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. ' .
Beginning French

Monique Branon

Myrna Bell Rochester

Hedwige Meyer

Patricia Westphal

With contributions by:

Evelyne Amon
Nicole Dicop-Hineline

Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright© 2015 by McGraw-Hill
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To the Student .......................................................................................................................................... v

Chapitre 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Chapitre 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Chapitre 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Chapitre 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 61
Revisez! Chapitres 1-4......................................................................................................................... 79
Chapitre 5 ............................................................................................................................................... 83
Chapitre 6 ............................................................................................................................................. 103
Chapitre 7 ............................................................................................................................................. 127
Chapitre 8 ............................................................................................................................................. 149
Revisez! Chapitres 5-8 ....................................................................................................................... 169
Chapitre 9 ............................................................................................................................................. 173
Chapitre 10 ........................................................................................................................................... 189
Chapitre 11 ........................................................................................................................................... 211
Chapitre 12 ........................................................................................................................................... 233
Revisez! Chapitres 9-12..................................................................................................................... 251
Chapitre 13 ........................................................................................................................................... 257
Chapitre 14 ........................................................................................................................................... 277
Chapitre 15 ........................................................................................................................................... 299
Chapitre 16 ........................................................................................................................................... 319
Revisez! Chapitres 12-16 ................................................................................................................... 339

Appendice: reponses aux exercices ................................................................................................ Al

Contents iii
To the Student
Welcome to the Workbook/Laboratory Manual to accompany Vis-a-vis: Beginning French, Sixth Edition.
Each chapter of this Workbook/Laboratory Manual is based on the corresponding chapter of the text,
so that you can practice and review on your own what you are learning in class.

Integrated Written and Oral Exercises

Because your different senses and skills (writing, reading, listening, speaking) reinforce one another,
written and oral exercises for each point in the text appear together in the Workbook/Laboratory
Manual. Oral exercises are coordinated with the Audio Program, available at Connect French
( Oral exercises are marked with a headphone symbol. 0

To get the most out of the Audio Program, you should listen to the recordings after your instructor
covers the corresponding material in class, and you should listen as often as possible. You will need
the Workbook/Laboratory Manual much of the time when you listen to the recordings, because many
of the exercises are based on visuals and written cues.

The chapters of the Workbook/Laboratory Manual parallel those in the main text. They are organized
as follows:
• Lec;on 1: Paroles allows you to practice the thematic vocabulary of each chapter through a
variety of fun and interesting exercises. Here and in Lec;ons 2 and 3, written and oral exercises
appear together for each point.
• Lec;on 2: Structures presents a variety of exercises on each grammar point in the corresponding
section of the main text.
• Le blog de Lea (d'Hassan, de Juliette, d'Hector) contains a series of exercises based on the blog
and commentaries in the textbook. These allow you to confirm your mastery of the
chapter vocabulary and structures within an appealing and meaningful context. You will also
have an opportunity to write an email to each of the characters to express your opinion on the
blog topic for each chapter.
• The Pause-culture section contains two exercises-one based on Le blog de... and the other on
the Reportage reading in the textbook. These exercises check your comprehension of
these passages and highlight important cultural information about daily life in the Francophone
• Lec;on 3: Structures, like Lec;on 2, gives you the opportunity to practice chapter structures via
written and oral exercises.

To the Student v
• Le�on 4: Perspectives focuses on integrating chapter vocabulary and grammar. Its main features
are the following:
Faire le bilan (Taking stock)-an end-of-chapter review section. The exercises combine and
reinforce chapter vocabulary and structures. In most chapters, you are invited to work with
authentic materials from the contemporary Francophone press.
Prononciation-recorded exercises providing focused practice of French pronunciation, with
tips and reminders in English.
A l'ecoute!-an extended listening comprehension passage and activity, also integrating
chapter vocabulary and structures.
Par ecrit (In writing)-a comprehensive, practical guided writing section. A series of steps
(in English) helps you organize, draft, and polish a variety of interesting writing assignments
(interviews, editorials, film reviews, and so on).
Journal intime (Personal diary)-a chapter-culminating activity that encourages you to write
freely about your own opinions and experiences while applying the material you have been
studying in that chapter.
• Additional Review Sections-you will find additional review sections, Revisez!, after
Chapitres 4, 8, 12, and 16. These sections reintroduce vocabulary and grammar from previous
chapters so that you have an opportunity to reuse what you have learned in a variety of contexts
and situations.
In addition, throughout the first half of the Workbook/Laboratory Manual, you will find boxed
Study Hints: practical tips to help you learn French thoroughly and efficiently. They are based on the
experience of other students, and we think you will find them helpful.

