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Name Going Not Going Committee Assigned

Krizyl Morada Sponsorship

Joao Artemio Lorenzo Pama Secretariat
Jan Enoch Belandres Creatives
Lynox Mai Epalan Events
Josef Matthew Ong IGP
Renz Miskael T. Anggoy Sponsorship
Adrian Huera IGP
Kent Ganadillo IGP
Beatriz Laglagaron Creatives
Karla De la Paz Secretariat
Rain Labiano Secretariat
Lucas Gerard G. Arañador Peer Educators
Elise Marcel Piccio Creatives
Esther Abegale Cinco Events
Adelmar G. Javier Jr. Peer Educators
Andy Martin Evidente Sponsorship
Jyzryl Alden Events
Ancel D’Cunha Peer Educators
Jazon Hidrosollo Peer Educators
Isabella Aguilar Sponsorship
Team Dugong Bughaw 2018 - Directory of Members
Founders YAI ATTENDANCE For Follow Up
Name Going Not Going
Jasper Vijar
Abigail Gonzales Amon
Anjelou Marie Estrella
Alexis Ray Penetrante
Geeza Vicencio
Julius Nafarrete
Jenn Margarette Bordon
Project Managers
Therese Josephine Sartorio
Luis Miguel Tirador Sunday
Peer Educators
Karra Alexandria Casañares
Angelica Firmantes
John Christian S. Lopez
Alexandrina Renee D. Forster
Kingsley John de los Santos
Dexiel Kay Romiscal
Shaylla Jay Britana
Andrea Gabrielle Sartorio
Martin R. Ortiz
Earon Philip D. Villamora Saturday
Lynnette M. Sayco Sunday
Charmine Pearl F. Galo
Charmaine Apolinario
Celine Danielle Comenta
Eienn Jae Corona
Charise Alvyne V. Samaniego
Mary Hope P. Abilo
Aldwin Barbaton
Aliejah Delos Reyes
Sonnet John Laguno
Chanelle Sofiya Cagalitan
Shane Fernandez
Arly Chris P. Geanga
Psalm Christian M. Diesto Sunday
Genesis Daquinan
Andreu Bele Padernal
Philipp Centenni Ruel
Cole Jaco
Alana Maria C. Utzurrum
April Rose E. Laplana
Alexander R. Vidal II
Salvador Alejaga Jr.
Mary Pauline Abonador
Jarah Daene Lego
Franz Valerie Bulagao Sunday
Under this label, everybody
must do these tasks, given
that you have already
Team Dugong Bughaw 2018 - Directory of secured your assigned tasks
Members Tasks Overview Although you have assigned tasks, be flexible to be of assistance to others once the need arises prior.
Founders Day 1 Day 2 Nickname for Nametags Task Descriptions [ALL]
For day 2, primaries, be ready for Greet Guards, Staff and
critiquing, TBA, Welcoming bracelet Employees you meet Good
Name chuchu and graduation/awarding. Day 1 Day 2 Morning.
TDB Intro, Sorting, PHF Bring matrials Say Thank you when they
Jasper Vijar nga ara sa imo balay hehehe Rate sheet, TBA Jap Review slides assist you
Please review slides before YAI for the Plan of
Action. basically the process of doing events. tani
Documentation and Social Media, Plan I don't know where to put you and I know you if pwede nga pati how we accept invites para
Abigail Gonzales Amon Documentation and Social Media of Action, TBA Abby have camera hihi clear to all. Be polite to each other.
Please run through your presentation a day If someone forgot to do
Yuhum Mail and bring printed before and make sure you have sent a copy something, gently remind
Anjelou Marie Estrella materials TBA, bring printed materials Anj to Aldwin. them of their task.
Please check with Karra if the bracelets are done
bring tarp and other materials from and if there are any certificates that need printing.
Geeza Vicencio IGP, food, TDB merch Pledge of Alliance & Awarding Geeza Be sure to secure them before YAI.
Project Managers
PHF Carousel, review slides and make sure
to ask CBS motivators to help you out. Your
activity would be for them ro simualte how to
Constitution and by laws, PHF explain it to people in the community and
Therese Josephine Sartorio Carousel: Stigma and Discrimination TBA Tret how to convince fellow youth to get tested.
