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A halfling serving boy is being bullied by a group of half-

orcs at the local tavern. The drunk and rowdy half-orcs
begin throwing the halfling to each other, playing catch
with their portable victim. Suddenly, a golden-scaled
dragon appears out of nowhere, using its mighty breath
to knock the half-orcs from their feet. The halfling
straightens his clothing and returns to work as the
dragon throws the half-orcs out the door.
A gnome is tinkering in her lab, too focused with
her work to retrieve the ladder she requires to reach
the part needed for the next step in her tinkering. An
automaton more than twice her size seems to step out
of her body, casually reaches up to grab the part, places
it on the desk next to her, and then flows back inside
her. The whole time, the gnome’s eyes never leave her
newest contraption.
An elf runs through the forest, bow drawn and arrow
nocked, on the hunt for an owlbear that has been
ravaging a nearby village for the past month. A large
wolf appears next to him, materializing out of thin air.
The wolf raises his nose to the breeze and takes a deep
whiff, scenting for their quarry. It takes off at an angle,
the elf leaping into action at the same instant.
Each of these individuals is an emergent, people who
discovered at some point in their lives that they could
manifest their soul into a living creature. Emergents are
very rare, but they come from all races, all walks of life,
and are an incredibly diverse group. No two souls are
the same, so neither will be two emergents.

Classes | Emergent
The Emergent
Level Bonus Features
1st +2 Incarnation, Aspect of Form
2nd +2 Aspect of Character,
Incarnation Type Feature
3rd +2 Symbiotic Warrior
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Incarnation Assault, Symbiotic Might
6th +3 Aspect of Power, Soul Strikes
7th +3 Incarnation Type Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Aspect of Resilience
10th +4 Well-Rounded Personality
11th +4 Aspect of Fury,
Symbiotic Manifestation
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Incarnation Type Feature
14th +5 Complex Personality
15th +5 Aspect of Spirit
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Incarnation Type Feature
18th +6 Resolute Personality
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Unconquerable Spirit Creating an Emergent
Emergents are as varied as the denizens of the
multiverse. Since every individual soul is unique, so
Cohesion in Diversity
should be every incarnation. As you decide which
It isn’t difficult for most creatures to recognize an Incarnation Type you want your incarnation to be,
emergent when one springs into action; the sudden consider what its type says about you. Since the
appearance of a creature without the usual verbal and creature is the physical embodiment of your soul, your

somatic components of conjuration spells is often a incarnation’s type and appearance is a great opportunity
dead giveaway. All emergents share this defining ability to hint at hidden information about your character’s

to summon and recall their incarnation. However, personality and backstory. For example, your character
assuming that emergents are all the same due to this could present a public face of a benevolent, kind, and
shared ability is fallacious. caring patron, but have a wickedly demonic incarnation,

Emergents bear the most diverse classification in hinting that everything may not be as it seems. Or, you
the multiverse; an incarnation’s abilities, strengths, could flip the script, playing a jaded and angry character
and weaknesses are all entirely dependent not only on whose fiend incarnation is playful and lighthearted,
the emergent’s physical characteristics, but also the representing your character’s repressed childhood.
emergent’s personality. Since even the most genetically Another important aspect is to consider how you
similar of races have incredibly varied personalities, came to discover that you are an emergent. Incarnations
even the incarnations of identical twins could be tend not to appear until an emergent has experienced
entirely different. When emergents meet, as rare as that something particularly traumatic. Perhaps you fell off
occurrence is, they bask in this diversity; comparing a cliff, barely surviving, and in your desperation for
their incarnations’ appearances and abilities in the way company and food, you manifested your incarnation,
that philosophers might discuss the ways of sapient which cared for you until you were healthy enough to
thought. find your family again. Or, if you want to get particularly
dark with your character, perhaps your entire village
was destroyed in front of your eyes, and your despair
Hidden Selves caused you to mentally shut down, manifesting an
Many beings repress aspects of themselves for various incarnation as an escape to the horrors you witnessed.
reasons: cultural norms, peer pressure, trying to There are many different possibilities.
impress a love interest, trauma, and nigh infinite One more important factor you should think about
others. Incarnations are the soul of an emergent given is how you will roleplay your incarnation at the table.
physical form. To an eye studied in interpreting how an Is it a basic extension of yourself that behaves exactly
incarnation’s physical features represent the emergent, the same way as your normal character, or is it a
all is made apparent, even the aspects that have been separate aspect of your personality that you repressed
repressed. In some cases, repressed emotions and for years? Will you have discussions or arguments with
personality traits can be especially dominant features of your incarnation at the table? If you want to make your
the incarnation, allowing deep insight into the emergent incarnation a completely separate aspect of yourself
itself. Emergents with repressed characteristics due to with its own personality and opinions, you may want to
childhood trauma may not even be aware if those parts discuss with your DM about treating the incarnation
of themselves until summoning their incarnation for the itself as an NPC so you aren’t literally talking to yourself
first time. Because they are so constantly made aware at the table, which could slow down play and make your
of their own flaws and issues, emergents are far more party members feel a little excluded.
likely to address and resolve their traumas than others.
Classes | Emergent
Quick Build • Its base Armor Class is equal to 13 + your Dexterity
You can make an emergent quickly by following these modifier. When you gain this feature, you can choose
suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your for your incarnation to use Constitution, instead of
highest ability score, depending on the fantasy and Dexterity, when calculating its AC.
backstory of your character, followed by Constitution. • It is proficient in a natural weapon suitable to its form
Second, choose the folk hero background, although any – such as a lashing tail, a fanged maw, or long claws –
background could work since emergents come from all which is a melee weapon that deals 1d10 bludgeoning,
walks of life. piercing, or slashing damage, your choice when you
gain this feature. It uses Strength or Dexterity, your
choice when you gain this feature, for the attack and
Class Features damage rolls of its natural weapon.
As an emergent, you have the following class features.
While you are within 5 feet of your incarnation,
Hit Points you can use an action on your turn to absorb it back
Hit Dice: 2d6 per emergent level into your body. While it is absorbed this way, your
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier incarnation can’t be interacted with in any way, nor can
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 7) + your you or it make use of any of its traits or abilities. If your
Constitution modifier per emergent level after 1st incarnation is absorbed, you can use your action to
cause it to reappear in the nearest unoccupied space to
Proficiencies you.
Armor: Light armor, medium armor Your incarnation disappears if you become
Weapons: Simple weapons unconscious or die.
Tools: One type of artisan’s tools of your choice
Emergent Actions & Spells
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma On your turn, you and your incarnation move
Skills: Choose any two independently, but share an action and bonus action.
During each of your turns, you can use your action to
Equipment have your incarnation take the Attack, Help, Ready,
You start with the following equipment, in addition to Search, or Use an Object action.
the equipment granted by your background: When you use your action to take the Dash,
Disengage, Dodge, or Hide action, your incarnation also
• (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail benefits from the effects of the action.
• (a) a shortbow and a quiver of 20 arrows or (b) any You and your incarnation concentrate on spells

