TLE (Desserts)

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3 T Y P E S O F


1/20/22 Nathaniel J. Carreon

Choco fudge
fudge, creamy candy made with
butter, sugar, milk, and usually
chocolate, cooked together and
beaten to a soft, smooth texture.
Ingredients Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark or
nonstick pan). Grease or spray bottom only
1box chocolate fudge cake mix of foil.
1/2cup butter or margarine, melted
In large bowl, mix cake mix, butter and eggs
3eggs with spoon until blended (batter will be very
1can or jar (16 oz) hot fudge topping, thick). Using greased fingers, spread or pat in
warmed pan. Bake 18 to 21 minutes or until surface
2cups chopped Oreo chocolate creme appears dry and is no longer shiny. Run
sandwich cookies (20 cookies) knife around side of cake to loosen. Cool
1/2gallon vanilla ice cream, slightly softened completely in pan, about 1 hour.

Spread warmed fudge topping over cake;

sprinkle with 1 cup of the chopped cookies.
Freeze until firm, about 30 minutes.
Spread ice cream over cookies. Cover and
freeze at least 4 hours or overnight until firm.
Sprinkle with remaining 1 cup chopped

Mango tiramisu
Mango tiramisu is a fruity version of
the classic Italian dessert. Layers of
ladyfingers, mascarpone mixture and
mango sauce
Ingredients In top of a double boiler or a metal bowl over
simmering water, combine egg yolks, 1/2 cup
confectioners' sugar and 1/2 cup cream.
2 large egg yolks Whisking constantly, heat mixture until thick
1 cup confectioners' sugar, divided and a thermometer reads 160°. Remove from
2 cups heavy whipping cream, divided heat; whisk in mascarpone cheese until almost
1 carton (8 ounces) mascarpone cheese smooth. In another bowl, beat remaining 1-1/2
cups cream until it begins to thicken. Add
2 large navel oranges remaining 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar; beat
1/2 cup coconut rum or orange juice plus until soft peaks form. Fold whipped cream into
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract mascarpone mixture.
1/2 cup orange liqueur or orange juice Cut oranges crosswise in half; squeeze juice from
oranges into a shallow bowl. Stir in rum, orange
1 teaspoon vanilla extract liqueur and vanilla.
1 package (7 ounces) crisp ladyfinger cookies Quickly dip half of the ladyfingers into rum
2 medium ripe mangoes, peeled and thinly mixture and place in the bottom of a 9-in.
springform pan. Top with half of the
sliced mascarpone mixture and half of the mango

slices. Repeat layers. Refrigerate, covered, at least
8 hours or overnight. To serve, loosen and
remove rim.

Cheese cake
Cheesecake is a sweet dessert
consisting of one or more layers. The
main, and thickest, layer consists of a
mixture of a soft, fresh cheese, eggs,
and sugar.
Ingredients 1. the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with the paddle
attachment, mix the cream cheese and sugar on medium
speed, until smooth, scraping the sides of the bowl as
For the Crust necessary.
1 3/4 cups Graham Cracker Crumbs (about 2. Turn the mixer to low and add the sour cream and
15 full crackers) vanilla; mix well, scraping sides of the bowl as necessary.
1/3 cup butter, melted 3. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each
addition just until mixed. Don’t over mix.
1/4 cup granulated sugar 4. Pour the filling over crust and spread evenly.
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 5. Place the springform pan into a larger pan and pour very
Cheesecake hot water into the pan, until it’s 3/4- inch deep, careful to
4 (8 ounce) packages Cream Cheese, room make sure the water level doesn’t come up higher than the
temperature (32- ounces in total) foil.
6. Bake for 60-70 minutes or until the center is almost set.
1 cup granulated sugar The center will still jiggle while the edges will be set.
1/2 cup sour cream, room temperature 7. Carefully run a knife around the rim of pan to loosen
2 teaspoons vanilla cake.
3 eggs, room temperature 8. Allow the cheesecake to cool at room temperature for at
least an hour, then cover and transfer into the refrigerator

for 6 hours or overnight.

9. Release the sides of the springform pan before slicing.

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