See cue sheet and make sure you have
studied the program and the guide before Please prepare a short closing message for all
coming to the venue. It is also handy to print a and encourage them to keep the fire burning. You
copy of the Cue sheet and always take cue are also tasked to be one of the facis for the
Luis Miguel Tirador Closing Remarks, TBA. Host Miko form Hope and Avvy. Team building.
Peer Educators
Please review slides and read through any See cue sheet and make sure you have studied
new advancements in your topics. The activity the program and the guide before coming to the
for your topic is for them to come up with a venue. It is also handy to print a copy of the Cue
new tagline like: know the science stop the sheet and always take cue form Hope and Avvy.
PHF Carousel: HIV 101 and 1 vs 100, stigma. Also be prepared for your own
Karra Alexandria Casañares Committee Welcome to new members Host Karra orientation and token for your new members.
Review slides and read more about your
topic. also be familiar with your activity which
Angelica Firmantes PHF Carousel: HIV Mechanism Firm is, paint me a gif about mech.
See cue sheet and make sure you have
studied the program and the guide before
coming to the venue. It is also handy to print a
copy of the Cue sheet and always take cue
form Hope and Avvy.
For PHF carousel you are with Tret, make
sure you are prepared with your slides and
have read or asked people if you have
questions. Your activity would be for them ro
simualte how to explain it to people in the
Host and PHF Carousel: VCT and community and how to convince fellow youth
Alexandrina Renee D. Forster CBS talk Mentorship program Alex to get tested.
See Production schedule for Icebreaker or if See cue sheet and make sure you have studied
you have any planned, go ahead. the program and the guide before coming to the
PHF Carousel: VCT and CBS talk, venue. It is also handy to print a copy of the Cue
Kingsley John de los Santos Icebreaker Afternoon, Host Kadto ka lang hahahah Kingsley sheet and always take cue form Hope and Avvy.
Greet everyone when they arrive and lead
them to their seats. introduce them to their
seatmate too. You are also in charge of the
compiling all the suggestions made during the
activity for each of the stations at the carousel
after the entire activity, endorse the
compilation to Abigail or Geeza. We have 4
stations. make sure you have compiled them
at the end of the day grouped according to
Usher, PHF Note Taking, Icebreaker: Speed dating and Metorship talk. You are assigned on the station for HIV
Martin R. Ortiz Accomplishment report program Martin 101/1vs 100.
Make sure everybody has registered. You are
in charged of contacting those who are not
yet present. You must have the numbers of
facilitators just in case they need to be
Earon Philip D. Villamora Registration N/A Earon contacted.
Lynnette M. Sayco N/A Registration Lynnette
Please come up with a very basic dance for the
Follow floor plan. For programs materials in- YAI. Suggestion, come up with actions ofr the
charge you are tasked to make sure verse and the chorus and just do it all over again
everything needed for the program are there to make it easier for you. Take into
and easily accessible to you. May it be props considerationthe recommendation of not having a
for games, files or forms for filling up or kpop song by the president. Coordinate with IGP
certificates for awarding. make sure they are for Inventory to make sure nothing gets left
