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Bravado He put on a show of bravado which he hoped to impress and intimadate us with.

Camouflage While the troops were on manouvers in the forest they wore camouflage so as to avoid

to leap - to jump from one place to another

outlet - Going for a run or playing a sport can be a great outlet for pent up frustration.

Primate - monkeys, apes, and humans

Ridge - While walking along the mountain ridge we were able to enjoy the splendid views of the
valley below.

Stigma - (stygmat) In "The Scarlet Letter," Hester Prynne was required to wear the letter A on her
clothes as a public stigma for her adultery.

What is your take on the matter? - What’s your opinion on the matter?

daunting (adj) - Working and studying for a degree at the same time can be a daunting task which
few people can manage to do.

Empower - give someone power and confidence

Makeshift - a temporary substitute for something else

Misleading - The information they gave us was mislead and we ended up buying a house which was
older than we first thought!

Sceptical - You should be very sceptical of much of what you read on internet. There is a lot of fake
news out there.

Regardless - of in spite of
pose a threat - The rapid increase in global warming pose a threat to many people's way of life.

Realise an ambition - to do something that you had hoped to do

seasoned traveller - He goes on long trips every summer. You could say that he is a seasoned

a step too far - I love animals and would love a pet but owning a pet python is a step too far.

all things considered - taking everything into account

at the Forefront - of leading position

come to blows (over sth) - The students were shouting angrily at each other and I had to separate
them quickly as I wasa sure they were about to count to blows.

get cold feet - On her wedding day she got a cold feet and decided not to turn up.

get stuck for words - be unable to think of anything to saye

get stung (figurative) - While on a trip to the states I got stung in a restaurant and ended up paying
far more than I had expected.

in retrospect - Reviewing the past; considering past events

in the same breath – immediately

to roll off the tongue easily - to be very easy and enjoyable to say

fly off the handle - My mum flew off the handle when I told her that I had decided to drop out of
get my goat - It really got my goat when my sister uses my things without asking me.

go through the roof - My dad went through the roof when I crashed his new car.

put forward to – suggest

come out with say something - suddenly, usually something that surprises or shocks people

devote yourself to - to give most of your time, energy, attention, etc

throw yourself into - Do something enthusiastically or energetically.

catch on- understand; become popular or fashionable

associate with - to connect with

turn out to be - to be discovered or proven to be

be up to - to be doing something

put off – postpone

figure out - find the solution to a problem or question.

miss out on - lose a chance, fail to achieve keep up with

spring up - go at the same speed as (spring up to action)

back down - stop demanding sth, stop saying that you will do sth
see something through - continue with something to the end

take over - to take control of something

hoard away - put a supply of something in a safe place so that it can be used in the future

catch the public's attention - make someone feel very interested insomething

regardless of the fact that - without being affected or influenced by something

exceed expectations - do better than you hope to do

pay back - return money

all things considered - when you weigh up all the parts or events of a situation

read up - get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it

inclined to think - hold a particular opinion, but not very strongly

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