simple weapon you or it cast as though you are a single creature. If

• (a) two daggers or (b) two handaxes an emergent class feature allows you to have your

• (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack incarnation cast a spell, Constitution is its spellcasting
ability for it. If a spell your incarnation casts would
require material components, your incarnation doesn’t

need the material components to cast it, even if such a

At some point in your life, you realized that you could component has a monetary cost.
manifest an aspect of yourself into living flesh. It was
most likely in a time of high emotion, extreme danger, Emergents and Special Effects
or great desperation. No matter how you initially If you or your incarnation would be transported to
discovered you could manifest this creature, you came another plane of existence, the other is also transported
to learn that it is known as an incarnation, a piece there. Otherwise, if you or your incarnation becomes the
of your soul emerged from your body. Choose one of target of a spell or effect, and the other is not a target,
the following incarnation types, all detailed at the end only the targeted creature is affected.
of the class description: Aberration, Beast, Celestial, If you and your incarnation are both subjected to a
Construct, Dragon, Fey, Fiend, or Plant. The incarnation spell or effect that can cause multiple targets to make
type you choose grants you features at 1st level, and a saving throw, such as a fireball or thunderwave
again at 2nd, 7th, 13th, and 17th level. spell, you roll a single saving throw for both you and
You and your incarnation are, in essence, a single unit. your incarnation. If either you or your incarnation has
You share a pool of hit points, an alignment, languages, advantage on the saving throw, but the other does not,
senses, a turn in the initiative, and a single reaction each you make the roll without advantage; the same is true
round. You always perceive through your incarnation’s for disadvantage. If the spell or effect deals damage, you
senses, in addition to your own. Your incarnation uses take damage from it only a single time. Otherwise, if you
your ability scores and your proficiency bonus, and is fail the saving throw, you and your incarnation suffer its
proficient in the same skills and saving throws that you effects normally.
Your incarnation has the following traits and features: Incarnations and Equipment
Your incarnation can wear armor and barding, but gains
• Its size is Medium or Small, your choice when you no benefit from doing so. It can’t wield weapons or
gain this feature. shields, aside from its natural weapon, nor can it wield
• Its creature type is determined by your choice of or wear magic items that aren’t specifically designed for
Incarnation Type. incarnations.
• Its base walking speed is 30 feet. You and your incarnation share attunement to magic
items, and can’t attune to more than three, as normal.

Classes | Emergent
Incarnations and Mounting Aspect of Character
Your incarnation follows the normal rules for Mounted
Combat in chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook. It counts At 2nd level, another of your personality traits manifests
as an independent mount for creatures other than you. itself on your incarnation. Choose your second
incarnation aspect, an Aspect of Character, from the
following options, following the same restrictions
Incarnation Ability Saving Throws
presented in Aspect of Form.
Some of your incarnation’s traits and features require
Apathetic. You and your incarnation add half your
targets to make a saving throw to resist the trait or
proficiency bonus to saving throws you make against
feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as
being charmed or frightened, even if you already add
your proficiency bonus to the saving throw.
Charitable (Celestial Required). A creature can
Incarnation save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
benefit from your Healing Touch feature again after it
Constitution modifier
finishes a short or long rest.
Charming (Fey Required). While your incarnation is
Aspect of Form in physical contact with a humanoid creature, you can
use your action to cast charm person on that creature
Your incarnation is the physical manifestation of your from your incarnation’s space. Constitution is your
soul, and its visage and abilities are directly affected by spellcasting ability for the spell. If the creature fails the
your personality traits. You choose your first incarnation saving throw by 5 or more, it does not realize it was
aspect, an Aspect of Form, from the following options. charmed by you when the spell ends. Once you cast the
Some aspects have a required Incarnation Type; you can spell this way, you can’t use this aspect on the same
only choose that aspect if your incarnation is of that type. target again until you finish a long rest.
You can’t choose an aspect more than once, even if you Communicative (Aberration Required). Your
later get to choose again. incarnation’s telepathy range increases to 120 feet.
Adaptive. Your incarnation can breathe air and water, When your incarnation communicates telepathically
and gains a swimming speed equal to its base walking with a creature, that creature can now respond with a
speed. simple message or image as long as you understand one
Ambitious. Choose one of your incarnation’s natural of its languages.
weapons. Its reach with the natural weapon increases Defensive. Your incarnation gains a +1 bonus to its
to 10 feet. While there is a hostile creature within 5 feet AC.
of your incarnation, your incarnation has disadvantage Determined. Your incarnation can climb difficult
on attack rolls using the chosen natural weapon surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without
against creatures that are farther than 5 feet from your needing to make an ability check.

incarnation. Focused (Beast Required). Choose two of the

Bashful. Your incarnation has a burrowing speed of following senses: hearing, sight, and smell. Your

10 feet. incarnation has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)

