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Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2007) 114–120

Arbitrary precision composite pulses for NMR quantum computing

William G. Alway, Jonathan A. Jones *

Oxford Centre for Quantum Computation, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK

Received 31 July 2007

Available online 7 September 2007


We discuss the implementation of arbitrary precision composite pulses developed using the methods of Brown et al.
[K.R. Brown, A.W. Harrow, I.L. Chuang, Arbitrarily accurate composite pulse sequences, Phys. Rev. A 70 (2004) 052318].
We give explicit results for pulse sequences designed to tackle both the simple case of pulse length errors and the more complex
case of off-resonance errors. The results are developed in the context of NMR quantum computation, but could be applied more
Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

PACS: 03.67.Lx; 82.56.b

Keywords: NMR; Composite pulse; Quantum computation

1. Introduction used in conventional NMR experiments, and studying

them can give some insight into more conventional
Composite pulses [1] have long played an important approaches.
role in many NMR experiments, allowing the effects of Type A composite pulses are most commonly used to
systematic errors to be reduced. More recently they have tackle pulse length errors, which occur when the strength
been applied in quantum computing [2], including both of the driving field differs from its nominal value, for exam-
magnetic resonance experiments and other implementa- ple as a result of inhomogeneity, and off-resonance errors,
tions [3–6]. Composite pulses developed for quantum which occur when the frequency of the driving field is not
computing differ from more conventional NMR quite in resonance with the transition of interest. For pulse
approaches in two key ways. Firstly they must perform length errors the BB1 sequence [7], originally developed by
the desired rotation whatever the starting state of the sys- Wimperis, has proved highly successful. Designing good
tem, so that they act as general rotors; in NMR such type A pulses for off-resonance errors has proved more
pulses are sometimes called type A composite pulses [1], difficult, with the CORPSE sequence [3,4], based on an
and have the advantage that they can be inserted into early numeric result by Tycko [8], being perhaps the most
any part of a pulse sequence without the need for careful satisfactory.
analysis. Secondly, they are usually designed to give extre- More recently Brown et al. have described a general
mely accurate rotations in the presence of small errors, method [9,10] for generating arbitrary precision composite
rather than to give reasonable rotations in the presence pulses, which they claim can be applied to tackle errors
of large errors. Despite these differences, however, com- of arbitrary kinds. They do not, however, give explicit solu-
posite pulses designed for quantum computation can be tions for more than a small number of cases. We will show
that it is simple to apply their methods to generate pulses
Corresponding author. Fax: +44 1865 272387.
resistant to pulse length errors, but it is more difficult to
E-mail address: (J.A. Jones). tackle off-resonance effects.

1090-7807/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
W.G. Alway, J.A. Jones / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2007) 114–120 115

2. Pulse length errors general rotations in the xy plane are trivially derivable
from these by offsetting the phase of all pulses appropri-
We consider rotations about axes in the xy plane, for ately. These pulses can also be used to design sequences
which an ideal rotation is described by the propagator for robust evolution under J-couplings [13].
U ðh; /Þ ¼ exp½ihðrx cos / þ ry sin /Þ=2 ð1Þ
2.1. Isolating the error
where h, the rotation angle, depends on the strength of the
resonant driving field and the time for which it is applied, The first step is to isolate the error part of a pulse
and /, the phase, depends on the phase of the field with re- sequence by calculating
spect to some appropriate reference. Following Brown
et al. [9] we describe our rotations in terms of the Pauli A1 ¼ V ðh; 0ÞU 1 ðh; 0Þ ¼ 1  rx þ Oð2 Þ ð8Þ
matrices, which are trivially related to the corresponding 2
single spin product operator terms [11]. The description where A1 indicates a first order error in a sequence correct
above is really only appropriate when h P 0, but also to zero order. Since
works for negative angles as
1 V ¼ UV
V¼U ð9Þ
U ðh; /Þ ¼ U ðh; / þ pÞ ¼ U ðh; /Þ: ð2Þ
if we can generate A11 exactly then we can convert an erro-
In the presence of errors, however, this extension may not neous rotation into a correct one. More realistically, if we
be appropriate and it is necessary to proceed with some can generate A11 correct to first order then we can use this
caution. to cancel out the first order error in the original pulse. To
Pulse length errors occur when the strength of the field is do this it is useful to note that
higher or lower than its nominal value, so that all rotation
A1 ¼ U ðh; 0Þ þ Oð2 Þ ð10Þ
angles are systematically wrong by some constant fraction
. It is convenient to write so that A1
1 is approximately equal to an x-rotation with
V ðh; /Þ ¼ U ðh½1 þ ; /Þ ð3Þ angle h.

