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of Or. Mindoro RDS OFFICE Republic of the Philippines 3 AUG 0-9 2072 Bepartment of Education Time Released: __ PBF Gi MIMAROPA Region Relsatoe no: YR =I = Office of the Schools Division Superintendent MEMORANDUM TO : Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisor, CID OIC-Office of the SGOD Chief Public Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned ‘SUSANA ¥ Sonsra Schools Division Superintendent FROM SUBJECT : ADDENDUM TO DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 060, s. 2022 TITLED ‘SEMINAR-WORKSHOP ON THE PREPARATION OF REPORTS ON GUIDANCE & COUNSELING, HOMEROOM GUIDANCE, CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAM, CHILD PROTECTION cum MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHO-SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR GUIDANCE COUNSELORS/ DESIGNATES DATE i August 8, 2022 Relative to the conduct of Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation of Reports on Guidance & Counseling, Homeroom Guidance, Career Guidance Program, Child Protection cum Mental Health & Psycho-Social Support for Guidance Counselors/Designates held on July 28-29, 2022, at Melzar’s Mountain Resort, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, this Office informs additional provisions as follows: a. Travel expenses of the participants shall be charged against local funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. All other provisions of the said Memorandum shall remain in effect Immediate dissemination of the content of this Memorandum is enjoined.

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