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20 marks granted
1. Place the words in the correct column.
cheese pasta bread strawberry fish milk bread carrot apple meat

Carbohydrates Fruit/Vegetables Dairy products Protein

10 marks
2. Write “U” for uncountable nouns and “C” for countable nouns.
1. milk 6. meat
2. bread 7. coffee
3. apple 8. soup
4. strawberry 9. ice-cream
5. carrot 10. orange
10 marks
3. Match the words from column A with the words in column B.
1. a cup of a. meat
2. a bar of b. milk
3. a kilo of c. coffee
4. a slice of d. chocolate
5. a glass of e. bread
10 marks
4. Circle the correct answer.
1. Sally go/goes to school every day at 8:00 o’clock.
2. We watch/watches TV in the evening.
3. Do/Does the children finish their homework at the school?
4. My parents work/works at the same company.
5. The cat don’t eat/doesn’t eat a lot of mice!
10 marks
5. Rearrange the dialogue. Follow the example
Waiter: Would you like anything to eat?
Waiter: Hi! Welcome to our shop. What would you like? (1)
Customer: Can I have a slice of pizza, please?
Customer: No, that’s everything. Thank you!
Customer: Hello! I’d like a cup of coffee.
Waiter: Sure. Would you like anything else?
10 marks
6. Place the words in the correct category:
ride my bike; play football; listen to music; talk on the phone; surf the Internet; go shopping;

Indoor activities:
Outdoor activities:
12 marks
7. Complete the affirmations so they are true for you.
1. I love ______________________________________________________________________________
2. I like ______________________________________________________________________________
3. I don’t like __________________________________________________________________________
4. I hate _______________________________________________________________________________
8 marks
8. Choose the correct object pronoun. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1. We need one more player to start the game. Do you want to play with ___?
a) her b) us
2. Jane said we need to call ___ because her phone’s battery died.
a) her b) him
3. My brother would be really angry if I did that to ___.
a) him b) her
4. I don’t like it when you don’t talk to ___.
a) I b) me
5. Those girls are waving at you. Do you know ___?
a) they b) them
10 marks

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