Fermilab Poster 19 017 ND Ascencio Marvin

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νμ -low recoil analysis in medium energy era

of MINERvA experiment
Marvin V. Ascencio, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru - marvin.ascencio@pucp.edu.pe
On Behalf of the MINERvA collaboration FERMILAB-POSTER-19-017-ND

Abstract MINERvA Detector

The charged-current process(νµA→ µX) is analyzed using MINERνA detector[1]. νµ Main INjector ExpeRiment for ν -A
interactions in the hydrocarbon scintillator tracker from the medium energy(ME) • Fine-grain scintillator strip detector: 120 hexagonal modules, 507 PMT.
NuMI beam are used to study the nuclear effects at low three-momentum transfer • On axis of the NuMI beam at Fermilab( Peak of flux at Eν ≈ 6 GeV ).
q3. Following the procedure developed in the previous low energy beam analysis[2]. • With target materials: He, C, Fe, Pb, H2O.
We compare MINERνA reconstructed distribution with the GENIE simulation adding • MINOS ND is the muon spectrometer.
new bins in q3 now available with the ME beam. The aim of this analysis is to Plastic scintillator strips.
FIG. 3: Strip scintillator, planes and modules
measure flux integrated differential cross section as a function of q3 and the
reconstructed available energy Eavail.

• The cross section in range on energies from 1 to 20 GeV are important for Beam direction

neutrino oscillation experiments(NOvA, DUNE).

• Oscillation probabilities depends of the neutrino energy.
• The relevant processes for free nucleon:
• Quasielastic(QE) FIG. 4: MINERvA Detector

• Resonant (RES)
• Deep inelastic scattering (DIS)
Sample selection
• Nuclear Effects like:
• Fermi motion(RFG) Signal Definition:
• Multi nucleon interactions CC νμ with 2 < Eν < 20 GeV, pμ > 1.5 GeV and θμ< 20
• Final State Interactions(FSI)
Fiducial volume: Neutrino interaction in the active tracker region.
• Charge screening in nuclear medium(RPA)
MINOS muon match: Negative muon matched to the MINOS ND detector.
Low Energy(peak at 3.5 GeV) results: Neutrino Energy:
FIG. 1: Neutrino Flux

Eν = Eμ + q0
Four-momentum transfer squared:
Q 2 = 2Eν(Eμ − pμcosθμ) − Mμ2
Three-momentum transfer:
q3 ≡ | q | = Q + q0
Available Hadronic Energy:
FIG 2.Reconstructed available energy for 6 ranges of Eavail ∼ q0
reconstructed three momentum transfer in Low Energy
FIG 5. Neutrino interaction with nucleus leading to
a lepton and a hadronic shower.

Results Summary
10 0.00 < Reco. q /GeV < 0.20
0.20 < Reco. q /GeV < 0.30
MINER ν A Work In Progress
0.30 < Reco. q /GeV < 0.40
3 POT normalized
ME neutrino POT Data: 8.9e+19(~10% of total
• Three momentum transfer and

5 the available energy separate

10 Events / GeV

POT MC: 2.1e+20

All × 2 nuclear effects.

0 • We extended the analysis up
10 0.40 < Reco. q /GeV < 0.50
0.50 < Reco. q /GeV < 0.60
0.60 < Reco. q /GeV < 0.80
• CCQE-RPA tuning. to 1.2 GeV of q3.
• 2p2h tuning of Nieves to CC- • With the new tunes such non-
inclusive events. resonant pion and LowQ2 Pion
• Non-resonant Pion background suppression we got a better
tuning[4]. agreement of data and MC in
0 • Low Q2 Pion Suppression(1Pion

10 0.80 < Reco. q /GeV < 1.00

1.00 < Reco. q /GeV < 1.20
3 Data most q3 bins.
MC: Q2 dependent tuning)[5].
Total+syst. error
5 QE
0 2p2h
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 FIG 6.Reconstructed available energy for 8 ranges of
reconstructed three momentum transfer from 0 to 1.2
Reconstructed available energy (GeV) GeV of Medium Energy[3].

[1] Design, Calibration, and Performance of the MINERvA Detector, MINERvA Collaboration (L. Aliaga (William-Mary Coll.) et al.). May 22, 2013. 30 pp.
This document was prepared by [MINERvA Collaboration] using the resources of the
[2] Identification of nuclear effects in neutrino-carbon interactions at low three-momentum transfer, MINERvA Collaboration (P.A. Rodrigues (Rochester U.) et al.). Nov 18, 2015. 6 pp. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office
[3] Phill’s Wine and Cheese talk (http://vmsstreamer1.fnal.gov/Lectures/WC/presentations/151211Rodrigues.pdf) of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC
[4] Constraining the GENIE model of neutrino-induced single pion production using reanalyzed bubble chamber data, Philip Rodrigues, Callum Wilkinson, Kevin McFarland (Rochester U.). Jan 8, 2016. 16 pp. (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359.
[5] Tuning the GENIE Pion Production Model with MINERvA Data, MINERvA Collaboration (P. Stowell (Sheffield U.) et al.). Mar 4, 2019.

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