Head Set Up/Program Materials in- TDB Dance Craze. Head Packing in you table before the program starts in the behind and the venue is clean and trash are
Eienn Jae Corona charge Up/Program Materials in-charge Eienn morning and the afternoon. disposed properly.
Keep track of time and make sure we are on schedule. You are also tasked to work with the
Program Director and Inform speakers of their time. Make sure you have a copy of the
Charise Alvyne V. Samaniego Time Keeper Time Keeper, mentorship program Avvy production schedule and the Time warning signs for speakers.
Oversee the entire flow of the program and Head Post event Evaluation. For the events guide,
Mary Hope P. Abilo Program Director and Events guide Program Director Hope please go over your presentation a day before and make sure you have sent a copy to Aldwin.
As Technicals 2, it is your job to Set up the
Laptop at the start of the day and to open and run
As Technicals 1, you are tasked to operate through all the presentations and videos needed
during the program. Be sure you are familiar for that day, make sure you are counterchecking
with the program and the needed PPTs and it with the program or porduction schedule with
AV needs. Avoid Dead air by having a ready the events team. You are also to communicate
playlist with you and always be alert during with the program director during the program
the program. Avoid leaving your post, in case proper so as not the disturb Tech1. You are also
Aldwin Barbaton Technicals 1 Technicals 2 Aldwin you need anything, inform Tech2. tasked to do packing up at the end of the day.
Aliejah Delos Reyes Liej
Chanelle Sofiya Cagalitan Documentation [Photos] Chanelle
Shane Fernandez Shane
As Technicals 2, it is your job to Set up the
Laptop at the start of the day and to open and
run through all the presentations and videos
needed for that day, make sure you are As Technicals 1, you are tasked to operate during
counterchecking it with the program or the program. Be sure you are familiar with the
porduction schedule with the events team. program and the needed PPTs and AV needs.
You are also to communicate with the Avoid Dead air by having a ready playlist with you
program director during the program proper and always be alert during the program. Avoid
so as not the disturb Tech1. You are also leaving your post, in case you need anything,
Arly Chris P. Geanga Technicals 2 Technicals 1 Arly tasked to do packing up at the end of the day. inform Tech2.
Psalm Christian M. Diesto N/A Psalm
Genesis Daquinan Mentorship program Genesis
Andreu Bele Padernal Bring CBSn kit Dreu
Sponsor food hehe and mentorship
Cole Jaco Sponsor food hehe program
Day 1 Inventory Checklist Morning & Day 2 Inventory Checklist
Salvador Alejaga Jr. Afternoon/Food Afternoon/Food, Mentorship program Sal
Franz Valerie Bulagao Day 2 Inventory Checklist Morning/Food Franz
Mary Pauline Abonador Mary Pauline
Day 1 (Dress code for Gen 4: uniform and for TDB residents: TDB polo)
Host: Kingsley & Alexandrina
Morning Session
1 7:00-7:30 Set up
2 7:30 – 8:00 Briefing
3 8:00-8:30 Arrival and Registration
4 8:30-8:45 Getting To Know & Leveling of Expectations
5 8:45-9:05 Introduction Team Dugong Bughaw & Facilitators
6 9:05-12:05 Project High Five Execution:
Carousel Type
7 Snacks
8 12:05-12:30 Constitution and By Laws
9 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
10 1:30 – 2:00 Icebreaker
11 2:00 – 2:30 Events Guide
12 2:30 – 3:00 Simulations
(Sec and Events)
13 3:00 – 3:30 Committee Assignments
14 3:30 – 4:00 Breakout Sessions
15 Snacks
16 4:00 – 4:15 Brewing
17 4:15– 4:45 Recap and Yuhum Mail