in such cases, and a series expansion in the error  gives 2.2. Generating a pure error term
V ðh; /Þ ¼ U ðh; /Þ þ OðÞ ð4Þ
To correct the first order error it is necessary to generate
so that the propagator has first order errors in . Note that a matching rotation whose angle is directly proportional to
in this paper we write all our composite pulses as sequences the error fraction . A pure error term of this kind is most
of propagators, so that the order of pulses runs from right easily generated by noting that
to left. We classify pulse sequences according to n, the or-
der of error in the propagator, but will occasionally refer to V ð2p; 0Þ ¼ 1 þ iprx þ Oð2 Þ ð11Þ
the corresponding propagator fidelity has the correct general form (the global phase of 1 can be
1 ignored as usual). However while the error has the right
F ¼ TrðVU 1 Þ ¼ 1  Oð2 Þ ð5Þ
2 form it has the wrong magnitude. This can be fixed by
using two rotations with different phases [9], as
in which errors appear to order 2n. For pulse length errors
X 1 ð/Þ ¼ Vð2p; /ÞVð2p; /Þ
V ðh; / þ pÞ ¼ V 1 ðh; /Þ ð6Þ
¼ 1  i2p cosð/Þrx þ Oð2 Þ ð12Þ
which will prove very useful throughout this section.
Several composite pulse methods for correcting such and so the size of the error can be scaled. In particular,
pulse length errors exist, most notably BB1 [7]. This solving
replaces a single pulse with a sequence of pulses such that
2p cosð/1 Þ ¼ h=2 ð13Þ
V ðp; /a ÞV ð2p; /b ÞV ðp; /a ÞV ðh; 0Þ ¼ U ðh; 0Þ þ Oð Þ ð7Þ
to get
where /b = 3/a and /a = arccos(h/4p), to give a propa- /1 ¼  arccosðh=4pÞ ð14Þ
gator with third order errors in . This pulse sequence
was discovered using geometric arguments, and turns out allows the first order error to be corrected (note that the
to be remarkably effective in practice [4,12]. sign of the error term must be reversed as we are seeking
Brown et al. replaced previous methods of finding com- to approximate A11 rather than A1). This gives
posite pulses, based on intuitions or special forms, by a sys-
X 1 ð/1 ÞV ðh; 0Þ ¼ U ðh; 0Þ þ Oð2 Þ ð15Þ
tematic procedure [9]. We begin by describing in detail how
this procedure can be used to generate a series of composite as a pulse sequence which is correct to second order. Inter-
pulses to correct pulse length errors. As before we only estingly the key phase angle /1 has the same size as /a in
consider target rotations with phase angles of zero, as more the BB1 sequence. The sign of /1 (and /a) seems arbitrary,
116 W.G. Alway, J.A. Jones / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2007) 114–120

but for definiteness we choose the positive value. This point allows a second order z error of some desired size to be gen-
will be examined in more detail later. erated. If an error of the opposite sign is needed then the X1
The size and scaling of the errors permits a value of /1 and Y1 sequences can be interchanged to give
to be found for any choice of h, but if larger error terms are
needed they can be achieved by simply repeating the Z 02 ð/Þ ¼ Y 1 ð/ÞX 1 ð/ÞY 1 1
1 ð/ÞX 1 ð/Þ
sequence of 2p rotations, thus doubling the error. In pass- ¼ 1 þ i8p2 cos2 ð/Þ2 rz þ Oð3 Þ: ð20Þ
ing we note that although the approximate form given in
Eq. (12) is independent of the sign of /, and thus of the
As before we can solve
order of the two 2p pulses, the exact form of X1 does in fact
depend on the sign of /, and it is therefore necessary to use pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi.
a consistent order. This will become important below. 8p2 cos2 ð/2 Þ ¼ h 16p2  h2 8: ð21Þ

