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Bolivia Country is in South America. It has nine departments


This department is located in the southern part of the country, with a

pleasant temperature, not too cold, or too hot, all year round. It´s
population is 379,704. The main square is called Luis de Fuentes.
This region is famous for its vineyards and its great wines.
It´s located in the central valleys of Bolivia. It receives its names from the
words kccocha that means lake and word pampa that means plain. It is a beautiful city
with flowered parks and squares and therefore it can be considered as thegarden of
Bolivia. It´s main square is called14 th September. It´s population is 1,445,991.

It´s known as the folk capital of Bolivia, and it is located in the central high-plateau in the
west part of the country. It´s famous for its rich mineral mines and also for its Carnival.
This celebration gathers most of its 386,980 inhabitants as well as thousands of visitors
each year.
It´s famous for its numerous rivers and its wonderful flora and fauna. It is located in the
north part of the country. It´s hot most of the time and there are frequent rainfalls. Its
populations are 346.180.

It´s situated in the western part of Bolivia, at a height of 3,632 meters above the sea
level. It has a population of 2,313,876, and it is surrounded by mountains.
Its most wonderful attractions are the Lake Titicaca, The Chacaltaya ski mountain,
and many museums and historical buildings near the Domingo Murillo Square.

It has a population of 1,703,900, and it is located in the tropical east part of the
country. It´s an agricultural and industrial region. Its 24 th September main square is
surrounded by colonial style buildings contrasting with modern contractions. Its well-
known zoo, with animals from the south America is one of the places to visit.

The Cerro Rico is one the most wonderful places that people can visit. There are
also colonial buildings such as the Moneda Palace and riches mines. It´s situated
in the South West part of Bolivia.
Although it has a rather small population, 54,490 people, it is a nice tropical place.
Most people work in the production of nuts. The Rio Acre is one form of
communication with the rest of the country.

Charcas, La Plata and Ciudad Blanca are three of the four names of this
department. One church near to another is one characteristic of this colonial
place also surrounded by mountains and with a cool temperature. It has a
population of 562,917 and it´s the capital of Bolivia.


LIZ: Hello. How are you Mark? Today I want to talk about
MARK: Hello Liz Okey. What do you want to know?
A: I want to know where`s bolivia located?
B: Bolivia is located in the middle of is
multicultural and bio-diversed land locked contry.
B: What does bolivia promote?
A: Bolivia promotes an image of an ancient culture which
ecological producciòn
B: How has bolivia economy been during the last six
A: During the last six years bolivian economy has been
stable, favored by the higher prices of commodities and
which limited inflaction.
B: Oh. that`s good. and which countries sourrounded
A: Bolivia is surrounded by Brazil to the northeast,
Paraguay to the southeast, Argentina to the south, Chile
to the southwest, and Peru to the northwest. Though
completely landlocked, Bolivia along with Peru,
borders Lake Titicaca; the world’s highest navigable lake.
B: That`s interesting. How many departments has?
A: Consisting of 9 departments, each of Bolivia’s
destinations are distinctive in character, defined by their
own unique attractions and cultures.
B: The names of departments are?
A: Chuquisaca capital Sucre One of the most beautiful
cities in all of South America.
La Paz capital Our Mrs. Of La Paz Juxtaposed with the
colorful lifestyle and traditions of the Aymara people, La
Paz is a cosmopolitan city with many sights to discover.
Santa Cruz de la Sierra Differentiating itself from other
parts of the country, Santa Cruz shines due to its tropical
savanna climate.
Oruro Situated at dizzying heights on the Altiplano is a
region celebrated for its natural beauty.
Potosi Once regarded as the richest province in the
Spanish empire.
Cochabamba A scenic region featuring beautiful year-
round weather.
Tarija small Bolivian region producing some of South
America’s finest wines.
Beni Home to a record-breaking number of animal and
plant species.
Pando Covered in dense rainforests and flowing rivers-
A: Do you enjoy talking about Bolivia?
B: Ofcourse it`s very interesting. thank you so much.

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