Distant. You can absorb your incarnation back into checks that rely on at least one of the senses you chose.
your body while it is within 30 feet of you. If your Guarded. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

incarnation is absorbed, you can use your action to your incarnation takes from nonmagical weapons is
cause it to reappear in an unoccupied space within 30 reduced by 3.
feet of you. Irate. You can use your action to have your
Impatient. Your incarnation’s base walking speed incarnation make a soul blast, which is a ranged spell
increases by 10 feet. attack with a range of 60 feet that deals 1d10 force
Jubilant. You can use your bonus action to have your damage. It uses Constitution for its soul blast attack
incarnation glow with bioluminescence. It sheds bright rolls, but doesn’t add the ability modifier to its damage
light in a 20-foot radius, and dim light for an additional rolls. The damage increases by 1d10 when you reach
20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. You can certain levels in this class: at 5th level (2d10), at 11th
have your incarnation extinguish the light using your level (3d10), and at 17th level (4d10).
bonus action on a subsequent turn. Productive (Plant Required). You can have your
Perceptive. You have darkvision to a range of 60 feet. incarnation cast goodberry. Once you use this aspect,
Prepared. Your incarnation gains a second natural you must finish a short or long rest before you can use
weapon (as described in the Incarnation feature), which it again. You can use this aspect twice between rests
can have a different damage type than its normal natural starting at 9th level, and three times between rests
weapon. starting at 17th level.
Protective. When a creature you can see attacks a
Incarnation Aspects & Visage target other than your incarnation that is within 5 feet of
Despite each of the incarnation aspect features stating your incarnation, you can use your reaction to have your
that the aspects affect your incarnation’s visage, none of incarnation impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
them actually specify how. This is a great opportunity for Renitent (Dragon Required). Your incarnation gains
you to further customize your incarnation. If you choose immunity to the damage type associated with its dragon
the Adaptive aspect, perhaps your incarnation develops color.
gills or grows fins. Or if your incarnation originally had a Stubborn. At the start of each of your turns, you can
piercing bite as its first natural weapon and you choose choose to gain temporary hit points equal to half your
the Prepared aspect, you could have your incarnation emergent level.
grow tentacles for dealing bludgeoning damage. Tactical (Construct Required). When a creature casts
The choice, and storytelling opportunities, are near a spell targeting your incarnation that would alter its
infinite. Customize your incarnation’s appearance to your form, such as the enlarge/reduce spell, you can use
heart’s content! your reaction to have your incarnation ignore Soulful

Classes | Emergent
Construct for that casting of the spell. When the spell Aspect of Power
ends, your incarnation then returns to its normal form.
At 6th level, another of your personality traits manifests
Underhanded (Fiend Required). Your incarnation has
itself on your incarnation. Choose your third incarnation
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while in dim
aspect, an Aspect of Power, from the following options,
light or darkness.
following the same restrictions presented in Aspect of
Symbiotic Warrior Bewildering (Aberration Required). You can use
your action to have your incarnation attempt to invade
Beginning at 3rd level, when you roll initiative while a creature’s mind and scramble its thoughts. Choose a
your incarnation is absorbed, you can use your reaction creature within your incarnation’s telepathy range. That
to cause it to appear in the nearest unoccupied space to creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw
you. or suffer the effects of the confusion spell for 1 minute.
Additionally, when you use your action to have your At the end of each of the creature’s turns, it can repeat
incarnation take the Attack action, you can use your the saving throw, ending the effects on a successful save.
bonus action this turn for one of the following effects: Once the effect ends, or if the creature succeeds on its
saving throw against the effect, you can’t use this aspect
• You make a single weapon attack against one of your on that creature again until you finish a long rest.
incarnation’s targets. Braggadocious. Your incarnation counts as one size
• You take the Help action. category larger for grappling, when determining its
• You take the Dodge action. carrying capacity, and when determining the weight it
can push, drag, and lift.
Ability Score Increase Destructive. Your incarnation’s natural weapons deal
double damage to objects and structures.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, Discriminating (Dragon Required). You gain
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your blindsight to a range of 30 feet. Additionally, you can
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of use your bonus action to have your incarnation take the
your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability Search action.
score above 20 using this feature. Evasive. When your incarnation is subjected to an
effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to
take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it
Incarnation Assault succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it
Starting at 5th level, your incarnation can attack twice, fails. If you and your incarnation are both in the area of
instead of once, whenever you use your action to have it such an effect, you both benefit from this aspect, taking

take the Attack action. only half damage on a failed save, or no damage on a
successful one.

Fierce (Beast Required). When your incarnation

Symbiotic Might knocks a creature prone with its Ferocious Charge, you
Also at 5th level, you learn to utilize some of your can have it immediately make an additional natural

incarnation’s power, even while it’s not fully manifested. weapon attack against the target. You can use this
While your incarnation is absorbed, you gain a +2 bonus aspect twice, and you regain all expended uses when
to your AC if you aren’t wielding a shield, and you can you finish a short or long rest.
attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Honorable. You can use your bonus action to have
Attack action on your turn. your incarnation cast compelled duel.
Insightful (Celestial Required). You can use your
action to have your incarnation cast detect evil and good.
Mischievous (Fey Required). You can use your action
to have your incarnation cast invisibility on itself. Once
you use this aspect, you must finish a short or long rest
before you can do so again.
Nettlesome (Plant Required). When your incarnation
successfully restrains a creature using its Entangling
Vegetation or successfully grapples one, that creatures
takes piercing or poison damage (your choice) equal
to 1d6 + your Constitution modifier. At the beginning
of a creature’s turn that is grappling, grappled by, or
restrained by your incarnation, that creature takes
piercing damage equal to your Constitution modifier (a
minimum of 1 damage).
Sensitive. You have tremorsense to a range of 10 feet.
Sinister (Fiend Required). You can use your action to
have your incarnation cast darkness. Once you use this
aspect, you must finish a short or long rest before you
can do so again. Your incarnation can use this aspect
while it’s within a creature’s shadow, but must center the
sphere on the shadowed creature’s space.
Unbiased (Construct Required). You can use your
action to have your incarnation cast one of the detect
magic or identify spells.

