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Disfor() Example:

x= 0.5
y= 12
z= 23

a= #NAME? Formul in B7 is
= 13.42 =disfor(B8)

b = #NAME? Formul in B10 is

= 309.5 =disfor(B11)

c = #NAME? Formul in B13 is

= #NAME? =disfor(B8)&" + "&disfor(B11)
= 322.9
Formul in B14 is
Design of Gabion wall

Given Data(Refer to cross section)

Wall Height H = 7 m
Angle of friction for backfill φ = 30 deg
Surcharge q = 15.000 KN/m2
Width of the base B = 4.5 m
Backfill slope angle α = 0 deg
Backface slope angle β = -6 deg
Soil friction factor µ = 0.7
Soil density ws = 22 KN/m
Gabion fill density wg = 16 KN/m
Soil bearing capacity pb = 407 KN/m
Angle of wall friction δ = 0 deg

Determine if Safety factors are within limits:

Pressure coefficient, ka

ka= 0.295

Active earth force, Pa

Pa= 189.980 KN/m

Horizontal component, Ph

Ph= 188.940 KN/m

Vertical distance to Ph,da

da= 2.054 m

Overturning Moment check

Mo= 388.083 KNm per m

Weight of gabions for a 1-meter unit length,Wg is

Wg= 384.000 KN/m

Horizontal distance to Wg is

dg= ∑Ax/∑A
dg= 2.667 m

Resisting Moment,Mr
Mr= 1024.128 KNm per m

Saftey Factor against overturning

SFo=Mr/Mo SFo= 2.639

SFo=Mr/Mo > 2 OK
Safety factor against sliding

SFs=µWg/Ph SFs= 1.423

SFs > 1.4
Reaction eccentricity,e

e= 0.594 m
For the resultant force to lie in the middle third :

-B/6<=e<=B/6 OK

Max. base pressure,P

P=(Wg/B)(1+6e/B) P= 152.876 KN/m

Pb=soil Bearing pressure P<=Pb OK

All saftey factors are within limits.Stability checks at intermediate levels in the walls show similar results.
surcharge = 15.000 KN/m2

Total area of Gabion wall = 24.000 m2

Unt Wght of Gabion fill = 16.000 KN/m3

Total Weight of Gabion wall (Wg)= 384.000 KN/m

dg=∑Ax/∑A = 2666.667 mm 2.667 m 2000


2000 1000

2500 1000

7000 500
3000 1000

3500 1000

Disfor() Example:

x= 0.5
y= 12
z= 23

a= #NAME? Formul in B7 is
= 13.42 =disfor(B8)

b = #NAME? Formul in B10 is

= 309.5 =disfor(B11)

c = #NAME? Formul in B13 is

= #NAME? =disfor(B8)&" + "&disfor(B11)
= 322.9
Formul in B14 is

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