2.3. Treating the second order error to remove the second order error, giving
" p4
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
The process described above can then be repeated to iso- 16p2 h2  h4
late the second order error /2 ¼  arccos  ð22Þ
A2 ¼ X 1 ð/1 ÞV ðh; 0ÞU 1 ðh; 0Þ ð16Þ
where the signs may be chosen independently, and we
with the result
choose initially to take both positive signs. Thus
ih 16p2  h2 2 Z 02 ð/2 ÞX 1 ð/1 ÞV ðh; 0Þ ¼ U ðh; 0Þ þ Oð3 Þ ð23Þ
A2 ¼ 1   rz þ Oð3 Þ: ð17Þ
is our desired pulse sequence, correct to third order. The
To correct this will require an error term dependent on 2, explicit expansion
rather than on , and directed along the z axis rather than
the x axis. This can be achieved by using the properties of Vð2p; p=2 þ /2 ÞVð2p; p=2  /2 ÞVð2p;/2 ÞVð2p; /2Þ
group commutators. As these properties play a key role in Vð2p; 3p=2  /2 ÞVð2p; 3p=2 þ /2 ÞVð2p; p  /2ÞVð2p;p þ /2 Þ
the proof of the Solovay–Kitaev theorem [14] Brown Vð2p; /1 ÞVð2p; /1ÞVðh; 0Þ
et al. refer to the results as SK pulse sequences, but beyond ð24Þ
the role of group commutators there is no need to under-
stand the Solovay–Kitaev theorem to see how their meth- shows that this contains a total of ten correction pulses in
ods work. The key result addition to the main pulse.

expðiAl Þ expðiBm Þ expðiAl Þ expðiBm Þ 2.4. Rotating and redividing the error
¼ expð½A; Blþm Þ þ Oðlþmþ1 Þ ð18Þ
The sequence described above is not in fact the sequence
shows that two different first order pure error terms can be originally described by Brown et al. Their approach [9] is
combined to make a single second order pure error term as instead based on generating an X2 error correction term
long as their directions are chosen properly and inverses are using appropriate Y1 and Z1 sequences and then rotating
available for each error term. This restriction will not be this onto the z axis. In the absence of systematic errors,
important for pulse length errors but will be more problem- such rotations are easily performed. For example the
atic for off-resonance errors. identity
As the commutator [rx, ry] = 2irz the desired second
order error term along z can be generated from x and y U ðp=2; 3p=2ÞU ðh; 0ÞU ðp=2; p=2Þ ¼ expðihrz =2Þ ð25Þ
terms. The x term can be generated as before, Eq. (12), allows a z rotation to be generated from x and y rotations,
and the equivalent y term Y1 can be generated in the same a composite Z-pulse [16]. In the presence of systematic er-
way by shifting the phase of both pulses by p/2. (Brown rors it is necessary to proceed with more caution, as the
et al. in fact described an alternative method [9] for imple- errors in different pulses will combine in a complex manner.
menting Y1, but this alternative is more complex.) Inverse However, in the presence of pulse length errors it is possi-
terms can be generated by reversing the order of the two ble to use imperfect pulses to rotate pure error terms, as
2p pulses and shifting their phases by p. Note that it is nec-
essary to reverse the sequence of pulses even though Eq. V ðp=2; 3p=2ÞX n V ðp=2; p=2Þ ¼ Z n þ Oðnþ1 Þ ð26Þ
(12) appears to be independent of this, as the two alterna- for any error order n, and similarly for other error terms.
tives differ to second order in ; it is not sufficient to gener- This approach requires the ability to generate accurate in-
ate an inverse which only accurate to first order. Hence verse operators, and while this is easy for pulse length er-
Z 2 ð/Þ ¼ X 1 ð/ÞY 1 ð/ÞX 1 1 rors it can be tricky in other cases.
1 ð/ÞY 1 ð/Þ
For pulse length errors we can implement the second
¼ 1  i8p2 cos2 ð/Þ2 rz þ Oð3 Þ ð19Þ order correction sequence using
W.G. Alway, J.A. Jones / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2007) 114–120 117