Classes | Emergent
Soul Strikes
Beginning at 6th level, your incarnation’s weapon
attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and

Aspect of Resilience
At 9th level, another of your personality traits manifests
itself on your incarnation. Choose your fourth
incarnation aspect, an Aspect of Resilience, from the
following options.
Acute. You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
Persistent. You gain proficiency in Strength saving
Prudent. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving
Rational. You gain proficiency in Intelligence saving

Well-Rounded Personality
Aspect of Fury
At 10th level, you gain two aspects of your choice from
among those available in Aspect of Form, Aspect of At 11th level, another of your personality traits
Character, and Aspect of Power. manifests itself on your incarnation. Choose your
seventh incarnation aspect, an Aspect of Fury, from
the following options, following the same restrictions
presented in Aspect of Form.
Opportunistic. Once during each of your turns, you
can have your incarnation deal an extra 2d6 damage
to one creature it hits with a natural weapon attack if
it has advantage on the attack roll. Your incarnation
doesn’t need advantage on the attack roll if another

enemy of the target is within 5 feet of the target, that


enemy isn’t incapacitated, and your incarnation doesn’t

have disadvantage on the attack roll. When a creature
takes this extra damage, it can’t take reactions until the
start of its next turn.

Primal. For each of your incarnation’s natural

weapons, choose a damage type from the following
list: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic,
radiant, and thunder. Whenever your incarnation hits a
creature with that natural weapon, the creature takes
additional damage of the chosen type. The additional
damage is 1d10 for acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic,
and poison, or 1d8 for psychic, radiant, and thunder.
Reliable. Once per turn when your incarnation
misses with a natural weapon attack, it can
immediately make another natural weapon attack
against the target. Additionally, when a creature within
your incarnation’s reach misses it with an attack, you
can use your reaction to have your incarnation make a
natural weapon attack against the attacker.
Savage. When you have your incarnation take the
Attack action, you can have it forgo its attacks to instead
make a natural weapon attack against each creature of
your choice within 10 feet of it, using a separate
attack roll for each target.
Vindictive. When a creature hits you with an
attack, you can use your reaction to have your
incarnation move up to its speed toward the
attacker and make a natural weapon attack
against it if it’s within your incarnation’s reach. If
your incarnation’s attack hits, the target’s speed
is reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn.
Movement your incarnation makes this way doesn’t
provoke opportunity attacks.

Classes | Emergent
Symbiotic Manifestation Complex Personality
Also at 11th level, you learn to manifest parts of your Beginning at 14th level, whenever you finish a short or
incarnation, even when you have it absorbed. While your long rest, you can spend 1 minute meditating to change
incarnation is absorbed, you can make attacks using your incarnation’s aspects. When you do, you replace
your incarnation’s natural weapons, creating a spectral one of your incarnation’s aspects with a different aspect
version of the natural weapon over an appropriate part of the same type.
of your body. For example, if you choose to replace Braggadocious,
Additionally, while your incarnation is absorbed, you an Aspect of Power, you can replace it only with another
gain a trait depending on your incarnation’s type: Aspect of Power, such as Evasive.

Aberration. You have telepathy to a range of 60 feet.

You can only communicate telepathically with a creature Aspect of Spirit
that shares at least one of your languages, and this At 15th level, another of your personality traits
form of telepathy doesn’t allow the receiving creature to manifests itself on your incarnation. Choose your
telepathically respond. eighth incarnation aspect, an Aspect of Spirit, from
Beast. If you move at least 15 feet straight toward a the following options, following the same restrictions
target and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the presented in Aspect of Form.
same turn, the target must succeed on a Strength saving Assiduous (Beast Required). You can use your
throw against your incarnation save DC or be knocked incarnation as a mount if it is at least the same
prone. size category as you. While you’re mounted on your
Celestial. You can use your action to touch a willing incarnation, you and it both have advantage on Strength
creature and remove one disease or neutralize one and Dexterity saving throws, and you can force an attack
poison affecting the target. targeted at you to target your incarnation instead.
Construct. You have advantage on saving throws you Captivating (Fey Required). When your incarnation
make against disease and the poisoned condition. teleports using its Fog Step, you can use your action to
Dragon. You have resistance to the damage type have it cast hold person.
associated with your dragon’s color. Curious (Aberration Required). When your
Fey. You can use your action to touch a creature, incarnation attacks a creature it can’t see, its inability
magically learning its emotional state. The target must to see the target doesn’t impose disadvantage on your
then succeed on a Charisma saving throw against incarnation’s attack rolls against it. Additionally, as
your incarnation save DC or you learn its alignment. long as a creature is within your incarnation’s telepathy
Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically fail the range, that creature doesn’t gain advantage on attack
saving throw. rolls against your incarnation as a result of being hidden

Fiend. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) from it. This feature has no effect on a creature immune
checks while in dim light or darkness.

to effects that would read its mind.

Plant. While you remain motionless, you can choose Fickle (Dragon Required). Whenever you finish a
to appear indistinguishable from a normal plant. short or long rest, you can change your incarnation’s
dragon color, and thereby its associated damage type, to

