows, and in part will be 50 production of diacylglycerol and fatty acids.
obvious from the description, or may be learned by prac FIG. 6 shows the process for production of sn-2 mono
ticing the invention. The invention is set forth and particu glycerides and fatty acids.
larly pointed out in the appended claims, and the present FIG. 7 shows the HPLC-MS profile of hydrolytic prod
disclosure should not be construed as limiting the scope of ucts from immobilized lipase column.
the claims in any way. The following detailed description 55 FIG. 8 shows the two-step scheme for oil hydrolysis
includes exemplary representations of various embodiments resulting in the production of sn-1 (3) Monoglycerides and
of the invention, which are not restrictive of the invention, fatty acids.
as claimed. The accompanying figures constitute a part of FIG. 9 shows the HPLC-MS profile of hydrolytic prod
this specification and, together with the description, serve ucts from rearrangement column.
only to illustrate various embodiments and not limit the 60 FIG. 10 shows the three step PBR scheme for oil hydro
invention. lysis resulting in the production of fatty acids and glycerol.
Citation of various references in this application, is not an
admission that these references are prior art to the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
None of the enzymatic hydrolysis processes disclosed in INVENTION
the art describe the formation of a homogenous mixture of 65
oil and water. Additionally, the processes are extremely time Those skilled in the art will be aware that the invention
consuming and the hydrolysis takes up to 72 hours for described herein is Subject to variations and modifications
US 9,512,451 B2
5 6
other than those specifically described. It is to be understood The present invention in particular discloses an efficient
that the invention described herein includes all such varia process of hydrolysis of oils, fats or mixture thereof by
tions and modifications. The invention also includes all Such employing immobilized lipase(s) and a single phase Sub
steps, features, compositions and compounds referred to or strate mixture, wherein a polar organic solvent is used to
indicated in this specification, individually or collectively, 5 solubilize oil into water. The invention further discloses a
and any and all combinations of any two or more of said hydrolysis process comprising multiple steps by which the
steps or features. hydrolysis process can be controlled to obtain fatty acids,
glycerine yield and/or Sn-regio monoacyl glycerols.
DEFINITIONS Furthermore, the methodology disclosed in the present
10 invention results in enhanced reusability and stability of the
For convenience, before further description of the present enzymes in the chosen medium i.e. an immobilized lipase.
invention, certain terms employed in the specification, The process for production of oleochemical as disclosed
examples and appended claims are collected here. These in the present invention comprises subjecting a single phase
definitions should be read in light of the remainder of the system comprising a Substrate mixture to a first enzymatic
disclosure and understood as by a person of skill in the art. 15 hydrolysis to obtain a partial hydrolysate, Subjecting the
Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms partial hydrolysate to a cation exchange resin to obtain a first
used herein have the same meaning as commonly under product, Subjecting the first product to a second enzymatic
stood by a person of ordinary skill in the art. The terms used hydrolysis to obtain a second product, and separating oleo
throughout this specification are defined as follows, unless chemical/fatty acids from the a first product or second
otherwise limited in specific instances. 2O product by distilling the said product to obtain concentrated
The articles “a”, “an and “the are used to refer to one product mixture and to recover the organic solvent, recov
or to more than one (i.e., to at least one) of the grammatical ering the free fatty acids and glycerol from the said con
object of the article. centrated product by centrifugation or extraction method
The terms “comprise” “comprising “including” “con
99 &g
employing non-polar water immiscible organic Solvent,
taining “characterized by and grammatical equivalents 25 wherein the Substrate mixture is prepared by mixing fat, oil
thereof are used in the inclusive, open sense, meaning that or a mixture thereof with water and a polar organic Solvent,
additional elements may be included. It is not intended to be wherein the enzyme is immobilized.
construed as “consists of only.” The use of polar organic solvent disclosed in the present
As used herein, "consisting of and grammatical equiva specification allows the formation of a homogenous mixture
lent thereof exclude any element, step or ingredient not 30 of fats with water which can be acted upon by lipase to
specified in the claim. produce the homogenate on completion of the hydrolysis
The term "oleochemical’ used herein refers to the Sub reaction.
stances derived from plant, microbial or animal fat. Example The process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono
of oleochemical includes but not limited to fatty acids, fatty acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and
acid methyl esters (FAME), fatty alcohols, fatty amines, 35 glycerol from fats undergoes complete hydrolysis in two
glycerols, alcohol ethoxylates, alcohol Sulfates, alcohol hours and the process for production of fatty acids and
ether Sulfates, quaternary ammonium salts, monoacylglyc glycerol from fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol
erols (MAG), diacylglycerols (DAG), structured triacylglyc (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol
erols (TAG), Sugar esters, and other oleochemical products. which can be obtained from the first enzymatic hydrolysis
The term “polar organic solvent used in the present 40 disclosed herein requires three hours for completion. Hence
invention refers to organic solvents that allow ionization of the complete hydrolysis of fats to fatty acids and glycerol
the solute in the dissolving medium. can be completed in less than six hours.
The term "fats' should be attributed to its broadest The second step of hydrolysis disclosed in the present
meaning so as to include oils, fats and lipids. The term "fats' specification involving the hydrolysis offatty acids, Sn-regio
used in the present specification refers to triglycerides, 45 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
triesters of glycerol and any of several fatty acids. (DAG), and glycerol from fats to fatty acids and glycerol
The term “regioselective enzyme” as used herein means allows the hydrolysis products to be produced virtually free
selectivity of an enzyme with respect to position of fatty acid of Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG) with only minute traces
on the glycerol backbone in the lipid. of the compound being present in the end product. The major
The term “regioselective enzyme’ and “specific enzyme' 50 reaction products observed are fatty acids and glycerol, with
can be used interchangeably. Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG) comprising less than
The term “substrate mixture' refers to a single phase 5% of the hydrolysis products.
system (homogenous mixture) comprising fat, oil or mixture An embodiment of the present invention provides a
thereof, a polar organic solvent and water, wherein the term process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl
substrate mixture can be interchangeably used with the term 55 glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerois (DAG), and
“reaction mixture'. glycerol, wherein the process comprises preparing a homo
The present invention is not to be limited in scope by the geneous mixture offat, polar organic solvent, and water, and
specific embodiments described herein, which are intended Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro
for the purposes of exemplification only. Functionally lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the
equivalent products, compositions, and methods are clearly 60 hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglyc
within the scope of the invention, as described herein. erol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol.