Day 2 (Dress code: PHF and blue shirt)

Hosts: Miko & Karra
Morning Session
1 8:00-8:30 Registration
2 8:30-8:40 Icebreaker
3 8:40-9:40 Presentation
4 9:40-10:00 Critiquing
(Rep per Comm, 1 primary, 1 PM – Panel)
5 10:00-10:30 Plan of Action
6 10:30-11:00 Mentorship Program
2 Facis per Group
7 11:00-11:15 Networking Activity
(Speed Dating)
11:15–12:00 HIV x Human Rights
8 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
Afternoon Session
9 1:00 – 3:30 Team Building
10 3:30 – 3:45 Synthesis and Committee Meeting
12 3:45-4:00 Snacks and Freshen Up
13 4:00–4:10 Response as a Batch
14 4:10 – 4:40 Awarding and Oath Taking
14 4:40 – 5:00 Photo Op & Fixing Up and Closing
Day 1 | June 22, 2019 Saturday
TIME ACTIVITY Helpful Information
7:00-7:30 Set up Go over the program and orient yourself properly. Come up with ad libs and comments while you are at it.
7:30 – 8:00 Briefing
8:00-8:30 Arrival and Registration Greet people and stand by for cue from Hope to start program. Help everyone to settle down and also
interact with your co hosts.
8:30-8:45 Getting To Know & Leveling of Expectations First: Introduce yourselves as Hosts. Then just say that they can get to know the facis later on, but for now
ask them to introduce themselves byt saying their Name, School, Year level and favorite sex position... House Rules:
kamo bahala kung ano inyo pahambal. Now divide them into 2 groups. Curtain Game Mechanism: A When somebody is talking, pay attention.
curtain will be placed in the middle of two groups, each group will have somebody stand near the curtain, Be respectful of each others’ opinions and views.
the host will annouce a topic like Name, School or Favorite Position. When the curtain drops, the two Clean as you go, make sure your work area is clean.
standing should guess the others' answer to the topic. First one to say it gets the point. This is to be Have fun and enjoy YAI
followed by Meta Cards levelling of Expectations and House rules.
8:45-9:05 Introduction Team Dugong Bughaw & Facilitators Jasper Ruby Vijar, President of TDB. If Jasper forgets to divide the group into 3, then divide the group into
9:05-12:05 Project High Five Execution: Mechanism: This will be a carousel type, rather than giving talks, they will be goign to a station, then listen
Carousel Type to the speaker. after they will have an activity. Take cues from Hope and Avvy when to tell them to move,
it will be helpful to tell them to move 5 minutes before the time is up.
Snacks Don’t forget to remind them of the time and also don’t forget to eat or drink water.
12:05-12:30 Constitution and By Laws Therese Josephine Sartorio, Internal Project Manager of TDB.
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch Kaon man kmo. Remind them to be ready by 1:25

1:30 – 2:00 Icebreaker Kinglsey John Delos santos from the Peer Educators
2:00 – 2:30 Events Guide Martin Ortiz from Sec will do the accomplishment report and Hope Abilo will do the events guide.
2:30 – 3:00 Simulations Avvy will lbe in charge of the activity. Take note of the time and choose before hand the actors for the last
(Sec and Events) simulation
3:00 – 3:30 Committee Assignments Jasper will lead the sorting.
3:30 – 4:00 Breakout Sessions Instruct Gen 4 to go to their respective committe. Inform everyine if time is almost up,
4:00 – 4:15 Brewing Instruct Gen 4 to go to their groups and explain that they are tasked to present an event tomorrow. The
event must be realistic and time-bunded. Presentation must follow the events guide.
4:15– 4:45 Recap and Yuhum Mail Anjelou Estrella from Primaries

8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-8:40 Icebreaker Eienn will lead the dance craze, encourage partcipation.
8:40-9:40 Presentation Facilitate the Q&A part of the activity.
9:40-10:00 Critiquing
(Rep per Comm, 1 primary, 1 PM – Panel) Facilitate this also and remind the panel in case they forget to limit their comments due to time constraints.
10:00-10:30 Plan of Action Abigail Amon from Sec.
10:30-11:00 Mentorship Program
2 Facis per Group Call out the mentors. Get list from Hope.
11:00-11:15 Networking Activity
(Speed Dating) Martin will lead the activity.
11:15–12:00 HIV x Human Rights Introduce speaker. Get details from Abi.
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch

1:00 – 3:30 Team Building Give out instructions. Get details from Hope.
3:30 – 3:45 Synthesis and Committee Meeting
3:45-4:00 Snacks and Freshen Up Remind everyone if time is almost up
4:00–4:10 Response as a Batch Bea Laglagaron
4:10 – 4:40 Awarding and Oath Taking
(Graduation) Geeza
4:40 – 5:00 Photo Op & Fixing Up and Closing
Day 0
1 N/A Dry Run Dry Run