When you make an attack with one of your a different color. When you do, you can also replace your
incarnation’s natural weapons or make use of the trait chosen debilitating breath with a different one.
you gain while it’s absorbed, you don’t benefit from any Flighty. Your incarnation has a flying speed equal to
of its aspects. its base walking speed.
Independent. You can use your action to have your
incarnation cast freedom of movement on itself. Once
you use this aspect, you must finish a short or long rest
before you can do so again.
Innovative (Construct Required). You can have your
incarnation cast fabricate. Once you use this aspect, you
must finish a short or long rest before you can do so
Magnanimous (Celestial Required). You can use your
action to have your incarnation cast one of the dispel
magic or remove curse spells.
Obstinate. Your incarnation has advantage on saving
throws against spells.
Pernicious (Plant Required). Once during each of
your turns, when your incarnation hits a creature with
a natural weapon attack, you can choose to have the
target make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
the target becomes poisoned for 1 minute. The target
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on a successful save.
Riotous (Fiend Required). You can use your action to
have your incarnation summon a fiend with challenge
rating no greater than your emergent level divided by
four. If you do, the creature appears in an unoccupied
space within 60 feet of your incarnation, and remains
for 1 minute, until you or it fall to 0 hit points, or until
you dismiss it as an action. You roll initiative for the
Classes | Emergent
creature. It regards you and your incarnation as allies, Incarnation Types
but otherwise acts according to its alignment. Once you Incarnations, as physical embodiments of an emergent’s
use this aspect, you must finish a long rest before you soul, represent the core of that person. Consider what
can use it again. your incarnation type says about your personality. Are
Subtle. When you have your incarnation cast a spell, you distant and cold, your incarnation a construct? Or
you can choose for it to cast the spell without any verbal are you passionate and domineering, your incarnation
or somatic components. a dragon? Choosing an incarnation this way is an
excellent roleplaying opportunity to hint at hidden
information about your character. You can, of course,
Resolute Personality also just choose your incarnation by the traits and
Beginning at 18th level, when you finish a long rest, abilities you most favor.
you can choose any aspect, ignoring Incarnation Type
restrictions. Until you finish your next long rest, your
incarnation gains the benefits of that incarnation aspect.
You still can’t choose an aspect more than once this Emergents with aberration incarnations - like aboleths,
way. Additionally, you can’t replace the aspect you beholders, flumphs, gibbering mouthers, and otyugh
choose this way using Complex Personality. - tend to have inquisitive minds. Their incarnations’
strange forms represent the way the emergent tends to
look at the world, usually from a different perspective
Unconquerable Spirit from everyone else. Often, these emergents are
At 20th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points or are searching for the deepest secrets of the world, or
subjected to an effect that would kill you instantaneously, perhaps just the greatest truths.
you can choose to fall to 1 hit point instead. If you
do, your body is absorbed into your incarnation, you Bonus Proficiency
gain temporary hit points equal to half your hit point At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of one
maximum, and you gain the following benefits for 1 of the following skills: Arcana, Insight, or Investigation.
Aberrant Mind
• Your incarnation adds your proficiency bonus to the Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature
damage of its natural weapon attacks for 1 minute. type is Aberration. It has telepathy to a range of 60 feet.
• During each of your turns, you can use a bonus action It can only communicate telepathically with a creature
to have your incarnation make a natural weapon that shares at least one of your languages, and this
attack against a target within range. form of telepathy doesn’t allow the receiving creature to

• You are treated as though you are on a different plane telepathically respond.
of existence, though you can still perceive through

your incarnation’s senses. You can’t be targeted by Mind Blast

spells or attacks, and you can’t attack or cast spells. At 2nd level, your incarnation gains the ability to
However, you can still telepathically command your psychically assault creatures within its telepathy range.

incarnation to take actions, and you can use your You can use your action to choose a creature within
reaction as normal. range of your incarnation’s telepathy. That creature
• At the end of the duration, or if you drop to 0 hit must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or
points, you fall prone in the nearest unoccupied space become incapacitated until the start of your next turn.
to your incarnation. Additionally, the first attack roll made against a creature
incapacitated this way before the start of your next turn
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until is made with advantage.
you finish a long rest. A mindless creature without its own consciousness,
such as a golem or zombie, is unaffected by this feature.

Mind Invasion
At 7th level, your incarnation gains the ability to use its
telepathy to read the surface thoughts of creature. You
can use your action to have your incarnation cast detect
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Constitution modifier (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Classes | Emergent
Telepathic Shroud Ferocious Charge
Beginning at 13th level, you and your incarnation’s Beginning at 2nd level, if your incarnation moves at
thoughts can’t be read by telepathy or other means least 15 feet straight toward a target and then hits it
unless you allow it. Additionally, you and your with a natural weapon attack on the same turn, the
incarnation are immune to divination spells unless you target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be
choose to be affected by them. knocked prone.

Mental Assault Natural Tracker

Starting at 17th level, your incarnation can mix its At 7th level, your incarnation becomes peerless in its
attacks with its psychic assaults. When you have your ability to track. Once, you can use your action to have
incarnation take the Attack action, it can replace one of your incarnation cast locate creature, and you regain
its attacks with a use of Mind Blast. the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.

Savage Agility
Beast Starting at 13th level, moving through nonmagical
Emergents with beast incarnations - like axe beaks, difficult terrain costs your incarnation no extra
bears, boars, panthers, snakes, spiders, and wolves movement. It can also pass through nonmagical plants
- tend to be focused and driven individuals. They are without being slowed by them and without taking
often very loyal people who ferociously protect their damage from them if they have thorns, spikes, or a
comrades, and tend to prefer not to waste time on similar hazard.
trivialities. These emergents tend to love the idea of Additionally, your incarnation doesn’t provoke
adventure and relish the excitement each new day could opportunity attacks when it moves out of an enemy’s
bring. reach.

Bonus Proficiency Pack Tactics

At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of one Beginning at 17th level, your incarnation has advantage
of the following skills: Perception, Stealth, or Survival. on an attack roll against a creature if you or at least one
of your allies is within 5 feet of the target and you or the
Bestial Physiology ally isn’t incapacitated.
Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature Additionally, once per turn when a creature other than
type is Beast. Choose one of the following senses: your incarnation makes an attack roll against a hostile
hearing, sight, or smell. Your incarnation has advantage creature you can see within 5 feet of your incarnation,
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on the chosen you can grant advantage to the attack roll.

Additionally, when you use your action to take the

Dash action, your incarnation can

move an additional 10 feet Emergents with celestial incarnations - like angels,
this turn. couatls, empyreans, pegasi, and unicorns - tend to be

kind individuals who may have gone through immense

tragedy. They usually want to help people, hoping to
prevent others from experiencing the same horrors they
lived through. These emergents may be very guarded
individuals who are very slow to trust.

Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of one
of the following skills: Arcana, Medicine, or Religion.

Divine Patron
Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature
type is Celestial. You can use your action to have it touch
a willing creature and remove one disease or neutralize
one poison affecting the target.

Healing Touch
Beginning at 2nd level, your incarnation can use its
divine power to heal wounds. You can use your
action to have your incarnation touch a willing
creature, causing the creature to regain hit points
equal to 1d6 + your emergent level. Once a
creature regains hit points from this feature, it
can’t do so again until it finishes a long rest.