The present invention relates to an efficient and cost In an embodiment of the present invention, there is
effective process for production of oleochemicals such as provided a process for production of fatty acids and glycerol
fatty acids, glycerols and/or Sn-regio mono-acyl glycerols comprising Subjecting the hydrolysate comprising fatty
(sn-regio MAG isomers) from oils, fats or mixtures thereof. 65 acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl
These products of hydrolysis have immense potential in the glycerols (DAG), and glycerol with an ion exchange resin
oleochemical industry. followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to
US 9,512,451 B2
7 8
obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5% and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
mono-acylglycerol (MAG). enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
In another embodiment of the present invention, there is and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
provided a process for production of fatty acids and glycerol mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
comprising Subjecting said hydrolysate comprising fatty (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the fat is a fatty acid based
acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl polyol esters.
glycerols (DAG), and glycerol with a solid acid catalyst In yet another embodiment of the invention, there is
followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids 10 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
and glycerol, and wherein said mixture has less than 5% (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre
mono-acylglycerol (MAG). paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
Another embodiment of the present invention provides a and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
process for production of fatty acids and glycerol compris enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
ing Subjecting said hydrolysate comprising fatty acids, Sn 15 and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
(DAG), and glycerol with a solid acid catalyst followed by (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the polar organic solvent is
another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a mix selected from the group consisting of t-butanol, iso-amyl
ture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids and glycerol, alcohol, di-acetone alcohol, ethanol, propanol, and t-penta
and wherein said mixture has less than 5% mono-acylglyc nol, and mixtures thereof.
erol (MAG), wherein the solid acid catalyst is selected form In another embodiment of the present invention, there is
the group consisting of Zeolites, clays, cation acid ion provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
exchange resins, SOa-oxides, amorphous mixed oxides, and mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
heteropoly acids. (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there 25 paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an 30 (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with
enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, lipase are carried out with immobilized lipase.
and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, sn-regio Another embodiment of the present invention provides a
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols process for production of fatty acids and glycerol compris
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the fat is oil. ing Subjecting the hydrolysate comprising fatty acids, Sn
In another embodiment of the present invention, there is 35 regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio (DAG), and glycerol with an ion exchange resin followed by
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a mix
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre ture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids and glycerol,
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, and wherein the mixture has less than 5% mono-acylglyc
and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an 40 erol (MAG), wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase
enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, are carried out with immobilized lipase.
and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the fat is oil selected from the mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
group consisting of vegetable oil, tree borne oil, microbial 45 (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre
oil, animal origin oil, fish oil, castor oil, olive oil, mustard paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
oil, linseed oil, canola oil, coconut oil, coriander oil, corn oil, and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
cottonseed oil, hazelnut oil, olive oil, neem oil, palm oil, enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
peanut oil, rapeseed oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, soybean and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
oil, sunflower seed oil, and mixtures thereof. 50 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
Another embodiment of the present invention provides a (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with
process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl lipase are carried out with immobilized lipase immobilized
glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and on a Support, wherein the base material of the Support is
glycerol, wherein the process comprises preparing a homo selected from the group consisting of co-polymer of poly
geneous mixture offat, polar organic solvent, and water, and 55 styrene and divinyl benzene, polyacrylic, polystyrene, and
Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro polymethacrylate.
lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the In another embodiment of the present invention, there is
hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglyc provided a process for production of fatty acids and glycerol
erol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol, comprising Subjecting the hydrolysate comprising fatty
wherein the fat is selected from the group consisting of 60 acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl
saturated fat, unsaturated fat, hydroxyl unsaturated fat, glycerols (DAG), and glycerol with an ion exchange resin
hydroxyl saturated fat, epoxy fat, phospholipids, wax esters, followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to
and mixtures thereof. obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids
In still another embodiment of the present invention, there and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5%
is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio 65 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the enzymatic hydro
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols lysis with lipase are carried out with immobilized lipase
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre immobilized on a support, wherein the base material of the
US 9,512,451 B2
Support is selected from the group consisting of co-polymer In still another embodiment of the present invention, there
of polystyrene and divinyl benzene, polyacrylic, polysty is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
rene, and polymethacrylate. mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
Another embodiment of the present invention provides a (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre
process for production of fatty acids and glycerol compris paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
ing Subjecting the hydrolysate comprising fatty acids, Sn and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
(DAG), and glycerol with an ion exchange resin followed by and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a mix mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
ture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids and glycerol, 10 (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process results in more
and wherein the mixture has less than 5% mono-acylglyc than 99% conversion of the TAGS (triacylglycerols) present
erol (MAG), wherein the ion exchange resin is a strongly in the fats to fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol
(MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG) and glycerol.
acidic cation exchange resin. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there
Yet another embodiment of the present invention provides 15 is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
a process for production of fatty acids and glycerol com mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
prising Subjecting the hydrolysate comprising fatty acids, (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre
Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycer paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
ols (DAG), and glycerol with an ion exchange resin fol and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
lowed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids and and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5% mono mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the ion exchange resin is a (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the homogenous mixture
strongly acidic cation exchange resin selected from the comprises fat, a polar organic solvent and water in the ratio
group consisting of Sulphonated polymeric resins, 25 of 1:4:0.15 to 1:7:0.5.