Z 02 ð/2 Þ V ðp=2; 3p=2ÞX 02 ð/2 ÞV ðp=2; p=2Þ ð27Þ flip angles (specifically, h < 168°) BB1 is the best second
X 02 ð/2 Þ ¼Z 1 ð/1 ÞY 1 ð/1 ÞZ 1 1 order sequence known. For the case of 180° pulses it has
1 ð/1 ÞY 1 ð/1 Þ ð28Þ
a fidelity
Z 1 ð/2 Þ V ðp=2; 3p=2ÞX 1 ð/2 ÞV ðp=2; p=2Þ: ð29Þ
5p6 6
This alternative sequence gives identical performance at F ¼1  þ Oð8 Þ: ð33Þ
second order (complete correction of errors) but differs in
its third order behaviour, as we shall see later.
We can also consider many other possibilities: firstly we 2.6. Third order errors
can instead generate Z 02 from any of Y 02 , X2, or X 02 ; secondly
we can use alternative rotations to generate Z1; thirdly we We can of course correct the third order error term in
can use the negative sign for /1 in the first order correction much the same way as the first and second order errors.
sequence (in which case the second order error changes As pointed out by Brown et al. there is no need to use a
sign). Beyond these possibilities, built around rotating the fully systematic approach of correcting error orders in
error, we can also choose how to divide up the relative con- sequence; instead we can begin with BB1 and correct the
tributions to the second order error term arising from the third order error term.
two first order terms. For example we can write The third order error term for BB1 (and indeed for all
the other sequences considered above) lies in the xy plane,
Z 2 ða; bÞ ¼ X 1 ðaÞY 1 ðbÞX 1 1
1 ðaÞY 1 ðbÞ with the size and position depending on the value of h.
¼ 1  i8p2 cosðaÞ cosðbÞ2 rz þ Oð3 Þ ð30Þ Here, we do not give complete results, but simply sketch
a partial solution. There are many possibilities for generat-
and control the size of the second order error term by vary- ing a third order error, but one simple example is
ing a and b. More simply still, we can use the fact that
V(2p, 0) gives an unscaled pure error term along x to use X 3 ð/Þ ¼ Y 1 ð/ÞZ 2 ð/ÞY 1 1
1 ð/ÞZ 2 ð/Þ

the form ¼ 1  i32p3 cos3 ð/Þ3 rx þ Oð4 Þ ð34Þ

Vð2p; 0ÞY 1 ðbÞVð2p; pÞY 1
1 ðbÞ where Z2(/) is generated from X1(/) and Y1(/) as before,
2 2
¼ 1  i4p cos b rz þ Oð Þ 3
ð31Þ Eq. (19), and Z 1 0
2 ¼ Z 2 , so that this sequence only requires
x and y rotations. The error term can then be rotated into
which only has six pulses, rather than the usual eight, and the correct position, either by composite z rotations or,
obtain the correct error term by choosing more simply, by shifting the phases of all the pulses in
" pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi # the X3 term.
h 16p2  h2
b ¼  arccos  : ð32Þ As before we need to choose a value of /3 to cancel the
32p2 third order error, but as the calculations become very com-
plicated we here consider only the special case of 180°
pulses, h = p. Even in this case the analytic result is compli-
2.5. Choosing between sequences
cated, and so we simply give the numerical value,
/3  73.1°; the required phase shift can also be calculated
Given this plethora of subtly different sequences it is rea-
as approximately 1.6°.
sonable to ask which is the best. In some sense all second
order pulse sequences are equally good, as they all suppress
3. Off-resonance errors
errors to the same order, but it is possible to choose
between them either by considering higher order errors,
The treatment of off-resonance errors is superficially
or by considering sensitivity to other types of error [4].
similar but much more difficult in practice. The fundamen-
Here, we adopt the first approach, choosing to minimize
tal problem is that, unlike the case of pulse length errors, it
the size of the third order error term, and initially special-
is not possible to generate perfect inverses of arbitrary rota-
izing to the case of 180° pulses, so that h = p. The smallest
tions in the presence of off-resonance errors.
error term we have so far been able to find occurs when
Off-resonance errors occur when the frequency of the
using Eqs. (27)–(29) to create the second order term, and
driving field is not quite in resonance with the transition
taking positive signs throughout Eqs. (14) and (22). There
of interest, so that all rotations occur around a tilted axis.
is no obvious reason why this choice is best, but it does give
They can be parameterized in terms of the off-resonance
a third order error more than 15 times smaller than some
fraction f, equal to the ratio of the frequency error and
other alternatives.
the driving frequency. The basic rotation in then
Interestingly, the second best choice we have found is
the BB1 sequence, which for the case h = p has an error Vðh; /Þ ¼ exp½ihðrx cos / þ ry sin / þ f rz Þ=2
only about 10% larger than the best sequence. Furthermore ¼ Uðh; /Þ þ OðfÞ ð35Þ
for BB1 the size of the third order error term scales approx-
imately linearly with h, while the behavior of the ‘‘best’’ which has first order errors in f. Unlike the case of pulse
sequence, described above, is more complex. Thus for most length errors this definition should only be used for positive
118 W.G. Alway, J.A. Jones / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2007) 114–120