Classes | Emergent
Divine Protection
At 7th level, your incarnation gains the ability
to use its holy power to shield creatures from the
forces of above and below. You can use your action
to have your incarnation cast protection from evil and
You can use this feature twice, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Divine Touch
Beginning at 13th level, when your incarnation uses its
Healing Touch on an ally, you can choose to end one
spell of your choice on that creature. The spell must be
of a level lower than half your emergent level.

Righteous Indignation
At 17th level, your incarnation gains the ability to banish
those who would dare harm your allies. Once, you can
use your bonus action to have your incarnation cast
banishing smite, and you regain the ability to do so
when you finish a long rest.

Emergents with construct incarnations - like animated
objects, golems, and helmed horrors - tend to be logical
and dispassionate individuals. They usually approach
every situation as objectively as possible, and may have
trouble connecting with other sapient races. The way
these emergents state facts may come off as being
incredibly arrogant or cruel.

Bonus Proficiency

At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice

of one of the following skills: Athletics, History, or


Soulful Construct Constructed Resilience


Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature Beginning at 2nd level, your incarnation is immune
type is Construct. It is immune to any spell or effect that to disease and the poisoned condition, and it has
would alter its form. resistance to poison damage.

Objective Analysis
At 7th level, your incarnation gains the ability to analyze
creatures and objects for weaknesses. You can use
your bonus action to have your incarnation analyze
a creature or object within 30 feet of it. If you chose
a creature, your incarnation gains a +1 bonus to the
attack and damage rolls of its natural weapon attacks
against the target for 1 minute.
If you chose an object, the object is treated as being
vulnerable to your incarnation’s natural weapon attacks
for 1 minute.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Constitution modifier (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Constructed Protection
At 13th level, your incarnation gains a +2 bonus to its

Immovable Object
At 17th level, your incarnation gains resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical weapons. Additionally, your incarnation
can’t be moved or pushed by other creatures’ spells or
effects unless you choose for it to be.

Classes | Emergent
Dragon Debilitating Breath
At 7th level, your incarnation gains the ability to change
Emergents with dragon incarnations - like chromatics, the properties of its breath weapon. Choose one of the
metallics, drakes, and wyverns - tend to be passionate following debilitating breath options. When you have
and confident people. They often give orders that they your incarnation use its breath weapon, you can have
just assume will be followed without meaning any it use the chosen option, instead of its normal breath
malice or harm. These emergents can be just a bit weapon.
narcissistic and may come across as arrogant or bossy. Paralyzing Breath. Your incarnation exhales
paralyzing gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that
Bonus Proficiency area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of be paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the
one of the following skills: Intimidation, Perception, or saving throw at the end of each of its turns and each
Persuasion. time it takes damage, ending the effects on a successful
save. The effect also ends on a creature if it is hit by an
Draconic Leader attack.
Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature Repulsion Breath. Your incarnation exhales repulsion
type is Dragon. It is a specific color of dragon, and its energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must
damage type is determined by your choice of dragon succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 30
color. Choose a dragon color for your incarnation. feet away from your incarnation and knocked prone.
Your incarnation has resistance to the damage type The distance a target is pushed increases to 45 feet at
associated with its dragon color. 13th level, and to 60 feet at 20th level.
Sleep Breath. Your incarnation exhales sleep gas in
Draconic Color a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed
Dragon Color Damage Type on a Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1
Black Acid minute. The effect ends for a creature if it takes damage
or if another creature uses its action to wake it.
Blue Lightning
Slowing Breath. Your incarnation exhales gas in a
Brass Fire
15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed on
Bronze Lightning a Constitution saving throw or it can’t use reactions, its
Copper Acid speed is halved, and it can’t make more than one attack
Gold Fire on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an
Green Poison action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These
Red Fire effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the

Silver Cold saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
White Cold effects on a successful save.

Weakening Breath. Your incarnation exhales gas in

a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed
Breath Weapon
on a Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on
Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your action to have
Strength-based attack rolls, Strength checks, and

your incarnation use its breath weapon. When you

Strength saving throws for 1 minute. The creature can
do, your incarnation exhales its elemental breath in
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make
ending the effects on a successful save.
a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 damage of the
damage type associated with your incarnation’s dragon
color, or half as much on a successful save. Domineering Overlord
The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach certain Starting at 13th level, at the beginning of each of your
levels in this class: at 6th level (4d8), at 10th level (5d8), turns, if your incarnation has expended its Breath
at 14th level (6d8), and at 18th level (7d8). Weapon, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, your incarnation
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until regains the use of its breath weapon.
you finish a short or long rest.

Classes | Emergent
Frightful Presence
Beginning at 17th level, you can use your action
to have your incarnation harness the primal fear a
dragon inspires and use it to debilitate your enemies.
Each creature of your choice within 60 feet of your
incarnation must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature is frightened of your incarnation
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a
success. If a creature succeeds on the initial saving
throw or the effect ends for it, it is immune to this
feature for the next 24 hours.

Emergents with fey incarnations - like dryads, hags,
pixies, satyrs, and sprites - tend to be a bit more than
a little mischievous. At their best, they’re chronic
pranksters who do it all in good fun. At their worst,
they’re master manipulators who tend to cause suffering
for their own gain. Either way, these emergents often
delight in fooling others, and for that reason are likely to
earn the distrust of people around them.

Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of one
of the following skills: Deception, Sleight of Hand, or
Sylvan Trickster
Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature type
is Fey. You can use your action to have your incarnation
cast minor illusion.