Answers to many of the Audio Program exercises are given on the recording itself. In some cases,
answers appear instead in the Appendix at the back of this manual. Answers to most written activities
appear in the Appendix. For exercises requiring personalized responses, no answers are provided.

The authors wish to express their thanks to everyone who contributed to the editing and production
of this Workbook/Laboratory Manual. Their dedication and hard work are greatly appreciated: Susan
Blatty, Katie Crouch, Scott Tinetti, Katie Stevens, Veronica Oliva, Kelly Heinrichs, and Sue Culbertson.

vi To the Student
Nom _______________ Date ______ Cours _ __________
_ _

• U ne nouvelle CHAPITRE

aventure 1
Lec;on 1: Paroles
Les bonnes manieres
A. Une rencontre. (An encounter.) On his way across campus, Jeremy runs into various people.
Complete the dialogues.
Vocabulaire: A; Au revoir; <;a va bien; Comment allez-vous; madame; merci
JEREMY: Bonjour,
3 Et vous? C::a va?
M ME THOMAS: Tres bien,
JEREMY: Oui, 4

M ME THOMAS: Au revoir, Jeremy. __ 5 bientot.

JEREMY: ___________ ,6 madame.
Vocabulaire: Comme ci, comme <;a; Et vous; mademoiselle; mal
JEREMY: Bonjour, mademoiselle. Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui (today)?
MLLE ROBIDOUX: Pas ___________ / merci.
JEREMY: ____________________________ •9 Au revoir,

Vocabulaire: C::a va mal; Comment vas-tu; Et toi

DENISE: Salut, Jeremy! ______________11 aujourd'hui?
JEREMY: ______________, Denise. Il y a un (There's an)
examen (test) de litterature aujourd'hui.
___________ ?13

DENISE: Bien, merci. A bientot et bonne chance (good luck).

Leron 1: Paroles l
B. Qu'est-ce qu'on dit? If you were in a French-speaking environment, what would you say in these
1. In class, you drop your book on your neighbor's foot. _________________

2. Your professor just said something; you're not sure what, but it sounded important. ____

3. You've forgotten your professor's name and want to write it down. ___________

4. You pass a friend on the way to class. _______________________

5. You pass a male professor on the way to class. ___________________

6. You want to introduce yourself. __________________________

7. Your friends are leaving your apartment at the end of the evening. _ _______ _

8. A fellow student has just thanked you for picking up a book. _____________

Jacqueline, Remi et le nouveau professeur. You will hear a conversation among three people.
Each exchange corresponds to one of the following drawings. Listen to the whole conversation
once or twice, then do the exercise.

Now you will hear questions and statements taken from the conversations you just heard. Say and
check off the most logical of the three responses given.
1. __ Au revoir. 2. __ Je m'appelle Jacqueline Martin.
__ Merci bien. __ Tres bien, merci.
_ _ Bonjour, madame. _ _ c;a va?

2 Chapitre 1
Norn _ _ Date ___ _ _ Cours ____________ _

3. __ Je m'appelle Jacqueline Martin. 6. __ Oh! Pardon! Excusez-moi!

--C::a va? __ A bientot!
__ Tres bien, et vous? __ Au revoir!
4. __ Pas mal. 7. __ Je m'appelle Remi.
__ De rien. __ Oh, c;a peut aller.
__ Je ne comprends pas. Repetez, __ Et vous?
s'il vous plait, madame.
8. __ Bonsoir, madame.
5. __ Salut.
__ Salut.
__ Ah oui! Je comprends. Merci, madame.
__ Comment vous appelez-vous?
__ De rien.