values of h. The CORPSE family of sequences [3,4] for cor- Designing a sequence for the case h = p is easy as the error
recting off-resonance errors uses the three pulse sequence lies solely along the y axis in this case, and so
Cðh; /Þ ¼ Vðhc ; /ÞVðhb ; / þ pÞVðha ; /Þ Y 01 ð/1 ÞV ðp; 0Þ ¼ U ðp; 0Þ þ Oðf 2 Þ ð46Þ
¼ Uðh; /Þ þ Oðf Þ ð36Þ with the choice /1 = arccos(1/4)  104.5°. Interestingly,
where the key phase angle in this sequence turns out to be the
same as that used in a BB1 pulse with h = p. The size of
ha ¼na 2p þ h=2  arcsin½sinðh=2Þ=2 ð37Þ the second order error term is significantly larger than for
hb ¼nb 2p  2 arcsin½sinðh=2Þ=2 ð38Þ CORPSE (and somewhat larger than for short-CORPSE),
hc ¼nc 2p þ h=2  arcsin½sinðh=2Þ=2 ð39Þ with a fidelity

and the size of the second order error term depends on the 60 þ p2 4
F ¼1 f þ Oðf 5 Þ: ð47Þ
values chosen for the integers na, nb and nc. The smallest er- 32
rors are seen for the original CORPSE sequence, which has but this sequence does have the relative simplicity of being
na = nb = 1 and nc = 0; for the case of 180° pulses the fidel- constructed solely from 180° rotations, albeit with compli-
ity is cated phases.
pffiffiffi Designing a sequence for other values of h is, however,
12 þ p2  4 3 4
F ¼1 f þ Oðf 6 Þ: ð40Þ much trickier. In the general case the error does not lie
along a principal axis, and so it might seem that we should
Short-CORPSE, defined by na = nc = 0 and nb = 1 is the rotate one of the two pure error terms. This cannot be done
shortest possible sequence but has a much larger error term directly using simple rotations, as accurate inverse propa-
[4]. gators are required to rotate error terms. It could be
The CORPSE family will play a key role in the following achieved using CORPSE pulses, but this is not sensible as
sections, not simply because it provides a pulse sequence CORPSE is already correct to first order.
with no first order errors, but mostly because it provides An alternative approach is to note that pure error
a route to sufficiently accurate inverse propagators. In the sequences can simply be combined, and so build up a tilted
presence of off-resonance errors V(h, / + p) is not an accu- error by combining the z and y error sequences,
rate inverse for V(h, /) as
B1 ð/z1 ÞY 01 ð/y1 Þ ¼ 1  i2 sinð/z1 Þf rz þ i4 cosð/y1 Þf ry
V ðh; pÞV ðh; 0Þ ¼ 1 þ Oðf Þ: ð41Þ
þ Oðf 2 Þ ð48Þ
The corresponding CORPSE pulses perform much better,
with any cross terms between the two parts if the pulse se-
Cðh; pÞCðh; 0Þ ¼ 1 þ Oðf 3 Þ; ð42Þ
quence being swallowed up into the O(f 2) term. Choosing
and provide sufficiently accurate inverses to allow error /y1 ¼ arccos½ sin2 ðh=2Þ=4 and /z1 ¼  arcsin½sinðhÞ=4 al-
terms to be rotated as for pulse length errors. As before lows first order off-resonance errors to be suppressed in
the size of the third order error term depends on the exact the general case. However, the size of the second order er-
choice of sequence, but is now smallest for short-CORPSE. ror term remains significantly larger than for CORPSE,
and this general sequence does not have the simplicity seen
3.1. Correcting first order errors for the special case of 180° pulses. Thus CORPSE remains
the best currently known type A sequence correct to first
We now explore the systematic correction of error order in the presence of off-resonance errors.
orders using the methods previously described. The first
order error can be isolated as before, 3.2. Correcting higher order errors
A1 ¼ V ðh; 0ÞU ðh; 0Þ
The systematic approach can, more sensibly, be used to
¼ 1  i sinðhÞ=2f rz þ i sin2 ðh=2Þf ry þ Oðf 2 Þ ð43Þ correct higher order errors. As the equations for arbitrary
and in general lies in the yz plane. Tunable pure error terms values of h become extremely complicated we will again
can be created either by using the form given by Brown limit ourselves to the special case h = p. We extend our
et al. [9], definitions