Day 1 (Dresscode for Gen 4, uniform and TDB members will wear TDB polo)
1 7:00-7:30 Set up Set up venue and prepare all materials Projector, audio, tarpaulin, pens [ALL] Penthouse 1 Be on Time
Events Everyone must
Program, production scheule, and cue have a copy of
2 7:30-8:30 Briefing Go over the program sheets for hosts Penthouose the program
[PROG]: Prepare
Curtain, Meta
Registration form, Papers, ID Holder for Cards, Manila
nametags, kits with pen, blueprint, plan of Paper, Masking
action, events guide, and copy of cases for Tape and
3 8:00-8:30 Arrival and Registration TDB Gen 4 arrive and register. Kits will also be given out. simulation SEC Penthouse 1 Markers
Getting To Know & Leveling of The group will be playing the Curtain Game to be followed by Meta Cards Cloth, meta cards, manila paper, masking tape, Hosts (Kingsley & Prepare:
4 8:30-8:45 Expectations levelling of Expectations, House Rules markers Alexandrina) Penthouse 1 [PPT] TDB Intro
PHF assigned
members should
Introduction Team Dugong Bughaw & prepare their
5 8:45-9:05 Facilitators Team Dugong Bughaw will be introduced (especially present facilitators) PPT Jasper Penthouse 1 materials
9:05-12:05 Project High Five Execution: [SEC]- Take note
Carousel Type 1 VS 100 plus HIV 101 HIV Facts, Misconceptions & Status of the City of all the ideas
(IGP, business model/project; how to market the advocacy to future presented
investors and partners) - 40 Mins [AVVY]- Signal 5
HIV Mechanism (peer eds, photo photo lol paint me a GIF) - 40 mins minutes before
Stigma and Discrimination (creatives, creative outputs nga ma lessen ang the 40 mins is up.
discrimination; WILDFIRE (modified) - 40 mins [IGP]-prepare
VCT talk (peer eds, how u explain rural; convince infected facis to get PPT, Time warning signs, Note taking for PEER EDS/CREATIVES snacks during this
tested)- carousel type - 40 mins assgined people, Materials for activity (Karra, Jasper. Firm, Tret, time, have a
6 *** Divide for carousel (Sec Comm take note the ideas) Kingsley, Alexandrina) Penthouse 1 and Penthouse 2 garbage bag
12:05-12:10 Keep the area
clean and remind
everyone to clean
as they go.
Constitution and
7 Snacks Serve snacks Snacks, garbage bags IGP Penthouse 1 by laws
[IGP]- Prepare
The group will be briefed on Team Dugong Bughaw guided by its lunch during this
8 12:10-12:30 Constitution and By Laws Constitution and By Laws PPT Tret Penthouse 1 time
Keep the area
clean and remind
everyone to clean
as they go.
Be mindful of the
time, make sure
Hosts and
technicals are
ready 5 minutes
before the
9 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch Photoshoot shall be held during this time; Video2 Food, Camera, Garbage bags IGP, Creatives Penthouse 1 program starts.
Taboo: the goal is to get your teammates to guess the word you are describing, but
10 1:30 – 2:00 Icebreaker there’s a list of words you can’t say. PPT Kingsley Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Martin – Accomplishment
Events Guide and Accomplishment Martin will present the accomplishment report for this year and Hope will Report
11 2:00 – 2:30 report discuss the events guide. PPT Hope – events guide Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Members will be grouped and given real-life situations about event
organizing that they could reflect on. How they react to the situation will be
Simulations observed by the facilitators. 3 minutes for the first two cases and 15
12 2:30 - 3:00 (Sec and Events) minutes for the last case. Avvy Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
The members will finally be grouped according to committees. A video will
be shown before they proceed to their committees. Each committee to
13 3:00 - 3:30 Committee Assignments give a token in exchange for the kits for proper disposal PPT, Video, CBS kit Jasper Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Committee Presentations. Committee heads will welcome the new
members and will give a briefer of the function of their committees.
Emphasize the need to conduct a committee meeting within a week after
14 3:30 – 4:00 Breakout Sessions YAI. PPT Host Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
15 Snacks Given out during committee presentations Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
New members will be divided into four groups with committees equally divided
16 4:00– 4:15 Brewing and will be tasked to create an event to be presented the next day Event Guide Host Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
There will be a recap of the whole day activity and make participants write for
17 4:15 – 4:45 Recap and Yuhum Mail Yuhum Mail. Yuhum mailbox, blue papers, ballpens, markers Anjelou Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1