IndionTM130, IndionTM140, IndionTM190, IndionTM770, Another embodiment of the present invention, provides a
DIAIONR) SK1B, DIAIONR) SK104, DIAIONR) SK110, process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl
DIAIONR) SK112, DIAIONR) SK116, DIAIONR PK208, glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and
DIAIONR) PHK212, DIAIONR PK216, DIAIONR PK220, glycerol, wherein the process comprises preparing a homo
DIAIONR PK228, and DIAIONR) HPK25. 30 geneous mixture offat, polar organic solvent, and water, and
In still another embodiment of the present invention, there Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro
is provided a process for production offatty acids, sn-regio lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglyc
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre erol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol,
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, 35 wherein the ratio of the fat to polar organic solvent is in the
and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an range of 1:4 to 1:7.
enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there
and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with 40 (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre
lipase is carried out at a temperature ranging from 30° C. to paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
800 C. and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
Another embodiment of the present invention provides a enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and 45 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
glycerol, wherein the process comprises preparing a homo (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the ratio of the fat to water, is
geneous mixture offat, polar organic solvent, and water, and 1:0.15 to 1:0.5
Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro In still another embodiment of the present invention, there
lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglyc 50 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
erol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol, (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre
wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase is carried out paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
at a temperature ranging from 50 to 65° C., preferably 60° and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an
C. enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate,
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there 55 and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio
is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre lipase is carried out either in a batch reactor, continuous
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, reactor or a semi-continuous reactor.
and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an 60 Another embodiment of the present invention provides a
enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl
and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols glycerol, wherein the process comprises preparing a homo
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process results in more geneous mixture offat, polar organic solvent, and water, and
than 99% conversion of the fat to fatty acids, sn-regio 65 Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the
(DAG) and glycerol. hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglyc
US 9,512,451 B2
11 12
erol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and glycerol, mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase is carried out (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
in a continuous reactor with a residence time of 10 to 60 paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
minutes. and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
In another embodiment of the present invention, there is matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
provided a process for production of fatty acids and glycerol wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
comprising Subjecting the hydrolysate comprising fatty and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
glycerols (DAG), and glycerol with an ion exchange resin with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to 10 prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has
obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the fat is
and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5% oil selected from the group consisting of vegetable oil, tree
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the enzymatic hydro borne oil, microbial oil, animal origin oil, fish oil, castor oil,
lysis with lipase is carried out in a continuous reactor with olive oil, mustard oil, linseed oil, canola oil, coconut oil,
a residence time of 10 to 150 minutes. 15 coriander oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, hazelnut oil, olive oil,
In still another embodiment of the present invention, there neem oil, palm oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, rice bran oil,
is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio safflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, and mixtures
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols thereof.
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises pre In still another embodiment of the present invention, there
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
and water, and Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
and wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, Sn-regio paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the enzymatic hydrolysis with 25 matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
lipase is carried out in a batch or semi-continuous reactor wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
with a residence time of 0.5 hour to 2 hours. and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
In another embodiment of the present invention, there is exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
provided a process for production of fatty acids and glycerol with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
comprising Subjecting the hydrolysate comprising fatty 30 prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has
acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the fat is
glycerols (DAG), and glycerol with an ion exchange resin selected from the group consisting of saturated fat, unsatu
followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase to rated fat, hydroxyl unsaturated fat, hydroxyl saturated fat,
obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty acids epoxy fat, phospholipids, wax esters, and mixtures thereof.
and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5% 35 In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the enzymatic hydro is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
lysis with lipase is carried out in a batch or semi-continuous mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
reactor with a residence time of 0.5 hour to 24 hours. (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
Another embodiment of the present invention provides a paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl 40 and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
glycerol, wherein the process comprises: preparing a homo wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
geneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, and water; and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the 45 with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG, and glyc prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has
erol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion exchange less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the fat is
resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase a fatty acid based polyol esters.
to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty Another embodiment of the present invention, provides a
acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5% 50 process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl
mono-acylglycerol (MAG). glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and
In another embodiment of the present invention, there is glycerol, wherein the process comprises: preparing a homo
provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio geneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, and water;
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre 55 lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG, and glyc
and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy erol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion exchange
matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase
wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG, to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty
and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion 60 acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5%
exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the polar organic Sol
with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com vent is selected from the group consisting of t-butanol,
prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has iso-amyl alcohol, di-acetone alcohol, ethanol, propanol, and
less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the fat is t-pentanol, and mixtures thereof.
oil. 65 In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
US 9,512,451 B2
13 14
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG, wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has
less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the enzy 10 less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the enzy
matic hydrolysis with lipase is carried out with immobilized matic hydrolysis with lipase is carried out at a temperature
lipase. ranging from 30° C. to 80° C.