B1 ð/Þ ¼ Vð/; 0ÞVð2/; pÞVð/; 0Þ X 1 ð/Þ ¼V ðp; p=2  /ÞV ðp; 3p=2  /ÞV ðp; p=2 þ /ÞV ðp; 3p=2 þ /Þ
¼1  i4 cosð/Þf rx þ Oðf 2 Þ ð49Þ
¼ 1  i2 sinð/Þf rz þ Oðf 2 Þ; ð44Þ
Y 1 ð/Þ ¼V ðp; p  /ÞV ðp; /ÞV ðp;p þ /ÞV ðp;/Þ
or the alternative form
¼1  i4 cosð/Þf ry þ Oðf 2 Þ ð50Þ
Y 01 ð/Þ ¼ V ðp; /ÞV ðp; p þ /ÞV ðp; /ÞV ðp; p  /Þ 0
X 1 ð/Þ ¼V ðp; 3p=2 þ /ÞV ðp; p=2 þ /ÞV ðp; 3p=2  /ÞV ðp; p=2  /Þ
¼ 1 þ i4 cosð/Þf ry þ Oðf 2 Þ: ð45Þ ¼1 þ i4 cosð/Þf rx þ Oðf 2 Þ ð51Þ
W.G. Alway, J.A. Jones / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2007) 114–120 119

and note that X 01 ð/Þ  X 1

1 ð/Þ. The approximation is good which are even functions of the off-resonance fraction f
enough that these terms can be used to build higher order [15], and so give the same fidelity for +f and f, although
propagators; in particular the details of the error may differ. Although such symmet-
ric fidelities have no advantage in principle, the results are
Z 2 ð/Þ ¼ X 1 ð/ÞY 1 ð/ÞX 01 ð/ÞY 01 ð/Þ ¼ 1  i32 cos2 ð/Þf 2 rz
certainly easier to interpret.
ð52Þ As an example we consider a time symmetric version of
and the pulse sequence to correct first order errors arising
from off-resonance effects in a 180° pulse, which takes
Z 02 ð/Þ ¼ Y 1 ð/ÞX 1 ð/ÞY 01 ð/ÞX 01 ð/Þ ¼ 1 þ i32 cos2 ð/Þf 2 rz : ð53Þ the form
The second order error can be isolated as usual Y 01 ð/01 ÞV ðp; 0ÞY 1 ð/01 Þ ¼ U ðp; 0Þ þ Oðf 2 Þ ð60Þ
A2 ¼ Y 01 ð/1 ÞV
ðp; 0ÞU ðp; 0Þ 1
where /01
¼ arccosð1=8Þ  97:2 . The fidelity of this
¼ 1  i 15=2f 2 rz  ip=4f 2 rx þ Oðf 3 Þ ð54Þ sequence has no fifth order term, unlike that of the pre-
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi vious version, Eq. (46), but as both fidelities are domi-
and lies in the xz plane with magnitude 60 þ p2 =4. nated by fourth order errors this is largely a cosmetic
One approach to correcting this is by using CORPSE improvement.
pulses to rotate an appropriate Z2 error around the y axis
to get the final sequence 3.4. Simultaneous errors
Cðw2 ; p=2ÞZ 02 ð/2 ÞCðw2 ; 3p=2ÞY 01 ð/1 ÞVðp; 0Þ
So far we have only considered the effects of pulse length
¼ Uðp; 0Þ þ Oðf 3 Þ ð55Þ errors and off-resonance errors in isolation, while in real
with physical systems both sorts of error can occur simulta-
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi neously. It is generally difficult to find pulse sequences
60 þ p2 which suppress both sorts of error simultaneously, but it
/2 ¼ arccos pffiffiffi  75:2 ð56Þ
8 2 is still important to consider whether insensitivity to one
type of error is obtained at the cost of increased sensitivity