Day 2
1 8:00-8:30 Registration SEC Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
2 8:30-8:40 Icebreaker Warm-up activity for the morning session (Dance Craze) Registration form Eienn Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
The groups will be given 20 minutes to present their event and will be given 10
3 8:40-9:40 Presentation minutes for Q&A Projector Host (Mikko & Karra) Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Critiquing (1 PM and 1 Primary, 6
(Rep per Comm, 1 primary, 1 PM – The teams will be critiqued on how to improve their events as if they were Committee Heads)
4 9:40-10:00 Panel) implementing it in real life. 3-4 comments per team only Rate sheet. 3 comments only per grp Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
10:00-10:30 Plan of Action The Gen 4 members will be distributed into four groups and will be given a
school for an assignment to hold their event. They will be planning for Guide for Plan of Action / Blueprint/ pitching
5 three events. They will use the bluenprint and event guide in this activity. will be realistic Abby Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Facilitators( Martin & Avvy,
Mentorship Program They will be pitching their events to their facilitators (coming from assigned Alexandrina & Cole, Sal &
6 10:30-11:00 2 Facis per Group = 8 school) for further critiquing Genesis) Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Networking Activity
7 11:00 - 11:15 (Fast Talk) Can’t talk to the same person twice Host Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
8 11:15 - 12:00 HIV x Human Rights FPOP will have a talk about human rights and how we can relate it to HIV Get PPT from Sir sa FPOP Sir from FPOP Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
9 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Team Building Activities will be held to strengthen the team. They will be sub Per Comm. Faci is PM and
10 1:00 – 3:30 Team Building grouped by committees Primaries Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Team Building Synthesis by committee head and meeting plans according to
11 3:30 – 3:45 Synthesis and Committee Meeting committees Per committee Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
12 3:45 - 4:00 Snacks and Freshen Up IGP Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
13 4:00-4:10 Response as a Batch A representative of Generation Four will be giving his/her response for the batch Bea Laglagaron Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Founders will have their closing remarks which will be followed by the giving of
Awarding and Oath Taking TDB Shirts Oath, Bracelets???
15 4:10-4:40 (Graduation) Winners will also be awarded Award, tokens Geeza Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
16 4:40-5:00 Photo Op & Fixing Up and Closing Miko Penthouse 1 Penthouse 1
Team Dugong Bughaw 2018 - Directory of Members
Name Contact # Email
Jasper Vijar 09275360666
Abigail Gonzales Amon 09770144011
Anjelou Marie Estrella 09154767946
Geeza Vicencio 09369397109
Project Managers
Therese Josephine Sartorio 09085892332
Luis Miguel Tirador 09177233112

Peer Educators
Karra Alexandria Casañares 09055153287
Angelica Firmantes 09272871578
Alexandrina Renee D. Forster 09177554014
Kingsley John de los Santos 09995569350
Martin R. Ortiz 9959918987
Earon Philip D. Villamora 9479670186
Lynnette M. Sayco 9177609502
Eienn Jae Corona 9218007401
Charise Alvyne V. Samaniego 9102625238
Mary Hope P. Abilo 9288236281
09266938569 /
Aldwin Barbaton 09171224966
Aliejah Delos Reyes 9260365975
Sonnet John Laguno 9771219421
Chanelle Sofiya Cagalitan 9954392438
Shane Fernandez 9154103241
Arly Chris P. Geanga 9060620112
Psalm Christian M. Diesto 9771218969
Genesis Daquinan 9123456789
Andreu Bele Padernal 9755178989
Salvador Alejaga Jr. 9154716494
Mary Pauline Abonador 9086056347
Franz Valerie Bulagao 9364099764

What Went Right What Went Wrong Recommendations Overall Rating PHF Suggestions
HIV 101 Mechanism Stigma and Dec VCT and CBS

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