In another embodiment of the present invention, there is In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there
provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols 15 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG, wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has
less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the enzy 25 less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the enzy
matic hydrolysis with lipase is carried out with immobilized matic hydrolysis with lipase is carried out at a temperature
lipase immobilized on a Support, wherein the base material ranging from 50 to 65° C., preferably 60° C.
of the Support is selected from the group consisting of In another embodiment of the present invention, there is
co-polymer of polystyrene and divinylbenzene, polyacrylic, provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
polystyrene, and polymethacrylate. 30 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
is provided a process for production offatty acids, sn-regio paring a homogeneous mixture offat, polar organic solvent,
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
(DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, 35 wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG, with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has
exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis 40 less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the
with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com homogenous mixture comprises fat, a polar organic solvent
prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has and water in the ratio of 1:4:0.15 to 1:7:0.5.
less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the ion In yet another embodiment of the present invention, there
exchange resin is a strongly acidic cation exchange resin. is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
Another embodiment of the present invention provides a 45 mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono-acyl (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
glycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
glycerol, wherein the process comprises: preparing a homo and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
geneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent, and water; matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzymatic hydro 50 wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
lysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and wherein the and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG, and glyc exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
erol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion exchange with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis with lipase prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has
to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture comprises fatty 55 less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the ratio
acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has less than 5% of the fat to polar organic solvent is in the range of 1:4 to 1:7.
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the ion exchange resin In still another embodiment of the present invention, there
is a strongly acidic cation exchange resin selected from the is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio
group consisting of Sulphonated polymeric resins, mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols
Indion 130, Indion 140, Indion 190, Indion770, DIAIONR) 60 (DAG), and glycerol, wherein the process comprises: pre
SK1B, DIAIONR) SK104, DIAIONR) SK110, DIAIONR) paring a homogeneous mixture of fat, polar organic solvent,
SK112, DIAIONR) SK116, DIAIONR PK208, DIAIONR) and water, Subjecting the homogenous mixture to an enzy
PHK212, DIAIONR PK216, DIAIONR PK220, DIAIONR) matic hydrolysis with lipase to obtain a hydrolysate, and
PK228, and DIAIONR) HPK25. wherein the hydrolysate comprises fatty acids, MAG, DAG,
In still another embodiment of the present invention, there 65 and glycerol; and processing the hydrolysate using an ion
is provided a process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio exchange resin followed by another enzymatic hydrolysis
mono-acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols with lipase to obtain a mixture, wherein the mixture com
US 9,512,451 B2
15 16
prises fatty acids and glycerol, and wherein the mixture has The process as disclosed in the present invention also can
less than 5% mono-acylglycerol (MAG), wherein the ratio be performed using batch semi-continuous or continuous
of the fat to water, is 1:0.15 to 1:0.5. mode.
The process of the present invention will now be The batch reaction with 4% enzyme loading in homog
described in detail. 5 enous substrate reaction mixture results in 99% hydrolysis
A fat, oil, or mixture thereof was mixed with water and of triglycerides with 80-88% free fatty acids and 12-20%
polar organic solvent to form a single phase system. This monoglycerides.
signal phase system thus formed referred as homogenous The semi-continuous process for oil hydrolysis was car
Substrate mixture. The homogenous Substrate mixture thus ried out in packed bed reactor consisting of immobilized
obtained may be optionally subjected to pre-treatment by 10 lipase having reaction time of 12 hrs results in 99% hydro
passing through a packed bed of adsorbent to remove lysis of triglycerides with 88% free fatty acids.
enzyme inhibitor specifically lipase inhibitor, whereby the The continuous process with immobilized enzyme having
lipase inhibiting constituents present in the oil, are selec residence time 9-15 min results in 99% hydrolysis of tri
glycerides with 33% free fatty acids and 66% diglycerides
tively adsorbed onto the adsorbent. The removal of these 15 yields.
inhibitor constituents, such as aldehydes, ketones and phos Another embodiment for oil hydrolysis with immobilized
pholipids etc. ensures repeated use of the immobilized lipase column coupled with ion exchange resin column
enzyme in Subsequent steps, thereby making the process hydrolyses 99% triglycerides with 66% and 33% yield of
cost-effective. The substrate mixture thus obtained with or free fatty acid and monoglycerides respectively within resi
without pre-treatment was Subsequently hydrolyzed by pass dence time of 90-120 minutes.
ing through a first packed bed reactor(s) of immobilized The continuous process for oilhydrolysis employing three
enzymes, or packed bed reactor of immobilized enzymes coupled column of immobilized lipases, ion exchange resin
and adsorbents under controlled temperature and residence hydrolyses 99% triglycerides with yield of 95% for free fatty
time. The hydrolyzed mixture thus obtained was further acid yields and 5% for monoglycerides.
passed through another packed bed reactor of ion exchange 25 The resulting product stream from the first enzyme reac
adsorbent under controlled temperature and residence time. tor, or the final enzyme reactor, can be separated into
This is followed by passage through a second packed bed sn-regio MAG isomers and free fatty acid by methods such
reactor(s) of immobilized enzymes under controlled tem as distillation, crystallization, and/or adsorptive or chro
perature and residence time. The resultant product Such as matographic techniques. The process of the present inven
fatty acids, Sn-regio Monoacylglyecrol (MAG), Sn-regio 30 tion thus enables production of free fatty acids, Sn-regio
diacylglycerol and glycerols obtained from the first packed MAG isomers, as well as glycerol for various industrial
bed reactor(s) of immobilized enzymes or second packed applications.
bed reactor(s) of immobilized enzymes was separated using Minor compounds in oils and fats, such as lipid hydrop
conventional methods such as distillation, crystallization, eroxides, phospholipids, emulsifiers, chlorophyll, carote
and adsorptive or chromatographic techniques. 35 noids, lipid polymers, heavy metal ions and even some
The homogenous Substrate mixture, so obtained after the antioxidants, have deleterious effects on the stability of
pre-treatment as described above was Subsequently passed lipase(s) used for the hydrolysis reactions (Xu et al., Sta
through a series of packed bed reactors of immobilized bility and Stabilization of Biocatalysts, Amsterdam. Elsevier
lipase(s) and adsorbents to achieve desired hydrolysis (from Science, 1998, pp. 441-446). It is therefore essential to
66% to 90%) of the oil using suitable immobilized enzyme 40 remove these lipase Inhibiting constituents by pretreating
under conditions of controlled temperature between 30° C. with adsorbents in a column reactor. The removal of the
and 80° C. and residence time of 10 to 150 minutes. This is minor compounds ensures repeated use of the Subsequently
followed by passage through a second packed bed reactor(s) employed enzyme reactors, thereby making the process
of immobilized enzymes under controlled temperature cost-effective.