 to other types of errors [4].
p As noted previously [4], the response of the time sym-
w2 ¼ arctan pffiffiffiffiffi  22:1 : ð57Þ
2 15 metric version of BB1 to off-resonance errors is very similar
to that of a simple pulse. This occurs because in the absence
This approach can, of course, be generalized to other angles
of pulse length errors the correction sequence
and higher orders, but the resulting algebra is very complex.
For simplicity it is possible to check results using ideal rota- V ðp; /1 ÞV ð2p; 3/1 ÞV ðp; /1 Þ ¼ 1 þ Oðf 2 Þ ð61Þ
tions in place of CORPSE based rotations: this will give the
has no first order terms arising from off-resonance errors,
right result for error terms which are completely suppressed,
and so does not contribute significantly to the total error.
but the wrong values for higher order errors.
In the same way in the absence of off-resonance errors the
Alternatively, we can construct the tilted error term out
correction sequence
of a combination of z and x errors as in the previous sec-
tion. We begin by noting that B1(3p/2) provides a good V ðp; /1 ÞV ðp; p þ /1 ÞV ðp; /1 ÞV ðp; p  /1 Þ ¼ 1 ð62Þ
inverse for the pure error term B1(p/2), and that this allows has no error terms arising from pulse length errors at all.
us to construct a second order x error using Thus these two sequences can be combined, giving the
X 2 ð/Þ ¼ Y 1 ð/ÞB1 ðp=2ÞY 01 ð/ÞB1 ð3p=2Þ ¼ 1  i16 cosð/Þf 2 rx : composite 180° pulse
ð58Þ V ðp; /1 ÞV ðp; p þ /1 ÞV ðp; /1 ÞV ðp; p  /1 Þ
This can be combined with a z error to get the pulse V ðp; /1 ÞV ð2p; 3/1 ÞV ðp; /1 ÞV ðp; 0Þ
sequence with /1 = arccos(1/4). This has a fidelity
X 2 ð/x2 ÞZ 02 ð/z2 ÞY 01 ð/1 ÞV ðp; 0Þ ¼ U ðp; 0Þ þ Oðf Þ3
ð59Þ 15 4 5p6 6 169p2 2 2
p ffiffiffiffiffi F ¼1 f    f  þ higher terms ð64Þ
where /x2 ¼ arccosðp=64Þ  92:8 and /z2 ¼ arccosð 4 15=8Þ 8 1024 32
75:8 . This sequence has the advantage over the CORPSE so in the absence of off-resonance errors the correction of
based approach of requiring only 90° and 180° pulses. pulse length errors is identical to a BB1 sequence, and in
the absence of pulse length errors the correction of off-res-
3.3. Time symmetric sequences onance errors is even better than the simple pulse, Eq. (46).
This pulse can correct well for either pulse length errors or
In passing we consider the use of time-symmetry in com- off-resonance errors; in the presence of simultaneous errors
posite pulse sequences [4]. In the presence of off-resonance the performance is not so good, but is still much better than
errors time symmetric composite pulses have fidelities a simple 180° pulse.
120 W.G. Alway, J.A. Jones / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2007) 114–120

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