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Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2003; 31:23–27 (DOI: 10.1002/cta.222)

Solid state coherent quantum dot system for quantum computing

and quantum transmission

Hideaki Matsueda∗; †
Department of Information Science; Kochi University; 2-5-1 Akebono-cho; Kochi 780-8520; Japan

Recent progress in nano-metre structure and measurements is capable of providing us with the freedom
to harness fast and seemingly weak correlations between atoms in an ensemble, manifesting them at
macroscopic level. So we have investigated a prospective model of solid state integrated circuits for
quantum computation, based on our coherence retentive resonance dynamic dipole–dipole interaction
(RDDDI) theory. In this model, each qubit is a block consisting of an ensemble of quantum dots, and
the energetics of which suggests stability up to room temperature. Here, we propose a qubit swap ( 4 )
gate applying our RDDDI. Moreover, integration of the  4 gate is proposed to form quantum circuits
that can transfer a qubit state to any position within them, realizing bit reversal permutation circuits
with even and odd bits, and a shuing circuit. Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS: quantum dots; quantum computing; integrated solid quantum circuits; resonance
dynamic dipole–dipole interaction (RDDDI); qubit swap ( 4 ) gate


We have been investigating the consequences of the resonance dynamic dipole–dipole inter-
action (RDDDI) among electric dipoles each conned three-dimensionally, i.e. in a quantum
dot [1–3]. A quantum controlled not (CN) gate and a quantum controlled controlled not
(CCN) gate have been proposed, employing pairs of blocks of quantum dot ensemble or pairs
of molecules with gigantic dipole moments [2]. In this paper, we show that in our model
if the pair of blocks are situated close enough to signicantly induce inter-block quantum
resonance (inter-block RDDDI), it is expected to constitute a realistic solid state qubit swap
( 4 ) gate. This gate is useful to construct a programable mechanism to transfer a quantum
state to an arbitrary position in a quantum circuit, resulting in novel circuits that perform
functions such as shuing and bit reversal permutation [4].

∗ Correspondence to: Hideaki Matsueda, Department of Information Science, Kochi University, 2-5-1 Akebono-cho,
Kochi 780-8520, Japan.
† E-mail:

Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Figure 1. A qubit swap ( 4 ) gate activated by a negative electromagnetic  pulse. (a) before the pulse,
bit a is excited representing |1 0, (b) after the pulse, bit b is excited representing |0 1.


A  4 gate may be implemented by a couple of blocks (or molecules) facing each other and
a negative electromagnetic  pulse to activate the RDDDI between the blocks, as sketched in
Figure 1. The couple of blocks is constantly irradiated by an electromagnetic beam which is
polarized along the couple (a − b) as an example. This external eld along with the electric
eld from a dipole increases non-linearly the dielectric constant  of the blocks and the
medium between them. The negative  pulse‡ means stopping of this irradiation, ceasing
the non-linear increase of the dielectric constant  in the following equation, in a manner
analogous to the linear electrooptic (Pockels) eect:
1  pm p m · (R n − R m )(R n − R m )
E(n) = − −3
4 m |R n − R m |3 |R n − R m |5

This equation gives the resultant electric eld E(n) at site R n imposed by an array of dipole
moments p m arranged at positions R m , in SI unit.

‡ This could be a positive normal pulse, if we could choose the combination of the material and the wavelength.

Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2003; 31:23–27

Alternatively, similar but more sophisticated method using the competitive eects of the
RDDDI and the cavity mode Rabi oscillation, may be useful in controlling the dipole–dipole
coupling between the blocks. This is achieved via the interference of wave functions for the
superposed states, being controlled by the non-linear change of the eective distance between
the blocks due to the external eld [3,5].
In any method given above, the quantum resonance of the two blocks causes a Rabi-type
oscillation between (a) the state where the left block a is excited and (b) the state where the
right block b is excited. The state (a) may correspond to logical state |1 0, and the state (b)
to |0 1. In cases where both sites a and b have same condition, i.e. |0 0 and |1 1, there is
no Rabi-type oscillation to swap the dierent states.
It is expected from the above equation that the strength of the dynamic dipole–dipole
interaction could be adjusted, to facilitate the Rabi-type oscillation of practical period only
under the negative electromagnetic pulse. Then, the swapping between the dierent states |1 0
and |0 1 should be accomplished by the negative  pulse. The photon energy (frequency)
of the irradiation or the negative  pulse may be tuned to the most eective value for the
modulation of the dielectric constant , in order to start and stop the inter-block RDDDI. The
inter-block resonance Rabi oscillation may be dependent on the shape of the blocks and the
shape of the space between them, as analogously expected from the case of Mie resonance
in a micro-particle [6]. At the same time, the photon energy (wavelength) of the negative
electromagnetic pulses should be suciently dierent from that of ( or =2) optical pulses
for other gates such as CN or CCN integrated around this  4 gate, to avoid interference
among them.
Furthermore, it has been shown that the larger the inter-block separation, the more activated
quantum dots are needed to keep the inter-block RDDDI stronger than the intra-block RDDDI,
as demonstrated elsewhere [3]


The  4 gate is useful to construct a mechanism to transfer a quantum state to an arbitrary

position in a quantum circuit, through consecutive exchange of states between the pair of
qubits. Then, it may be possible to implement circuits to perform bit reversal permutation
shown in Figure 2 for odd number of bits and in Figure 3 for even bits, and also circuits to
perform shuing shown in Figure 4, where t0 ; t1 ; : : : ; t5 denote the time. These devices work on
electronic excitations, in a manner similar to a directional coupler for optical signals, and are
programmable to the extent of the freedom in the externally applied negative electromagnetic


On the basis of our coherence retentive RDDDI model, a  4 (qubit swap) gate of qubit
blocks is proposed as the essential element of the solid state quantum computing system,
assuming some adequate non-linear electrooptic eect for the on and o of the bit swapping.
Examples of bit reversal permutation circuits with even and odd bits, and a shuing circuit
are proposed integrating the  4 gates.

Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2003; 31:23–27

Figure 2. Conceptual scheme of a bit reversal permutation circuit with an odd number of
bits, consisting of the qubit swap ( 4 ) gates activated by negative electromagnetic  pulses;
|a0 a1 a2 a3 a4  → |a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 , where t0 ; t1 ; : : : ; t5 denote the time.

Figure 3. A bit reversal permutation circuit with even bits consisting of the swap gates ( 4 ) activated
by negative electromagnetic  pulses, |a0 a1 a2 a3  → |a3 a2 a1 a0 .

Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2003; 31:23–27

Figure 4. A shuing circuit consisting of the swap gates ( 4 ) activated by negative

electromagnetic  pulses, |a0 a1 a2 a3 a4  → |a4 a0 a1 a2 a3 .

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Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2003; 31:23–27

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