between 20° C. to 80° C. and a residence time of 5 to 60 45 The fats and oils described in the present invention
minutes. The resultant product Such as fatty acids, Sn-regio include but not limited to ordinary vegetable and animal fats
Monoacylglyecrol (MAG) and glycerols obtained from the and oils as well as processed fats and oils and mixtures of
first packed bed reactor(s) of immobilized enzymes or them. Examples of them include but not limited to soybean
second packed bed reactor(s) of immobilized enzymes was oil, castor oil, cotton seed oil, mustard oil, linseed oil, rape
separated using conventional methods such as distillation, 50 oil, olive oil, corn oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, palm oil,
crystallization, and adsorptive or chromatographic tech olive oil, tsubaki oil, Sasanqua oil, beef tallow, lard and fish
niques. oils, sal fat, illippe butter, kokum butter, shea butter, mowrah
The present invention achieves more that 99% conversion fat, phulwara butter, borneo tallow and those fractionated
of triglycerides with 95% yield of free fatty acids by from them and any oil derived from plant origin/animal
Subjecting the partially hydrolyzed homogenous mixture to 55 origin/microbial origin (prokaryotic/eukaryotic) Also the
ion exchanger resin followed by passage through another oleo chemical Such as fatty acid based polyol esters such as
packed bed reactor of any other or same Suitable preparation pentaerythritol tetramonoricinoleate, trimethyl propane
immobilized lipase(s) as used in the step described above oleic acid esters etc can be included as oil based feedstock
under controlled temperature and time conditions. for enzymatic hydrolytic process.
The processes as described in the prior arts are unable to 60 According to the process of the present invention, an
achieve near 100% conversion with any known enzyme and immobilized lipase used in the invention can be any prepa
that to achieve near 100% conversion, the time required ration commercially available, or prepared specifically, and
would be too large to be feasible for commercial applica proven to be suitable for the present invention. The suitabil
tions. In contrast, the hydrolysis process as disclosed in the ity of the preparation herein implies stable and long life to
present invention results in more than 99% hydrolysis of 65 make the process economical.
triglycerides with free fatty acid yield of 95% in single phase The lipases produced by microorganisms such as Ther
system and immobilized lipases. momyces lanuginosus, Rhizopus including Rhizopus dele
US 9,512,451 B2
17 18
mar and, Rhizopus japonicus, Aspergillus, Candida includ will recognize that other configurations and arrangements
ing Candida antarctica and Mucor such as Mucor japonicus. can be used without departing from the spirit and scope of
Pancreas lipase also can also be used. These lipases are the invention. As such, the spirit and scope of the appended
available in the market. The specific lipase cloned in Yar claims should not be limited to the description of the
rowia spp. and expressed in Suitable host can be also be preferred embodiment contained therein.
used. Although the subject matter has been described in con
The polar organic solvents described in the hydrolysis siderable detail with reference to certain preferred embodi
reaction according to the present invention are polar organic ments thereof, other embodiments are possible. As such, the
Solvent inert to lipases. Examples of the polar organic spirit and scope of the appended claims should not be limited
solvent includes but not limited to t-butanol, iso-amyl alco 10 to the description of the preferred embodiment contained
hol, di-acetone alcohol, ethanol, propanol, and t-pentanol therein.
and different combinations of above solvents.
Examples of a packed bed of adsorbent utilized for EXAMPLES
pre-treatment of oil includes but not limited to, Diaion(R)
HP2MG, or HPA-75, or HPA-25, or WK10, or WA11; or 15 The disclosure will now be illustrated with working
Sepabeads(R SP207 or SP700. examples, which is intended to illustrate the working of
Examples of ion exchange resins includes but not limited disclosure and not intended to take restrictively to imply any
to Sulphonated polymeric resins such as, but not limited to, limitations on the scope of the present disclosure. Unless
Indion 130, 140, 190, or 770, Indion FFIP, NIP, GS300/400, defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used
Indion 204, 214, 234, 284/294, 404, 414, DIAIONR) SKIB, herein have the same meaning as commonly understood to
SK104, SK110, SK112, SK116, PK208, PHK212, PK216, one of ordinary skill in the art to which this disclosure
PK220, PK228, and HPK25. belongs. Although methods and materials similar or equiva
Thus, the process of oil and/or fat hydrolysis as disclosed lent to those described herein can be used in the practice of
in the present invention, employs mixing oil and/or fat, a the disclosed methods and compositions, the exemplary
polar organic solvent, and water to form single phase system 25 methods, devices and materials are described herein.
