Lecture 03

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Systems and
Quality and Management System

▪ Quality:

▪ As per ISO “ It is the ability of an asset of realized and inherent

characteristics of a product, system or process to fulfill the
requirements of customers and other interested parties”
▪ Management system:
▪ What the organization does to manage its processes, or
activities in order that its products or services meet the
organization’s objectives
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Customer Focus

▪ Leadership

▪ Engagement of People

▪ Process Approach

▪ Continuous Improvement

▪ Evidence-based Decision Making

▪ Relationship Management
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Customer Focus:
▪ The primary focus of quality management is to meet customer
requirements and to strive to exceed customer expectations.
▪ HOW???
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Customer Focus:
▪ Recognize direct and indirect customer . (Internal / External)
▪ Understand customer’s current and future needs and
▪ Link the objectives of organization with customer needs and
▪ Communicate the needs and expectations of customers
throughout the organization.
▪ Determine how far the customer needs are being met at present.
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Customer focus:
▪ Plan, design, develop, produce, deliver the goods and services
to meet customer needs and expectations.
▪ Measure and monitor customer satisfaction and take appropriate
▪ Actively manage relationship with customers to achieve
sustained success.
Seven Principles of QMS

Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Leadership:
▪ Establish unity of purpose, direction and engagement
▪ HOW???
Seven Principles of QMS
▪ Leadership:
▪ Communicate the organization’s mission, vision, strategies, policies,
and processes throughout the organization.
▪ Establish the culture of trust and integrity
▪ Encourage an organization-wide commitment to quality
▪ Ensure that leaders at all levels are positive examples to people in
the organization.
▪ Provide people with required resources, training and authority
▪ Inspire, encourage and recognize people’s contribution
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Engagement of People:
▪ Recognition, empowerment and enhancement of skills and

Citizenship Behavior
Seven Principles of QMS
▪ Engagement of People:
▪ Communicate with people to promote understanding of the
importance of their individual contribution.
▪ Promote teamwork throughout the organization
▪ Facilitate open discussion and sharing of knowledge and experience
▪ Empower people to determine constraints to performance and to take
initiatives without fear
▪ Recognize and acknowledge people’s contribution, learning and
▪ Conduct surveys to assess people’s satisfaction, communicate the
results and take appropriate actions.
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Process Approach

▪ Understand processes to optimize the performance

Seven Principles of QMS
▪ Process Approach:
▪ Define objectives of the system and processes necessary to achieve them
▪ Establish authority, responsibility and accountability for managing processes
▪ Understand the organization’s capabilities and determine resource constraints
prior to action
▪ Determine process interdependencies and analyze the effect of modifications
to individual processes on the system as a whole
▪ Ensure the necessary information is available to operate and improve the
processes and to monitor, analyze and evaluate the performance of the
overall system
▪ Manage risks which can affect outputs of the processes and overall outcomes
of the QMS
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Continuous Improvement:

▪ Improvement is essential for an organization to

maintain current levels of performance
▪ “Successful organizations have an ongoing focus on
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Continuous Improvement:
▪ Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to
deliver results in accordance with customer requirements and
the organization’s policies.
▪ Do: Implement the processes.
▪ Check: monitor and measure processes and product against
policies, objectives and requirements for the product and report
the results.
▪ Act: take actions to continually improve process performance.
Seven Principles of QMS
▪ Continuous Improvement:
▪ Promote establishment of improvement objectives at all levels of the
▪ Educate and train people at all levels on how to apply basic tools and
methodologies to achieve improvement objectives
▪ Ensure people are competent to successfully promote and complete
improvement projects
▪ Develop and deploy processes to implement improvement projects
throughout the organization
▪ Track, review and audit the planning, implementation, completion and
results of improvement projects
▪ Recognize and acknowledge improvement.
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Evidence-based Decision Making

▪ Decision-making can be a complex process and it always
involves some uncertainty.
▪ It often involves multiple types and sources of inputs, as well as
their interpretation.
▪ Facts, evidence and data analysis lead to greater objectivity and
confidence in decision making.
▪ “Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of data and
information are more likely to produce desired results.
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Evidence-based Decision Making

▪ Determine, measure and monitor key indicators to demonstrate
the organization’s performance
▪ Make all data needed available to the relevant people
▪ Ensure that data and information are sufficiently accurate,
reliable and secure
▪ Analyze and evaluate data and information using suitable
▪ Ensure people are competent to analyze and evaluate data as
Seven Principles of QMS

▪ Relationship Management:

▪ Manage relationship with interested parties to

optimize performance
Seven Principles of QMS
▪ Relationship Management

▪ Determine relevant interested parties (such as providers, partners, customers,

investors, employees or society as a whole) and their relationship with the

▪ Determine and prioritize interested party relationships that need to be manage

▪ Gather and share information, expertise and resources with relevant interested

▪ Measure performance and provide performance feedback to interested parties,

as appropriate, to enhance improvement initiatives

▪ Encourage and recognize improvements and achievements by providers and


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