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A process description report is a variation of the short report designed to convey to the
reader how a change takes place through a series of stages. The process description
examines an event over time; by contrast, the mechanism description focuses on an object
in space.
Use a process description when your intended reader wants to learn about the action in
question. You might use a process description to examine the photosynthesis of plants, the
migration of animals, or the impeachment of presidents. When the reader actuallywants to
perform an action, write instructions instead (that is, a series of commands: "Insert tab A
into slot B.")
In general, break the whole process up into smaller stages, and describe each stage in
order. If the process is part of a continuing cycle (such as the evaporation and condensation
of water), say so.

A user guide is essentially a book-length document containing instructions on installing,
using, or troubleshooting a hardware or software product. A user guide can be very brief
for example, only 10 or 20 pages or it can a full-length book of 200 pages or more. While this
definition assumes computers, a user guide can provide operating instructions on practically
anythinglawnmowers, microwave ovens, dishwashers, and so on.
The more complex the product, the greater the page count. when this happens, some
elements of the user guide get split out into their own separate volumesespecially the
installation procedures, troubleshooting procedures, and the commands. A user guide can
even contain a brief tutorialfor example, getting users started using the productbut if
there is too much tutorial, it too goes into a separate book.

Process Descrlptlon

-explulns the urrungement of u sequence ln chronologlcul order. In orgunlzutlon, lt ls slmllur
to mechunlsm descrlptlon, except thut the "purt-by-purt" becomes step by step:
y :hut ls lt?
y :hut ls lts functlon?
y :here und when does lt tuke pluce?
y :ho or whut performs lt?
y +ow does lt work?
y :hut ure lts prlnclpul steps?
Process descrlptlon lncludes sequence, lnstructlons und procedure; however, only lnstruct lf you
expect your reuder to perform the process you descrlbe. Try to keep sepurute these two concepts:
"+ow to do somethlng" und "+ow somethlng occurs" The flrst culls for lnstructlons or procedure; the
second, for sequence.
Mechunlsm Descrlptlon
-explulns the urrungement und shupe of un ob|ect ln spuce. Such u descrlptlon muy lnvolve
movement, complex motlons ure better hundled wlth the process descrlptlon. Typlcully, the purts of
mechunlsm descrlptlon unswer the followlng questlons ln order:
y :hut ls lt?
y :hut ls lts functlon?
y :hut does lt look llke?
y +ow does lt work?
y :hut ure lts prlnclpul purts?
o *lve u detulled descrlptlon of euch purt.
o (uch of these purts muy requlre u mechunlsm descrlptlon of lts own.

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