L'alphabet fran�ais

Q L'alphabet franc;ais. Say each letter of the alphabet and the corresponding name after the speaker.
a a Anatole n enne Nicole
b be Beatrice 0 0 Odile
C ce Claude, Cyrille p pe Pascal
d de Denise q ku Quentin
e e Emma r erre Roland
f effe France s esse Suzanne
g ge Georges, Guy t te Therese
h hache Helene u u Ulysse
i Isabelle V ve Veronique
ji Jacqueline w double ve William
k ka Kevin X iks Xavier
I elle Lucien y i grec Yvette
m emme Marguerite z zede Zoe

Et vous? Comment vous appelez-vous? Pronounce your name in French. Then spell it.
MODELE: Je m'appelle Catherine. C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E.

Lq:on 1: Paroles 3
Les accents
0 After
Les etudiants. You are helping Marc prepare name tags for a reception at the International House.
you hear each name, tell him the necessary diacritical mark, as in the example.
Yous entendez (You hear): Joel
Yous dites (You say): e trema
1. Irene
2. Loi'c
3. Jerome
4. Frarn;oise
5. Stephanie

Les mots apparentes

Comment dit-on �a en fran�ais? Listen carefully to the following French words, then repeat them.
You will hear each word twice.
Yous entendez (You hear): excellent
Yous dites (You say): excellent
1. universite 5. apparemment
2. serieux 6. etranger
3. ordre 7. champagne
4. pratique 8. individualiste
En fran�ais, en anglais. You will hear a series of French words, each one repeated. Listen carefully,
then select the corresponding English term.
Yous entendez (You hear): lettre
Yous choisissez (You choose): let � lettuce
1. sociable society socialist
2. liberty liberate library
3. courier coordinate courageous
4. political polite party
5. etiquette state standard
6. normal normally normalcy
7. disorder disordered disorderly
8. individual individually individualism

4 Chapitre 1
Norn ________________ Date _ _ _ ___ Cours ____ _ _
___ _ _

• Lec;on 2: Paroles
Les nombres de O a 60
Le materiel. A student assistant is counting the items in the supply room. Select the numbers that
you hear.
1. 2 12 22
2. 17 47 57
3. 12 2 52
4. 26 6 16

5. 35 15 25
6. 16 13 15
Les reponses se trouvent clans l'appendice. (Answers are in the appendix.)

. Comptez! Repeat the numbers you hear, adding two numbers each time.
Yous entendez (You hear): deux, quatre, six, huit. ..
Yous dites (You say): deux, quatre, six, huit, dix, douze
1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4....
C. Les numeros. Jacques Marcat is paying his bills. Show how he will write the following amounts in
words on his checks.

Payer contre ce cheque non endossable sauf au profit

d'un ecablissement bancaire ou assimile

Banque Typique 59/00 €

Somme en routes lertres

a rediger
en euros

a -:fi.aMe cftfttofh.
a °p,:;1,;,iJ
152, HUE IJE IUVOLI le 2(t. I. f(t
75001 PARIS
TEL. 01 47 26 93 54
Cheque N 2200045 1 /4?f1M ,Mart-At
2200045 045013628074 282112716330

1. 29,00 € ---------------------------- €
2. 41,00 € €

Le9on 2: Paroles 5
Nam _______________ Date ______ Cours _____________

MODELE: le film italien ➔ vendredi, le quinze octobre

1. le rendez-vous de M. Belre il chez le docteur --------------------
2. diner avec Michel------------------------------
3. la fete (party) chez Juliette-------------------------
4. le concert de Bach------------------------------
5. la visite de Paul et Irene----------------------------
6. le match de hockey----------------------------
7. le rendez-vous chez le dentiste-------------------------
8. l'ann iversaire de mariage de M. et Mme Belre il ___________________
B. Quel jour est-ce? Look at a calendar for the current year, and write a sentence telling what day of
the week each date is.
MODELE: 25.12 ➔ Le vingt-cinq decembre, c'est un jeudi.
1. 21.1
2. 11.4
3. 8.5
4. 24.8

5. 22.10
6. 1.11
7. 6.12
8. aujourd'hui
Quel jour sommes-nous? On which day of the week do you usually do the things or visit the
places mentioned on the recording? (Make up an answer if the activity doesn't apply to you.)
You will hear some possible responses.
Vocabulaire: lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

Yous entendez (You hear): Yous etes (You are) au cinema.

Yous <lites (You say): Nous sommes samedi.

Leron 2: Paroles 7

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