of a homogeneous Substrate mixture which is passed through
a series of operations on packed bed, continuous or batch Example 1
mixed reactors containing immobilized lipase(s); adsorption
systems; and/or Solid catalyzed reactors, to obtain high yield Batch Process—t-Butanol as Solvent for Hydrolysis
of oleochemicals including free fatty acids, glycerols and/or 30
Sn-regio MAG isomers. 1) Oil as Substrate: -80-88% Conversion in 24 hrs
The inventors observed that a single phase system a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides
obtained by mixing oil, fat or mixture thereof with water and In a 100 ml reaction flask with 1 g of different immobi
polar organic solvent when Subjected to enzymatic hydro lized lipases, 10 g of castor oil is added to t-buatinol and
lysis, increases hydrolysis of oil or fats to >99% with not 35 water (in ratio of 1:4:0.15) to form the homogenous reaction
less than 95% yield of free fatty acids and glycerol. The high mixture. The substrate mixture was maintained at 60°C. (the
yield and purity of oleo-chemicals such as free fatty acids, experiment can similarly be carried out for 50° C. and 55°
glycerols and/or Sn-regio MAG isomers obtained within C.) on an orbital shaker and the reaction was monitored for
remarkably short period of time. 24 hours by means of acid value. At the end of 24 hours the
According to the process disclosed in the invention, oil 40 triglyceride conversion obtained was found to be 99%,
and water which are immiscible in each other are mixed in whereas % conversions of oils to fatty acids and monoglyc
polar organic solvent. The three components are mixed to erides were 80-88% and 12-20% respectively.
form a single phase system in a certain range of proportions. b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol
The mutual solubility of these three components with each The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP
other forms the basis of a single phase Substrate mixture. 45 (Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R)
Addition of polar organic to the oil-water two phase system TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme R. RMIM
is a novel approach disclosed in the present invention to NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia
carry out hydrolysis of oil using immobilized lipase. acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first
Use of Specific and Non-Specific Immobilized Lipases enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for
NovozymR 435 (Sigma Chemicals, L4777), Lipase 50 percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG.
acrylic resin from Candida antarctica and Immobilized 3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6
Lipolase(R) 100 L (HypLIP) (Sigma Chemical Co. L0777) hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent
1.3-specific Lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus were and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high
evaluated for the hydrolysis reaction disclosed in the present initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other
invention. 55 enzyme preparations used for the study.
Polar organic solvents, t-butanol, iso-amyl alcohol, di 2) Fat as Substrate: ~70-80% Conversion in 24 hrs
acetone alcohol, ethanol, propanol, t-pentanol, have been a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides
evaluated for the reaction. T-butanol was observed to yield In a 100 ml reaction flask with 1 g of different immobi
highest % conversions with both the enzymes. lized lipases, 10 g of tristrearin is added to t-butanol and
The process of the present invention can be extrapolated 60 water (in ratio of 1:6:0.15) to form the homogenous reaction
to both batch and continuous mode with Suitable changes in mixture. The substrate mixture was maintained at 60°C. (the
the mode of operation. Also the organic solvent is recovered experiment can similarly be carried out for 50° C. and 55°
which can be recycled and reused. C.) on an orbital shaker and the reaction was monitored for
Suitable embodiments of the present invention are now 24 hours by means of acid value. At the end of 24 hours the
described. While specific configurations and arrangements 65 triglyceride conversion obtained was found to be 99%,
are discussed, it should be understood that this is done for whereas % conversions of oils to fatty acids and monoglyc
illustrative purposes only. A person skilled in the relevant art erides were 74% and 26% respectively.
US 9,512,451 B2
19 20
b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol 2) Fat as substrate: ~62-68% Conversion in 24 hrs
The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides
(Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R) In a 100 ml reaction flask with 1 g of immobilized lipase
TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), LipozymeR RM IM (HypLIP), 10 g of tristrearin was added iso-amyl alcohol and
NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia water (in ratio of 1:6:0.2) to form a homogenous reaction
acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first mixture. The substrate mixture was maintained at 60°C. (the
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for experiment can similarly be carried out for 50° C. and 55°
percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG. C.) on an orbital shaker and the reaction was monitored for
3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6 24 hours by means of acid value. At the end of 24 hours the
hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent 10 triglyceride conversion obtained was found to be 99%,
and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high whereas A) conversions of oils to fatty acids and mono
initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other glycerides were 64% and 36% respectively.
enzyme preparations used for the study. b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol
3) Oil and Fatas Substrate: ~80-88% Conversion in 24 hrs The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP
a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides 15 (Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R)
In a 100 ml reaction flask with 1 g of immobilized lipase TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme R. RMIM
(HypLIP), 10 g of palm oil and tristrearin (in ratio of 1:1) NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia
was added to t-butanol and water (in ratio of 1:4:0.25) to acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first
form a homogenous reaction mixture. The Substrate mixture enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for
was maintained at 60° C. (the experiment can similarly be percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG.
carried out for 50° C. and 55° C.) on an orbital shaker and 3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6
the reaction was monitored for 24 hours by means of acid hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent
value. At the end of 24 hours the triglyceride conversion and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high
obtained was found to be 99%, whereas % conversions of initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other
oils to fatty acids and monoglycerides were 84% and 16% 25 enzyme preparations used for the study.
respectively. 3) Oil and Fat as Substrate: -60-65% Conversion in 24 hrs
b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides
The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP In a 100 ml reaction flask with 1 g of immobilized lipase
(Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R) (HypLIP), 10 g of palm oil and tristrearin was added
TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), LipozymeR RM IM 30 iso-amyl alcohol and water (in ratio of 1:4:0.2) to form a
NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia homogenous reaction mixture. The reaction mixture was
acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first maintained at 60°C. (the experiment can similarly be carried
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for out for 50° C. and 55° C.) on an orbital shaker and the
percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG. reaction was monitored for 24 hours by means of acid value.
