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Instrumentation Guide:

Watershed Resources:
1. Flora
2. Fauna
3. Soil
4. Water
5. Human

Water Balance:

Q = Rf - Et + DSm + Dgw
(change in storage)
Q = streamflow (Velocity x cross-sectional area)
Et = evapotranspiration (function of climatic variables)
DSm = change in soil moisture
DGw = change in groundwater

Instrument Purpose Budget / Priority

- Flow meter - For determination of P1
velocity of river
(meter tape, meter stick-
- Microclimate sensors - For determination of P1 (3 sets or
(AWS) rainfall (Rf) and more)
determination of
(temperature, relative
humidity, wind speed,
- Automatic water level - For determination of P1
sensor systems (area water level or height of
installed must have signal) water in the river
- Digital moisture meter - For determination of soil P1
and accessories moisture usually with
sensor and meter
- Groundwater sensor (data - For determination of P1
logger) change in groundwater
level (cable with sensor
and logger).

Water Quality Instrument

Multi-parameter water - For water quality P1
quality determination of various
parameters (temp. pH,
nitrate, phosphate, EC)

- soil sample collection kit - for gathering and analysis P3
of water samples (soil
- Soil permeability test kit - For determination of soil P2
permeability and
hydraulic conductivity.
- Needed to understand
soil water movement
(core sampler)
- Soil moisture, - For soil moisture P3
temperature and EC determination (laboratory
sensor analysis)
- Soil penetrometer - For determination of soil P2
compaction. To relate bulk
density analysis
- Digital range finder P3
- digital caliper - for vegetation P3
- Digital light meter - For determination of light P3
- Garmin GPS - For site location P4

- Bed load sampler - For determine of bed
load in the river
- Fence/ enclosure (chicken - For protection of P1
wire, pipe, cement ) instruments (MOOE)

What Is a Water Balance Estimation?

In the natural environment, water is almost constantly in motion

and is able to change state from liquid to a solid or a vapour
under appropriate conditions. Conservation of mass requires
that, within a specific area over a specific period of time, water
inflows are equal to water outflows, plus or minus any change of
storage within the area of interest. Put more simply, the water
entering an area has to leave the area or be stored within the
area. The simplest from of water balance equation is as follows:

P = Q + E ± ∆S

Where, P is precipitation, Q is runoff, E is evaporation and ∆S is

the storage in the soil, aquifers or reservoirs.

In water balance analysis, it is often useful to divide water flows

into ‘green’ and ‘blue’ water. ‘Blue’ water is the surface and
groundwater that is available for irrigation urban and industrial
use and environmental flows. ‘Green’ water is water that has
been stored in the soil and that evaporates into the atmosphere.
The source of ‘green’ water is rainfall or ‘blue’ water has been
used for irrigation.
A Water Balance Analysis Can Be Used to:

 Assess the current status and trends in water resource

availability in an area over a specific period of time.

 Strengthen water management decision-making, by assessing

and improving the validity of visions, scenarios and strategies.

Water balance estimates are often presented as being precise.

In fact, there is always uncertainly, arising from inadequate
data capture networks, measurement errors and the complex
spatial and temporal heterogeneity that characterizes
hydrological processes. Consequently, uncertainty analysis is an
important part of water balance estimation as is quality control
of information before used.

Materials and Resources

Techniques for carrying out water balance estimation range

from very simple ‘back of the envelope’ estimates to highly
complex computer-based models. A sound knowledge of
hydrological processes is a prerequisite of water balance
estimation. It is often advisable for a project or programme to
employ the services of a specialist to produce water balance
estimates or, at the very last, to provide specialist advice as and
when it is needed. Access to a quality-controlled information
base is a good starting point for water balance estimation.
Step 1

Define boundaries of the area of interest and period over which

water balance is to be made.

Step 2

Undertake a needs assessment of the water balance information

that is required among stakeholders. This should be used as a
starting point for listing and defining the water balance
components that are of particular interest.

Step 3

Produce a simply schematic diagram that shows storage, inflows

and outflows from the area of interests. Use the diagram as a
basis for drafting a water balance equation. Check that no
components are missing and that is no double counting of flows
or storage.

Step 4

Identify a source(s) of quality-controlled information. Ensure

that the information is relevant to the area and time period you
are interested in.

Step 5

Carry out uncertainty and sensitivity analysis on this

information. If there are inadequacies in the information
(almost always the case), redefine the boundaries of the water
balance and/or modify the water balance equation.
Step 6

Produce water balance estimates in a format that is useful for

visioning, scenario building and planning with the community.

