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Abdo Hagrass  00201066140686  Hagras68@gmail.


Khadeeja bint Khuwaylid

May Allah be pleased with her

1. They are great women around Prophet Mohamed like Fatima and Aisha.
2. Today we are talking about Khadeeja.
3. Prophet Mohammad told her that angel Gabriel came to tell her that she will have a house of pearl in Paradise.
4. In paradise, there will be no hard work.
5. she was married to another man but he died and she carried her responsibilities in life.
she was beautiful and respectable woman. In addition, she was a rich woman.
6. many Qurayshi men desired to marry her.
7. She refused all the proposals and remained single till the age of forty.
8. She heard about the “Trustworthy Mohammad”.
9. Her servant Maysara told her about his great manners in selling and buying in their trip to Syria.
10. She became interested in him and sent someone to ask him for marriage.
11. They got married and had pleasant children. The first was Al-Qasim and Abdullah but they all died.
12. Later, he was blessed with Zaynab. Ruqayyah , Umm Kulthoom and Fatimah.
13. Khadeeja died among the tears of her children and her faithful husband.
14. Prophet Mohammad used to be secluded from people and from the materialistic things.
15. He was ready to receive the message from his God.
16. He used to visit the Cave of Hira on the mountain of mercy.
17. He used to take his food and drink and his wife Khadeeja with him to spend days and nights especially in Ramadan.
18. One day he received the news of the revelation asking her to cover him.
19. He told her the divine words her heard there:
..‫أقرا ياسم ربك الذي خلق خلق االنسان من علق أقرا و ربك االكرم الذي علم االنسان بالقلم‬
20. She believed hi and accepted Islam immediately.
21. She encouraged him and said that God will never disgrace him.
22. She says “You keep good relations with your Kith and Kin”. You serve your guests generously.
23. Aisha said that one day the prophet was sitting with Khadeeja and he says that he saw a person between earth
and heaven. She asked him to come under her garment. She asked if he still saw him. He said No, she said “Relax”
it is a prophet. It is ashamed to see him under a woman’s garment.
24. When Gabriel taught him to pray, he went him and taught her to pray and she did the ablution like him.
25. She was the first to believe in God and the prophet.
26. She used to be faithful, smiling and a great support for him.
27. She used to spend a lot of money to help Mohammad in his message during the years of sanction in the alleys of
Abu Talib.
28. She calmed him when he was distressed saying to him ‫ ووجدك عائال فأغنى‬. he found you poor and made you rich.
29. Aisha used to be jealous of her because Prophet Mohammad used to speak about her.
30. When Aisha said “God replaced you with a better woman” he denied saying that she believed him when others
31. She got out of the alleys very weak and died.
32. He death was one od the saddest moments in the Prophet’s life.
Abdo Hagrass  00201066140686 

Sawdah and Aishah

1. They entered the prophet’s life after the death of Khadeeja.

2. Khawlah, the wife of Otman Bin Mathoon discovered the sadness on the face of the prophet.
3. She asked the prophet to marry.
4. She said you can marry the Matron (Sawdah) or the virgin (Aisha).
5. Khawlah realized that the prophet needs a woman who would take care of the household.
6. Aisha entered the house very young. Sawdah came as a mother of the faithful.
7. Sawdah was a widow and she had a dark complexion.
8. She came to take care of the young girls.
9. One day she noticed the sadness of the prophet.
10. She told him that she prayed behind him the night before and he prolonged and she felt blood in her nose. The
prophet laughed and was very happy.
11. Out of her responsibility, she left her night for Aisha. She chose Aisha because she was the closest to her heart.
12. She was a generous and a pious woman. She lived for a long time.

1. Her mother (Umm Rooman) played a role in the life of the prophet.
2. Prophet Mohammad was a close friend of her husband.
3. Abu Bakr used all his money for the spread of the message of Prophet Mohammad.
4. Umm Rooman used to be the wife of Abu Bakr’s partner but when he died she was married to Abu Bakr.
5. When she died, prophet Mohammad said that she is among the wide-eyed women of paradise.
6. She was an embodiment of purity, sanctity, modesty and honesty.

Mention a proof
1. Prophet Mohammad engaged Aisha for a long time.
2. She asked Abu Bakr to ask the prophet to consummate the marriage and the prophet agreed.
3. She was happy when the prophet proposed to marry her daughter.
4. She took care of Aisha to be a suitable wife for prophet Mohammad.
During the Day of Slander
1. She was a brave and strong woman to defend her daughter.
2. The person who forged the statement about Aisha was Abdullah Ibn Obey in Salool.
3. He said bad things about Aisha and Safwan.
4. That was a great trial of Mohammad , Aisha and her parents.
5. Allah made it clear that Aisha is innocent.
6. Mohammad prevented Abu Bakr from punishing Ibn Salool.
7. He prevented his companions from killing him.
8. The Holy Quran also prevented Abu Bakr from punishing him.
9. Aisha’s mother was strong and asked her daughter to get up and go to the prophet.
10. She gives us a lesson that a good house is always built on love and mercy.
11. After these difficult days Umm Roman died.
12. Aisha was the nearest to the heart of the prophet. She was the youngest of all his wives.
13. He loved her the most of his wives.
14. The other wives sent Fatimah to him asking for fair treatment with Aisha.
15. He told her that he loved Aisha and asked his daughter to love her too.
16. He told them that they should not blame him for what he can’t control.
17. Aisha was the first to teach people Sunnah and remove their distress.
18. Her husband and father were buried in her room.
19. Omar asked to be buried with his two friends and she accepted to give him her place.
20. She used to put on her clothes when she entered the burial room after the burial of Omar.
21. She died at the 17th of Ramadan at the age of 67.
Abdo Hagrass  00201066140686 

1. The prophet used to call her “Hey Khanas. He encouraged her to recite more poems.
2. He never composed poetry but love the truthful poetry.
3. He had a private poet “Hassan Ibn Thabit”.
4. Al-Khansa belongs the tribe of Banu Sulym. She was beautiful and well-mannered and eloquent.
5. The death of her brother Sakhr was the reason to expose her talent of poetry.
6. She came with a delegation to Al-Madinah and embraced Islam.
7. The prophet asked her to recite more poetry. He loved her poems.
8. She got a high status when she lost her four sons in a battle.
9. After their death she said that it is the duty of women to build men and build Ummah.
10. She was brave and thanked Allah after their Martyrdom.
11. Umar Ibn Khattab used to give her the 200 dirhams annually for each of her sons till her death.

‫عبده هجرس‬
‫ماجستير اللغويات النظرية‬
‫الجامعة االمريكية بالقاهرة‬

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