3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6 35 At the end of 24 hours the triglyceride conversion obtained
hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent was found to be 99%, whereas % conversions of oils to fatty
and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high acids and monoglycerides were 65% and 35% respectively.
initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol
enzyme preparations used for the study. The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP
Batch Process—Iso-Amyl Alcohol as Solvent for Hydroly 40 (Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R)
S1S TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme R. RMIM
1) Oil as Substrate: -65-70% Conversion in 24 hrs NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia
a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first
In a 100 ml reaction flask with 1 g of immobilized enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for
Thermomyces langinousa lipase (HypIIP), 10 g of castor oil 45 percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG.
was added to iso-amyl alcohol and water (in ratio of 1:5: 3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6
0.15) to form a homogenous reaction mixture. The substrate hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent
mixture was maintained at 60° C. (the experiment can and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high
similarly be carried out for 50° C. and 55° C.) on an orbital initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other
shaker and the reaction was monitored for 24 hours by 50 enzyme preparations used for the study.
means of acid value. At the end of 24 hours the triglyceride The percent conversion of oil and/or fat using the process
conversion obtained was found to be 99%, whereas % described above was compared with the prior art. The
conversions of oils to fatty acids and monoglycerides were Comparative analysis is provided in Table 1.
68% and 32% respectively.
b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol 55 Example 2
The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP
(Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R) Semi-Continuous Process
TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), LipozymeR RM IM
NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia 1) Single Column: -88% Conversion in 12 hrs
acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first 60 a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for The continuous process for oil hydrolysis was carried out
percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG. in packed bed reactor (PBR) consisting of jacketed glass
3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6 columns maintained at 60°C. The experiment can similarly
hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent be carried out for 50° C. and 55° C. PBR containing 1, 3
and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high 65 specific enzyme immobilized on a methacrylate Support
initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other (volume of 50 ml) was fed with substrate mixture containing
enzyme preparations used for the study. castor oil, t-butanol and water (in ratio of 1:6:0.15) which
US 9,512,451 B2
21 22
was continuously stirred with help of magnetic stirrer. The than 99% while that for free fatty acid was recorded to be
substrate mixture was recycled through the PBRs for 12 66%. The sn-2 monoglycerides and fatty acids can be further
hours. The triglyceride conversion obtained was 99%, separated (FIG. 6).
whereas % conversion of oils to fatty acids was 88% with b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol
12% unreacted monoglycerides. The products formed were The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP
fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides. FIG. 4 shows (Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R)
scheme for semi-continuous process for oil hydrolysis. 99% TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme R. RMIM
splitting of castor oil with 88% free fatty acid yield can be NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia
obtained from the scheme described herein. (FIG. 7). Castor acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first
oil hydrolytic products like mono ricinoleate along with 10 enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for
ricinoleic acid are observed as major products. Other fatty percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG.
acids can also be observed in the profile. 3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6
b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent
The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high
15 initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other
(Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R) enzyme preparations used for the study.
TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), LipozymeR RM IM
NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia Example 4
acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for Single Column--Adsorbent for Rearrangement:
percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG. 66-70% Conversion in 115 Minutes
3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6
hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides
and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high The continuous process for oil hydrolysis was carried out
initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other 25 in a packed bed reactors consisting of jacketed glass column
enzyme preparations used for the study. maintained at 60°C. (the experiment can similarly be carried
out for 50° C. and 55°C.) containing immobilized lipase and
Example 3 adsorbent. The reaction mixture as described in above
examples was feed into the 1st PBR of Immobilized lipase
Continuous Process 30 for 15 minutes followed by 90-120 minutes in 2nd PBR of
adsorbent for rearrangement (FIG. 8). This resulted in 99%
1) Single Column: 30-33% Conversion <10-15 Minutes triglyceride hydrolysis with 66-70% yield for free fatty acids
a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides and contains /3-MAG and fatty acids. Castor oil hydrolytic
The continuous process for oil hydrolysis was carried out products like sn-1 (3) mono ricinoleate were observed as
in a packed bed reactor consisting of jacketed glass column 35 major products. Ricinoleic acid can also be observed in the
maintained at 60°C. (the experiment can similarly be carried profile. (FIG. 9).
out for 50° C. and 55° C.) containing 1.3 specific enzyme b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol
immobilized on a methacrylate Support. The reaction mix The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP
ture as described in above examples was feed into the PBR (Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R)
and residence time was maintained in the range of 9 to 15 40 TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme R. RMIM
minutes. The yield of triglyceride hydrolysis is more than NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia
99% and a yield of 33% is observed for free fatty acids. The acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first
diacylglycerols thus formed can be further separated from enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for
fatty acids (FIG. 5). percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG.
b. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol 45 3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6
The reaction was repeated with lipase enzymes HypLIP hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent
(Indigenously immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), Lipozyme(R) and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high
TLIM (Immobilized Lipolase R. 100L), LipozymeR RM IM initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other
NovozymR 435 and lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia enzyme preparations used for the study.
acting on the hydrolysis products produced after the first 50
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. FIG. 1 shows the profile for Example 5
percent hydrolysis of castor oil in homogenous media. FIG.
3 shows the free fatty acid conversion (%) obtained after 6 Dual Column--Adsorbent for Rearrangement:
hrs under batch conditions using HypLIP) without solvent 88-95% Conversion in 140 Minutes
and in different polar organic solvents. HypLIP shows high 55
initial rates of conversion when compared to any of the other a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides
enzyme preparations used for the study. The continuous process for oil hydrolysis was carried out
2) Single Column: 66-70% Conversion in 15 Minutes in series of packed bed reactor consisting of jacketed glass
a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides columns maintained at 60°C. The experiment can similarly
The continuous process for oil hydrolysis was carried out 60 be carried out for 50° C. and 55° C. 1' PBR containing 1,
in a packed bed reactor consisting of jacketed glass column 3 specific enzyme immobilized on a methacrylate Support
maintained at 60°C. (the experiment can similarly be carried (volume of 50 ml) was feed with reaction mixture as in
out for 50° C. and 55° C.) containing 1.3 specific enzyme Example 1a. The residence time was in the range of 3 to 100
immobilized on a methacrylate Support. The reaction mix minutes.