Step 7

Control these estimates regarding their quality before they are

disseminated, using appropriate quality control methods.

Step 8

Disseminate findings to stakeholders in a form that they can



Water balance techniques, one of the main subjects in

hydrology, are a means of solution of important theoretical and
practical hydrological problems. On the basis of the water
balance approach, it is possible to make a quantitative
evaluation of water resources and their change under the
influence of people's activities. The study of the water balance
structure of lakes, river basins, and ground-water basins forms a
basis for the hydrological substantiation of projects for the
rational use, control and redistribution of water resources in
time and space.


 Conducting water balance estimation provides you with a

comprehensive understanding of the water flow system and
water resources in your area
Way Forward:
1. Tentative Sites including characteristics (Dec. 15)
2. Training needs (to be submitted on Dec. 15)
3. Finalization of instruments for APP and Philgeps posting (For CO)-
will be given on or before December 8, 2017
4. Activity programming (For MOE budget)
5. Revise WFP
6. Orientation /Training on Site Selection and Data Collection and
Luzon-Quiaoit (?)
7. Data management

What Is a Water Balance Estimation?

In the natural environment, water is almost constantly in motion

and is able to change state from liquid to a solid or a vapour
under appropriate conditions. Conservation of mass requires
that, within a specific area over a specific period of time, water
inflows are equal to water outflows, plus or minus any change of
storage within the area of interest. Put more simply, the water
entering an area has to leave the area or be stored within the
area. The simplest from of water balance equation is as follows:

P = Q + E ± ∆S

Where, P is precipitation, Q is runoff, E is evaporation and ∆S is

the storage in the soil, aquifers or reservoirs.
In water balance analysis, it is often useful to divide water flows
into ‘green’ and ‘blue’ water. ‘Blue’ water is the surface and
groundwater that is available for irrigation urban and industrial
use and environmental flows. ‘Green’ water is water that has
been stored in the soil and that evaporates into the atmosphere.
The source of ‘green’ water is rainfall or ‘blue’ water has been
used for irrigation.

A Water Balance Analysis Can Be Used to:

 Assess the current status and trends in water resource

availability in an area over a specific period of time.

 Strengthen water management decision-making, by assessing

and improving the validity of visions, scenarios and strategies.

Water balance estimates are often presented as being precise.

In fact, there is always uncertainly, arising from inadequate
data capture networks, measurement errors and the complex
spatial and temporal heterogeneity that characterises
hydrological processes. Consequently, uncertainty analysis is an
important part of water balance estimation as is quality control
of information before used.

Materials and Resources

Techniques for carrying out water balance estimation range

from very simple ‘back of the envelope’ estimates to highly
complex computer-based models. A sound knowledge of
hydrological processes of a prerequisite of water balance
estimation. It is often advisable for a project or programme to
employ the services of a specialist to produce water balance
estimates or, at the very last, to provide specialist advice as and
when it is needed. Access to a quality-controlled information
base is a good starting point for water balance estimation.

Step 1

Define boundaries of the area of interest and period over which

water balance is to be made.

Step 2

Undertake a needs assessment of the water balance information

that is required among stakeholders. This should be used as a
starting point for listing and defining the water balance
components that are of particular interest.

Step 3

Produce a simply schematic diagram that shows storage, inflows

and outflows from the area of interests. Use the diagram as a
basis for drafting a water balance equation. Check that no
components are missing and that is no double counting of flows
or storage.

Step 4

Identify a source(s) of quality-controlled information. Ensure

that the information is relevant to the area and time period you
are interested in.

Step 5

Carry out uncertainty and sensitivity analysis on this

information. If there are inadequacies in the information
(almost always the case), redefine the boundaries of the water
balance and/or modify the water balance equation.
Step 6

Produce water balance estimates in a format that is useful for

visioning, scenario building and planning with the community.

Step 7

Control these estimates regarding their quality before they are

disseminated, using quality control methods described in this

Step 8

Disseminate findings to stakeholders in a form that they can



Water balance techniques, one of the main subjects in

hydrology, are a means of solution of important theoretical and
practical hydrological problems. On the basis of the water
balance approach, it is possible to make a quantitative
evaluation of water resources and their change under the
influence of people's activities. The study of the water balance
structure of lakes, river basins, and ground-water basins forms a
basis for the hydrological substantiation of projects for the
rational use, control and redistribution of water resources in
time and space.


 Conducting water balance estimation provides you with a

comprehensive understanding of the water flow system and
water resources in your area

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