Additionally, you can use your action to have your

incarnation touch a creature. You magically learn
Make Believe

Starting at 17th level, you can

the creature’s emotional state. The target must then
use your action to have your
succeed on a Charisma saving throw or you learn its
incarnation cast modify memory.
alignment. Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically
The target does not gain advantage

fail the saving throw.

on the saving throw as a result of you or your
companions fighting it.
Feywild Farceur Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again
Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your action to have
until you finish a long rest.
your incarnation transform into a form that resembles
a Small or smaller beast. When it does, it can’t attack
until it returns to its normal form. Its statistics and Fiend
capabilities are otherwise the same in beast form, and
it is still able to make use of its class features. Any Emergents with fiend incarnations - like demons, devils,
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. incubi, succubi, and yugoloths - tend to be murderous
You can use a bonus action on your turn to revert your and manipulative sociopaths. They tend not to give a
incarnation to its normal form. single thought to repercussions against others before
While transformed, a detect evil and good spell or pursuing their ambitions, and may be willing to take
other similar effect will still recognize your incarnation or ruin lives to achieve their goals. At best, they are
as a fey. ruthless pursuers of the common good, but at their
worst, they are psychopaths who will do any- and
everything to accomplish their goals.
Fog Step
Starting at 7th level, you can use your bonus action to
have your incarnation cast misty step. Bonus Proficiency
You can use this feature twice, and you regain all At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of
expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. one of the following skills: Deception, Intimidation, or
Killing Joke
At 13th level, your incarnation becomes able to tap into Infernal Ambition
creatures’ greatest fears to execute much crueler pranks. Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature
Once, you can use your action to have your incarnation type is Fiend. You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
cast phantasmal killer, and you regain the ability to do If you already had darkvision from another source, its
so when you finish a short or long rest. range instead increases by 30 feet.
Additionally, magical darkness doesn’t impede your

Classes | Emergent
Looming Threat Deal with the Devil
Beginning at 2nd level, while your incarnation is within Beginning at 13th level, you can use your action to have
5 feet of a creature, you can use your action to have your incarnation offer a deal to a creature other than
your incarnation hide within the target’s shadow. When you within 5 feet of it that can hear it. If the creature has
you do, your incarnation must succeed on a Dexterity at least half of its hit dice remaining, it can accept the
(Stealth) check against the target’s passive Perception deal, losing all of its remaining hit dice. It then gains
to avoid being detected. While within a creature’s one of the following benefits of your choice:
shadow, your incarnation occupies the same space as Envy. For the next minute, the creature can use
the shadowed creature, and your incarnation has the its action to create a spectral copy of any piece of
following properties: equipment it can see, and immediately equip it. It is
considered proficient with any armor, shield, tool, or
• It is undetectable by nonmagical means unless a weapon it copies this way. If the copied equipment is
creature succeeds on a Wisdom (Perception) check a magic item, the creature ignores all class, race, level,
against your incarnation save DC to find it. It can still and attunement requirements for its use. The copy
be detected and recognized as a fiend by the detect lasts for the duration of this benefit, or until it copies a
evil and good spell and similar effects. different piece of equipment.
• It can’t attack or make use of its other racial traits or Gluttony. For the next minute, whenever the creature
class features, but it can use its senses normally. It would regain hit points, it regains the maximum
can also still be targeted normally by attacks, spells, possible amount. Additionally, once per turn when it
and other effects by creatures that have detected it. deals damage to a target, it can choose to regain hit
• You can use your bonus action to have it exit the points equal to half of the damage dealt to the target.
shadow it’s hiding in, causing it to reappear in the Greed. For the next hour, the creature has advantage
nearest unoccupied space to the creature it was on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception)
shadowing. checks it makes to find treasure and loot, as well as on
• When the creature it’s shadowing comes within 5 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) checks it makes to pick locks,
feet of another creature, you can use your reaction to and it can cast locate object without needing material
have your incarnation move into the other creature’s components or expending spell slots. It uses Charisma
shadow. If you do, your incarnation must succeed on as its spellcasting ability for the spell. If the spell is still
a Dexterity (Stealth) check against the target’s passive active when this benefit expires, the spell ends.
Perception to avoid being detected. Lust. For the next hour, the creature is wreathed in a
glamour of beauty and lust. For the duration, it makes
Dark Whispers Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Persuasion)
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to checks with advantage, and it can cast enthrall

have your incarnation cast crown of madness. Your without expending spell slots. It uses Charisma as its
incarnation can cast the spell this way while it’s within spellcasting ability for the spell. If the spell is still active

a creature’s shadow, but can only target the shadowed when this benefit expires, the spell ends.
creature. Pride. For the next minute, or until it drops to 0 hit
You can use this feature a number of times equal to points or dies, the creature is immune to the blinded,
your Constitution modifier (a minimum of once). You charmed, deafened, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed,

regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. petrified, poisoned, stunned, and unconscious
Sloth. For the next minute, the creature has
resistance to all damage.
Wrath. Before the end of the creature’s next turn, all
of its damage rolls are maximized.
Once a creature accepts your incarnation’s deal, you
can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest. A
creature that accepts your incarnation’s deal can’t do so
again for 7 days.

Corrupting Influence
Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to have
your incarnation cast dominate person. The target
does not gain advantage on the saving throw as
a result of you or your companions fighting
it. Your incarnation can cast the spell this way
while it’s within a creature’s shadow, but can
only target the shadowed creature.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so
again until you finish a long rest.

Classes | Emergent
Acerbic Blight
At 7th level, your incarnation gains the ability to release
harmful spores at its attackers. When your incarnation
is hit with a melee weapon attack by a creature within 5
feet of it, you can use your reaction to have the attacker
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saved, the
target is poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Snagging Vines
At 13th level, your incarnation grows subtle vines it
can hide when not in use, but can use to lengthen the
reach of its attacks. The reach of its natural weapons,
its grappling range, and the range of its Entangling
Vegetation all increase to 15 feet.

Virulent Vegetation
Starting at 17th level, your incarnation gains the ability
to create far more potent poisons. Your incarnation’s
features and effects ignore resistance and immunity to
poison damage, as well as immunity to the poisoned
condition. If a creature is normally immune to the
poisoned condition, it instead makes its saving throw
against being poisoned with advantage.