ture as described in above examples was feed into the PBR 65 a. Formation of Fatty Acids and Glycerol
and residence time was maintained in the range of 15-20 The product mixture of 1 PBR was feed into 2" PBR
minutes. The yield of oilhydrolysis was obtained to be more containing adsorbent for rearrangement (volume of 100 ml)
US 9,512,451 B2
23 24
with residence time in the range 40 to 120 minutes. The Subjecting the first product to a second enzymatic hydro
product stream from 2" PBR was then allowed to pass into lysis with the immobilized lipase to obtain a second
3" PBR containing immobilized 1, 3 specific enzyme (vol product comprising fatty acids, glycerol, and less than
ume of 25 ml) having residence time in the range of 5 to 50 5% MAG,
minutes. The three step PBR scheme for oil hydrolysis 5 wherein said polar organic solvent is selected from the
results in a complete conversion of triacylglycerol into fatty group consisting of t-butanol, iso-amyl alcohol, di
acids and glycerol. The residence time of 140 minutes yields acetone alcohol, ethanol, propanol and t-pentanol.
more than 95% free fatty acids and resultant products i.e. 2. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein said fat is
fatty acids and glycerol can be further separated (FIG. 10). oil.
Comparative analysis of hydrolysis of oil using lipases
S. Maximum
No. Reaction system Lipase source Substrate hydrolysis Reference
1 Two phase Mucor miehei Blackcurrant 75% (4 hrs) Vacek et al.,
(buffertisooctane): seed oil Enzyme and
batch reaction Microbial
27 (2000), pp.
2 Chemically- Candida rugosa Olive oil 36% (72 hrs). He et al.,
modified Biotechnology
AOTisooctane Letters,
reverse micelles 23 (2001), pp.
3 Two phase batch Candida Rice bran oil 70% (5 hrs) Murty et al.,
reaction cylindracea Biotechnology
Letters, 26 (7)
2004, pp. 563-567
4. Two phase batch Thermomyces Soybean oil 70% (24 hrs) Freitas et
reaction lanuginosa al., World J
Biotechnoi, 23
(2007), pp.
5 Biphasic system Candida rugosa Castor oil 80% (48 hrs) Sirshendu
(water in oil De et al.,
dispersion) Biotech
14 (2009), pp.
6 Biphasic batch Candida rugosa Salmon oil 91% (24 hrs) Xuebing Xu
system et al., The
4 (2010), pp.
7 Biphasic batch Thermomyces Soybean oil 89% (48 hrs) Cavalcanti
system lanuginostis Oliveira et
al., Enzyme
Volune 2011
8 Single phase Candida Castor oil 90% (24 hrs) Present
system antarctica invention

We claim: 3. The process as claimed in claim 2, wherein said oil is

1. A process for production of fatty acids, Sn-regio mono selected from the group consisting of vegetable oil, tree
acylglycerol (MAG), Sn-regio diacyl-glycerols (DAG), and borne oil, microbial oil, animal origin oil, fish oil, castor oil,
glycerol, comprising: 55 olive oil, mustard oil, linseed oil, canola oil, coconut oil,
preparing a homogenous mixture of fat, polar organic coriander oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, hazelnut oil, olive oil,
Solvent, and water, wherein the homogenous mixture is neem oil, palm oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, rice bran oil,
prepared by mixing the fat, a polar organic solvent and safflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, and mixtures
water in a ratio of 1:4:0.15 to 1:7:0.5 under conditions thereof.
to form a single phase system; 60 4. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein said fat is
Subjecting the homogenous mixture to a first enzymatic selected from the group consisting of Saturated fat, unsatu
hydrolysis with an immobilized lipase to obtain a rated fat, hydroxyl unsaturated fat, hydroxyl saturated fat,
partial hydrolysate comprising fatty acids, MAG, epoxy fat, phospholipids, wax esters, and mixtures thereof.
DAG, and glycerol; 5. The process as claimed in 1, wherein said fat is a fatty
Subjecting the partial hydrolysate to an ion exchange resin 65 acid based polyol esters.
to obtain a first product comprising MAG and DAG: 6. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the lipase
and is immobilized on a support, wherein the base material of the
US 9,512,451 B2
25 26
Support is selected from the group consisting of co-polymer lipase is carried out either in a batch reactor, continuous
of polystyrene and divinyl benzene, polyacrylic, polysty reactor or a semi-continuous reactor.
rene, and polymethacrylate. 13. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the first
7. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the ion enzymatic hydrolysis with immobilized lipase is carried out
exchange resin is a strongly acidic cation exchange resin. in a continuous reactor with a residence time of 10 to 60
8. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the first minutes.
enzymatic hydrolysis with immobilized lipase is carried out 14. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the second
at a temperature ranging from 30° C. to 80° C. enzymatic hydrolysis with immobilized lipase is carried out
in a continuous reactor with a residence time of 10 to 150
9. The process as claimed in claim 8, wherein the first 10 minutes.
enzymatic hydrolysis with the immobilized lipase is carried
out at a temperature ranging from 50 to 65° C. 15. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the first
10. The process as claimed in claim 8, wherein the first enzymatic hydrolysis with immobilized lipase is carried out
in a batch or semi-continuous reactor with a residence time
enzymatic hydrolysis with the immobilized lipase is carried of 0.5 hour to 2 hours.
out at a temperature of 60° C.
11. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein said 15 16. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the second
process results in more than 99% conversion of said fat to enzymatic hydrolysis with immobilized lipase is carried out
in a batch or semi-continuous reactor with a residence time
fatty acids, MAG, DAG and glycerol. of 0.5 hour to 24 hours.
12. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein at least one
of the first or second enzymatic hydrolysis with immobilized k k k k k

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