Emergent Multiclassing
Multiclassing Prerequisites
Class Ability Score Minimum
Emergent Strength or Dexterity 13, and
Plant Constitution 13
Emergents with plant incarnations - like awakened
plants, blights, gas spores, myconids, and shambling Multiclassing Proficiencies

mounds - tend to be cantankerous loners. They are often Class Proficiencies Gained
easily irritated and sarcastic, sometimes to the point of Emergent Light armor, medium armor, simple

insult. These emergents may just be mean and nasty

to everyone around them, but often have a dark reason
from their past that makes them want to keep from

getting close to others. Incarnations of Other Creature

Bonus Proficiency Types
At 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of one
Not every creature type in Dungeons & Dragons is
of the following skills: Athletics, Nature, or Survival.
represented as an incarnation type. There are a few
different possible reasons for this: 1) The creature
Reclusive Shrubbery type itself doesn’t have enough of a unifying theme, 2)
Also starting at 1st level, your incarnation’s creature type The creature type is too similar to another creature
is Plant. While it remains motionless, your incarnation type, 3) The creature type doesn’t have enough unique
is indistinguishable from a normal plant. characteristics to make for an interesting option, or
4) It makes no sense for that creature type to be an
Entangling Vegetation incarnation due to lore or mechanics. If you want to play
At 2nd level, your incarnation gains the ability to wrap one of the unrepresented creature types, discuss it with
itself about a creature and entangle it. As an action, you your DM. Below is some advice on how to approximate
can have your incarnation enter a space within 5 feet these creature types if possible:
of it occupied by a creature that is no greater than one
size category larger than it. That creature must make Elementals
a Strength saving throw. On a successful save, the Elementals were excluded for reason number 1 above.
creature resists your incarnation’s attempt to restrain They do so many different things based on their
it, and your incarnation moves back to the space it elemental type, and have no real features that bring
previously occupied. them all together. There are a couple different ways to
On a failed save, the target is restrained. As an approximate elementals. To make an Earth Elemental
action, the creature can repeat the saving throw, freeing incarnation, you can use the Construct incarnation
itself and moving to the nearest unoccupied space type and simply change its creature type to Elemental.
on a success. While your incarnation has a creature Water Elementals can be approximated the same way
restrained, your incarnation’s speed drops to 0, and it using the Plant incarnation type and swapping many of
has advantage on saving throws against being pushed the poison and piercing effects for ice and cold damage
or knocked prone. If you use this feature to have your effects that do similar things. Fire Elementals can be
incarnation attempt to restrain another target, it frees approximated using a mixture of features and aspects
its previous target. from Dragon and Plant (replacing the poison and
piercing damage with fire). Finally, Air Elementals can
Classes | Emergent
be approximated by mixing features from Construct and Acknowledgments
First, we’d like to offer thanks to Benjamin Huffman (aka
/u/coolgamertagbro) of Sterling Verming Adventuring
Giants Company for all of the help he gave us in the early
Giants were excluded for reasons number 1, 3, and 4. stages of this class. It likely would have taken us much,
All of the incarnations are sized Medium for a reason, much longer to get this class working without his advice
and a Medium giant makes no sense. Also, giants don’t and critiques.
do much but be large and deal a lot of damage with their We’d also like to give thanks to /u/Talking2myShadow,
attacks as a result, which would result in balance issues. who offered an enormous amount of advice and
If you really want to have a Giant incarnation, prepare critiques on the Emergent, and without whose input
for a long and detailed discussion with your DM. the class wouldn’t be nearly as cool and fun as it is
today. This advice is almost singularly responsible for
Humanoids the creation of Emergent 2.0, because it caused us to
Humanoids were also excluded for reasons 1, 3, and fundamentally rethink and expand the class’s two most
4. There are far too many different types of humanoids key features: Incarnation and Symbiotic Warrior. It
and they all do immensely different things, so creating a also led to the reimagining of the Aberration and Beast
unified Humanoid incarnation was basically impossible. Incarnation Types.
Also, the fantasy of this class is that you are giving your And we’d also like to say thank you to /u/Zurei (aka
soul physical shape, and having it do the fighting. If you Alex Corrin) and Ritvik Sarkar, whose enthusiasm for
want to control a humanoid that does similar things to the class and detailed feedback were invaluable.
what the incarnation could do, there are many classes Finally, thank you to all of the “Anonymous”
available to you, such as Fighter, Monk, and Paladin. adventurers whose ideas and questions pushed the
class in all sorts of amazing directions. We couldn’t have
Monstrosities done it without you.
Monstrosities were excluded for reasons 1 and 2. There
are far too many types of monstrosity that all vary wildly, Emergent Class by
and they are all just basically beasts with additional Ross Leiser
elemental damage, magic resistance, and/or limbs. In Outlandish Adventure Productions
other words, it’s almost exactly like having a Beast
Art Credits in Order of Appearance
incarnation. To approximate playing a Monstrosity, you Cover art : “Emergent” by Rui Ferreira
can use the Beast incarnation type and simply change “Forge” by Ners
“Emergent” by Rui Ferreira
its creature type to Monstrosity. “Environments 22 - Cave” by Arcana Games
“Grisgol” by Wizards of the Coast

“Cover 20” by Arcana Games

Oozes “Fihyr” by Wizards of the Coast
Oozes were excluded for reasons 1, 2, and 3. In this “3E Monster Manual 2 - Boar” by Wizards of the Coast

“Balhannoth” by Wizards of the Coast

case, there are too few oozes in the current monster “Achaierai” by Wizards of the Coast
manuals to find a unifying theme, and those that exist “Best Angel” by Aaron Lee
“Steel Predator” by Wizards of the Coast
would not be terribly interesting for the player. To “Book of Vile Darkness - Red Dragon Hoard” by Wizards of the Coast

approximate an Ooze, though, you can use the Plant “Monster Manual 3 - Wood Elf” by Wizards of the Coast
“Astral Stalker” by Wizards of the Coast
incarnation, change its creature type to Ooze, and “Wood Woad” by Wizards of the Coast
change all of its instances of piercing and poison “4E Monster Manual - All Teeth” by Wizards of the Coast

damage to acid damage.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the
dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
Undead logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
Undead were excluded for reasons 1, 3, and 4. Primarily, characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This
it is an odd concept for a person’s soul to be something material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
that has died and returned. There also aren’t a lot of prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
unifying and interesting game mechanics to create an This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.
Undead incarnation. You can approximate one using the Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
Construct incarnation type, changing its creature type to All other original material in this work is copyright 2017 by Ross Leiser and published
Undead. under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA.
Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by
Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

Classes | Emergent

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